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Any GM interested in starting a Colonial Game - FuzzyLogic   (Aug 22, 2010, 9:57 pm)
Supposedly yeah, tho I've never seen Colonial played face to face. It's been played 8 times here at dc...



SV: Standard Game DC 338 - trezdk   (Aug 22, 2010, 9:33 pm)
Seems like England, Russia and France isn’t named in the mail, just
mail addresses, would it be possible to get a list of those names as well?
And would it be possible to get people to put dc338 in the
subject line on all mails? Makes it easier to handle by my e-mail program J

Fra: Derek eyler

Sendt: 23. august 2010 02:17

Til: dc338(at)diplomaticcorp.com

Cc: rk(at)giorsoine.dk; tcooperstein730(at)att.net; paulnaples(at)hotmail.com;
dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com; sanjat312(at)yahoo.com; mountaindew(at)btconnect.com

Emne: Standard Game DC 338


Hello and welcome to the game.  This is the official
kickoff of the standard game that will henceforth be known as DC 338. 
The webpage for the game can be found on diplacorp.  I will post all
results there but I will also e-mail them to you.  I will send maps both
as gif files and as realpolitik files with every season.


The country and player list is shown below.  I tried
to give everyone one of their top two choices, but there was a country that
no one has selected as one of their top 3 so not everyone got their


I will set the first deadline to be Tuesday August 31st at
3:00 pm (US Eastern Time) to give plenty of time for the first season. 
After the first season I will put the deadlines a little closer together.


The game will use the standard diplomacy games rules and
the diplomaticorp house rules.  Both can be found on the diplomaticorp
website.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  I will be
happy to answer them.


Please confirm once more that you are still on board and
can make the deadline.  Look forward to GMing for all of you and best of
luck with the lying and backstabbing.


rk(at)giorsoine.dk Rene
Kroll GFTIERA Germany


paulnaples(at)hotmail.com Russia

dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com France

sanjat312(at)yahoo.com Joshua Tag 

Sigvald Sveinbjørnsson  Italy

James Pillington Austria




Standard Game DC 338 - derekthefeared2   (Aug 22, 2010, 7:17 pm)
Hello and welcome to the game.  This is the official kickoff of the standard game that will henceforth be known as DC 338.  The webpage for the game can be found on diplacorp.  I will post all results there but I will also e-mail them to you.  I will send maps both as gif files and as realpolitik files with every season.
The country and player list is shown below.  I tried to give everyone one of their top two choices, but there was a country that no one has selected as one of their top 3 so not everyone got their choice. 
I will set the first deadline to be Tuesday August 31st at 3:00 pm (US Eastern Time) to give plenty of time for the first season.  After the first season I will put the deadlines a little closer together.
The game will use the standard diplomacy games rules and the diplomaticorp house rules.  Both can be found on the diplomaticorp website.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  I will be happy to answer them.
Please confirm once more that you are still on board and can make the deadline.  Look forward to GMing for all of you and best of luck with the lying and backstabbing.
rk(at)giorsoine.dk Rene Kroll GFTIERA Germany
tcooperstein730(at)att.net  England
paulnaples(at)hotmail.com Russia
dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com France
sanjat312(at)yahoo.com Joshua Tag  Turkey
sigvaldprivat(at)gmail.com  Sigvald Sveinbjørnsson  Italy
mountaindew(at)btconnect.com James Pillington Austria



DC311: English EOG Statement - ddz999cat23   (Aug 22, 2010, 9:42 am)

First off, thanks Christine & Mike for GMing.  Great job over the long
haul without missing a beat, thanks for making it possible.  Here's my
jaded perspective....


If I recall correctly (and am reading the game history correctly on DC) there
was something of a Western Triple alliance out of the gate with Dirk going for
the bold Barbossa. That allowed me to swipe both Hol and Nwy in 1901 despite
the fact that Paul had a Northern opening.  So a good start for Jolly Ole

Next Steps:

All of that left Bel and France in general open to attack and I saw no reason
why I couldn't do that and step into Stp from Nwy as well.  My attack on
Nick was also behind what I thought was a fairly strong GE alliance with
expected help from Dirk in Bur/France too.  All of that went as planned to
our profit and I was feeling quite safe in my corner while Dirk and Ray seemed
to be mixing it up too.

The Mythical 2-Way Draw

Dirk and I were talking 2-way at this point which would be a common theme
throughout the rest of the game.  Of course, now that the game is over, I
can honestly say that at no point did I ever desire a 2-Way draw.  If ever
a crack appeared I would have made a lunge at the solo. More later... To Dirk's
credit he never allowed me that crack and in 1921 I wasn't about to offer it to
him which led to the final impasse.  Though I think at several points
earlier he could clearly have gone for the solo and possibly succeeded, but not
in 1921.  But my spidey-senses weren't tingling and in the end I genuinely
believe that Dirk was willing to forgo the solo and the WB championship and
keep his word to work toward the 2-Way draw.  That led to the late game
trust and I left England completely undefended.  Those were the years he
should have pounced IMHO.  But I have to hand it to Dirk, he's the kind of
guy I'd like to work with again, so maybe that's his edge.  Maybe.

Headless Nick:

It's hard to underestimate the influence of one of my other games that I was
playing at the time (the DCI) in my decision to break into the Med to eliminate
that last French unit in Tun.  It had little to do with attacking Ray
but  knowing that leaving even a single hostile unit alive can have
horrible consequences, something Hamish taught us again this game.

The Holland Incident of 1907:

A HUGE turn of the game came in 1907 when Dirk swiped Hol without asking when
we had a fairly clear and open GE alliance up to that point.  I'm not sure
he could have talked me into giving it to him out right, but it's possible I
might have relented.  We talked nice over the winter and I tried to be
offended but willing to move on with the GE.  I really expected that was
the beginning of the end for the GE, and Dirk was about to launch a full scale
attack as he also gained Mos that year.  In my defense... wouldn't you
have thought the same?  So fully expecting Dirk to do the same I turned on
him in 1908.  Ironically Ray would pull this same stunt twice on me later
in the game, passively-aggressively swiping an allies SC and still expecting
things to go just fine.  I still remember his opening line to me after he
took Tun "Yeah, yeah, so I took Tunis.".  Classic, as if it was
my fault!.  Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself.

Enter the Dragon:

I'm not sure what Ray's game style has to recommend itself, but he does possess
great tactical prowess and intuition.  He did exploit both of these
strengths to the max and he deserves every piece of the 3-way draw.  At
the time I stabbed Dirk, Ray and I were talking AE vs. G since, as I recall but
I thought I could then stab Ray and make inroads into the Med as well. 
Through Diplomacy I kept Ray's fleets builds to a minimum and then struck out
against him.  Clearly it was taking on too much (or as Jim Collins says,
the Undisciplined Pursuit of More) and my northern front became imperiled and
Dirk and I slugged it out.  I think that's when Ray and I patched it up
and formed the AE again against the growing German threat.   But in
1911 just as the new AE alliance was going to help me turn the tide in the Nth
Ray goes ahead and helps himself to Tunis.  This left me one unit shy of a
reasonable defense in the North and I was still on my heels but looking to get
out of this horrible AE marriage.

Back and Forth

Eventually Dirk and I would patched up at that point and then Ray and I aligned
again vs. Dirk and I believe that time even Hamish was on board with an ATE vs.
G to stave off the German solo.  And not a moment too soon in my
opinion.  That was to close for comfort.  But hold Dirk off we did
and Ray and I started to make some progress when he pulled out his old trick
and took Spain from just as we were making progress against Dirk.  We were
working well together at that point, deleting English fleets in the med so I
could rebuild at home and breaking an Austrian army through Mar.  While it
was true that Ray did need that defense at home, the same was true for
me.  And given the fact that I had to endure his presence in Mao when i
asked him not to go there, that was enough for me.  And Dirk and I were
back in bed.  Ray had made a lot of progress, but 2 usually beats 1 and
the tide was moving against Ray again and we were in the three-way cycle. 
And that's where it probably should have ended.

Diplomatic Hell

Then of course came my "favorite" diplomatic season which will be the
mark of this game for me.  Dirk, Hamish and I were back on the same page
and it looked like a natural 3-way should set in with Hamish happy to get out
with survival.  But Ray was arguing something about how he only votes for
draws under this scenario or that and none of it made sense.  It had to do
with honoring a promise to Hamish, whom BTW he had stabbed repeatedly and
clearly was no fan of Ray's.  Unless I discover otherwise everyone voted
for the GEA draw in 1916 except for Ray despite the fact that a clear EGT had
emerged.  Dirk and I talked 2-way again at this point and I really wanted
to hand Ray his hat so I would have pressed as far as I could have while
looking for solo opportunities along the way.

Hamish and the Two-Way Draw

What made a 2-way possible of course, in my mind, was that we still had Hamish
in the game and Hamish seemed to be willing to vote for it (why wouldn't he...
at that point).  While I wanted a solo, a two way draw was possible and
vastly superior to a 3-way if it could be attained, this would also allow us
the pleasure of eliminating Ray.  But only feasible (in my world, maybe
not in Dirk's) if 1) we eliminated Ray; 2) kept Hamish as a growing buffer so
that neither of us would be in reach of a solo, and... and this is key... 3)
Hamish would also vote for the 2-way draw.  Before I go on, three-cheers
to Hamish for staying active and in the game for so long when other lesser
players would have quit.  As I put myself in Hamish's shoes he played it
perfectly (at least in the end, I'm not quite sure how he got in the hole he
did since I was focused on myself in the north).  If I were him, and the
game progressed further and conditions 1 and 2 above were met, I would have
then sued for a 3-way EGT draw.  And I am eager to hear if that was his
plan all along.  Clearly at some points, like the end, he should have
settled for a survival.  But if Ray had ever been eliminated, he had some
genuine cards to play.  But, of course, we never got there.... 
Hamish, any plans along these lines?

My Friend, The End

Fairly straight forward.  Dirk was unwilling to move forward with GE
equality and wanted to maintain the upper hand (clearly correct since I would
have undermined him completely given the chance) and I was unwilling to let him
get close to a solo, which he was close to being able to force (though he
claimed he never would... I'd claim that too if it helped me get the
solo).  Here's where Ray's stuff of my fleets around Nap for 3 or 4
straight seasons really saved the day for him.  All proper kudos for his
outguessing of me at each turn there.  It never turned the tide as I had
more coming, but it slowed me down enough that England remained open to any
possible German aggression and I got nervous enough to draw a line in the sand
for Dirk.  He crossed it and we all agreed on the 3-way.

Dirk's Solo

Again, at several times Dirk may have made a run at a solo, most notably in the
1918-19 seasons I believe, but didn't.  We could have played it out and
maybe Dirk (and Hamish!) would have been satisfied with the 2-way.  But I
still think, given what he had said in the past, he might have just walked
through the Balkans to the solo.  And we didn't really get a chance to see
how Ray was going to disband since his only late disband was forced.  I
would have like to see how Ray would have played it toward the end.  But
that was another wild card I didn't want to see played.  A three way was
fine with me in the end.

Great game all, a classic in my mind!





DC311: French EOG (Winter Blitz) DrSwordopolis Aug 24, 03:35 pm
Somehow I had the fortune this year of playing in the WB's 2 longest games in its history. This one I didn't have so much influence over as the other one, but I figured I'd get in on the fun, and give my perspective to the game's early events, even if it's been quite a while now since I was still in the game, and things are a bit fuzzy. (FWIW Ray, I'd read your EOG.)

This was a very strange game to be in. I don't think I've ever played a game where one player had such unwitting influence on the game's history by the nature of just his silly opening. Dirk opening in Barbarossa set, as far as I can tell, the whole strategy of the first half of the game in motion and began my untimely end. Although I'd say that the game was already decided by about 1910 and the next half was just playing it out.*

Before the game even started, I was alerted by half the board that there was an England-Germany-Italy motion to take me out right at the beginning of the game - an idea which I think was the figment of Russia's imagination. For me, that really set the flavour of things to come, which Dirk would soon cement. I had planned from the beginning to play along with Dan's seemingly half-hearted desire for a cross-Channel alliance and to convince the foolish German player to work with me against England and then wait for him to set himself up for the stab, although I see from Dirk's EOG that he had already decided to work with England against me before the game started - a decision that makes much of his stubborn insistence that England was "too strong" to fight (while most of Dan's units were in the west) make more sense. My plan changed a bit when Dirk and I got to talking and we had a very fruitful communication going - fruitful in terms of word count, anyways, if not results. Also a very memorable exchange after I told him how ridiculous I thought his opening was - still can't believe he almost got a solo after starting like that.

Anyways, Dirk opened the Barbarossa, and then Ray\Austria started screaming at us about a Western Triple which didn't exist, and seemingly an ART alliance was formed to counter this, with poor Italy stuck in the middle to be destroyed. So, the ART formed to fight the fictional EFG, and then I let myself get outmaneuvered and stabbed by Dan. After that it was all downhill as I was able to tactically outdo Dan for a little while while Dirk bleated about being too busy in the east\scared of Dan's might. Then Ray seemingly realized I wasn't lying about the reality of the Western Triple, stabbed his allies and looked set for a solo run. I figured at that point, I think in 1904, that my only shot for a turnaround was to convince Dan that Ray was close to a solo, and to get his units into the Med and potentially away from my centers. Dan correctly parsed that Ray wasn't quite close enough yet to be a true solo threat, and stabbed me again. At this point, Dirk finally chimed in and offered to help me out, an offer for which I was so very grateful. He offered me the chance for a "guaranteed" one center survival, which I blew the raspberry over as I rather skeptical of his ability to enforce the deal with Dan.

My stab of Hamish for Tunis gave me one more year of pretending to have a shot at a survival, or as Ray was peddling at the time, a piece of a 5-way draw. But that didn't last long, and Nearly Headless Nick became Headless Nick.

Around that point I remember looking at the board and remarking that Dirk had the best shot out of the 3 powers for a solo, but having gotten to know Dirk's playstyle pretty well, I doubted strongly that he would have the gusto to truly go for it, and figuring I'd be waiting for the 3-way draw. A few years later, Dirk proved this to me by working with Dan for too long, and then the long cycle truly got going. I figured that once Dirk got too strong, Dan and Ray would punish him, and once Ray got too strong, Dan and Dirk would punish him, etc... cycling around the board until they all got fed up with the cycling and settled for the 3-way. And then eventually they did. Dan's EOG seems to confirm that that line of thinking existed to me.

All in all, it was a pretty interesting game to be in (and I haven't even mentioned the insanity of some of Paul's diplomacy), even if it didn't go nearly as well as I'd hoped. Kudos to Dirk, Dan and Ray for the result, and for outranking me in the tournament. Kudos to Hamish for sticking it out. And major kudos to Christine and Mike for GMing it all the way through to 1921.

dc320 s07 retreats! - FuzzyLogic   (Aug 22, 2010, 9:34 am)
Hey everyone,
Deadline is tomorrow!  Monday!
3pm Central… everyone is back from vacations, etc, so let’s get
this game on a timely schedule…

From: Michael Sims

Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 3:41 PM

To: amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk; Blueraider0(at)gmail.com; jmc66(at)mac.com;
tcooperstein730(at)att.net; tfletch33(at)yahoo.com; rk(at)giorsoine.dk;

Cc: dc320

Subject: dc320 s07 retreats!


Sorry for the delay folks I did tell Fletch I'd hold for his
retreat, since he got that away notice in to me before the turn!




Fall 07 - do you want a fast turn?  If so I can run it Friday morning,
otherwise I'll be in DisneyWorld for the following week and can't adjudicate
till the 23rd.


I'll tentatively set the dl for this Fri 8/13, 8am Central, but if anyone wants
more time let me know and I'll not enforce such a short turn.








From: Michael Sims

Sent: Tue 8/3/2010 3:58 PM

Cc: dc320

Subject: dc320 s07 results!

England has a rough round... The North Sea is lost to Germany
and after all that work to regain the home soil, the French hover ominously
outside the ports at Liverpool...


English F North Sea can retreat to London or Norwegian Sea
or Edinburgh or Yorkshire.


think Fletch is on vacation, so we'll give till Friday 3pm Central for the
retreat, tho I'll send it out to y'all as soon as I get it.


is voted down, and a new 3-way GAI is proposed for the fall.


A Ankara - Smyrna

A Bulgaria - Serbia

A Piedmont Hold

A Rumania - Budapest

A Sevastopol - Rumania

F Smyrna - Aegean Sea

A Trieste Hold

A Tyrolia - Munich (*Fails*)

A Vienna - Bohemia



F English Channel - Belgium (*Fails*)

F North Sea - Denmark (*Dislodged*)

F Norway - Skagerrak

A Picardy Supports A Gascony - Burgundy (*Void*)



A Gascony Supports F Portugal - Spain(sc)

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - North Atlantic Ocean

F Portugal - Spain(sc) (*Fails*)



A Belgium Supports A Marseilles - Burgundy (*Cut*)

A Berlin - Silesia

F Denmark - North Sea

A Finland Supports F Sweden - Norway

F Holland Supports F Denmark - North Sea

F Kiel - Helgoland Bight

A Munich Supports A Marseilles - Burgundy (*Cut*)

A St Petersburg - Moscow

F Sweden - Norway



F Constantinople Hold

F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Spain(sc)

F Ionian Sea - Greece

A Marseilles - Burgundy

A Rome Supports A Venice

F Spain(sc) Hold

F Tunis - Ionian Sea

A Venice Hold



dc334 w301 - builds! - FuzzyLogic   (Aug 22, 2010, 9:32 am)
Player list for dc334

Hey everyone, Spring 02 is tomorrow 3pm Central!
Remember there are no personal warnings any more, and any NMR’s
will just fall out as they do so be sure to turn in promptly from now on!  I
only do the personal notices in the 1st year…

From: Michael Sims

Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 1:50 PM

To: welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; madpeters(at)earthlink.net; hurup(at)pc.dk;
jm.gilbert(at)tiscali.co.uk; Maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk; sscarbrough(at)lujack.com;

Cc: dc334

Subject: dc334 w301 - builds!


Coming to you from... my car.  Smile  1st year done!



thessaly our annual dolphin celebration is a big event, people dress up as
dolphins and paint their outfits in bright colours- pink and yellow are
popular.  Our Admiral feels that this may have contributed to
the Macedonians seeing through our disguise..... large wooden dolphin, pink and
yellow with tassels...... 



302 due Monday 8/23, 3pm Central.  There were a few that I had to hold for
in this first year... note now that we're out of the 1st year, I'll just
process NMR's as they fall... no more leeway, etc.  See you all in a week!





Build F Athens



Build F Naupactus

Build A Delphi



Build F Amphipolis



Build F Chios

Build F Samos



Build F Pergamum

Build F Halicarnassus



Build F Sparta

Build F Zarax



Build A Pharsalus

Build A Larissa




dc287 Congo EOG - FuzzyLogic   (Aug 22, 2010, 9:09 am)
Hey all,
Just back from a week in Disney World to a solo victory. 
Smile Tho I figured I had it as of last turn, cuz I was watching that 25 and
trying to get there.  Overall I think that 25 may be low for victory
conditions, as it’s not close enough to half the dots on the board. 
A 2-way draw is near impossible, and a 3-way very unlikely…  With 70
sc, and if anyone gets 25 they win, something like 23-23-24 would be tough to
pull off.  Thus bumping it up a couple centers might be good.  Maybe
28 or 30?  Other than that, I love this map!  It is very nicely done,
and I’ve played it twice now and enjoyed it both times.  Last time I
was China and got slaughtered.  This time as a replacement Congo. 
The straits are a great addition, I like variants that add or change a few
simple aspects of the game like this does, and that don’t get too
complex.  This meets all those desires, on a beautifully drawn map. 
The balance between sea zones and land zones is great, and I never felt like I
could only attack ppl around me.  It was always an option to go overseas w
reasonable speed and success.
This game…
I was a replacement, and I took over for the first Congo who had
war w just about all his neighbors.  So my first goal was to curb all
those problems he created.  I offered everyone pretty much whatever they
wanted to try to avert some of the wars, and to my surprise, those negotiations
went pretty well.  I came out of the first year about as strong as anyone,
and cemented some early alliances.  Oceania was the main one.  Kyle
and I were working tightly most of the game.  Also formed peace deals with
Persia, Russia, Quebec, and Amazon.  Sahara was the least responsive of
all, so I figured that was the way to go.  Made a quick lunge into that
region, and then Sahara bailed.  In came Sean, which I must say had you
been at the helm of Sahara from the beginning, things would have been vastly
different.  Unfortunately you took over at a time when I had the leg up on
Sahara already, and so your options were limited to as we both knew, either
plotting and trying to rally ppl against me, or risking becoming a pawn to help
me.  You were right to make the stabs you did, and I really guessed lucky
on a couple 50/50’s that went my way, and that made all the difference.
My first notable move was after just a turn or two in the game,
stabbing Warren / Amazon.  I’m not sure if it was a mistake not
building an army at home, or what was going on there w the all-out naval push
north, but w nothing to try for LaPaz, I made the move.  I was able to
land an army on S.America before Amazon could build one, and that made it so
that he really couldn’t defend.  I ended up getting the lion’s
share of the centers, purely by having more units mobilized that way than Kyle,
and that set me up as a board leader with Russia who just finished off Europe.
So I knew avoiding war w Russia was critical.  If we
engaged across the Med, it would tie up a lot of our units while not being able
to advance very far.  Europe was first out, and this taught me the rule
about taking over your enemy’s home centers, which I didn’t know
about!  This was a big thing to learn, seeing as SA was just about out too,
followed shortly by Sahara.  Converting these forward build points was
really a key part of the game, and another aspect of it that I really like.
Eventually the game came down to a few big powers… myself,
Russia, Quebec and Oceania… and Persia balanced precariously between them
all.  I was hoping that ppl would not ally against me, so I kept my allies
close and tried to push on as long as possible, encouraging wars against Persia
and Russia (who I never really intended to attack).  Then I made what I
thought was the deciding move for me, stabbing Oceania.  Basically he was
growing pretty big, and tho not as big as me, he was bringing a lot of fleets
to bear on the Indian Ocean against Persia… and if we took Persia down,
those fleets would become orphaned there w nobody to attack.  They might
have eventually stabbed me, or might not, but for sure I’d not be able to
ever invade Oceania if he took down Persia.  So I worked to prop up Persia
just long enough to slip in a good Ocean stab, and that set me up with some
great position in the Pacific.  I needed a good 4-5 centers that I couldn’t
seem to find, and digging them out of Oceania worked well. 
The last couple of course came from dropping into some allied centers
that I couldn’t possibly hold if the game were to go on, like Miami and
Rome, but if I got the 25 it was over so that didn’t matter.  I got
enough, and so it’s done.  Yeah it was largely cuz ppl weren’t
watching the magic number cuz if they were I’m sure Joe and Jim would
have called off their war against each other in plenty of time to stop
me.  I even didn’t know the number, until the last couple years when
I decided I was getting pretty close to being a board topper, and I should go
see what it would take to win.  I was surprised when I saw I only needed
to pick up a handful to pull it off, and hoped nobody else was aware of this.
Great game all!


dc337 - Spring 1900 Results - z93blom   (Aug 22, 2010, 2:31 am)
Your orders for dc337 are due in about 36 hours. I have confirmed all orders that I have received. If you do not have a confirmation I do not have your orders.
Also - there's a slight change of rules. We are going with the variant rule of 18 centers to win. I'll announce this with the adjudication as well.

Next turn: Fall 1900 MovesNext Deadline: Monday, 23rd of August 2010, 18:00 GMT (6PM).


DC 336 Spring '02 Adjudication - mgsmuhammad   (Aug 21, 2010, 6:17 pm)
A Bud to Rum
A Ser supports A Bud to Rum
A Gal to Ukr
F Tri holds

No Moves Received.
A(Par)-Bur *bounce*
A(Bel)-Bur (retreat Pic) (?) *bounce*
A(Spa) Stands
F Ber - BAL
F Den S F Ber - BAL
A Kie - Ruh
A Hol S A Kie - Ruh
A Mun - Bur *bounce*
A Tunis move to Apulia
F Ionian Sea convoy A Tunis to Apulia
F Naples move to Tyrrhenian Sea
A Venice hold
A Finland - Sweden
A Moscow Supports F Rumania - Sevastopol
F Rumania - Sevastopol
F Sweden - Skagerrak
A Ukraine Supports F Rumania ??? Sevastopol
F-Ank to Con
A-Con to Bul
A-Gre sptatk A-Con to Bul
F-Bla spt A-Sev
A-Sev holds
So... Yeah.
Once Turkey sends Retreat (or disband) orders for A Sevastopol, we can move into Fall. 


DC 336 Spring '02 Adjudication (dc336) mgsmuhammad Aug 23, 04:34 pm
I believe  this map is correct.
[DC 328] Fall 1904 Abjudication - dreamsynergy   (Aug 21, 2010, 12:45 am)
Despite a delay of more than 2 days, I am still missing orders.

The Sultan seems to be missing for the 2nd season in a row.
French forces are paralysed as the French monarch seems to be taking a nap.

Turkey has considered to have abandoned the game, due to having 2 NMRs in a row and thus I will need to look for a replacement.
France has NMR-ed.

Fall 1904 Orders

F English Channel Supports F Irish Sea - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Finland - Sweden
F Irish Sea - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Norwegian Sea - Norway
A Picardy - Brest
F St Petersburg(nc) Supports F Norwegian Sea - Norway

F Brest, no move received
A Gascony, no move received
A Marseilles, no move received
A Paris, no move received
F Portugal, no move received

A Burgundy - Belgium
F Denmark - Baltic Sea
A Munich Supports A Silesia - Bohemia
F Prussia - Livonia
A Silesia - Bohemia

F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea
F Apulia - Naples
A Bohemia Supports A Warsaw - Silesia
F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Serbia - Greece
A Trieste - Serbia
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tunis

A Budapest Hold
A Moscow - St Petersburg
A Norway Supports A Moscow - St Petersburg
F Rumania - Bulgaria(ec)
A Warsaw - Silesia

F Aegean Sea, no move received
A Bulgaria, no move received
F Constantinople, no move received
F Eastern Mediterranean, no move received
F Ionian Sea, no move received

Retreats required

Italian A Bohemia can retreat to Galicia or Vienna or Tyrolia.

Autumn Deadline will be Monday 23rd August 2010, 13:00 GMT.


Any GM interested in starting a Colonial Game - MMGreenwich   (Aug 21, 2010, 12:26 am)
It looks interesting. This was produced for real and available in stores?


Any GM interested in starting a Colonial Game (Open Games) FuzzyLogic Aug 22, 09:57 pm
Supposedly yeah, tho I've never seen Colonial played face to face. It's been played 8 times here at dc...

1648 - hmtucaz   (Aug 20, 2010, 7:16 pm)
I, too, take it as a given that the draw passed.  Congratulations to Poland, Turkey and France.



2010/8/20 Jorge Saralegui <jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com>

Hi guys,
I assume the draw passed.  If it didn't, I won't be hanging around for the next round.  Thanks to all the players for giving the game the respect that it deserved.


#avg_ls_inline_popup { position:absolute; z-index:9999; padding: 0px 0px; margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; width: 240px; overflow: hidden; word-wrap: break-word; color: black; font-size: 10px; text-align: left; line-height: 13px;}


1648 - txurce   (Aug 20, 2010, 7:08 pm)
Hi guys,
I assume the draw passed.  If it didn't, I won't be hanging around for the next round.  Thanks to all the players for giving the game the respect that it deserved.



(DC 326) Gumball - Spring 1908 Retreats - Corrino   (Aug 20, 2010, 7:07 pm)
Hey there, Gumball Guys and Gumball Gals!

One retreat needed; one retreat received.

French fleet Mid-Atlantic Ocean retreats to Portugal.  Map is attached.

NEXT DEADLINE:  Fall 1908 is due Wednesday, August 25, at 8:00 p.m. Eastern US time.  Play on!



Another new Companion Knight - bielf11   (Aug 20, 2010, 1:16 pm)
Thanks everyone. And congratulations to my fellow Knights.Passing the test to attain Knight Tactician wasn't easy, but your support, and all those hours of training you put me through until I mastered it, made the difference.

Now on to the Order of the Parchment: Balance, that's what it's all about.

2010/8/20 Fredrik Blom <fredrik(at)familjenblom.se>

It is with great honor I welcome Salim Furth as a new Knight. Salim has been with Diplomatic Corp since the very beginning - he's one of the founders of the club. He's since taken a break, but I am glad to welcome him back to DC.

Salim, being a long time member rises immediately to the highest Knight rank - Knight Tactician.
We also have some other promotions to announce:* Christine Stoy retires from the Order of the Mammoth and joins the Order of the Acorn. Congratulations Christine.

* Frank Bielschowsky rises one rank to Knight Tactician.* Benjamin Hester gains another rank an is now Knight Officer.


DC 306 Sengoku - Kenshi777   (Aug 20, 2010, 9:06 am)
Urgent: due to complications from surgery for the GM. The game is very well advanced, and will likely not take long to resolve (for the GM). I must confess that the Oda position is something of a mercy position at this point however. Players have voiced a desire to continue. Anyone willing to assist would have my sincere gratitude.



DC309 Fall 1906 Results - mtombu   (Aug 20, 2010, 7:10 am)
Thanks Blue. Map and .dpy file will follow tonight. 

Sent from my iPhone
On 2010-08-20, at 8:01 AM, "Sean Cable" <blueinva(at)cox.net> wrote:

make it easy - Smyrna

From: mike Tombu
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2010 7:52 AM
To: mike
Cc: The White Wolf ; Dan
Dzikowicz ; John R ; Philip
King ; Sean
Cable ; Raymond
Setzer ; NathanDeily ; <dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Subject: Re: DC309 Fall 1906 Results


I'm at
work so can't send the .dpy file or the usual map. Instead I took a picture of
it and will send it in a sec. 

proposals fail to pass. Only one retreat. Blue, please get it to me by tonight
at 9. Shouldn't be too complicated as there are only two choices. Check for
errors. I'll send a proper map and .dpy file with Summer. 

Austria: Phil <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>
England: Andy <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com> *eliminated Winter
France: Dan <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>
Germany: Ray <mczet99(at)gmail.com> *eliminated Winter
Italy: Blue <blueinva(at)cox.net>
Russia: John <untitled36(at)yahoo.com>

Turkey: Nathan <ndeily(at)yahoo.com> *eliminated
Winter 1904*

Both proposals fail to

Orders as
A Vienna - Bohemia
A Budapest -
A Berlin - Silesia
A Kiel Holds
A Munich Supports Kiel
Tyrolia Supports Venice
A Serbia - Bulgaria
F Trieste - Albania
Constantinople Supports A Armenia - Ankara
A Armenia - Ankara
A Livonia
Supports A Moscow - St. Pete
A Moscow - St. Pete
A Rome

F Mao Holds
F Nat
Supp F Mao
F Bre - Eng
F Eng - Lon
A Mar - Pie
A Bur Supp A Bel - Ruh
A Bel
- Ruh

Italy:A Ankara - Constantinople
A Apulia
Supports A Tuscany - Rome
F Gulf of Lyon - Tyrrhenian
F Spain(sc) - Western Mediterranean
F Tunis
- Ionian Sea
A Tuscany - Rome
F Tyrrhenian Sea -

F Denmark -
A Finland Supports A St Petersburg
A Holland
Supports A Belgium - Ruhr
F North Sea - Helgoland Bight
A St Petersburg Hold
Orders as adjudicated
by RP and me:
A Vienna - Bohemia
A Budapest -
A Berlin - Silesia
A Kiel Holds
A Munich Supports Kiel
Tyrolia Supports Venice
A Serbia - Bulgaria
F Trieste - Albania
Constantinople Supports A Armenia - Ankara
A Armenia - Ankara
A Livonia
Supports A Moscow - St. Pete
A Moscow - St. Pete (*Fails*)
A Rome

F Mao Holds
F Nat
Supp F Mao
F Bre - Eng
F Eng - Lon
A Mar - Pie
A Bur Supp A Bel - Ruh
A Bel
- Ruh

Italy:A Ankara - Constantinople
A Apulia Supports A Tuscany -
F Gulf of Lyon - Tyrrhenian Sea
F Spain(sc)
- Western Mediterranean
F Tunis - Ionian Sea
Tuscany - Rome
F Tyrrhenian Sea -

F Denmark -
Kiel (*Fails*)
A Finland Supports A St Petersburg
A Holland
Supports A Belgium - Ruhr
F North Sea - Helgoland Bight
A St Petersburg Hold

The Italian army in Ankara can
retreat to Smyrna or OTB. 

Summer 1907 order is due Friday
at 9 pm - in other words today. 
Fall 1907 orders are due in
Wednesday the 25th at 9 pm ET. 




DC309 Fall 1906 Results - blueinva   (Aug 20, 2010, 7:01 am)
make it easy - Smyrna

From: mike Tombu
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2010 7:52 AM
To: mike
Cc: The White Wolf ; Dan
Dzikowicz ; John R ; Philip
King ; Sean
Cable ; Raymond
Setzer ; NathanDeily ; "><dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Subject: Re: DC309 Fall 1906 Results


I'm at
work so can't send the .dpy file or the usual map. Instead I took a picture of
it and will send it in a sec. 

proposals fail to pass. Only one retreat. Blue, please get it to me by tonight
at 9. Shouldn't be too complicated as there are only two choices. Check for
errors. I'll send a proper map and .dpy file with Summer. 

Austria: Phil <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>
England: Andy <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com> *eliminated Winter
France: Dan <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>
Germany: Ray <mczet99(at)gmail.com> *eliminated Winter
Italy: Blue <blueinva(at)cox.net>
Russia: John <untitled36(at)yahoo.com>

Turkey: Nathan <ndeily(at)yahoo.com> *eliminated
Winter 1904*

Both proposals fail to

Orders as
A Vienna - Bohemia
A Budapest -
A Berlin - Silesia
A Kiel Holds
A Munich Supports Kiel
Tyrolia Supports Venice
A Serbia - Bulgaria
F Trieste - Albania
Constantinople Supports A Armenia - Ankara
A Armenia - Ankara
A Livonia
Supports A Moscow - St. Pete
A Moscow - St. Pete
A Rome

F Mao Holds
F Nat
Supp F Mao
F Bre - Eng
F Eng - Lon
A Mar - Pie
A Bur Supp A Bel - Ruh
A Bel
- Ruh

Italy:A Ankara - Constantinople
A Apulia
Supports A Tuscany - Rome
F Gulf of Lyon - Tyrrhenian
F Spain(sc) - Western Mediterranean
F Tunis
- Ionian Sea
A Tuscany - Rome
F Tyrrhenian Sea -

F Denmark -
A Finland Supports A St Petersburg
A Holland
Supports A Belgium - Ruhr
F North Sea - Helgoland Bight
A St Petersburg Hold
Orders as adjudicated
by RP and me:
A Vienna - Bohemia
A Budapest -
A Berlin - Silesia
A Kiel Holds
A Munich Supports Kiel
Tyrolia Supports Venice
A Serbia - Bulgaria
F Trieste - Albania
Constantinople Supports A Armenia - Ankara
A Armenia - Ankara
A Livonia
Supports A Moscow - St. Pete
A Moscow - St. Pete (*Fails*)
A Rome

F Mao Holds
F Nat
Supp F Mao
F Bre - Eng
F Eng - Lon
A Mar - Pie
A Bur Supp A Bel - Ruh
A Bel
- Ruh

Italy:A Ankara - Constantinople
A Apulia Supports A Tuscany -
F Gulf of Lyon - Tyrrhenian Sea
F Spain(sc)
- Western Mediterranean
F Tunis - Ionian Sea
Tuscany - Rome
F Tyrrhenian Sea -

F Denmark -
Kiel (*Fails*)
A Finland Supports A St Petersburg
A Holland
Supports A Belgium - Ruhr
F North Sea - Helgoland Bight
A St Petersburg Hold

The Italian army in Ankara can
retreat to Smyrna or OTB. 

Summer 1907 order is due Friday
at 9 pm - in other words today. 
Fall 1907 orders are due in
Wednesday the 25th at 9 pm ET. 




DC309 Fall 1906 Results - mtombu   (Aug 20, 2010, 6:52 am)
Hey Guys,
I'm at work so can't send the .dpy file or the usual map. Instead I took a picture of it and will send it in a sec. 
Both proposals fail to pass. Only one retreat. Blue, please get it to me by tonight at 9. Shouldn't be too complicated as there are only two choices. Check for errors. I'll send a proper map and .dpy file with Summer. 
The players:
Austria: Phil <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>
England: Andy <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com> *eliminated Winter 1905*
France: Dan <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>
Germany: Ray <mczet99(at)gmail.com> *eliminated Winter 1906*
Italy: Blue <blueinva(at)cox.net>
Russia: John <untitled36(at)yahoo.com>

Turkey: Nathan <ndeily(at)yahoo.com> *eliminated Winter 1904*

Both proposals fail to pass.

Orders as received:
Austria:A Vienna - Bohemia

A Budapest - Galacia
A Berlin - Silesia
A Kiel Holds
A Munich Supports Kiel
A Tyrolia Supports Venice
A Serbia - Bulgaria
F Trieste - Albania
F Constantinople Supports A Armenia - Ankara
A Armenia - Ankara

A Livonia Supports A Moscow - St. Pete
A Moscow - St. Pete
A Rome Holds

F Mao Holds
F Nat Supp F Mao
F Bre - Eng
F Eng - Lon
A Mar - Pie

A Bur Supp A Bel - Ruh
A Bel - Ruh

Italy:A Ankara - Constantinople
A Apulia Supports A Tuscany - Rome
F Gulf of Lyon - Tyrrhenian Sea
F Spain(sc) - Western Mediterranean
F Tunis - Ionian Sea
A Tuscany - Rome
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tuscany

F Denmark - Kiel

A Finland Supports A St Petersburg

A Holland Supports A Belgium - Ruhr
F North Sea - Helgoland Bight

A St Petersburg Hold Orders as adjudicated by RP and me:stria:A Vienna - Bohemia
A Budapest - Galacia
A Berlin - Silesia
A Kiel Holds
A Munich Supports Kiel
A Tyrolia Supports Venice
A Serbia - Bulgaria
F Trieste - Albania
F Constantinople Supports A Armenia - Ankara
A Armenia - Ankara
A Livonia Supports A Moscow - St. Pete
A Moscow - St. Pete (*Fails*)
A Rome Holds
France:F Mao Holds
F Nat Supp F Mao
F Bre - Eng
F Eng - Lon
A Mar - Pie
A Bur Supp A Bel - Ruh
A Bel - Ruh
Italy:A Ankara - Constantinople (*Dislodged*)
A Apulia Supports A Tuscany - Rome
F Gulf of Lyon - Tyrrhenian Sea
F Spain(sc) - Western Mediterranean
F Tunis - Ionian Sea
A Tuscany - Rome
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tuscany
F Denmark - Kiel (*Fails*)
A Finland Supports A St Petersburg
A Holland Supports A Belgium - Ruhr
F North Sea - Helgoland Bight
A St Petersburg Hold
Retreats:The Italian army in Ankara can retreat to Smyrna or OTB. 
Deadlines:Summer 1907 order is due Friday at 9 pm - in other words today. Fall 1907 orders are due in Wednesday the 25th at 9 pm ET. 


DC329 COL F05 WINTER MON - vegas_iwish   (Aug 20, 2010, 2:49 am)
Big turn & a bad 1 for C & J. Stunned by change in game from yr 2 where I would have put $$ on a far diff outcome. R can disb ret as part of adjs & C can disb or change ret his as non-critical. Winter monday. http://diplomaticcorp.com/game_page.php?game_id=dc329
F Arabian Sea Supports F Karachi - Persian Gulf
A Assam Supports A Sinkiang
F Bengal - Bay of Bengal
A Egypt Hold
F Karachi - Persian Gulf (*Fails*)
A Kashmir Supports A Kirghiz - Kashgar
A Punjab - Karachi (*Fails*)
F Red Sea - Aden (*Bounce*)
F Singapore - Java Sea (*Fails*)
F Southeast Indian Ocean - Timor Sea
F Sudan Supports A Egypt
A Kashgar Hold (*Dislodged*)RET URU (TIB,AFG)
A Krasnoyarsk - Omsk
A Mongolia - Langchow
F Nanchang Supports F Formosa - South China Sea (*Void*)
A Peking - Shanghai
A Bangkok Supports F Gulf of Siam - Malaya
F Canton - Nanchang (*Fails*)
F Gulf of Siam - Malaya
F Malaya - Andaman Sea
A Mandalay - Canton (*Fails*)
A Sinkiang Supports A Manchuria - Mongolia
F South China Sea Supports F Sunda Sea
F Sunda Sea Supports F South China Sea (*Cut*)
F Tongking Supports F South China Sea
A Yunnan - Chungking
F East China Sea Supports F Yellow Sea
F Formosa Supports F Luzon Strait - South China Sea (*Void*)
A Kyoto - Seoul (*Fails*)
F Sea of Japan Supports A Kyoto - Seoul
F Tokyo - Okhotsk Sea (*Fails*)
F Yellow Sea Convoys A Kyoto - Seoul
A Angora Supports F Mediterranean Sea - Constantinople
A Baghdad - Arabia
F Mecca - Aden (*Bounce*)
F Mediterranean Sea - Constantinople
A Moscow - Odessa (*Fails*)
A Odessa - Rumania (*Bounce*)
A Persia Supports F Persian Gulf - Karachi
F Persian Gulf - Karachi (*Fails*)
F Cebu - Lower Pacific
A Davao - Cebu
F Java Sea Supports F Sulu Sea - Sunda Sea (*Cut*)
F Java - Southeast Indian Ocean
F Luzon Strait Supports F Formosa - South China Sea (*Void*)
F Sarawak Supports F Java Sea
F Sulu Sea - Sunda Sea (*Fails*)
F Sumatra Supports F Java - Southeast Indian Ocean
F Constantinople - Rumania (*Dislodged*)RET BLA
F Fusan Hold
A Kirghiz - Kashgar
A Manchuria - Mongolia
F Okhotsk Sea Convoys A Vladivostok - Sakhalin
F Port Arthur Supports A Seoul
A Seoul Supports F Fusan (*Cut*)
A Tashkent Supports A Kirghiz - Kashgar
A Vladivostok - Sakhalin
Britain: Supp 13 Unit 11 Build 2
China: Supp 3 Unit 5 Remove 2
France: Supp 11 Unit 10 Build 1
Japan: Supp 5 Unit 6 Remove 1
Turkey: Supp 8 Unit 8 Build 0
Holland: Supp 8 Unit 8 Build 0
Russia: Supp 10 Unit 9 Build 1


Another new Companion Knight - z93blom   (Aug 20, 2010, 1:49 am)
It is with great honor I welcome Salim Furth as a new Knight. Salim has been with Diplomatic Corp since the very beginning - he's one of the founders of the club. He's since taken a break, but I am glad to welcome him back to DC.

Salim, being a long time member rises immediately to the highest Knight rank - Knight Tactician.
We also have some other promotions to announce:* Christine Stoy retires from the Order of the Mammoth and joins the Order of the Acorn. Congratulations Christine.
* Frank Bielschowsky rises one rank to Knight Tactician.* Benjamin Hester gains another rank an is now Knight Officer.


Another new Companion Knight (Community) bielf11 Aug 20, 01:16 pm
Thanks everyone. And congratulations to my fellow Knights.Passing the test to attain Knight Tactician wasn't easy, but your support, and all those hours of training you put me through until I mastered it, made the difference.

Now on to the Order of the Parchment: Balance, that's what it's all about.

2010/8/20 Fredrik Blom <fredrik(at)familjenblom.se>

It is with great honor I welcome Salim Furth as a new Knight. Salim has been with Diplomatic Corp since the very beginning - he's one of the founders of the club. He's since taken a break, but I am glad to welcome him back to DC.

Salim, being a long time member rises immediately to the highest Knight rank - Knight Tactician.
We also have some other promotions to announce:* Christine Stoy retires from the Order of the Mammoth and joins the Order of the Acorn. Congratulations Christine.

* Frank Bielschowsky rises one rank to Knight Tactician.* Benjamin Hester gains another rank an is now Knight Officer.
dc325 Imterra - W05 A New Fleet and A New Army - garry.bledsoe   (Aug 19, 2010, 10:08 pm)
Russia builds an A in Sev; France builds a F in Bre. Austria removes Sil and Boh.
Spring 1906 deadline is 24 August, next Thursday, at 6pm CST.

From: kielmarch(at)hotmail.com
To: timfuhrmeister(at)yahoo.com; dreamsynergy(at)hotmail.com; johnb229(at)gmail.com; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; sean_o_donnell(at)hotmail.com; loganlaw299(at)aol.com; mlb767(at)aim.com; dc325(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: dc325 Imterra - F05 Results at Last
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 00:06:58 -0400

.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P
.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage

All,I apologize for the inordinately long delay. I have been at the crucial planning moment for my upcoming wedding and that kept me unusually busy over the last week. The delay for the out of town really pushed us into that super busy zone. That said, most time-sensitive things have been wrapped up and we should be back on track now. Again - I apologize and will get us back on a steady schedule.
So, it would seem that my "HoHum" note resonated with at least one country - Russia! The Russians, under fierce fire from the north, decide that it is time to bolster their defenses with some new builds at the expense of Austria! Austria loses 2 centers while the French build one and Russia builds one. Does this herald new alliances or merely a shifting on the board? Does Austria survive? Do all other fronts stalemate with virtually no movement? Find out next turn.
As it is, we had no retreats so we move to Winter. For Winter we need the following:Austria remove 2Russia build 1France build 1
Winter deadline is Thursday the 17th at 8pm CST. From there we will set Spring 06 for the following Thursday the 24th at 6pm CST.
Sorry again. We are back on track.Garry
Austria: F Aegean Sea - Constantinople (*Bounce*)A Bohemia Supports A Tyrolia - MunichA Budapest Supports A TriesteA Bulgaria - Constantinople (*Bounce*)A Silesia Supports A Tyrolia - MunichA Trieste Supports A BudapestA Tyrolia - Munich (*Fails*)
England: F Barents Sea Supports A Norway - St PetersburgF Gulf of Bothnia Supports A St Petersburg - LivoniaF North Sea HoldA Norway - St PetersburgA St Petersburg - LivoniaF Sweden Hold
France: A Burgundy Supports A MunichA Gascony - Burgundy (*Fails*)F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Western MediterraneanA Marseilles - PiedmontF Western Mediterranean Supports F Tunis
Germany: F Baltic Sea Supports A St Petersburg - LivoniaF Berlin HoldA Kiel Supports A MunichA Munich Supports F Berlin (*Cut*)A Ruhr Supports A Munich
Italy: F Naples - Ionian SeaF Tunis Supports F Tyrrhenian SeaA Tuscany Supports A VeniceF Tyrrhenian Sea HoldA Venice Hold
Russia: F Black Sea - Constantinople (*Bounce*)A Galicia - ViennaA Livonia - WarsawA Moscow Supports A Livonia - WarsawA Rumania - Serbia

From: kielmarch(at)hotmail.com
To: timfuhrmeister(at)yahoo.com; dreamsynergy(at)hotmail.com; johnb229(at)gmail.com; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; sean_o_donnell(at)hotmail.com; loganlaw299(at)aol.com; mlb767(at)aim.com; dc325(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: dc325 Imterra - S05 Ho Hum...No Real Action
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 09:58:18 -0400

.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P
.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage

Constantinople Has Many Fleets That Try to Dock In the StraitsFrench Ejected from the Italian PeninsulaAn English/German/Russian/Austrian Stalemate Has Seemingly Formed While Italy and France Trade Southern Blows
All,There is really limited action this Spring. We have no retreats needed (the French A in Tuscany had no retreat options available so it was disbanded) so we can move to the Fall. For Fall however, we have a player who is away on vacation for the next few weeks with limited access at best. As such, they have requested a longer deadline and I will allow it. Therefore we won't have Fall05 until:
Tuesday August 10th at 6pm CST
That should give that person time to return and have some "fruitful" Diplomacy (rolling eyes since all moves seem boring at this point).
Please check my work and yell if you have any issues. Otherwise enjoy the remainder of July!
Austria: F Aegean Sea - Constantinople (*Bounce*)A Bohemia Supports A Tyrolia - MunichA Budapest Supports A TriesteA Bulgaria - Constantinople (*Bounce*)A Silesia Supports A Tyrolia - Munich (*Cut*)A Trieste Supports A BudapestA Tyrolia - Munich (*Fails*)
England: F Barents Sea HoldA Edinburgh - NorwayF Finland - Gulf of BothniaF North Sea Convoys A Edinburgh - NorwayA St Petersburg - Moscow (*Fails*)F Sweden Hold
France: A Belgium - BurgundyA Burgundy - MarseillesA Gascony Supports A Burgundy - MarseillesF Gulf of Lyon Supports F Western MediterraneanA Tuscany - Rome (*Disbanded*)F Western Mediterranean Supports F Gulf of Lyon
Germany: F Baltic Sea Supports F BerlinF Berlin HoldA Kiel Supports A MunichA Munich Supports F Berlin (*Cut*)A Ruhr Supports A Munich
Italy: F Naples - Rome (*Bounce*)A Piedmont - TuscanyF Tunis Supports F Tyrrhenian SeaF Tyrrhenian Sea Supports A Piedmont - TuscanyA Venice Supports A Piedmont - Tuscany
Russia: F Black Sea - Constantinople (*Bounce*)A Galicia - Silesia (*Fails*)A Moscow HoldA Prussia - LivoniaA Rumania Hold

Hotmail has tools for the New Busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox. Learn more.


dc307 ~ Orient Express - sgttodd   (Aug 19, 2010, 8:29 pm)
The vote for an IRS draw failed - who would vote FOR the IRS

The vote is perpetual, that is the asker is gonna nag till it
happens, so vote with your next orders and remember:

"No vote is a 'NO' vote."

and so...

The deadline for Spring 1911 orders is: Monday, August 23rd (at)
2359 UTC

Adjustment orders for Winter of 1910.

India: Build F Calcutta.

Indonesia: Remove F Bay of Bengal.

Indonesia: Remove F Cambodia.

Indonesia: Remove F Thai Sea.

Russia: Build A Moscow.

Siberia: Build A Irkutsk.

Unit locations:

India:     F Bombay, F Burma, F Calcutta, F Central Indian Ocean, A
Delhi, A Kunlun, A Laos, A Pakistan, F Sri Lanka, F Thailand.

Indonesia: F Celebes Sea, F Eastern Indian Ocean, F Philippines, F
South China Sea, F South Indian Ocean.

Japan:     F East China Sea.

Russia:    A Afghanistan, F Arabian Sea, F Eastern African Sea, A
Iran, A Iraq, A Kazakhstan, A Moscow, A Oman, F Red Sea, F
Seychelles, F St. Petersburg, A Tien Shan, A Uzbekistan.

Siberia:   A Beijing, A Hong Kong, F Honshu, A Irkutsk, F Kamchatka,
A Mongolia, A Novosibirsk, F Sea of Okhotsk, F Shanghai, A Vietnam,
F Yellow Sea.

files:  http://mainecav.org/diplomacy


DC309 Spring 1907 deadline reminder - mtombu   (Aug 19, 2010, 8:28 pm)
Slight delay until the morning by request. I was warned about this possibility this morning....
Should be out around 7 am assuming my missing set has turned up as promised! Smile
Sent from my iPhone
On 2010-08-18, at 12:48 PM, Mike Tombu wrote:
Hey all,

Orders are due tomorrow at 9 pm ET. No receipt = no orders received and I think I've only issued one receipt so far! Don't forget to also vote on the proposals. Remember, no vote = a vote against.




(DC 326) Gumball - Spring 1908 Results - Corrino   (Aug 19, 2010, 6:52 pm)
Hi Players,

Once again, sorry for the day's delay in getting you these results.  I hope it didn't have too large a negative impact on your life.  Mea culpa.

Examining the moves before me, I judge that we had a very SHIFTY turn this time.
Russia shifts away from Scandinavia and towards the Turkish invader in Sevastopol.Germany shifts away from England and towards Russia.France shifts away from pure defense and towards both Italy and England... or maybe German-occupied Belgium.  I have to admit that those support orders from Spain and Picardy have me completely puzzled.  Is he sending signals to... himself?Austria shifts away from France and towards Germany.Italy shifts into third-gear and breaks out of the
Med, but is still stuck in neutral against the Turks.
And Turkey, just to prove the exception to the rule, is just a shiftless layabout.  No offense.
RETREAT REQUIRED:  French fleet MAO may retreat to Brest, Gascony, Irish Sea, North Atlantic Sea, Portugal, or off the board.  Please submit your retreat by 8:00 a.m. Saturday morning, approximately 36 hours from now.  I will post it earlier if I can, but may not be able to do the mapping until then.

NEXT DEADLINE:  Fall 1907 is due next Wednesday, August 25, at 8 p.m. Eastern US time.


Orders as resolved.  As always, please check for errors and let me know right away.
A Bulgaria Supports F Aegean Sea - Constantinople (*Void*)
A Galicia - Bohemia
A Piedmont - Tyrolia
A Rumania Supports A Ukraine - Sevastopol (*Void*)
F Trieste Supports A Moscow -
Constantinople (*Invalid*)
A Venice Supports A Piedmont - Tyrolia
A Vienna Supports A Piedmont - Tyrolia

F Edinburgh - North Sea
A Liverpool - Edinburgh
F London Supports F Edinburgh - North Sea
F Norway - Norwegian Sea (*Fails*)

F Brest - English Channel
A Marseilles - Piedmont
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Brest - English Channel (*Dislodged*)
A Picardy Supports F Brest (*Ordered to Move*)
A Spain Supports A Picardy - Belgium (*Fails*)

A Belgium Hold
A Bohemia - Silesia
A Munich - Kiel
F North Sea - Denmark
F Norwegian Sea - Norway (*Fails*)
A Silesia - Prussia
A Tyrolia - Munich

F Aegean Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Constantinople (*Void*)
F Eastern Mediterranean - Smyrna (*Fails*)
F North Africa Supports F Western Mediterranean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Western Mediterranean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean

A St
Petersburg - Moscow
A Ukraine Supports F Sevastopol - Rumania (*Void*)
A Warsaw Hold

A Ankara Supports A Smyrna
F Constantinople Supports A Smyrna
F Sevastopol Hold
A Smyrna Hold


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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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