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New Czar! - bpynnonen   (Oct 15, 2010, 3:45 pm)
Allerton Gazette
Blake Pynnonen

New Czar

The Russian government has been overthrown again; Buck Hamil has seized power as Czar. The new political development has delayed the Spring 1901 campaign, as the other leaders of Europe may want to make adjustments. No orders from the Pre-Buck regime have been revealed, so it is of no consequence if the leaders of Europe wish to make changes in light of the arrival of Czar Hamil. The new deadline (if leaders wish to make changes) for Spring 1901 is TBD. In the meantime, the leaders have the opportunity to contact the new Czar as well as the other rulers on the map.


New Czar! (dc346) AncientMemories Oct 20, 09:27 am
Our next batch of orders are due this Wednesday at midnight.

Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2010 03:27:10 -0700
From: seanmemphis(at)yahoo.com
Subject: Re: New Czar!
To: blake.pynnonen(at)gmail.com
CC: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; mcagar(at)hotmail.com; buckhamil(at)yahoo.com; alexanderbuttler(at)gmail.com; berntzen(at)bungalab.com; gojoeygo(at)hotmail.com; jsbryan(at)memphis.edu; dc346(at)diplomaticcorp.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net

.ExternalClass DIV
When do we continue? Is the game still in existence at all?
From: Blake Pynnonen <blake.pynnonen(at)gmail.com>
To: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; mcagar(at)hotmail.com; buckhamil(at)yahoo.com; alexanderbuttler(at)gmail.com; berntzen(at)bungalab.com; gojoeygo(at)hotmail.com; jsbryan(at)memphis.edu; dc346(at)diplomaticcorp.com; Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>
Sent: Fri, October 15, 2010 1:45:35 PM
Subject: New Czar!

Allerton Gazette
Blake Pynnonen

New Czar

The Russian government has been overthrown again; Buck Hamil has seized power as Czar. The new political development has delayed the Spring 1901 campaign, as the other leaders of Europe may want to make adjustments. No orders from the Pre-Buck regime have been revealed, so it is of no consequence if the leaders of Europe wish to make changes in light of the arrival of Czar Hamil. The new deadline (if leaders wish to make changes) for Spring 1901 is TBD. In the meantime, the leaders have the opportunity to contact the new Czar as well as the other rulers on the map.
New Czar! (dc346) bpynnonen Oct 20, 10:12 am
That is correct. The game is still going. The deadline was delayed because Buck replaced Aaron as Russia, so I wanted to give you guys time to change your orders, in case his arrival would change your plans. Midnight tonight is the deadline.
DC344: Seeking French replacement - charlesf   (Oct 15, 2010, 3:00 pm)
Hi guys,

I'm afraid my original French player has NMRed already in the game's
second season. As my house rules stipulate that (after the passing
of a possible grace period) any NMR situations shall lead to the
replacement of the player in question and a corresponding delay of
that season's adjucation deadline, I am now turning to you in
seeking a replacement player.

It's too bad that the past Pr?sident has made a royal mess of the
first season. It's not a happy situation, to be sure. That being
said, I do believe an astute diplomat might well turn around the
situation. The good news here is that as yet France has not lost any
SCs, nor need it do so.

So if you relish a challenge without it being that of player an
inconsequential minnow, why not step in as the engineer of a French

I've attached the present map further below (or check the DC site
for the past adjucation). The fall deadline shall be pushed back
until Wednesday to allow the new player sufficient time to
negotiate. I'll fill the position with whoever steps up first and
sure would be grateful to those willing to do so. As a small
thankyou, any replacement player shall get first choice of a power
in a future game I'll be running.



DC344: Seeking French replacement (Light Brigade) MattKelly Oct 23, 11:21 am
I had sent you a message offering to fill in for the French. Has the position been filled?

DC344: French Player AWOL - charlesf   (Oct 15, 2010, 11:40 am)
Hi guys,
Ken has failed to submit orders and in keeping with my house rules, I
shall be seeking a new French player and delay Fall 1936 so as to allow
the replacement player sufficient negotiation time. Provided a
replacement is found without too much of a delay, I'm looking at a
deadline next Wednesday.
It's one of the sad realities of our hobby, that some who
enthusiastically join a game turn out to be bad apples and soon enough
shall leave you hanging. Such is the case with Ken, I'm afraid to say.
Much as I seek to vet players in advance, I don't want to bar my games
to people who have little in the way of a track record one might
consider in this regard (such players can indeed prove great assets to a
game). Nor did having asked the GM of another game in which he was
involved give me grounds to exclude him.
Lets hope that we shall soon be back on track. You remaining guys have
made my job as smooth and enjoyable as I could hope for. May that be how
this game shall be going forward. Once I've found a replacement, I shall
immediately let you know.


DC 341: An intriguing set of adjustments - AceRimmer   (Oct 15, 2010, 10:40 am)
I, for one, find all of these adjustments (well, except for the Turkish disband, which was pretty straight-forward) to be intriguing. It should be an entertaining 1903.... which will occur next Thursday, October 21, at the usual 10:00 a.m. CST (15:00 GMT).
France: Build F Brest
Germany: Build A Munich
Italy: Build A Rome
Russia: Build A St Petersburg
Turkey: Remove A Smyrna


dc310 f06 results! - coffeedream   (Oct 15, 2010, 10:39 am)
Thanks for the game, guys.
Enjoy the rest!

From: Michael Sims

Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010
11:31 AM

To: Choi, Robert; Dirk Knemeyer;
stuhobbs(at)gmail.com; kolinloconti(at)gmail.com; alliancedata(at)yahoo.com;
feanorsfirstborn(at)gmail.com; leeaclark(at)btinternet.com; steven.by.hu(at)hotmail.com

Cc: dc310

Subject: dc310 f06 results!


We're officially down to a 3-player game!


And what better way to start off a 3-player game, than with
3 retreats!  One for each player.  And conveniently, each one only
had one option, so I just moved the units and we can skip on to Winter:


France: A Munich - Burgundy

Russia: F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea

Turkey: F Spain(sc) - Portugal


France: Build 1

Russia: Build 2

Build 2

Any of the above powers may remove their retreat instead if
they so choose.


BUILDS:  By Monday, 3pm Central!



F Clyde Supports F Yorkshire - Edinburgh

A Gascony Supports A Marseilles
- Spain

F Helgoland Bight Supports F North Sea

A Kiel Supports A Munich (*Cut*)

A Marseilles - Spain

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean
Supports A Marseilles - Spain

A Munich Supports A Kiel (*Dislodged*)

A Ruhr Supports A Kiel

F Yorkshire - Edinburgh



A Berlin Supports A Denmark
- Kiel

A Bohemia Supports A Tyrolia - Munich

A Denmark - Kiel (*Fails*)

F Edinburgh
Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Prussia Supports A Berlin

A Silesia Supports A Tyrolia - Munich

F Skagerrak Supports A Sweden
- Denmark

A Sweden - Denmark

A Tyrolia - Munich

A Vienna -



F Adriatic Sea - Apulia

F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea

F Albania

F Eastern Mediterranean - Aegean Sea

F Gulf of Lyon
Supports F Spain(sc)

F Ionian Sea - Tunis

F Spain(sc)
Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Trieste - Venice

F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean

A Venice - Piedmont



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dc310 f06 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Oct 15, 2010, 10:30 am)
We're officially down to a 3-player game!
And what better way to start off a 3-player game, than with 3 retreats!  One for each player.  And conveniently, each one only had one option, so I just moved the units and we can skip on to Winter:
France: A Munich - Burgundy
Russia: F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
Turkey: F Spain(sc) - Portugal
France: Build 1
Russia: Build 2
Turkey: Build 2

Any of the above powers may remove their retreat instead if they so choose.
BUILDS:  By Monday, 3pm Central!
F Clyde Supports F Yorkshire - Edinburgh
A Gascony Supports A Marseilles - Spain
F Helgoland Bight Supports F North Sea
A Kiel Supports A Munich (*Cut*)
A Marseilles - Spain
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports A Marseilles - Spain
A Munich Supports A Kiel (*Dislodged*)
A Ruhr Supports A Kiel
F Yorkshire - Edinburgh
A Berlin Supports A Denmark - Kiel
A Bohemia Supports A Tyrolia - Munich
A Denmark - Kiel (*Fails*)
F Edinburgh Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Prussia Supports A Berlin
A Silesia Supports A Tyrolia - Munich
F Skagerrak Supports A Sweden - Denmark (*Fails*)
A Sweden - Denmark (*Fails*)
A Tyrolia - Munich
A Vienna - Tyrolia
F Adriatic Sea - Apulia
F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea
F Albania Hold
F Eastern Mediterranean - Aegean Sea
F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Spain(sc)
F Ionian Sea - Tunis
F Spain(sc) Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Trieste - Venice
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean
A Venice - Piedmont


dc310 f06 results! (dc310) coffeedream Oct 15, 10:39 am
Thanks for the game, guys.
Enjoy the rest!

From: Michael Sims

Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010
11:31 AM

To: Choi, Robert; Dirk Knemeyer;
stuhobbs(at)gmail.com; kolinloconti(at)gmail.com; alliancedata(at)yahoo.com;
feanorsfirstborn(at)gmail.com; leeaclark(at)btinternet.com; steven.by.hu(at)hotmail.com

Cc: dc310

Subject: dc310 f06 results!


We're officially down to a 3-player game!


And what better way to start off a 3-player game, than with
3 retreats!  One for each player.  And conveniently, each one only
had one option, so I just moved the units and we can skip on to Winter:


France: A Munich - Burgundy

Russia: F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea

Turkey: F Spain(sc) - Portugal


France: Build 1

Russia: Build 2

Build 2

Any of the above powers may remove their retreat instead if
they so choose.


BUILDS:  By Monday, 3pm Central!



F Clyde Supports F Yorkshire - Edinburgh

A Gascony Supports A Marseilles
- Spain

F Helgoland Bight Supports F North Sea

A Kiel Supports A Munich (*Cut*)

A Marseilles - Spain

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean
Supports A Marseilles - Spain

A Munich Supports A Kiel (*Dislodged*)

A Ruhr Supports A Kiel

F Yorkshire - Edinburgh



A Berlin Supports A Denmark
- Kiel

A Bohemia Supports A Tyrolia - Munich

A Denmark - Kiel (*Fails*)

F Edinburgh
Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Prussia Supports A Berlin

A Silesia Supports A Tyrolia - Munich

F Skagerrak Supports A Sweden
- Denmark

A Sweden - Denmark

A Tyrolia - Munich

A Vienna -



F Adriatic Sea - Apulia

F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea

F Albania

F Eastern Mediterranean - Aegean Sea

F Gulf of Lyon
Supports F Spain(sc)

F Ionian Sea - Tunis

F Spain(sc)
Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Trieste - Venice

F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean

A Venice - Piedmont



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dc334 s05 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Oct 15, 2010, 10:21 am)
Player list for dc334

This looks like it might be it for Ionia, as the last two island cities are invaded by the Persians... No moves from Boeotia or Athens!
A few retreats...
boeotian A Chalcis can retreat to Euboea or Phthiotis.
ionian F Chios can retreat to North Sporades or Ionia.
ionian F Samos can retreat to Ionia or North Sporades.

...by Monday 3pm Central!
Rememer no order means Off The Board.
F Delos Hold
A Diacria Hold
F Megara Hold
F West Aegean Sea Hold
A Chalcis Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Ithaca Hold (*Disbanded*)
A Locris Hold
A Thebes Hold
F Chios Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Samos Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Aeolis - Chios
F Amphipolis Hold
F Carpathian Sea Supports F Cnossos
F Cnossos Hold
F Halicarnassus - Dorian Sea
F Lemnos Supports F Pergamum - East Aegean Sea
F Lesbos Supports F Aeolis - Chios
A Miletus Supports F South Sporades - Samos
F Pergamum - East Aegean Sea
F South Sporades - Samos
A Thracia Supports F Amphipolis
A Troia Hold
A Achaia - Naupactus
A Arcadia - Achaia
F Naupactus - Gulf of Patrae
F North Cretan Sea Hold
F South Cretan Sea Hold
F South Ionian Sea - North Ionian Sea (*Bounce*)
A Aetolia Supports A Ambracia - Ithaca
A Ambracia - Ithaca
F Dodona - North Ionian Sea (*Bounce*)
A Lamia - Locris (*Fails*)
F North Euboic Gulf - Chalcis
F Olynthus Hold
F Pagasaean Gulf Supports F North Euboic Gulf - Chalcis
A Pella Supports A Therma
A Therma Hold


Dip in classroom - dknemeyer   (Oct 15, 2010, 9:43 am)
In real life I host my company's podcast. This week for our theme "Games and Learning" I had on a high school teacher who has a two week block each year dedicated to playing Diplomacy. Thought some of you might enjoy it:



Need a Russia! - bpynnonen   (Oct 14, 2010, 11:26 pm)
We need someone to take Russia's place. None of the Spring 1901 orders have been released yet. You'd still get time to negotiate with the other players. Please join!




dc346: Spring 1901 Orders Delayed - bpynnonen   (Oct 14, 2010, 11:24 pm)
CorrectIon: I am only missing Russia's orders; sorry France.


dc346: Spring 1901 Orders Delayed - bpynnonen   (Oct 14, 2010, 11:21 pm)
Allerton Gazette

Blake Pynnonen

War Delayed

The update on the war in Europe has been delayed by political overthrows in Russia and France. The other military leaders in Europe won't be able to make their next decisions until the orders from Spring 1901 have been revealed. The season will end when orders have been sent by the messengers of the new regimes in Russia and France.

The editors at the Gazette ask that the messengers put dc346 with a relative subject line (i.e. dc346: Fall 1901 Orders Turkey) to ease communication.

Blake Pynnonen may be magically reached in 2010, and can magically respond to those in the early 1900s (at)  blake.pynnonen(at)gmail.com


dc346: Spring 1901 Orders Delayed (dc346) bpynnonen Oct 14, 11:24 pm
CorrectIon: I am only missing Russia's orders; sorry France.
dc342 ~ Imperial 1841 - sgttodd   (Oct 14, 2010, 9:09 pm)
There were two problems with the last adjudication; 1. 
I used the wrong version of the USA's orders and 2. the .map file
had an error that blocked movement between STP & PRM.  This
adjudication correct those errors.  I also pushed the deadline out
another day.

The replacement .map file is attached, and the .zip file on the
web site at the bottom of this email, has been updated.

Deadline for Fall 1842 orders is Tuesday, October 19th (at) 2359

The following units were dislodged:

Dutch A Natal retreats off the board (disbanded).

Unit locations:

Austria: A Venice, A Loango, A Denmark, A Kiel, F Salerno, A
Bavaria, A Wallacia.

Britain: A London, F Malaysia, A Natal, F Cuba, A New York City, A
Bengal, A Kasmir, F Labrador Sea, F North Sea, F N.Atlantic Ocean, F
Arabian Sea, F N.E.Indian Ocean, F Timor Sea.

China:   A Yongmingcheng, A Hue, A Xining, A Mongolia, A Tibet, A
Liaoning, A Hunan, A Formosa, F Eastern Sea, F Sea of Japan.

France:  A Paris, A Marseilles, F Antilles, A Guinea, A Soudan, F
Bay of Biscay, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F Roaring Forties, F Mozabaique
Channel, F Horn of Africa, F W.Pacific Ocean.

Holland: F Holland, A Natal, A Edo, A Sumatra, A British Guiana, F
Java Sea, F China Sea, F Phillipene Sea.

Ottoman: A Tunisia, A Ethiopia, A Syria, A Hadramaut, A Tabrize, F
Ionian Sea, F Red Sea, F Persian Gulf.

Russia:  A Moskow, F Sevastopol, A Warsaw, A Irkutsk, A Norway, F
Sweden, A Georgia, A Khiva, A Krasnoyarsk, A Bokhara, A Perm.

Spain:   A Columbia, F Phillipines, A Bordeaux, A Mozambique, A
Para, A Alaska, F Gulf of Lyon, F Canaries Seaway, F Eastern
Carribean, F Rio de Plate, F Gulf of Catalina, F Gulf of Panama, F
S.Pacific Ocean.

USA:     A Ontario, A Missouri Terr., F Gulf of Maine, F Bay of
Florida, F Gulf of Mexico, F Sargasso Sea.

Movement results for Spring of 1842.

Austria: A Berlin - Kiel.

Austria: A Budapest - Wallacia.

Austria: A Venice Supports A Vienna - Bavaria.

Austria: A Vienna - Bavaria.

Austria: A Loango, no move received.

Austria: A Kiel - Denmark.

Austria: F Salerno, no move received.

Britain: A London Hold.

Britain: F Quebec - Labrador Sea.

Britain: A Ontario - New York City.

Britain: F Bahama Islands - Cuba.

Britain: A Cape Colony - Natal.

Britain: F Bombay - Arabian Sea.

Britain: A Delhi - Kasmir.

Britain: F Malaysia Hold.

Britain: A Bengal Hold.

Britain: F North Sea Hold.

Britain: F The Azores - N.Atlantic Ocean.

Britain: F N.E.Indian Ocean Supports F Malaysia.

Britain: F S.E.Indian Ocean - Timor Sea.

China: A Beijing - Xining.

China: A Chongqing - Tibet.

China: A Guangdong - Hunan.

China: F Shanghai - Eastern Sea.

China: F Yongmingcheng - Sea of Japan.

China: A Hue, no move received.

China: A Xining - Mongolia.

China: A Korea - Yongmingcheng.

China: A Liaoning - Nei Mongol (*Bounce*).

China: A Formosa, no move received.

France: F Nantes - Bay of Biscay.

France: F Antilles - Amazon Basin (*Bounce*).

France: A Sierra Leone - Guinea.

France: A Guinea - Soudan.

France: F Madagascar - Mozabaique Channel.

France: A Metz - Paris.

France: A Switzerland - Marseilles.

France: F Liberia - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.

France: F Marshalls - W.Pacific Ocean.

France: F Mozabaique Channel - Roaring Forties.

France: F Arabian Sea - Horn of Africa.

Holland: F Holland - Kiel (*Invalid Coast*).

Holland: A Natal, no move received (*Dislodged*).

Holland: F Java - Java Sea.

Holland: A Edo Hold.

Holland: A Sumatra - Malaysia (*Fails*).

Holland: A Amazona - British Guiana.

Holland: F Coral Sea - Phillipene Sea.

Holland: F China Sea Supports A Sumatra - Malaysia (*Cut*).

Ottoman: A Angora - Syria.

Ottoman: F Bagdad - Persian Gulf.

Ottoman: F Egypt(ec) - Red Sea.

Ottoman: A Greece - Tunisia.

Ottoman: A Armenia - Tabrize.

Ottoman: A Abyssinia - Ethiopia.

Ottoman: A Ade - Hadramaut.

Ottoman: F Ionian Sea Convoys A Greece - Tunisia.

Russia: A Moskow Supports A Warsaw.

Russia: A Sevastopol - Georgia.

Russia: A St Petersburg - Perm.

Russia: A Warsaw Hold.

Russia: A Irkutsk - Nei Mongol (*Bounce*).

Russia: A Orenburg - Khiva.

Russia: A Norway Hold.

Russia: F Rumania - Sevastopol.

Russia: F Sweden Supports A Norway.

Russia: A Tashkent - Bokhara.

Russia: A Omsk - Krasnoyarsk.

Spain: F Madrid - Gulf of Lyon.

Spain: F Monterey - Gulf of Catalina.

Spain: F Columbia(sc) - Gulf of Panama.

Spain: F Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Plate.

Spain: F Phillipines - China Sea (*Fails*).

Spain: A Catalunia - Bordeaux.

Spain: A Mozambique Supports A Cape Colony - Natal.

Spain: A Cuiaba - Para.

Spain: F Peru - S.Pacific Ocean.

Spain: A Honduras - Columbia.

Spain: A Vancouver - Alaska.

Spain: F Canaries Seaway Supports F Gulf of Maine - Sargasso Sea.

Spain: F Eastern Carribean - Amazon Basin (*Bounce*).

USA: F Charleston - Bay of Florida.

USA: F New Orleans - Gulf of Mexico.

USA: F New York City - Gulf of Maine.

USA: A Republic of Texas - Missouri Terr..

USA: A Chicago - Ontario.

USA: F Gulf of Maine - Sargasso Sea.

Deadline for Fall 1842 orders is Tuesday, October 19th (at) 2359

files:  http://mainecav.org/diplomacy


DC 338 Spring 04 Results - derekthefeared2   (Oct 14, 2010, 3:22 pm)
Here are the results for spring 04.  Let's set the deadline for fall 04 for next Wednesday Oct 20th at 3:00 PM US Eastern time.
Amy Kiel is forced to disband with no legal retreat.  There are no other retreats.
F Aegean Sea Supports A Constantinople - Smyrna
A Budapest Supports A Trieste
A Bulgaria Supports A Ukraine - Rumania (*Void*)
A Constantinople - Smyrna
A Trieste Supports A Vienna - Tyrolia
A Ukraine - Galicia
A Vienna - Tyrolia
A Denmark - Kiel
A Edinburgh - Norway
F Helgoland Bight Supports A Denmark - Kiel
A Holland Supports A Denmark - Kiel
F North Sea Convoys A Edinburgh - Norway
F Skagerrak Supports A Edinburgh - Norway
F Belgium Hold
F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon
A Munich - Tyrolia (*Fails*)
A Paris - Burgundy
A Ruhr - Munich (*Fails*)
A Spain - Marseilles
F Tunis - Ionian Sea
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Tunis - Ionian Sea
A Kiel - Holland (*Disbanded*)
A Silesia - Berlin
F Adriatic Sea - Venice
F Naples Supports A Venice - Rome
A Venice - Rome
F Ankara - Black Sea
A Livonia - Prussia
A Moscow - Ukraine
A Sevastopol Supports A Moscow - Ukraine
A St Petersburg - Livonia
F Sweden - Baltic Sea
A Warsaw - Silesia
A Smyrna - Ankara



DC 345: Anarchy Mobilizes - offdisc   (Oct 14, 2010, 2:39 pm)
Hi All,
I am travelling today, so this is my one and only chance to say "Good Luck, Have Fun, and Let's Roll!"  I'll respond to all individual emails tomorrow when I land.
Thanks for your patience,

Michael (Trigspor)
"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson


dc330: Su43 Results! - dknemeyer   (Oct 14, 2010, 2:10 pm)
Hi Everyone,
Attached are the summer 1943 results. Britain retreated from Hamburg to Berlin, while Poland left Western Ukraine for the friendly confines of Volhynia.
Also, please note that there was a small error in the orders inputted for Poland. Instead of:
A Cracow - Transylvania (*Fails*)A Slovakia, no move received
The correct final orders were:
> Army Cracow to Rumania
> Army Slovakia to Transylvania
The updated maps reflect the correct board situation. Thanks to Robert for pointing this out, despite the correct orders adversely affecting his position.
Here is our upcoming schedule:
Upcoming Deadlines (all orders are due at 5 PM EST, GMT -5)
 Fall 1943 Prelims, Friday October 15 Fall 1943 Orders, Tuesday October 19 Winter 1943 Retreats/Adjustments, Thursday October 21 Spring 1944 Prelims, Friday October 22 Spring 1944 Orders, Tuesday, October 26***


DC 333, Deadline today (not) - alwayshunted   (Oct 14, 2010, 12:55 pm)
Hi again folks.


I'm just so excited... can't wait......


It has been pointed out to me that the deadline is actually tomorrow.... so you've now got about 29 hours. I'll confirm e-mails later today sometime.






dc306 Uesugi End of game statement - z93blom   (Oct 14, 2010, 12:26 pm)
And a big thanks go out to Ben and Mike for running the game. Without you I wouldn't have had all this frustration Smile


2010/10/14 Fredrik Blom <fredrik(at)familjenblom.se>

Yes that's correct. I need to issue an end-of game statement for this game. Well, I suck at end-of-game statements, but here goes anyways.

1. The game was very interesting for the first few turns, when the point system was relevant. Very much negotiation going on, as well as nailbiting as to whether or not the orders as given would pass. Given the many interactions that could occur my focus was mainly on the northern part of the islands,, trying to work out whether to work with Takeda or Hojo. In the end I decided to go with Hojo, mainly because it seemed that an alliance of us two could practically divide the land, me going along the northern coast and he along the southern.

2. In the end we invited Asakura (that turn-coat!) into the alliance, in order to get rid of Oda. He was in a very bad position at that point in time. Why did that not work out? I think partly because he distrusted me, although I had done nothing to earn that distrust this game. In the end he turned on us and started working with the Mori/Chosokabe alliance instead. Well, it did work out good for him in the end, so I can't really blame him. I still think you would have been better off working with us though Garry!

3. The abandonments in mid game. This really hurt me. At a point in time when we were about to break-through the lines my ally disappeared on me for two turns, which kind of left me with no real options. I needed the breakthrough in the central land in order to advance in the north, and without my ally's help I had no way of getting to it. Meanwhile the Chosokabe abandonment did not hurt that alliance as much.

4. End-game. A few turns ago I made overtures to both Asakura and Mori to try to turn on Chosokabe. I don't know if I was unconvincing, but I really thought that the time was right to turn on Chosokabe at that point in time, but in the end they were unwilling. At that point in time I think I'd proven that to advance in the north was impossible. Too bad that Bruce's small mistake had opened up the south, leaving the path open for advancement there. Given that I'd already worked over Mori and Asakura a few turns ago I saw no option but to accept the surrender.

Bruce: Your small mistake certainly made the end game possible, but it was not the only mistake made in the game, so don't feel too sorry for yourself.



DC 333, Deadline today - alwayshunted   (Oct 14, 2010, 12:25 pm)
Hey gang,


I have received a number of orders that I have not confirmed as of yet, so don't panic. Just a quick reminder that the deadline is later today, in less than six hours.






dc306 Uesugi End of game statement - z93blom   (Oct 14, 2010, 12:19 pm)
Yes that's correct. I need to issue an end-of game statement for this game. Well, I suck at end-of-game statements, but here goes anyways.
1. The game was very interesting for the first few turns, when the point system was relevant. Very much negotiation going on, as well as nailbiting as to whether or not the orders as given would pass. Given the many interactions that could occur my focus was mainly on the northern part of the islands,, trying to work out whether to work with Takeda or Hojo. In the end I decided to go with Hojo, mainly because it seemed that an alliance of us two could practically divide the land, me going along the northern coast and he along the southern.

2. In the end we invited Asakura (that turn-coat!) into the alliance, in order to get rid of Oda. He was in a very bad position at that point in time. Why did that not work out? I think partly because he distrusted me, although I had done nothing to earn that distrust this game. In the end he turned on us and started working with the Mori/Chosokabe alliance instead. Well, it did work out good for him in the end, so I can't really blame him. I still think you would have been better off working with us though Garry!

3. The abandonments in mid game. This really hurt me. At a point in time when we were about to break-through the lines my ally disappeared on me for two turns, which kind of left me with no real options. I needed the breakthrough in the central land in order to advance in the north, and without my ally's help I had no way of getting to it. Meanwhile the Chosokabe abandonment did not hurt that alliance as much.

4. End-game. A few turns ago I made overtures to both Asakura and Mori to try to turn on Chosokabe. I don't know if I was unconvincing, but I really thought that the time was right to turn on Chosokabe at that point in time, but in the end they were unwilling. At that point in time I think I'd proven that to advance in the north was impossible. Too bad that Bruce's small mistake had opened up the south, leaving the path open for advancement there. Given that I'd already worked over Mori and Asakura a few turns ago I saw no option but to accept the surrender.

Bruce: Your small mistake certainly made the end game possible, but it was not the only mistake made in the game, so don't feel too sorry for yourself.


dc306 Uesugi End of game statement (dc306) z93blom Oct 14, 12:26 pm
And a big thanks go out to Ben and Mike for running the game. Without you I wouldn't have had all this frustration Smile


2010/10/14 Fredrik Blom <fredrik(at)familjenblom.se>

Yes that's correct. I need to issue an end-of game statement for this game. Well, I suck at end-of-game statements, but here goes anyways.

1. The game was very interesting for the first few turns, when the point system was relevant. Very much negotiation going on, as well as nailbiting as to whether or not the orders as given would pass. Given the many interactions that could occur my focus was mainly on the northern part of the islands,, trying to work out whether to work with Takeda or Hojo. In the end I decided to go with Hojo, mainly because it seemed that an alliance of us two could practically divide the land, me going along the northern coast and he along the southern.

2. In the end we invited Asakura (that turn-coat!) into the alliance, in order to get rid of Oda. He was in a very bad position at that point in time. Why did that not work out? I think partly because he distrusted me, although I had done nothing to earn that distrust this game. In the end he turned on us and started working with the Mori/Chosokabe alliance instead. Well, it did work out good for him in the end, so I can't really blame him. I still think you would have been better off working with us though Garry!

3. The abandonments in mid game. This really hurt me. At a point in time when we were about to break-through the lines my ally disappeared on me for two turns, which kind of left me with no real options. I needed the breakthrough in the central land in order to advance in the north, and without my ally's help I had no way of getting to it. Meanwhile the Chosokabe abandonment did not hurt that alliance as much.

4. End-game. A few turns ago I made overtures to both Asakura and Mori to try to turn on Chosokabe. I don't know if I was unconvincing, but I really thought that the time was right to turn on Chosokabe at that point in time, but in the end they were unwilling. At that point in time I think I'd proven that to advance in the north was impossible. Too bad that Bruce's small mistake had opened up the south, leaving the path open for advancement there. Given that I'd already worked over Mori and Asakura a few turns ago I saw no option but to accept the surrender.

Bruce: Your small mistake certainly made the end game possible, but it was not the only mistake made in the game, so don't feel too sorry for yourself.

w218bc - new units bestowed - FuzzyLogic   (Oct 14, 2010, 12:03 pm)
Carthage: A Cartenna
Macedonia: F Athens
Persia: F Antiochia
NEXT:  Spring 217bc, due Wed 10/20 3pm Central!


DC 345: Anarchy Mobilizes - Viper   (Oct 14, 2010, 10:59 am)
A disease, you say?  Our parliament, located strategically under the protection of the Swiss so that it may never be taken, has come to the Most Glorious Name Hembria to celebrate the diversity of our nation.  H stands for (Holland) honesty.  In all our dealings we seek to gain the trust of each other and those around us.  E stands for (Edinburgh) equality.  Every citizen has an important role to play in the success of our nation.  M stands for (Munich) mastery.  In all things we
strive to do our tasks to the best of our abilities.  B stands for (Belgium) bravery.  When faced with challenges, we will not fear for ourselves, but protect our nation to the utmost.  Finally, Ria, in our language, means "River" and celebrates that the Rhine flows from our parliament in Switzerland through our territories of Munich, Ruhr and Holland before it flows into the North Sea, which hold our glorious territories together.

So, a disease?  Perhaps.  But one worth catching!



DC 345: Anarchy Mobilizes - untitled36   (Oct 14, 2010, 10:41 am)
Little chance of hunters accidentally shooting you either. And you should be safe in construction zones. Unfortunately for you, Hamsters are color-blind! (I'm not sure if that's true, I'm sort of winging this thing...)   Smile




DC 345: Anarchy Mobilizes - AceRimmer   (Oct 14, 2010, 10:30 am)
Thank you, Maslow.  You are now orange.

--- On Thu, 10/14/10, Alex Maslow <blueraider0(at)gmail.com> wrote:

From: Alex Maslow <blueraider0(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: DC 345: Anarchy Mobilizes
To: "Adam Martin-Schwarze" <smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com>
Cc: "DC 345" <dc345(at)diplomaticcorp.com>, "Nathan Edwards" <npfedwards(at)gmail.com>, "Loki Falcon" <zyxw59(at)gmail.com>, "Warren Fleming" <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com>, "Mike Hoffman" <mrh(at)panix.com>, "Philip King" <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>, "Michael Penner" <mvpenner(at)yahoo.com>, "John Reside" <untitled36(at)hotmail.com>, "Dirk Knemeyer" <dirk(at)knemeyer.com>, "Mike Sims" <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>
Date: Thursday, October 14,
2010, 10:00 AM

Hembria?  It sounds like a terrifying disease, or perhaps like a type of hemmorage.  In either case, let's switch our flag to orange.  When we take over the continent, airplanes will have no problems landing, and all children will be forced to wear our bright orange uniforms, which will incidentally reduce automobile accidents when they run into the street playing with balls bearing the face of our dear leader.

On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 6:42 AM, Adam Martin-Schwarze <smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Winter 1900!  It may be the dead of Winter, but DC 345 teems with the life and the promise of Spring!

We have thirty-two units: 16 armies, 16 navies.  The distribution is mostly what you???d expect.  England is full of fleets.  The Balkans are full of armies.  There are a few surprises (to my eyeses): A Denmark, A Greece, F Venice.  But I???m sure you know what you???re doing.  If not, you???ll be dead soon anyway.

Five new nations have been declared.  Please take a moment to read the descriptions, as the authors clearly invested heart and soul into them:

Philip King:

We shall be called Dulceria.  I have included a quote from our Declaration of Independence.  We are a small peaceful nation that wants no part in these silly border conflicts.  Live and let live, we say.

    "When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one small cluster of Europeans to cleave apart other small clusters of Europeans, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation of limb from limb.

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that you all smell funny, that I have endowed you with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Death by my hand, Death by the hands of each other, and the pursuit of Happiness."

    So, never you mind the killing and maiming of your citizenry as Dulceria expands throughout your lands.  It is all done with the full support of our citizens.  I may be a bloodthirsty field general, eating the hearts of my enemies, but I am a kind and peaceful elected leader.  Peace be with you.  Die screaming.

John Reside (who apparently is not lacking in modesty):

"Many have heard of the famous mythical half-man, half creature. While usually portrayed as wolves, the truth is much more sinister. Most dismiss these legends as mere fables or exaggeration. But deep in the lands of northern Russia, the most fearsome of all creatures began to multiply. The Age of the Were-Hamsters has begun! Having recently crushed their rivals (the were-butterflies), the were-hamsters are ready at last to conquer the pitiful humans of Europe. Fashioning giant weapons of war, the were-hamsters shall crush their foes under the vicious spikes of their were-hamster wheels. Our country's name is 'The one who will win.' So when you are talking with your 'allies' you can say 'I was just talking with the one who will win, and he said such and such."

Mike Hoffman:

Allow me to present the new country of Trigspor!  We are a peace-loving nation, devoted to spending as much time on beautiful beaches as possible.  We run luxury cruise ships throughout the Med, for the pleasure of all customers.   We would rather sip cocktails poolside than raise our arms in conflict.

That being said, if our supply lines of coconuts and champagne are threatened, we switch to whiskey and the gloves come off!

Mike Penner eschewed pomp and ceremony.  His country is named Hembria.  Apparently, it needs no story??? the name alone is sufficient to inspire terror and cowering.

Finally, Warren Fleming??? failed to name his country.  True to my threat, I have decided to name his country for him.  Maybe I???ll let him change it.  Still, I hope he appreciates it???. Zonotrichia!

Map Notes:

You may notice that two nations share a first letter: Dulceria and the Democratic Roman Empire.  For cartographic purposes, the black units of Dulceria bear the letter ???D???.  The red armies of the DRE bear the letter ???E??? (for Empire!).

Also, I don???t know how y???all feel, but I find that Adarian olive is very like unto the eye as Hembrian forest green.  The similarity between ???A??? and ???H??? is not helping.  Mayhaps one of these nations would like a switch to, oh??? Magenta, Orange, or Yellow?

One final explanation before the builds.  I am attaching a GIF of the map, an RP (.dpy) file, and a zipped file of the Anarchy folder.  For those of you who are using RP, you will need my homemade Anarchy variant in order to read the .dpy file.  You want to unzip the Anarchy folder and place it inside your Realpolitik > Variant Files folder.  [Note: I???m using RP version 1.7.0alpha1??? I know there???s a more recent version; it???s a cross-platform version which looked kind of imposing to me at first glance, and I haven???t had the opportunity to take a second look??? so, I don???t know if it works the same way].

Winter 1900 Adjudication:

***Spring 1901 is due next Wednesday, October 20th, at 3:00 p.m. CST (20:00 GMT)***


Alex Maslow - Olive (Vert) <Blueraider0(at)gmail.com>

F Lvp

F Tun

F Bre

A Par

Democratic Roman Empire:

Nathan Edwards - Red (Random) <npfedwards(at)gmail.com>

A Marseilles

F Venice

A Rome

F Naples


Philip King - Black (ThinDiag) <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>

Fleet Constantinople

Fleet Smyrna

Army Rumania

Army Serbia


Michael Penner - Forest (Diag) <mvpenner(at)yahoo.com>

Build A Munich

Build F Edinburgh

Build F Belgium

Build A Holland


Loki Falcon - Navy (ThinHoriz) <zyxw59(at)gmail.com>

+ A Den

+ F Nor

+ F Kie

+ F Lon

The One Who Will Win:

John Reside - White (Gray) <untitled36(at)hotmail.com>

A Stp

A Mos

F Ber

F Swe


Michael Hoffman - Crimson (Stripe) <mrh(at)panix.com>

F Por

F Spa

A Gre

A Tri


Warren Fleming - Green (Flood) <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com>

Army Vienna

Army Budapest

A Bulgaria

A Sevastopol


"It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing. The shadow, even the darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you - That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding onto something."

"What are we holding onto, Sam?"
"That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for."


DC 341: F1902 Adjudication - AceRimmer   (Oct 14, 2010, 10:24 am)
Winter 1902 is due *tomorrow* (Friday, October 15) at 10:00 a.m. CST.

Orders are required from France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and Turkey. Will you be building or disbanding?

But what about Fall retreats? Weren???t two units dislodged? Um, yes. One of them is an ex-unit (no available retreats, no unit). The other had only one retreat option, so I auto-retreated it. The player could override the auto-retreat, but it???d be frivolous, as he also has a disband coming.

In the West: the EF steamroller advances inexorably, pulverizing German armies in its path. But what???s this? A Russian fleet vacates English-owned Norway and heads for the blue seas of the North?! Whose friend is it? Spring 1903 should be informative.

In the East: it???s a Conga line! War -> Gal -> Ukr -> Sev -> Rum -> Bul! Whew! So, Turkey loses a center to Austria who loses a center to Russia. Maybe this is the beginning of the end for Turkey. But maybe this is an appropriate time to mix and match alliances.

Denmark and Greece finally have lords and masters (Germany and Italy, respectively).

Fall Retreat:
Turkish A Bul retreats to Constantinople

Winter status:
Austria: Supp 5 Unit 5 Build 0
England: Supp 4 Unit 4 Build 0
France: Supp 6 Unit 5 Build 1
Germany: Supp 5 Unit 4 Build 1
Italy: Supp 5 Unit 4 Build 1
Russia: Supp 6 Unit 5 Build 1
Turkey: Supp 3 Unit 4 Remove 1

F1902 Adjudication:

F TRI Holds
A SER Supports A RUM -> BUL

f-Ska support Russian fleet into Sweden (*Void*)
F-Hel>>Hol (*Fails*)
A-Lon >>>Wal

F Spain - Stands
A Picardy Supports A Burgundy -> Belguim
A Paris -> Burgundy
A Burgundy -> Belguim
A Marseilles Supports A Paris -> Burgundy

F Bal - Den
A Kie S F Bal - Den
A Mun - Ruh
A Bel S A Mun ??? Ruh (*Disbanded*)
F Hol S A Bel (*Cut*)

A Tun - Apu
F ION C A Tun - Apu
A Ven (Hold)
A Gre - Aeg (*Fails*)

A Moscow Supports A Ukraine - Sevastopol
F Norway - North Sea
F Sevastopol - Rumania
A Ukraine - Sevastopol
A Warsaw ??? Galicia

Bulgaria hold (*Dislodged*)
Ankara to Black Sea
Armenia to Smyrna
Aegean support Bulgaria (*Cut*)


dc306 eog cho - coebq   (Oct 14, 2010, 10:11 am)

I congratulate the winners of this game and while I have the highest respect for
their play, I believe that there is need for some serious "self-criticism."

In particular, I must sincerely apologize to Fredrik who is an experienced and
cooperative partner that likewise had a very strong position in this game when I
came on board. As Matt has pointed out, the alliances were pretty much
pre-ordained and Fredrik and I agreed to work together in a game that appeared
on the verge of a stalemated draw, unless someone made some pretty big mistakes.

Well, I made those mistakes--in short order--and poor Fredrik could do nothing
but stand by and watch as my act of seppuku turned into a murder-suicide. Given
the circumstances, it's a shame that Fredrik will not be able to participate in
this draw. I am sorry Fredrik!

Finally, my apologies rest of the players. While you all played well and some of
you had a satisfactory outcome to this one, I didn't hold up my end of the
bargain as a replacement player. This is an excellent version of the game and I
didn't make it is as competitive as it should have been.

My thanks to Mike for GMing the game and again, my congratulations to the rest
of you.

Best regards.



----- Original Message ----
From: Matt Kremer
To: Benjamin Hester
Cc: Michael Sims ; chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com;
coebq(at)yahoo.com; Garry Bledsoe ; ndeily(at)yahoo.com;
psychosis(at)sky.com; savwa4(at)comcast.net; fredrik(at)familjenblom.se;
isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com; lefebvre.jlx(at)googlemail.com; dc306

Sent: Wed, October 13, 2010 12:59:11 AM
Subject: dc306 eog cho


So to be honest I don't have that much to say about this game as not that much
ever developed from my point of view once I joined the game.  When I initially
came into the game it was clear from the map and the game's history that Cho and
Mori were allied, but what was not clear was the closeness of Jim and Garry's
cooperation.  Had Jim been the only ally I inherited from my predecessor I may
have been able to shape a bit of my own direction in this game (both U and H
seemed willing to work with me at the beginning), but with my stretched out
position I really had no choice but to keep the alliance with Jim and Garry and
continue attacking Hojo.  Not that there was anything wrong with this as, other
than that one season where a lack of communication caused some stab fears, they
were great allies and we obviously did well, but it just wasn't interesting as
it might have been.

Thanks and congrats to Jim and Garry for seeing this through to well-deserved
draw with me and for Bruce and Fredrik for sticking it out to the end.  And of
course thanks to Ben and then Mike.


PS: Mike can I get added to the Light Brigade for this?  It was a while before
this that I last took a replacement position but I'd like to do it more often...


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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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