Thanks for the game, guys.
Enjoy the rest!
From: Michael Sims
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010
11:31 AM
To: Choi, Robert; Dirk Knemeyer;
stuhobbs(at); kolinloconti(at); alliancedata(at);
feanorsfirstborn(at); leeaclark(at);
Cc: dc310
Subject: dc310 f06 results!
We're officially down to a 3-player game!
And what better way to start off a 3-player game, than with
3 retreats! One for each player. And conveniently, each one only
had one option, so I just moved the units and we can skip on to Winter:
France: A Munich - Burgundy
Russia: F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
Turkey: F Spain(sc) - Portugal
France: Build 1
Russia: Build 2
Build 2
Any of the above powers may remove their retreat instead if
they so choose.
BUILDS: By Monday, 3pm Central!
F Clyde Supports F Yorkshire - Edinburgh
A Gascony Supports A Marseilles
- Spain
F Helgoland Bight Supports F North Sea
A Kiel Supports A Munich (*Cut*)
A Marseilles - Spain
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean
Supports A Marseilles - Spain
A Munich Supports A Kiel (*Dislodged*)
A Ruhr Supports A Kiel
F Yorkshire - Edinburgh
A Berlin Supports A Denmark
- Kiel
A Bohemia Supports A Tyrolia - Munich
A Denmark - Kiel (*Fails*)
F Edinburgh
Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Prussia Supports A Berlin
A Silesia Supports A Tyrolia - Munich
F Skagerrak Supports A Sweden
- Denmark
A Sweden - Denmark
A Tyrolia - Munich
A Vienna -
F Adriatic Sea - Apulia
F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea
F Albania
F Eastern Mediterranean - Aegean Sea
F Gulf of Lyon
Supports F Spain(sc)
F Ionian Sea - Tunis
F Spain(sc)
Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Trieste - Venice
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean
A Venice - Piedmont
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