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DC253 F07 WINTER DUE TUES - vegas_iwish   (Aug 29, 2009, 2:39 pm)
A Ber Supports A Sil - Mun
A Bye - Pri
A Kra Supports A Bye - Pri (*Dislodged*)RET WAR (CAN BE WIE)
A Pra Supports A Sil - Mun
A Sil - Mun
F WBS - Swe

F Bar Supports A Lap - Len
A Den Supports F WBS - Swe
F Eng - MAO
A Hol Supports A Ham
A Lap - Len
F MAO - Mor
F Nth Supports A Den
F Nwg Hold
A Osl Supports F WBS - Swe

A Bur - Mun (*Fails*)
A Ham Supports A Bur - Mun
A Mar Hold
A Mun - Aus
A Swi Supports A Mun - Aus

F Alg Hold (*Dislodged*)RET SOG
F GOL Hold

F Fin, no move received
F Len(nc), no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Swe, no move received (*Disbanded*) COULD RET BUT DECLARED INACTIVE BY GM

F Buc - Bla
A Bul - Buc
F EMS - Ion
F Ion - Tun
A Kie Supports A Sev - Mos
A Lib Supports A Tun - Alg
F Rom Hold
A Sev - Mos
A Tra - Slo
A Tri - Aus (*Fails*)
A Tun - Alg
F Tys Supports F Ion - Tun

A Gal Supports A Slo - Kra
A Slo - Kra

F Por Hold
F WMS Hold

Poland: Supp 7 Unit 7 Build 0
Britain: Supp 10 Unit 9 Build 1
France: Supp 5 Unit 5 Build 0
Germany: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Italy: Supp 0 Unit 2 Remove 2
USSR: Supp 1 Unit 1 Build 0
Turkey: Supp 15 Unit 12 Build 3
Czechoslovakia: Supp 3 Unit 2 Build 0
Egypt: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Greece: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Rumania: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Spain: Supp 2 Unit 2 Build 0
Sweden: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Yugoslavia: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0


DC270: Winter 1901 Results - dipknight   (Aug 29, 2009, 10:45 am)
GM’s remarks:
Again, my apologies to all for the unexpected delay in the game; please join me in welcoming Brandon Wade to the game as our New Sultan.  Brandon, I have attached a copy of the House Rules.  Please take a moment at your earliest convenience to look them over.  Thanks.
The Players:
Austria:      Dan Huck               aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com ([email]aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com[/email])     
England:     Samuel Jurado       samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com ([email]samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com[/email])
France:       Tim Vaillemans     tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com ([email]tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com[/email])
Germany:  Joe Babinsnack       chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com ([email]chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Italy:           Ian Shaw                ianxshaw(at)gmail.com ([email]ianxshaw(at)gmail.com[/email])
Russia:       Joe Payne               josepayne(at)gmail.com ([email]josepayne(at)gmail.com[/email]) 
Turkey:      Brandon Wade       bwhotmale1(at)hotmail.com ([email]bwhotmale1(at)hotmail.com[/email])
The Orders:
   Build F tri
   Build A vie
   Build F edi
   Build F mar
   Build F ber
   Build A kie
   Build A mun
   Build F nap
   Build F stp(nc)
   Build A mos
   Build F smy
   None required
Centers and Unit Positions:
Centers (5): bud, gre, ser, tri, vie.
Units: A bud, F gre, A ser, F tri, A vie
Centers (4): edi, lvp, lon, nwy.
Units: F bar, F edi, F nth, A nwy
Centers (4): bre, mar, par, por.
Units: A bur, F mar, A pic, F por
Centers (6): bel, ber, den, hol, kie, mun.
Units: A bel, F ber, A den, F hol, A kie, A mun
Centers (4): nap, rom, tun, ven.
Units: F nap, A pie, F tun, A ven
Centers: (6): mos, rum, sev, stp, swe, war.
Units: A fin, A fin, A mos, A rum, F sev, F stp(nc), F swe
Centers (4): ank, bul, con, smy.
Units: F ank, A bul, A con, F smy
Spring 1902 Deadline: Friday, September 4, 2009, 24:00 hrs GMT
I recognize this is a relatively short time frame with the addition of a new player.  Therefore, if anyone would like to have an extension beyond Friday evening, I will honor the request.  Otherwise, we have had such a long delay this last season that I would like to see us get back into the game as quickly as possible.
If there are any errors in the results, please make me aware of them ASAP.  Per the House rules, any errors that are carried into the next season are irreversible.  Map of the Builds, map of the results, and the dpy file are attached for your use.
Best of luck in the next season,
                                              Darryl (GM)


dc265 ~ European Onion - sgttodd   (Aug 29, 2009, 8:38 am)
Deadline for Fall 1904: September 4th; 2359 UTC.

Unit locations:

England: F London, F North Atlantic Ocean.
France: A Brest, F Gulf of Lyon, A Marseilles, A Piedmont, F Tunis, F Western Mediterranean.
Germany: A Belgium, F Holland, A Liverpool, A Munich, F North Sea, A Ruhr, A Yorkshire.
Italy: A Rome, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Venice.
Russia: A Bohemia, A Budapest, F Clyde, A Norway, F Norwegian Sea, F Rumania, A Silesia, A Tyrolia, A Vienna.
Turkey: F Aegean Sea, A Albania, F Ionian Sea, A Serbia, F Smyrna, A Trieste.

Movement results for Spring of 1904.

England: F English Channel - London.
England: F North Atlantic Ocean - Edinburgh (*Fails*).

France: A Brest Hold.
France: F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon.
France: A Piedmont - Tuscany (*Bounce*).
France: A Spain - Marseilles.
France: F Tunis Hold.
France: F Western Mediterranean Supports F Tunis.

Germany: A Belgium Supports F Holland.
Germany: A Denmark - Yorkshire.
Germany: A Edinburgh - Liverpool.
Germany: F Holland Supports F North Sea.
Germany: A Kiel - Ruhr.
Germany: A Munich Supports A Vienna - Tyrolia.
Germany: F North Sea Convoys A Denmark - Yorkshire.

Italy: A Rome - Tuscany (*Bounce*).
Italy: A Trieste - Venice.
Italy: A Tyrolia Supports A Trieste - Venice (*Disbanded*).
Italy: F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Ionian Sea - Tunis.

Russia: A Budapest - Vienna.
Russia: F Norway - Norwegian Sea.
Russia: F Norwegian Sea - Clyde.
Russia: A Rumania - Budapest.
Russia: F Sevastopol - Rumania.
Russia: A Silesia - Bohemia.
Russia: A Sweden - Norway.
Russia: A Vienna - Tyrolia.
Russia: A Warsaw - Silesia.

Turkey: F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea (*Fails*).
Turkey: A Albania - Trieste.
Turkey: A Greece - Albania.
Turkey: F Ionian Sea - Tunis (*Fails*).
Turkey: A Serbia Supports A Albania - Trieste.
Turkey: F Smyrna - Aegean Sea (*Fails*).

Deadline for Fall 1904: September 4th; 2359 UTC.
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy


DC255 Fall 1909 Results - Game Over - Dark Solo! - ndeily   (Aug 29, 2009, 8:24 am)
First and foremost, thanks to Matt for a well-run game, and to everyone who played for their dedication to keeping the game on track.

On a macro level, I agree that the symmetry of the map may make fo a slightly less interesting game. However, working from positions of exactly equal strength and position, with exactly equal opportunity for growth, tactics and diplomacy, seems to focus the experience on the players and their execution of their respective strategies in these areas.

Without the solid alliance with Jon from the outset, the solo would not have occurred. I may owe much to Blue's well-fought stalemate that contained my ally's growth.

Packrat and I dismembered White quickly, which was the plan, and it seemed we were destined for conflict from that point on, though he made several perusasive attempts to get me to turn on Yellow - once I had given (apparently) just enough for him to turn his attention (and units) to helping Blue, the time came for the stab, which was not devastating but gave me the tactical leverage to push things past the tipping point.

As always, Packrat's defense was well played until he chose to discontinue it. I've thoroughly enjoyed the variant and playing with you all, and am very pleased to have earned my first solo on DC.


----- Original Message ----
From: Matt Kremer <matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu>
To: Matt Kremer <matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu>; Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>; hapolley(at)yahoo.ca; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; Jonathan Kudlick <jkudlick(at)gmail.com>; rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com; dc255(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 8:35:06 PM
Subject: DC255 Fall 1909 Results - Game Over - Dark Solo!

So it's not going to come as a surprise to anyone at this point, but I still offer my hearty congratulations to our Dark player Nathan for pulling off the 12 center solo (one more than required!).

I also want to thank all of you for an almost perfect game in terms of submission of orders and the such; we only had a couple graces used and a couple NMR's (Blue in fact suffered one on this final turn), but in general you guys enabled me to keep this game running smoothly.

I'd love to see EOG statements from each of you including your thoughts on both our individual game and the map in general.  Personally I found the map intriguing when I first saw it, which is why I chose to GM this game.  However, as the game progressed I found myself a little bored by the map and its symmetry.  However, it obviously does do its job of eliminating any complaint about unequal starting positions.

Again congrats to Nathan, and I'm sure I'll see you all in future DC games.  You all of course are welcome in any game that I GM; be on the lookout for some sort of gunboat full press game soon!



F Sapphire, no move received
F Indigo Sea, no move received

A Ghost Supports A Ink - Paper
A Jet Supports A Ink - Paper
F Crimson Supports F Carnation Sea - Vermillion
A Ruby Hold
A Ink - Paper
F Sea Of Butter Hold
F Carnation Sea - Vermillion
F Garnet - Sea of Lava
A Raven - Ink

A Hot Hold
A Crystal Hold
F Magenta Hold
F Vermillion Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Sulphur Hold
F Cobalt Hold
F Aquatic Sea Hold
F Forest Sea - Malachite
A Saffron - Sunshine


DC255 Fall 1909 Results - Game Over - Dark Solo! - MattTheLesser   (Aug 28, 2009, 10:36 pm)
So it's not going to come as a surprise to anyone at this point, but I
still offer my hearty congratulations to our Dark player Nathan for
pulling off the 12 center solo (one more than required!).

I also want to thank all of you for an almost perfect game in terms of
submission of orders and the such; we only had a couple graces used and
a couple NMR's (Blue in fact suffered one on this final turn), but in
general you guys enabled me to keep this game running smoothly.

I'd love to see EOG statements from each of you including your thoughts
on both our individual game and the map in general. Personally I found
the map intriguing when I first saw it, which is why I chose to GM this
game. However, as the game progressed I found myself a little bored by
the map and its symmetry. However, it obviously does do its job of
eliminating any complaint about unequal starting positions.

Again congrats to Nathan, and I'm sure I'll see you all in future DC
games. You all of course are welcome in any game that I GM; be on the
lookout for some sort of gunboat full press game soon!



F Sapphire, no move received
F Indigo Sea, no move received

A Ghost Supports A Ink - Paper
A Jet Supports A Ink - Paper
F Crimson Supports F Carnation Sea - Vermillion
A Ruby Hold
A Ink - Paper
F Sea Of Butter Hold
F Carnation Sea - Vermillion
F Garnet - Sea of Lava
A Raven - Ink

A Hot Hold
A Crystal Hold
F Magenta Hold
F Vermillion Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Sulphur Hold
F Cobalt Hold
F Aquatic Sea Hold
F Forest Sea - Malachite
A Saffron - Sunshine


DC255 Fall 1909 Results - Game Over - Dark Solo! - MattTheLesser   (Aug 28, 2009, 10:36 pm)
So it's not going to come as a surprise to anyone at this point, but I
still offer my hearty congratulations to our Dark player Nathan for
pulling off the 12 center solo (one more than required!).

I also want to thank all of you for an almost perfect game in terms of
submission of orders and the such; we only had a couple graces used and
a couple NMR's (Blue in fact suffered one on this final turn), but in
general you guys enabled me to keep this game running smoothly.

I'd love to see EOG statements from each of you including your thoughts
on both our individual game and the map in general. Personally I found
the map intriguing when I first saw it, which is why I chose to GM this
game. However, as the game progressed I found myself a little bored by
the map and its symmetry. However, it obviously does do its job of
eliminating any complaint about unequal starting positions.

Again congrats to Nathan, and I'm sure I'll see you all in future DC
games. You all of course are welcome in any game that I GM; be on the
lookout for some sort of gunboat full press game soon!



F Sapphire, no move received
F Indigo Sea, no move received

A Ghost Supports A Ink - Paper
A Jet Supports A Ink - Paper
F Crimson Supports F Carnation Sea - Vermillion
A Ruby Hold
A Ink - Paper
F Sea Of Butter Hold
F Carnation Sea - Vermillion
F Garnet - Sea of Lava
A Raven - Ink

A Hot Hold
A Crystal Hold
F Magenta Hold
F Vermillion Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Sulphur Hold
F Cobalt Hold
F Aquatic Sea Hold
F Forest Sea - Malachite
A Saffron - Sunshine


DC255 Fall 1909 Results - Game Over - Dark Solo! (dc255) MattTheLesser Aug 28, 10:36 pm
So it's not going to come as a surprise to anyone at this point, but I
still offer my hearty congratulations to our Dark player Nathan for
pulling off the 12 center solo (one more than required!).

I also want to thank all of you for an almost perfect game in terms of
submission of orders and the such; we only had a couple graces used and
a couple NMR's (Blue in fact suffered one on this final turn), but in
general you guys enabled me to keep this game running smoothly.

I'd love to see EOG statements from each of you including your thoughts
on both our individual game and the map in general. Personally I found
the map intriguing when I first saw it, which is why I chose to GM this
game. However, as the game progressed I found myself a little bored by
the map and its symmetry. However, it obviously does do its job of
eliminating any complaint about unequal starting positions.

Again congrats to Nathan, and I'm sure I'll see you all in future DC
games. You all of course are welcome in any game that I GM; be on the
lookout for some sort of gunboat full press game soon!



F Sapphire, no move received
F Indigo Sea, no move received

A Ghost Supports A Ink - Paper
A Jet Supports A Ink - Paper
F Crimson Supports F Carnation Sea - Vermillion
A Ruby Hold
A Ink - Paper
F Sea Of Butter Hold
F Carnation Sea - Vermillion
F Garnet - Sea of Lava
A Raven - Ink

A Hot Hold
A Crystal Hold
F Magenta Hold
F Vermillion Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Sulphur Hold
F Cobalt Hold
F Aquatic Sea Hold
F Forest Sea - Malachite
A Saffron - Sunshine
DC255 Fall 1909 Results - Game Over - Dark Solo! (dc255) ndeily Aug 29, 08:24 am
First and foremost, thanks to Matt for a well-run game, and to everyone who played for their dedication to keeping the game on track.

On a macro level, I agree that the symmetry of the map may make fo a slightly less interesting game. However, working from positions of exactly equal strength and position, with exactly equal opportunity for growth, tactics and diplomacy, seems to focus the experience on the players and their execution of their respective strategies in these areas.

Without the solid alliance with Jon from the outset, the solo would not have occurred. I may owe much to Blue's well-fought stalemate that contained my ally's growth.

Packrat and I dismembered White quickly, which was the plan, and it seemed we were destined for conflict from that point on, though he made several perusasive attempts to get me to turn on Yellow - once I had given (apparently) just enough for him to turn his attention (and units) to helping Blue, the time came for the stab, which was not devastating but gave me the tactical leverage to push things past the tipping point.

As always, Packrat's defense was well played until he chose to discontinue it. I've thoroughly enjoyed the variant and playing with you all, and am very pleased to have earned my first solo on DC.


----- Original Message ----
From: Matt Kremer <matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu>
To: Matt Kremer <matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu>; Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>; hapolley(at)yahoo.ca; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; Jonathan Kudlick <jkudlick(at)gmail.com>; rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com; dc255(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 8:35:06 PM
Subject: DC255 Fall 1909 Results - Game Over - Dark Solo!

So it's not going to come as a surprise to anyone at this point, but I still offer my hearty congratulations to our Dark player Nathan for pulling off the 12 center solo (one more than required!).

I also want to thank all of you for an almost perfect game in terms of submission of orders and the such; we only had a couple graces used and a couple NMR's (Blue in fact suffered one on this final turn), but in general you guys enabled me to keep this game running smoothly.

I'd love to see EOG statements from each of you including your thoughts on both our individual game and the map in general.  Personally I found the map intriguing when I first saw it, which is why I chose to GM this game.  However, as the game progressed I found myself a little bored by the map and its symmetry.  However, it obviously does do its job of eliminating any complaint about unequal starting positions.

Again congrats to Nathan, and I'm sure I'll see you all in future DC games.  You all of course are welcome in any game that I GM; be on the lookout for some sort of gunboat full press game soon!



F Sapphire, no move received
F Indigo Sea, no move received

A Ghost Supports A Ink - Paper
A Jet Supports A Ink - Paper
F Crimson Supports F Carnation Sea - Vermillion
A Ruby Hold
A Ink - Paper
F Sea Of Butter Hold
F Carnation Sea - Vermillion
F Garnet - Sea of Lava
A Raven - Ink

A Hot Hold
A Crystal Hold
F Magenta Hold
F Vermillion Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Sulphur Hold
F Cobalt Hold
F Aquatic Sea Hold
F Forest Sea - Malachite
A Saffron - Sunshine
DC255 Fall 1909 Results - Game Over - Dark Solo! (dc255) hapolley Aug 30, 05:20 pm
I offer my congrats to Nathan, a well played game. Sorry about the NMR I thought the game was over in the summer for some reason. At the start of the game I looked for an ally against Scott but could not find one I trusted. I decided to ally with my old foe instead. He was a great ally and I blame our defeat on my not getting a unit past Yellow's lone army. Dark was wise to continually backup that army through out the game and not fall for the tempting open Yellow SC. Great game Jon but you could have lied to me at start of game then stabbed. This was not an open game but two blocks and one power left out in the cold. I wonder how a gunboat version would work out?

With warm regards, Hugh

From: Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>
To: Matt Kremer <matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu>; Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>; hapolley(at)yahoo.ca; Jonathan Kudlick <jkudlick(at)gmail.com>; rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com; dc255(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 7:24:17 AM
Subject: Re: DC255 Fall 1909 Results - Game Over - Dark Solo!

First and foremost, thanks to Matt for a well-run game, and to everyone who played for their dedication to keeping the game on track.

On a macro level, I agree that the symmetry of the map may make fo a slightly less interesting game. However, working from positions of exactly equal strength and position, with exactly equal opportunity for growth, tactics and diplomacy, seems to focus the experience on the players and their execution of their respective strategies in these areas.

Without the solid alliance with Jon from the outset, the solo would not have occurred. I may owe much to Blue's well-fought stalemate that contained my ally's growth.

Packrat and I dismembered White quickly, which was the plan, and it seemed we were destined for conflict from that point on, though he made several perusasive attempts to get me to turn on Yellow - once I had given (apparently) just enough for him to turn his attention (and units) to helping Blue, the time came for the stab, which was not devastating but gave me the tactical leverage to push things past the tipping point.

As always, Packrat's defense was well played until he chose to discontinue it. I've thoroughly enjoyed the variant and playing with you all, and am very pleased to have earned my first solo on DC.


----- Original Message ----
From: Matt Kremer <matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu ([email]matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu[/email])>
To: Matt Kremer <matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu ([email]matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu[/email])>; Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com ([email]brn2dip(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; hapolley(at)yahoo.ca ([email]hapolley(at)yahoo.ca[/email]); Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Jonathan Kudlick <jkudlick(at)gmail.com ([email]jkudlick(at)gmail.com[/email])>; rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com ([email]rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com[/email]); dc255(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc255(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 8:35:06 PM
Subject: DC255 Fall 1909 Results - Game Over - Dark Solo!

So it's not going to come as a surprise to anyone at this point, but I still offer my hearty congratulations to our Dark player Nathan for pulling off the 12 center solo (one more than required!).

I also want to thank all of you for an almost perfect game in terms of submission of orders and the such; we only had a couple graces used and a couple NMR's (Blue in fact suffered one on this final turn), but in general you guys enabled me to keep this game running smoothly.

I'd love to see EOG statements from each of you including your thoughts on both our individual game and the map in general. Personally I found the map intriguing when I first saw it, which is why I chose to GM this game. However, as the game progressed I found myself a little bored by the map and its symmetry. However, it obviously does do its job of eliminating any complaint about unequal starting positions.

Again congrats to Nathan, and I'm sure I'll see you all in future DC games. You all of course are welcome in any game that I GM; be on the lookout for some sort of gunboat full press game soon!



F Sapphire, no move received
F Indigo Sea, no move received

A Ghost Supports A Ink - Paper
A Jet Supports A Ink - Paper
F Crimson Supports F Carnation Sea - Vermillion
A Ruby Hold
A Ink - Paper
F Sea Of Butter Hold
F Carnation Sea - Vermillion
F Garnet - Sea of Lava
A Raven - Ink

A Hot Hold
A Crystal Hold
F Magenta Hold
F Vermillion Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Sulphur Hold
F Cobalt Hold
F Aquatic Sea Hold
F Forest Sea - Malachite
A Saffron - Sunshine

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DC255 Fall 1909 Results - Game Over - Dark Solo! (dc255) jkudlick at gmail.com Aug 30, 07:07 pm
A fun game but an uninspiring map; Unfortunately I was unable to devote as much time to it as I would have liked.

From the outset, a strong alliance with either Dark or Blue was a goal of mine, but Nathan was quicker to respond.  I wanted to bring Red onboard as well with me, but we could never get anything going together.  I stuck with Dark and only once considered otherwise, however, Packrat betrayed my confidence.  At that point I knew I would settle for a Dark solo at worst.

I think the game could have been played to a three way draw had Red decided not to capitulate to Dark, but it's too difficult to say with certainty.  The death of Blue was inevitable in that case and Red would have had to pick between defending against me or Dark.

Either way, congrats to Nathan and a good game from all,


On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 6:20 PM, Hugh Polley <hapolley(at)yahoo.ca ([email]hapolley(at)yahoo.ca[/email])> wrote:

I offer my congrats to Nathan, a well played game.  Sorry about the NMR I thought the game was over in the summer for some reason. At the start of the game I looked for an ally against Scott but could not find one I trusted.  I decided to ally with my old foe instead.  He was a great ally and I blame our defeat on my not getting a unit past Yellow's lone army. Dark was wise to continually backup that army through out the game and not fall for the tempting open Yellow SC.  Great game Jon but you could have lied to me at start of game then stabbed.  This was not an open game but two blocks and one power left out in the cold.  I wonder how a gunboat version would work out?

With warm regards, Hugh
hapolley(at)yahoo.ca ([email]hapolley(at)yahoo.ca[/email])

From: Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
To: Matt Kremer <matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu ([email]matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu[/email])>; Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com ([email]brn2dip(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; hapolley(at)yahoo.ca ([email]hapolley(at)yahoo.ca[/email]); Jonathan Kudlick <jkudlick(at)gmail.com ([email]jkudlick(at)gmail.com[/email])>; rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com ([email]rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com[/email]); dc255(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc255(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 7:24:17 AM
Subject: Re: DC255 Fall 1909 Results - Game Over - Dark Solo!

First and foremost, thanks to Matt for a well-run game, and to everyone who played for their dedication to keeping the game on track.

On a macro level, I agree that the symmetry of the map may make fo a slightly less interesting game. However, working from positions of exactly equal strength and position, with exactly equal opportunity for growth, tactics and diplomacy, seems to focus the experience on the players and their execution of their respective strategies in these areas.

Without the solid alliance with Jon from the outset, the solo would not have occurred. I may owe much to Blue's well-fought stalemate that contained my ally's growth.

Packrat and I dismembered White quickly, which was the plan, and it seemed we were destined for conflict from that point on, though he made several perusasive attempts to get me to turn on Yellow - once I had given (apparently) just enough for him to turn his attention (and units) to helping Blue, the time came for the stab, which was not devastating but gave me the tactical leverage to push things past the tipping point.

As always, Packrat's defense was well played until he chose to discontinue it. I've thoroughly enjoyed the variant and playing with you all, and am very pleased to have earned my first solo on DC.


----- Original Message ----
From: Matt Kremer <matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu ([email]matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu[/email])>
To: Matt Kremer <matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu ([email]matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu[/email])>; Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com ([email]brn2dip(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; hapolley(at)yahoo.ca ([email]hapolley(at)yahoo.ca[/email]); Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Jonathan Kudlick <jkudlick(at)gmail.com ([email]jkudlick(at)gmail.com[/email])>; rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com ([email]rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com[/email]); dc255(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc255(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 8:35:06 PM
Subject: DC255 Fall 1909 Results - Game Over - Dark Solo!

So it's not going to come as a surprise to anyone at this point, but I still offer my hearty congratulations to our Dark player Nathan for pulling off the 12 center solo (one more than required!).

I also want to thank all of you for an almost perfect game in terms of submission of orders and the such; we only had a couple graces used and a couple NMR's (Blue in fact suffered one on this final turn), but in general you guys enabled me to keep this game running smoothly.

I'd love to see EOG statements from each of you including your thoughts on both our individual game and the map in general.  Personally I found the map intriguing when I first saw it, which is why I chose to GM this game.  However, as the game progressed I found myself a little bored by the map and its symmetry.  However, it obviously does do its job of eliminating any complaint about unequal starting positions.

Again congrats to Nathan, and I'm sure I'll see you all in future DC games.  You all of course are welcome in any game that I GM; be on the lookout for some sort of gunboat full press game soon!



F Sapphire, no move received
F Indigo Sea, no move received

A Ghost Supports A Ink - Paper
A Jet Supports A Ink - Paper
F Crimson Supports F Carnation Sea - Vermillion
A Ruby Hold
A Ink - Paper
F Sea Of Butter Hold
F Carnation Sea - Vermillion
F Garnet - Sea of Lava
A Raven - Ink

A Hot Hold
A Crystal Hold
F Magenta Hold
F Vermillion Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Sulphur Hold
F Cobalt Hold
F Aquatic Sea Hold
F Forest Sea - Malachite
A Saffron - Sunshine

Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr!

DC255 Fall 1909 Results - Game Over - Dark Solo! (dc255) rodtheworm Sep 01, 12:43 pm
I think I'm on the same page as everyone else - it was an interesting game, but the map's not one I'd really play again. I do think that the actual diplomacy plays a bigger part than normal in this game, and I found the map rather cramped for much tactical play to really happen. In particuler, it seems rather easy to choke fleet movement at each leg.

In terms of survival, I think I was pretty much destined to go down as soon as Nathan started his fleets back towards me, but I certainly put my foot in it and sealed my fate by assuming there was an alliance on and asking Jon and Hugh to come on it. I doubly sealed it by rushing things and just making it an open letter to everyone. I think the lesson I took away from that is to think twice before writing letters to multiple recipients... Wink

Apart from my mistakes though, that was a very well played game. I'd be more than happy to play again with any of you (nd in fact am doing already). Well done folks!

Ross, Light

Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 20:07:27 -0400
Subject: Re: DC255 Fall 1909 Results - Game Over - Dark Solo!
From: jkudlick(at)gmail.com
To: hapolley(at)yahoo.ca
CC: ndeily(at)yahoo.com; matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu; brn2dip(at)yahoo.com; rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com; dc255(at)diplomaticcorp.com

A fun game but an uninspiring map; Unfortunately I was unable to devote as much time to it as I would have liked.

From the outset, a strong alliance with either Dark or Blue was a goal of mine, but Nathan was quicker to respond. I wanted to bring Red onboard as well with me, but we could never get anything going together. I stuck with Dark and only once considered otherwise, however, Packrat betrayed my confidence. At that point I knew I would settle for a Dark solo at worst.

I think the game could have been played to a three way draw had Red decided not to capitulate to Dark, but it's too difficult to say with certainty. The death of Blue was inevitable in that case and Red would have had to pick between defending against me or Dark.

Either way, congrats to Nathan and a good game from all,


On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 6:20 PM, Hugh Polley <hapolley(at)yahoo.ca ([email]hapolley(at)yahoo.ca[/email])> wrote:

I offer my congrats to Nathan, a well played game. Sorry about the NMR I thought the game was over in the summer for some reason. At the start of the game I looked for an ally against Scott but could not find one I trusted. I decided to ally with my old foe instead. He was a great ally and I blame our defeat on my not getting a unit past Yellow's lone army. Dark was wise to continually backup that army through out the game and not fall for the tempting open Yellow SC. Great game Jon but you could have lied to me at start of game then stabbed. This was not an open game but two blocks and one power left out in the cold. I wonder how a gunboat version would work out?

With warm regards, Hugh
hapolley(at)yahoo.ca ([email]hapolley(at)yahoo.ca[/email])

From: Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
To: Matt Kremer <matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu ([email]matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu[/email])>; Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com ([email]brn2dip(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; hapolley(at)yahoo.ca ([email]hapolley(at)yahoo.ca[/email]); Jonathan Kudlick <jkudlick(at)gmail.com ([email]jkudlick(at)gmail.com[/email])>; rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com ([email]rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com[/email]); dc255(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc255(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 7:24:17 AM
Subject: Re: DC255 Fall 1909 Results - Game Over - Dark Solo!

First and foremost, thanks to Matt for a well-run game, and to everyone who played for their dedication to keeping the game on track.

On a macro level, I agree that the symmetry of the map may make fo a slightly less interesting game. However, working from positions of exactly equal strength and position, with exactly equal opportunity for growth, tactics and diplomacy, seems to focus the experience on the players and their execution of their respective strategies in these areas.

Without the solid alliance with Jon from the outset, the solo would not have occurred. I may owe much to Blue's well-fought stalemate that contained my ally's growth.

Packrat and I dismembered White quickly, which was the plan, and it seemed we were destined for conflict from that point on, though he made several perusasive attempts to get me to turn on Yellow - once I had given (apparently) just enough for him to turn his attention (and units) to helping Blue, the time came for the stab, which was not devastating but gave me the tactical leverage to push things past the tipping point.

As always, Packrat's defense was well played until he chose to discontinue it. I've thoroughly enjoyed the variant and playing with you all, and am very pleased to have earned my first solo on DC.


----- Original Message ----
From: Matt Kremer <matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu ([email]matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu[/email])>
To: Matt Kremer <matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu ([email]matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu[/email])>; Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com ([email]brn2dip(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; hapolley(at)yahoo.ca ([email]hapolley(at)yahoo.ca[/email]); Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Jonathan Kudlick <jkudlick(at)gmail.com ([email]jkudlick(at)gmail.com[/email])>; rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com ([email]rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com[/email]); dc255(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc255(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 8:35:06 PM
Subject: DC255 Fall 1909 Results - Game Over - Dark Solo!

So it's not going to come as a surprise to anyone at this point, but I still offer my hearty congratulations to our Dark player Nathan for pulling off the 12 center solo (one more than required!).

I also want to thank all of you for an almost perfect game in terms of submission of orders and the such; we only had a couple graces used and a couple NMR's (Blue in fact suffered one on this final turn), but in general you guys enabled me to keep this game running smoothly.

I'd love to see EOG statements from each of you including your thoughts on both our individual game and the map in general. Personally I found the map intriguing when I first saw it, which is why I chose to GM this game. However, as the game progressed I found myself a little bored by the map and its symmetry. However, it obviously does do its job of eliminating any complaint about unequal starting positions.

Again congrats to Nathan, and I'm sure I'll see you all in future DC games. You all of course are welcome in any game that I GM; be on the lookout for some sort of gunboat full press game soon!



F Sapphire, no move received
F Indigo Sea, no move received

A Ghost Supports A Ink - Paper
A Jet Supports A Ink - Paper
F Crimson Supports F Carnation Sea - Vermillion
A Ruby Hold
A Ink - Paper
F Sea Of Butter Hold
F Carnation Sea - Vermillion
F Garnet - Sea of Lava
A Raven - Ink

A Hot Hold
A Crystal Hold
F Magenta Hold
F Vermillion Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Sulphur Hold
F Cobalt Hold
F Aquatic Sea Hold
F Forest Sea - Malachite
A Saffron - Sunshine

Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr!

Have more than one Hotmail account? Link them together to easily access both.
dc220 s09 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Aug 28, 2009, 6:18 pm)
France seems to take it from every direction in this our first turn after the break…

French F Aegean Sea can retreat to Eastern Mediterranean.
French A Galicia can retreat to Vienna or Silesia.

Retreats due by Monday 8/31, 6pm Central / 2300 GMT.

A Budapest - Serbia (*Disbanded*)
A Bulgaria Supports A Serbia - Greece
F Greece - Aegean Sea
A Rumania Supports A Warsaw - Galicia
A Serbia - Greece

F Berlin - Kiel
F Holland Supports F North Sea - Belgium
A Livonia - Warsaw
A Moscow - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
F North Sea - Belgium
A Norway - Denmark
F Norwegian Sea - North Sea
F Skagerrak Convoys A Norway - Denmark
A Warsaw - Galicia

F Adriatic Sea Hold
F Aegean Sea Supports F Ionian Sea - Greece (*Dislodged*)
A Albania - Serbia (*Bounce*)
A Brest - Gascony
A Galicia Supports A Vienna - Budapest (*Dislodged*)
F Ionian Sea - Greece (*Fails*)
F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon
A Munich - Bohemia
A Paris - Burgundy
A Ruhr - Munich
A Trieste Supports A Vienna - Budapest
F Tyrrhenian Sea Hold
A Vienna - Budapest

F Constantinople - Aegean Sea (*Fails*)
A Sevastopol Supports A Ukraine (*Cut*)
A Ukraine Hold

F Smyrna Supports F Greece - Aegean Sea


DC269 - Fall 1902 Delay - Viper   (Aug 28, 2009, 3:33 pm)
Hey guys... I'm still short one set of orders. This means the player who has missed this deadline is using up his one-time 24 hour grace period. I will give until this time tomorrow for the missing set to be entered. The rest of you may still change any orders you wish until then (4:30pm CDT).



Fall 1902 reminder - Viper   (Aug 28, 2009, 8:50 am)
Hey there guys... we're about 3 hrs from the deadline and I'm missing a couple of sets. Most of you did send me prelims, so it's getting better and better all the time. I really hope I can get an adjudication done by this evening because I'll be busy all weekend playing ultimate frisbee (it's our championship weekend).

Hope to hear from you soon!


start: 0000-00-00 end: 0000-00-00


dc268 Fall reminder - notasb   (Aug 28, 2009, 8:13 am)
Fall '81 is due Saturday August 29th 9 AM CDST (GMT -6) 1400 GMT

If I haven't acknowledged your orders I haven't received them.

Please remember Yahoo was acting up last week so it is recommended that you CC the 2nd address dawench2(at)lycos.com ([email]dawench2(at)lycos.com[/email])


A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.
Gen. George S Patton


DC 262: Angstskrik - Winter 827 Quickie Results - Nigs   (Aug 28, 2009, 3:26 am)

I may unexpectedly be out of email contact until late Monday GMT - provisionals will go in.



Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 10:39:53 -0500
Subject: DC 262: Angstskrik - Winter 827 Quickie Results
From: screwtape777(at)gmail.com
To: brn2dip(at)yahoo.com; captain_sicarius(at)hotmail.com; congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com; dc262(at)diplomaticcorp.com; gbimmerle(at)gmail.com; githraine(at)yahoo.com; kelly058(at)verizon.net; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; mike(at)sims-family.net; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; nephilli99(at)hotmail.com

Howdy players -

Quickie post for now just to keep the game flowing. I don't have a
map for you right now, and I'm not setting a new Spring 828 deadline
yet, but I wanted to give you all these results so you wouldn't have
to sit on hold until I get back on Sunday. I will kick out a map and
update the DC site then, and there will be a normal Thursday deadline
then most likely, if no one objects.
And with that, I'm off to swim...

Swedes - Remove F Bal, A Sve
Bretons - Remove A Dyf
Gaels - Remove F Heb
Danes - Build F Jel WC, F Rib WC, A Ros
Scots - Build F For
Norse - Build F Hor
Anglo-Saxons - No Change

And to answer a question, Dark Ages victory condition is 20 SCs, per
the Dip Wiki (simple majority). I encourage all of you to check out
the Dip Wiki for the variant if you haven't already (on the
diplomaticcorp.com web site)


On 8/22/09, Benjamin Hester <screwtape777(at)gmail.com> wrote:
[quote:b33fa3ca3f]Honored Kings of the Dark Ages -

An interesting season - battles rage all over the map, yet not a single
retreat needed. The big winners this year are the Danes, who pick up an
impressive *three* SCs, courtesy of their stab of the Anglo-Saxons and deep
strike into Swedish territory. Elsewhere, the Gaels suffer the loss of
Munster to the Scots, who manage to hold their plunder with Anglo-Saxon
aid. The Gaels and Scots fight an epic but inconclusive battle in Dal
Riada, while Norse fleets appear off Scottish shores. The Bretons press
behind Anglo-Saxon lines, but are still faced with a disband this winter.

We'll have a slightly abnormal deadline for Winter 827 on Tuesday 25 August
2009, 1700 EDT - because I'm taking a small vacation next week from Wed -
Sun. Then we'll have a long spring - first Thursday in September will be
the Spring 828 deadline. Winter adjustments are at the bottom of this

As always, for those just joining us or observing, here is the player list:

Nick Higgins - Cyning of the Angles and Saxons (Anglo-Saxons)
congressofvienna1814 AT yahoo DOT com

Matthew Kelly - Brenin of the Brythons (Britons)
kelly058 AT verizon DOT net

Gregory Bim-Merle - Kong of the Dani (Danes)
gbimmerle AT gmail DOT com

Nathan Deily - Ard Rí na hÉireann (Gaels)
ndeily AT yahoo DOT com

Scott Troemel - Kong of the Norge (Norse)
brn2dip AT yahoo DOT com

Nigel Phillips - Rí Alban (Scots)
nephilli99 AT hotmail DOT com

Mark Duffield - Konung of the Suetidi (Swedes)
captain_sicarius AT hotmail DOT com

and me, your humble GM, B. (Benjamin Hester)
screwtape777 AT gmail DOT com



F Connaught - Munster
F Hebridean Sea - Dal Riada
A Leinster Supports F Connaught - Munster
F North Channel Supports F Hebridean Sea - Dal Riada


A Bernicia Supports F Deira
F Cait Supports F Dal Riada
F Dal Riada Supports A Strathclyde
F Deira Hold
F Munster Supports F Atlantic Ocean - Leinster
A Strathclyde Supports F Deira


F Bristol Channel - Atlantic Ocean
A Chester - Mercia
A Hwicce - Somerset
A Mercia - Hwicce
A Powys - Dyfed


F Alvheim - Skagerrak
F Lappland(wc) Hold
F North Sea - Firth of Forth
F Norwegian Sea Supports F Lappland(wc)
A Varmland - Jamtland
A Vestfold - Varmland
F Zetland - Moray Firth


F Atlantic Ocean - Leinster
F Cornwall Hold
A Middle Anglia Supports A Surrey
A Somerset - Hamptonshire
A Surrey Supports A Middle Anglia


F Bay of Reric - Reric
A Gotar Supports F Skane
F Reric - Vineta
F Roskilde - Kattegat
A Saxony - Austrasia
F Skane Supports A Gotar
F Viborg - North Frisian Coast


F Baltic Sea Hold
F Bay of Bothnia Supports A Svear - Lappland
A Svear - Lappland



F Connaught - Munster (*Fails*)
F Hebridean Sea - Dal Riada (*Fails*)
A Leinster Supports F Connaught - Munster (*Cut*)
F North Channel Supports F Hebridean Sea - Dal Riada


A Bernicia Supports F Deira
F Cait Supports F Dal Riada
F Dal Riada Supports A Strathclyde (*Cut*)
F Deira Hold
F Munster Supports F Atlantic Ocean - Leinster (*Cut*)
A Strathclyde Supports F Deira


F Bristol Channel - Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
A Chester - Mercia
A Hwicce - Somerset
A Mercia - Hwicce
A Powys - Dyfed


F Alvheim - Skagerrak
F Lappland(wc) Hold
F North Sea - Firth of Forth
F Norwegian Sea Supports F Lappland(wc)
A Varmland - Jamtland
A Vestfold - Varmland
F Zetland - Moray Firth


F Atlantic Ocean - Leinster (*Fails*)
F Cornwall Hold
A Middle Anglia Supports A Surrey
A Somerset - Hamptonshire
A Surrey Supports A Middle Anglia


F Bay of Reric - Reric
A Gotar Supports F Skane
F Reric - Vineta
F Roskilde - Kattegat
A Saxony - Austrasia
F Skane Supports A Gotar
F Viborg - North Frisian Coast


F Baltic Sea Hold
F Bay of Bothnia Supports A Svear - Lappland
A Svear - Lappland (*Fails*)

Winter Adjustments:













Diplomacy in Texas!

Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South
American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants

Diplomacy in Texas!

Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South
American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants
Windows Live Messenger: Thanks for 10 great years-enjoy free winks and emoticons. Get Them Now


DC261 - Fall 1904 Reminder - aramis604   (Aug 28, 2009, 1:35 am)
The deadline is tomorrow at 9pm pacific time.

Please be aware that there is a likely chance that the deadline will be extended due to one of our players having to make some unexpected travel. I will let you know as soon as I know myself.

- Josh


DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: WInterl 1913, Spring 1914 Due 9... - packrat   (Aug 27, 2009, 11:58 pm)
Okay gents, here are the adjustments. I can't find any adjustment
from France so I disbanded per the rules. Stephen - if you have a
copy of the orders with the receipt please forward it to me and I will
correct things. However, this stands as the map.

Spring orders are due 9/2/09 at 2100

Build A Vienna

Remove F Mid-Atlantic Ocean

Build A Munich
Build A Berlin

Remove A Armenia


DC230 Lost Kings - Fall 1910 - Hold On To Your Hac... - former.trout   (Aug 27, 2009, 11:23 pm)
This sporting match ain't quite done sporting.  The French claw their way agonizingly close to a solo victory, but with Austria reclaiming Constantinople the Napolean Dynamiters fall one center short.  However, it isn't all cheese and gravy as the Austrian Bulgarian contingent is imploded in the process - and with no home centers to build in, is that a loss that the good Arch-Duke can survive?

Ooohhhh.  Tension.  =)

A couple of notes from the turn - there was one misorder from Austria as the fleet in Constantinople was ordered to Bulgaria, with no coastal designation specified.  It was a moot point however as France powered into the province from the Black Sea.

The other note is concerning the German army in Norway, which was foisted out of those comfortable Norwegian fjords.  The unit has options - deadline for the Early Winter 1910 retreat will be set for Saturday, August 29th (11:59 PM GMT).

Please just let me know if you spot any errors.  Cheers!

Comic Pants Trout

Movement results for Fall of 1910.  (DC230 10 FALL)

Austria: A Armenia Supports F Black Sea - Sevastopol (*Void*).
Austria: A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Disbanded*).
Austria: F Constantinople Hold.

France: F Adriatic Sea Supports A Trieste.
France: A Albania - Serbia (*Fails*).
France: A Belgium Supports A Ruhr.
France: F Black Sea - Bulgaria(ec).
France: A Burgundy Supports A Ruhr.
France: A Edinburgh - Norway.
France: F Greece Supports F Black Sea - Bulgaria(ec).
France: F Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea.
France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - North Atlantic Ocean.
France: F North Sea Convoys A Edinburgh - Norway.
France: A Piedmont - Tyrolia (*Fails*).
France: A Ruhr Hold.
France: F Skagerrak Supports A Edinburgh - Norway.
France: A Trieste Supports A Piedmont - Tyrolia (*Fails*).
France: A Tyrolia - Vienna (*Fails*).
France: F Yorkshire Supports F North Sea.

Germany: A Bohemia Supports A Vienna.
Germany: A Budapest Supports A Serbia.
Germany: A Denmark - Sweden.
Germany: A Galicia Supports A Rumania.
Germany: F Helgoland Bight - Denmark.
Germany: A Holland Hold.
Germany: A Kiel Supports A Holland.
Germany: A Munich, no move received.
Germany: F Norway Hold (*Dislodged*).
Germany: A Rumania Supports A Sevastopol (*Cut*).
Germany: A Serbia Supports A Rumania (*Cut*).
Germany: A Sevastopol Supports A Rumania.
Germany: A Silesia Supports A Munich.
Germany: A Vienna Supports A Budapest (*Cut*).

The following units were dislodged:

German F Norway can retreat to St Petersburg(nc) or Barents Sea or Norwegian Sea.

Unit locations:

Austria:   A Armenia, F Constantinople.
France:    F Adriatic Sea, F Aegean Sea, A Albania, A Belgium, F Bulgaria(ec), 
           A Burgundy, F Greece, F North Atlantic Ocean, F North Sea, A Norway, 
           A Piedmont, A Ruhr, F Skagerrak, A Trieste, A Tyrolia, F Yorkshire.
Germany:   A Bohemia, A Budapest, F Denmark, A Galicia, A Holland, A Kiel, A 
           Munich, F Norway, A Rumania, A Serbia, A Sevastopol, A Silesia, A 
           Sweden, A Vienna.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria:   Ankara, Constantinople, Smyrna.
France:    Belgium, Brest, Bulgaria, Edinburgh, Greece, Liverpool, London, 
           Marseilles, Naples, Norway, Paris, Portugal, Rome, Spain, Trieste, 
  Tunis, Venice.
Germany:   Berlin, Budapest, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Moscow, Munich, Rumania, 
           Serbia, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, Vienna, Warsaw.

Austria:    3 Supply centers,  2 Units:  Builds   0 units.
England:    0 Supply centers,  0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
France:    17 Supply centers, 16 Units:  Builds   1 unit.
Germany:   14 Supply centers, 14 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Italy:      0 Supply centers,  0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Russia:     0 Supply centers,  0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Turkey:     0 Supply centers,  0 Units:  Builds   0 units.



Not now, I've got to feed my llama! (DC-273) - Githraine   (Aug 27, 2009, 10:10 pm)
You may want to wait until after Nation assignments, Mike is a vindictive SOB after all Wink


Not now, I've got to feed my llama! (DC-273) - packrat   (Aug 27, 2009, 8:30 pm)
Apparently not. Besides, HE started it.


Not now, I've got to feed my llama! (DC-273) - TheWhiteWolf   (Aug 27, 2009, 8:12 pm)
Hey now! Can't you at least restrict your inflammatory style of ally-making to the PLAYERS? ;o)

--- On Thu, 8/27/09, Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

The way you play Diplomacy you would think that is *exactly* what you were using.

From: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>

Guys, Realpolitik is not designed to be run on this:

From: Jason K [mailto:githraine(at)yahoo.com]

Now where would the challenge be in that?

From: Packrat < brn2dip(at)yahoo.com >
DAMN IT HESTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When are you going to make a variant that FITS ON THE SCREEN???????


Not now, I've got to feed my llama! (DC-273) (dc273) packrat Aug 27, 08:30 pm
Apparently not. Besides, HE started it.
Not now, I've got to feed my llama! (DC-273) (dc273) Githraine Aug 27, 10:10 pm
You may want to wait until after Nation assignments, Mike is a vindictive SOB after all Wink
DC255 tomorrow - MattTheLesser   (Aug 27, 2009, 8:07 pm)
The finish line is most likely in sight guys. But don't forget you
still owe me a set of orders by tomorrow night! So if you don't have a
confirmation, get them in!



Not now, I've got to feed my llama! - packrat   (Aug 27, 2009, 7:53 pm)
The way you play Diplomacy you would think that is *exactly* what you were using.


Not now, I've got to feed my llama! - FuzzyLogic   (Aug 27, 2009, 6:53 pm)
Guys, Realpolitik is not designed to be run on this:


Not now, I've got to feed my llama! - Githraine   (Aug 27, 2009, 6:45 pm)
Now where would the challenge be in that?


1648 090623: Winter 1652 Retreats/Adjustments - makriath   (Aug 27, 2009, 5:31 pm)
Dirk, I still don't have the orders from the fall of 1952. Any chance you could send them my way?


----- Original Message -----
From: dc264 <dc264(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 8:03 am
Subject: Fwd: 1648 090623: Winter 1652 Retreats/Adjustments
To: dc264(at)diplomaticcorp.com

Hi Observers,

I assumed Charles was also copying all of you on his
adjudications, and thus simply pressed "Reply All" and took
granted you were being copied as well. The files are below.


Begin forwarded message:

[quote:1ea2148a50]From: Dirk Knemeyer <dirk(at)knemeyer.com>
Date: August 25, 2009 9:35:54 AM EDT
To: Charles Féaux de la Croix <charlesf(at)web.de>
Cc: c.p.mcinerney(at)gmail.com, jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com,


, matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu, nathanbalbright(at)yahoo.com,


, wbailey(at)nyiso.com, yrl1967(at)gmail.com
Subject: Re: 1648 090623: Winter 1652 Retreats/Adjustments

Hi Everyone,

Here is the corresponding .dpy file. I did not give it a

custom name

because I was unable to load the previous ones I gave a custom


to, as REalpolitik said they were from an "Invalid variant".


should load easily and have the current, fully updated information.

Happy hunting!


On Aug 25, 2009, at 4:56 AM, Charles Féaux de la Croix wrote:

[quote:1ea2148a50]Greetings from Edinburgh!

Sorry it took me longer than I had anticipated to get to


[quote:1ea2148a50]adjucation. Fortunately, Matt noticed I had failed to note


[quote:1ea2148a50]build Spain was due.

Given Roger's absence and my late publication of the


[quote:1ea2148a50]retreats/adjustments, I've moved the spring deadline back a


[quote:1ea2148a50]There's another player absence coming up, but I hope a


[quote:1ea2148a50]replacement will be found, so as to keep us on track



Dirk, please remember to include all the observers when

[/quote:1ea2148a50]mailing out

[quote:1ea2148a50]the game files.

Liebe Grüsse,



AUSTRIA: Jorge Saralegui <jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com>
DENMARK-NORWAY: Michael Thompson <psychosis(at)sky.com>
ENGLAND: Chris McInerney <c.p.mcinerney(at)gmail.com>
FRANCE: Nathan Albright <nathanbalbright(at)yahoo.com>
POLAND-LITHUANIA: Roger Leroux <yrl1967(at)gmail.com>
RUSSIA: Mikael Johansson <m_don_j(at)hotmail.com>
SPAIN: Matt Kremer <matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu>
SWEDEN: Wayne Bailey <WBailey(at)nyiso.com>
TURKEY: Dirk Knemeyer <dirk(at)knemeyer.com>


PRESS: None. Sad


disband A Prussia

disband A Wallachia


Build A Saxony
Build A Swabia

Build A Bristol
Build F London

Remove A Normandy

Build waived

Build F Crimea
Build A Moscow

Build A Sevilla

Remove A Tunis


Austria(11): Bavaria, Lorraine, Prague, Savoy, Saxony,


[quote:1ea2148a50]Switzerland, Trieste, Tuscany, Venice, Vienna.
Denmark-Norway(5): Holstein, Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg,


[quote:1ea2148a50]Westphalia, Stettin.
England(6): Bristol, Flanders, Ireland, London, Scotland,


France(2): Marseilles, Paris.
Poland-Lithuania(5): Brandenburg, Cracow, Moldavia,


Russia(10): Crimea, Moscow, Novgorod, Persia, Prussia,


[quote:1ea2148a50]Ukraine, Vilna, Voronezh, Warsaw.
Spain(6): Algiers, Brest, Madrid, Morocco, Portugal, Sevilla.
Sweden(6): Abo, Christiania, Copenhagen, Courland, Riga,

[/quote:1ea2148a50]Stockholm.> > Turkey(6): Belgrade, Candia, Constantinople,
Damascus, Naples, Tunis.

[quote:1ea2148a50]Minor Powers(1): Papal States.

DEADLINE SCHEDULE: (all orders are due NLT 6PM CET


[quote:1ea2148a50]local time)
o Spring 1653 Moves: 2 September

Neu: WEB.DE Doppel-FLAT mit Internet-Flatrate + Telefon-Flatrate
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Not now, I've got to feed my llama! - packrat   (Aug 27, 2009, 4:41 pm)
DAMN IT HESTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When are you going to make a variant that FITS ON THE SCREEN???????


DC-272 Spring 1454 Adjudication - TheWhiteWolf   (Aug 27, 2009, 1:53 pm)
Thanks for working together to get this game kicked off ahead of schedule! You're in trouble now - you've set a pretty impressive precedent for yourselves. ;o)


Austria: Aidan Slattery <AiSlattery(at)aol.com>
France: Mark Utterbach <MDemagogue(at)gmail.com>
Florence: Joe Babinsack <chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com>
Milan: Nick Cherrier <zeclient(at)hotmail.com>
Naples: Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>
Papacy: Kevin Burt <Brutus(at)wbhsi.net>
Turkey: Max Victory <maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk>
Venice: Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>


A Austria - Carinthia
A Hungary - Slavonia
A Tyrol Supports A Austria - Carinthia

A Avignon - Turin
F Marseille - Provence
A Swiss Supports A Avignon - Turin

A Arezzo - Florence
A Florence - Pisa
F Pisa - Ligurian Sea

A Cremona - Mantua
A Milan - Pavia
A Pavia - Montferrat

A Bari - Aquila
A Messina - Palermo
F Naples - Capua
F Palermo - Tyrrhenian Sea

F Ancona Supports F Durazzo - Lower Adriatic
A Bologna - Ferrara
A Perugia Hold
A Rome - Patrimony

A Albania - Herzegovina
F Durazzo - Lower Adriatic
F Tunis - Western Mediterranean

F Dalmatia - Croatia
A Padua Hold
A Treviso - Friuli
F Venice - Upper Adriatic

Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)

Austria: (3/3)
Armies - Cri, Sla, Tyr

France: (3/3)
Armies - Swi, Tur
Fleets - Pro

Florence: (3/3)
Armies - Flo, Psa
Fleets - LS

Milan: (3/3)
Armies - Man, Mon, Pav

Naples: (4/4)
Armies - Aqu, Pal
Fleets - Cap, TS

Papacy: (4/4)
Armies - Fer, Pat, Per
Fleets - Anc

Turkey: (3/3)
Armies - Her
Fleets - LA, WM

Venice: (4/4)
Armies - Fri, Pad
Fleets - Cro, UA


Fall 1454 is due Wednesday, 2 September at 2pm EDT (6pm GMT.)
Any issues or errors, let me know.

Map and RP file are attached for your convenience, enjoy!

Thanks all,
The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


Not now, I've got to feed my llama! - FuzzyLogic   (Aug 27, 2009, 12:52 pm)
You have to download and install it.

- Go to www.diplomaticcorp.com
- Click on variants
- Scroll down to SAS
- There is a small RP link to the right of it - click that
- This should pop up a "Run or Save" dialog - Choose Save. Or, your i.e. may throw up one of the yellow i.e. protection bars (bill g always lookin out for us) so you'll have to click that and say download file, then pick save from the popup.
- Save this file on your Desktop
Now go unzip it...
Dont have Winzip? Ok have to get that first, from www.sims-family.net/library/winzip81.exe
- Once unzipped, you should have a folder (note, a regular folder - not a zip).
- Cut that folder, and pasted it into your c:\program files\realpolitik\variants folder, next to all the other variants you see there.

- Next time you start RP, the new variant should be an option.


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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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