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243 proposal - agwopa   (Jul 11, 2009, 11:19 am)
we have a proposal for
3-way draw between
Russia, Italy and Germany
Please let me know either way yea or nay. You can send at anytime and first nay defeats it. it will stay open until all say yes or one says no.


DC 262: Angstskrik - Winter 825 Adjustments - benjamin.hester at us....   (Jul 11, 2009, 10:54 am)
Oops - here you go...the attachment

From: Hester, Benjamin T CPT RES USAR USARC
Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 5:48 PM
To: Hester, Benjamin T CPT RES USAR USARC; brn2dip(at)yahoo.com; captain_sicarius(at)hotmail.com; congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com; dc262(at)diplomaticcorp.com; gbimmerle(at)gmail.com; githraine(at)yahoo.com; kelly058(at)verizon.net; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; mike(at)sims-family.net; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; nephilli99(at)hotmail.com
Subject: RE: DC 262: Angstskrik - Winter 825 Adjustments

Correction -

The Scots built A Circinn, not F Circinn. For now, as I'm very rushed here getting set up, here's a new map only. I will probably need help to update the Diplomatic Corp page (Mike/Jason?) as I do not think I can access any .com address from here until I return in early August. Updated .dpy file will follow shortly.

Sorry about the confusion, please bear with me, the Reserves are going to make this a little difficult.

From: Hester, Benjamin T CPT RES USAR USARC
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 2:42 AM
To: brn2dip(at)yahoo.com; captain_sicarius(at)hotmail.com; congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com; dc262(at)diplomaticcorp.com; gbimmerle(at)gmail.com; githraine(at)yahoo.com; kelly058(at)verizon.net; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; mike(at)sims-family.net; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; nephilli99(at)hotmail.com
Subject: DC 262: Angstskrik - Winter 825 Adjustments

Honored Kings of the Dark Ages -

A bitter northern winter settles over both land and sea, and we see both the shipyards and the barracks hard at work raising new forces for the spring, the time when men go off to war...

All builds are valid, and no retreats of course in a winter season, so we move straight on to Spring. This is the last adjudication that will be copied from both the Gmail and army email accounts. So - if you did NOT successfully receive this adjudication announcement from both the Gmail and Army accounts by midnight tonight - you *NEED* to let me know by sending me an email or letting one of the players that has successfully contacted me at the army address know so they can tell me. An email sent only to the Gmail address equals an NMR until I return on 7 August.

Mike/Jason - there is also a distinct possibility that I will not be able to access the Diplomatic Corps website during the next few seasons of adjudications while I am away training with the Reserves. Is there any possibility that I could get some temporary help updating the game on the DC website during that time?

SPRING 826 will be tenatively set for Thursday, July 16, 1700 GMT+1. There is a possibility that I will have a break in email access for the next few days while I am in transit and getting set up. Do not be alarmed if confirmation of orders is slightly delayed. If by some terrible scenario I am completely without email access or cannot adjudicate at the appointed time, well - worst comes to worst, we will take a break and resume when I return. I doubt that will happen. Expect an email from me to touch base and make contact as soon as I am established at training.
As always, for those just joining us or observing, here is the player list:

Nick Higgins - Cyning of the Angles and Saxons (Anglo-Saxons)
congressofvienna1814 AT yahoo DOT com
Matthew Kelly - Brenin of the Brythons (Britons)
kelly058 AT verizon DOT net
Gregory Bim-Merle - Kong of the Dani (Danes)
gbimmerle AT gmail DOT com
Nathan Deily - Ard Rí na hÉireann (Gaels)
ndeily AT yahoo DOT com
Scott Troemel - Kong of the Norge (Norse)
brn2dip AT yahoo DOT com
Nigel Phillips - Rí Alban (Scots)
nephilli99 AT hotmail DOT com
Mark Duffield - Konung of the Suetidi (Swedes)
captain_sicarius AT hotmail DOT com
and me, your humble GM, B. (Benjamin Hester)
screwtape777 AT gmail DOT com
benjamin DOT hester AT us DOT army DOT mil


Build F Ulster


Build F Cait
Build F Circinn


Build A Dyfed
Build A Gwynned


Build F Rogaland
Build F Vestfold


Build A Hamptonshire
Build A Kent


Build A Jelling
Build F Roskilde


Build F Svear
Build A Gotar


DC 262: Angstskrik - Winter 825 Adjustments - benjamin.hester at us....   (Jul 11, 2009, 10:51 am)
Correction -

The Scots built A Circinn, not F Circinn. For now, as I'm very rushed here getting set up, here's a new map only. I will probably need help to update the Diplomatic Corp page (Mike/Jason?) as I do not think I can access any .com address from here until I return in early August. Updated .dpy file will follow shortly.

Sorry about the confusion, please bear with me, the Reserves are going to make this a little difficult.

From: Hester, Benjamin T CPT RES USAR USARC
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 2:42 AM
To: brn2dip(at)yahoo.com; captain_sicarius(at)hotmail.com; congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com; dc262(at)diplomaticcorp.com; gbimmerle(at)gmail.com; githraine(at)yahoo.com; kelly058(at)verizon.net; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; mike(at)sims-family.net; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; nephilli99(at)hotmail.com
Subject: DC 262: Angstskrik - Winter 825 Adjustments

Honored Kings of the Dark Ages -

A bitter northern winter settles over both land and sea, and we see both the shipyards and the barracks hard at work raising new forces for the spring, the time when men go off to war...

All builds are valid, and no retreats of course in a winter season, so we move straight on to Spring. This is the last adjudication that will be copied from both the Gmail and army email accounts. So - if you did NOT successfully receive this adjudication announcement from both the Gmail and Army accounts by midnight tonight - you *NEED* to let me know by sending me an email or letting one of the players that has successfully contacted me at the army address know so they can tell me. An email sent only to the Gmail address equals an NMR until I return on 7 August.

Mike/Jason - there is also a distinct possibility that I will not be able to access the Diplomatic Corps website during the next few seasons of adjudications while I am away training with the Reserves. Is there any possibility that I could get some temporary help updating the game on the DC website during that time?

SPRING 826 will be tenatively set for Thursday, July 16, 1700 GMT+1. There is a possibility that I will have a break in email access for the next few days while I am in transit and getting set up. Do not be alarmed if confirmation of orders is slightly delayed. If by some terrible scenario I am completely without email access or cannot adjudicate at the appointed time, well - worst comes to worst, we will take a break and resume when I return. I doubt that will happen. Expect an email from me to touch base and make contact as soon as I am established at training.
As always, for those just joining us or observing, here is the player list:

Nick Higgins - Cyning of the Angles and Saxons (Anglo-Saxons)
congressofvienna1814 AT yahoo DOT com
Matthew Kelly - Brenin of the Brythons (Britons)
kelly058 AT verizon DOT net
Gregory Bim-Merle - Kong of the Dani (Danes)
gbimmerle AT gmail DOT com
Nathan Deily - Ard Rí na hÉireann (Gaels)
ndeily AT yahoo DOT com
Scott Troemel - Kong of the Norge (Norse)
brn2dip AT yahoo DOT com
Nigel Phillips - Rí Alban (Scots)
nephilli99 AT hotmail DOT com
Mark Duffield - Konung of the Suetidi (Swedes)
captain_sicarius AT hotmail DOT com
and me, your humble GM, B. (Benjamin Hester)
screwtape777 AT gmail DOT com
benjamin DOT hester AT us DOT army DOT mil


Build F Ulster


Build F Cait
Build F Circinn


Build A Dyfed
Build A Gwynned


Build F Rogaland
Build F Vestfold


Build A Hamptonshire
Build A Kent


Build A Jelling
Build F Roskilde


Build F Svear
Build A Gotar


DC259 - Summer 1902 - blueinva   (Jul 11, 2009, 6:58 am)
Bulgaria retreats to Constantinople
Sevastopol retreats to Armenia


Fall 1902 Thursday July 16 2009 11:59pm DST (Eastern)


DC 257: Game status - The_Gentleman   (Jul 11, 2009, 2:42 am)
Hey everyone. Sorry for the silence during the week. I have a show opening this coming weekend and usually when I'm in one I don't really focus on anything else. I would if I could but it seems to take all that I've got.

So I am going to put a delay on this game. Hate to do it but I need to. We need to get an official map, which thank you to Francis we nearly have, but I need to make it official. That's not the real reason I'm delaying. I made a stupid mistake in Italy's email.

It is jcard(at)atnex.net ([email]jcard(at)atnex.net[/email]) not dot com. So I don't think he's been getting the emails. It is fixed now.

Just to update:

The cast:
Austria: MDemagogue(at)gmail.com ([email]MDemagogue(at)gmail.com[/email])
England: danilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.com ([email]danilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.com[/email])
France: francisbanville12(at)hotmail.com ([email]francisbanville12(at)hotmail.com[/email])
Germany: DiplomacyWorld(at)yahoo.com ([email]DiplomacyWorld(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Italy: jcard(at)atnex.net ([email]jcard(at)atnex.net[/email])
Russia: dindonman5(at)hotmail.com ([email]dindonman5(at)hotmail.com[/email])
Turkey: jmc66(at)mac.com ([email]jmc66(at)mac.com[/email])

Instead of a turn tomorrow I am going to fully update us and set the deadline for what I think will actually be Sunday at 9am instead of Saturday due to the fact that I have a matinee and a late night show on Saturday and will not have time to plug in orders. Thank you to those of you who did submit orders this turn. You'll all get an extended grace period or something if you ever do not have orders as a thanks from me. Razz

See you all in the morning. And remember, even though I am delaying, a full complete of "final" orders will allow an early adjudication.



Dc241 Winter 1907 - deathblade_penguin   (Jul 11, 2009, 1:41 am)
Dc241 Winter 1907

England - Build A London
Turkey - Build F Smyrna

Spring 1908 is due Thursday 16th July at 7pm, Australian DST

Stephen Lytton
Are you coming to the World Diplomacy Championship in Sydney 2011? Ask me how....

Find your next place with Ninemsn property Looking for a place to rent, share or buy this winter?


dc238 status - FuzzyLogic   (Jul 11, 2009, 12:43 am)
Hey players of dc238,
I've attempted to contact your GM to find out what's up. I know he's
been traveling a lot lately, hopefully all is ok. So stay tuned till
Monday - If Bruce is indeed tied up I'll get back in touch w you by
then. Pls keep any ideas or suggestions until that time.


dc224 Knight Situation - FuzzyLogic   (Jul 11, 2009, 12:35 am)
Welcome Sir Nick!
Let us Rogues tend to your queries about the situation. Perhaps our knowledge can be your salvation… or our information can be your guidance… or your centers can be our centers. Sound fair?

The Knights are a lovely bunch. Lead them well. The black is a bit unflattering so if you could work on that you’re golden.
The Trolls… Well if you pay their toll… they’ll let you go under their bridge. And they make breakfast in the morning.
The Archers… Led by a beautiful princess - who’da thunk… All those movies Robin Hood played by a man. So Shakespearian.
The Dwarves… Watch out, they’ll steal your gnomes.
The Pirates… Big fans of speaking without conjunctions and conjugated verbs but if you say Aaar you might get a swig o rum as you walk the plank
The Ogres… A cheerful bunch that like to cuddle by the fire with a good book and a hot totty.
The Wizards… Hang out in purple nightgowns and carry a big stick. You figure them out.
The Leprechauns… What else can we say. Easy women. And Nacho-Fridays. Woohoo!
The Undead… Led by none other than the Evil Queen of Death herself, rumored to have devoured the previous noble undead lord, swallowed him whole, regurgitated his remains, then bore form his decomposing carcass the larvae to feed her armada. (her troops never get tired of joking that “there’s a little of him in all of us”Wink
The Faeries… Typical do-gooders. They provide godmothers and godfathers to orphaned godchildren.
The Elves… Huh? Garry’s still alive?
The Gnomes… No longer around. Allegedly stolen by the Dwarves and kept underground to remind them of the days when Dwarves would frolick in the sunshine.

Hope this helps,
Guildmaster Mike
Leader of the Immensely Secret Rogue Clans of the Tri-Continental Haven world and its subsidiaries.
Now, on the web, at www.supportequalityforrogues.com
"We’ll be there for you”

From: Nick Higgins [mailto:congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 8:32 PM
To: Former Trout (contact); Garry Bledsoe; Jason K; Mark Smith; Matt Kremer; Matthew Kelly; Max Victory; Michael Penner; Michael Sims; Mike Hoffman; Nathan Deily; Pauly Shore; Rachael Jameson; Rob Bristol; Steve Caponigri; Suzanne Castagne; Warren Fleming
Subject: Re: DC224 Revised Player List

This is Sir Nick, the new leader of the Knights. I don't seem to have any friends on the map, so that will make me especially receptive to any offers. It's difficult to discern the structure of alliances on the map, so please feel free to regale/deceive me with your view of the situation.

Sir Nick

Nick Higgins
Congress of Vienna variant website:


WWIV f16 results! Ooh Eee... - FuzzyLogic   (Jul 10, 2009, 11:19 pm)
Well that record didn’t last long!

Just as soon as Illinois rips out the whopping 10-build turn, Turks around the world can be heard singing…
Ooh, Eee, Ooh Aah Aah, Ting Tang, Walla-Walla Bing Bang as they hammer out an 11-build record-setting turn of their own!

(Of course still not shabby, IL manages another 8 - impressive in its own rite, but surely overshadowed by these phenomenal numbers)


New England - All: Now announcing the reunification of the United States under the leadership of the great city of Chicago! the leaders of New England will gladly take up the hard task of governing the restive isles of Puerto Rico, Hispaniola, Bermuda, and the Azores.

Seriously, its way too cold up here!


(GM - New England: If you think IL looks great now, wait till you see them balance a budget)

There are lots of RETREATS, and lots of BUILDS:


Nigeia A Eritrea(eri) can retreat to Ethiopia(eth).
SouthAfrica A Mali(mal) can retreat to Ivory Coast(ivo).
UnitedStates F Guantanamo(gno) can retreat to Cienfuegos(cie).
Catholica F North Atlantic Ocean(nat) can retreat to Irish Sea(iri) or Ireland(ire).
UnitedKingdom F Norway(nwy) can retreat to Murmansk(mur).
California A Arizona(arz) can retreat to Los Angeles(la).
California F San Francisco(sf) can retreat to Los Angeles(la).

I’m inclined to auto-retreat these since they all pretty much only have one logical spot, but since centers can change hands as a result, I’ll let ppl order them. Since I’m running the retreat turn, THEY WILL DISBAND IF NOT ORDERED even tho they only have one option.

Assuming the retreats above all retreat to the supply center if available, and California can only retreat one or the other, and must disband one… then BUILDS are:


California: Remove 1 (in addition to the army or fleet dislodged)
Catholica: Build 1 (submit conditional 2 builds in case UK does not ret to Mur)
Illinois: Build 8
India: Remove 4
Nigeria: Build 1
Philippines: Remove 1
SichuanEmpire: Build 3
SouthAfrica: Build 1
Turkey: Build 11
UnitedKingdom: Remove 2 (or only 1, if Cath does not take Ireland)
UnitedStates: Remove 5

That’s it!

Tuesday 7/14, 6pm Central.


PS - There is also an IL solo proposed. Vote Yay / Nay with Spring orders. (you don’t have to vote on this yet)


F Gulf of Panama(gop) Supports F East Central Pacific Ocean(ecp)
- Guatamala Basin(gub)
F Guatamala Basin(gub) - Baja(baj)
F Panama(pan) Supports F Western Caribbean Sea(wcb) (*Ordered to
F East Central Pacific Ocean(ecp) - Guatamala Basin(gub)
A Acre(acr) - Beni(bni) (*Bounce*)
A Bio Bio(bio) Hold
F Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands(flk) Hold
F Galapagos(glp) Supports F East Central Pacific Ocean(ecp) -
Guatamala Basin(gub)
A Gran Chaco(gra) - Paraguay(pgy) (*Bounce*)
A Lima(lim) Hold
A La Paz(lpz) - Beni(bni) (*Bounce*)
F Magallanes(mag) Supports F Patagonia(pat)
A Pampas(pam) - Buenos-Aries(bue) (*Bounce*)
F Patagonia(pat) Supports F South West Atlantic(swa)
F South Central Pacific Ocean(scp) - East Central Pacific
A Santa Cruz(scz) Supports A Gran Chaco(gra) - Paraguay(pgy)
A Uruguay(uru) - Buenos-Aries(bue) (*Bounce*)

F Cape Verde Islands(cpv) Hold
F Western South Atlantic Ocean(wsa) Supports F Eastern Caribbean
Sea(ecb) - Antilles(ant)
F Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) - Antilles(ant) (*Fails*)
F Jamaica(jam) Supports F Western Caribbean Sea(wcb) - Yucatan
F Trinidad & Tobago(trd) Supports F Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) -
F Western Caribbean Sea(wcb) - Yucatan Basin(yub) (*Fails*)
F Aruba(aru) Supports F Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) -
Antilles(ant) (*Fails*)
A Bahia(bah) Hold
A Bogota(bog) Supports A Medellin(med)
F Barranquilla(brn) - Western Caribbean Sea(wcb) (*Fails*)
F Caracas(crc) Supports F Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) -
Antilles(ant) (*Fails*)
F Golfo De Venezuela(gov) - Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) (*Bounce*)
F Guyana(guy) Supports F Golfo De Venezuela(gov) - Eastern
Caribbean Sea(ecb)
A Manaus(man) - Amazon Basin(amz) (*Bounce*)
A Medellin(med) Supports A Bogota(bog)
A Mato Grosso Do Sul(mgd) - Paraguay(pgy) (*Bounce*)
A Mato Grosso(mgr) - Santa Cruz(scz) (*Fails*)
F Mid South Atlantic Ocean(msa) Supports F Western South
Atlantic Ocean(wsa)
F Rio De Janeiro(rio) Supports F South West Atlantic(swa)
A Santander(stn) - Amazon Basin(amz) (*Bounce*)
F South West Atlantic(swa) Hold

F Sonora(son), no move received
A Arizona(arz) Hold (*Dislodged*)
F North East Pacific Ocean(nep), no move received
A Nevada(nev), no move received
F San Francisco(sf) Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Utah(uta) Hold (*Disbanded*)

F Algiers(alg) - Atlas Mountains(ats) (*Fails*)
A Atlas Mountains(ats) - Tunisia(tun) (*Fails*)
A Benghazi(ben) - Libya(lib)
F Khartoum(kha) - Eritrea(eri)
A Morocco(mor) Supports F Algiers(alg) - Atlas Mountains(ats)
F Gulf of Sirte(sir) Supports A Benghazi(ben) - Libya(lib)
A Tunisia(tun) - Tripoli(tri) (*Fails*)
F Edinburgh(edi) Supports F North Atlantic Ocean(nat)
F Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena) Supports A Morocco(mor)
F English Channel(eng) - London(lon)
F Eastern North Sea(ens) Supports F Norwegian Sea(nwg)
F North Atlantic Ocean(nat) Supports F Norwegian Sea(nwg)
F Norwegian Sea(nwg) Supports F North Atlantic Ocean(nat) (*Cut*)
F Portugal(por) Supports F Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena)
A Sicily(sic) Hold
F Skagerrak(ska) - Norway(nwy)
F Spain(spa)(sc) Supports F Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena)
A Sweden(swe) Supports F Skagerrak(ska) - Norway(nwy)
F Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) Supports A Atlas Mountains(ats)
- Tunisia(tun) (*Fails*)
A Pavlodar(pav) Supports A Omsk(oms) - Kazakhstan(kaz)

A Acapulco(aca) Hold
F Bahamas(bhm) Supports F Santa Clara(snc) - Guantanamo(gno)
F Belize(blz) Supports F Yucatan Basin(yub)
A Chihuahua(chu) Supports A New Mexico(nmx) - Arizona(arz)
A Coahuila(coa) Supports A Monterey(mon) - Zacatcas(zac)
F Eastern Gulf of Mexico(egm) Supports F Yucatan Basin(yub)
A Guadalajara(gdl) Supports A Monterey(mon) - Zacatcas(zac)
F Guatamala(gml) Supports A Nicaragua(nic)
F Honduras(hon) Supports A Nicaragua(nic)
A Michoacan(mch) Hold
A Monterey(mon) - Zacatcas(zac)
A Nicaragua(nic) Supports F Guatamala(gml)
F Santa Clara(snc) - Guantanamo(gno)
F Yucatan Basin(yub) Supports F Santa Clara(snc) -
Guantanamo(gno) (*Cut*)
A Yucatan(yuc) Supports F Guatamala(gml)
F Iceland(ice) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab) - North Atlantic
F Bering Sea(brg) Supports F Anchorage(anc) - Gulf of
Alaska(goa) (*Fails*)
F Anchorage(anc) - Gulf of Alaska(goa) (*Fails*)
F Cascadia Basin(cas) - San Francisco(sf)
A Denver(dnv) Supports A Nebraska(neb) - Utah(uta)
F Gulf of Alaska(goa) - North East Pacific Ocean(nep) (*Fails*)
F Greenland(grn) - Norwegian Sea(nwg) (*Fails*)
F Hudson Bay(hud) - Labrador Sea(lab)
A Idaho(ida) - Nevada(nev) (*Fails*)
F Labrador Sea(lab) - North Atlantic Ocean(nat)
F Labrador(lbr) Supports F Hudson Bay(hud) - Labrador Sea(lab)
A Miami(mia) - Santa Clara(snc)
A New Brunswick(nb) - Boston(bos)
A Nebraska(neb) - Utah(uta)
A New Mexico(nmx) - Arizona(arz)
A Ohio(ohi) - Washington(was)
A Oklahoma(okl) - New Mexico(nmx)
F Oregon(ore) Supports F Cascadia Basin(cas) - San Francisco(sf)
A Rochester(roc) - New York City(nyc)
A Sherbrooke(sbk) - Rochester(roc)
A Yukon(yuk) - Anchorage(anc) (*Fails*)

A Shan Plateau(shn), no move received
A Assam(asm), no move received
A Calcutta(cal), no move received
F Dhaka(dha), no move received
F Isthmus of Kra(kra)(wc), no move received
A Korat Plateau(krt), no move received
A Mandalay(mdl), no move received
F Madras(mdr), no move received
F Sri Lanka(sri), no move received
F Strait of Malacca(stm), no move received
A Afghanistan(afg), no move received
A Almaty(alm), no move received
A Karachi(kar), no move received
A Kyzylorda(kyz), no move received
A Uzbekistan(uzb), no move received

A Ahaggar(aha) Supports A Tripoli(tri)
A Chad(cha) Supports A Libya(lib) - Khartoum(kha)
F Dakar(dak) Supports F Mauritania(mau)
A Eritrea(eri) Supports A Libya(lib) - Khartoum(kha)
F Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa) Supports F St Helena(sth)
A Grand Erg Oriental(geo) - Niger(ngr)
F Ivory Coast(ivo) - Ghana(gha)
A Libya(lib) - Khartoum(kha)
F Mauritania(mau) Hold
A Niger(ngr) - Mali(mal)
A Tombouctou(tom) Supports A Niger(ngr) - Mali(mal)
A Tripoli(tri) Hold

F Arafura Sea(arf) Supports F New Guinea(ng)
A Darwin(dwn) Hold
F Jakarta(jak) Supports F Timor Sea(tms)
F Micronesia(mic) Supports F New Guinea(ng)
F Nauru(nau) Supports F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo)
F New Caledonia(ncd) Hold
F New Guinea(ng), no move received
F Samoa(sam) Supports F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo)
F Timor Sea(tms) Supports F Jakarta(jak)
F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo) Supports F Hawaii(hi)
F Hawaii(hi) Supports F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo)
F Pitcairn Island(pit) Supports F Tahiti(tah)
F Ross Sea(ros) Supports F Pitcairn Island(pit)
F Tahiti(tah) Supports F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo)

F Gulf of Tongking(gto) Supports F South China Sea North(scn)
F North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp) - Midway Island(mdw)
F Northern Philippine Sea(nps) Supports F Tokyo(tok) - West
Central Pacific Ocean(wcp)
A Okinawa(oki) Hold
F Saipan(sai) Supports F Northern Philippine Sea(nps)
F South China Sea North(scn) Supports F Northern Philippine
Sea(nps) (*Cut*)
F Taiwan(tai) Supports F Northern Philippine Sea(nps)
F Tokyo(tok) - West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp) (*Disbanded*)
F Banda Sea(bnd) - Makassar Strait(mak) (*Fails*)
F Gulf of Thailand(got) Supports F Kuala Lumpur(kua)
F Kuala Lumpur(kua) Supports F Singapore(sng)
F Makassar Strait(mak) - Banjarmasin(bnj)
F Molucca Sea(mlc) - Ambon(amb)
F Natuna Sea(ntu) Supports F Singapore(sng)
F Surabaya(sby) - Banda Sea(bnd) (*Fails*)
F Singapore(sng) Hold
F Southern Philippine Sea(sps) - Guam(gua)

F Akita(aki) Supports F West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp) -
A Chongqing(cho) Supports A Yunan(yun)
F East China Sea(ecs) Supports F Fuzhou(fuz) - South China Sea
F Fuzhou(fuz) - South China Sea North(scn) (*Fails*)
A Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu(gnx) Supports A Hong Kong(hk)
A Hanoi(han) Supports A Yunan(yun)
A Hong Kong(hk) Hold
A Khabarovsk(khb), no move received
A Kyoto(kyo) Supports F West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp) -
F North West Pacific Ocean(nwp) - West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp)
A Qinghai(qng) Supports A Xinjiang(xin)
F Sapporo(sap) - North West Pacific Ocean(nwp)
F Seoul(seo) Supports F East China Sea(ecs)
F Shanghai(sha) Supports F East China Sea(ecs)
A Siberia(sib), no move received
F Sea of Japan(soj) Supports A Kyoto(kyo)
F West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp) - Tokyo(tok)
A Yunan(yun) Supports A Tibet(tib)
A Thar Desert(thr) - Rajasthan(raj)
A Islamabad(isl) Supports A Kashmir(kas)
A Kashmir(kas) Supports A Islamabad(isl)
A Novosibirsk(nsb) Hold
A Srednesibirskoye Ploskogor'ye(srd) Supports A Novosibirsk(nsb)
A Tibet(tib) Supports A Kashmir(kas)
A Tyva(tyv) Supports A Novosibirsk(nsb)
A Urumqi(umq) Supports A Xinjiang(xin)
A Xinjiang(xin) Supports A Kashmir(kas)

F Angola Basin(anb) Supports F St Helena(sth)
F Gulf of Guinea(gog) Supports F Eastern South Atlantic
F Lubango(lub) Supports F South Atlantic Ocean(sat)
A Mali(mal) Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Mombasa(mom) Supports F Somalia(som)
F Somali Basin(sob) Supports F North Indian Ocean(nio)
F Somalia(som) Supports F Somali Basin(sob)
F St Helena(sth) Supports F Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa)
A Sudan(sud) - Khartoum(kha) (*Fails*)
A Uganda(uga) - Sudan(sud) (*Fails*)
F Java Sea(jav) - Singapore(sng) (*Bounce*)
F Java Trench(jvt) - Java Sea(jav) (*Fails*)
F Medan(mdn) Supports A Riau(ria) (*Ordered to Move*)
F North Indian Ocean(nio), no move received
F Palembang(plm) Supports F Java Sea(jav) (*Ordered to Move*)
A Riau(ria) - Singapore(sng) (*Bounce*)
F South West Indian Ocean(swi) Supports F South Atlantic
A Nepal(npl) - Delhi(del)
F South Atlantic Ocean(sat) Supports F St Helena(sth)

A Egypt(egy) Supports A Benghazi(ben) - Libya(lib)
F Red Sea(red) Supports F Khartoum(kha) - Eritrea(eri)
F Albania(alb) - Serbia(ser)
A Omsk(oms) - Kazakhstan(kaz) (*Fails*)
A Orenburgskaya Oblast(orn) - Aktyubinsk(akt)
A Perm'(prm) - Omsk(oms) (*Fails*)
A Rumania(rum) Hold
F Arabian Sea(ara) Convoys A Baghdad(bag) - Bombay(bom)
F Gulf of Aden(gad) Supports F Khartoum(kha) - Eritrea(eri)
F Persian Gulf(peg) Convoys A Baghdad(bag) - Bombay(bom)
A Aktyubinsk(akt) - Ashgabat(ash)
A Baghdad(bag) - Bombay(bom)
A Kazakhstan(kaz) - Kyzylorda(kyz) (*Fails*)
A Khorasan(kho) - Shiraz(shi)
A Tehran(teh) Supports A Aktyubinsk(akt) - Ashgabat(ash)
A Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina(zap) Supports A Perm'(prm) -
Omsk(oms) (*Fails*)

F Barents Sea(bar), no move received
F Bay of Biscay(bis) Hold
F Norway(nwy) Hold (*Dislodged*)

F Antilles(ant) Supports F Puerto Rico(pr) (*Cut*)
F Guantanamo(gno) - Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) (*Dislodged*)
F Hispaniola(his) Supports F Guantanamo(gno) - Eastern Caribbean
F Puerto Rico(pr) Supports F Antilles(ant)
F Sargasso Sea(sar) Supports F Antilles(ant)
F Azores(azo) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab) - North Atlantic
A Arkansas(ark) - Memphis(mem)
F Bermuda(bmd) - Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) (*Fails*)
F Gulf of St Lawrence(gsl) - New Brunswick(nb)(ec)
F Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) - Eastern North Atlantic
Ocean(ena) (*Fails*)
F North East Coast(nec) Supports F Bermuda(bmd) - Mid North
Atlantic Ocean(mna) (*Fails*)
F Newfoundland(nwf) - Gulf of St Lawrence(gsl)


WWIV f16 results! Ooh Eee... (dc195) FuzzyLogic Jul 13, 09:48 am
Dont forget lots of retreats and builds are due tomorrow!

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Fri 7/10/2009 11:19 PM
Subject: WWIV f16 results! Ooh Eee...

Well that record didn’t last long!

Just as soon as Illinois rips out the whopping 10-build turn, Turks around the world can be heard singing…
Ooh, Eee, Ooh Aah Aah, Ting Tang, Walla-Walla Bing Bang as they hammer out an 11-build record-setting turn of their own!

(Of course still not shabby, IL manages another 8 - impressive in its own rite, but surely overshadowed by these phenomenal numbers)


New England - All: Now announcing the reunification of the United States under the leadership of the great city of Chicago! the leaders of New England will gladly take up the hard task of governing the restive isles of Puerto Rico, Hispaniola, Bermuda, and the Azores.

Seriously, its way too cold up here!


(GM - New England: If you think IL looks great now, wait till you see them balance a budget)

There are lots of RETREATS, and lots of BUILDS:


Nigeia A Eritrea(eri) can retreat to Ethiopia(eth).
SouthAfrica A Mali(mal) can retreat to Ivory Coast(ivo).
UnitedStates F Guantanamo(gno) can retreat to Cienfuegos(cie).
Catholica F North Atlantic Ocean(nat) can retreat to Irish Sea(iri) or Ireland(ire).
UnitedKingdom F Norway(nwy) can retreat to Murmansk(mur).
California A Arizona(arz) can retreat to Los Angeles(la).
California F San Francisco(sf) can retreat to Los Angeles(la).

I’m inclined to auto-retreat these since they all pretty much only have one logical spot, but since centers can change hands as a result, I’ll let ppl order them. Since I’m running the retreat turn, THEY WILL DISBAND IF NOT ORDERED even tho they only have one option.

Assuming the retreats above all retreat to the supply center if available, and California can only retreat one or the other, and must disband one… then BUILDS are:


California: Remove 1 (in addition to the army or fleet dislodged)
Catholica: Build 1 (submit conditional 2 builds in case UK does not ret to Mur)
Illinois: Build 8
India: Remove 4
Nigeria: Build 1
Philippines: Remove 1
SichuanEmpire: Build 3
SouthAfrica: Build 1
Turkey: Build 11
UnitedKingdom: Remove 2 (or only 1, if Cath does not take Ireland)
UnitedStates: Remove 5

That’s it!

Tuesday 7/14, 6pm Central.


PS - There is also an IL solo proposed. Vote Yay / Nay with Spring orders. (you don’t have to vote on this yet)


F Gulf of Panama(gop) Supports F East Central Pacific Ocean(ecp)
- Guatamala Basin(gub)
F Guatamala Basin(gub) - Baja(baj)
F Panama(pan) Supports F Western Caribbean Sea(wcb) (*Ordered to
F East Central Pacific Ocean(ecp) - Guatamala Basin(gub)
A Acre(acr) - Beni(bni) (*Bounce*)
A Bio Bio(bio) Hold
F Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands(flk) Hold
F Galapagos(glp) Supports F East Central Pacific Ocean(ecp) -
Guatamala Basin(gub)
A Gran Chaco(gra) - Paraguay(pgy) (*Bounce*)
A Lima(lim) Hold
A La Paz(lpz) - Beni(bni) (*Bounce*)
F Magallanes(mag) Supports F Patagonia(pat)
A Pampas(pam) - Buenos-Aries(bue) (*Bounce*)
F Patagonia(pat) Supports F South West Atlantic(swa)
F South Central Pacific Ocean(scp) - East Central Pacific
A Santa Cruz(scz) Supports A Gran Chaco(gra) - Paraguay(pgy)
A Uruguay(uru) - Buenos-Aries(bue) (*Bounce*)

F Cape Verde Islands(cpv) Hold
F Western South Atlantic Ocean(wsa) Supports F Eastern Caribbean
Sea(ecb) - Antilles(ant)
F Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) - Antilles(ant) (*Fails*)
F Jamaica(jam) Supports F Western Caribbean Sea(wcb) - Yucatan
F Trinidad & Tobago(trd) Supports F Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) -
F Western Caribbean Sea(wcb) - Yucatan Basin(yub) (*Fails*)
F Aruba(aru) Supports F Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) -
Antilles(ant) (*Fails*)
A Bahia(bah) Hold
A Bogota(bog) Supports A Medellin(med)
F Barranquilla(brn) - Western Caribbean Sea(wcb) (*Fails*)
F Caracas(crc) Supports F Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) -
Antilles(ant) (*Fails*)
F Golfo De Venezuela(gov) - Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) (*Bounce*)
F Guyana(guy) Supports F Golfo De Venezuela(gov) - Eastern
Caribbean Sea(ecb)
A Manaus(man) - Amazon Basin(amz) (*Bounce*)
A Medellin(med) Supports A Bogota(bog)
A Mato Grosso Do Sul(mgd) - Paraguay(pgy) (*Bounce*)
A Mato Grosso(mgr) - Santa Cruz(scz) (*Fails*)
F Mid South Atlantic Ocean(msa) Supports F Western South
Atlantic Ocean(wsa)
F Rio De Janeiro(rio) Supports F South West Atlantic(swa)
A Santander(stn) - Amazon Basin(amz) (*Bounce*)
F South West Atlantic(swa) Hold

F Sonora(son), no move received
A Arizona(arz) Hold (*Dislodged*)
F North East Pacific Ocean(nep), no move received
A Nevada(nev), no move received
F San Francisco(sf) Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Utah(uta) Hold (*Disbanded*)

F Algiers(alg) - Atlas Mountains(ats) (*Fails*)
A Atlas Mountains(ats) - Tunisia(tun) (*Fails*)
A Benghazi(ben) - Libya(lib)
F Khartoum(kha) - Eritrea(eri)
A Morocco(mor) Supports F Algiers(alg) - Atlas Mountains(ats)
F Gulf of Sirte(sir) Supports A Benghazi(ben) - Libya(lib)
A Tunisia(tun) - Tripoli(tri) (*Fails*)
F Edinburgh(edi) Supports F North Atlantic Ocean(nat)
F Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena) Supports A Morocco(mor)
F English Channel(eng) - London(lon)
F Eastern North Sea(ens) Supports F Norwegian Sea(nwg)
F North Atlantic Ocean(nat) Supports F Norwegian Sea(nwg)
F Norwegian Sea(nwg) Supports F North Atlantic Ocean(nat) (*Cut*)
F Portugal(por) Supports F Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena)
A Sicily(sic) Hold
F Skagerrak(ska) - Norway(nwy)
F Spain(spa)(sc) Supports F Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena)
A Sweden(swe) Supports F Skagerrak(ska) - Norway(nwy)
F Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) Supports A Atlas Mountains(ats)
- Tunisia(tun) (*Fails*)
A Pavlodar(pav) Supports A Omsk(oms) - Kazakhstan(kaz)

A Acapulco(aca) Hold
F Bahamas(bhm) Supports F Santa Clara(snc) - Guantanamo(gno)
F Belize(blz) Supports F Yucatan Basin(yub)
A Chihuahua(chu) Supports A New Mexico(nmx) - Arizona(arz)
A Coahuila(coa) Supports A Monterey(mon) - Zacatcas(zac)
F Eastern Gulf of Mexico(egm) Supports F Yucatan Basin(yub)
A Guadalajara(gdl) Supports A Monterey(mon) - Zacatcas(zac)
F Guatamala(gml) Supports A Nicaragua(nic)
F Honduras(hon) Supports A Nicaragua(nic)
A Michoacan(mch) Hold
A Monterey(mon) - Zacatcas(zac)
A Nicaragua(nic) Supports F Guatamala(gml)
F Santa Clara(snc) - Guantanamo(gno)
F Yucatan Basin(yub) Supports F Santa Clara(snc) -
Guantanamo(gno) (*Cut*)
A Yucatan(yuc) Supports F Guatamala(gml)
F Iceland(ice) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab) - North Atlantic
F Bering Sea(brg) Supports F Anchorage(anc) - Gulf of
Alaska(goa) (*Fails*)
F Anchorage(anc) - Gulf of Alaska(goa) (*Fails*)
F Cascadia Basin(cas) - San Francisco(sf)
A Denver(dnv) Supports A Nebraska(neb) - Utah(uta)
F Gulf of Alaska(goa) - North East Pacific Ocean(nep) (*Fails*)
F Greenland(grn) - Norwegian Sea(nwg) (*Fails*)
F Hudson Bay(hud) - Labrador Sea(lab)
A Idaho(ida) - Nevada(nev) (*Fails*)
F Labrador Sea(lab) - North Atlantic Ocean(nat)
F Labrador(lbr) Supports F Hudson Bay(hud) - Labrador Sea(lab)
A Miami(mia) - Santa Clara(snc)
A New Brunswick(nb) - Boston(bos)
A Nebraska(neb) - Utah(uta)
A New Mexico(nmx) - Arizona(arz)
A Ohio(ohi) - Washington(was)
A Oklahoma(okl) - New Mexico(nmx)
F Oregon(ore) Supports F Cascadia Basin(cas) - San Francisco(sf)
A Rochester(roc) - New York City(nyc)
A Sherbrooke(sbk) - Rochester(roc)
A Yukon(yuk) - Anchorage(anc) (*Fails*)

A Shan Plateau(shn), no move received
A Assam(asm), no move received
A Calcutta(cal), no move received
F Dhaka(dha), no move received
F Isthmus of Kra(kra)(wc), no move received
A Korat Plateau(krt), no move received
A Mandalay(mdl), no move received
F Madras(mdr), no move received
F Sri Lanka(sri), no move received
F Strait of Malacca(stm), no move received
A Afghanistan(afg), no move received
A Almaty(alm), no move received
A Karachi(kar), no move received
A Kyzylorda(kyz), no move received
A Uzbekistan(uzb), no move received

A Ahaggar(aha) Supports A Tripoli(tri)
A Chad(cha) Supports A Libya(lib) - Khartoum(kha)
F Dakar(dak) Supports F Mauritania(mau)
A Eritrea(eri) Supports A Libya(lib) - Khartoum(kha)
F Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa) Supports F St Helena(sth)
A Grand Erg Oriental(geo) - Niger(ngr)
F Ivory Coast(ivo) - Ghana(gha)
A Libya(lib) - Khartoum(kha)
F Mauritania(mau) Hold
A Niger(ngr) - Mali(mal)
A Tombouctou(tom) Supports A Niger(ngr) - Mali(mal)
A Tripoli(tri) Hold

F Arafura Sea(arf) Supports F New Guinea(ng)
A Darwin(dwn) Hold
F Jakarta(jak) Supports F Timor Sea(tms)
F Micronesia(mic) Supports F New Guinea(ng)
F Nauru(nau) Supports F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo)
F New Caledonia(ncd) Hold
F New Guinea(ng), no move received
F Samoa(sam) Supports F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo)
F Timor Sea(tms) Supports F Jakarta(jak)
F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo) Supports F Hawaii(hi)
F Hawaii(hi) Supports F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo)
F Pitcairn Island(pit) Supports F Tahiti(tah)
F Ross Sea(ros) Supports F Pitcairn Island(pit)
F Tahiti(tah) Supports F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo)

F Gulf of Tongking(gto) Supports F South China Sea North(scn)
F North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp) - Midway Island(mdw)
F Northern Philippine Sea(nps) Supports F Tokyo(tok) - West
Central Pacific Ocean(wcp)
A Okinawa(oki) Hold
F Saipan(sai) Supports F Northern Philippine Sea(nps)
F South China Sea North(scn) Supports F Northern Philippine
Sea(nps) (*Cut*)
F Taiwan(tai) Supports F Northern Philippine Sea(nps)
F Tokyo(tok) - West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp) (*Disbanded*)
F Banda Sea(bnd) - Makassar Strait(mak) (*Fails*)
F Gulf of Thailand(got) Supports F Kuala Lumpur(kua)
F Kuala Lumpur(kua) Supports F Singapore(sng)
F Makassar Strait(mak) - Banjarmasin(bnj)
F Molucca Sea(mlc) - Ambon(amb)
F Natuna Sea(ntu) Supports F Singapore(sng)
F Surabaya(sby) - Banda Sea(bnd) (*Fails*)
F Singapore(sng) Hold
F Southern Philippine Sea(sps) - Guam(gua)

F Akita(aki) Supports F West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp) -
A Chongqing(cho) Supports A Yunan(yun)
F East China Sea(ecs) Supports F Fuzhou(fuz) - South China Sea
F Fuzhou(fuz) - South China Sea North(scn) (*Fails*)
A Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu(gnx) Supports A Hong Kong(hk)
A Hanoi(han) Supports A Yunan(yun)
A Hong Kong(hk) Hold
A Khabarovsk(khb), no move received
A Kyoto(kyo) Supports F West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp) -
F North West Pacific Ocean(nwp) - West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp)
A Qinghai(qng) Supports A Xinjiang(xin)
F Sapporo(sap) - North West Pacific Ocean(nwp)
F Seoul(seo) Supports F East China Sea(ecs)
F Shanghai(sha) Supports F East China Sea(ecs)
A Siberia(sib), no move received
F Sea of Japan(soj) Supports A Kyoto(kyo)
F West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp) - Tokyo(tok)
A Yunan(yun) Supports A Tibet(tib)
A Thar Desert(thr) - Rajasthan(raj)
A Islamabad(isl) Supports A Kashmir(kas)
A Kashmir(kas) Supports A Islamabad(isl)
A Novosibirsk(nsb) Hold
A Srednesibirskoye Ploskogor'ye(srd) Supports A Novosibirsk(nsb)
A Tibet(tib) Supports A Kashmir(kas)
A Tyva(tyv) Supports A Novosibirsk(nsb)
A Urumqi(umq) Supports A Xinjiang(xin)
A Xinjiang(xin) Supports A Kashmir(kas)

F Angola Basin(anb) Supports F St Helena(sth)
F Gulf of Guinea(gog) Supports F Eastern South Atlantic
F Lubango(lub) Supports F South Atlantic Ocean(sat)
A Mali(mal) Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Mombasa(mom) Supports F Somalia(som)
F Somali Basin(sob) Supports F North Indian Ocean(nio)
F Somalia(som) Supports F Somali Basin(sob)
F St Helena(sth) Supports F Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa)
A Sudan(sud) - Khartoum(kha) (*Fails*)
A Uganda(uga) - Sudan(sud) (*Fails*)
F Java Sea(jav) - Singapore(sng) (*Bounce*)
F Java Trench(jvt) - Java Sea(jav) (*Fails*)
F Medan(mdn) Supports A Riau(ria) (*Ordered to Move*)
F North Indian Ocean(nio), no move received
F Palembang(plm) Supports F Java Sea(jav) (*Ordered to Move*)
A Riau(ria) - Singapore(sng) (*Bounce*)
F South West Indian Ocean(swi) Supports F South Atlantic
A Nepal(npl) - Delhi(del)
F South Atlantic Ocean(sat) Supports F St Helena(sth)

A Egypt(egy) Supports A Benghazi(ben) - Libya(lib)
F Red Sea(red) Supports F Khartoum(kha) - Eritrea(eri)
F Albania(alb) - Serbia(ser)
A Omsk(oms) - Kazakhstan(kaz) (*Fails*)
A Orenburgskaya Oblast(orn) - Aktyubinsk(akt)
A Perm'(prm) - Omsk(oms) (*Fails*)
A Rumania(rum) Hold
F Arabian Sea(ara) Convoys A Baghdad(bag) - Bombay(bom)
F Gulf of Aden(gad) Supports F Khartoum(kha) - Eritrea(eri)
F Persian Gulf(peg) Convoys A Baghdad(bag) - Bombay(bom)
A Aktyubinsk(akt) - Ashgabat(ash)
A Baghdad(bag) - Bombay(bom)
A Kazakhstan(kaz) - Kyzylorda(kyz) (*Fails*)
A Khorasan(kho) - Shiraz(shi)
A Tehran(teh) Supports A Aktyubinsk(akt) - Ashgabat(ash)
A Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina(zap) Supports A Perm'(prm) -
Omsk(oms) (*Fails*)

F Barents Sea(bar), no move received
F Bay of Biscay(bis) Hold
F Norway(nwy) Hold (*Dislodged*)

F Antilles(ant) Supports F Puerto Rico(pr) (*Cut*)
F Guantanamo(gno) - Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) (*Dislodged*)
F Hispaniola(his) Supports F Guantanamo(gno) - Eastern Caribbean
F Puerto Rico(pr) Supports F Antilles(ant)
F Sargasso Sea(sar) Supports F Antilles(ant)
F Azores(azo) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab) - North Atlantic
A Arkansas(ark) - Memphis(mem)
F Bermuda(bmd) - Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) (*Fails*)
F Gulf of St Lawrence(gsl) - New Brunswick(nb)(ec)
F Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) - Eastern North Atlantic
Ocean(ena) (*Fails*)
F North East Coast(nec) Supports F Bermuda(bmd) - Mid North
Atlantic Ocean(mna) (*Fails*)
F Newfoundland(nwf) - Gulf of St Lawrence(gsl)
WWIV f16 results! Ooh Eee... (dc195) FuzzyLogic Jul 13, 06:56 pm
Pls note Philippine BND-MAK and SBY-BND should have succeeded. No change to the builds or retreats due. Will be updated on the winter map.

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 11:20 PM
Subject: WWIV f16 results! Ooh Eee...

Well that record didn’t last long!

Just as soon as Illinois rips out the whopping 10-build turn, Turks around the world can be heard singing…
Ooh, Eee, Ooh Aah Aah, Ting Tang, Walla-Walla Bing Bang as they hammer out an 11-build record-setting turn of their own!

(Of course still not shabby, IL manages another 8 - impressive in its own rite, but surely overshadowed by these phenomenal numbers)


New England - All: Now announcing the reunification of the United States under the leadership of the great city of Chicago! the leaders of New England will gladly take up the hard task of governing the restive isles of Puerto Rico, Hispaniola, Bermuda, and the Azores.

Seriously, its way too cold up here!


(GM - New England: If you think IL looks great now, wait till you see them balance a budget)

There are lots of RETREATS, and lots of BUILDS:


Nigeia A Eritrea(eri) can retreat to Ethiopia(eth).
SouthAfrica A Mali(mal) can retreat to Ivory Coast(ivo).
UnitedStates F Guantanamo(gno) can retreat to Cienfuegos(cie).
Catholica F North Atlantic Ocean(nat) can retreat to Irish Sea(iri) or Ireland(ire).
UnitedKingdom F Norway(nwy) can retreat to Murmansk(mur).
California A Arizona(arz) can retreat to Los Angeles(la).
California F San Francisco(sf) can retreat to Los Angeles(la).

I’m inclined to auto-retreat these since they all pretty much only have one logical spot, but since centers can change hands as a result, I’ll let ppl order them. Since I’m running the retreat turn, THEY WILL DISBAND IF NOT ORDERED even tho they only have one option.

Assuming the retreats above all retreat to the supply center if available, and California can only retreat one or the other, and must disband one… then BUILDS are:


California: Remove 1 (in addition to the army or fleet dislodged)
Catholica: Build 1 (submit conditional 2 builds in case UK does not ret to Mur)
Illinois: Build 8
India: Remove 4
Nigeria: Build 1
Philippines: Remove 1
SichuanEmpire: Build 3
SouthAfrica: Build 1
Turkey: Build 11
UnitedKingdom: Remove 2 (or only 1, if Cath does not take Ireland)
UnitedStates: Remove 5

That’s it!

Tuesday 7/14, 6pm Central.


PS - There is also an IL solo proposed. Vote Yay / Nay with Spring orders. (you don’t have to vote on this yet)


F Gulf of Panama(gop) Supports F East Central Pacific Ocean(ecp)
- Guatamala Basin(gub)
F Guatamala Basin(gub) - Baja(baj)
F Panama(pan) Supports F Western Caribbean Sea(wcb) (*Ordered to
F East Central Pacific Ocean(ecp) - Guatamala Basin(gub)
A Acre(acr) - Beni(bni) (*Bounce*)
A Bio Bio(bio) Hold
F Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands(flk) Hold
F Galapagos(glp) Supports F East Central Pacific Ocean(ecp) -
Guatamala Basin(gub)
A Gran Chaco(gra) - Paraguay(pgy) (*Bounce*)
A Lima(lim) Hold
A La Paz(lpz) - Beni(bni) (*Bounce*)
F Magallanes(mag) Supports F Patagonia(pat)
A Pampas(pam) - Buenos-Aries(bue) (*Bounce*)
F Patagonia(pat) Supports F South West Atlantic(swa)
F South Central Pacific Ocean(scp) - East Central Pacific
A Santa Cruz(scz) Supports A Gran Chaco(gra) - Paraguay(pgy)
A Uruguay(uru) - Buenos-Aries(bue) (*Bounce*)

F Cape Verde Islands(cpv) Hold
F Western South Atlantic Ocean(wsa) Supports F Eastern Caribbean
Sea(ecb) - Antilles(ant)
F Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) - Antilles(ant) (*Fails*)
F Jamaica(jam) Supports F Western Caribbean Sea(wcb) - Yucatan
F Trinidad & Tobago(trd) Supports F Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) -
F Western Caribbean Sea(wcb) - Yucatan Basin(yub) (*Fails*)
F Aruba(aru) Supports F Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) -
Antilles(ant) (*Fails*)
A Bahia(bah) Hold
A Bogota(bog) Supports A Medellin(med)
F Barranquilla(brn) - Western Caribbean Sea(wcb) (*Fails*)
F Caracas(crc) Supports F Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) -
Antilles(ant) (*Fails*)
F Golfo De Venezuela(gov) - Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) (*Bounce*)
F Guyana(guy) Supports F Golfo De Venezuela(gov) - Eastern
Caribbean Sea(ecb)
A Manaus(man) - Amazon Basin(amz) (*Bounce*)
A Medellin(med) Supports A Bogota(bog)
A Mato Grosso Do Sul(mgd) - Paraguay(pgy) (*Bounce*)
A Mato Grosso(mgr) - Santa Cruz(scz) (*Fails*)
F Mid South Atlantic Ocean(msa) Supports F Western South
Atlantic Ocean(wsa)
F Rio De Janeiro(rio) Supports F South West Atlantic(swa)
A Santander(stn) - Amazon Basin(amz) (*Bounce*)
F South West Atlantic(swa) Hold

F Sonora(son), no move received
A Arizona(arz) Hold (*Dislodged*)
F North East Pacific Ocean(nep), no move received
A Nevada(nev), no move received
F San Francisco(sf) Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Utah(uta) Hold (*Disbanded*)

F Algiers(alg) - Atlas Mountains(ats) (*Fails*)
A Atlas Mountains(ats) - Tunisia(tun) (*Fails*)
A Benghazi(ben) - Libya(lib)
F Khartoum(kha) - Eritrea(eri)
A Morocco(mor) Supports F Algiers(alg) - Atlas Mountains(ats)
F Gulf of Sirte(sir) Supports A Benghazi(ben) - Libya(lib)
A Tunisia(tun) - Tripoli(tri) (*Fails*)
F Edinburgh(edi) Supports F North Atlantic Ocean(nat)
F Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena) Supports A Morocco(mor)
F English Channel(eng) - London(lon)
F Eastern North Sea(ens) Supports F Norwegian Sea(nwg)
F North Atlantic Ocean(nat) Supports F Norwegian Sea(nwg)
F Norwegian Sea(nwg) Supports F North Atlantic Ocean(nat) (*Cut*)
F Portugal(por) Supports F Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena)
A Sicily(sic) Hold
F Skagerrak(ska) - Norway(nwy)
F Spain(spa)(sc) Supports F Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena)
A Sweden(swe) Supports F Skagerrak(ska) - Norway(nwy)
F Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) Supports A Atlas Mountains(ats)
- Tunisia(tun) (*Fails*)
A Pavlodar(pav) Supports A Omsk(oms) - Kazakhstan(kaz)

A Acapulco(aca) Hold
F Bahamas(bhm) Supports F Santa Clara(snc) - Guantanamo(gno)
F Belize(blz) Supports F Yucatan Basin(yub)
A Chihuahua(chu) Supports A New Mexico(nmx) - Arizona(arz)
A Coahuila(coa) Supports A Monterey(mon) - Zacatcas(zac)
F Eastern Gulf of Mexico(egm) Supports F Yucatan Basin(yub)
A Guadalajara(gdl) Supports A Monterey(mon) - Zacatcas(zac)
F Guatamala(gml) Supports A Nicaragua(nic)
F Honduras(hon) Supports A Nicaragua(nic)
A Michoacan(mch) Hold
A Monterey(mon) - Zacatcas(zac)
A Nicaragua(nic) Supports F Guatamala(gml)
F Santa Clara(snc) - Guantanamo(gno)
F Yucatan Basin(yub) Supports F Santa Clara(snc) -
Guantanamo(gno) (*Cut*)
A Yucatan(yuc) Supports F Guatamala(gml)
F Iceland(ice) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab) - North Atlantic
F Bering Sea(brg) Supports F Anchorage(anc) - Gulf of
Alaska(goa) (*Fails*)
F Anchorage(anc) - Gulf of Alaska(goa) (*Fails*)
F Cascadia Basin(cas) - San Francisco(sf)
A Denver(dnv) Supports A Nebraska(neb) - Utah(uta)
F Gulf of Alaska(goa) - North East Pacific Ocean(nep) (*Fails*)
F Greenland(grn) - Norwegian Sea(nwg) (*Fails*)
F Hudson Bay(hud) - Labrador Sea(lab)
A Idaho(ida) - Nevada(nev) (*Fails*)
F Labrador Sea(lab) - North Atlantic Ocean(nat)
F Labrador(lbr) Supports F Hudson Bay(hud) - Labrador Sea(lab)
A Miami(mia) - Santa Clara(snc)
A New Brunswick(nb) - Boston(bos)
A Nebraska(neb) - Utah(uta)
A New Mexico(nmx) - Arizona(arz)
A Ohio(ohi) - Washington(was)
A Oklahoma(okl) - New Mexico(nmx)
F Oregon(ore) Supports F Cascadia Basin(cas) - San Francisco(sf)
A Rochester(roc) - New York City(nyc)
A Sherbrooke(sbk) - Rochester(roc)
A Yukon(yuk) - Anchorage(anc) (*Fails*)

A Shan Plateau(shn), no move received
A Assam(asm), no move received
A Calcutta(cal), no move received
F Dhaka(dha), no move received
F Isthmus of Kra(kra)(wc), no move received
A Korat Plateau(krt), no move received
A Mandalay(mdl), no move received
F Madras(mdr), no move received
F Sri Lanka(sri), no move received
F Strait of Malacca(stm), no move received
A Afghanistan(afg), no move received
A Almaty(alm), no move received
A Karachi(kar), no move received
A Kyzylorda(kyz), no move received
A Uzbekistan(uzb), no move received

A Ahaggar(aha) Supports A Tripoli(tri)
A Chad(cha) Supports A Libya(lib) - Khartoum(kha)
F Dakar(dak) Supports F Mauritania(mau)
A Eritrea(eri) Supports A Libya(lib) - Khartoum(kha)
F Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa) Supports F St Helena(sth)
A Grand Erg Oriental(geo) - Niger(ngr)
F Ivory Coast(ivo) - Ghana(gha)
A Libya(lib) - Khartoum(kha)
F Mauritania(mau) Hold
A Niger(ngr) - Mali(mal)
A Tombouctou(tom) Supports A Niger(ngr) - Mali(mal)
A Tripoli(tri) Hold

F Arafura Sea(arf) Supports F New Guinea(ng)
A Darwin(dwn) Hold
F Jakarta(jak) Supports F Timor Sea(tms)
F Micronesia(mic) Supports F New Guinea(ng)
F Nauru(nau) Supports F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo)
F New Caledonia(ncd) Hold
F New Guinea(ng), no move received
F Samoa(sam) Supports F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo)
F Timor Sea(tms) Supports F Jakarta(jak)
F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo) Supports F Hawaii(hi)
F Hawaii(hi) Supports F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo)
F Pitcairn Island(pit) Supports F Tahiti(tah)
F Ross Sea(ros) Supports F Pitcairn Island(pit)
F Tahiti(tah) Supports F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo)

F Gulf of Tongking(gto) Supports F South China Sea North(scn)
F North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp) - Midway Island(mdw)
F Northern Philippine Sea(nps) Supports F Tokyo(tok) - West
Central Pacific Ocean(wcp)
A Okinawa(oki) Hold
F Saipan(sai) Supports F Northern Philippine Sea(nps)
F South China Sea North(scn) Supports F Northern Philippine
Sea(nps) (*Cut*)
F Taiwan(tai) Supports F Northern Philippine Sea(nps)
F Tokyo(tok) - West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp) (*Disbanded*)
F Banda Sea(bnd) - Makassar Strait(mak) (*Fails*)
F Gulf of Thailand(got) Supports F Kuala Lumpur(kua)
F Kuala Lumpur(kua) Supports F Singapore(sng)
F Makassar Strait(mak) - Banjarmasin(bnj)
F Molucca Sea(mlc) - Ambon(amb)
F Natuna Sea(ntu) Supports F Singapore(sng)
F Surabaya(sby) - Banda Sea(bnd) (*Fails*)
F Singapore(sng) Hold
F Southern Philippine Sea(sps) - Guam(gua)

F Akita(aki) Supports F West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp) -
A Chongqing(cho) Supports A Yunan(yun)
F East China Sea(ecs) Supports F Fuzhou(fuz) - South China Sea
F Fuzhou(fuz) - South China Sea North(scn) (*Fails*)
A Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu(gnx) Supports A Hong Kong(hk)
A Hanoi(han) Supports A Yunan(yun)
A Hong Kong(hk) Hold
A Khabarovsk(khb), no move received
A Kyoto(kyo) Supports F West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp) -
F North West Pacific Ocean(nwp) - West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp)
A Qinghai(qng) Supports A Xinjiang(xin)
F Sapporo(sap) - North West Pacific Ocean(nwp)
F Seoul(seo) Supports F East China Sea(ecs)
F Shanghai(sha) Supports F East China Sea(ecs)
A Siberia(sib), no move received
F Sea of Japan(soj) Supports A Kyoto(kyo)
F West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp) - Tokyo(tok)
A Yunan(yun) Supports A Tibet(tib)
A Thar Desert(thr) - Rajasthan(raj)
A Islamabad(isl) Supports A Kashmir(kas)
A Kashmir(kas) Supports A Islamabad(isl)
A Novosibirsk(nsb) Hold
A Srednesibirskoye Ploskogor'ye(srd) Supports A Novosibirsk(nsb)
A Tibet(tib) Supports A Kashmir(kas)
A Tyva(tyv) Supports A Novosibirsk(nsb)
A Urumqi(umq) Supports A Xinjiang(xin)
A Xinjiang(xin) Supports A Kashmir(kas)

F Angola Basin(anb) Supports F St Helena(sth)
F Gulf of Guinea(gog) Supports F Eastern South Atlantic
F Lubango(lub) Supports F South Atlantic Ocean(sat)
A Mali(mal) Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Mombasa(mom) Supports F Somalia(som)
F Somali Basin(sob) Supports F North Indian Ocean(nio)
F Somalia(som) Supports F Somali Basin(sob)
F St Helena(sth) Supports F Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa)
A Sudan(sud) - Khartoum(kha) (*Fails*)
A Uganda(uga) - Sudan(sud) (*Fails*)
F Java Sea(jav) - Singapore(sng) (*Bounce*)
F Java Trench(jvt) - Java Sea(jav) (*Fails*)
F Medan(mdn) Supports A Riau(ria) (*Ordered to Move*)
F North Indian Ocean(nio), no move received
F Palembang(plm) Supports F Java Sea(jav) (*Ordered to Move*)
A Riau(ria) - Singapore(sng) (*Bounce*)
F South West Indian Ocean(swi) Supports F South Atlantic
A Nepal(npl) - Delhi(del)
F South Atlantic Ocean(sat) Supports F St Helena(sth)

A Egypt(egy) Supports A Benghazi(ben) - Libya(lib)
F Red Sea(red) Supports F Khartoum(kha) - Eritrea(eri)
F Albania(alb) - Serbia(ser)
A Omsk(oms) - Kazakhstan(kaz) (*Fails*)
A Orenburgskaya Oblast(orn) - Aktyubinsk(akt)
A Perm'(prm) - Omsk(oms) (*Fails*)
A Rumania(rum) Hold
F Arabian Sea(ara) Convoys A Baghdad(bag) - Bombay(bom)
F Gulf of Aden(gad) Supports F Khartoum(kha) - Eritrea(eri)
F Persian Gulf(peg) Convoys A Baghdad(bag) - Bombay(bom)
A Aktyubinsk(akt) - Ashgabat(ash)
A Baghdad(bag) - Bombay(bom)
A Kazakhstan(kaz) - Kyzylorda(kyz) (*Fails*)
A Khorasan(kho) - Shiraz(shi)
A Tehran(teh) Supports A Aktyubinsk(akt) - Ashgabat(ash)
A Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina(zap) Supports A Perm'(prm) -
Omsk(oms) (*Fails*)

F Barents Sea(bar), no move received
F Bay of Biscay(bis) Hold
F Norway(nwy) Hold (*Dislodged*)

F Antilles(ant) Supports F Puerto Rico(pr) (*Cut*)
F Guantanamo(gno) - Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) (*Dislodged*)
F Hispaniola(his) Supports F Guantanamo(gno) - Eastern Caribbean
F Puerto Rico(pr) Supports F Antilles(ant)
F Sargasso Sea(sar) Supports F Antilles(ant)
F Azores(azo) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab) - North Atlantic
A Arkansas(ark) - Memphis(mem)
F Bermuda(bmd) - Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) (*Fails*)
F Gulf of St Lawrence(gsl) - New Brunswick(nb)(ec)
F Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) - Eastern North Atlantic
Ocean(ena) (*Fails*)
F North East Coast(nec) Supports F Bermuda(bmd) - Mid North
Atlantic Ocean(mna) (*Fails*)
F Newfoundland(nwf) - Gulf of St Lawrence(gsl)
DC212 - Winter 1913 - A Travelling Englishman - former.trout   (Jul 10, 2009, 7:02 pm)
Heya folks,

Well, unfortunately Bill has still not gotten word of a build to me.  With apologies, I'll have to waive the English build so that we can move ahead into the Spring of 1914.  Leaving the game on pause for another week just isn't in the cards.

Deadline for Spring 1914 orders will be set for Friday, July 17th (11:59 PM GMT).  This span of time should allow Bill to return and get back in the swing of things, according to the email he left me.

Cheers everyone!



243 Spring 1908 - agwopa   (Jul 10, 2009, 5:39 pm)
Now that I am getting some time to play I am sad to report that I have no French orders that I can find. Because there was an extra 5 days to get them in I am moving forward with the adjudication. If I missed something? France? in my haste to catch up let me know I will fix things. Until then here goes the show
A Brest Hold
A Paris Hold
F Portugal Hold (*Disbanded*)

A Belgium - Picardy
A Bohemia - Tyrolia
A Budapest - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Gascony Supports A Munich - Burgundy
F Helgoland Bight - North Sea
A Marseilles Supports A Gascony
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports A Spain - Portugal
A Munich - Burgundy
F North Sea - English Channel
A Norway Hold
A Spain - Portugal

F Apulia - Venice
F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Bounce*)
A Trieste - Serbia (*Fails*)
F Tunis - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Bounce*)
A Vienna Supports A Budapest (*Ordered to Move*)
F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc)

A Galicia Supports A Budapest - Rumania
A Livonia Hold
F London Hold
A Moscow Supports A Ukraine - Sevastopol
A Ukraine - Sevastopol
A Warsaw - Ukraine

F Adriatic Sea - Trieste (*Fails*)
F Aegean Sea Supports F Ionian Sea
F Black Sea Supports A Rumania
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
F Ionian Sea, no move received
A Rumania Supports A Sevastopol (*Cut*)
A Serbia Supports A Rumania (*Cut*)
A Sevastopol Supports A Rumania (*Dislodged*)

The French have now where to go from Portugal so down to two units for them.
Turkey can retreat OTB or
Turkish A Sevastopol can retreat to Armenia.
So Armenia it is until I here from Turkey.
We have players moving and on vacation to I am going with Wednesday for Fall 1908 and if Turkey wants OTB well Sunday would be best to let me know by, otherwise I will give 48 and 24 hour notice on Monday and Tuesday at any point folks let me know if delay is needed (those with limited travel Internet) for I should be all caught up on all my games by then so lets all stay informed with me. I got some nice and funny replies on my Murphy s note I just wanted to let you know I am not running out on you all like what happened to me in game 221.
Peddling as fast as I can to get on track (after all, this is my fun time)


DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Spring 1911 results - Italian N... - packrat   (Jul 10, 2009, 4:16 pm)
Okay - Italy did NOT NMR and I am not sure what happened. The orders are not
in the 218 folder, but the receipt IS in the sent folder so I DID have them at some point.

The results are just about the same with the only change being that Italy tosses Austria
out of Apulia.

AG stil fails and fall orders are still due on the 15.

Sorry Andy, and thanks for the correction.

If you want a gif let me know, but the new dpy is attached.

F Adriatic Sea Supports F Trieste - Albania
A Apulia Supports F Rome (*Disbanded*)
A Budapest - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Greece Supports A Rumania - Bulgaria
F Rome Hold
A Rumania - Bulgaria (*Bounce*)
A Sevastopol Supports A Budapest - Rumania (*Cut*)
F Trieste - Albania
A Venice Supports F Rome
A Vienna - Trieste

A Brest - Gascony
F English Channel Hold
F London Supports F English Channel
A Marseilles Supports A Paris - Burgundy
A Paris - Burgundy (*Bounce*)

F Belgium - English Channel (*Fails*)
A Berlin - Kiel
A Edinburgh - Yorkshire
F Kiel - Holland
A Moscow Supports A Sevastopol
A Munich Supports A Ruhr - Burgundy
F North Sea Supports F Belgium - English Channel
A Ruhr - Burgundy (*Bounce*)
F St Petersburg(sc) - Gulf of Bothnia
A Sweden - Norway (*Fails*)
A Warsaw Hold

F Ionian Sea - Apulia
F Naples Supports F Ionian Sea - Apulia
A Tuscany - Rome (*Fails*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports A Tuscany - Rome

F Norway Hold

A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
F Black Sea Supports A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Bounce*)


DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Spring 1911 results - Italian N... - TheWhiteWolf   (Jul 10, 2009, 3:24 pm)
I have already forwarded Packrat his confirmation of my spring orders. Hopefully this will be corrected soon.


I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:

--- On Thu, 7/9/09, Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Spring 1911 results - Italian NMR, Fall 1911 due 7/15
To: "Packrat" <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>, the_master642(at)yahoo.com, "The White Wolf" <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>, jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com, "Stephen Worthy" <stephen(at)worthy1.fsnet.co.uk>, g_mod23(at)hotmail.com, matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu, scaponig(at)yahoo.com, stephenworthy(at)rocketmail.com, camorse22(at)yahoo.com, stevelytton(at)gmail.com
Cc: dc218(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 11:02 PM

AG draw fails but rises again - so there's a new vote on the AG proposal.

Italy NMR's. I was going to give him an extension due to the situation he is
in, but he has been sending emails so he should have gotten the notice about
orders being due.

No retreats are needed so we move right on to Fall 1911. Those orders are
due on 7/15 since the 16th is my 21st anniversary. I suggest you get some prelims
in guys.

F Adriatic Sea Supports F Trieste - Albania
A Apulia Supports F Rome
A Budapest - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Greece Supports A Rumania - Bulgaria
F Rome Hold
A Rumania - Bulgaria (*Bounce*)
A Sevastopol Supports A Budapest - Rumania (*Cut*)
F Trieste - Albania
A Venice Supports F Rome
A Vienna - Trieste

A Brest - Gascony
F English Channel Hold
F London Supports F English Channel
A Marseilles Supports A Paris - Burgundy
A Paris - Burgundy (*Bounce*)

F Belgium - English Channel (*Fails*)
A Berlin - Kiel
A Edinburgh - Yorkshire
F Kiel - Holland
A Moscow Supports A Sevastopol
A Munich Supports A Ruhr - Burgundy
F North Sea Supports F Belgium - English Channel
A Ruhr - Burgundy (*Bounce*)
F St Petersburg(sc) - Gulf of Bothnia
A Sweden - Norway (*Fails*)
A Warsaw Hold

F Ionian Sea, no move received
F Naples, no move received
A Tuscany, no move received
F Tyrrhenian Sea, no move received

F Norway Hold

A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
F Black Sea Supports A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Bounce*)


DC-227 France in CD - TheWhiteWolf   (Jul 10, 2009, 1:46 pm)
I have decided to abide by my own rules and place France in Civil Disorder. I finally heard from Drew, but it's well past the deadline I gave him. Real life has gotten a bit crowded for him, and he is struggling to meet his game commitments. As such, we will not have a French ruler any longer - the unit will hold until dislodged or disbanded due to Portugal's capture. Deadline remains Monday, three days from now.

The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


DC255 tonight! - MattTheLesser   (Jul 10, 2009, 1:25 pm)
I don't usually send reminder emails for adjustment deadlines, but I
thought I'd make an exception since everyone has orders due. I am still
missing sets of orders, so if you don't have a confirmation get them in



DC259 - Spring 1902 - blueinva   (Jul 10, 2009, 5:45 am)
Austria - Alan R Farrington alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com
England - Mike Tombu mtombu(at)gmail.com
France - John 'Steel Alpaca' R untitled36(at)yahoo.com
Germany - TheWhiteWolf cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com
Italy - Packrat brn2dip(at)yahoo.com
Russia - Dustin Copass dustin(at)scarecrowe.com
Turkey - Philip 'Mad Dog' King ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com


A Budapest - Rumania
F Greece Supports A Serbia - Bulgaria
A Serbia - Bulgaria
A Trieste Supports A Vienna
A Vienna Supports A Trieste

f lon -> wal
f yor s f nwy -> nts
f nwy -> nts
a edi hold

A Belgium Hold
F Brest - English Channel
F English Channel - Irish Sea
F Marseilles - Spain(sc)
A Portugal Hold

A Berlin - Prussia
A Denmark - Kiel
A Holland - Ruhr
A Munich - Silesia
F North Sea - Helgoland Bight

F Naples - Ionian Sea
F Tunis Supports F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Tyrolia - Munich
A Venice - Tyrolia

A Mos S F Black Sea -> Stev
F Black Sea -> Stev
A Gal -> Ukr
F Swe H

Army Sevastopol - Ukraine
Fleet Smyrna Supports Fleet Constantinople - Aegean Sea
Fleet Constantinople - Aegean Sea
Fleet Ankara - Black Sea
Army Bulgaria - Rumania

The results - RP says:

A Budapest - Rumania (*Bounce*)
F Greece Supports A Serbia - Bulgaria
A Serbia - Bulgaria
A Trieste Supports A Vienna
A Vienna Supports A Trieste

A Edinburgh Hold
F London - Wales
F Norway - North Sea
F Yorkshire Supports F Norway - North Sea

A Belgium Hold
F Brest - English Channel
F English Channel - Irish Sea
F Marseilles - Spain(sc)
A Portugal Hold

A Berlin - Prussia
A Denmark - Kiel
A Holland - Ruhr
A Munich - Silesia
F North Sea - Helgoland Bight

F Naples - Ionian Sea
F Tunis Supports F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Tyrolia - Munich
A Venice - Tyrolia

F Black Sea - Sevastopol
A Galicia - Ukraine (*Bounce*)
A Moscow Supports F Black Sea - Sevastopol
F Sweden Hold

F Ankara - Black Sea
A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Dislodged*)
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Sevastopol - Ukraine (*Dislodged*)
F Smyrna Supports F Constantinople - Aegean Sea


Turkey must retreat A Bulgaria, F Sevastopol


Summer 1902 Friday July 10 2009 11:59pm DST (Eastern)
Fall 1902 Thursday July 16 2009 11:59pm DST (Eastern)


DC-224 Slaughter Of Game-Schedule - Fall 08 - All... - former.trout   (Jul 10, 2009, 12:06 am)
Heya folks,

Thanks again for all of you who wrote being supportive and understanding of how life sometimes laughs at me.  I appreciate all of ya who were  upset not tearing things up, or at least putting on the happy face about things.  =)

But at last, the Fall 08 results are in and its the Wizards who find themselves taken behind the wood-shed this round...  As Cap'n Penner brings out a very short plank for them to walk.  Meanwhile, the Archers take back Kingdom Of Hearts, the Undead beat a hasty retreat from the Sea Of Shadows and things in the Underworld start to get interesting.

Four retreats are needed - one each from the Knights, the Undead, the Wizards and the Faeries.  Can we try for a Saturday deadline for these?  I'll tentatively set the Early Winter 08 retreats deadline for Saturday, July 11th (11:59 PM GMT).

Also, my thanks to the intrepid Josh E for admirably firing in orders for us for the Knights position.  He helped us out to keep the game going in the interim, and I'm extremely happy to announce the arrival of the esteemable Nick Higgins, Esquire...  Nick will take up the Knights mantle and has promised to solo the game in two quick turns.  =P

I will send out a revised player list immediately after the Fall results.  As always, please let me know if you spot any errors in the adjudication.  Cheers!

Late-For-An-Important-Date Trout

Movement results for Fall of 8.  (DC 224 08 FALL)

Archers: F Prydain - Kingdom Of Hearts.
Archers: A Fantastica Hold.
Archers: A Duloc Supports A Fantastica.
Archers: A Avalon - Drynwyn (*Fails*).
Archers: A Gwynir Hold.
Archers: A Ivory Tower - Myth Drannor (*Bounce*).
Archers: A Critter Country - Elephant Graveyard.
Archers: F Cliffs Of Insanity - Myth Drannor (*Bounce*).
Archers: F Horned Bay - Prydain.

Dwarves: A Carpantha - Diamond Mines (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: A Undermountain - Diamond Mines (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: F The Julianthes - All Saints Bay (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: A The Wilderland - Krikkit.
Dwarves: A Dragon Coast - Great Glacier (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: A Venatori Umbrarum - Ancient Necropolis (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: F Zeboims Deep - All Saints Bay (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: F Churning Reach - Mt Nimro (*Bounce*).

Elves: A Garthim - City Of Splendors (*Bounce*).
Elves: F North Rainbow Lake Supports F Caer.

Faeries: A Spiral Castle Supports F Prydain - Kingdom Of Hearts.
Faeries: A Land Of Sweets - Strawberry Fields.
Faeries: A Myth Drannor - Great Glacier (*Bounce*).
Faeries: F Shady Vale - Grimpen Ward (*Dislodged*).
Faeries: A Dragons Teeth Mtns Supports F Prydain - Kingdom Of Hearts.
Faeries: F East Mirianic Ocean - Mt Nimro (*Bounce*).
Faeries: F North Mirianic Ocean Supports F Tilva Strait - West Mirianic Ocean.
Faeries: F Rugged Coast - Rift Canyon (*Fails*).

Knights: F Gu'Tanoth - Arctic Barrens.
Knights: A Paras Derval Supports A Kingdom Of Hearts.
Knights: A Anvard Supports A Dancing Lawn - Tumnus (*Cut*).
Knights: A Arborlon Supports A Grimpen Ward.
Knights: A Grimpen Ward Supports A Heavens Well - Shady Vale.
Knights: A Kingdom Of Hearts Hold (*Dislodged*).
Knights: A Dancing Lawn - Tumnus (*Fails*).
Knights: A Drynwyn Supports A Kingdom Of Hearts (*Cut*).
Knights: A Heavens Well - Shady Vale.
Knights: F Crystal Lake - Mist Marsh (*Fails*).

Ogres: A Gelfling - Marshes of Morva (*Fails*).
Ogres: A Lubrick - Knockshegowna (*Bounce*).
Ogres: A Auryn - City Of Splendors (*Bounce*).
Ogres: A Traal Supports F City Of Splendors - France.
Ogres: A Magrathea Supports F City Of Splendors - France.
Ogres: A Devils Canyon - Hoarluk.
Ogres: F City Of Splendors - France.
Ogres: A Great Steppes - Fitzgibbon.
Ogres: A Sinking Shore - Prekkandorran Heights.
Ogres: F Florin Supports F Three River Lake - Gelfling (*Fails*).
Ogres: A Allerleirauh - Knockshegowna (*Bounce*).
Ogres: A Ogrun - Devils Canyon.
Ogres: A Ilthmar - Forbidden City.
Ogres: F Three River Lake - Gelfling (*Fails*).

Pirates: A The Neverwood - Traverse Town.
Pirates: F Never Never Land - Sea Of Fallen Stars.
Pirates: A Traverse Town - Baldurs Gate.
Pirates: A Slightly Gulch Supports A Neverpeak Mountain.
Pirates: A Neverpeak Mountain Supports A Slightly Gulch.
Pirates: F Rivendell - Mordor.
Pirates: F The High Way - Rivendell.
Pirates: F Grief Reef - Riku.
Pirates: F Restless Waters Convoys A Traverse Town - Baldurs Gate.

Rogues: A Tumnus Supports A Cathal - Anvard (*Cut*).
Rogues: F To-Gai-Ru - All Saints Bay (*Bounce*).
Rogues: F Archenland Supports F Mist Marsh - Aslan.
Rogues: F Troldhaugen Hold.
Rogues: A Dargaard Keep Hold.
Rogues: A Cathal - Anvard (*Fails*).
Rogues: A Calormen - Dancing Lawn (*Fails*).
Rogues: A Immoren - Sleepy Hollow.
Rogues: F Palmaris - East Sea Of Shadows.
Rogues: A Hidden Grotto - Temple Of Doom.
Rogues: F Mist Marsh - Aslan.
Rogues: F Celestial Delta Supports F Shady Vale - Grimpen Ward.
Rogues: F Tilva Strait - West Mirianic Ocean.
Rogues: F All Saints Bay - Zeboims Deep (*Fails*).

Trolls: F Hundred Acre Wood Hold.
Trolls: A Newa River - Khemri.
Trolls: A Ergoth Hold.
Trolls: F Krynn - West Sea Of Shadows.
Trolls: F Ansalon - The Maw (*Bounce*).
Trolls: F Enchanted Isles Hold.
Trolls: A Cave Of Ordeals - Tymwyvenne.
Trolls: F Elephant Graveyard - Newa River.
Trolls: A Yggdrasil - Ancient Necropolis (*Bounce*).
Trolls: F High Seas Supports F Krynn - West Sea Of Shadows.
Trolls: F The Maw - Skellington.
Trolls: F River Styx Supports F The Maw - Skellington.

Undead: A Gollerus - Tuatha.
Undead: A Skullcap Supports F East Sea Of Shadows - Everglot.
Undead: F Caer Hold.
Undead: F Timber Lands Hold.
Undead: F West Sea Of Shadows - Skellington (*Dislodged*).
Undead: F East Sea Of Shadows - Everglot.
Undead: F Thunderhead - The Maw (*Bounce*).

Wizards: A Krikkit - Two Towers.
Wizards: F Great Glacier - Razors Edge.
Wizards: A France Hold (*Dislodged*).
Wizards: A Thirsty Desert - Candlekeep.
Wizards: A Silvanesti Supports F Roaring Rapids - Caer.
Wizards: F Pwyll - Churning Reach (*Fails*).
Wizards: F Rift Canyon - Restless Waters (*Fails*).
Wizards: F River Of Dawn - Kara-Tur.
Wizards: F Roaring Rapids - Caer (*Fails*).

The following units were dislodged:

Knight A Kingdom Of Hearts can retreat to River Saeren or Andarien Plain.
Wizard A France can retreat to Shining Stream or Anhondo Plain.
Fairy F Shady Vale can retreat to Land Of Sweets.
Undead F West Sea Of Shadows can retreat to Sable's Swamp.

Unit locations:

Archers:     F Prydain, A Fantastica, A Duloc, A Avalon, A Gwynir, F Kingdom Of
             Hearts, A Ivory Tower, A Elephant Graveyard, F Cliffs Of Insanity.
Dwarves:     A Carpantha, A Undermountain, A Krikkit, F The Julianthes, A
             Dragon Coast, A Venatori Umbrarum, F Zeboims Deep, F Churning
Elves:       A Garthim, F North Rainbow Lake.
Faeries:     A Spiral Castle, A Myth Drannor, F Shady Vale, A Dragons Teeth
             Mtns, A Strawberry Fields, F East Mirianic Ocean, F North Mirianic
             Ocean, F Rugged Coast.
Knights:     A Paras Derval, A Anvard, A Arborlon, A Grimpen Ward, A Kingdom Of
             Hearts, A Dancing Lawn, A Drynwyn, F Arctic Barrens, A Shady Vale,
             F Crystal Lake.
Ogres:       A Gelfling, A Prekkandorran Heights, A Lubrick, A Auryn, A Traal,
             A Magrathea, A Devils Canyon, A Forbidden City, F Florin, A
             Fitzgibbon, A Hoarluk, A Allerleirauh, F France, F Three River
Pirates:     F Mordor, F Riku, A Baldurs Gate, A Traverse Town, A Slightly
             Gulch, A Neverpeak Mountain, F Rivendell, F Restless Waters, F Sea
             Of Fallen Stars.
Rogues:      A Tumnus, F To-Gai-Ru, F Archenland, F Troldhaugen, A Dargaard
             Keep, A Sleepy Hollow, A Cathal, F Aslan, A Calormen, A Temple Of
             Doom, F Celestial Delta, F East Sea Of Shadows, F All Saints Bay,
             F West Mirianic Ocean.
Trolls:      F Hundred Acre Wood, A Khemri, F Newa River, A Ergoth, F
             Skellington, F Ansalon, F Enchanted Isles, A Tymwyvenne, A
             Yggdrasil, F High Seas, F River Styx, F West Sea Of Shadows.
Undead:      A Skullcap, F Everglot, A Tuatha, F Caer, F Timber Lands, F West
             Sea Of Shadows, F Thunderhead.
Wizards:     A Two Towers, A Candlekeep, A France, F Kara-Tur, A Silvanesti, F
             Pwyll, F Rift Canyon, F Razors Edge, F Roaring Rapids.

Ownership of supply centers:

Archers:     Llyr, Loxley, Prydain, Fantastica, Duloc, Avalon, Gwynir, Kingdom
             Of Hearts, Ivory Tower.
Dwarves:     Mt Nimro, Carpantha, Undermountain, Fjord, Krikkit, Zhentil Keep,
             The Old Gristmill, The Julianthes, Spirit Pond.
Elves:       Garthim, City Of Splendors.
Faeries:     Vinyaya, Oz, Ella, Spiral Castle, Land Of Sweets, Gurgi, Gumdrop
             Isle, Myth Drannor.
Knights:     Gu'Tanoth, Paras Derval, Brennin, Anvard, Wing Hove, Arborlon,
             Grimpen Ward, Icereach.
Ogres:       Gelfling, Prekkandorran Heights, Knockshegowna, Lubrick, Auryn,
             Horborixen, Nehwon, Lankhmar, Traal, Magrathea, Fafhrd, Whoville,
             Devils Canyon, Forbidden City.
Pirates:     Mordor, Rohan, Lindon, Riku, The Neverwood, Pans Labyrinth,
             Baldurs Gate, Never Never Land, Traverse Town, Slightly Gulch,
             Neverpeak Mountain.
Rogues:      Tumnus, Grissel, To-Gai-Ru, Grimheim, The Silver City, Ashan,
             Archenland, Telmar, Troldhaugen, Orboros, Dargaard Keep, Corona,
             Sleepy Hollow, Cathal, Dimmsdale.
Trolls:      Hundred Acre Wood, Khemri, Newa River, Tarsis, Ergoth, Krynn,
             Sorrow's End, Niflheim, Kahvi, Skellington, Grendel, Cyriss,
             Ansalon, Enchanted Isles.
Undead:      Gollerus, Skullcap, Everglot, Tuatha, Caer, Terabithia.
Wizards:     Waterdeep, Faerun, Two Towers, Candlekeep, Land Ho, Great Glacier.

Archers:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Barbarians:   0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Centaurs:     0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Dwarves:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   8 Units:  Builds   1 unit.
Elves:        2 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   2 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Faeries:      8 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   8 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Gnomes:       0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Hobbits:      0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Knights:      8 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  10 Units:  Removes  2 units.
Leprechauns:  0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Magicians:    0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Nomads:       0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Ogres:       14 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  14 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Pirates:     11 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Builds   2 units.
Rogues:      15 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  14 Units:  Builds   1 unit.
Samurai:      0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Trolls:      14 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  12 Units:  Builds   2 units.
Undead:       6 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   7 Units:  Removes  1 unit.
Wizards:      6 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Removes  3 units.



dc265 ~ European Onion - sgttodd   (Jul 09, 2009, 11:19 pm)
The deadline for Spring 02 is Wednesday July 22nd; 2359 UTC.
(remember, a player will be away until then)

Adjustment orders for Winter of 1901. (dc265)

Austria: Build A Vienna.

England: Build A London.

France: Build A Paris.
France: Build F Marseilles.

Germany: Build A Munich.
Germany: Build A Berlin.
Germany: Build F Kiel.

Italy: Build A Venice.
Italy: Build waived.

Russia: Build F St Petersburg(nc).
Russia: Build A Moscow.

Turkey: Build A Constantinople.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Budapest, F Greece, A Serbia, A Vienna.
England: A London, F North Sea, F Norway, A Yorkshire.
France: A Burgundy, F Marseilles, A Paris, F Portugal, A Spain.
Germany: A Belgium, A Berlin, A Denmark, F Holland, F Kiel, A Munich.
Italy: A Trieste, F Tunis, A Tyrolia, A Venice.
Russia: A Galicia, A Moscow, F Rumania, F St Petersburg(nc), F Sweden,
A Ukraine.
Turkey: F Aegean Sea, A Bulgaria, A Constantinople, A Smyrna.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Budapest, Greece, Serbia, Vienna.
England: Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway.
France: Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich.
Italy: Naples, Rome, Trieste, Tunis, Venice.
Russia: Moscow, Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Smyrna.

The next phase of dc265 will be Movement for Spring of 1902.
Deadline for Spring 02 is Wednesday July 22nd; 2359 UTC.
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy


DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Spring 1911 results - Italian N... - packrat   (Jul 09, 2009, 10:02 pm)
AG draw fails but rises again - so there's a new vote on the AG proposal.

Italy NMR's. I was going to give him an extension due to the situation he is
in, but he has been sending emails so he should have gotten the notice about
orders being due.

No retreats are needed so we move right on to Fall 1911. Those orders are
due on 7/15 since the 16th is my 21st anniversary. I suggest you get some prelims
in guys.

F Adriatic Sea Supports F Trieste - Albania
A Apulia Supports F Rome
A Budapest - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Greece Supports A Rumania - Bulgaria
F Rome Hold
A Rumania - Bulgaria (*Bounce*)
A Sevastopol Supports A Budapest - Rumania (*Cut*)
F Trieste - Albania
A Venice Supports F Rome
A Vienna - Trieste

A Brest - Gascony
F English Channel Hold
F London Supports F English Channel
A Marseilles Supports A Paris - Burgundy
A Paris - Burgundy (*Bounce*)

F Belgium - English Channel (*Fails*)
A Berlin - Kiel
A Edinburgh - Yorkshire
F Kiel - Holland
A Moscow Supports A Sevastopol
A Munich Supports A Ruhr - Burgundy
F North Sea Supports F Belgium - English Channel
A Ruhr - Burgundy (*Bounce*)
F St Petersburg(sc) - Gulf of Bothnia
A Sweden - Norway (*Fails*)
A Warsaw Hold

F Ionian Sea, no move received
F Naples, no move received
A Tuscany, no move received
F Tyrrhenian Sea, no move received

F Norway Hold

A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
F Black Sea Supports A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Bounce*)


DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Spring 1911 results - Italian NMR, Fall 1911 due 7/15 (dc218) TheWhiteWolf Jul 10, 03:24 pm
I have already forwarded Packrat his confirmation of my spring orders. Hopefully this will be corrected soon.


I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:

--- On Thu, 7/9/09, Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Spring 1911 results - Italian NMR, Fall 1911 due 7/15
To: "Packrat" <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>, the_master642(at)yahoo.com, "The White Wolf" <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>, jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com, "Stephen Worthy" <stephen(at)worthy1.fsnet.co.uk>, g_mod23(at)hotmail.com, matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu, scaponig(at)yahoo.com, stephenworthy(at)rocketmail.com, camorse22(at)yahoo.com, stevelytton(at)gmail.com
Cc: dc218(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 11:02 PM

AG draw fails but rises again - so there's a new vote on the AG proposal.

Italy NMR's. I was going to give him an extension due to the situation he is
in, but he has been sending emails so he should have gotten the notice about
orders being due.

No retreats are needed so we move right on to Fall 1911. Those orders are
due on 7/15 since the 16th is my 21st anniversary. I suggest you get some prelims
in guys.

F Adriatic Sea Supports F Trieste - Albania
A Apulia Supports F Rome
A Budapest - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Greece Supports A Rumania - Bulgaria
F Rome Hold
A Rumania - Bulgaria (*Bounce*)
A Sevastopol Supports A Budapest - Rumania (*Cut*)
F Trieste - Albania
A Venice Supports F Rome
A Vienna - Trieste

A Brest - Gascony
F English Channel Hold
F London Supports F English Channel
A Marseilles Supports A Paris - Burgundy
A Paris - Burgundy (*Bounce*)

F Belgium - English Channel (*Fails*)
A Berlin - Kiel
A Edinburgh - Yorkshire
F Kiel - Holland
A Moscow Supports A Sevastopol
A Munich Supports A Ruhr - Burgundy
F North Sea Supports F Belgium - English Channel
A Ruhr - Burgundy (*Bounce*)
F St Petersburg(sc) - Gulf of Bothnia
A Sweden - Norway (*Fails*)
A Warsaw Hold

F Ionian Sea, no move received
F Naples, no move received
A Tuscany, no move received
F Tyrrhenian Sea, no move received

F Norway Hold

A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
F Black Sea Supports A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Bounce*)

DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Spring 1911 results - Italian NMR, Fall 1911 due 7/15 (dc218) packrat Jul 10, 04:16 pm
Okay - Italy did NOT NMR and I am not sure what happened. The orders are not
in the 218 folder, but the receipt IS in the sent folder so I DID have them at some point.

The results are just about the same with the only change being that Italy tosses Austria
out of Apulia.

AG stil fails and fall orders are still due on the 15.

Sorry Andy, and thanks for the correction.

If you want a gif let me know, but the new dpy is attached.

F Adriatic Sea Supports F Trieste - Albania
A Apulia Supports F Rome (*Disbanded*)
A Budapest - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Greece Supports A Rumania - Bulgaria
F Rome Hold
A Rumania - Bulgaria (*Bounce*)
A Sevastopol Supports A Budapest - Rumania (*Cut*)
F Trieste - Albania
A Venice Supports F Rome
A Vienna - Trieste

A Brest - Gascony
F English Channel Hold
F London Supports F English Channel
A Marseilles Supports A Paris - Burgundy
A Paris - Burgundy (*Bounce*)

F Belgium - English Channel (*Fails*)
A Berlin - Kiel
A Edinburgh - Yorkshire
F Kiel - Holland
A Moscow Supports A Sevastopol
A Munich Supports A Ruhr - Burgundy
F North Sea Supports F Belgium - English Channel
A Ruhr - Burgundy (*Bounce*)
F St Petersburg(sc) - Gulf of Bothnia
A Sweden - Norway (*Fails*)
A Warsaw Hold

F Ionian Sea - Apulia
F Naples Supports F Ionian Sea - Apulia
A Tuscany - Rome (*Fails*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports A Tuscany - Rome

F Norway Hold

A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
F Black Sea Supports A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Bounce*)
DC 262: Angstskrik - Winter 825 Adjustments - Kenshi777   (Jul 09, 2009, 7:50 pm)
and here is the resend from Gmail...IF THIS IS THE ONLY COPY OF THIS YOU RECEIVE - tell me now!!!
Thanks -

Honored Kings of the Dark Ages -
A bitter northern winter settles over both land and sea, and we see both the shipyards and the barracks hard at work raising new forces for the spring, the time when men go off to war...
All builds are valid, and no retreats of course in a winter season, so we move straight on to Spring.  This is the last adjudication that will be copied from both the Gmail and army email accounts.  So - if you did NOT successfully receive this adjudication announcement from both the Gmail and Army accounts by midnight tonight - you *NEED* to let me know by sending me an email or letting one of the players that has successfully contacted me at the army address know so they can tell me.  An email sent only to the Gmail address equals an NMR until I return on 7 August. 
Mike/Jason - there is also a distinct possibility that I will not be able to access the Diplomatic Corps website during the next few seasons of adjudications while I am away training with the Reserves.  Is there any possibility that I could get some temporary help updating the game on the DC website during that time? 
SPRING 826 will be tenatively set for Thursday, July 16, 1700 GMT+1.  There is a possibility that I will have a break in email access for the next few days while I am in transit and getting set up.  Do not be alarmed if confirmation of orders is slightly delayed.  If by some terrible scenario I am completely without email access or cannot adjudicate at the appointed time, well - worst comes to worst, we will take a break and resume when I return.  I doubt that will happen.  Expect an email from me to touch base and make contact as soon as I am established at training.  

As always, for those just joining us or observing, here is the player list:

Nick Higgins - Cyning of the Angles and Saxons (Anglo-Saxons)
congressofvienna1814 AT yahoo DOT com
Matthew Kelly - Brenin of the Brythons (Britons)
kelly058 AT verizon DOT net
Gregory Bim-Merle - Kong of the Dani (Danes)
gbimmerle AT gmail DOT com
Nathan Deily - Ard Rí na hÉireann (Gaels)
ndeily AT yahoo DOT com
Scott Troemel - Kong of the Norge (Norse)
brn2dip AT yahoo DOT com
Nigel Phillips - Rí Alban (Scots)
nephilli99 AT hotmail DOT com
Mark Duffield - Konung of the Suetidi (Swedes)
captain_sicarius AT hotmail DOT com
and me, your humble GM, B.  (Benjamin Hester)
screwtape777 AT gmail DOT com
benjamin DOT hester AT us DOT army DOT mil

Build F Ulster

Build F Cait
Build F Circinn

Build A Dyfed
Build A Gwynned

Build F Rogaland
Build F Vestfold

Build A Hamptonshire
Build A Kent

Build A Jelling
Build F Roskilde

Build F Svear
Build A Gotar

Diplomacy in Texas!

Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants


DC 262: Angstskrik - Winter 825 Adjustments - benjamin.hester at us....   (Jul 09, 2009, 7:43 pm)
Honored Kings of the Dark Ages -

A bitter northern winter settles over both land and sea, and we see both the shipyards and the barracks hard at work raising new forces for the spring, the time when men go off to war...

All builds are valid, and no retreats of course in a winter season, so we move straight on to Spring. This is the last adjudication that will be copied from both the Gmail and army email accounts. So - if you did NOT successfully receive this adjudication announcement from both the Gmail and Army accounts by midnight tonight - you *NEED* to let me know by sending me an email or letting one of the players that has successfully contacted me at the army address know so they can tell me. An email sent only to the Gmail address equals an NMR until I return on 7 August.

Mike/Jason - there is also a distinct possibility that I will not be able to access the Diplomatic Corps website during the next few seasons of adjudications while I am away training with the Reserves. Is there any possibility that I could get some temporary help updating the game on the DC website during that time?

SPRING 826 will be tenatively set for Thursday, July 16, 1700 GMT+1. There is a possibility that I will have a break in email access for the next few days while I am in transit and getting set up. Do not be alarmed if confirmation of orders is slightly delayed. If by some terrible scenario I am completely without email access or cannot adjudicate at the appointed time, well - worst comes to worst, we will take a break and resume when I return. I doubt that will happen. Expect an email from me to touch base and make contact as soon as I am established at training.

As always, for those just joining us or observing, here is the player list:

Nick Higgins - Cyning of the Angles and Saxons (Anglo-Saxons)
congressofvienna1814 AT yahoo DOT com
Matthew Kelly - Brenin of the Brythons (Britons)
kelly058 AT verizon DOT net
Gregory Bim-Merle - Kong of the Dani (Danes)
gbimmerle AT gmail DOT com
Nathan Deily - Ard Rí na hÉireann (Gaels)
ndeily AT yahoo DOT com
Scott Troemel - Kong of the Norge (Norse)
brn2dip AT yahoo DOT com
Nigel Phillips - Rí Alban (Scots)
nephilli99 AT hotmail DOT com
Mark Duffield - Konung of the Suetidi (Swedes)
captain_sicarius AT hotmail DOT com
and me, your humble GM, B. (Benjamin Hester)
screwtape777 AT gmail DOT com
benjamin DOT hester AT us DOT army DOT mil


Build F Ulster


Build F Cait
Build F Circinn


Build A Dyfed
Build A Gwynned


Build F Rogaland
Build F Vestfold


Build A Hamptonshire
Build A Kent


Build A Jelling
Build F Roskilde


Build F Svear
Build A Gotar


DC 262: Angstskrik - Winter 825 Adjustments (dc262) Kenshi777 Jul 09, 07:50 pm
and here is the resend from Gmail...IF THIS IS THE ONLY COPY OF THIS YOU RECEIVE - tell me now!!!
Thanks -

Honored Kings of the Dark Ages -
A bitter northern winter settles over both land and sea, and we see both the shipyards and the barracks hard at work raising new forces for the spring, the time when men go off to war...
All builds are valid, and no retreats of course in a winter season, so we move straight on to Spring.  This is the last adjudication that will be copied from both the Gmail and army email accounts.  So - if you did NOT successfully receive this adjudication announcement from both the Gmail and Army accounts by midnight tonight - you *NEED* to let me know by sending me an email or letting one of the players that has successfully contacted me at the army address know so they can tell me.  An email sent only to the Gmail address equals an NMR until I return on 7 August. 
Mike/Jason - there is also a distinct possibility that I will not be able to access the Diplomatic Corps website during the next few seasons of adjudications while I am away training with the Reserves.  Is there any possibility that I could get some temporary help updating the game on the DC website during that time? 
SPRING 826 will be tenatively set for Thursday, July 16, 1700 GMT+1.  There is a possibility that I will have a break in email access for the next few days while I am in transit and getting set up.  Do not be alarmed if confirmation of orders is slightly delayed.  If by some terrible scenario I am completely without email access or cannot adjudicate at the appointed time, well - worst comes to worst, we will take a break and resume when I return.  I doubt that will happen.  Expect an email from me to touch base and make contact as soon as I am established at training.  

As always, for those just joining us or observing, here is the player list:

Nick Higgins - Cyning of the Angles and Saxons (Anglo-Saxons)
congressofvienna1814 AT yahoo DOT com
Matthew Kelly - Brenin of the Brythons (Britons)
kelly058 AT verizon DOT net
Gregory Bim-Merle - Kong of the Dani (Danes)
gbimmerle AT gmail DOT com
Nathan Deily - Ard Rí na hÉireann (Gaels)
ndeily AT yahoo DOT com
Scott Troemel - Kong of the Norge (Norse)
brn2dip AT yahoo DOT com
Nigel Phillips - Rí Alban (Scots)
nephilli99 AT hotmail DOT com
Mark Duffield - Konung of the Suetidi (Swedes)
captain_sicarius AT hotmail DOT com
and me, your humble GM, B.  (Benjamin Hester)
screwtape777 AT gmail DOT com
benjamin DOT hester AT us DOT army DOT mil

Build F Ulster

Build F Cait
Build F Circinn

Build A Dyfed
Build A Gwynned

Build F Rogaland
Build F Vestfold

Build A Hamptonshire
Build A Kent

Build A Jelling
Build F Roskilde

Build F Svear
Build A Gotar

Diplomacy in Texas!

Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants
DC 262: Angstskrik - Winter 825 Adjustments (dc262) benjamin.hester at us.... Jul 11, 10:51 am
Correction -

The Scots built A Circinn, not F Circinn. For now, as I'm very rushed here getting set up, here's a new map only. I will probably need help to update the Diplomatic Corp page (Mike/Jason?) as I do not think I can access any .com address from here until I return in early August. Updated .dpy file will follow shortly.

Sorry about the confusion, please bear with me, the Reserves are going to make this a little difficult.

From: Hester, Benjamin T CPT RES USAR USARC
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 2:42 AM
To: brn2dip(at)yahoo.com; captain_sicarius(at)hotmail.com; congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com; dc262(at)diplomaticcorp.com; gbimmerle(at)gmail.com; githraine(at)yahoo.com; kelly058(at)verizon.net; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; mike(at)sims-family.net; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; nephilli99(at)hotmail.com
Subject: DC 262: Angstskrik - Winter 825 Adjustments

Honored Kings of the Dark Ages -

A bitter northern winter settles over both land and sea, and we see both the shipyards and the barracks hard at work raising new forces for the spring, the time when men go off to war...

All builds are valid, and no retreats of course in a winter season, so we move straight on to Spring. This is the last adjudication that will be copied from both the Gmail and army email accounts. So - if you did NOT successfully receive this adjudication announcement from both the Gmail and Army accounts by midnight tonight - you *NEED* to let me know by sending me an email or letting one of the players that has successfully contacted me at the army address know so they can tell me. An email sent only to the Gmail address equals an NMR until I return on 7 August.

Mike/Jason - there is also a distinct possibility that I will not be able to access the Diplomatic Corps website during the next few seasons of adjudications while I am away training with the Reserves. Is there any possibility that I could get some temporary help updating the game on the DC website during that time?

SPRING 826 will be tenatively set for Thursday, July 16, 1700 GMT+1. There is a possibility that I will have a break in email access for the next few days while I am in transit and getting set up. Do not be alarmed if confirmation of orders is slightly delayed. If by some terrible scenario I am completely without email access or cannot adjudicate at the appointed time, well - worst comes to worst, we will take a break and resume when I return. I doubt that will happen. Expect an email from me to touch base and make contact as soon as I am established at training.
As always, for those just joining us or observing, here is the player list:

Nick Higgins - Cyning of the Angles and Saxons (Anglo-Saxons)
congressofvienna1814 AT yahoo DOT com
Matthew Kelly - Brenin of the Brythons (Britons)
kelly058 AT verizon DOT net
Gregory Bim-Merle - Kong of the Dani (Danes)
gbimmerle AT gmail DOT com
Nathan Deily - Ard Rí na hÉireann (Gaels)
ndeily AT yahoo DOT com
Scott Troemel - Kong of the Norge (Norse)
brn2dip AT yahoo DOT com
Nigel Phillips - Rí Alban (Scots)
nephilli99 AT hotmail DOT com
Mark Duffield - Konung of the Suetidi (Swedes)
captain_sicarius AT hotmail DOT com
and me, your humble GM, B. (Benjamin Hester)
screwtape777 AT gmail DOT com
benjamin DOT hester AT us DOT army DOT mil


Build F Ulster


Build F Cait
Build F Circinn


Build A Dyfed
Build A Gwynned


Build F Rogaland
Build F Vestfold


Build A Hamptonshire
Build A Kent


Build A Jelling
Build F Roskilde


Build F Svear
Build A Gotar
DC 262: Angstskrik - Winter 825 Adjustments (dc262) benjamin.hester at us.... Jul 11, 10:54 am
Oops - here you go...the attachment

From: Hester, Benjamin T CPT RES USAR USARC
Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 5:48 PM
To: Hester, Benjamin T CPT RES USAR USARC; brn2dip(at)yahoo.com; captain_sicarius(at)hotmail.com; congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com; dc262(at)diplomaticcorp.com; gbimmerle(at)gmail.com; githraine(at)yahoo.com; kelly058(at)verizon.net; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; mike(at)sims-family.net; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; nephilli99(at)hotmail.com
Subject: RE: DC 262: Angstskrik - Winter 825 Adjustments

Correction -

The Scots built A Circinn, not F Circinn. For now, as I'm very rushed here getting set up, here's a new map only. I will probably need help to update the Diplomatic Corp page (Mike/Jason?) as I do not think I can access any .com address from here until I return in early August. Updated .dpy file will follow shortly.

Sorry about the confusion, please bear with me, the Reserves are going to make this a little difficult.

From: Hester, Benjamin T CPT RES USAR USARC
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 2:42 AM
To: brn2dip(at)yahoo.com; captain_sicarius(at)hotmail.com; congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com; dc262(at)diplomaticcorp.com; gbimmerle(at)gmail.com; githraine(at)yahoo.com; kelly058(at)verizon.net; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; mike(at)sims-family.net; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; nephilli99(at)hotmail.com
Subject: DC 262: Angstskrik - Winter 825 Adjustments

Honored Kings of the Dark Ages -

A bitter northern winter settles over both land and sea, and we see both the shipyards and the barracks hard at work raising new forces for the spring, the time when men go off to war...

All builds are valid, and no retreats of course in a winter season, so we move straight on to Spring. This is the last adjudication that will be copied from both the Gmail and army email accounts. So - if you did NOT successfully receive this adjudication announcement from both the Gmail and Army accounts by midnight tonight - you *NEED* to let me know by sending me an email or letting one of the players that has successfully contacted me at the army address know so they can tell me. An email sent only to the Gmail address equals an NMR until I return on 7 August.

Mike/Jason - there is also a distinct possibility that I will not be able to access the Diplomatic Corps website during the next few seasons of adjudications while I am away training with the Reserves. Is there any possibility that I could get some temporary help updating the game on the DC website during that time?

SPRING 826 will be tenatively set for Thursday, July 16, 1700 GMT+1. There is a possibility that I will have a break in email access for the next few days while I am in transit and getting set up. Do not be alarmed if confirmation of orders is slightly delayed. If by some terrible scenario I am completely without email access or cannot adjudicate at the appointed time, well - worst comes to worst, we will take a break and resume when I return. I doubt that will happen. Expect an email from me to touch base and make contact as soon as I am established at training.
As always, for those just joining us or observing, here is the player list:

Nick Higgins - Cyning of the Angles and Saxons (Anglo-Saxons)
congressofvienna1814 AT yahoo DOT com
Matthew Kelly - Brenin of the Brythons (Britons)
kelly058 AT verizon DOT net
Gregory Bim-Merle - Kong of the Dani (Danes)
gbimmerle AT gmail DOT com
Nathan Deily - Ard Rí na hÉireann (Gaels)
ndeily AT yahoo DOT com
Scott Troemel - Kong of the Norge (Norse)
brn2dip AT yahoo DOT com
Nigel Phillips - Rí Alban (Scots)
nephilli99 AT hotmail DOT com
Mark Duffield - Konung of the Suetidi (Swedes)
captain_sicarius AT hotmail DOT com
and me, your humble GM, B. (Benjamin Hester)
screwtape777 AT gmail DOT com
benjamin DOT hester AT us DOT army DOT mil


Build F Ulster


Build F Cait
Build F Circinn


Build A Dyfed
Build A Gwynned


Build F Rogaland
Build F Vestfold


Build A Hamptonshire
Build A Kent


Build A Jelling
Build F Roskilde


Build F Svear
Build A Gotar
DC: 225 Spring 1909 Reminder - AlanRFarrington   (Jul 09, 2009, 6:42 pm)
Orders due up in 24 hours or so. Got a few sets of prelims

Alan Farrington
Insert movie times and more without leaving Hotmail®. See how.


DC262: Adjudication tonight - Kenshi777   (Jul 09, 2009, 4:56 pm)
last day at regular work before departing to annual training is proving hectic...will adjudicate when I get home tonight...
if I don't have orders from you, please get them in!  And if you didn't receive the reminder from my army address earlier, check your spam folder, we need to ensure that everyone is receiving emails from that account!!!
Thanks for your patience

Diplomacy in Texas!

Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants


DC 247: Speedy Delivery - AceRimmer   (Jul 09, 2009, 4:35 pm)
It's just like in Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood... the Speedy Delivery Man... aided by quick order from England and Mr. T. Both build armies: Edinburgh and Constantinopopolous.

The Spring shall arrive on Monday.



DC 247: F1915 Adjudication - AceRimmer   (Jul 09, 2009, 3:25 pm)
There is a big (and ultimately fruitless) effort to hold onto Munich for the Russians. But whether it was for the Russians, the Czar, or the Gipper, it didn't matter. England tallies #12.

England gets a build. Turkey gets to re-build. And Russia's loss cancels his disband, so the Bear can sleep tomorrow.

Orders due tomorrow Mr. E and Mr. T! And then we can advance to 1916 on Monday.

F Baltic Sea Supports A Berlin
F Belgium Hold
A Berlin Supports A Kiel - Munich
A Edinburgh - Kiel
F Gulf of Bothnia Supports A Livonia
F Helgoland Bight Convoys A Edinburgh - Kiel
A Kiel - Munich
A Livonia Hold
F North Sea Convoys A Edinburgh - Kiel
A Ruhr Supports A Kiel - Munich
A St Petersburg Supports A Livonia

A Burgundy Supports A Kiel - Munich
F Gulf of Lyon - Tuscany (*Fails*)
A Piedmont - Tyrolia (*Fails*)
F Tunis Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
F Tyrrhenian Sea Hold
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea

F Tuscany Hold
A Venice Hold

A Bohemia Supports A Munich
A Moscow Supports A Prussia - Livonia
A Munich Supports A Silesia (*Disbanded*)
A Prussia - Livonia (*Fails*)
A Sevastopol Supports A Moscow
A Silesia Supports A Munich
A Warsaw Supports A Prussia - Livonia

F Aegean Sea Supports F Ionian Sea
F Albania - Adriatic Sea
F Eastern Mediterranean Supports F Ionian Sea
F Ionian Sea Supports F Tuscany - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Void*)
F Naples Supports F Tuscany - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Void*)
A Trieste Supports A Tyrolia
A Tyrolia Supports A Munich (*Cut*)


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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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