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dc337 - Summer 1909 Results - z93blom   (Dec 21, 2010, 8:22 am)


dc337 - Summer 1909 Results (dc337) z93blom Dec 26, 04:55 pm
dc337 - Summer 1909 Results (dc337) z93blom Dec 27, 01:18 pm
DC349 1st Strike Sum02 results - Sean2010   (Dec 20, 2010, 7:07 pm)
DC349 1st Strike

Sum02 results


F02 due Friday January 7, 2011


RF Swe retreat-Ska


from Sean


dc342 ~ Imperial 1841 - sgttodd   (Dec 20, 2010, 5:31 pm)
Happy holidays to all of you, whatever holiday you may
celebrate - be safe, have fun, and remember...

The deadline for Spring 1846 Adjustments will be: Monday,
January 3rd (at) 2359 UTC.

Adjustment orders for Winter of 1845.

Austria: Remove F S.Atlantic Ocean.

Britain: Build F Maldives.

Britain: Build F Borneo.

China: Build F Shanghai.

China: Build F Guangdong.

France: Remove A Mozambique.

France: Remove F Coral Sea.

France: Remove A Coruna.

Holland: Remove F S.W.Pacific Ocean.

Russia: Remove A Georgia.

Russia: Remove A Khiva.

Spain: Build F Rio de Janeiro.

Spain: Build F Society Islands.

Spain: Build F Madrid.

Spain: Build F Monterey.

Spain: Build F Columbia(nc).

Spain: Build waived.

USA: Build F Bahama Islands.

USA: Build F Quebec.

USA: Build F Charleston.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Marseilles, A Holland, F Denmark, A Kiel, A Rome, A
Metz, A Piedmont, A Rouen, A Switzerland, F Baltic Sea, F
Tyrrhenian Sea.

Britain: A Paris, A Nantes, F Madagascar, F Maldives, A Dutch
Guiana, F Borneo, F New Guinea, F St Petersburg(nc), F Norway, A
Kasmir, A Ceylon, A Punjab, F North Sea, F Helgoland Bight, F Bay
of Florida, F Arabian Sea, F N.E.Indian Ocean, F S.W.Indian Ocean,
F Ant-Indian Ocean.

China:   A Malaysia, F Guangdong, F Shanghai, F Kagoshima, A
Irkutsk, A Bengal, A Xining, A Xinjang, A Mongolia, A Tibet, A
Yakutsk, F China Sea, F Eastern Sea, F Kuril Sea, F Izu Sea.

France:  F Cape Colony, F Sierra Leone, A Guinea, F Lisbon, F
Caffrabia, A Mongearts, F Amazon Basin, F Cimbebas Coast.

Holland: F New South Wales.

Ottoman: A Zanguebar, F Greece, A Hahira, A Somolia, A Tripoli, A
Afganistan, A Bangalore, A Hadramaut, F Ionian Sea, F Horn of
Africa, F Red Sea, F Persian Gulf.

Russia:  A Moskow, A Orenburg, F Sweden, A Finland, A Tashkent, A
Omsk, A Bokhara, A Perm.

Spain:   F Society Islands, F Madrid, F Monterey, F Columbia(nc),
F Rio de Janeiro, F Phillipines, F Salerno, F Sicily, F Algiers, F
Solomons, F Marshalls, A Amazona, F British Guiana, A Para, A
Vancouver, F Gulf of Lyon, F Brazilian Bight, F Rio de Plate, F
Mozabaique Channel, F Phillipene Sea, F W.Pacific Ocean.

USA:     F Quebec, F Bahama Islands, F Antilles, F Charleston, A
Morocco, A Florida, F Norwegian Sea, F Irish Sea, F Canaries
Seaway, F Gulf of Maine, F The Azores, F Sargasso Sea, F
Mid-Atlantic Ocean.

The deadline for Spring 1846 Adjustments will be: Monday,
January 3rd (at) 2359 UTC.

files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy


When I grow up I want to be... a Troll? - ndeily   (Dec 20, 2010, 5:20 pm)
Consider me officially on the intro bandwagon.


Nathan Deily - first introduced to Diplomacy about 15 years ago in high school. Quite a lot of ftf and even light variant play at that time, and then got into pbem in college on CAT-23 and other places.


I was very excited to join Diplomaticcorp a few years ago and have played there fairly actively (in addition to some other new groups I have had the pleasure of being exposed to), very often because it affords the opportunity to try new variants and stretch my brain in new ways I can bring back to Classic.


I agreed to take over an ailing Hobbit position in the "Slaughter at Story Time" run of Haven and was rewarded with a long, slow, painful death in that game. Suffice it to say I'm looking to try my hand in a different corner of the board this time (or at least make my own bed before I have to lie in it).


Winter Blitz is the only tournament I've ever had the pleasure of playing in (2nd time in a row this past year, and very excited for my third run at it). Managed to get a 2-way draw in the first round but then got shellacked in the 2nd round... hope to see you all there as well.


One question for Mike - I gather this is not the "Fog of War" version of Haven, but just in case it is... can you confirm? That does have several important implicaitons. I seem to remember that "Slaughter" wasn't.



From: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>
To: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; baz.dip(at)gmail.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; Jason Koelewyn <githraine(at)yahoo.com>; dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com; jdtsoft(at)jdtsoft.com; justin(at)darkenedpath.com; markjsmith60(at)gmail.com; hall.jeff(at)gmail.com; kelly058(at)verizon.net; wealllovekatamari(at)yahoo.com; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; mrh(at)panix.com; Maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk; pjh5000(at)hotmail.com; Spinozas(at)gmx.net; tomjnkns.IL(at)gmail.com; michael.alan.walters(at)gmail.com; dc354 <dc354(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Mon, December 20, 2010 7:21:00 AM
Subject: When I grow up I want to be... a Troll?

Somehow that doesn't seem too common a request - but in this game you never know!  Here is our final 19.  Since we have a little time to kill, we can sit here and twiddle our thumbs, or we can bake some Haven Holiday treats, or we can turn in some preferences!


So I'm going to go w option 3.  I don't in most games, but in this one so many have already voiced an opinion on what they'd like to play that I'll open it up to prefs.  Each player should (ok, must - but I just hate laying down the law like that!) turn in a set of prefs, even if your preference is "I'd rather leave my future civilization which I will henceforth lead from infancy to world domination in the hands of the fates"... you should still turn something in.


If you would like your preferences to be more particular than that, you should turn in a list of at least 5.  You can use the first letter of the civ name, each one starts with something different... like A E I O U... if your pref is to play the Archers, Elves, Ogres, Undead... or if you just have a liking for vowels.  Note that would only be 4, not 5, since I is invalid, and I'd have to write you back a nasty letter requesting you pick a 5th one, thereby expanding your horizons beyond those of just vowels.


There's a lot of eager energy here, do you want me to assign powers and send out the player list pre-Christmas?  I can do that if y'all want.  First deadline still wouldn't be till Jan.  I would only do this if everyone confirms they're ok w this and wouldn't be put out or left behind.


Note - some of you I know well, others are completely new.  So intros are welcome too!  Feel free to copy the group.  Heck it'll pass the time.  Like you know what I do in my spare time?  I build w LEGOs.  No - really.  Some pretty big scale stuff.










DC327 - F14 - 24 hrs deadline reminder - Viper   (Dec 20, 2010, 5:09 pm)
I'll vote yea to all these requests.  I am happy with any result including me.



DC327 - F14 - 24 hrs deadline reminder - Viper   (Dec 20, 2010, 5:09 pm)
I'll vote yea to all these requests.  I am happy with any result including me.



DC327 - F14 - 24 hrs deadline reminder - ConradW   (Dec 20, 2010, 4:58 pm)
I am in complete agreement and frankly stretched thin as I've got a couple of tournaments that started/are starting. I had sent in my vote for anything that included Attica, but I will also vote for a DIAS, although I don't recall that was a suggestion this go around.


When I grow up I want to be... a Troll? - balthazar   (Dec 20, 2010, 4:36 pm)


DC327 - F14 - 24 hrs deadline reminder - FuzzyLogic   (Dec 20, 2010, 4:15 pm)
I may have but a single unit but am probly the only person to not have NMR'd or even used up my grace.  What is the plan to end this game?  With so many having to be ranted at just to turn in moves, I know interest in this game is close to nil.  It's been a long sludge.  If you all are not enjoying it, actively engaged, or getting some other satisfaction or enjoyment here, then what do you say we wrap it up?  We have the Winter Blitz coming up, which requires lots of attention from us all, as well as several new games (like my Haven) starting soon.


How about a vote for a game-ending draw.  Close the game, be done w it for the holidays then come back in 11 for the WB.  Which all you capable diplomats should all be playing in - the prize fund is 50% higher this year w our official sponsor!



From: DipCorp Master [mailto:dipcorp.master(at)gmail.com]
Sent: Mon 12/20/2010 4:00 PM
To: Charles Welsh (DC327 Attica); Greg Olson (DC327 Aetolia); Jerry Todd (DC327 Boeotia); Matt Barnes (DC327 Messenia); Michael Penner (DC327 Arcolia); Michael Sims; Scott Hickey (DC327 Laconia)
Cc: dc327
Subject: DC327 - F14 - 24 hrs deadline reminder

In less than 24 hrs I will start adjudication for Fall 14 and I still haven't received all orders nor all votes for the 4 EGPs.
Deadline is Tuesday 21st at 7pm GMT.



DC327 - F14 - 24 hrs deadline reminder - bielf11   (Dec 20, 2010, 4:00 pm)
In less than 24 hrs I will start adjudication for Fall 14 and I still haven't received all orders nor all votes for the 4 EGPs.
Deadline is Tuesday 21st at 7pm GMT.



DC327 - F14 - 24 hrs deadline reminder (dc327) FuzzyLogic Dec 20, 04:15 pm
I may have but a single unit but am probly the only person to not have NMR'd or even used up my grace.  What is the plan to end this game?  With so many having to be ranted at just to turn in moves, I know interest in this game is close to nil.  It's been a long sludge.  If you all are not enjoying it, actively engaged, or getting some other satisfaction or enjoyment here, then what do you say we wrap it up?  We have the Winter Blitz coming up, which requires lots of attention from us all, as well as several new games (like my Haven) starting soon.


How about a vote for a game-ending draw.  Close the game, be done w it for the holidays then come back in 11 for the WB.  Which all you capable diplomats should all be playing in - the prize fund is 50% higher this year w our official sponsor!



From: DipCorp Master [mailto:dipcorp.master(at)gmail.com]
Sent: Mon 12/20/2010 4:00 PM
To: Charles Welsh (DC327 Attica); Greg Olson (DC327 Aetolia); Jerry Todd (DC327 Boeotia); Matt Barnes (DC327 Messenia); Michael Penner (DC327 Arcolia); Michael Sims; Scott Hickey (DC327 Laconia)
Cc: dc327
Subject: DC327 - F14 - 24 hrs deadline reminder

In less than 24 hrs I will start adjudication for Fall 14 and I still haven't received all orders nor all votes for the 4 EGPs.
Deadline is Tuesday 21st at 7pm GMT.

DC327 - F14 - 24 hrs deadline reminder (dc327) ConradW Dec 20, 04:58 pm
I am in complete agreement and frankly stretched thin as I've got a couple of tournaments that started/are starting. I had sent in my vote for anything that included Attica, but I will also vote for a DIAS, although I don't recall that was a suggestion this go around.
DC327 - F14 - 24 hrs deadline reminder (dc327) Viper Dec 20, 05:09 pm
I'll vote yea to all these requests.  I am happy with any result including me.

DC327 - F14 - 24 hrs deadline reminder (dc327) Viper Dec 20, 05:09 pm
I'll vote yea to all these requests.  I am happy with any result including me.

When I grow up I want to be... a Troll? - JDTrickey   (Dec 20, 2010, 3:59 pm)
Hello all. I first started playing Diplomacy some thirty odd years ago against my cousin and his friends, including one fellow that was actually named Attila. (Yes, he was Hungarian) Usually these were face to face games with the board taking many hours.

I was driven to look on the internet due to a lack of interested players where I presently live. The hours are better, but I still like to push the little blocks of wood around from time to time.

James Trickey jdtsoft(at)jdtsoft.com

On Mon 20/12/10 10:21 AM , "Michael Sims" mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net sent:

Somehow that doesn't seem too common a request - but in this game you never know!  Here is our final 19.  Since we have a little time to kill, we can sit here and twiddle our thumbs, or we can bake some Haven Holiday treats, or we can turn in some preferences!


So I'm going to go w option 3.  I don't in most games, but in this one so many have already voiced an opinion on what they'd like to play that I'll open it up to prefs.  Each player should (ok, must - but I just hate laying down the law like that!) turn in a set of prefs, even if your preference is "I'd rather leave my future civilization which I will henceforth lead from infancy to world domination in the hands of the fates"... you should still turn something in.


If you would like your preferences to be more particular than that, you should turn in a list of at least 5.  You can use the first letter of the civ name, each one starts with something different... like A E I O U... if your pref is to play the Archers, Elves, Ogres, Undead... or if you just have a liking for vowels.  Note that would only be 4, not 5, since I is invalid, and I'd have to write you back a nasty letter requesting you pick a 5th one, thereby expanding your horizons beyond those of just vowels.


There's a lot of eager energy here, do you want me to assign powers and send out the player list pre-Christmas?  I can do that if y'all want.  First deadline still wouldn't be till Jan.  I would only do this if everyone confirms they're ok w this and wouldn't be put out or left behind.


Note - some of you I know well, others are completely new.  So intros are welcome too!  Feel free to copy the group.  Heck it'll pass the time.  Like you know what I do in my spare time?  I build w LEGOs.  No - really.  Some pretty big scale stuff.










dc337 - Spring 1909 Results - z93blom   (Dec 20, 2010, 2:30 pm)


When I grow up I want to be... a Troll? - Githraine   (Dec 20, 2010, 2:08 pm)
Also, please visit DC's Facebook page...

Diplomaticcorp: A
play-by-email Diplomacy community

From: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>
To: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; baz.dip(at)gmail.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; Jason Koelewyn <githraine(at)yahoo.com>; dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com; jdtsoft(at)jdtsoft.com; justin(at)darkenedpath.com; markjsmith60(at)gmail.com; hall.jeff(at)gmail.com; kelly058(at)verizon.net; wealllovekatamari(at)yahoo.com; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; mrh(at)panix.com; Maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk; pjh5000(at)hotmail.com; Spinozas(at)gmx.net; tomjnkns.IL(at)gmail.com; michael.alan.walters(at)gmail.com; dc354 <dc354(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Mon,
December 20, 2010 10:21:00 AM
Subject: When I grow up I want to be... a Troll?

Somehow that doesn't seem too common a request - but in this game you never know!  Here is our final 19.  Since we have a little time to kill, we can sit here and twiddle our thumbs, or we can bake some Haven Holiday treats, or we can turn in some preferences!


So I'm going to go w option 3.  I don't in most games, but in this one so many have already voiced an opinion on what they'd like to play that I'll open it up to prefs.  Each player should (ok, must - but I just hate laying down the law like that!) turn in a set of prefs, even if your preference is "I'd rather leave my future civilization which I will henceforth lead from infancy to world domination in the hands of the fates"... you should still turn something in.


If you would like your preferences to be more particular than that, you should turn in a list of at least 5.  You can use the first letter of the civ name, each one starts with something different... like A E I O U... if your pref is to play the Archers, Elves, Ogres, Undead... or if you just have a liking for vowels.  Note that would only be 4, not 5, since I is invalid, and I'd have to write you back a nasty letter requesting you pick a 5th one, thereby expanding your horizons beyond those of just vowels.


There's a lot of eager energy here, do you want me to assign powers and send out the player list pre-Christmas?  I can do that if y'all want.  First deadline still wouldn't be till Jan.  I would only do this if everyone confirms they're ok w this and wouldn't be put out or left behind.


Note - some of you I know well, others are completely new.  So intros are welcome too!  Feel free to copy the group.  Heck it'll pass the time.  Like you know what I do in my spare time?  I build w LEGOs.  No - really.  Some pretty big scale stuff.










DC 338 Spring 08 Reminder - derekthefeared2   (Dec 20, 2010, 1:10 pm)


Orders are due tomorrow at 3:00 PM US Eastern Time.


Don't forget!




Imperial 1841 - sgttodd   (Dec 20, 2010, 12:56 pm)
I looked at the RP/RW files for DC193 & DC130 and Holland was doing quite well in DC130 because, I think, he saw his strength as a Pacific power and basically played as Japan.
In DC193 Spain, France, England, and China all combined against Holland - especially in the Pacific - he was pretty much doomed.

The current Holland has gotten a somewhat similar treatment - but looking at it now, it's not the variant, it's the player interaction; the diplomacy. Which is the intention, right?

Holland just requires some effort to play, but then I don't see any power as particularly easy in this one. There's some that may appear to the others as "too strong" which may attract more attention than they might want.

Maybe we can start up another one when DC342 is done to get more plays and better stats. Wanna GM that one? (I wouldn't mind playing in one.)


When I grow up I want to be... a Troll? - Githraine   (Dec 20, 2010, 12:55 pm)
Welcome Jeff!

I am Jason AKA Githraine.  I have been playing on DC for close to 5 years now.
I am a Jr Moderator on DC where I help run the Light Brigade, and have developed 1 variant based on Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series.
I am currently working on my second Variant, which will run as a Fog of War game.

I am also one of several players here to have been on this map before.

Happy Hunting!

From: Jeff Hall <hall.jeff(at)gmail.com>
To: Michael Sims
Cc: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; baz.dip(at)gmail.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; Jason Koelewyn <githraine(at)yahoo.com>; dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com; jdtsoft(at)jdtsoft.com; justin(at)darkenedpath.com; markjsmith60(at)gmail.com; kelly058(at)verizon.net; wealllovekatamari(at)yahoo.com; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; mrh(at)panix.com; Maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk; pjh5000(at)hotmail.com; Spinozas(at)gmx.net; tomjnkns.IL(at)gmail.com; michael.alan.walters(at)gmail.com; dc354 <dc354(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Mon, December 20, 2010 12:07:05 PM
Subject: Re: When I grow up I want to be... a Troll?

I voted to get the fun started sooner rather than later. Just by way of introduction, I've been playing diplomacy off and on since college (which I'm sad to say was 15 years ago). Played several PBEM games both on the judges and off. I've mostly stayed away from Variants until I found the joy of the DP point variants. Looking forward to hours of frustration and instants of anger Wink

Good luck to all of you!


Spring 1904 Results - bpynnonen   (Dec 20, 2010, 12:26 pm)
Oops! England did send me orders, after all.

Here's what he ordered:

F Edi-Yor

F Nth-Hel

F Ska-Den

F Den-Bal

If there any more errors, don't hesitate to say something. As of now, Fall 1904 orders are due Dec. 27th at midnight.


Spring 1904 Results - bpynnonen   (Dec 20, 2010, 12:14 pm)
A Gal-Vie

A Vie S A Gal-Vie (Russia has no A Vie)

A Bul-Con

F Bla S A Bul-Con

F StP-Bot

F Swe S F Nwy

F Nwy S F Swe

F Bar-Nwg

(F Boh Hold)

(A Bud Hold)


F Hel-Hel

F Kie-Hel

A Ruh S A Mun-Bur

A Par S A Mun-Bur

A Mun-Bur


A Ser S A Tri

A Tri S A Ser

(A Ven Holds)

F Rom - Tus

F Nap - Tys

F Ion Hold





(A Bur disbands due to civil disorder, dislodgment)



(A Con disbands due to civil disorder, dislodgment)




Spring 1904 Results (dc346) bpynnonen Dec 20, 12:26 pm
Oops! England did send me orders, after all.

Here's what he ordered:

F Edi-Yor

F Nth-Hel

F Ska-Den

F Den-Bal

If there any more errors, don't hesitate to say something. As of now, Fall 1904 orders are due Dec. 27th at midnight.
dc337 - Winter 1908 Results - z93blom   (Dec 20, 2010, 12:02 pm)


When I grow up I want to be... a Troll? - laxrulz777   (Dec 20, 2010, 11:07 am)
I voted to get the fun started sooner rather than later. Just by way of introduction, I've been playing diplomacy off and on since college (which I'm sad to say was 15 years ago). Played several PBEM games both on the judges and off. I've mostly stayed away from Variants until I found the joy of the DP point variants. Looking forward to hours of frustration and instants of anger Wink

Good luck to all of you!


Imperial 1841 - FuzzyLogic   (Dec 20, 2010, 9:29 am)
I kinda like Holland in it. In dc193, they went into CD, so it wasn't a fair playtest of Holland. In dc130, Holland shared in the final draw. So what's the motivation behind removing them? It's a fairly requisite balancing power that G.Br and France in check, no? That whole 3-way rock-paper-scissors dynamic seems important to that game.


Imperial 1841 (Variants) sgttodd Dec 20, 12:56 pm
I looked at the RP/RW files for DC193 & DC130 and Holland was doing quite well in DC130 because, I think, he saw his strength as a Pacific power and basically played as Japan.
In DC193 Spain, France, England, and China all combined against Holland - especially in the Pacific - he was pretty much doomed.

The current Holland has gotten a somewhat similar treatment - but looking at it now, it's not the variant, it's the player interaction; the diplomacy. Which is the intention, right?

Holland just requires some effort to play, but then I don't see any power as particularly easy in this one. There's some that may appear to the others as "too strong" which may attract more attention than they might want.

Maybe we can start up another one when DC342 is done to get more plays and better stats. Wanna GM that one? (I wouldn't mind playing in one.)
When I grow up I want to be... a Troll? - FuzzyLogic   (Dec 20, 2010, 9:21 am)
Somehow that doesn't seem too common a request - but in this game you never know!  Here is our final 19.  Since we have a little time to kill, we can sit here and twiddle our thumbs, or we can bake some Haven Holiday treats, or we can turn in some preferences!


So I'm going to go w option 3.  I don't in most games, but in this one so many have already voiced an opinion on what they'd like to play that I'll open it up to prefs.  Each player should (ok, must - but I just hate laying down the law like that!) turn in a set of prefs, even if your preference is "I'd rather leave my future civilization which I will henceforth lead from infancy to world domination in the hands of the fates"... you should still turn something in.


If you would like your preferences to be more particular than that, you should turn in a list of at least 5.  You can use the first letter of the civ name, each one starts with something different... like A E I O U... if your pref is to play the Archers, Elves, Ogres, Undead... or if you just have a liking for vowels.  Note that would only be 4, not 5, since I is invalid, and I'd have to write you back a nasty letter requesting you pick a 5th one, thereby expanding your horizons beyond those of just vowels.


There's a lot of eager energy here, do you want me to assign powers and send out the player list pre-Christmas?  I can do that if y'all want.  First deadline still wouldn't be till Jan.  I would only do this if everyone confirms they're ok w this and wouldn't be put out or left behind.


Note - some of you I know well, others are completely new.  So intros are welcome too!  Feel free to copy the group.  Heck it'll pass the time.  Like you know what I do in my spare time?  I build w LEGOs.  No - really.  Some pretty big scale stuff.










When I grow up I want to be... a Troll? (dc354) laxrulz777 Dec 20, 11:07 am
I voted to get the fun started sooner rather than later. Just by way of introduction, I've been playing diplomacy off and on since college (which I'm sad to say was 15 years ago). Played several PBEM games both on the judges and off. I've mostly stayed away from Variants until I found the joy of the DP point variants. Looking forward to hours of frustration and instants of anger Wink

Good luck to all of you!
When I grow up I want to be... a Troll? (dc354) Githraine Dec 20, 12:55 pm
Welcome Jeff!

I am Jason AKA Githraine.  I have been playing on DC for close to 5 years now.
I am a Jr Moderator on DC where I help run the Light Brigade, and have developed 1 variant based on Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series.
I am currently working on my second Variant, which will run as a Fog of War game.

I am also one of several players here to have been on this map before.

Happy Hunting!

From: Jeff Hall <hall.jeff(at)gmail.com>
To: Michael Sims
Cc: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; baz.dip(at)gmail.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; Jason Koelewyn <githraine(at)yahoo.com>; dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com; jdtsoft(at)jdtsoft.com; justin(at)darkenedpath.com; markjsmith60(at)gmail.com; kelly058(at)verizon.net; wealllovekatamari(at)yahoo.com; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; mrh(at)panix.com; Maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk; pjh5000(at)hotmail.com; Spinozas(at)gmx.net; tomjnkns.IL(at)gmail.com; michael.alan.walters(at)gmail.com; dc354 <dc354(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Mon, December 20, 2010 12:07:05 PM
Subject: Re: When I grow up I want to be... a Troll?

I voted to get the fun started sooner rather than later. Just by way of introduction, I've been playing diplomacy off and on since college (which I'm sad to say was 15 years ago). Played several PBEM games both on the judges and off. I've mostly stayed away from Variants until I found the joy of the DP point variants. Looking forward to hours of frustration and instants of anger Wink

Good luck to all of you!
When I grow up I want to be... a Troll? (dc354) Githraine Dec 20, 02:08 pm
Also, please visit DC's Facebook page...

Diplomaticcorp: A
play-by-email Diplomacy community

From: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>
To: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; baz.dip(at)gmail.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; Jason Koelewyn <githraine(at)yahoo.com>; dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com; jdtsoft(at)jdtsoft.com; justin(at)darkenedpath.com; markjsmith60(at)gmail.com; hall.jeff(at)gmail.com; kelly058(at)verizon.net; wealllovekatamari(at)yahoo.com; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; mrh(at)panix.com; Maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk; pjh5000(at)hotmail.com; Spinozas(at)gmx.net; tomjnkns.IL(at)gmail.com; michael.alan.walters(at)gmail.com; dc354 <dc354(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Mon,
December 20, 2010 10:21:00 AM
Subject: When I grow up I want to be... a Troll?

Somehow that doesn't seem too common a request - but in this game you never know!  Here is our final 19.  Since we have a little time to kill, we can sit here and twiddle our thumbs, or we can bake some Haven Holiday treats, or we can turn in some preferences!


So I'm going to go w option 3.  I don't in most games, but in this one so many have already voiced an opinion on what they'd like to play that I'll open it up to prefs.  Each player should (ok, must - but I just hate laying down the law like that!) turn in a set of prefs, even if your preference is "I'd rather leave my future civilization which I will henceforth lead from infancy to world domination in the hands of the fates"... you should still turn something in.


If you would like your preferences to be more particular than that, you should turn in a list of at least 5.  You can use the first letter of the civ name, each one starts with something different... like A E I O U... if your pref is to play the Archers, Elves, Ogres, Undead... or if you just have a liking for vowels.  Note that would only be 4, not 5, since I is invalid, and I'd have to write you back a nasty letter requesting you pick a 5th one, thereby expanding your horizons beyond those of just vowels.


There's a lot of eager energy here, do you want me to assign powers and send out the player list pre-Christmas?  I can do that if y'all want.  First deadline still wouldn't be till Jan.  I would only do this if everyone confirms they're ok w this and wouldn't be put out or left behind.


Note - some of you I know well, others are completely new.  So intros are welcome too!  Feel free to copy the group.  Heck it'll pass the time.  Like you know what I do in my spare time?  I build w LEGOs.  No - really.  Some pretty big scale stuff.








When I grow up I want to be... a Troll? (dc354) JDTrickey Dec 20, 03:59 pm
Hello all. I first started playing Diplomacy some thirty odd years ago against my cousin and his friends, including one fellow that was actually named Attila. (Yes, he was Hungarian) Usually these were face to face games with the board taking many hours.

I was driven to look on the internet due to a lack of interested players where I presently live. The hours are better, but I still like to push the little blocks of wood around from time to time.

James Trickey jdtsoft(at)jdtsoft.com

On Mon 20/12/10 10:21 AM , "Michael Sims" mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net sent:

Somehow that doesn't seem too common a request - but in this game you never know!  Here is our final 19.  Since we have a little time to kill, we can sit here and twiddle our thumbs, or we can bake some Haven Holiday treats, or we can turn in some preferences!


So I'm going to go w option 3.  I don't in most games, but in this one so many have already voiced an opinion on what they'd like to play that I'll open it up to prefs.  Each player should (ok, must - but I just hate laying down the law like that!) turn in a set of prefs, even if your preference is "I'd rather leave my future civilization which I will henceforth lead from infancy to world domination in the hands of the fates"... you should still turn something in.


If you would like your preferences to be more particular than that, you should turn in a list of at least 5.  You can use the first letter of the civ name, each one starts with something different... like A E I O U... if your pref is to play the Archers, Elves, Ogres, Undead... or if you just have a liking for vowels.  Note that would only be 4, not 5, since I is invalid, and I'd have to write you back a nasty letter requesting you pick a 5th one, thereby expanding your horizons beyond those of just vowels.


There's a lot of eager energy here, do you want me to assign powers and send out the player list pre-Christmas?  I can do that if y'all want.  First deadline still wouldn't be till Jan.  I would only do this if everyone confirms they're ok w this and wouldn't be put out or left behind.


Note - some of you I know well, others are completely new.  So intros are welcome too!  Feel free to copy the group.  Heck it'll pass the time.  Like you know what I do in my spare time?  I build w LEGOs.  No - really.  Some pretty big scale stuff.








When I grow up I want to be... a Troll? (dc354) balthazar Dec 20, 04:36 pm
When I grow up I want to be... a Troll? (dc354) ndeily Dec 20, 05:20 pm
Consider me officially on the intro bandwagon.


Nathan Deily - first introduced to Diplomacy about 15 years ago in high school. Quite a lot of ftf and even light variant play at that time, and then got into pbem in college on CAT-23 and other places.


I was very excited to join Diplomaticcorp a few years ago and have played there fairly actively (in addition to some other new groups I have had the pleasure of being exposed to), very often because it affords the opportunity to try new variants and stretch my brain in new ways I can bring back to Classic.


I agreed to take over an ailing Hobbit position in the "Slaughter at Story Time" run of Haven and was rewarded with a long, slow, painful death in that game. Suffice it to say I'm looking to try my hand in a different corner of the board this time (or at least make my own bed before I have to lie in it).


Winter Blitz is the only tournament I've ever had the pleasure of playing in (2nd time in a row this past year, and very excited for my third run at it). Managed to get a 2-way draw in the first round but then got shellacked in the 2nd round... hope to see you all there as well.


One question for Mike - I gather this is not the "Fog of War" version of Haven, but just in case it is... can you confirm? That does have several important implicaitons. I seem to remember that "Slaughter" wasn't.



From: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>
To: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; baz.dip(at)gmail.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; Jason Koelewyn <githraine(at)yahoo.com>; dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com; jdtsoft(at)jdtsoft.com; justin(at)darkenedpath.com; markjsmith60(at)gmail.com; hall.jeff(at)gmail.com; kelly058(at)verizon.net; wealllovekatamari(at)yahoo.com; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; mrh(at)panix.com; Maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk; pjh5000(at)hotmail.com; Spinozas(at)gmx.net; tomjnkns.IL(at)gmail.com; michael.alan.walters(at)gmail.com; dc354 <dc354(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Mon, December 20, 2010 7:21:00 AM
Subject: When I grow up I want to be... a Troll?

Somehow that doesn't seem too common a request - but in this game you never know!  Here is our final 19.  Since we have a little time to kill, we can sit here and twiddle our thumbs, or we can bake some Haven Holiday treats, or we can turn in some preferences!


So I'm going to go w option 3.  I don't in most games, but in this one so many have already voiced an opinion on what they'd like to play that I'll open it up to prefs.  Each player should (ok, must - but I just hate laying down the law like that!) turn in a set of prefs, even if your preference is "I'd rather leave my future civilization which I will henceforth lead from infancy to world domination in the hands of the fates"... you should still turn something in.


If you would like your preferences to be more particular than that, you should turn in a list of at least 5.  You can use the first letter of the civ name, each one starts with something different... like A E I O U... if your pref is to play the Archers, Elves, Ogres, Undead... or if you just have a liking for vowels.  Note that would only be 4, not 5, since I is invalid, and I'd have to write you back a nasty letter requesting you pick a 5th one, thereby expanding your horizons beyond those of just vowels.


There's a lot of eager energy here, do you want me to assign powers and send out the player list pre-Christmas?  I can do that if y'all want.  First deadline still wouldn't be till Jan.  I would only do this if everyone confirms they're ok w this and wouldn't be put out or left behind.


Note - some of you I know well, others are completely new.  So intros are welcome too!  Feel free to copy the group.  Heck it'll pass the time.  Like you know what I do in my spare time?  I build w LEGOs.  No - really.  Some pretty big scale stuff.








When I grow up I want to be... a Troll? (dc354) FuzzyLogic Dec 23, 11:38 am
All prefs are in!  Starting lineups out soon...


From: Michael Sims
Sent: Mon 12/20/2010 9:21 AM
Subject: When I grow up I want to be... a Troll?

Somehow that doesn't seem too common a request - but in this game you never know!  Here is our final 19.  Since we have a little time to kill, we can sit here and twiddle our thumbs, or we can bake some Haven Holiday treats, or we can turn in some preferences!


So I'm going to go w option 3.  I don't in most games, but in this one so many have already voiced an opinion on what they'd like to play that I'll open it up to prefs.  Each player should (ok, must - but I just hate laying down the law like that!) turn in a set of prefs, even if your preference is "I'd rather leave my future civilization which I will henceforth lead from infancy to world domination in the hands of the fates"... you should still turn something in.


If you would like your preferences to be more particular than that, you should turn in a list of at least 5.  You can use the first letter of the civ name, each one starts with something different... like A E I O U... if your pref is to play the Archers, Elves, Ogres, Undead... or if you just have a liking for vowels.  Note that would only be 4, not 5, since I is invalid, and I'd have to write you back a nasty letter requesting you pick a 5th one, thereby expanding your horizons beyond those of just vowels.


There's a lot of eager energy here, do you want me to assign powers and send out the player list pre-Christmas?  I can do that if y'all want.  First deadline still wouldn't be till Jan.  I would only do this if everyone confirms they're ok w this and wouldn't be put out or left behind.


Note - some of you I know well, others are completely new.  So intros are welcome too!  Feel free to copy the group.  Heck it'll pass the time.  Like you know what I do in my spare time?  I build w LEGOs.  No - really.  Some pretty big scale stuff.








When I grow up I want to be... a Troll? (dc354) FuzzyLogic Dec 23, 11:48 am
Any guesses on the only civilization *not* on any preference list anywhere?

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Thu 12/23/2010 11:38 AM
Subject: RE: When I grow up I want to be... a Troll?

All prefs are in!  Starting lineups out soon...


From: Michael Sims
Sent: Mon 12/20/2010 9:21 AM
Subject: When I grow up I want to be... a Troll?

Somehow that doesn't seem too common a request - but in this game you never know!  Here is our final 19.  Since we have a little time to kill, we can sit here and twiddle our thumbs, or we can bake some Haven Holiday treats, or we can turn in some preferences!


So I'm going to go w option 3.  I don't in most games, but in this one so many have already voiced an opinion on what they'd like to play that I'll open it up to prefs.  Each player should (ok, must - but I just hate laying down the law like that!) turn in a set of prefs, even if your preference is "I'd rather leave my future civilization which I will henceforth lead from infancy to world domination in the hands of the fates"... you should still turn something in.


If you would like your preferences to be more particular than that, you should turn in a list of at least 5.  You can use the first letter of the civ name, each one starts with something different... like A E I O U... if your pref is to play the Archers, Elves, Ogres, Undead... or if you just have a liking for vowels.  Note that would only be 4, not 5, since I is invalid, and I'd have to write you back a nasty letter requesting you pick a 5th one, thereby expanding your horizons beyond those of just vowels.


There's a lot of eager energy here, do you want me to assign powers and send out the player list pre-Christmas?  I can do that if y'all want.  First deadline still wouldn't be till Jan.  I would only do this if everyone confirms they're ok w this and wouldn't be put out or left behind.


Note - some of you I know well, others are completely new.  So intros are welcome too!  Feel free to copy the group.  Heck it'll pass the time.  Like you know what I do in my spare time?  I build w LEGOs.  No - really.  Some pretty big scale stuff.








When I grow up I want to be... a Troll? (dc354) laxrulz777 Dec 23, 11:53 am

On Dec 23, 2010 12:51 PM, "Michael Sims" <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net> wrote:
> Any guesses on the only civilization *not* on any preference list anywhere?

> ________________________________
> From: Michael Sims
> Sent: Thu 12/23/2010 11:38 AM
> Subject: RE: When I grow up I want to be... a Troll?
> All prefs are in! Starting lineups out soon...

> -mike
> ________________________________
> From: Michael Sims
> Sent: Mon 12/20/2010 9:21 AM
> Subject: When I grow up I want to be... a Troll?
> Somehow that doesn't seem too common a request - but in this game you never know! Here is our final 19. Since we have a little time to kill, we can sit here and twiddle our thumbs, or we can bake some Haven Holiday treats, or we can turn in some preferences!

> So I'm going to go w option 3. I don't in most games, but in this one so many have already voiced an opinion on what they'd like to play that I'll open it up to prefs. Each player should (ok, must - but I just hate laying down the law like that!) turn in a set of prefs, even if your preference is "I'd rather leave my future civilization which I will henceforth lead from infancy to world domination in the hands of the fates"... you should still turn something in.

> If you would like your preferences to be more particular than that, you should turn in a list of at least 5. You can use the first letter of the civ name, each one starts with something different... like A E I O U... if your pref is to play the Archers, Elves, Ogres, Undead... or if you just have a liking for vowels. Note that would only be 4, not 5, since I is invalid, and I'd have to write you back a nasty letter requesting you pick a 5th one, thereby expanding your horizons beyond those of just vowels.

> There's a lot of eager energy here, do you want me to assign powers and send out the player list pre-Christmas? I can do that if y'all want. First deadline still wouldn't be till Jan. I would only do this if everyone confirms they're ok w this and wouldn't be put out or left behind.

> Note - some of you I know well, others are completely new. So intros are welcome too! Feel free to copy the group. Heck it'll pass the time. Like you know what I do in my spare time? I build w LEGOs. No - really. Some pretty big scale stuff.

> Enjoy!
> -mike
When I grow up I want to be... a Troll? (dc354) FuzzyLogic Dec 23, 11:56 am
A good guess, but no.  The Elves, along w the Leprechauns, are by far the worst performers in Haven history.  Rounding out a performance score of 0 (zero!) they have never even survived to the end, getting eliminated in all three games to date:




From: Jeff Hall [mailto:hall.jeff(at)gmail.com]
Sent: Thu 12/23/2010 11:53 AM
To: Michael Sims
Subject: Re: RE: When I grow up I want to be... a Troll?


On Dec 23, 2010 12:51 PM, "Michael Sims" <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net> wrote:
> Any guesses on the only civilization *not* on any preference list anywhere?
> ________________________________
> From: Michael Sims
> Sent: Thu 12/23/2010 11:38 AM
> Subject: RE: When I grow up I want to be... a Troll?
> All prefs are in! Starting lineups out soon...
> -mike
> ________________________________
> From: Michael Sims
> Sent: Mon 12/20/2010 9:21 AM
> Subject: When I grow up I want to be... a Troll?
> Somehow that doesn't seem too common a request - but in this game you never know! Here is our final 19. Since we have a little time to kill, we can sit here and twiddle our thumbs, or we can bake some Haven Holiday treats, or we can turn in some preferences!
> So I'm going to go w option 3. I don't in most games, but in this one so many have already voiced an opinion on what they'd like to play that I'll open it up to prefs. Each player should (ok, must - but I just hate laying down the law like that!) turn in a set of prefs, even if your preference is "I'd rather leave my future civilization which I will henceforth lead from infancy to world domination in the hands of the fates"... you should still turn something in.
> If you would like your preferences to be more particular than that, you should turn in a list of at least 5. You can use the first letter of the civ name, each one starts with something different... like A E I O U... if your pref is to play the Archers, Elves, Ogres, Undead... or if you just have a liking for vowels. Note that would only be 4, not 5, since I is invalid, and I'd have to write you back a nasty letter requesting you pick a 5th one, thereby expanding your horizons beyond those of just vowels.
> There's a lot of eager energy here, do you want me to assign powers and send out the player list pre-Christmas? I can do that if y'all want. First deadline still wouldn't be till Jan. I would only do this if everyone confirms they're ok w this and wouldn't be put out or left behind.
> Note - some of you I know well, others are completely new. So intros are welcome too! Feel free to copy the group. Heck it'll pass the time. Like you know what I do in my spare time? I build w LEGOs. No - really. Some pretty big scale stuff.
> Enjoy!
> -mike
When I grow up I want to be... a Troll? (dc354) garry.bledsoe Dec 23, 12:01 pm
When I grow up I want to be... a Troll? (dc354) laxrulz777 Dec 23, 12:09 pm
Nope... I had them as #2

On Dec 23, 2010 1:01 PM, "Garry Bledsoe" <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com> wrote:
> I am betting nomads.
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>
When I grow up I want to be... a Troll? (dc354) mgsmuhammad Dec 23, 12:11 pm
I'm willing to support that bet.


Can't see being cut off on three different landmasses as terribly popular..

--- On Thu, 23/12/10, Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

From: Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: When I grow up I want to be... a Troll?

I am betting nomads.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
When I grow up I want to be... a Troll? (dc354) initdoby5 Dec 24, 10:59 am
They were my first pick. Something about having a third of a hand in three places in appealing to me.
dc334 s07 retreats! - FuzzyLogic   (Dec 20, 2010, 8:28 am)
Time for that extra special holiday reminder that moves (and a vote) are due Thursday!  Dont let all that yule tide roll in and catch you with your units standing around...



Some holiday treats er... re-treats for all of you...

To go along w all that good cheer that's been flowing... Wink


Persia: F Thermaic Gulf - Pagasaean Gulf

Sparta: F South Ionian Sea - Gulf of Laconia


NEXT:  Fall 307 due next Thu 12/23 3pm Central!  There is another solo vote on the table for this turn.

Happy Holidays, and I hope Santa brings you all what you want next Thu...






dc342 ~ Imperial1841 - sgttodd   (Dec 20, 2010, 7:29 am)
Don't forget the deadline for Winter 1845 adjustments is TODAY at 11:59 UTC - 18:59 GM Time Smile

Sent through e-mol. E-mail, Anywhere, Anytime. http://www.e-mol.com


DC350: 12h for Spring 1901 - Rocketship   (Dec 19, 2010, 11:12 pm)
DC350: Spring 1901

A Budapest - Serbia
F Trieste - Venice (*Bounce*)
A Vienna - Galicia (*Bounce*)
F Edinburgh - North Sea
A Liverpool - Yorkshire
F London - Wales
F Brest - English Channel
A Marseilles - Spain
A Paris - Picardy
A Berlin - Kiel
F Kiel - Denmark
A Munich - Ruhr
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Rome - Venice (*Bounce*)
A Venice - Apulia
A Moscow - Ukraine
F Sevastopol - Black Sea (*Bounce*)
F St Petersburg(sc) - Gulf of Bothnia
A Warsaw - Galicia (*Bounce*)
F Ankara - Black Sea (*Bounce*)
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Smyrna - Constantinople

No retreats. The next deadline will be set for 05:00GMT on Dec. 27, 2010. If anyone feels that their holiday plans will interfere with this deadline, please do let me know. I'll be happy to extend it by a couple of days.


Page:  1 . . . 358  359  360  361  362  363  364  365  366  367  368  369  370  371  372  373  374 . . . 1090

Rows per page:

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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