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DC 347, Deadline Warning - alwayshunted   (Dec 19, 2010, 4:44 pm)
Hey gang,


Just over a day to go. If I haven't confirmed your orders, I don't have them.




DC 347, Deadline warning (dc347) alwayshunted Aug 03, 12:35 pm
Hi group,

With no clear confirmation of the game being over, orders are still due later today. In about 5.5 hours to be more precise. Get them in if you haven't yet.


From: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
To: dc347(at)diplomaticcorp.com; tim_crosby(at)hotmail.com; buckhamil(at)yahoo.com; mrh(at)panix.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
Subject: DC 347, Spring and Summer 1911
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 21:52:36 -0600

Hi guys,

DIAS fails. On we go.

There was one retreat for Russia in Tyrolia, but with only the one option I moved it to Bohemia for you Mike. Let me know if you want it OTB.

Fall is due in six days, Tuesday August 2, 17:00 MDT.

Here is the turn:



F Baltic Sea Convoys A Denmark - Berlin

A Berlin - Munich

A Denmark - Berlin

A Edinburgh - Kiel

F Gulf of Bothnia Supports F St Petersburg(nc)

F Helgoland Bight Convoys A Edinburgh - Kiel

F Holland Hold

F London - English Channel (*Bounce*)

A Munich - Ruhr

F North Sea Convoys A Edinburgh - Kiel

F St Petersburg(nc) Hold


F Adriatic Sea Convoys A Albania - Apulia

A Albania - Apulia

A Belgium Hold

F Brest - English Channel (*Bounce*)

A Burgundy Supports A Belgium

F Ionian Sea Hold

A Marseilles - Piedmont

F Naples Supports F Ionian Sea

F Rome - Tyrrhenian Sea

A Trieste - Tyrolia

A Venice Supports A Trieste - Tyrolia


F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean

A Budapest Supports A Serbia - Trieste

F Constantinople - Aegean Sea

F Greece - Albania

A Moscow - Warsaw

A Prussia Supports A Silesia

A Serbia - Trieste

F Sevastopol - Black Sea

A Silesia Supports A Prussia

A Tyrolia - Venice (*Dislodged*)

A Vienna Supports A Serbia - Trieste


Maps are attached. Enjoy!

DC 333, Update and maps - alwayshunted   (Dec 19, 2010, 4:24 pm)
Hey folks.


Still want to run the winter turn on Monday. Here are the updated maps, and the status pasted below. Still need winter adjustments from some.







England:   Edinburgh, Liverpool, London.
France:    Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Italy:     Brest.
Russia:    Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Moscow,
           Munich, Norway, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden,
Turkey:    Ankara, Budapest, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece,
           Naples, Rome, Rumania, Serbia, Smyrna, Trieste,
           Tunis, Venice, Vienna.


Austria:   Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
England:   Supp  3 Unit  3 Build  0
France:    Supp  4 Unit  7 Remove  3
Germany:   Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Italy:     Supp  1 Unit  1 Build  0
Russia:    Supp 12 Unit 11 Build  1
Turkey:    Supp 14 Unit 12 Build  2


DC350: 12h for Spring 1901 - Rocketship   (Dec 19, 2010, 12:07 pm)
Hi Folks,
This is your friendly 12h reminder for Spring 1901. I have orders from all of you and final orders from most.


DC350: 12h for Spring 1901 (dc350) Rocketship Dec 19, 11:12 pm
DC350: Spring 1901

A Budapest - Serbia
F Trieste - Venice (*Bounce*)
A Vienna - Galicia (*Bounce*)
F Edinburgh - North Sea
A Liverpool - Yorkshire
F London - Wales
F Brest - English Channel
A Marseilles - Spain
A Paris - Picardy
A Berlin - Kiel
F Kiel - Denmark
A Munich - Ruhr
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Rome - Venice (*Bounce*)
A Venice - Apulia
A Moscow - Ukraine
F Sevastopol - Black Sea (*Bounce*)
F St Petersburg(sc) - Gulf of Bothnia
A Warsaw - Galicia (*Bounce*)
F Ankara - Black Sea (*Bounce*)
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Smyrna - Constantinople

No retreats. The next deadline will be set for 05:00GMT on Dec. 27, 2010. If anyone feels that their holiday plans will interfere with this deadline, please do let me know. I'll be happy to extend it by a couple of days.
(DC 326) Gumball - Winter 1916 Results - Corrino   (Dec 18, 2010, 5:14 pm)
Hi Players,

Sorry this is coming out a little later than I expected.  Christmas concert at school last night, and my "baby" girl is having her 15th birthday party upstairs as I write this.  You can appreciate that I had a few other things on my mind the last couple of days.

Anyway, here I am repeating the adjustments I sent out Thursday night, and this time they come with a map.  Oh, boy!

Build A Trieste

Build A Munich

The feedback I've gotten so far seems to say that there won't be a problem having our usual turn during the Christmas-New Year's week.  I've also gotten mostly positive response on speeding things up a little AFTER the holidays.  I know some of you are going to be playing in the Blitz. 
Shouldn't we try to get this one over with?

NEXT DEADLINE:  Spring 1917 is due Wednesday, December 22, at 8:00 p.m. EST.



DC 336 Winter '06 Adjudication - mgsmuhammad   (Dec 18, 2010, 5:04 pm)



(A War retreated OTB)


France has two builds,

Austria has one,

Germany has one.


Orders due by 21:00 on the 22nd of December.


Imperial 1841 - sgttodd   (Dec 18, 2010, 5:02 pm)
The current game of Imperial1841 got me thinking and I decided to examine removing Holland from the mix by having France absorb 3 'home' centers and the rest becoming neutral.
The map will then appear so.


Imperial 1841 (Variants) FuzzyLogic Dec 20, 09:29 am
I kinda like Holland in it. In dc193, they went into CD, so it wasn't a fair playtest of Holland. In dc130, Holland shared in the final draw. So what's the motivation behind removing them? It's a fairly requisite balancing power that G.Br and France in check, no? That whole 3-way rock-paper-scissors dynamic seems important to that game.
Imperial 1841 (Variants) sgttodd Dec 20, 12:56 pm
I looked at the RP/RW files for DC193 & DC130 and Holland was doing quite well in DC130 because, I think, he saw his strength as a Pacific power and basically played as Japan.
In DC193 Spain, France, England, and China all combined against Holland - especially in the Pacific - he was pretty much doomed.

The current Holland has gotten a somewhat similar treatment - but looking at it now, it's not the variant, it's the player interaction; the diplomacy. Which is the intention, right?

Holland just requires some effort to play, but then I don't see any power as particularly easy in this one. There's some that may appear to the others as "too strong" which may attract more attention than they might want.

Maybe we can start up another one when DC342 is done to get more plays and better stats. Wanna GM that one? (I wouldn't mind playing in one.)
Winter 1903 Results - AncientMemories   (Dec 18, 2010, 3:45 pm)
hi guys, sorry for going silent for a while. i was feeling sick but i slept 16.5 hours yesterday and am doing much better today. I'll hopefully have no more NMRs the rest of the game.

Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2010 00:37:25 -0500
Subject: Winter 1903 Results
From: blake.pynnonen(at)gmail.com
To: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; mcagar(at)hotmail.com; buckhamil(at)yahoo.com; alexanderbuttler(at)gmail.com; berntzen(at)bungalab.com; gojoeygo(at)hotmail.com; jsbryan(at)memphis.edu; dc346(at)diplomaticcorp.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net

England: Waives build (missed deadline)

France: disbands f spa (sc)

Italy: builds f rom, f nap

Russia: builds f Stp (sc)

Germany: builds f kie

Message me ASAP if they are any errors (i.e. England - did you send me a build order?)


dc342 ~ Imperial 1841 - sgttodd   (Dec 17, 2010, 9:17 pm)
The deadline for Winter 1845 Adjustments is: Monday,
December 20th (at) 2359 UTC.

The deadline for Spring 1846 Adjustments will be: Monday,
January 3rd (at) 2359 UTC.

Retreat orders for Fall of 1845.

Austria: A Salerno - Rome.

France: F Solomons - Coral Sea.

France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Sierra Leone.

Russia: A St Petersburg - Moskow.

Spain: F Horn of Africa - Mozabaique Channel.


Austria: 11 Supply centers,  12 Units:  Removes  1 unit.

Britain: 19 Supply centers,  17 Units:  Builds   2 units.

China:   15 Supply centers,  13 Units:  Builds   2 units.

France:   8 Supply centers,  11 Units:  Removes  3 units.

Holland:  1 Supply center ,   2 Units:  Removes  1 unit.

Ottoman: 12 Supply centers,  12 Units.

Russia:   8 Supply centers,  10 Units:  Removes  2 units.

Spain:   22 Supply centers,  16 Units:  Builds   6 units.

USA:     13 Supply centers,  10 Units:  Builds   3 units.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Marseilles, A Holland, F Denmark, A Kiel, A Rome, A
Metz, A Piedmont, A Rouen, A Switzerland, F Baltic Sea, F
Tyrrhenian Sea, F S.Atlantic Ocean.

Britain: A Paris, A Nantes, F Madagascar, A Dutch Guiana, F New
Guinea, F St Petersburg(nc), F Norway, A Kasmir, A Ceylon, A
Punjab, F North Sea, F Helgoland Bight, F Bay of Florida, F
Arabian Sea, F N.E.Indian Ocean, F S.W.Indian Ocean, F Ant-Indian

China:   A Malaysia, F Kagoshima, A Irkutsk, A Bengal, A Xining, A
Xinjang, A Mongolia, A Tibet, A Yakutsk, F China Sea, F Eastern
Sea, F Kuril Sea, F Izu Sea.

France:  F Cape Colony, F Sierra Leone, A Guinea, F Lisbon, A
Coruna, F Caffrabia, A Mongearts, A Mozambique, F Amazon Basin, F
Cimbebas Coast, F Coral Sea.

Holland: F New South Wales, F S.W.Pacific Ocean.

Ottoman: A Zanguebar, F Greece, A Hahira, A Somolia, A Tripoli, A
Afganistan, A Bangalore, A Hadramaut, F Ionian Sea, F Horn of
Africa, F Red Sea, F Persian Gulf.

Russia:  A Moskow, A Orenburg, F Sweden, A Finland, A Tashkent, A
Omsk, A Georgia, A Khiva, A Bokhara, A Perm.

Spain:   F Phillipines, F Salerno, F Sicily, F Algiers, F
Solomons, F Marshalls, A Amazona, F British Guiana, A Para, A
Vancouver, F Gulf of Lyon, F Brazilian Bight, F Rio de Plate, F
Mozabaique Channel, F Phillipene Sea, F W.Pacific Ocean.

USA:     F Antilles, A Morocco, A Florida, F Norwegian Sea, F
Irish Sea, F Canaries Seaway, F Gulf of Maine, F The Azores, F
Sargasso Sea, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Berlin, Budapest, Venice, Vienna, Marseilles, Holland,
Denmark, Kiel, Rome, Serbia, Stuttgart.

Britain: London, Dublin, Edinburgh, Bombay, Delhi, Paris, Nantes,
Madagascar, Maldives, Dutch Guiana, Java, Borneo, New Guinea, St
Petersburg, Cuba, Norway, Kasmir, Ceylon, French Guiana.

China:   Malaysia, Beijing, Chongqing, Guangdong, Shanghai,
Yongmingcheng, Kagoshima, Irkutsk, Bengal, Edo, Hue, Xining,
Korea, Liaoning, Formosa.

France:  Loango, Cape Colony, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Natal, Lisbon,
Biafra, Liberia.

Holland: New South Wales.

Ottoman: Angora, Bagdad, Constantinople, Egypt, Sofia, Zanguebar,
Greece, Abyssinia, Tunisia, Ethiopia, Ade, Tehran.

Russia:  Moskow, Sevastopol, Warsaw, Orenburg, Rumania, Sweden,
Tashkent, Omsk.

Spain:   Society Islands, Madrid, Mexico City, Monterey, Columbia,
Rio de Janeiro, Phillipines, Salerno, Solomons, Marshalls, British
Guiana, Chili, Cuiaba, La Plata, Montevideo, Para, Peru,
Venezuela, Honduras, Vancouver, Alaska, Hawaii.

USA:     Quebec, Ontario, Bahama Islands, Antilles, Boston,
Charleston, New Orleans, New York City, Morocco, Republic of
Texas, Missouri Terr., Chicago, The Azores.

The deadline for Winter 1845 Adjustments is: Monday, December
20th (at) 2359 UTC.

The deadline for Spring 1846 Adjustments will be: Monday,
January 3rd (at) 2359 UTC.

files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy


DC349 1st Strike S02 results - Sean2010   (Dec 17, 2010, 7:40 pm)
Readers Digest: Many holds, one invalid, and one dislodgement.


Retreat due on Monday December 20, 2010 by 7 PM EST. Also, I'm having difficulties putting the results on the game page, so please refer to the attachment.


In my opinion, I should place the fall on Janurary 7, 2011, so the holidays can be reserved to real life. Let me know if there are any objections to this.


F Gre-Aeg
A Tri H
A Ser S A Bul
A Bul H
A Bud-Gal
A Vie H


F Bel H
F Lon H
F Nth S A Nwy H
F Lvp-Nao
A Nwy S GA Den-Swe


F Por - Spa (sc)
A Spa - Gas
A Par - Bur
A Mar S A Par-Bur (Cut)
A Bre - Pic


A Den - Swe
A Bur - Mun
A Kie S A Bur - Mun
A Ber S A Bur - Mun
F Hol holds


A Trl-Ven
A Pie-Mar
F Tun-Wes
F Nap-Tus (Invalid)


F Swe H (Dislodged)
F Sev S F Rum-Bla
F Rum-Bla
A Pru-Lvn
A Boh-Sil


F Ank-Bla
A Con-Smy
F Aeg-Con


DC 333, Autumn 1907 - alwayshunted   (Dec 17, 2010, 3:38 pm)
Hi gang. I got a retreat from France right away, so his fleet will be moving to Western Med. I won't be able to get the details to you all until later tonight... hopefully, but let's make the deadline for Winter on Monday now. Okay? Any objections please let me know. I'm sure you can all figure out what your adjustments will be, but I'll get you a map later. Winter 07 due on Monday December 20


Until later then....




DC 345: The Day After - AceRimmer   (Dec 17, 2010, 3:37 pm)
Time to pick through the rubble and start anew. Lots of units on and off. On the request of one player, I am moving Spring 1905 to Thursday MORNING CST (10:00 a.m. / 16:00 GMT). If that's still not late enough (please, let me know... after all, it's your game, not my sadistic and Draconian scheduling exercise... though I do get a sort of sadistic pleasure from it...), then we can move S1905 to the Tuesday after Christmas.
Build F London
Build F Brest
Build A St Petersburg
Remove F Skagerrak
Build A Budapest
Build A Sevastopol
Build A Trieste
Remove F Aegean Sea


DC 345: The Day After (dc345) AceRimmer Jan 03, 05:15 pm
Last year, we saw the savage destruction of three once-glorious empires. But this morning, birds were singing, the sun was shining, and my daughter informed me that she could hear dinosaurs approaching. Life goes on, heedless of the corpses of the fallen.

There are an awful lot of successful moves this season. Indeed, if you tally those *unsuccessful* tags from the adjudications, there are only eight this season:

*Bounce* - 4
*Fails* - 2
*Cut* - 1
*Dislodged* - 1

Everything else proceeds according to plan.

Adaria accounts for half of those *tags*. Neatly, he has one of each: bounce, cut, dislodge, and fail. Trigspor, in contrast, got everything he wanted, including a pop gun for Christmas.

As you can infer from the above, there is one retreat. It belongs to Adaria. So, Maslow, which will it be? Fleet Smyrna retreats to: Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Syria, or off the board. Due tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. CST.

A more sober assessment of the turn notes that Itea at long last ends the unoccupied status of the North Sea, while Adaria consolidates his French holdings. Zonotrichia moves to complete his collector???s set of Turkish home centers, and he swaps centers with Trigspor as well. But with vacancies in Budapest, Bulgaria, Serbia, and Trieste, there is certainly dynamic tension in the Balkans.

I don???t want to alarm anybody, but we???re finally coalescing around some of the familiar mid-game country identities from Standard diplomacy (with occasional oddities). Adaria = France. Trigspor = Italy. Zonotrichia = Turkey. Hembria = Germany. Itea = Were-Hamsters. Okay, so not everybody is a traditional power yet.

Spring 1905 Adjudication:

Lon to Yor
Yor to Lvp
Bre supports Mar to Gas
Mar to Gas
Pie to Mar
Mun to Kie (*Bounce*)
Smy H (*Dislodged)
ECH to Nth (*Fails*)
Bel supports ECH to Nth (*Cut*)

F Norwegian Sea S Norway - North Sea
F Edinburgh S Norway - North Sea
F Holland - Belgium (*Fails*)
A Denmark - Kiel (*Bounce*)
A Silesia - Berlin
A Warsaw - Silesia
A Paris ??? Burgundy

F nwy - NTH
A mos - ukr
A stp - mos (*Bounce*)
A swe H

F Ion -> Aeg
F Rom -> Tys
A Ven -> Tyl
A Tri -> Vie
A Nap Hold
A Gre -> Alb

A Sevastopol - Moscow (*Bounce*)
A Armenia S F Constantinople - Smyrna
F Constantinople - Smyrna
F Ankara - Constantinople
A Bulgaria - Rumania
A Serbia - Greece
A Budapest - Galicia
A Bohemia S A Budapest - Galicia
Winter Blitz Warm Up is ON! - TrustMe   (Dec 17, 2010, 2:49 pm)
Welcome to DC 352! I'm ready to get started, and I'm sure you're all excited as well. Here are a few more guidlines to help me out.

In the subject, please have our game number. If the number is not there, the e-mail may get lost in the clutter of my inbox. If it has the number it will be filtered into a separate folder and will certainly not be lost.

If I find that you have neglected to specify a coast (and it is needed) rather than invalidate the order, I will flip a coin to determine which coast you mean. So in the case of a build of a fleet in StP, or a fleet moving from Con to Bul, or a fleet moving to Spa from Por or MAO, if a coast is not specified, it will be luck of the draw (or flip). Smile

Since this is the first time playing online, or at least at DC, for a number of you, the standard subject line of an e-mail containing orders looks something like this: "DC 352 Italy S01" The number is quite necessary, the country is nice for organization, and the season/year is similarly helpful. But I won't penalize you in any way for not doing your subject like this. But it would be helpful. Below is a sample of how orders should look:

A Ven > Tri
-- or --
Army Venice Moves to Trieste

A Ven H
-- or --
Army Venice Hold

A Ven s Vie > Tyl
-- or --
Army Venice Supports Vienna Move to Tyrolia

A Ven > Tun
F Adr c Ven > Tun
F Ion c Ven > Tun
-- or --
Army Venice Moves to Albania
Fleet Adriatic Sea Convoys Venice to Tunis
Fleet Ionian Sea Convoys Venice to Tunis

As a general thing, I recommend everyone send in preliminary orders at the start of every single season. This prevents the dreaded NMR. If I don't receive orders within 24 hours of the deadline, I will try to send a private alert. However, deadlines are pretty short and I hope this will keep everyone involved. If you believe you sent in orders, just resend them. If you haven't sent orders, get on it! I've been in games ruined my NMRs. I urge you, even if things look bleak, DON'T GIVE UP. There is always hope. I have seen games where a country is down to one SC, come back and win.

If you need a deadline extension, let me know. I would like to keep these to a minimum, 1 or 2 per person.

Also, I live in Florida, so I am on EST (GMT-5). Because deadlines are in GMT, which is 5 hours ahead of me, this could lead to some weird looking deadlines. The first deadline is 9 PM on December 27th GMT. For at least one of you that is 2:30 AM on December 28th, so try to be mindful of the potential date differences.
For the most part my house rules are accurate, except for the previously mentioned, coast rule. This is our game's site (http://www.diplomaticcorp.com/game_page.php?game_id=dc352)

Below is the list of players, countries and emails.

Austria Jerome Payne jerome777(at)ymail.com
England Saurabh Garg sgarg1985(at)gmail.com
France Sean Bryan jsbryan(at)memphis.edu
Germany Ivo Ivanov ivo(at)melontech.com
Italy Mathew Power mathew.t.power(at)gmail.com
Russia Dave Labreche pebbleanddrag(at)yahoo.ca
Turkey Dorian Love dlove(at)roedeanschool.co.za

Also a quick note about press. I am happy to publish any press to the site or to everyone via email. Just let me know if you want it to be anonymous or not. (No impersonating other players.)

Spring 1901 deadline is Monday December 27th at 4 PM EST which is 9:00 PM GMT. There is a map attached. You do not necessarily have to use the abbreviations on the map. Just as long as it makes sense. Feel free to ask me to check your abbreviations to make sure I understand them. I'm happy to help with any game rules or questions.
Best of luck to everyone and hope you have fun.


dc305 revisited! - FuzzyLogic   (Dec 17, 2010, 12:41 pm)
Only heard from 3 of the 5!  Still have a few days to go to let a week pass, so let's hopefully get word from the other two by next Wed 12/22 at the latest!



Hey folks,


I don't know who out there thinks the Earth is round... but every once in a blue moon, we to have that game that seems to fall off the edge of existence... possibly into another world... maybe it's related to the location of all my left socks, or maybe it's where the tooth fairy sticks all her teeth (what does she do w those anyways?)  but nonetheless where once there was a game, sometimes there seems to be none... Well it's time to lift that illusion as we revisit dc305! 


This game - once led by the almighty Kyle - who seems to have found a calling in life that takes him far from here... is lost no more.  It is time to move forward.


So I present to you now --- wait for it ---






<dancing girls>


No really.  I'm what you got.  Is it Christmas?  No - better.  A GM that is here to carry this game to completion.  And believe me when I do say that I run a pretty tight ship.


So I offer you now to all step forth!  Our 5 players of the 305.  Confirm you are in this game!


England - Matthew!

France - Jenn!

Germany - Buck!

Russia - Ponk!

Turkey - Andrew!


With Austria and Italy in Civil Disorder.


What do you all want to do w this game?  Some ideas...


1) Play it out

2) Call it and end it a 5-way draw


If you wish to vote for 1 or 2, you must agree to abide by whichever receives majority vote!

If you do not wish to vote for 1 or 2, you can settle for being removed from the game, the vote, etc.  Get a CD, and be done w it.

If you don't reply at all, I'll wait up to a week or so and then just remove you.


Hopefully we can get a unanimous, or at least a strong preference, from all 5.


So I present to you a clear option to either play it out or call it honorably!  Next step is up to you... Talk it out amongst yourselves and send me your preference, I'll tally them up and get back to you.


Map is attached.  Current turn is Fall 03.





PS - My apologies for not noticing the game was stagnated sooner.



Diplomaticcorp Newsletter - Dec 2011! - FuzzyLogic   (Dec 17, 2010, 12:13 pm)
Diplomaticcorp Newsletter #352 – December 2010


Welcome to what is surely NOT the 352nd installment of the Diplomaticcorp Newsletter. However 352 does have significance to us because that is precisely the number of games that have run in our friendly little community. What an achievement! And what makes that even more interesting is that 89 of those games have been active in 2010. The earliest such game was Steve’s CivDip game created on a new landscape with several unexpected twists… And the most recent, dc352, is a standard game being run by newbie GM “TrustMe” – as if that isn’t the best Dip name ever.

In the meantime many others have come and gone, including some long games (Haven, 575 days) short games (1936, 67 days), 53 standards, and 36 variants.  Several new games were played for the first time, including Charles’ 1648 and 1936, Ben’s Balkans 1860, Nick’s World War II, Matt’s Arctic Dip, and Jerry’s Babylon 5 – just to name a few.

What is most astounding about the growth in games is the amount of change that has occurred during that same time and most specifically since last August! First and foremost…

Diplomaticcorp got a makeover!

Thanks to a lot of work by Mike Sims (one of your fearless Moderators) and Fredrik Blom (player, WB GM, tech-wizard and now Jr Moderator himself) DC has a wonderful new look and some kick-(at)#$ new features. Further thanks for the overhaul go to our design experts who all gave invaluable input – Garry Bledsoe, Dirk Knemeyer, Jorge Saralegui, Gerald Todd, Benjamin Hester, and Jason Koelewyn. I urge everyone who has not visited recently to go give the site a browse.  The site is now custom-tailored to each member once you sign in with a quick links to your games, active forum topics, etc. You will also notice that the Forum section is easier to wade through so feel free to post… go on – don’t be scared! There are even subscription options to deliver Diplomacy content right to your inbox without having to visit the site… E.g. if you can’t visit the site at work or school, but still want to know when new games are announced – subscribe to the Open Games forum!  Just like the old Yahoo days, opt for every mail, or a daily or weekly digest.  Set your subscriptions in your Profile:  www.diplomaticcorp.com/profile.php

I am also pleased to announce that our community officially welcomes Fredrik Blom to our service ranks.  He joins our team of Garry, Jason, and myself to share the responsibilities related to the site. Believe me, it takes a lot of love of the game and effort to keep our community alive. Please rely on ANY of us for anything you need.

A side note – notice that I used the word community, not site - we at DC are a community.  That is how so much gets accomplished. We have tireless GM’s who VOLUNTEER their time to run games so that others can play. Please allow me to give special thanks to the 2010 Winter Blitz GM’s who did an amazing job: Christine, Adam, John., Darryl, Alan, Michael (Vegas baby!), Fredrik, Cory, and Sam. Imagine committing to approximately 6 months of twice a week adjudications while trying to still play games, run other games AND balance life?!  Enough cannot be said about their commitment to bringing you the WB 2010.

Winter Blitz!

Congratulations to Chris Morse for winning the Winter Blitz 2010!

Did you know that Chris won last year’s Blitz without a single solo victory?  Yep, it was back-to-back 2-way draws that did it for him, propelling him ahead of Joe, Nigel, and Nick with their solo victories to take the Championship.  A nail-biter to the end, dc311 ran 148 days (incredible for a Blitz game) and held the tournament winner at its disposal the whole time – until Ray, Dan and Dirk finally agreed to their marathon 3-way draw.  Joe took the Best Round 1 on tiebreaks for his solo victory in dc297 and Nigs racked up his 4th lifetime Winter Blitz solo squarely taking the Best Round 2.

Speaking of the WB… Wow! It’s already December again, and the WB 2011 is open to join!

Last year the tournament was the most successful ever - for those who did not know, we had 63, yes 63 players for an amazing 9 boards and this year we’ve got nearly that many preregistered already.  Our little tournament is routinely featured on Wikipedia as one of the premier online tournaments.  So come on out and play!  Get in two full rounds of action-packed Diplomacy – starting in January and complete by June.

The big news this year is that the Winter Blitz has a sponsor!  Thoughthammer.com has graciously offered to match our prizes with an additional 50% contribution, making this year’s prize fund a whopping $300!  For those who don’t know, Thoughthammer is only THE best place to buy board games on the web – offering a huge selection, great prices and free shipping when you spend $100.  We’ve relied on them for the last 3 WBs.  Take a look – and be sure to mention you heard about them thru Diplomaticcorp and the Winter Blitz!

Registration for the WB closes Jan 2, 2011.  www.diplomaticcorp.com/winterblitz

DC Invitational!

While we’re on the subject of tournaments, the 5th annual DC Invitational (DCI) began in August.  The DCI is a tournament that was created to be a playoff of sorts pitting the best against the best. See how 2010’s DCI roster was filled (as well as a history of the Invitational) on the DCI wiki page, www.dipwiki.com?title=DC_Invitational.  This year featured invitation criteria such as the Best Survivor and most active in the Light Brigade (taking on replacement games) and featured several of our dc regulars.  Dc340 is currently favoring the underdogs, with Dirk, John, and Michael leading the pack at 9 centers, while the stalwarts Kevin, Mikael, Adam, Joe, Chris, and myself search for creative ways to stay alive.  Now 5 years in, not a single player out of 9 has been eliminated!

Congratulations to Adam Martin-Schwarze for winning last year’s DC Invitational!

Dc274 (www.diplomaticcorp.com?game=dc274) was an incredible game and I encourage all players to view the history of it, and to strive to someday play in the grand event.  The End-Game Statements are posted and tell some amazing stories. Most notable is Adam’s – he was basically a 3-center power until 1910! His perseverance shows what Champions are made of and why a game is never over until it’s over, regardless of how dire things look. One other note: you know how Adam qualified for the tournament? He was the pick for “Most Promising New GM”.

Thank you to everyone who is active in our community and has a hand in making it better. Adam is proof that simply being a GM can make you a Champion. Feel free to GM a game if you want – we are always in search of new GMs, and doing so will take your play to the next level. The players won’t bite and neither will we.  It is daunting at first but we have several new players who have stepped up and are taking on those GM roles everyday (including some who signed up to help with WB!). We are working on a Guide that can help newbies and are always willing to provide help when players or GM’s need it.  To GM a game, drop one of us a note any time.

Even if you don’t want to GM, jump in! Play a game!  Four awesome variants are currently open to join:

* Charles’ famed 1936 and 1648 games involving Dip-Points

* An 8-player game of Ben’s South American Supremacy

* My very own Haven world featuring 19 mythical civilizations.

Or if you can’t play, post in the Forum, send us an email, let us know how we can keep improving the community. We only get better through mutual discussion and ideation (yes, and even healthy debate). Thanks to all who have stepped up and done so! 

Don’t worry…it’s just a game and we are all just humble volunteers trying to play the game we love!

All the best and cheers,


Order of the Rose




Diplomaticcorp Newsletter - Dec 2011! (Community) FuzzyLogic Dec 17, 12:13 pm
Diplomaticcorp Newsletter #352 – December 2010


Welcome to what is surely NOT the 352nd installment of the Diplomaticcorp Newsletter. However 352 does have significance to us because that is precisely the number of games that have run in our friendly little community. What an achievement! And what makes that even more interesting is that 89 of those games have been active in 2010. The earliest such game was Steve’s CivDip game created on a new landscape with several unexpected twists… And the most recent, dc352, is a standard game being run by newbie GM “TrustMe” – as if that isn’t the best Dip name ever.

In the meantime many others have come and gone, including some long games (Haven, 575 days) short games (1936, 67 days), 53 standards, and 36 variants.  Several new games were played for the first time, including Charles’ 1648 and 1936, Ben’s Balkans 1860, Nick’s World War II, Matt’s Arctic Dip, and Jerry’s Babylon 5 – just to name a few.

What is most astounding about the growth in games is the amount of change that has occurred during that same time and most specifically since last August! First and foremost…

Diplomaticcorp got a makeover!

Thanks to a lot of work by Mike Sims (one of your fearless Moderators) and Fredrik Blom (player, WB GM, tech-wizard and now Jr Moderator himself) DC has a wonderful new look and some kick-(at)#$ new features. Further thanks for the overhaul go to our design experts who all gave invaluable input – Garry Bledsoe, Dirk Knemeyer, Jorge Saralegui, Gerald Todd, Benjamin Hester, and Jason Koelewyn. I urge everyone who has not visited recently to go give the site a browse.  The site is now custom-tailored to each member once you sign in with a quick links to your games, active forum topics, etc. You will also notice that the Forum section is easier to wade through so feel free to post… go on – don’t be scared! There are even subscription options to deliver Diplomacy content right to your inbox without having to visit the site… E.g. if you can’t visit the site at work or school, but still want to know when new games are announced – subscribe to the Open Games forum!  Just like the old Yahoo days, opt for every mail, or a daily or weekly digest.  Set your subscriptions in your Profile:  www.diplomaticcorp.com/profile.php

I am also pleased to announce that our community officially welcomes Fredrik Blom to our service ranks.  He joins our team of Garry, Jason, and myself to share the responsibilities related to the site. Believe me, it takes a lot of love of the game and effort to keep our community alive. Please rely on ANY of us for anything you need.

A side note – notice that I used the word community, not site - we at DC are a community.  That is how so much gets accomplished. We have tireless GM’s who VOLUNTEER their time to run games so that others can play. Please allow me to give special thanks to the 2010 Winter Blitz GM’s who did an amazing job: Christine, Adam, John., Darryl, Alan, Michael (Vegas baby!), Fredrik, Cory, and Sam. Imagine committing to approximately 6 months of twice a week adjudications while trying to still play games, run other games AND balance life?!  Enough cannot be said about their commitment to bringing you the WB 2010.

Winter Blitz!

Congratulations to Chris Morse for winning the Winter Blitz 2010!

Did you know that Chris won last year’s Blitz without a single solo victory?  Yep, it was back-to-back 2-way draws that did it for him, propelling him ahead of Joe, Nigel, and Nick with their solo victories to take the Championship.  A nail-biter to the end, dc311 ran 148 days (incredible for a Blitz game) and held the tournament winner at its disposal the whole time – until Ray, Dan and Dirk finally agreed to their marathon 3-way draw.  Joe took the Best Round 1 on tiebreaks for his solo victory in dc297 and Nigs racked up his 4th lifetime Winter Blitz solo squarely taking the Best Round 2.

Speaking of the WB… Wow! It’s already December again, and the WB 2011 is open to join!

Last year the tournament was the most successful ever - for those who did not know, we had 63, yes 63 players for an amazing 9 boards and this year we’ve got nearly that many preregistered already.  Our little tournament is routinely featured on Wikipedia as one of the premier online tournaments.  So come on out and play!  Get in two full rounds of action-packed Diplomacy – starting in January and complete by June.

The big news this year is that the Winter Blitz has a sponsor!  Thoughthammer.com has graciously offered to match our prizes with an additional 50% contribution, making this year’s prize fund a whopping $300!  For those who don’t know, Thoughthammer is only THE best place to buy board games on the web – offering a huge selection, great prices and free shipping when you spend $100.  We’ve relied on them for the last 3 WBs.  Take a look – and be sure to mention you heard about them thru Diplomaticcorp and the Winter Blitz!

Registration for the WB closes Jan 2, 2011.  www.diplomaticcorp.com/winterblitz

DC Invitational!

While we’re on the subject of tournaments, the 5th annual DC Invitational (DCI) began in August.  The DCI is a tournament that was created to be a playoff of sorts pitting the best against the best. See how 2010’s DCI roster was filled (as well as a history of the Invitational) on the DCI wiki page, www.dipwiki.com?title=DC_Invitational.  This year featured invitation criteria such as the Best Survivor and most active in the Light Brigade (taking on replacement games) and featured several of our dc regulars.  Dc340 is currently favoring the underdogs, with Dirk, John, and Michael leading the pack at 9 centers, while the stalwarts Kevin, Mikael, Adam, Joe, Chris, and myself search for creative ways to stay alive.  Now 5 years in, not a single player out of 9 has been eliminated!

Congratulations to Adam Martin-Schwarze for winning last year’s DC Invitational!

Dc274 (www.diplomaticcorp.com?game=dc274) was an incredible game and I encourage all players to view the history of it, and to strive to someday play in the grand event.  The End-Game Statements are posted and tell some amazing stories. Most notable is Adam’s – he was basically a 3-center power until 1910! His perseverance shows what Champions are made of and why a game is never over until it’s over, regardless of how dire things look. One other note: you know how Adam qualified for the tournament? He was the pick for “Most Promising New GM”.

Thank you to everyone who is active in our community and has a hand in making it better. Adam is proof that simply being a GM can make you a Champion. Feel free to GM a game if you want – we are always in search of new GMs, and doing so will take your play to the next level. The players won’t bite and neither will we.  It is daunting at first but we have several new players who have stepped up and are taking on those GM roles everyday (including some who signed up to help with WB!). We are working on a Guide that can help newbies and are always willing to provide help when players or GM’s need it.  To GM a game, drop one of us a note any time.

Even if you don’t want to GM, jump in! Play a game!  Four awesome variants are currently open to join:

* Charles’ famed 1936 and 1648 games involving Dip-Points

* An 8-player game of Ben’s South American Supremacy

* My very own Haven world featuring 19 mythical civilizations.

Or if you can’t play, post in the Forum, send us an email, let us know how we can keep improving the community. We only get better through mutual discussion and ideation (yes, and even healthy debate). Thanks to all who have stepped up and done so! 

Don’t worry…it’s just a game and we are all just humble volunteers trying to play the game we love!

All the best and cheers,


Order of the Rose


Diplomaticcorp Newsletter - Dec 2011! - FuzzyLogic   (Dec 17, 2010, 12:13 pm)
Diplomaticcorp Newsletter #352 – December 2010


Welcome to what is surely NOT the 352nd installment of the Diplomaticcorp Newsletter. However 352 does have significance to us because that is precisely the number of games that have run in our friendly little community. What an achievement! And what makes that even more interesting is that 89 of those games have been active in 2010. The earliest such game was Steve’s CivDip game created on a new landscape with several unexpected twists… And the most recent, dc352, is a standard game being run by newbie GM “TrustMe” – as if that isn’t the best Dip name ever.

In the meantime many others have come and gone, including some long games (Haven, 575 days) short games (1936, 67 days), 53 standards, and 36 variants.  Several new games were played for the first time, including Charles’ 1648 and 1936, Ben’s Balkans 1860, Nick’s World War II, Matt’s Arctic Dip, and Jerry’s Babylon 5 – just to name a few.

What is most astounding about the growth in games is the amount of change that has occurred during that same time and most specifically since last August! First and foremost…

Diplomaticcorp got a makeover!

Thanks to a lot of work by Mike Sims (one of your fearless Moderators) and Fredrik Blom (player, WB GM, tech-wizard and now Jr Moderator himself) DC has a wonderful new look and some kick-(at)#$ new features. Further thanks for the overhaul go to our design experts who all gave invaluable input – Garry Bledsoe, Dirk Knemeyer, Jorge Saralegui, Gerald Todd, Benjamin Hester, and Jason Koelewyn. I urge everyone who has not visited recently to go give the site a browse.  The site is now custom-tailored to each member once you sign in with a quick links to your games, active forum topics, etc. You will also notice that the Forum section is easier to wade through so feel free to post… go on – don’t be scared! There are even subscription options to deliver Diplomacy content right to your inbox without having to visit the site… E.g. if you can’t visit the site at work or school, but still want to know when new games are announced – subscribe to the Open Games forum!  Just like the old Yahoo days, opt for every mail, or a daily or weekly digest.  Set your subscriptions in your Profile:  www.diplomaticcorp.com/profile.php

I am also pleased to announce that our community officially welcomes Fredrik Blom to our service ranks.  He joins our team of Garry, Jason, and myself to share the responsibilities related to the site. Believe me, it takes a lot of love of the game and effort to keep our community alive. Please rely on ANY of us for anything you need.

A side note – notice that I used the word community, not site - we at DC are a community.  That is how so much gets accomplished. We have tireless GM’s who VOLUNTEER their time to run games so that others can play. Please allow me to give special thanks to the 2010 Winter Blitz GM’s who did an amazing job: Christine, Adam, John., Darryl, Alan, Michael (Vegas baby!), Fredrik, Cory, and Sam. Imagine committing to approximately 6 months of twice a week adjudications while trying to still play games, run other games AND balance life?!  Enough cannot be said about their commitment to bringing you the WB 2010.

Winter Blitz!

Congratulations to Chris Morse for winning the Winter Blitz 2010!

Did you know that Chris won last year’s Blitz without a single solo victory?  Yep, it was back-to-back 2-way draws that did it for him, propelling him ahead of Joe, Nigel, and Nick with their solo victories to take the Championship.  A nail-biter to the end, dc311 ran 148 days (incredible for a Blitz game) and held the tournament winner at its disposal the whole time – until Ray, Dan and Dirk finally agreed to their marathon 3-way draw.  Joe took the Best Round 1 on tiebreaks for his solo victory in dc297 and Nigs racked up his 4th lifetime Winter Blitz solo squarely taking the Best Round 2.

Speaking of the WB… Wow! It’s already December again, and the WB 2011 is open to join!

Last year the tournament was the most successful ever - for those who did not know, we had 63, yes 63 players for an amazing 9 boards and this year we’ve got nearly that many preregistered already.  Our little tournament is routinely featured on Wikipedia as one of the premier online tournaments.  So come on out and play!  Get in two full rounds of action-packed Diplomacy – starting in January and complete by June.

The big news this year is that the Winter Blitz has a sponsor!  Thoughthammer.com has graciously offered to match our prizes with an additional 50% contribution, making this year’s prize fund a whopping $300!  For those who don’t know, Thoughthammer is only THE best place to buy board games on the web – offering a huge selection, great prices and free shipping when you spend $100.  We’ve relied on them for the last 3 WBs.  Take a look – and be sure to mention you heard about them thru Diplomaticcorp and the Winter Blitz!

Registration for the WB closes Jan 2, 2011.  www.diplomaticcorp.com/winterblitz

DC Invitational!

While we’re on the subject of tournaments, the 5th annual DC Invitational (DCI) began in August.  The DCI is a tournament that was created to be a playoff of sorts pitting the best against the best. See how 2010’s DCI roster was filled (as well as a history of the Invitational) on the DCI wiki page, www.dipwiki.com?title=DC_Invitational.  This year featured invitation criteria such as the Best Survivor and most active in the Light Brigade (taking on replacement games) and featured several of our dc regulars.  Dc340 is currently favoring the underdogs, with Dirk, John, and Michael leading the pack at 9 centers, while the stalwarts Kevin, Mikael, Adam, Joe, Chris, and myself search for creative ways to stay alive.  Now 5 years in, not a single player out of 9 has been eliminated!

Congratulations to Adam Martin-Schwarze for winning last year’s DC Invitational!

Dc274 (www.diplomaticcorp.com?game=dc274) was an incredible game and I encourage all players to view the history of it, and to strive to someday play in the grand event.  The End-Game Statements are posted and tell some amazing stories. Most notable is Adam’s – he was basically a 3-center power until 1910! His perseverance shows what Champions are made of and why a game is never over until it’s over, regardless of how dire things look. One other note: you know how Adam qualified for the tournament? He was the pick for “Most Promising New GM”.

Thank you to everyone who is active in our community and has a hand in making it better. Adam is proof that simply being a GM can make you a Champion. Feel free to GM a game if you want – we are always in search of new GMs, and doing so will take your play to the next level. The players won’t bite and neither will we.  It is daunting at first but we have several new players who have stepped up and are taking on those GM roles everyday (including some who signed up to help with WB!). We are working on a Guide that can help newbies and are always willing to provide help when players or GM’s need it.  To GM a game, drop one of us a note any time.

Even if you don’t want to GM, jump in! Play a game!  Four awesome variants are currently open to join:

* Charles’ famed 1936 and 1648 games involving Dip-Points

* An 8-player game of Ben’s South American Supremacy

* My very own Haven world featuring 19 mythical civilizations.

Or if you can’t play, post in the Forum, send us an email, let us know how we can keep improving the community. We only get better through mutual discussion and ideation (yes, and even healthy debate). Thanks to all who have stepped up and done so! 

Don’t worry…it’s just a game and we are all just humble volunteers trying to play the game we love!

All the best and cheers,


Order of the Rose




dc334 s07 retreats! - FuzzyLogic   (Dec 17, 2010, 11:25 am)
Some holiday treats er... re-treats for all of you...

To go along w all that good cheer that's been flowing... Wink


Persia: F Thermaic Gulf - Pagasaean Gulf

Sparta: F South Ionian Sea - Gulf of Laconia


NEXT:  Fall 307 due next Thu 12/23 3pm Central!  There is another solo vote on the table for this turn.

Happy Holidays, and I hope Santa brings you all what you want next Thu...






dc334 s07 retreats! - FuzzyLogic   (Dec 17, 2010, 11:25 am)
Some holiday treats er... re-treats for all of you...

To go along w all that good cheer that's been flowing... Wink


Persia: F Thermaic Gulf - Pagasaean Gulf

Sparta: F South Ionian Sea - Gulf of Laconia


NEXT:  Fall 307 due next Thu 12/23 3pm Central!  There is another solo vote on the table for this turn.

Happy Holidays, and I hope Santa brings you all what you want next Thu...






DC 341: Berlin - AceRimmer   (Dec 17, 2010, 9:15 am)
Germany retreats to Berlin. Russia retreats to Armenia.
Fall 1906 is due on Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. CST (16:00 GMT).


DC 333, Fall 1907 - alwayshunted   (Dec 17, 2010, 12:22 am)
Hey folks.


Sorry, brief delay. Lots going on these days.


Anyhow, on with it then. First things first. R/T draw FAILS. There is a new proposal on the table for next spring, which is a Russia/Turkey/France three way draw. Don't forget to vote! On an interesting note, France nmrs. Ken, let me know if I missed something. And, the Italians find themselves hanging on to survival in a strange land, backs against a wall, but still with us.


I must run a retreat turn. France has a retreat due (see below). I am late, so I have to make it Monday, Dec 20, 17:00 MST. If I get it early, I'll run the turn early.


Here is the turn.



F Edinburgh - North Sea (*Fails*)
F English Channel Supports F Edinburgh - North Sea
A Yorkshire - London


A Burgundy Hold
F Gulf of Lyon Hold
A Marseilles Hold
F North Africa Hold
A Picardy Hold
A Spain Hold
F Tyrrhenian Sea Hold (*Dislodged*)


F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Brest


F Baltic Sea - Denmark
F Holland - Belgium
A Munich - Burgundy (*Fails*)
F North Sea Supports F Holland - Belgium (*Cut*)
F Norway Supports F North Sea
F Norwegian Sea - Clyde
A Prussia - Silesia (*Fails*)
A Ruhr Supports F Holland - Belgium
F Sevastopol Hold
A Silesia - Munich (*Fails*)
A Ukraine Supports F Sevastopol


F Adriatic Sea Supports F Ionian Sea
F Aegean Sea Convoys A Constantinople - Tunis
F Black Sea - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
A Budapest Supports A Rumania
A Constantinople - Tunis
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Constantinople - Tunis
F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Rome Supports F Tuscany
A Rumania Supports F Black Sea - Sevastopol
F Tuscany Supports F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Tyrolia Supports A Venice - Piedmont
A Venice - Piedmont



French F Tyrrhenian Sea can retreat to Western Mediterranean or OTB



There you go. Ken get me a retreat as soon as you can. Maps are attached. Check everything.






DC 345: Armageddon - ilovethechiefs   (Dec 16, 2010, 6:19 pm)


DC327 - S14 adjudication - bielf11   (Dec 16, 2010, 5:04 pm)


(DC 326) Gumball - Winter 1916 Results - Corrino   (Dec 16, 2010, 4:33 pm)
Hi Players,


I have the builds from Austria and Germany, but I forgot that I'm going out tonight and won't be able to do the Realpolitik work and post the official results to the game page on the web site.


BUT... that's no reason not to tell you what's going on.  I'll catch up with the map and such tomorrow night or Saturday morning.


Austria:    Build A Trieste

Germany:    Build A Munich


Do remember that I'm waiting to hear from you what you think of playing in the Christmas/New Years week, and whether you would be interested in speeding up the deadlines.






(DC 326) Gumball - Winter 1916 Results (dc326) Corrino Dec 18, 05:14 pm
Hi Players,

Sorry this is coming out a little later than I expected.  Christmas concert at school last night, and my "baby" girl is having her 15th birthday party upstairs as I write this.  You can appreciate that I had a few other things on my mind the last couple of days.

Anyway, here I am repeating the adjustments I sent out Thursday night, and this time they come with a map.  Oh, boy!

Build A Trieste

Build A Munich

The feedback I've gotten so far seems to say that there won't be a problem having our usual turn during the Christmas-New Year's week.  I've also gotten mostly positive response on speeding things up a little AFTER the holidays.  I know some of you are going to be playing in the Blitz. 
Shouldn't we try to get this one over with?

NEXT DEADLINE:  Spring 1917 is due Wednesday, December 22, at 8:00 p.m. EST.

DC 345: Armageddon - Blueraider0   (Dec 16, 2010, 4:08 pm)


DC 345: Armageddon - AceRimmer   (Dec 16, 2010, 3:58 pm)
And, of course, the maps...

--- On Thu, 12/16/10, Adam Martin-Schwarze <smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Adam Martin-Schwarze <smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: DC 345: Armageddon
To: "DC 345" <dc345(at)diplomaticcorp.com>, "Nathan Edwards" <npfedwards(at)gmail.com>, "Loki Falcon" <zyxw59(at)gmail.com>, "Warren Fleming" <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com>, "Mike Hoffman" <mrh(at)panix.com>, "Philip King" <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>, "Alex Maslow" <Blueraider0(at)gmail.com>, "Michael Penner" <mvpenner(at)yahoo.com>, "John Reside" <untitled36(at)hotmail.com>
Cc: "Dirk Knemeyer" <dirk(at)knemeyer.com>, "Mike Sims" <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>
Date: Thursday, December 16, 2010, 3:57

This is a sad season in Dystopia.  Empires rise, and empires fall, but not like
this.  Not all at once.  This year, not only has an Empire fallen, but
so have The One Who Will Win and an innocent-sounding Spanish-Turkish candy
store called The Dulceria.  Perhaps we
should not have expected such yummy confections to survive long in this world
of sweet-toothed anarchists.


The following press release was found floating up on the
shores of a Norwegian fjord.  It contains
prophesies of the End Times and a promise for the eventual fulfillment of a
nation???s name:


???The "werehamster cure" has decimated
the armies of the harmless were-beasts. They have decided to change their
strategy. No longer will massed armies of rodents sweep across the
snow-covered plains. Instead, we will infiltrate homes, schools, and
pet shops and wait for our moment to strike. Then the world shall tremble
at our might. Humans shall be our servants, nay, our slaves. So continue
with your fruitless machinations. Our day will come. Our... day...
will... come...???


As the tattered banners of the Dulcerian, Imperial, and Were-Hamster
armies flutter in the wind, the survivors of this carnage ??? dare I call you the
Authors of This Armageddon ??? are left to ponder the immortal words of the 37th
President of the United States: ???You won't have Philip, Nathan, and John to
kick around anymore???.  And without them
to kick around, you???re going to have to find new targets.  Adaria, Itea, and Hembria have at least
established animosities in the north (though, of course, past animosities are
never binding in a game of Diplomacy). 
But Trigspor and Zonotrichia will have to find new foes.


There is one retreat, which I am auto-adjudicating as Army
Rome disbands.  That brings up the Winter
adjustments, which are due tomorrow at 3:00 CST (21:00 GMT).  All survivors except Hembria owe me orders.  The DRE, Dulcerians, and Were-Hamsters don???t have
to trouble with disbands.  I???ve already
taken care of those.


Adaria:    Supp  9 Unit 
7 Build  2

Itea:      Supp  4 Unit 
3 Build  1

Hembria:   Supp  7 Unit 
7 Build  0

Zonotrichia: Supp  8
Unit  6 Build  2

Trigspor:  Supp  6 Unit 
5 Build  1


I am setting the Spring 1905 deadline for Wednesday,
December 22nd at 3:00 p.m. CST (21:00 GMT). 
If anybody thinks that???s too short, then I???ll push it back all the way
to the following Tuesday.  Such is Dip
during Christmas.


Fall 1904 Adjudication:



Spa to Mar

ECH supports Bel to Nth

Bel to Nth (*Bounce*)

Yor to Edi (*Fails*)

Tyr to Mun

Tus to Pie

Eas to Smy


Democratic Roman Empire:

A Rom-Ven (*Disbanded*)



F Aegean Sea Supports F Constantinople ??? Smyrna (*Cut*)

F Constantinople ??? Smyrna (*Disbanded*)



A Silesia - Munich (*Fails*)

A Burgundy - Paris

A Kiel - Denmark

F Norwegian Sea - Norway (*Bounce*)

F Edinburgh S Norway - North Sea (*Cut*)

F Holland S Norway - North Sea

A Warsaw ??? Silesia (*Fails*)



F Nwy-Nth (*Bounce*)

A Swe-Nwy (*Bounce*)

A Mos H


The One Who Will Win:

F Skagerrak Supports A Sweden ??? Denmark (*Void*)



A Ven S Tys -> Rom

A Nap S Tys -> Rom

F Tys -> Rom

F Ion -> Aeg (*Fails*)

A Gre S Ser -> Bul (*Void*)



A Armenia S F Eastern Mediterranean - Smyrna

F Ankara S F Black Sea - Constantinople

A Bulgaria S F Black Sea - Constantinople

F Black Sea - Constantinople

A Serbia S A Bulgaria

A Bohemia S A Tyrolia - Munich


DC 345: Armageddon - AceRimmer   (Dec 16, 2010, 3:57 pm)
This is a sad season in Dystopia.  Empires rise, and empires fall, but not like
this.  Not all at once.  This year, not only has an Empire fallen, but
so have The One Who Will Win and an innocent-sounding Spanish-Turkish candy
store called The Dulceria.  Perhaps we
should not have expected such yummy confections to survive long in this world
of sweet-toothed anarchists.


The following press release was found floating up on the
shores of a Norwegian fjord.  It contains
prophesies of the End Times and a promise for the eventual fulfillment of a
nation???s name:


???The "werehamster cure" has decimated
the armies of the harmless were-beasts. They have decided to change their
strategy. No longer will massed armies of rodents sweep across the
snow-covered plains. Instead, we will infiltrate homes, schools, and
pet shops and wait for our moment to strike. Then the world shall tremble
at our might. Humans shall be our servants, nay, our slaves. So continue
with your fruitless machinations. Our day will come. Our... day...
will... come...???


As the tattered banners of the Dulcerian, Imperial, and Were-Hamster
armies flutter in the wind, the survivors of this carnage ??? dare I call you the
Authors of This Armageddon ??? are left to ponder the immortal words of the 37th
President of the United States: ???You won't have Philip, Nathan, and John to
kick around anymore???.  And without them
to kick around, you???re going to have to find new targets.  Adaria, Itea, and Hembria have at least
established animosities in the north (though, of course, past animosities are
never binding in a game of Diplomacy). 
But Trigspor and Zonotrichia will have to find new foes.


There is one retreat, which I am auto-adjudicating as Army
Rome disbands.  That brings up the Winter
adjustments, which are due tomorrow at 3:00 CST (21:00 GMT).  All survivors except Hembria owe me orders.  The DRE, Dulcerians, and Were-Hamsters don???t have
to trouble with disbands.  I???ve already
taken care of those.


Adaria:    Supp  9 Unit 
7 Build  2

Itea:      Supp  4 Unit 
3 Build  1

Hembria:   Supp  7 Unit 
7 Build  0

Zonotrichia: Supp  8
Unit  6 Build  2

Trigspor:  Supp  6 Unit 
5 Build  1


I am setting the Spring 1905 deadline for Wednesday,
December 22nd at 3:00 p.m. CST (21:00 GMT). 
If anybody thinks that???s too short, then I???ll push it back all the way
to the following Tuesday.  Such is Dip
during Christmas.


Fall 1904 Adjudication:



Spa to Mar

ECH supports Bel to Nth

Bel to Nth (*Bounce*)

Yor to Edi (*Fails*)

Tyr to Mun

Tus to Pie

Eas to Smy


Democratic Roman Empire:

A Rom-Ven (*Disbanded*)



F Aegean Sea Supports F Constantinople ??? Smyrna (*Cut*)

F Constantinople ??? Smyrna (*Disbanded*)



A Silesia - Munich (*Fails*)

A Burgundy - Paris

A Kiel - Denmark

F Norwegian Sea - Norway (*Bounce*)

F Edinburgh S Norway - North Sea (*Cut*)

F Holland S Norway - North Sea

A Warsaw ??? Silesia (*Fails*)



F Nwy-Nth (*Bounce*)

A Swe-Nwy (*Bounce*)

A Mos H


The One Who Will Win:

F Skagerrak Supports A Sweden ??? Denmark (*Void*)



A Ven S Tys -> Rom

A Nap S Tys -> Rom

F Tys -> Rom

F Ion -> Aeg (*Fails*)

A Gre S Ser -> Bul (*Void*)



A Armenia S F Eastern Mediterranean - Smyrna

F Ankara S F Black Sea - Constantinople

A Bulgaria S F Black Sea - Constantinople

F Black Sea - Constantinople

A Serbia S A Bulgaria

A Bohemia S A Tyrolia - Munich


DC 345: Armageddon (dc345) AceRimmer Dec 16, 03:58 pm
And, of course, the maps...

--- On Thu, 12/16/10, Adam Martin-Schwarze <smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Adam Martin-Schwarze <smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: DC 345: Armageddon
To: "DC 345" <dc345(at)diplomaticcorp.com>, "Nathan Edwards" <npfedwards(at)gmail.com>, "Loki Falcon" <zyxw59(at)gmail.com>, "Warren Fleming" <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com>, "Mike Hoffman" <mrh(at)panix.com>, "Philip King" <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>, "Alex Maslow" <Blueraider0(at)gmail.com>, "Michael Penner" <mvpenner(at)yahoo.com>, "John Reside" <untitled36(at)hotmail.com>
Cc: "Dirk Knemeyer" <dirk(at)knemeyer.com>, "Mike Sims" <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>
Date: Thursday, December 16, 2010, 3:57

This is a sad season in Dystopia.  Empires rise, and empires fall, but not like
this.  Not all at once.  This year, not only has an Empire fallen, but
so have The One Who Will Win and an innocent-sounding Spanish-Turkish candy
store called The Dulceria.  Perhaps we
should not have expected such yummy confections to survive long in this world
of sweet-toothed anarchists.


The following press release was found floating up on the
shores of a Norwegian fjord.  It contains
prophesies of the End Times and a promise for the eventual fulfillment of a
nation???s name:


???The "werehamster cure" has decimated
the armies of the harmless were-beasts. They have decided to change their
strategy. No longer will massed armies of rodents sweep across the
snow-covered plains. Instead, we will infiltrate homes, schools, and
pet shops and wait for our moment to strike. Then the world shall tremble
at our might. Humans shall be our servants, nay, our slaves. So continue
with your fruitless machinations. Our day will come. Our... day...
will... come...???


As the tattered banners of the Dulcerian, Imperial, and Were-Hamster
armies flutter in the wind, the survivors of this carnage ??? dare I call you the
Authors of This Armageddon ??? are left to ponder the immortal words of the 37th
President of the United States: ???You won't have Philip, Nathan, and John to
kick around anymore???.  And without them
to kick around, you???re going to have to find new targets.  Adaria, Itea, and Hembria have at least
established animosities in the north (though, of course, past animosities are
never binding in a game of Diplomacy). 
But Trigspor and Zonotrichia will have to find new foes.


There is one retreat, which I am auto-adjudicating as Army
Rome disbands.  That brings up the Winter
adjustments, which are due tomorrow at 3:00 CST (21:00 GMT).  All survivors except Hembria owe me orders.  The DRE, Dulcerians, and Were-Hamsters don???t have
to trouble with disbands.  I???ve already
taken care of those.


Adaria:    Supp  9 Unit 
7 Build  2

Itea:      Supp  4 Unit 
3 Build  1

Hembria:   Supp  7 Unit 
7 Build  0

Zonotrichia: Supp  8
Unit  6 Build  2

Trigspor:  Supp  6 Unit 
5 Build  1


I am setting the Spring 1905 deadline for Wednesday,
December 22nd at 3:00 p.m. CST (21:00 GMT). 
If anybody thinks that???s too short, then I???ll push it back all the way
to the following Tuesday.  Such is Dip
during Christmas.


Fall 1904 Adjudication:



Spa to Mar

ECH supports Bel to Nth

Bel to Nth (*Bounce*)

Yor to Edi (*Fails*)

Tyr to Mun

Tus to Pie

Eas to Smy


Democratic Roman Empire:

A Rom-Ven (*Disbanded*)



F Aegean Sea Supports F Constantinople ??? Smyrna (*Cut*)

F Constantinople ??? Smyrna (*Disbanded*)



A Silesia - Munich (*Fails*)

A Burgundy - Paris

A Kiel - Denmark

F Norwegian Sea - Norway (*Bounce*)

F Edinburgh S Norway - North Sea (*Cut*)

F Holland S Norway - North Sea

A Warsaw ??? Silesia (*Fails*)



F Nwy-Nth (*Bounce*)

A Swe-Nwy (*Bounce*)

A Mos H


The One Who Will Win:

F Skagerrak Supports A Sweden ??? Denmark (*Void*)



A Ven S Tys -> Rom

A Nap S Tys -> Rom

F Tys -> Rom

F Ion -> Aeg (*Fails*)

A Gre S Ser -> Bul (*Void*)



A Armenia S F Eastern Mediterranean - Smyrna

F Ankara S F Black Sea - Constantinople

A Bulgaria S F Black Sea - Constantinople

F Black Sea - Constantinople

A Serbia S A Bulgaria

A Bohemia S A Tyrolia - Munich
DC 345: Armageddon (dc345) Blueraider0 Dec 16, 04:08 pm
DC 345: Armageddon (dc345) ilovethechiefs Dec 16, 06:19 pm

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Rows per page:

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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