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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc310


Post:18322 >
Subject:< dc310 Game End - Draw! 
Topic:< dc310 >
Category:< Active Games >
Posted:Oct 29, 2010 at 9:12 am
Viewed:1969 times

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Chalk one up to the Juggernaut, this seems to be the text book example of what the Jugger is all about...  Steamroll from start to finish and walk away w the 2-way Draw.  Congrats to Lee and Stuart, and to Dirk for giving it his best to split up the unstoppable duo.  This one's a wrap!
It's been a pleasure for the few turns I got to GM it, was fairly light load what w only 4 players left in the game by the time I took over, and Austria nearly out already.  I look forward to end-game-statements from all!
See full stats on the website, www.diplomaticcorp.com?game=dc310

There are 2 Messages in this Thread:

dc310 Game End - Draw! (FuzzyLogic) Oct 29, 09:12 am

dc310 Game End - Draw! (FuzzyLogic) Oct 29, 09:13 am

There are 53 Threads in dc310:

dc310 Game End - Draw! (FuzzyLogic) [1 Reply]

dc310 f07 results! (FuzzyLogic)

dc310 s07 results! (FuzzyLogic)

dc310 w06 builds! (FuzzyLogic)

dc310 f06 results! (FuzzyLogic)

dc310 s06 retreats! (FuzzyLogic)

dc310 s06 results! (FuzzyLogic)

dc310 update (FuzzyLogic)

dc310: DIAS? (dknemeyer) [3 Replies]

DIAS (redblueeagleuk)

DC310 24 Hour Delay (Samnuva)

DC310- I have my internet back! (Samnuva)

DC310 Retreats (Samnuva) [3 Replies]

DC310 Fall 1905 Adjudication (Samnuva)

Warning (Samnuva)

DC310 Extention (Samnuva) [2 Replies]

DC310 Spring 1905 Adjudication (Samnuva)

DC310 Warning (Samnuva)

DC310: Game On (Samnuva)

DC310 Winter 1904 Adjudication (Samnuva)

1 - 20 of 53 shown [More]

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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