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dc245 Winter '11 Results - notasb   (Jun 12, 2009, 8:07 am)



Spring '12 is due Monday June 15th 8 AM CDST (GMT -5) 1300 GMT


Build F Naples
Build A Rome

Supply Center and Unit Count:

France: 10 / 10
Italy: 16 / 16
Russia: 8 / 8

A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.
Gen. George S Patton


DC251 Shadowplay, Winter 1904 adjudication - Slangers   (Jun 12, 2009, 2:51 am)
It seems that we have some major problems here. It is claimed by certainly Russia, and maybe Germany, that for some reason my email account (Simon.Langley-Evans(at)Nottingham.ac.uk ([email]Simon.Langley-Evans(at)Nottingham.ac.uk[/email])) has taken a dislike to some of you and is not letting orders through. This is obviously a disaster, but I cannot see any reason for this to happen:
<![if !supportLists]>1) <![endif]>None of your messages are in my Junk e mail folder. This is where most material that our system rejects ends up and I have checked through it all very carefully.
<![if !supportLists]>2) <![endif]>All of the players in this game are on my Safe Senders list.
<![if !supportLists]>3) <![endif]>I have checked that none of you are on my blocked senders list.
<![if !supportLists]>4) <![endif]>I have previously received orders from you all using this account, without any problems.

So, as you can see, this is a mystery that is beyond my IT skills to solve. From my perspective, I can only process the orders that I receive. If I see nothing then I must assume that nothing has been sent. I’m just a humble GM trying to do a good job, but can only work within my technological limits.

Whilst I appreciate that this causes major inconvenience to players who have been affected, I would point out that I contacted everyone quite a long time ago to give an alternative email address (Simon_Langley-Evans(at)o2.co.uk ([email]Simon_Langley-Evans(at)o2.co.uk[/email])). I would recommend that you all send your orders to both of my addresses to make sure that they get through. I always acknowledge orders as they come in, so if you send orders and hear nothing from me, then it means there is a problem and you need to chase them up. Simon_Langley-Evans(at)o2.co.uk ([email]Simon_Langley-Evans(at)o2.co.uk[/email]) has no spam filters so everything should get through, but queries can always be posted on the message board.

There is nothing I can do to reinstate any Fall 1904 orders that may have gone astray. The game has moved on since then and neither of the players who NMRd at that time took steps to indicate that there was a problem at the time of that adjudication, which was some time ago now. It would be relatively straightforward to have done so, either through the DC message board, through another player or through Steve or Former Trout. So, the Fall 04 adjudication stands.

However, I will make an amendment to the Winter 1904 adjudication and allow Russia to build his Army StP. I will send out the amended maps with this email. This seems to be the fairest thing I can do, and I hope that you’re all happy with this.

Game End Proposals:
We have two game end proposals for you to vote on. Please send your vote with your next set of orders. Remember, for a proposal to be carried, it must be an unanimous decision. If you abstain it will be treated as a “no” vote. The proposals are:

<![if !supportLists]>1. <![endif]>Draw including all survivors
<![if !supportLists]>2. <![endif]>2 way victory for France and England.

Sorry for all of the troubles. I really do not have a clue what is going on here and am desperately disappointed that whatever it is has impacted on your enjoyment of the game. New maps are attached. Deadline is next week as advertised.


Professor Simon Langley-Evans BSc. Phd. RNutr.
Chair in Human Nutrition
School of Biosciences
University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington
LE12 5RD
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)115 951 6139
Fax: +44 (0)115 951 6122
New textbook "Nutrition, a lifespan approach", now available.

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

From: Langley-Evans Simon
Sent: 11 June 2009 21:12
To: rocketship.rocketship(at)gmail.com; coebq(at)yahoo.com; Langley, John; bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com; alcore(at)uurth.com; rickshanahan(at)yahoo.com
Cc: Dc251(at)diplomaticcorp.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com
Subject: DC251 Shadowplay, Winter 1904 adjudication

DC251 Shadowplay.
Winter 1904.

Build A London

Build F Brest
Build A Paris

Remove A Apulia

No build ordered.

The next deadline, Spring 1905, will be Wednesday 17th June at 22:00 GMT.

Best wishes


Professor Simon Langley-Evans BSc. Phd. RNutr.
Chair in Human Nutrition
School of Biosciences
University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington
LE12 5RD
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)115 951 6139
Fax: +44 (0)115 951 6122

New textbook "Nutrition, a lifespan approach", now available.

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail


DC 247: F1911 - mike at sims-family.net   (Jun 11, 2009, 11:51 pm)
Thanks a million jerry! Feel like a beached whale here in podunk kentucky w no computer.

Dont forget folks the retreats and builds are due together tomorrow night. Dont miss ur builds if you're due one.

This message has been brought to you by: my phone.

-----Original Message-----
From: "orders" <orders(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
To: "Adam Martin-Schwarze" <smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com>; "Benjy Aarons" <finchleywomble(at)hotmail.com>; "blitz" <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; "Andrew Cassese" <landru428(at)aol.com>; "Warren Fleming" <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com>; "Hacket Joe" <jhack16(at)gmail.com>; "Jacob Roberts" <salexander37(at)gmail.com>; "Paul Russell" <jehannum_raver(at)yahoo.com>; "Michael Thompson" <psychosis(at)sky.com>; "Former Trout (contact)" <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Cc: "Mike sims-family" <mike(at)sims-family.net>
Sent: 6/11/2009 11:30 PM
Subject: DC 247: F1911

Jerry Todd here, stepping in as an emergency GM.
Here's the resolution of DC247's Fall 1911 turn:

French F Ionian Sea can retreat to Apulia or Albania.

F Baltic Sea Supports F Helgoland Bight - Kiel
A Belgium Supports A Burgundy - Ruhr
A Burgundy - Ruhr
F Gulf of Bothnia Supports A Livonia
F Helgoland Bight - Kiel (*Bounce*)
F Holland Supports F Helgoland Bight - Kiel
A Kiel - Munich (*Fails*)
A Livonia Hold
F North Sea Hold
F Picardy Hold
A St Petersburg Supports A Livonia

A Gascony - Brest
F Ionian Sea Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Marseilles - Gascony
F Tunis Supports F Ionian Sea
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Ionian Sea

F Naples Supports F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea (*Void*)
A Rome Supports A Venice
A Venice Hold

A Berlin Supports A Ruhr - Kiel
A Bohemia Supports A Munich
A Moscow Supports A Prussia - Livonia
A Munich Supports A Ruhr - Kiel
A Prussia - Livonia (*Fails*)
A Ruhr - Kiel (*Disbanded*)
A Silesia Supports A Berlin
A Warsaw Supports A Moscow

F Adriatic Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
F Aegean Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
F Greece Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
A Serbia - Trieste
A Trieste - Tyrolia
A Tyrolia - Piedmont


DC 247: F1911 - orders at diplomaticco...   (Jun 11, 2009, 11:30 pm)
Jerry Todd here, stepping in as an emergency GM.
Here's the resolution of DC247's Fall 1911 turn:

French F Ionian Sea can retreat to Apulia or Albania.

F Baltic Sea Supports F Helgoland Bight - Kiel
A Belgium Supports A Burgundy - Ruhr
A Burgundy - Ruhr
F Gulf of Bothnia Supports A Livonia
F Helgoland Bight - Kiel (*Bounce*)
F Holland Supports F Helgoland Bight - Kiel
A Kiel - Munich (*Fails*)
A Livonia Hold
F North Sea Hold
F Picardy Hold
A St Petersburg Supports A Livonia

A Gascony - Brest
F Ionian Sea Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Marseilles - Gascony
F Tunis Supports F Ionian Sea
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Ionian Sea

F Naples Supports F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea (*Void*)
A Rome Supports A Venice
A Venice Hold

A Berlin Supports A Ruhr - Kiel
A Bohemia Supports A Munich
A Moscow Supports A Prussia - Livonia
A Munich Supports A Ruhr - Kiel
A Prussia - Livonia (*Fails*)
A Ruhr - Kiel (*Disbanded*)
A Silesia Supports A Berlin
A Warsaw Supports A Moscow

F Adriatic Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
F Aegean Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
F Greece Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
A Serbia - Trieste
A Trieste - Tyrolia
A Tyrolia - Piedmont


DC 247: F1911 (Winter Blitz) mike at sims-family.net Jun 11, 11:51 pm
Thanks a million jerry! Feel like a beached whale here in podunk kentucky w no computer.

Dont forget folks the retreats and builds are due together tomorrow night. Dont miss ur builds if you're due one.

This message has been brought to you by: my phone.

-----Original Message-----
From: "orders" <orders(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
To: "Adam Martin-Schwarze" <smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com>; "Benjy Aarons" <finchleywomble(at)hotmail.com>; "blitz" <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; "Andrew Cassese" <landru428(at)aol.com>; "Warren Fleming" <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com>; "Hacket Joe" <jhack16(at)gmail.com>; "Jacob Roberts" <salexander37(at)gmail.com>; "Paul Russell" <jehannum_raver(at)yahoo.com>; "Michael Thompson" <psychosis(at)sky.com>; "Former Trout (contact)" <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Cc: "Mike sims-family" <mike(at)sims-family.net>
Sent: 6/11/2009 11:30 PM
Subject: DC 247: F1911

Jerry Todd here, stepping in as an emergency GM.
Here's the resolution of DC247's Fall 1911 turn:

French F Ionian Sea can retreat to Apulia or Albania.

F Baltic Sea Supports F Helgoland Bight - Kiel
A Belgium Supports A Burgundy - Ruhr
A Burgundy - Ruhr
F Gulf of Bothnia Supports A Livonia
F Helgoland Bight - Kiel (*Bounce*)
F Holland Supports F Helgoland Bight - Kiel
A Kiel - Munich (*Fails*)
A Livonia Hold
F North Sea Hold
F Picardy Hold
A St Petersburg Supports A Livonia

A Gascony - Brest
F Ionian Sea Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Marseilles - Gascony
F Tunis Supports F Ionian Sea
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Ionian Sea

F Naples Supports F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea (*Void*)
A Rome Supports A Venice
A Venice Hold

A Berlin Supports A Ruhr - Kiel
A Bohemia Supports A Munich
A Moscow Supports A Prussia - Livonia
A Munich Supports A Ruhr - Kiel
A Prussia - Livonia (*Fails*)
A Ruhr - Kiel (*Disbanded*)
A Silesia Supports A Berlin
A Warsaw Supports A Moscow

F Adriatic Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
F Aegean Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
F Greece Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
A Serbia - Trieste
A Trieste - Tyrolia
A Tyrolia - Piedmont
dc249 Torjik: F11 Game Over - Austrian 19 Center S... - Tirerndil   (Jun 11, 2009, 10:36 pm)
Yes very well played.  Congrats to Nigs.  I'm looking forward to the next time we play. 
Also I think that Garry deserves a big thank you from all of us for doing such a good job GMing.  Thanks Garry.
 >>>Thanks to all who hung on and got survival [Fletch, Melinda, Nathan].

What! I didn't survive?!?!  Wink
2009/6/11 Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email])>

Agreed - well done and I enjoyed having a game in which an alliance with you lasted longer than a few turns... DC229 still stings. Wink

From: Thomas Fletcher <tfletch33(at)yahoo.com ([email]tfletch33(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
To: Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com ([email]kielmarch(at)hotmail.com[/email])>; Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net ([email]mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net[/email])>; ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email]); nephilli99(at)hotmail.com ([email]nephilli99(at)hotmail.com[/email]); mrh(at)panix.com ([email]mrh(at)panix.com[/email]); gbimmerle(at)gmail.com ([email]gbimmerle(at)gmail.com[/email]); rick_powell_2000(at)yahoo.com ([email]rick_powell_2000(at)yahoo.com[/email]); genea5613(at)aol.com ([email]genea5613(at)aol.com[/email]); WB Orders <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])>
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 4:52:04 PM
Subject: Re: dc249 Torjik: F11 Game Over - Austrian 19 Center Solo

Very well done, Nigel. Congrats are in order!

From: Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com ([email]kielmarch(at)hotmail.com[/email])>
To: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net ([email]mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net[/email])>; ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email]); nephilli99(at)hotmail.com ([email]nephilli99(at)hotmail.com[/email]); mrh(at)panix.com ([email]mrh(at)panix.com[/email]); tfletch33(at)yahoo.com ([email]tfletch33(at)yahoo.com[/email]); gbimmerle(at)gmail.com ([email]gbimmerle(at)gmail.com[/email]); rick_powell_2000(at)yahoo.com ([email]rick_powell_2000(at)yahoo.com[/email]); genea5613(at)aol.com ([email]genea5613(at)aol.com[/email]); WB Orders <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])>
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 3:45:16 PM
Subject: dc249 Torjik: F11 Game Over - Austrian 19 Center Solo

Congrats to Nigel on a solo victory with a 19 center count. Thanks to all who hung on and got survival [Fletch, Melinda, Nathan].

One technical note: You will see in the maps and the dpy file that I auto-retreated English F's to places without asking because I knew that Austria had won and the retreats didn't matter.

Thanks for playing in the tournament.


F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea
F Aegean Sea Supports F Constantinople
A Belgium Supports A Ruhr - Holland
A Bulgaria Supports F Constantinople
F Constantinople Hold
A Gascony - Brest
A Marseilles Supports F Spain(sc)
A Munich Hold
A North Africa Hold
A Picardy Supports A Belgium
A Rome Hold
A Ruhr - Holland
A Rumania Hold
A Serbia Supports A Rumania
F Spain(sc) suns itself and reflects on a job well done
A Tyrolia - Bohemia

F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc) (*Fails*)
F Denmark Supports F Skagerrak - Sweden (*Cut*)
F Holland - Kiel (*Dislodged*)
F North Sea Supports F Denmark
F Norway Supports F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc) (*Dislodged*)
F Skagerrak - Sweden

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English Channel
A Portugal - Spain (*Fails*)

A Ankara Hold
F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Fails*)
A Finland Supports A Sweden - Norway
A Kiel Supports F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Cut*)
A Livonia Supports A St Petersburg
F Sevastopol Hold
A St Petersburg Supports A Sweden - Norway (*Cut*)
A Sweden - Norway

A Smyrna Hold

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-----Inline Attachment Follows-----

1 torjik Standard Winter 1911 5 7 3 bel, bre, bud, bul, con, gre, hol, mar, mun, nap, par, rom, rum, ser, spa, tri, tun, ven, vie. F aeg, A bel, A boh, A bre, A bul, F con, A hol, F ion, A mar, A mun, A naf, A pic, A rom, A rum, A ser, F spa(sc) -1 den, edi, lvp, lon, swe. F bar, F den, F hel, F nth, F nwg, F swe -1 por. F eng, A por 0 0 0 ank, ber, kie, mos, nwy, sev, stp, war. A ank, F bal, A fin, A kie, A lvn, A nwy, F sev, A stp 0 smy. A smy 0 v2 49 1 1901 ---T-----Ga--FAa---Ta--E-----------GEa-EFa-RaGaI-----Fa----Ia---R--Ta-Rs--A-----IaAa-Ra-- T-GFA-T-E--GEEFRGI-F-I--RT-R-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - ser Austria: F tri - alb Austria: A vie - gal (*Bounce*) England: F edi - nwg England: A lvp - yor England: F lon - nth France: F bre - mao France: A mar - spa France: A par - bur (*Bounce*) Germany: A ber - kie Germany: F kie - den Germany: A mun - bur (*Bounce*) Italy: F nap - ion Italy: A rom - ven Italy: A ven - trl Russia: A mos - ukr Russia: F sev - bla Russia: F stp(sc) - bot Russia: A war - gal (*Bounce*) Turkey: F ank - con Turkey: A con - bul Turkey: A smy - arm 3 1901 --A--Ta----R---Ta--TG--------R--I-Ga----F-Ga---E-EFa-------Aa----Fa------Ia-RaIaAa-Ra-Ea T-GFA-T-E--GEEFRGI-F-I--RT-R-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre (*Bounce*) Austria: A ser Supports A vie - tri Austria: A vie - tri (*Bounce*) England: F nth Convoys A yor - bel England: F nwg - nwy England: A yor - bel France: F mao - por France: A par - bur France: A spa Hold Germany: F den - swe (*Bounce*) Germany: A kie - hol Germany: A mun Hold Italy: F ion - gre (*Bounce*) Italy: A trl - tri (*Bounce*) Italy: A ven Supports A trl - tri Russia: F bla - con (*Fails*) Russia: F bot - swe (*Bounce*) Russia: A ukr - rum (*Bounce*) Russia: A war - gal Turkey: A arm - sev Turkey: A bul - rum (*Bounce*) Turkey: F con Hold 5 1901 --A-----Ea-R---TaFa-TG----Ra---R-GaI--------Ga---EE----F----AaTa---Fa------Ia-RaIaAa---- TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 10 1 2 2 2 0 -1 2 0 Austria: Build A tri England: Build F lon England: Build F lvp France: Build A par France: Build F bre Germany: Build A kie Germany: Build F ber Russia: Remove F bla Turkey: Build F smy Turkey: Build A ank 1 1902 --ATa----EaG--F-TaFa-TG----Ra---R-GaI-GaE-E---Ga---EE-Fa--F----AaTa--TFa---Aa--Ia-RaIaAa---- TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre Austria: A ser Supports F alb - gre Austria: A tri - bud Austria: A vie Supports A tri - bud England: A bel Hold England: F lvp - iri England: F lon - eng England: F nth Supports F lon - eng England: F nwy - stp(nc) (*Bounce*) France: F bre - pic France: A bur Supports F bre - pic France: A par Supports F bre - pic France: F por - mao France: A spa - gas Germany: F ber - bal Germany: F den Supports F ber - bal Germany: A hol Supports A bel Germany: A kie Supports A hol Germany: A mun Hold Italy: F ion - aeg (*Bounce*) Italy: A trl - ven Italy: A ven - apu Russia: A gal - rum Russia: F bot - stp(sc) (*Bounce*) Russia: A ukr Supports A gal - rum Turkey: A ank - arm Turkey: A bul - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F con - bla Turkey: A sev - mos Turkey: F smy - aeg (*Bounce*) 3 1902 ----IaTaG-Ea-T--AaTaFa--G--E--FaA-R-GaIEGa----FTaGa---EE-FaF-----RaAa---T---------RaIaAa---- TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - ser Austria: F gre Supports A ser - bul Austria: A ser - bul Austria: A vie - gal England: A bel Hold England: F eng - mao England: F iri Supports F eng - mao England: F nth - eng (*Bounce*) England: F nwy - nth (*Fails*) France: A bur Supports A hol - bel (*Void*) France: A gas Supports A bur France: F mao Supports F pic - eng (*Dislodged*) France: A par - bre France: F pic - eng (*Bounce*) Germany: F bal - swe Germany: F den Supports F bal - swe Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel (*Void*) Germany: A kie Supports A hol Germany: A mun Hold Italy: A apu - tun Italy: F ion Convoys A apu - tun Italy: A ven - apu Russia: F bot - stp(sc) Russia: A rum - sev (*Bounce*) Russia: A ukr Supports A rum - sev Turkey: A arm - sev (*Bounce*) Turkey: F bla - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: A bul Supports F bla - rum (*Dislodged*) Turkey: A mos Supports A arm - sev Turkey: F smy - aeg 4 1902 -T--IaTa--Ea-T-Fa-AaFa--G----AaFaA---GaIEGa----ETaGa---EE--F-----RaAa-----RsG--Ia---Ra------ TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Turkish A bul con French F mao nao spa(nc) por spa(sc) naf wes France: F mao - por Turkey: Remove A bul 5 1902 -T--IaTa--Ea-T-Fa-AaFa--G----AaFaA---GaIEGa----ETaGa---EE--F-F---RaAa-----RsG--Ia---Ra------ TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 5 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 Austria: Build A vie Austria: Build A bud Germany: Build F ber Italy: Build F nap Turkey: Build F smy 1 1903 -T--IaTa--EaGT-FaAaAaFa--G----AaFaA---GaIEGa----ETaGaI--EE--F-F---RaAa---T-RsG--Ia---Ra-Aa---- TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - rum Austria: A bul Supports F bla - con (*Void*) Austria: A gal Supports A ukr - war Austria: F gre Supports F ion - aeg Austria: A ser Supports A bul Austria: A vie Hold England: A bel Supports A mun - bur (*Disbanded*) England: F iri Supports F nth - eng England: F mao - gas England: F nth - eng England: F nwy Hold France: A bre Hold France: A bur - bel France: A gas - spa France: F pic Supports A bur - bel France: F por - mao Germany: F ber - bal Germany: F den - ska Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel Germany: A kie - ruh Germany: A mun - bur Germany: F swe Supports F den - ska Italy: A apu Hold Italy: F ion - aeg (*Fails*) Italy: F nap - ion (*Fails*) Italy: A tun Hold Russia: A rum - ukr Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr - war Turkey: F aeg Supports A arm - bul (*Cut*) Turkey: A arm - bul (*Fails*) Turkey: F bla Convoys A arm - bul Turkey: A mos - sev Turkey: F smy Supports F aeg 3 1903 -T--IaTaG-Fa-T-Fa-AaGa-----E-AaEA---GaIE-----F--I---E--F----GaAaAaTa-GTFaRsG--Ia---Ra-Aa-Ra-- TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports A rum Austria: A gal Supports A rum Austria: F gre Supports F ion - aeg (*Void*) Austria: A rum Supports A bul Austria: A ser Supports F gre Austria: A vie Hold England: F eng Supports A bel England: F gas - bre England: F iri - nao England: F nwy Hold (*Dislodged*) France: A bel Hold France: A bre - par France: F mao - spa(sc) France: F pic Supports A bel France: A spa - mar Germany: F bal - den Germany: A bur - bel (*Fails*) Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel Germany: A ruh Supports A bur - bel Germany: F ska Supports F swe - nwy Germany: F swe - nwy Italy: A apu, no move received Italy: F ion, no move received Italy: F nap, no move received Italy: A tun, no move received Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr - mos Russia: A war Supports A ukr - mos Turkey: F aeg Supports F bla - con Turkey: A arm - ank Turkey: F bla - con Turkey: A sev Hold Turkey: F smy - eas 4 1903 -T-TaIa---Fa---E-AaGa-TGT-E-Aa-A---GaI-----Fa-Ra-IE--G-FaF----GaAaAaTa-G-FsRs---Ia-----Aa-Ra-- TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 English F nwy bar nwg nth England: F nwy - nth 5 1903 -T-TaIa---Fa---E-AaGa-TGT-E-Aa-A---GaI-----Fa-Ra-IE-EG-FaF----GaAaAaTa-G-FsRs---Ia-----Aa-Ra-- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 Austria: Build A tri Germany: Build A mun Turkey: Remove A ank 1 1904 -T--Ia---Fa---E-AaGa-TGT-E-Aa-A---GaI-----Fa-RaGaIE-EG-FaF----GaAaAaTa-G-FsRs--AaIa-----Aa-Ra-- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports F gre Austria: A gal - sil Austria: F gre Supports F ion - aeg Austria: A rum - ukr (*Fails*) Austria: A ser Supports A bul Austria: A tri - trl Austria: A vie - boh England: F bre - eng England: F eng - lon England: F nao - nwg England: F nth - hel France: A bel Supports A par - bur (*Disbanded*) France: A mar Supports A par - bur France: A par - bur France: F pic Supports A bel France: F spa(sc) - lyo Germany: A bur - bel Germany: F den Supports F ska - nth Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel Germany: A mun - bur (*Fails*) Germany: F nwy Supports F ska - nth Germany: A ruh Supports A bur - bel Germany: F ska - nth Italy: A apu - ven Italy: F ion - aeg (*Dislodged*) Italy: F nap - ion (*Fails*) Italy: A tun Hold Russia: A mos - ukr Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A war - pru Turkey: F aeg Supports F eas - ion Turkey: F con Supports F aeg Turkey: F eas - ion Turkey: A sev Supports A mos - ukr 2 1904 -T------Ga--Aa--AaFa-TG--E---AF-EGaT----EFa--GaI--GGE-F--Ra-GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia-Aa-RaIa----- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Italian F ion tys apu adr alb Italy: F ion - tys 3 1904 -T------Ga--Aa--AaFa-TG--E---AF-EGaT----EFa--GaI--GGE-F--Ra-GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia-AaIRaIa----- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A boh Supports A trl - mun Austria: A bul - gre (*Fails*) Austria: F gre - ion (*Dislodged*) Austria: A rum - bul (*Bounce*) Austria: A ser Supports A rum - bul (*Fails*) Austria: A sil Supports A trl - mun Austria: A trl - mun England: F eng Supports F pic - bel (*Cut*) England: F hel - hol (*Fails*) England: F lon - nth (*Fails*) England: F nwg - edi France: A bur Supports F pic - bel France: F lyo Convoys A mar - tus France: A mar - tus (*Bounce*) France: F pic - bel Germany: A bel Supports F pic (*Disbanded*) Germany: F den - kie Germany: A hol Supports A bel (*Cut*) Germany: A mun Hold (*Disbanded*) Germany: F nth - eng (*Fails*) Germany: F nwy - stp(nc) (*Fails*) Germany: A ruh Supports A mun Italy: F nap - ion Italy: A tun Hold Italy: F tys Supports F nap - ion Italy: A ven - tus (*Bounce*) Russia: A pru - ber Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr - mos Turkey: F aeg Supports F ion - gre Turkey: F con - bul(sc) (*Bounce*) Turkey: F ion - gre Turkey: A sev Hold 4 1904 -T------FRa-Aa--AaFa-T--EE---TF-EGaI-G--EFa-RaAa---GG-------GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia--I-Ia----- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 Austrian F gre alb Austria: F gre - alb 5 1904 -TA-----FRa-Aa--AaFa-T--EE---TF-EGaI-G--EFa-RaAa---GG-------GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia--I-Ia----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 France: Build A par Russia: Build A war Turkey: Build F ank 1 1905 -TAT----FRa-Aa--AaFa-T--EE---TF-EGaI-G--EFa-RaAa---GG-Fa-----GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia--I-Ia--Ra-- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb Supports A ser - gre Austria: A boh Supports A sil - mun (*Fails*) Austria: A bul - con (*Dislodged*) Austria: A mun - kie (*Bounce*) Austria: A rum Supports A mos - sev Austria: A ser - gre Austria: A sil - mun (*Fails*) England: F edi - nwg England: F eng - mao England: F hel Supports F lon - nth England: F lon - nth France: F bel Hold France: A bur - ruh (*Fails*) France: F lyo Convoys A mar - tus France: A mar - tus France: A par - bur (*Fails*) Germany: A hol Supports A ruh - kie Germany: F kie - bal Germany: F nth - ska Germany: F nwy Supports F hel - nth (*Void*) Germany: A ruh - kie (*Bounce*) Italy: F ion, no move received Italy: A tun, no move received Italy: F tys, no move received Italy: A ven, no move received Russia: A ber Supports A mun - kie Russia: A mos - sev Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A war - ukr Turkey: F aeg Supports F gre - bul(sc) Turkey: F ank - bla Turkey: F con Supports F gre - bul(sc) Turkey: F gre - bul(sc) Turkey: A sev - rum (*Dislodged*) 2 1905 -TA---G-FRaTAa--TsFa-T-------AaF-EGaI------E-Aa---EGEFa-----GaAa-RaAaG--Rs---IaFa-IRaIa----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Austrian A bul ser Turkish A sev arm Austria: A bul - ser Turkey: A sev - arm 3 1905 -TA--TaG-FRaTAa--TsFa-T-------AaF-EGaI------E-Aa---EGEFa-----GaAaAaRaAaG--Rs---IaFa-IRaIa----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb Supports A ser - gre Austria: A boh Supports A sil - mun Austria: A gre - nap Austria: A mun - kie Austria: A rum - bul (*Fails*) Austria: A ser - gre Austria: A sil - mun England: F hel - hol England: F mao - bre (*Bounce*) England: F nth - nwy England: F nwg Supports F nth - nwy France: F bel Supports F hel - hol France: A bur - ruh (*Fails*) France: F lyo - tys France: A par - bre (*Bounce*) France: A tus - rom (*Fails*) Germany: F bal - den Germany: A hol Supports A ruh - kie (*Disbanded*) Germany: F nwy Supports F ska (*Dislodged*) Germany: A ruh - kie (*Fails*) Germany: F ska Supports F bal - den Italy: F ion Convoys A gre - nap Italy: A tun Hold Italy: F tys - rom Italy: A ven Supports F tys - rom Russia: A ber Supports A mun - kie Russia: A sev Supports A rum (*Ordered to Move*) Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr Supports A sev Turkey: F aeg Supports F bul(sc) Turkey: A arm - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F bla Convoys A arm - rum Turkey: F bul(sc) Supports A arm - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F con Supports F bul(sc) 4 1905 -TA--Ta--FRaTAa--TsFa-TG------Aa---EI-Aa----E-AaAa---EEFa----IGaAa-Ra-G--Rs---IaFa-FRaIa----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 German F nwy swe bar Germany: F nwy - swe 5 1905 -TA--Ta--FRaTAa--TsFa-TG------Aa---EI-Aa----E-AaAa---EEFa----IGaAa-Ra-G--RsG--IaFa-FRaIa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 9 2 2 0 -2 -1 1 -1 0 Austria: Build A tri Austria: Build A bud England: Build F edi England: Build F lon Germany: Remove F ska Germany: Remove A ruh Italy: Defaults, removing F ion Russia: Build A mos Turkey: Remove F con 1 1906 -TA--Ta--FRaTAa-AaTsFa--G-E----Aa---E--Aa--E-ERaAaAa---EEFa----I-Aa-Ra----RsG-AaIaFa-FRaIa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre (*Fails*) Austria: A boh - trl Austria: A bud - ser Austria: A gre Supports A rum - bul Austria: A kie Supports A mun Austria: A mun Supports A kie Austria: A nap Supports F rom Austria: A rum - bul (*Fails*) Austria: A tri - ven England: F edi - nth England: F hol Supports F edi - nth England: F lon - eng England: F mao Supports F lon - eng England: F nwy - ska England: F nwg - nwy France: F bel - pic France: A bur - mar France: A par - bur France: A tus - rom (*Dislodged*) France: F tys - ion Germany: F den, no move received Germany: F swe, no move received Italy: F rom Supports A ven - tus Italy: A tun - naf Italy: A ven - tus Russia: A ber Supports A kie Russia: A mos - stp Russia: A sev Hold Russia: F stp(sc) - bot Russia: A ukr Supports A sev Turkey: F aeg Supports F bul(sc) Turkey: A arm - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F bla Convoys A arm - rum Turkey: F bul(sc) Supports A arm - rum (*Fails*) 2 1906 -TA--Ta---RaT---TsFa--G--E---Aa-R-EF-Aa---FaE-AaAa-IaEE--F---I-AaAaRa-E--RaG---IaAa-RaAa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 French A tus pie France: A tus - pie 3 1906 -TA--Ta---RaT---TsFa--G--E---Aa-R-EF-Aa---FaE-AaAa-IaEE--FFa--I-AaAaRa-E--RaG---IaAa-RaAa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - ion Austria: A gre Supports A rum - bul Austria: A kie Supports F den Austria: A mun Supports A kie Austria: A nap Supports A ven - rom Austria: A rum - bul Austria: A ser Supports A rum - bul Austria: A trl - ven Austria: A ven - rom England: F eng - bel (*Bounce*) England: F hol Supports F eng - bel England: F mao - por England: F nth Supports F ska - den England: F nwy Supports F bot - swe (*Dislodged*) England: F ska - den (*Fails*) France: A bur - bel (*Bounce*) France: F ion - tun France: A mar - gas France: F pic Supports A bur - bel France: A pie - mar Germany: F den Supports F swe (*Cut*) Germany: F swe Supports A stp - nwy Italy: A naf Hold Italy: F rom - tys Italy: A tus Hold Russia: A ber Supports A kie Russia: F bot - bal Russia: A sev Hold Russia: A stp - nwy Russia: A ukr - rum Turkey: F aeg Supports F bul(sc) Turkey: A arm Hold Turkey: F bla Supports A ukr - rum Turkey: F bul(sc) Supports A ukr - rum (*Dislodged*) 4 1906 -T---TaR--RaT---AaFa--G--E--FaAa---EA-Aa---Fa--AaAa-IaERa--F-E-Aa-RaAaRa-E---G--FIa-I-Aa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Turkish F bul(sc) con English F nwy nwg bar England: F nwy - nwg Turkey: Remove F bul(sc) 5 1906 -T---TaR--RaT---AaFa--G--E--FaAa---EA-Aa---Fa--AaAa-IaERaE-F-E-Aa-RaAaRa-E---G--FIa-I-Aa----- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 7 2 0 0 0 -3 2 0 0 Austria: Build F tri Austria: Build A bud Italy: Remove A naf Italy: Remove F tys Italy: Remove A tus Russia: Build F stp(nc) Russia: Build A mos 1 1907 -T---TaR--RaT--AaAaFa--G--E--FaAa---EA-Aa---Fa-RaAaAa--ERaE-F-E-Aa-RaAaRa-E--RnG-AF----Aa----- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud Supports A ser - rum Austria: A bul Supports A arm - con (*Void*) Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: F ion - eas Austria: A kie - ruh Austria: A mun Supports A kie - ruh Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A rom - ven Austria: A ser - rum (*Fails*) Austria: F tri - alb Austria: A ven - trl England: F eng - bel England: F hol Supports F eng - bel England: F nth - nwy England: F nwg Supports F nth - nwy England: F por - mao England: F ska Supports F nth - nwy France: A bur - bel (*Fails*) France: A gas Supports F pic - bre France: A mar - spa France: F pic - bre France: F tun - wes Germany: F den Supports F swe Germany: F swe Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: F bal Supports A nwy - swe Russia: A ber, no move received Russia: A mos Supports A sev Russia: A nwy - swe (*Dislodged*) Russia: A rum Hold Russia: A sev Supports A rum Russia: F stp(nc), no move received Turkey: F aeg Supports F bla - con Turkey: A arm Hold Turkey: F bla - con 2 1907 -TA--TaR-ERa--FAaAaFa-TGA----FaAa---E-------ERaAaAa---EE------AaRaAaRa-E-FaRnG----Aa--Aa---F- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Russian A nwy fin Russia: A nwy - fin 3 1907 -TA--TaR-ERa--FAaAaFa-TGA--Ra-FaAa---E-------ERaAaAa---EE------AaRaAaRa-E-FaRnG----Aa--Aa---F- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - ion Austria: A bud Supports A ser - rum Austria: A bul Supports A ser - rum Austria: F eas Supports F alb - ion Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: A mun Supports A ber - kie Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A ruh Hold Austria: A ser - rum Austria: A trl Supports A mun Austria: A ven Hold England: F bel Supports F mao - eng England: F hol Supports F bel England: F mao - eng England: F nwy Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F nwg Supports F nwy England: F ska - swe (*Fails*) France: F bre Supports F wes - mao France: A bur Supports F bel France: A gas - spa France: A spa - por France: F wes - mao Germany: F den, no move received Germany: F swe, no move received Russia: F bal Supports A ber - kie Russia: A ber - kie Russia: A fin Supports F stp(nc) - nwy Russia: A mos - lvn Russia: A rum - ukr Russia: A sev - arm (*Fails*) Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) Turkey: F aeg - ion (*Fails*) Turkey: A arm - smy (*Bounce*) Turkey: F con - smy (*Bounce*) 5 1907 -T---TaR-E---FAaAaFa-TGA-ERa--Aa---EA-Ra-Ra--F-AaAa---EE---Fa--AaAa-Ra-E-FaRnG----Aa-RaAa----- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 2 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 0 France: Build F mar Russia: Remove A sev 1 1908 -T---TaR-E---FAaAaFa-TGA-ERa--Aa---EA-Ra-Ra-FF-AaAa---EE---Fa--AaAa---E-FaRnG----Aa-RaAa----- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - tri Austria: A bul Supports A gre Austria: F eas - smy Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: F ion Convoys A nap - tun Austria: A mun - bur Austria: A nap - tun Austria: A ruh Supports A mun - bur Austria: A rum, no move received Austria: A trl - mun Austria: A ven - pie England: F bel Supports F hol England: F eng - nth England: F hol Supports F eng - nth England: F nwy Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F nwg Supports F nwy England: F ska - swe (*Bounce*) France: F bre - mao France: A bur Hold (*Dislodged*) France: F mar - lyo France: F mao - wes France: A por - spa France: A spa - mar Germany: F den Supports F swe (*Cut*) Germany: F swe Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: F bal Convoys A lvn - den Russia: A fin - swe (*Bounce*) Russia: A kie, no move received Russia: A lvn - den (*Fails*) Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) Russia: A ukr, no move received Turkey: F aeg Supports F con Turkey: A arm - syr Turkey: F con Supports F aeg 2 1908 -T----R-E-----AaAa-TG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra-Ra-FaF-Aa---EEE--Aa---AaAa---EAFaRnGTaAaAa---Ra----F- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 French A bur pic par gas France: A bur - par 3 1908 -T----R-E-----AaAa-TG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra-Ra-FaF-Aa---EEEFa-Aa---AaAa---EAFaRnGTaAaAa---Ra----F- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports F smy - con Austria: A bur - pic Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: F ion - aeg (*Fails*) Austria: A mun - bur Austria: A pie - mar (*Fails*) Austria: A ruh Supports A mun - bur Austria: A rum Supports A bul Austria: F smy - con Austria: A tri - ven Austria: A tun Hold England: F bel Supports F hol England: F hol Supports F bel England: F nth Supports F nwy England: F nwy Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F nwg - bar England: F ska - swe (*Fails*) France: F lyo Supports F wes - tys France: A mar Supports A par - bur (*Cut*) France: F mao - wes France: A par - bur (*Fails*) France: A spa Supports A mar France: F wes - tys Germany: F den Supports F swe (*Cut*) Germany: F swe Supports F den (*Dislodged*) Russia: F bal Convoys A lvn - swe Russia: A fin Supports A lvn - swe Russia: A kie - den (*Fails*) Russia: A lvn - swe Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) Russia: A ukr - mos Turkey: F aeg Supports A syr - smy (*Cut*) Turkey: F con Supports A syr - smy (*Dislodged*) Turkey: A syr - smy 4 1908 -T----REE-----AaAa-AG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra---Fa-Ra----EE-FaAaAa---AaAa---ETaFaRnRa--Aa--F-Aa---F- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Turkish F con ank bla German F swe bot Germany: Remove F swe Turkey: F con - bla 5 1908 -T----REE-T---AaAa-AG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra---Fa-Ra----EE-FaAaAa---AaAa---ETaFaRnRa--Aa--F-Aa---F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 5 2 0 -1 0 0 1 -1 0 Austria: Build A tri Austria: Build A vie France: Remove F lyo Russia: Build waived Turkey: Remove F aeg 1 1909 ------REE-T---AaAa-AG---Ra--Aa---EA-Ra---Fa-Ra----EE-FaAaAa---AaAa---ETaFaRnRa-AaAa--F-AaAa--F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Austria: A bul - con (*Fails*) Austria: A bur Supports A pie - mar Austria: F con - ank (*Bounce*) Austria: A gre - ser Austria: F ion - tys (*Fails*) Austria: A pic - bre Austria: A pie - mar Austria: A ruh - bel Austria: A rum Hold Austria: A tri - ven Austria: A tun Hold Austria: A ven - apu Austria: A vie - trl England: F bar Supports F nwy England: F bel - pic England: F hol - kie (*Fails*) England: F nth - hol (*Fails*) England: F nwy Supports F ska England: F ska Supports F den France: A mar Hold (*Dislodged*) France: A par, no move received France: A spa, no move received France: F tys, no move received France: F wes, no move received Germany: F den Hold Russia: F bal, no move received Russia: A fin, no move received Russia: A kie, no move received Russia: A mos, no move received Russia: F stp(nc), no move received Russia: A swe, no move received Turkey: F bla - ank (*Bounce*) Turkey: A smy - ank (*Bounce*) 2 1909 ----Aa-REAa-T-Aa-AaAa-AG---Ra------EA-Ra---Aa-Ra----EE-FaE-----AaAa--ETaFaRnRa--Aa-AaF-Aa---F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 French A mar gas France: A mar - gas 3 1909 ----Aa-REAa-T-Aa-AaAa-AG---Ra-Fa----EA-Ra---Aa-Ra----EE-FaE-----AaAa--ETaFaRnRa--Aa-AaF-Aa---F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Austria: A apu - nap Austria: A bel - pic (*Dislodged*) Austria: A bre Supports A bur - par Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur - par Austria: F con Hold Austria: F ion Supports A tun Austria: A mar - gas (*Dislodged*) Austria: A rum Supports A mos - sev Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: A tun Hold Austria: A trl - mun Austria: A ven - rom (*Bounce*) England: F bar - stp(nc) England: F hol Supports F pic - bel England: F nth Supports F pic - bel England: F nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc) England: F pic - bel England: F ska Supports F nwy France: A gas - mar France: A par - bur (*Dislodged*) France: A spa Supports A gas - mar France: F tys - rom (*Bounce*) France: F wes - lyo Germany: F den - kie (*Dislodged*) Russia: F bal - den Russia: A fin Supports F stp(nc) - nwy Russia: A kie Supports F bal - den Russia: A mos - sev Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Disbanded*) Russia: A swe Supports F bal - den Turkey: F bla - ank (*Bounce*) Turkey: A smy - ank (*Bounce*) 4 1909 --------E-T-Aa-Aa--AR---Ra---F--EA-Ra---Fa--AaAa--EE-Aa------AaAaRa-ETaFaEnRa--Aa--F-Aa----- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 Austrian A bel bur ruh German F den hel Austrian A mar bur pie French A par gas pic Austria: A bel - bur Austria: A mar - pie France: Remove A par Germany: Remove F den 5 1909 --------E-T-Aa-AaAa-AR---Ra---F--EA-Ra---Fa--AaAa--EE-Aa-Aa----AaAaRa-ETaFaEnRa--Aa--F-Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 6 2 1 -1 0 0 2 0 0 Austria: Build F tri Austria: Build A vie England: Build waived France: Remove F lyo Russia: Build A war Russia: Build A mos 1 1910 --------E-T-Aa-AaAa-AR---Ra------EA-Ra---Fa-RaAaAa--EE-Aa-Aa----AaAaRa-ETaFaEnRa-AAa--F-AaAa-Ra-- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bre - gas Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur Supports A pie - mar Austria: F con Supports A smy - ank Austria: F ion - tys Austria: A mun - ruh Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A par Supports A bre - gas Austria: A pie - mar (*Fails*) Austria: A rum - gal (*Bounce*) Austria: A ser Hold Austria: F tri - alb Austria: A tun Hold Austria: A ven - rom Austria: A vie - gal (*Bounce*) England: F bel Hold England: F hol - kie (*Fails*) England: F nth - den England: F nwy - swe (*Fails*) England: F ska Supports F nth - den England: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) France: A mar, no move received France: A spa Supports A mar France: F tys - wes Russia: F den Supports A swe (*Dislodged*) Russia: A fin Supports A swe Russia: A kie Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: A mos - stp (*Fails*) Russia: A sev Hold Russia: A swe Supports A fin (*Cut*) Russia: A war - lvn Turkey: F bla - ank (*Fails*) Turkey: A smy - ank 2 1910 --ATa----E-T---AaAa-AE---Ra-Aa----E--Ra-Ra-Fa-Ra-Aa---E-Aa-Aa--AaAaAaAaRa-E-FaEnRa--Aa--A--Aa--F- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Russian F den bal hel Russia: F den - hel 3 1910 --ATa----E-T---AaAa-AE---Ra-Aa---RE--Ra-Ra-Fa-Ra-Aa---E-Aa-Aa--AaAaAaAaRa-E-FaEnRa--Aa--A--Aa--F- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur Supports A pie - mar Austria: F con Supports A ank (*Ordered to Move*) Austria: A gas Supports A pie - mar (*Dislodged*) Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A par - pic Austria: A pie - mar Austria: A rom - ven Austria: A ruh Hold Austria: A rum Hold Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: A tun Hold Austria: F tys - lyo Austria: A vie - trl England: F bel Supports F hol England: F den - swe England: F hol Supports F bel England: F nwy Supports F stp(nc) (*Dislodged*) England: F ska Supports F den - swe England: F stp(nc) Supports F nwy (*Dislodged*) France: A mar - gas France: A spa Supports A mar - gas France: F wes - mao Russia: A fin Supports A swe - nwy Russia: F hel - den Russia: A kie Supports F hel - den Russia: A lvn Supports A mos - stp Russia: A mos - stp Russia: A sev - arm Russia: A swe - nwy Turkey: A ank - smy Turkey: F bla - ank 4 1910 ---T-Ra--E-----AaAa-AR---Ra-FaAA--E--Ra-Ra-AaF--Aa---Ra--Aa----AaAaAa--ETaFaRaE--Aa-Aa--Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 Austrian A gas bre par English F nwy bar nwg nth English F stp(nc) bar Austria: A gas - par England: F nwy - nwg England: F stp(nc) - bar 5 1910 ---T-Ra-EE-----AaAa-AR---Ra-FaAA--E--Ra-Ra-AaF--Aa---RaEAaAa----AaAaAa--ETaFaRaE--Aa-Aa--Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 3 1 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 Austria: Build F tri France: Remove A gas Russia: Build F sev 1 1911 ---T-Ra-EE-----AaAa-AR---Ra--AA--E--Ra-Ra-AaF--Aa---RaEAaAa----AaAaAaR-ETaFaRaE-AAa-Aa--Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur - bel Austria: F con Supports A arm - ank Austria: F gre - aeg Austria: F lyo - spa(sc) Austria: A mar Supports F lyo - spa(sc) Austria: A nap - rom Austria: A par - gas Austria: A pic Supports A bur - bel Austria: A ruh Supports A bur - bel Austria: A rum Supports A bul Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: F tri - adr Austria: A tun - naf Austria: A trl - mun Austria: A ven - trl England: F bar Supports F nwg - nwy England: F bel - nth England: F hol - kie (*Fails*) England: F nwg - nwy England: F ska Supports F swe - den England: F swe - den France: F mao, no move received France: A spa Hold (*Dislodged*) Russia: A arm - ank Russia: F den Supports A nwy - swe (*Dislodged*) Russia: A fin Supports A nwy - swe Russia: A kie Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: A lvn - stp (*Fails*) Russia: A nwy - swe Russia: F sev - bla (*Bounce*) Russia: A stp - nwy (*Fails*) Turkey: F ank - bla (*Disbanded*) Turkey: A smy Hold 2 1911 AA-Ra---EAa-----Aa--AE---Ra-Aa----E--Ra-Ra-AaF-Aa--AaEE--Aa---AaAaAaAaR-ETaAsRaRa----Aa-------- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 Russian F den bal hel French A spa por France: A spa - por Russia: F den - bal 3 1911 AA-Ra--REAa-----Aa--AE---Ra-Aa----E--Ra-Ra-AaF-Aa--AaEE--Aa-Fa-AaAaAaAaR-ETaAsRaRa----Aa-------- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Austria: F adr - ion Austria: F aeg Supports F con Austria: A bel Supports A ruh - hol Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: F con Hold Austria: A gas - bre Austria: A mar Supports F spa(sc) Austria: A mun Hold Austria: A naf Hold Austria: A pic Supports A bel Austria: A rom Hold Austria: A ruh - hol Austria: A rum Hold Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: F spa(sc) Hold Austria: A trl - boh England: F bar - stp(nc) (*Fails*) England: F den Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F hol - kie (*Dislodged*) England: F nth Supports F den England: F nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc) (*Dislodged*) England: F ska - swe France: F mao - eng France: A por - spa (*Fails*) Russia: A ank Hold Russia: F bal - den (*Fails*) Russia: A fin Supports A swe - nwy Russia: A kie Supports F bal - den (*Cut*) Russia: A lvn Supports A stp Russia: F sev Hold Russia: A stp Supports A swe - nwy (*Cut*) Russia: A swe - nwy Turkey: A smy Hold 4 1911 -A-Ra--REAa--AaAa-Aa--AE--FRa------AaA-Ra-Ra-Aa--Aa--AaERa--Aa-Fa-Aa-AaAaR--TaAsRaE------------- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 English F hol hel English F nwy nwg ska England: F hol - hel England: F nwy - nwg -1 Austria: Build Austria: Build Austria: Build England: Remove France: Remove


DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: FA09 retreats - packrat   (Jun 11, 2009, 10:35 pm)
The AG draw vote fails.

No word from Russia so both units go OTB.

Austria retreats to North Africa

Turkey IS still in the game.

Here is what I need:

Austria: Supp 8 Unit 9 Remove 1
England: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
France: Supp 5 Unit 3 Build 1
Germany: Supp 9 Unit 7 Build 2
Italy: Supp 6 Unit 6 Build 0
Russia: Supp 3 Unit 3 Build 0
Turkey: Supp 3 Unit 3 Build 0

Adjustments remain due Friday - I have some - but not all.


dc249 Torjik: F11 Game Over - Austrian 19 Center S... - ndeily   (Jun 11, 2009, 6:54 pm)
Agreed - well done and I enjoyed having a game in which an alliance with you lasted longer than a few turns... DC229 still stings. Wink

From: Thomas Fletcher <tfletch33(at)yahoo.com>
To: Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; nephilli99(at)hotmail.com; mrh(at)panix.com; gbimmerle(at)gmail.com; rick_powell_2000(at)yahoo.com; genea5613(at)aol.com; WB Orders <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 4:52:04 PM
Subject: Re: dc249 Torjik: F11 Game Over - Austrian 19 Center Solo

Very well done, Nigel. Congrats are in order!


From: Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>
To: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; nephilli99(at)hotmail.com; mrh(at)panix.com; tfletch33(at)yahoo.com; gbimmerle(at)gmail.com; rick_powell_2000(at)yahoo.com; genea5613(at)aol.com; WB Orders <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 3:45:16 PM
Subject: dc249 Torjik: F11 Game Over - Austrian 19 Center Solo

.hmmessage P { margin:0px;padding:0px;} body.hmmessage { font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} Congrats to Nigel on a solo victory with a 19 center count. Thanks to all who hung on and got survival [Fletch, Melinda, Nathan].

One technical note: You will see in the maps and the dpy file that I auto-retreated English F's to places without asking because I knew that Austria had won and the retreats didn't matter.

Thanks for playing in the tournament.


F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea
F Aegean Sea Supports F Constantinople
A Belgium Supports A Ruhr - Holland
A Bulgaria Supports F Constantinople
F Constantinople Hold
A Gascony - Brest
A Marseilles Supports F Spain(sc)
A Munich Hold
A North Africa Hold
A Picardy Supports A Belgium
A Rome Hold
A Ruhr - Holland
A Rumania Hold
A Serbia Supports A Rumania
F Spain(sc) suns itself and reflects on a job well done
A Tyrolia - Bohemia

F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc) (*Fails*)
F Denmark Supports F Skagerrak - Sweden (*Cut*)
F Holland - Kiel (*Dislodged*)
F North Sea Supports F Denmark
F Norway Supports F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc) (*Dislodged*)
F Skagerrak - Sweden

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English Channel
A Portugal - Spain (*Fails*)

A Ankara Hold
F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Fails*)
A Finland Supports A Sweden - Norway
A Kiel Supports F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Cut*)
A Livonia Supports A St Petersburg
F Sevastopol Hold
A St Petersburg Supports A Sweden - Norway (*Cut*)
A Sweden - Norway

A Smyrna Hold

Windows Liveâ„¢: Keep your life in sync. Check it out.

-----Inline Attachment Follows-----

1 torjik Standard Winter 1911 5 7 3 bel, bre, bud, bul, con, gre, hol, mar, mun, nap, par, rom, rum, ser, spa, tri, tun, ven, vie. F aeg, A bel, A boh, A bre, A bul, F con, A hol, F ion, A mar, A mun, A naf, A pic, A rom, A rum, A ser, F spa(sc) -1 den, edi, lvp, lon, swe. F bar, F den, F hel, F nth, F nwg, F swe -1 por. F eng, A por 0 0 0 ank, ber, kie, mos, nwy, sev, stp, war. A ank, F bal, A fin, A kie, A lvn, A nwy, F sev, A stp 0 smy. A smy 0 v2 49 1 1901 ---T-----Ga--FAa---Ta--E-----------GEa-EFa-RaGaI-----Fa----Ia---R--Ta-Rs--A-----IaAa-Ra-- T-GFA-T-E--GEEFRGI-F-I--RT-R-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - ser Austria: F tri - alb Austria: A vie - gal (*Bounce*) England: F edi - nwg England: A lvp - yor England: F lon - nth France: F bre - mao France: A mar - spa France: A par - bur (*Bounce*) Germany: A ber - kie Germany: F kie - den Germany: A mun - bur (*Bounce*) Italy: F nap - ion Italy: A rom - ven Italy: A ven - trl Russia: A mos - ukr Russia: F sev - bla Russia: F stp(sc) - bot Russia: A war - gal (*Bounce*) Turkey: F ank - con Turkey: A con - bul Turkey: A smy - arm 3 1901 --A--Ta----R---Ta--TG--------R--I-Ga----F-Ga---E-EFa-------Aa----Fa------Ia-RaIaAa-Ra-Ea T-GFA-T-E--GEEFRGI-F-I--RT-R-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre (*Bounce*) Austria: A ser Supports A vie - tri Austria: A vie - tri (*Bounce*) England: F nth Convoys A yor - bel England: F nwg - nwy England: A yor - bel France: F mao - por France: A par - bur France: A spa Hold Germany: F den - swe (*Bounce*) Germany: A kie - hol Germany: A mun Hold Italy: F ion - gre (*Bounce*) Italy: A trl - tri (*Bounce*) Italy: A ven Supports A trl - tri Russia: F bla - con (*Fails*) Russia: F bot - swe (*Bounce*) Russia: A ukr - rum (*Bounce*) Russia: A war - gal Turkey: A arm - sev Turkey: A bul - rum (*Bounce*) Turkey: F con Hold 5 1901 --A-----Ea-R---TaFa-TG----Ra---R-GaI--------Ga---EE----F----AaTa---Fa------Ia-RaIaAa---- TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 10 1 2 2 2 0 -1 2 0 Austria: Build A tri England: Build F lon England: Build F lvp France: Build A par France: Build F bre Germany: Build A kie Germany: Build F ber Russia: Remove F bla Turkey: Build F smy Turkey: Build A ank 1 1902 --ATa----EaG--F-TaFa-TG----Ra---R-GaI-GaE-E---Ga---EE-Fa--F----AaTa--TFa---Aa--Ia-RaIaAa---- TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre Austria: A ser Supports F alb - gre Austria: A tri - bud Austria: A vie Supports A tri - bud England: A bel Hold England: F lvp - iri England: F lon - eng England: F nth Supports F lon - eng England: F nwy - stp(nc) (*Bounce*) France: F bre - pic France: A bur Supports F bre - pic France: A par Supports F bre - pic France: F por - mao France: A spa - gas Germany: F ber - bal Germany: F den Supports F ber - bal Germany: A hol Supports A bel Germany: A kie Supports A hol Germany: A mun Hold Italy: F ion - aeg (*Bounce*) Italy: A trl - ven Italy: A ven - apu Russia: A gal - rum Russia: F bot - stp(sc) (*Bounce*) Russia: A ukr Supports A gal - rum Turkey: A ank - arm Turkey: A bul - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F con - bla Turkey: A sev - mos Turkey: F smy - aeg (*Bounce*) 3 1902 ----IaTaG-Ea-T--AaTaFa--G--E--FaA-R-GaIEGa----FTaGa---EE-FaF-----RaAa---T---------RaIaAa---- TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - ser Austria: F gre Supports A ser - bul Austria: A ser - bul Austria: A vie - gal England: A bel Hold England: F eng - mao England: F iri Supports F eng - mao England: F nth - eng (*Bounce*) England: F nwy - nth (*Fails*) France: A bur Supports A hol - bel (*Void*) France: A gas Supports A bur France: F mao Supports F pic - eng (*Dislodged*) France: A par - bre France: F pic - eng (*Bounce*) Germany: F bal - swe Germany: F den Supports F bal - swe Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel (*Void*) Germany: A kie Supports A hol Germany: A mun Hold Italy: A apu - tun Italy: F ion Convoys A apu - tun Italy: A ven - apu Russia: F bot - stp(sc) Russia: A rum - sev (*Bounce*) Russia: A ukr Supports A rum - sev Turkey: A arm - sev (*Bounce*) Turkey: F bla - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: A bul Supports F bla - rum (*Dislodged*) Turkey: A mos Supports A arm - sev Turkey: F smy - aeg 4 1902 -T--IaTa--Ea-T-Fa-AaFa--G----AaFaA---GaIEGa----ETaGa---EE--F-----RaAa-----RsG--Ia---Ra------ TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Turkish A bul con French F mao nao spa(nc) por spa(sc) naf wes France: F mao - por Turkey: Remove A bul 5 1902 -T--IaTa--Ea-T-Fa-AaFa--G----AaFaA---GaIEGa----ETaGa---EE--F-F---RaAa-----RsG--Ia---Ra------ TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 5 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 Austria: Build A vie Austria: Build A bud Germany: Build F ber Italy: Build F nap Turkey: Build F smy 1 1903 -T--IaTa--EaGT-FaAaAaFa--G----AaFaA---GaIEGa----ETaGaI--EE--F-F---RaAa---T-RsG--Ia---Ra-Aa---- TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - rum Austria: A bul Supports F bla - con (*Void*) Austria: A gal Supports A ukr - war Austria: F gre Supports F ion - aeg Austria: A ser Supports A bul Austria: A vie Hold England: A bel Supports A mun - bur (*Disbanded*) England: F iri Supports F nth - eng England: F mao - gas England: F nth - eng England: F nwy Hold France: A bre Hold France: A bur - bel France: A gas - spa France: F pic Supports A bur - bel France: F por - mao Germany: F ber - bal Germany: F den - ska Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel Germany: A kie - ruh Germany: A mun - bur Germany: F swe Supports F den - ska Italy: A apu Hold Italy: F ion - aeg (*Fails*) Italy: F nap - ion (*Fails*) Italy: A tun Hold Russia: A rum - ukr Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr - war Turkey: F aeg Supports A arm - bul (*Cut*) Turkey: A arm - bul (*Fails*) Turkey: F bla Convoys A arm - bul Turkey: A mos - sev Turkey: F smy Supports F aeg 3 1903 -T--IaTaG-Fa-T-Fa-AaGa-----E-AaEA---GaIE-----F--I---E--F----GaAaAaTa-GTFaRsG--Ia---Ra-Aa-Ra-- TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports A rum Austria: A gal Supports A rum Austria: F gre Supports F ion - aeg (*Void*) Austria: A rum Supports A bul Austria: A ser Supports F gre Austria: A vie Hold England: F eng Supports A bel England: F gas - bre England: F iri - nao England: F nwy Hold (*Dislodged*) France: A bel Hold France: A bre - par France: F mao - spa(sc) France: F pic Supports A bel France: A spa - mar Germany: F bal - den Germany: A bur - bel (*Fails*) Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel Germany: A ruh Supports A bur - bel Germany: F ska Supports F swe - nwy Germany: F swe - nwy Italy: A apu, no move received Italy: F ion, no move received Italy: F nap, no move received Italy: A tun, no move received Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr - mos Russia: A war Supports A ukr - mos Turkey: F aeg Supports F bla - con Turkey: A arm - ank Turkey: F bla - con Turkey: A sev Hold Turkey: F smy - eas 4 1903 -T-TaIa---Fa---E-AaGa-TGT-E-Aa-A---GaI-----Fa-Ra-IE--G-FaF----GaAaAaTa-G-FsRs---Ia-----Aa-Ra-- TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 English F nwy bar nwg nth England: F nwy - nth 5 1903 -T-TaIa---Fa---E-AaGa-TGT-E-Aa-A---GaI-----Fa-Ra-IE-EG-FaF----GaAaAaTa-G-FsRs---Ia-----Aa-Ra-- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 Austria: Build A tri Germany: Build A mun Turkey: Remove A ank 1 1904 -T--Ia---Fa---E-AaGa-TGT-E-Aa-A---GaI-----Fa-RaGaIE-EG-FaF----GaAaAaTa-G-FsRs--AaIa-----Aa-Ra-- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports F gre Austria: A gal - sil Austria: F gre Supports F ion - aeg Austria: A rum - ukr (*Fails*) Austria: A ser Supports A bul Austria: A tri - trl Austria: A vie - boh England: F bre - eng England: F eng - lon England: F nao - nwg England: F nth - hel France: A bel Supports A par - bur (*Disbanded*) France: A mar Supports A par - bur France: A par - bur France: F pic Supports A bel France: F spa(sc) - lyo Germany: A bur - bel Germany: F den Supports F ska - nth Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel Germany: A mun - bur (*Fails*) Germany: F nwy Supports F ska - nth Germany: A ruh Supports A bur - bel Germany: F ska - nth Italy: A apu - ven Italy: F ion - aeg (*Dislodged*) Italy: F nap - ion (*Fails*) Italy: A tun Hold Russia: A mos - ukr Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A war - pru Turkey: F aeg Supports F eas - ion Turkey: F con Supports F aeg Turkey: F eas - ion Turkey: A sev Supports A mos - ukr 2 1904 -T------Ga--Aa--AaFa-TG--E---AF-EGaT----EFa--GaI--GGE-F--Ra-GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia-Aa-RaIa----- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Italian F ion tys apu adr alb Italy: F ion - tys 3 1904 -T------Ga--Aa--AaFa-TG--E---AF-EGaT----EFa--GaI--GGE-F--Ra-GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia-AaIRaIa----- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A boh Supports A trl - mun Austria: A bul - gre (*Fails*) Austria: F gre - ion (*Dislodged*) Austria: A rum - bul (*Bounce*) Austria: A ser Supports A rum - bul (*Fails*) Austria: A sil Supports A trl - mun Austria: A trl - mun England: F eng Supports F pic - bel (*Cut*) England: F hel - hol (*Fails*) England: F lon - nth (*Fails*) England: F nwg - edi France: A bur Supports F pic - bel France: F lyo Convoys A mar - tus France: A mar - tus (*Bounce*) France: F pic - bel Germany: A bel Supports F pic (*Disbanded*) Germany: F den - kie Germany: A hol Supports A bel (*Cut*) Germany: A mun Hold (*Disbanded*) Germany: F nth - eng (*Fails*) Germany: F nwy - stp(nc) (*Fails*) Germany: A ruh Supports A mun Italy: F nap - ion Italy: A tun Hold Italy: F tys Supports F nap - ion Italy: A ven - tus (*Bounce*) Russia: A pru - ber Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr - mos Turkey: F aeg Supports F ion - gre Turkey: F con - bul(sc) (*Bounce*) Turkey: F ion - gre Turkey: A sev Hold 4 1904 -T------FRa-Aa--AaFa-T--EE---TF-EGaI-G--EFa-RaAa---GG-------GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia--I-Ia----- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 Austrian F gre alb Austria: F gre - alb 5 1904 -TA-----FRa-Aa--AaFa-T--EE---TF-EGaI-G--EFa-RaAa---GG-------GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia--I-Ia----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 France: Build A par Russia: Build A war Turkey: Build F ank 1 1905 -TAT----FRa-Aa--AaFa-T--EE---TF-EGaI-G--EFa-RaAa---GG-Fa-----GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia--I-Ia--Ra-- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb Supports A ser - gre Austria: A boh Supports A sil - mun (*Fails*) Austria: A bul - con (*Dislodged*) Austria: A mun - kie (*Bounce*) Austria: A rum Supports A mos - sev Austria: A ser - gre Austria: A sil - mun (*Fails*) England: F edi - nwg England: F eng - mao England: F hel Supports F lon - nth England: F lon - nth France: F bel Hold France: A bur - ruh (*Fails*) France: F lyo Convoys A mar - tus France: A mar - tus France: A par - bur (*Fails*) Germany: A hol Supports A ruh - kie Germany: F kie - bal Germany: F nth - ska Germany: F nwy Supports F hel - nth (*Void*) Germany: A ruh - kie (*Bounce*) Italy: F ion, no move received Italy: A tun, no move received Italy: F tys, no move received Italy: A ven, no move received Russia: A ber Supports A mun - kie Russia: A mos - sev Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A war - ukr Turkey: F aeg Supports F gre - bul(sc) Turkey: F ank - bla Turkey: F con Supports F gre - bul(sc) Turkey: F gre - bul(sc) Turkey: A sev - rum (*Dislodged*) 2 1905 -TA---G-FRaTAa--TsFa-T-------AaF-EGaI------E-Aa---EGEFa-----GaAa-RaAaG--Rs---IaFa-IRaIa----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Austrian A bul ser Turkish A sev arm Austria: A bul - ser Turkey: A sev - arm 3 1905 -TA--TaG-FRaTAa--TsFa-T-------AaF-EGaI------E-Aa---EGEFa-----GaAaAaRaAaG--Rs---IaFa-IRaIa----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb Supports A ser - gre Austria: A boh Supports A sil - mun Austria: A gre - nap Austria: A mun - kie Austria: A rum - bul (*Fails*) Austria: A ser - gre Austria: A sil - mun England: F hel - hol England: F mao - bre (*Bounce*) England: F nth - nwy England: F nwg Supports F nth - nwy France: F bel Supports F hel - hol France: A bur - ruh (*Fails*) France: F lyo - tys France: A par - bre (*Bounce*) France: A tus - rom (*Fails*) Germany: F bal - den Germany: A hol Supports A ruh - kie (*Disbanded*) Germany: F nwy Supports F ska (*Dislodged*) Germany: A ruh - kie (*Fails*) Germany: F ska Supports F bal - den Italy: F ion Convoys A gre - nap Italy: A tun Hold Italy: F tys - rom Italy: A ven Supports F tys - rom Russia: A ber Supports A mun - kie Russia: A sev Supports A rum (*Ordered to Move*) Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr Supports A sev Turkey: F aeg Supports F bul(sc) Turkey: A arm - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F bla Convoys A arm - rum Turkey: F bul(sc) Supports A arm - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F con Supports F bul(sc) 4 1905 -TA--Ta--FRaTAa--TsFa-TG------Aa---EI-Aa----E-AaAa---EEFa----IGaAa-Ra-G--Rs---IaFa-FRaIa----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 German F nwy swe bar Germany: F nwy - swe 5 1905 -TA--Ta--FRaTAa--TsFa-TG------Aa---EI-Aa----E-AaAa---EEFa----IGaAa-Ra-G--RsG--IaFa-FRaIa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 9 2 2 0 -2 -1 1 -1 0 Austria: Build A tri Austria: Build A bud England: Build F edi England: Build F lon Germany: Remove F ska Germany: Remove A ruh Italy: Defaults, removing F ion Russia: Build A mos Turkey: Remove F con 1 1906 -TA--Ta--FRaTAa-AaTsFa--G-E----Aa---E--Aa--E-ERaAaAa---EEFa----I-Aa-Ra----RsG-AaIaFa-FRaIa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre (*Fails*) Austria: A boh - trl Austria: A bud - ser Austria: A gre Supports A rum - bul Austria: A kie Supports A mun Austria: A mun Supports A kie Austria: A nap Supports F rom Austria: A rum - bul (*Fails*) Austria: A tri - ven England: F edi - nth England: F hol Supports F edi - nth England: F lon - eng England: F mao Supports F lon - eng England: F nwy - ska England: F nwg - nwy France: F bel - pic France: A bur - mar France: A par - bur France: A tus - rom (*Dislodged*) France: F tys - ion Germany: F den, no move received Germany: F swe, no move received Italy: F rom Supports A ven - tus Italy: A tun - naf Italy: A ven - tus Russia: A ber Supports A kie Russia: A mos - stp Russia: A sev Hold Russia: F stp(sc) - bot Russia: A ukr Supports A sev Turkey: F aeg Supports F bul(sc) Turkey: A arm - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F bla Convoys A arm - rum Turkey: F bul(sc) Supports A arm - rum (*Fails*) 2 1906 -TA--Ta---RaT---TsFa--G--E---Aa-R-EF-Aa---FaE-AaAa-IaEE--F---I-AaAaRa-E--RaG---IaAa-RaAa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 French A tus pie France: A tus - pie 3 1906 -TA--Ta---RaT---TsFa--G--E---Aa-R-EF-Aa---FaE-AaAa-IaEE--FFa--I-AaAaRa-E--RaG---IaAa-RaAa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - ion Austria: A gre Supports A rum - bul Austria: A kie Supports F den Austria: A mun Supports A kie Austria: A nap Supports A ven - rom Austria: A rum - bul Austria: A ser Supports A rum - bul Austria: A trl - ven Austria: A ven - rom England: F eng - bel (*Bounce*) England: F hol Supports F eng - bel England: F mao - por England: F nth Supports F ska - den England: F nwy Supports F bot - swe (*Dislodged*) England: F ska - den (*Fails*) France: A bur - bel (*Bounce*) France: F ion - tun France: A mar - gas France: F pic Supports A bur - bel France: A pie - mar Germany: F den Supports F swe (*Cut*) Germany: F swe Supports A stp - nwy Italy: A naf Hold Italy: F rom - tys Italy: A tus Hold Russia: A ber Supports A kie Russia: F bot - bal Russia: A sev Hold Russia: A stp - nwy Russia: A ukr - rum Turkey: F aeg Supports F bul(sc) Turkey: A arm Hold Turkey: F bla Supports A ukr - rum Turkey: F bul(sc) Supports A ukr - rum (*Dislodged*) 4 1906 -T---TaR--RaT---AaFa--G--E--FaAa---EA-Aa---Fa--AaAa-IaERa--F-E-Aa-RaAaRa-E---G--FIa-I-Aa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Turkish F bul(sc) con English F nwy nwg bar England: F nwy - nwg Turkey: Remove F bul(sc) 5 1906 -T---TaR--RaT---AaFa--G--E--FaAa---EA-Aa---Fa--AaAa-IaERaE-F-E-Aa-RaAaRa-E---G--FIa-I-Aa----- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 7 2 0 0 0 -3 2 0 0 Austria: Build F tri Austria: Build A bud Italy: Remove A naf Italy: Remove F tys Italy: Remove A tus Russia: Build F stp(nc) Russia: Build A mos 1 1907 -T---TaR--RaT--AaAaFa--G--E--FaAa---EA-Aa---Fa-RaAaAa--ERaE-F-E-Aa-RaAaRa-E--RnG-AF----Aa----- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud Supports A ser - rum Austria: A bul Supports A arm - con (*Void*) Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: F ion - eas Austria: A kie - ruh Austria: A mun Supports A kie - ruh Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A rom - ven Austria: A ser - rum (*Fails*) Austria: F tri - alb Austria: A ven - trl England: F eng - bel England: F hol Supports F eng - bel England: F nth - nwy England: F nwg Supports F nth - nwy England: F por - mao England: F ska Supports F nth - nwy France: A bur - bel (*Fails*) France: A gas Supports F pic - bre France: A mar - spa France: F pic - bre France: F tun - wes Germany: F den Supports F swe Germany: F swe Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: F bal Supports A nwy - swe Russia: A ber, no move received Russia: A mos Supports A sev Russia: A nwy - swe (*Dislodged*) Russia: A rum Hold Russia: A sev Supports A rum Russia: F stp(nc), no move received Turkey: F aeg Supports F bla - con Turkey: A arm Hold Turkey: F bla - con 2 1907 -TA--TaR-ERa--FAaAaFa-TGA----FaAa---E-------ERaAaAa---EE------AaRaAaRa-E-FaRnG----Aa--Aa---F- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Russian A nwy fin Russia: A nwy - fin 3 1907 -TA--TaR-ERa--FAaAaFa-TGA--Ra-FaAa---E-------ERaAaAa---EE------AaRaAaRa-E-FaRnG----Aa--Aa---F- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - ion Austria: A bud Supports A ser - rum Austria: A bul Supports A ser - rum Austria: F eas Supports F alb - ion Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: A mun Supports A ber - kie Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A ruh Hold Austria: A ser - rum Austria: A trl Supports A mun Austria: A ven Hold England: F bel Supports F mao - eng England: F hol Supports F bel England: F mao - eng England: F nwy Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F nwg Supports F nwy England: F ska - swe (*Fails*) France: F bre Supports F wes - mao France: A bur Supports F bel France: A gas - spa France: A spa - por France: F wes - mao Germany: F den, no move received Germany: F swe, no move received Russia: F bal Supports A ber - kie Russia: A ber - kie Russia: A fin Supports F stp(nc) - nwy Russia: A mos - lvn Russia: A rum - ukr Russia: A sev - arm (*Fails*) Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) Turkey: F aeg - ion (*Fails*) Turkey: A arm - smy (*Bounce*) Turkey: F con - smy (*Bounce*) 5 1907 -T---TaR-E---FAaAaFa-TGA-ERa--Aa---EA-Ra-Ra--F-AaAa---EE---Fa--AaAa-Ra-E-FaRnG----Aa-RaAa----- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 2 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 0 France: Build F mar Russia: Remove A sev 1 1908 -T---TaR-E---FAaAaFa-TGA-ERa--Aa---EA-Ra-Ra-FF-AaAa---EE---Fa--AaAa---E-FaRnG----Aa-RaAa----- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - tri Austria: A bul Supports A gre Austria: F eas - smy Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: F ion Convoys A nap - tun Austria: A mun - bur Austria: A nap - tun Austria: A ruh Supports A mun - bur Austria: A rum, no move received Austria: A trl - mun Austria: A ven - pie England: F bel Supports F hol England: F eng - nth England: F hol Supports F eng - nth England: F nwy Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F nwg Supports F nwy England: F ska - swe (*Bounce*) France: F bre - mao France: A bur Hold (*Dislodged*) France: F mar - lyo France: F mao - wes France: A por - spa France: A spa - mar Germany: F den Supports F swe (*Cut*) Germany: F swe Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: F bal Convoys A lvn - den Russia: A fin - swe (*Bounce*) Russia: A kie, no move received Russia: A lvn - den (*Fails*) Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) Russia: A ukr, no move received Turkey: F aeg Supports F con Turkey: A arm - syr Turkey: F con Supports F aeg 2 1908 -T----R-E-----AaAa-TG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra-Ra-FaF-Aa---EEE--Aa---AaAa---EAFaRnGTaAaAa---Ra----F- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 French A bur pic par gas France: A bur - par 3 1908 -T----R-E-----AaAa-TG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra-Ra-FaF-Aa---EEEFa-Aa---AaAa---EAFaRnGTaAaAa---Ra----F- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports F smy - con Austria: A bur - pic Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: F ion - aeg (*Fails*) Austria: A mun - bur Austria: A pie - mar (*Fails*) Austria: A ruh Supports A mun - bur Austria: A rum Supports A bul Austria: F smy - con Austria: A tri - ven Austria: A tun Hold England: F bel Supports F hol England: F hol Supports F bel England: F nth Supports F nwy England: F nwy Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F nwg - bar England: F ska - swe (*Fails*) France: F lyo Supports F wes - tys France: A mar Supports A par - bur (*Cut*) France: F mao - wes France: A par - bur (*Fails*) France: A spa Supports A mar France: F wes - tys Germany: F den Supports F swe (*Cut*) Germany: F swe Supports F den (*Dislodged*) Russia: F bal Convoys A lvn - swe Russia: A fin Supports A lvn - swe Russia: A kie - den (*Fails*) Russia: A lvn - swe Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) Russia: A ukr - mos Turkey: F aeg Supports A syr - smy (*Cut*) Turkey: F con Supports A syr - smy (*Dislodged*) Turkey: A syr - smy 4 1908 -T----REE-----AaAa-AG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra---Fa-Ra----EE-FaAaAa---AaAa---ETaFaRnRa--Aa--F-Aa---F- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Turkish F con ank bla German F swe bot Germany: Remove F swe Turkey: F con - bla 5 1908 -T----REE-T---AaAa-AG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra---Fa-Ra----EE-FaAaAa---AaAa---ETaFaRnRa--Aa--F-Aa---F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 5 2 0 -1 0 0 1 -1 0 Austria: Build A tri Austria: Build A vie France: Remove F lyo Russia: Build waived Turkey: Remove F aeg 1 1909 ------REE-T---AaAa-AG---Ra--Aa---EA-Ra---Fa-Ra----EE-FaAaAa---AaAa---ETaFaRnRa-AaAa--F-AaAa--F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Austria: A bul - con (*Fails*) Austria: A bur Supports A pie - mar Austria: F con - ank (*Bounce*) Austria: A gre - ser Austria: F ion - tys (*Fails*) Austria: A pic - bre Austria: A pie - mar Austria: A ruh - bel Austria: A rum Hold Austria: A tri - ven Austria: A tun Hold Austria: A ven - apu Austria: A vie - trl England: F bar Supports F nwy England: F bel - pic England: F hol - kie (*Fails*) England: F nth - hol (*Fails*) England: F nwy Supports F ska England: F ska Supports F den France: A mar Hold (*Dislodged*) France: A par, no move received France: A spa, no move received France: F tys, no move received France: F wes, no move received Germany: F den Hold Russia: F bal, no move received Russia: A fin, no move received Russia: A kie, no move received Russia: A mos, no move received Russia: F stp(nc), no move received Russia: A swe, no move received Turkey: F bla - ank (*Bounce*) Turkey: A smy - ank (*Bounce*) 2 1909 ----Aa-REAa-T-Aa-AaAa-AG---Ra------EA-Ra---Aa-Ra----EE-FaE-----AaAa--ETaFaRnRa--Aa-AaF-Aa---F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 French A mar gas France: A mar - gas 3 1909 ----Aa-REAa-T-Aa-AaAa-AG---Ra-Fa----EA-Ra---Aa-Ra----EE-FaE-----AaAa--ETaFaRnRa--Aa-AaF-Aa---F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Austria: A apu - nap Austria: A bel - pic (*Dislodged*) Austria: A bre Supports A bur - par Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur - par Austria: F con Hold Austria: F ion Supports A tun Austria: A mar - gas (*Dislodged*) Austria: A rum Supports A mos - sev Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: A tun Hold Austria: A trl - mun Austria: A ven - rom (*Bounce*) England: F bar - stp(nc) England: F hol Supports F pic - bel England: F nth Supports F pic - bel England: F nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc) England: F pic - bel England: F ska Supports F nwy France: A gas - mar France: A par - bur (*Dislodged*) France: A spa Supports A gas - mar France: F tys - rom (*Bounce*) France: F wes - lyo Germany: F den - kie (*Dislodged*) Russia: F bal - den Russia: A fin Supports F stp(nc) - nwy Russia: A kie Supports F bal - den Russia: A mos - sev Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Disbanded*) Russia: A swe Supports F bal - den Turkey: F bla - ank (*Bounce*) Turkey: A smy - ank (*Bounce*) 4 1909 --------E-T-Aa-Aa--AR---Ra---F--EA-Ra---Fa--AaAa--EE-Aa------AaAaRa-ETaFaEnRa--Aa--F-Aa----- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 Austrian A bel bur ruh German F den hel Austrian A mar bur pie French A par gas pic Austria: A bel - bur Austria: A mar - pie France: Remove A par Germany: Remove F den 5 1909 --------E-T-Aa-AaAa-AR---Ra---F--EA-Ra---Fa--AaAa--EE-Aa-Aa----AaAaRa-ETaFaEnRa--Aa--F-Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 6 2 1 -1 0 0 2 0 0 Austria: Build F tri Austria: Build A vie England: Build waived France: Remove F lyo Russia: Build A war Russia: Build A mos 1 1910 --------E-T-Aa-AaAa-AR---Ra------EA-Ra---Fa-RaAaAa--EE-Aa-Aa----AaAaRa-ETaFaEnRa-AAa--F-AaAa-Ra-- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bre - gas Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur Supports A pie - mar Austria: F con Supports A smy - ank Austria: F ion - tys Austria: A mun - ruh Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A par Supports A bre - gas Austria: A pie - mar (*Fails*) Austria: A rum - gal (*Bounce*) Austria: A ser Hold Austria: F tri - alb Austria: A tun Hold Austria: A ven - rom Austria: A vie - gal (*Bounce*) England: F bel Hold England: F hol - kie (*Fails*) England: F nth - den England: F nwy - swe (*Fails*) England: F ska Supports F nth - den England: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) France: A mar, no move received France: A spa Supports A mar France: F tys - wes Russia: F den Supports A swe (*Dislodged*) Russia: A fin Supports A swe Russia: A kie Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: A mos - stp (*Fails*) Russia: A sev Hold Russia: A swe Supports A fin (*Cut*) Russia: A war - lvn Turkey: F bla - ank (*Fails*) Turkey: A smy - ank 2 1910 --ATa----E-T---AaAa-AE---Ra-Aa----E--Ra-Ra-Fa-Ra-Aa---E-Aa-Aa--AaAaAaAaRa-E-FaEnRa--Aa--A--Aa--F- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Russian F den bal hel Russia: F den - hel 3 1910 --ATa----E-T---AaAa-AE---Ra-Aa---RE--Ra-Ra-Fa-Ra-Aa---E-Aa-Aa--AaAaAaAaRa-E-FaEnRa--Aa--A--Aa--F- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur Supports A pie - mar Austria: F con Supports A ank (*Ordered to Move*) Austria: A gas Supports A pie - mar (*Dislodged*) Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A par - pic Austria: A pie - mar Austria: A rom - ven Austria: A ruh Hold Austria: A rum Hold Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: A tun Hold Austria: F tys - lyo Austria: A vie - trl England: F bel Supports F hol England: F den - swe England: F hol Supports F bel England: F nwy Supports F stp(nc) (*Dislodged*) England: F ska Supports F den - swe England: F stp(nc) Supports F nwy (*Dislodged*) France: A mar - gas France: A spa Supports A mar - gas France: F wes - mao Russia: A fin Supports A swe - nwy Russia: F hel - den Russia: A kie Supports F hel - den Russia: A lvn Supports A mos - stp Russia: A mos - stp Russia: A sev - arm Russia: A swe - nwy Turkey: A ank - smy Turkey: F bla - ank 4 1910 ---T-Ra--E-----AaAa-AR---Ra-FaAA--E--Ra-Ra-AaF--Aa---Ra--Aa----AaAaAa--ETaFaRaE--Aa-Aa--Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 Austrian A gas bre par English F nwy bar nwg nth English F stp(nc) bar Austria: A gas - par England: F nwy - nwg England: F stp(nc) - bar 5 1910 ---T-Ra-EE-----AaAa-AR---Ra-FaAA--E--Ra-Ra-AaF--Aa---RaEAaAa----AaAaAa--ETaFaRaE--Aa-Aa--Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 3 1 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 Austria: Build F tri France: Remove A gas Russia: Build F sev 1 1911 ---T-Ra-EE-----AaAa-AR---Ra--AA--E--Ra-Ra-AaF--Aa---RaEAaAa----AaAaAaR-ETaFaRaE-AAa-Aa--Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur - bel Austria: F con Supports A arm - ank Austria: F gre - aeg Austria: F lyo - spa(sc) Austria: A mar Supports F lyo - spa(sc) Austria: A nap - rom Austria: A par - gas Austria: A pic Supports A bur - bel Austria: A ruh Supports A bur - bel Austria: A rum Supports A bul Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: F tri - adr Austria: A tun - naf Austria: A trl - mun Austria: A ven - trl England: F bar Supports F nwg - nwy England: F bel - nth England: F hol - kie (*Fails*) England: F nwg - nwy England: F ska Supports F swe - den England: F swe - den France: F mao, no move received France: A spa Hold (*Dislodged*) Russia: A arm - ank Russia: F den Supports A nwy - swe (*Dislodged*) Russia: A fin Supports A nwy - swe Russia: A kie Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: A lvn - stp (*Fails*) Russia: A nwy - swe Russia: F sev - bla (*Bounce*) Russia: A stp - nwy (*Fails*) Turkey: F ank - bla (*Disbanded*) Turkey: A smy Hold 2 1911 AA-Ra---EAa-----Aa--AE---Ra-Aa----E--Ra-Ra-AaF-Aa--AaEE--Aa---AaAaAaAaR-ETaAsRaRa----Aa-------- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 Russian F den bal hel French A spa por France: A spa - por Russia: F den - bal 3 1911 AA-Ra--REAa-----Aa--AE---Ra-Aa----E--Ra-Ra-AaF-Aa--AaEE--Aa-Fa-AaAaAaAaR-ETaAsRaRa----Aa-------- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Austria: F adr - ion Austria: F aeg Supports F con Austria: A bel Supports A ruh - hol Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: F con Hold Austria: A gas - bre Austria: A mar Supports F spa(sc) Austria: A mun Hold Austria: A naf Hold Austria: A pic Supports A bel Austria: A rom Hold Austria: A ruh - hol Austria: A rum Hold Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: F spa(sc) Hold Austria: A trl - boh England: F bar - stp(nc) (*Fails*) England: F den Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F hol - kie (*Dislodged*) England: F nth Supports F den England: F nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc) (*Dislodged*) England: F ska - swe France: F mao - eng France: A por - spa (*Fails*) Russia: A ank Hold Russia: F bal - den (*Fails*) Russia: A fin Supports A swe - nwy Russia: A kie Supports F bal - den (*Cut*) Russia: A lvn Supports A stp Russia: F sev Hold Russia: A stp Supports A swe - nwy (*Cut*) Russia: A swe - nwy Turkey: A smy Hold 4 1911 -A-Ra--REAa--AaAa-Aa--AE--FRa------AaA-Ra-Ra-Aa--Aa--AaERa--Aa-Fa-Aa-AaAaR--TaAsRaE------------- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 English F hol hel English F nwy nwg ska England: F hol - hel England: F nwy - nwg -1 Austria: Build Austria: Build Austria: Build England: Remove France: Remove


dc249 Torjik: F11 Game Over - Austrian 19 Center S... - tfletch33   (Jun 11, 2009, 6:52 pm)
Very well done, Nigel. Congrats are in order!


From: Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>
To: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; nephilli99(at)hotmail.com; mrh(at)panix.com; tfletch33(at)yahoo.com; gbimmerle(at)gmail.com; rick_powell_2000(at)yahoo.com; genea5613(at)aol.com; WB Orders <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 3:45:16 PM
Subject: dc249 Torjik: F11 Game Over - Austrian 19 Center Solo

.hmmessage P { margin:0px;padding:0px;} body.hmmessage { font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} Congrats to Nigel on a solo victory with a 19 center count. Thanks to all who hung on and got survival [Fletch, Melinda, Nathan].

One technical note: You will see in the maps and the dpy file that I auto-retreated English F's to places without asking because I knew that Austria had won and the retreats didn't matter.

Thanks for playing in the tournament.


F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea
F Aegean Sea Supports F Constantinople
A Belgium Supports A Ruhr - Holland
A Bulgaria Supports F Constantinople
F Constantinople Hold
A Gascony - Brest
A Marseilles Supports F Spain(sc)
A Munich Hold
A North Africa Hold
A Picardy Supports A Belgium
A Rome Hold
A Ruhr - Holland
A Rumania Hold
A Serbia Supports A Rumania
F Spain(sc) suns itself and reflects on a job well done
A Tyrolia - Bohemia

F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc) (*Fails*)
F Denmark Supports F Skagerrak - Sweden (*Cut*)
F Holland - Kiel (*Dislodged*)
F North Sea Supports F Denmark
F Norway Supports F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc) (*Dislodged*)
F Skagerrak - Sweden

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English Channel
A Portugal - Spain (*Fails*)

A Ankara Hold
F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Fails*)
A Finland Supports A Sweden - Norway
A Kiel Supports F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Cut*)
A Livonia Supports A St Petersburg
F Sevastopol Hold
A St Petersburg Supports A Sweden - Norway (*Cut*)
A Sweden - Norway

A Smyrna Hold

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-----Inline Attachment Follows-----

1 torjik Standard Winter 1911 5 7 3 bel, bre, bud, bul, con, gre, hol, mar, mun, nap, par, rom, rum, ser, spa, tri, tun, ven, vie. F aeg, A bel, A boh, A bre, A bul, F con, A hol, F ion, A mar, A mun, A naf, A pic, A rom, A rum, A ser, F spa(sc) -1 den, edi, lvp, lon, swe. F bar, F den, F hel, F nth, F nwg, F swe -1 por. F eng, A por 0 0 0 ank, ber, kie, mos, nwy, sev, stp, war. A ank, F bal, A fin, A kie, A lvn, A nwy, F sev, A stp 0 smy. A smy 0 v2 49 1 1901 ---T-----Ga--FAa---Ta--E-----------GEa-EFa-RaGaI-----Fa----Ia---R--Ta-Rs--A-----IaAa-Ra-- T-GFA-T-E--GEEFRGI-F-I--RT-R-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - ser Austria: F tri - alb Austria: A vie - gal (*Bounce*) England: F edi - nwg England: A lvp - yor England: F lon - nth France: F bre - mao France: A mar - spa France: A par - bur (*Bounce*) Germany: A ber - kie Germany: F kie - den Germany: A mun - bur (*Bounce*) Italy: F nap - ion Italy: A rom - ven Italy: A ven - trl Russia: A mos - ukr Russia: F sev - bla Russia: F stp(sc) - bot Russia: A war - gal (*Bounce*) Turkey: F ank - con Turkey: A con - bul Turkey: A smy - arm 3 1901 --A--Ta----R---Ta--TG--------R--I-Ga----F-Ga---E-EFa-------Aa----Fa------Ia-RaIaAa-Ra-Ea T-GFA-T-E--GEEFRGI-F-I--RT-R-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre (*Bounce*) Austria: A ser Supports A vie - tri Austria: A vie - tri (*Bounce*) England: F nth Convoys A yor - bel England: F nwg - nwy England: A yor - bel France: F mao - por France: A par - bur France: A spa Hold Germany: F den - swe (*Bounce*) Germany: A kie - hol Germany: A mun Hold Italy: F ion - gre (*Bounce*) Italy: A trl - tri (*Bounce*) Italy: A ven Supports A trl - tri Russia: F bla - con (*Fails*) Russia: F bot - swe (*Bounce*) Russia: A ukr - rum (*Bounce*) Russia: A war - gal Turkey: A arm - sev Turkey: A bul - rum (*Bounce*) Turkey: F con Hold 5 1901 --A-----Ea-R---TaFa-TG----Ra---R-GaI--------Ga---EE----F----AaTa---Fa------Ia-RaIaAa---- TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 10 1 2 2 2 0 -1 2 0 Austria: Build A tri England: Build F lon England: Build F lvp France: Build A par France: Build F bre Germany: Build A kie Germany: Build F ber Russia: Remove F bla Turkey: Build F smy Turkey: Build A ank 1 1902 --ATa----EaG--F-TaFa-TG----Ra---R-GaI-GaE-E---Ga---EE-Fa--F----AaTa--TFa---Aa--Ia-RaIaAa---- TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre Austria: A ser Supports F alb - gre Austria: A tri - bud Austria: A vie Supports A tri - bud England: A bel Hold England: F lvp - iri England: F lon - eng England: F nth Supports F lon - eng England: F nwy - stp(nc) (*Bounce*) France: F bre - pic France: A bur Supports F bre - pic France: A par Supports F bre - pic France: F por - mao France: A spa - gas Germany: F ber - bal Germany: F den Supports F ber - bal Germany: A hol Supports A bel Germany: A kie Supports A hol Germany: A mun Hold Italy: F ion - aeg (*Bounce*) Italy: A trl - ven Italy: A ven - apu Russia: A gal - rum Russia: F bot - stp(sc) (*Bounce*) Russia: A ukr Supports A gal - rum Turkey: A ank - arm Turkey: A bul - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F con - bla Turkey: A sev - mos Turkey: F smy - aeg (*Bounce*) 3 1902 ----IaTaG-Ea-T--AaTaFa--G--E--FaA-R-GaIEGa----FTaGa---EE-FaF-----RaAa---T---------RaIaAa---- TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - ser Austria: F gre Supports A ser - bul Austria: A ser - bul Austria: A vie - gal England: A bel Hold England: F eng - mao England: F iri Supports F eng - mao England: F nth - eng (*Bounce*) England: F nwy - nth (*Fails*) France: A bur Supports A hol - bel (*Void*) France: A gas Supports A bur France: F mao Supports F pic - eng (*Dislodged*) France: A par - bre France: F pic - eng (*Bounce*) Germany: F bal - swe Germany: F den Supports F bal - swe Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel (*Void*) Germany: A kie Supports A hol Germany: A mun Hold Italy: A apu - tun Italy: F ion Convoys A apu - tun Italy: A ven - apu Russia: F bot - stp(sc) Russia: A rum - sev (*Bounce*) Russia: A ukr Supports A rum - sev Turkey: A arm - sev (*Bounce*) Turkey: F bla - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: A bul Supports F bla - rum (*Dislodged*) Turkey: A mos Supports A arm - sev Turkey: F smy - aeg 4 1902 -T--IaTa--Ea-T-Fa-AaFa--G----AaFaA---GaIEGa----ETaGa---EE--F-----RaAa-----RsG--Ia---Ra------ TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Turkish A bul con French F mao nao spa(nc) por spa(sc) naf wes France: F mao - por Turkey: Remove A bul 5 1902 -T--IaTa--Ea-T-Fa-AaFa--G----AaFaA---GaIEGa----ETaGa---EE--F-F---RaAa-----RsG--Ia---Ra------ TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 5 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 Austria: Build A vie Austria: Build A bud Germany: Build F ber Italy: Build F nap Turkey: Build F smy 1 1903 -T--IaTa--EaGT-FaAaAaFa--G----AaFaA---GaIEGa----ETaGaI--EE--F-F---RaAa---T-RsG--Ia---Ra-Aa---- TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - rum Austria: A bul Supports F bla - con (*Void*) Austria: A gal Supports A ukr - war Austria: F gre Supports F ion - aeg Austria: A ser Supports A bul Austria: A vie Hold England: A bel Supports A mun - bur (*Disbanded*) England: F iri Supports F nth - eng England: F mao - gas England: F nth - eng England: F nwy Hold France: A bre Hold France: A bur - bel France: A gas - spa France: F pic Supports A bur - bel France: F por - mao Germany: F ber - bal Germany: F den - ska Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel Germany: A kie - ruh Germany: A mun - bur Germany: F swe Supports F den - ska Italy: A apu Hold Italy: F ion - aeg (*Fails*) Italy: F nap - ion (*Fails*) Italy: A tun Hold Russia: A rum - ukr Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr - war Turkey: F aeg Supports A arm - bul (*Cut*) Turkey: A arm - bul (*Fails*) Turkey: F bla Convoys A arm - bul Turkey: A mos - sev Turkey: F smy Supports F aeg 3 1903 -T--IaTaG-Fa-T-Fa-AaGa-----E-AaEA---GaIE-----F--I---E--F----GaAaAaTa-GTFaRsG--Ia---Ra-Aa-Ra-- TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports A rum Austria: A gal Supports A rum Austria: F gre Supports F ion - aeg (*Void*) Austria: A rum Supports A bul Austria: A ser Supports F gre Austria: A vie Hold England: F eng Supports A bel England: F gas - bre England: F iri - nao England: F nwy Hold (*Dislodged*) France: A bel Hold France: A bre - par France: F mao - spa(sc) France: F pic Supports A bel France: A spa - mar Germany: F bal - den Germany: A bur - bel (*Fails*) Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel Germany: A ruh Supports A bur - bel Germany: F ska Supports F swe - nwy Germany: F swe - nwy Italy: A apu, no move received Italy: F ion, no move received Italy: F nap, no move received Italy: A tun, no move received Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr - mos Russia: A war Supports A ukr - mos Turkey: F aeg Supports F bla - con Turkey: A arm - ank Turkey: F bla - con Turkey: A sev Hold Turkey: F smy - eas 4 1903 -T-TaIa---Fa---E-AaGa-TGT-E-Aa-A---GaI-----Fa-Ra-IE--G-FaF----GaAaAaTa-G-FsRs---Ia-----Aa-Ra-- TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 English F nwy bar nwg nth England: F nwy - nth 5 1903 -T-TaIa---Fa---E-AaGa-TGT-E-Aa-A---GaI-----Fa-Ra-IE-EG-FaF----GaAaAaTa-G-FsRs---Ia-----Aa-Ra-- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 Austria: Build A tri Germany: Build A mun Turkey: Remove A ank 1 1904 -T--Ia---Fa---E-AaGa-TGT-E-Aa-A---GaI-----Fa-RaGaIE-EG-FaF----GaAaAaTa-G-FsRs--AaIa-----Aa-Ra-- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports F gre Austria: A gal - sil Austria: F gre Supports F ion - aeg Austria: A rum - ukr (*Fails*) Austria: A ser Supports A bul Austria: A tri - trl Austria: A vie - boh England: F bre - eng England: F eng - lon England: F nao - nwg England: F nth - hel France: A bel Supports A par - bur (*Disbanded*) France: A mar Supports A par - bur France: A par - bur France: F pic Supports A bel France: F spa(sc) - lyo Germany: A bur - bel Germany: F den Supports F ska - nth Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel Germany: A mun - bur (*Fails*) Germany: F nwy Supports F ska - nth Germany: A ruh Supports A bur - bel Germany: F ska - nth Italy: A apu - ven Italy: F ion - aeg (*Dislodged*) Italy: F nap - ion (*Fails*) Italy: A tun Hold Russia: A mos - ukr Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A war - pru Turkey: F aeg Supports F eas - ion Turkey: F con Supports F aeg Turkey: F eas - ion Turkey: A sev Supports A mos - ukr 2 1904 -T------Ga--Aa--AaFa-TG--E---AF-EGaT----EFa--GaI--GGE-F--Ra-GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia-Aa-RaIa----- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Italian F ion tys apu adr alb Italy: F ion - tys 3 1904 -T------Ga--Aa--AaFa-TG--E---AF-EGaT----EFa--GaI--GGE-F--Ra-GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia-AaIRaIa----- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A boh Supports A trl - mun Austria: A bul - gre (*Fails*) Austria: F gre - ion (*Dislodged*) Austria: A rum - bul (*Bounce*) Austria: A ser Supports A rum - bul (*Fails*) Austria: A sil Supports A trl - mun Austria: A trl - mun England: F eng Supports F pic - bel (*Cut*) England: F hel - hol (*Fails*) England: F lon - nth (*Fails*) England: F nwg - edi France: A bur Supports F pic - bel France: F lyo Convoys A mar - tus France: A mar - tus (*Bounce*) France: F pic - bel Germany: A bel Supports F pic (*Disbanded*) Germany: F den - kie Germany: A hol Supports A bel (*Cut*) Germany: A mun Hold (*Disbanded*) Germany: F nth - eng (*Fails*) Germany: F nwy - stp(nc) (*Fails*) Germany: A ruh Supports A mun Italy: F nap - ion Italy: A tun Hold Italy: F tys Supports F nap - ion Italy: A ven - tus (*Bounce*) Russia: A pru - ber Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr - mos Turkey: F aeg Supports F ion - gre Turkey: F con - bul(sc) (*Bounce*) Turkey: F ion - gre Turkey: A sev Hold 4 1904 -T------FRa-Aa--AaFa-T--EE---TF-EGaI-G--EFa-RaAa---GG-------GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia--I-Ia----- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 Austrian F gre alb Austria: F gre - alb 5 1904 -TA-----FRa-Aa--AaFa-T--EE---TF-EGaI-G--EFa-RaAa---GG-------GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia--I-Ia----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 France: Build A par Russia: Build A war Turkey: Build F ank 1 1905 -TAT----FRa-Aa--AaFa-T--EE---TF-EGaI-G--EFa-RaAa---GG-Fa-----GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia--I-Ia--Ra-- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb Supports A ser - gre Austria: A boh Supports A sil - mun (*Fails*) Austria: A bul - con (*Dislodged*) Austria: A mun - kie (*Bounce*) Austria: A rum Supports A mos - sev Austria: A ser - gre Austria: A sil - mun (*Fails*) England: F edi - nwg England: F eng - mao England: F hel Supports F lon - nth England: F lon - nth France: F bel Hold France: A bur - ruh (*Fails*) France: F lyo Convoys A mar - tus France: A mar - tus France: A par - bur (*Fails*) Germany: A hol Supports A ruh - kie Germany: F kie - bal Germany: F nth - ska Germany: F nwy Supports F hel - nth (*Void*) Germany: A ruh - kie (*Bounce*) Italy: F ion, no move received Italy: A tun, no move received Italy: F tys, no move received Italy: A ven, no move received Russia: A ber Supports A mun - kie Russia: A mos - sev Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A war - ukr Turkey: F aeg Supports F gre - bul(sc) Turkey: F ank - bla Turkey: F con Supports F gre - bul(sc) Turkey: F gre - bul(sc) Turkey: A sev - rum (*Dislodged*) 2 1905 -TA---G-FRaTAa--TsFa-T-------AaF-EGaI------E-Aa---EGEFa-----GaAa-RaAaG--Rs---IaFa-IRaIa----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Austrian A bul ser Turkish A sev arm Austria: A bul - ser Turkey: A sev - arm 3 1905 -TA--TaG-FRaTAa--TsFa-T-------AaF-EGaI------E-Aa---EGEFa-----GaAaAaRaAaG--Rs---IaFa-IRaIa----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb Supports A ser - gre Austria: A boh Supports A sil - mun Austria: A gre - nap Austria: A mun - kie Austria: A rum - bul (*Fails*) Austria: A ser - gre Austria: A sil - mun England: F hel - hol England: F mao - bre (*Bounce*) England: F nth - nwy England: F nwg Supports F nth - nwy France: F bel Supports F hel - hol France: A bur - ruh (*Fails*) France: F lyo - tys France: A par - bre (*Bounce*) France: A tus - rom (*Fails*) Germany: F bal - den Germany: A hol Supports A ruh - kie (*Disbanded*) Germany: F nwy Supports F ska (*Dislodged*) Germany: A ruh - kie (*Fails*) Germany: F ska Supports F bal - den Italy: F ion Convoys A gre - nap Italy: A tun Hold Italy: F tys - rom Italy: A ven Supports F tys - rom Russia: A ber Supports A mun - kie Russia: A sev Supports A rum (*Ordered to Move*) Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr Supports A sev Turkey: F aeg Supports F bul(sc) Turkey: A arm - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F bla Convoys A arm - rum Turkey: F bul(sc) Supports A arm - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F con Supports F bul(sc) 4 1905 -TA--Ta--FRaTAa--TsFa-TG------Aa---EI-Aa----E-AaAa---EEFa----IGaAa-Ra-G--Rs---IaFa-FRaIa----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 German F nwy swe bar Germany: F nwy - swe 5 1905 -TA--Ta--FRaTAa--TsFa-TG------Aa---EI-Aa----E-AaAa---EEFa----IGaAa-Ra-G--RsG--IaFa-FRaIa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 9 2 2 0 -2 -1 1 -1 0 Austria: Build A tri Austria: Build A bud England: Build F edi England: Build F lon Germany: Remove F ska Germany: Remove A ruh Italy: Defaults, removing F ion Russia: Build A mos Turkey: Remove F con 1 1906 -TA--Ta--FRaTAa-AaTsFa--G-E----Aa---E--Aa--E-ERaAaAa---EEFa----I-Aa-Ra----RsG-AaIaFa-FRaIa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre (*Fails*) Austria: A boh - trl Austria: A bud - ser Austria: A gre Supports A rum - bul Austria: A kie Supports A mun Austria: A mun Supports A kie Austria: A nap Supports F rom Austria: A rum - bul (*Fails*) Austria: A tri - ven England: F edi - nth England: F hol Supports F edi - nth England: F lon - eng England: F mao Supports F lon - eng England: F nwy - ska England: F nwg - nwy France: F bel - pic France: A bur - mar France: A par - bur France: A tus - rom (*Dislodged*) France: F tys - ion Germany: F den, no move received Germany: F swe, no move received Italy: F rom Supports A ven - tus Italy: A tun - naf Italy: A ven - tus Russia: A ber Supports A kie Russia: A mos - stp Russia: A sev Hold Russia: F stp(sc) - bot Russia: A ukr Supports A sev Turkey: F aeg Supports F bul(sc) Turkey: A arm - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F bla Convoys A arm - rum Turkey: F bul(sc) Supports A arm - rum (*Fails*) 2 1906 -TA--Ta---RaT---TsFa--G--E---Aa-R-EF-Aa---FaE-AaAa-IaEE--F---I-AaAaRa-E--RaG---IaAa-RaAa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 French A tus pie France: A tus - pie 3 1906 -TA--Ta---RaT---TsFa--G--E---Aa-R-EF-Aa---FaE-AaAa-IaEE--FFa--I-AaAaRa-E--RaG---IaAa-RaAa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - ion Austria: A gre Supports A rum - bul Austria: A kie Supports F den Austria: A mun Supports A kie Austria: A nap Supports A ven - rom Austria: A rum - bul Austria: A ser Supports A rum - bul Austria: A trl - ven Austria: A ven - rom England: F eng - bel (*Bounce*) England: F hol Supports F eng - bel England: F mao - por England: F nth Supports F ska - den England: F nwy Supports F bot - swe (*Dislodged*) England: F ska - den (*Fails*) France: A bur - bel (*Bounce*) France: F ion - tun France: A mar - gas France: F pic Supports A bur - bel France: A pie - mar Germany: F den Supports F swe (*Cut*) Germany: F swe Supports A stp - nwy Italy: A naf Hold Italy: F rom - tys Italy: A tus Hold Russia: A ber Supports A kie Russia: F bot - bal Russia: A sev Hold Russia: A stp - nwy Russia: A ukr - rum Turkey: F aeg Supports F bul(sc) Turkey: A arm Hold Turkey: F bla Supports A ukr - rum Turkey: F bul(sc) Supports A ukr - rum (*Dislodged*) 4 1906 -T---TaR--RaT---AaFa--G--E--FaAa---EA-Aa---Fa--AaAa-IaERa--F-E-Aa-RaAaRa-E---G--FIa-I-Aa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Turkish F bul(sc) con English F nwy nwg bar England: F nwy - nwg Turkey: Remove F bul(sc) 5 1906 -T---TaR--RaT---AaFa--G--E--FaAa---EA-Aa---Fa--AaAa-IaERaE-F-E-Aa-RaAaRa-E---G--FIa-I-Aa----- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 7 2 0 0 0 -3 2 0 0 Austria: Build F tri Austria: Build A bud Italy: Remove A naf Italy: Remove F tys Italy: Remove A tus Russia: Build F stp(nc) Russia: Build A mos 1 1907 -T---TaR--RaT--AaAaFa--G--E--FaAa---EA-Aa---Fa-RaAaAa--ERaE-F-E-Aa-RaAaRa-E--RnG-AF----Aa----- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud Supports A ser - rum Austria: A bul Supports A arm - con (*Void*) Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: F ion - eas Austria: A kie - ruh Austria: A mun Supports A kie - ruh Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A rom - ven Austria: A ser - rum (*Fails*) Austria: F tri - alb Austria: A ven - trl England: F eng - bel England: F hol Supports F eng - bel England: F nth - nwy England: F nwg Supports F nth - nwy England: F por - mao England: F ska Supports F nth - nwy France: A bur - bel (*Fails*) France: A gas Supports F pic - bre France: A mar - spa France: F pic - bre France: F tun - wes Germany: F den Supports F swe Germany: F swe Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: F bal Supports A nwy - swe Russia: A ber, no move received Russia: A mos Supports A sev Russia: A nwy - swe (*Dislodged*) Russia: A rum Hold Russia: A sev Supports A rum Russia: F stp(nc), no move received Turkey: F aeg Supports F bla - con Turkey: A arm Hold Turkey: F bla - con 2 1907 -TA--TaR-ERa--FAaAaFa-TGA----FaAa---E-------ERaAaAa---EE------AaRaAaRa-E-FaRnG----Aa--Aa---F- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Russian A nwy fin Russia: A nwy - fin 3 1907 -TA--TaR-ERa--FAaAaFa-TGA--Ra-FaAa---E-------ERaAaAa---EE------AaRaAaRa-E-FaRnG----Aa--Aa---F- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - ion Austria: A bud Supports A ser - rum Austria: A bul Supports A ser - rum Austria: F eas Supports F alb - ion Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: A mun Supports A ber - kie Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A ruh Hold Austria: A ser - rum Austria: A trl Supports A mun Austria: A ven Hold England: F bel Supports F mao - eng England: F hol Supports F bel England: F mao - eng England: F nwy Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F nwg Supports F nwy England: F ska - swe (*Fails*) France: F bre Supports F wes - mao France: A bur Supports F bel France: A gas - spa France: A spa - por France: F wes - mao Germany: F den, no move received Germany: F swe, no move received Russia: F bal Supports A ber - kie Russia: A ber - kie Russia: A fin Supports F stp(nc) - nwy Russia: A mos - lvn Russia: A rum - ukr Russia: A sev - arm (*Fails*) Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) Turkey: F aeg - ion (*Fails*) Turkey: A arm - smy (*Bounce*) Turkey: F con - smy (*Bounce*) 5 1907 -T---TaR-E---FAaAaFa-TGA-ERa--Aa---EA-Ra-Ra--F-AaAa---EE---Fa--AaAa-Ra-E-FaRnG----Aa-RaAa----- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 2 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 0 France: Build F mar Russia: Remove A sev 1 1908 -T---TaR-E---FAaAaFa-TGA-ERa--Aa---EA-Ra-Ra-FF-AaAa---EE---Fa--AaAa---E-FaRnG----Aa-RaAa----- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - tri Austria: A bul Supports A gre Austria: F eas - smy Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: F ion Convoys A nap - tun Austria: A mun - bur Austria: A nap - tun Austria: A ruh Supports A mun - bur Austria: A rum, no move received Austria: A trl - mun Austria: A ven - pie England: F bel Supports F hol England: F eng - nth England: F hol Supports F eng - nth England: F nwy Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F nwg Supports F nwy England: F ska - swe (*Bounce*) France: F bre - mao France: A bur Hold (*Dislodged*) France: F mar - lyo France: F mao - wes France: A por - spa France: A spa - mar Germany: F den Supports F swe (*Cut*) Germany: F swe Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: F bal Convoys A lvn - den Russia: A fin - swe (*Bounce*) Russia: A kie, no move received Russia: A lvn - den (*Fails*) Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) Russia: A ukr, no move received Turkey: F aeg Supports F con Turkey: A arm - syr Turkey: F con Supports F aeg 2 1908 -T----R-E-----AaAa-TG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra-Ra-FaF-Aa---EEE--Aa---AaAa---EAFaRnGTaAaAa---Ra----F- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 French A bur pic par gas France: A bur - par 3 1908 -T----R-E-----AaAa-TG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra-Ra-FaF-Aa---EEEFa-Aa---AaAa---EAFaRnGTaAaAa---Ra----F- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports F smy - con Austria: A bur - pic Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: F ion - aeg (*Fails*) Austria: A mun - bur Austria: A pie - mar (*Fails*) Austria: A ruh Supports A mun - bur Austria: A rum Supports A bul Austria: F smy - con Austria: A tri - ven Austria: A tun Hold England: F bel Supports F hol England: F hol Supports F bel England: F nth Supports F nwy England: F nwy Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F nwg - bar England: F ska - swe (*Fails*) France: F lyo Supports F wes - tys France: A mar Supports A par - bur (*Cut*) France: F mao - wes France: A par - bur (*Fails*) France: A spa Supports A mar France: F wes - tys Germany: F den Supports F swe (*Cut*) Germany: F swe Supports F den (*Dislodged*) Russia: F bal Convoys A lvn - swe Russia: A fin Supports A lvn - swe Russia: A kie - den (*Fails*) Russia: A lvn - swe Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) Russia: A ukr - mos Turkey: F aeg Supports A syr - smy (*Cut*) Turkey: F con Supports A syr - smy (*Dislodged*) Turkey: A syr - smy 4 1908 -T----REE-----AaAa-AG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra---Fa-Ra----EE-FaAaAa---AaAa---ETaFaRnRa--Aa--F-Aa---F- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Turkish F con ank bla German F swe bot Germany: Remove F swe Turkey: F con - bla 5 1908 -T----REE-T---AaAa-AG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra---Fa-Ra----EE-FaAaAa---AaAa---ETaFaRnRa--Aa--F-Aa---F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 5 2 0 -1 0 0 1 -1 0 Austria: Build A tri Austria: Build A vie France: Remove F lyo Russia: Build waived Turkey: Remove F aeg 1 1909 ------REE-T---AaAa-AG---Ra--Aa---EA-Ra---Fa-Ra----EE-FaAaAa---AaAa---ETaFaRnRa-AaAa--F-AaAa--F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Austria: A bul - con (*Fails*) Austria: A bur Supports A pie - mar Austria: F con - ank (*Bounce*) Austria: A gre - ser Austria: F ion - tys (*Fails*) Austria: A pic - bre Austria: A pie - mar Austria: A ruh - bel Austria: A rum Hold Austria: A tri - ven Austria: A tun Hold Austria: A ven - apu Austria: A vie - trl England: F bar Supports F nwy England: F bel - pic England: F hol - kie (*Fails*) England: F nth - hol (*Fails*) England: F nwy Supports F ska England: F ska Supports F den France: A mar Hold (*Dislodged*) France: A par, no move received France: A spa, no move received France: F tys, no move received France: F wes, no move received Germany: F den Hold Russia: F bal, no move received Russia: A fin, no move received Russia: A kie, no move received Russia: A mos, no move received Russia: F stp(nc), no move received Russia: A swe, no move received Turkey: F bla - ank (*Bounce*) Turkey: A smy - ank (*Bounce*) 2 1909 ----Aa-REAa-T-Aa-AaAa-AG---Ra------EA-Ra---Aa-Ra----EE-FaE-----AaAa--ETaFaRnRa--Aa-AaF-Aa---F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 French A mar gas France: A mar - gas 3 1909 ----Aa-REAa-T-Aa-AaAa-AG---Ra-Fa----EA-Ra---Aa-Ra----EE-FaE-----AaAa--ETaFaRnRa--Aa-AaF-Aa---F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Austria: A apu - nap Austria: A bel - pic (*Dislodged*) Austria: A bre Supports A bur - par Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur - par Austria: F con Hold Austria: F ion Supports A tun Austria: A mar - gas (*Dislodged*) Austria: A rum Supports A mos - sev Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: A tun Hold Austria: A trl - mun Austria: A ven - rom (*Bounce*) England: F bar - stp(nc) England: F hol Supports F pic - bel England: F nth Supports F pic - bel England: F nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc) England: F pic - bel England: F ska Supports F nwy France: A gas - mar France: A par - bur (*Dislodged*) France: A spa Supports A gas - mar France: F tys - rom (*Bounce*) France: F wes - lyo Germany: F den - kie (*Dislodged*) Russia: F bal - den Russia: A fin Supports F stp(nc) - nwy Russia: A kie Supports F bal - den Russia: A mos - sev Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Disbanded*) Russia: A swe Supports F bal - den Turkey: F bla - ank (*Bounce*) Turkey: A smy - ank (*Bounce*) 4 1909 --------E-T-Aa-Aa--AR---Ra---F--EA-Ra---Fa--AaAa--EE-Aa------AaAaRa-ETaFaEnRa--Aa--F-Aa----- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 Austrian A bel bur ruh German F den hel Austrian A mar bur pie French A par gas pic Austria: A bel - bur Austria: A mar - pie France: Remove A par Germany: Remove F den 5 1909 --------E-T-Aa-AaAa-AR---Ra---F--EA-Ra---Fa--AaAa--EE-Aa-Aa----AaAaRa-ETaFaEnRa--Aa--F-Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 6 2 1 -1 0 0 2 0 0 Austria: Build F tri Austria: Build A vie England: Build waived France: Remove F lyo Russia: Build A war Russia: Build A mos 1 1910 --------E-T-Aa-AaAa-AR---Ra------EA-Ra---Fa-RaAaAa--EE-Aa-Aa----AaAaRa-ETaFaEnRa-AAa--F-AaAa-Ra-- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bre - gas Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur Supports A pie - mar Austria: F con Supports A smy - ank Austria: F ion - tys Austria: A mun - ruh Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A par Supports A bre - gas Austria: A pie - mar (*Fails*) Austria: A rum - gal (*Bounce*) Austria: A ser Hold Austria: F tri - alb Austria: A tun Hold Austria: A ven - rom Austria: A vie - gal (*Bounce*) England: F bel Hold England: F hol - kie (*Fails*) England: F nth - den England: F nwy - swe (*Fails*) England: F ska Supports F nth - den England: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) France: A mar, no move received France: A spa Supports A mar France: F tys - wes Russia: F den Supports A swe (*Dislodged*) Russia: A fin Supports A swe Russia: A kie Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: A mos - stp (*Fails*) Russia: A sev Hold Russia: A swe Supports A fin (*Cut*) Russia: A war - lvn Turkey: F bla - ank (*Fails*) Turkey: A smy - ank 2 1910 --ATa----E-T---AaAa-AE---Ra-Aa----E--Ra-Ra-Fa-Ra-Aa---E-Aa-Aa--AaAaAaAaRa-E-FaEnRa--Aa--A--Aa--F- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Russian F den bal hel Russia: F den - hel 3 1910 --ATa----E-T---AaAa-AE---Ra-Aa---RE--Ra-Ra-Fa-Ra-Aa---E-Aa-Aa--AaAaAaAaRa-E-FaEnRa--Aa--A--Aa--F- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur Supports A pie - mar Austria: F con Supports A ank (*Ordered to Move*) Austria: A gas Supports A pie - mar (*Dislodged*) Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A par - pic Austria: A pie - mar Austria: A rom - ven Austria: A ruh Hold Austria: A rum Hold Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: A tun Hold Austria: F tys - lyo Austria: A vie - trl England: F bel Supports F hol England: F den - swe England: F hol Supports F bel England: F nwy Supports F stp(nc) (*Dislodged*) England: F ska Supports F den - swe England: F stp(nc) Supports F nwy (*Dislodged*) France: A mar - gas France: A spa Supports A mar - gas France: F wes - mao Russia: A fin Supports A swe - nwy Russia: F hel - den Russia: A kie Supports F hel - den Russia: A lvn Supports A mos - stp Russia: A mos - stp Russia: A sev - arm Russia: A swe - nwy Turkey: A ank - smy Turkey: F bla - ank 4 1910 ---T-Ra--E-----AaAa-AR---Ra-FaAA--E--Ra-Ra-AaF--Aa---Ra--Aa----AaAaAa--ETaFaRaE--Aa-Aa--Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 Austrian A gas bre par English F nwy bar nwg nth English F stp(nc) bar Austria: A gas - par England: F nwy - nwg England: F stp(nc) - bar 5 1910 ---T-Ra-EE-----AaAa-AR---Ra-FaAA--E--Ra-Ra-AaF--Aa---RaEAaAa----AaAaAa--ETaFaRaE--Aa-Aa--Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 3 1 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 Austria: Build F tri France: Remove A gas Russia: Build F sev 1 1911 ---T-Ra-EE-----AaAa-AR---Ra--AA--E--Ra-Ra-AaF--Aa---RaEAaAa----AaAaAaR-ETaFaRaE-AAa-Aa--Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur - bel Austria: F con Supports A arm - ank Austria: F gre - aeg Austria: F lyo - spa(sc) Austria: A mar Supports F lyo - spa(sc) Austria: A nap - rom Austria: A par - gas Austria: A pic Supports A bur - bel Austria: A ruh Supports A bur - bel Austria: A rum Supports A bul Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: F tri - adr Austria: A tun - naf Austria: A trl - mun Austria: A ven - trl England: F bar Supports F nwg - nwy England: F bel - nth England: F hol - kie (*Fails*) England: F nwg - nwy England: F ska Supports F swe - den England: F swe - den France: F mao, no move received France: A spa Hold (*Dislodged*) Russia: A arm - ank Russia: F den Supports A nwy - swe (*Dislodged*) Russia: A fin Supports A nwy - swe Russia: A kie Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: A lvn - stp (*Fails*) Russia: A nwy - swe Russia: F sev - bla (*Bounce*) Russia: A stp - nwy (*Fails*) Turkey: F ank - bla (*Disbanded*) Turkey: A smy Hold 2 1911 AA-Ra---EAa-----Aa--AE---Ra-Aa----E--Ra-Ra-AaF-Aa--AaEE--Aa---AaAaAaAaR-ETaAsRaRa----Aa-------- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 Russian F den bal hel French A spa por France: A spa - por Russia: F den - bal 3 1911 AA-Ra--REAa-----Aa--AE---Ra-Aa----E--Ra-Ra-AaF-Aa--AaEE--Aa-Fa-AaAaAaAaR-ETaAsRaRa----Aa-------- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Austria: F adr - ion Austria: F aeg Supports F con Austria: A bel Supports A ruh - hol Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: F con Hold Austria: A gas - bre Austria: A mar Supports F spa(sc) Austria: A mun Hold Austria: A naf Hold Austria: A pic Supports A bel Austria: A rom Hold Austria: A ruh - hol Austria: A rum Hold Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: F spa(sc) Hold Austria: A trl - boh England: F bar - stp(nc) (*Fails*) England: F den Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F hol - kie (*Dislodged*) England: F nth Supports F den England: F nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc) (*Dislodged*) England: F ska - swe France: F mao - eng France: A por - spa (*Fails*) Russia: A ank Hold Russia: F bal - den (*Fails*) Russia: A fin Supports A swe - nwy Russia: A kie Supports F bal - den (*Cut*) Russia: A lvn Supports A stp Russia: F sev Hold Russia: A stp Supports A swe - nwy (*Cut*) Russia: A swe - nwy Turkey: A smy Hold 4 1911 -A-Ra--REAa--AaAa-Aa--AE--FRa------AaA-Ra-Ra-Aa--Aa--AaERa--Aa-Fa-Aa-AaAaR--TaAsRaE------------- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 English F hol hel English F nwy nwg ska England: F hol - hel England: F nwy - nwg -1 Austria: Build Austria: Build Austria: Build England: Remove France: Remove


dc249 Torjik: F11 Game Over - Austrian 19 Center S... - garry.bledsoe   (Jun 11, 2009, 6:46 pm)
Congrats to Nigel on a solo victory with a 19 center count. Thanks to all who hung on and got survival [Fletch, Melinda, Nathan].

One technical note: You will see in the maps and the dpy file that I auto-retreated English F's to places without asking because I knew that Austria had won and the retreats didn't matter.

Thanks for playing in the tournament.


F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea
F Aegean Sea Supports F Constantinople
A Belgium Supports A Ruhr - Holland
A Bulgaria Supports F Constantinople
F Constantinople Hold
A Gascony - Brest
A Marseilles Supports F Spain(sc)
A Munich Hold
A North Africa Hold
A Picardy Supports A Belgium
A Rome Hold
A Ruhr - Holland
A Rumania Hold
A Serbia Supports A Rumania
F Spain(sc) suns itself and reflects on a job well done
A Tyrolia - Bohemia

F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc) (*Fails*)
F Denmark Supports F Skagerrak - Sweden (*Cut*)
F Holland - Kiel (*Dislodged*)
F North Sea Supports F Denmark
F Norway Supports F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc) (*Dislodged*)
F Skagerrak - Sweden

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English Channel
A Portugal - Spain (*Fails*)

A Ankara Hold
F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Fails*)
A Finland Supports A Sweden - Norway
A Kiel Supports F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Cut*)
A Livonia Supports A St Petersburg
F Sevastopol Hold
A St Petersburg Supports A Sweden - Norway (*Cut*)
A Sweden - Norway

A Smyrna Hold

Windows Live™: Keep your life in sync. Check it out.


dc249 Torjik: F11 Game Over - Austrian 19 Center Solo (Winter Blitz) tfletch33 Jun 11, 06:52 pm
Very well done, Nigel. Congrats are in order!


From: Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>
To: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; nephilli99(at)hotmail.com; mrh(at)panix.com; tfletch33(at)yahoo.com; gbimmerle(at)gmail.com; rick_powell_2000(at)yahoo.com; genea5613(at)aol.com; WB Orders <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 3:45:16 PM
Subject: dc249 Torjik: F11 Game Over - Austrian 19 Center Solo

.hmmessage P { margin:0px;padding:0px;} body.hmmessage { font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} Congrats to Nigel on a solo victory with a 19 center count. Thanks to all who hung on and got survival [Fletch, Melinda, Nathan].

One technical note: You will see in the maps and the dpy file that I auto-retreated English F's to places without asking because I knew that Austria had won and the retreats didn't matter.

Thanks for playing in the tournament.


F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea
F Aegean Sea Supports F Constantinople
A Belgium Supports A Ruhr - Holland
A Bulgaria Supports F Constantinople
F Constantinople Hold
A Gascony - Brest
A Marseilles Supports F Spain(sc)
A Munich Hold
A North Africa Hold
A Picardy Supports A Belgium
A Rome Hold
A Ruhr - Holland
A Rumania Hold
A Serbia Supports A Rumania
F Spain(sc) suns itself and reflects on a job well done
A Tyrolia - Bohemia

F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc) (*Fails*)
F Denmark Supports F Skagerrak - Sweden (*Cut*)
F Holland - Kiel (*Dislodged*)
F North Sea Supports F Denmark
F Norway Supports F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc) (*Dislodged*)
F Skagerrak - Sweden

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English Channel
A Portugal - Spain (*Fails*)

A Ankara Hold
F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Fails*)
A Finland Supports A Sweden - Norway
A Kiel Supports F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Cut*)
A Livonia Supports A St Petersburg
F Sevastopol Hold
A St Petersburg Supports A Sweden - Norway (*Cut*)
A Sweden - Norway

A Smyrna Hold

Windows Liveâ„¢: Keep your life in sync. Check it out.

-----Inline Attachment Follows-----

1 torjik Standard Winter 1911 5 7 3 bel, bre, bud, bul, con, gre, hol, mar, mun, nap, par, rom, rum, ser, spa, tri, tun, ven, vie. F aeg, A bel, A boh, A bre, A bul, F con, A hol, F ion, A mar, A mun, A naf, A pic, A rom, A rum, A ser, F spa(sc) -1 den, edi, lvp, lon, swe. F bar, F den, F hel, F nth, F nwg, F swe -1 por. F eng, A por 0 0 0 ank, ber, kie, mos, nwy, sev, stp, war. A ank, F bal, A fin, A kie, A lvn, A nwy, F sev, A stp 0 smy. A smy 0 v2 49 1 1901 ---T-----Ga--FAa---Ta--E-----------GEa-EFa-RaGaI-----Fa----Ia---R--Ta-Rs--A-----IaAa-Ra-- T-GFA-T-E--GEEFRGI-F-I--RT-R-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - ser Austria: F tri - alb Austria: A vie - gal (*Bounce*) England: F edi - nwg England: A lvp - yor England: F lon - nth France: F bre - mao France: A mar - spa France: A par - bur (*Bounce*) Germany: A ber - kie Germany: F kie - den Germany: A mun - bur (*Bounce*) Italy: F nap - ion Italy: A rom - ven Italy: A ven - trl Russia: A mos - ukr Russia: F sev - bla Russia: F stp(sc) - bot Russia: A war - gal (*Bounce*) Turkey: F ank - con Turkey: A con - bul Turkey: A smy - arm 3 1901 --A--Ta----R---Ta--TG--------R--I-Ga----F-Ga---E-EFa-------Aa----Fa------Ia-RaIaAa-Ra-Ea T-GFA-T-E--GEEFRGI-F-I--RT-R-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre (*Bounce*) Austria: A ser Supports A vie - tri Austria: A vie - tri (*Bounce*) England: F nth Convoys A yor - bel England: F nwg - nwy England: A yor - bel France: F mao - por France: A par - bur France: A spa Hold Germany: F den - swe (*Bounce*) Germany: A kie - hol Germany: A mun Hold Italy: F ion - gre (*Bounce*) Italy: A trl - tri (*Bounce*) Italy: A ven Supports A trl - tri Russia: F bla - con (*Fails*) Russia: F bot - swe (*Bounce*) Russia: A ukr - rum (*Bounce*) Russia: A war - gal Turkey: A arm - sev Turkey: A bul - rum (*Bounce*) Turkey: F con Hold 5 1901 --A-----Ea-R---TaFa-TG----Ra---R-GaI--------Ga---EE----F----AaTa---Fa------Ia-RaIaAa---- TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 10 1 2 2 2 0 -1 2 0 Austria: Build A tri England: Build F lon England: Build F lvp France: Build A par France: Build F bre Germany: Build A kie Germany: Build F ber Russia: Remove F bla Turkey: Build F smy Turkey: Build A ank 1 1902 --ATa----EaG--F-TaFa-TG----Ra---R-GaI-GaE-E---Ga---EE-Fa--F----AaTa--TFa---Aa--Ia-RaIaAa---- TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre Austria: A ser Supports F alb - gre Austria: A tri - bud Austria: A vie Supports A tri - bud England: A bel Hold England: F lvp - iri England: F lon - eng England: F nth Supports F lon - eng England: F nwy - stp(nc) (*Bounce*) France: F bre - pic France: A bur Supports F bre - pic France: A par Supports F bre - pic France: F por - mao France: A spa - gas Germany: F ber - bal Germany: F den Supports F ber - bal Germany: A hol Supports A bel Germany: A kie Supports A hol Germany: A mun Hold Italy: F ion - aeg (*Bounce*) Italy: A trl - ven Italy: A ven - apu Russia: A gal - rum Russia: F bot - stp(sc) (*Bounce*) Russia: A ukr Supports A gal - rum Turkey: A ank - arm Turkey: A bul - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F con - bla Turkey: A sev - mos Turkey: F smy - aeg (*Bounce*) 3 1902 ----IaTaG-Ea-T--AaTaFa--G--E--FaA-R-GaIEGa----FTaGa---EE-FaF-----RaAa---T---------RaIaAa---- TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - ser Austria: F gre Supports A ser - bul Austria: A ser - bul Austria: A vie - gal England: A bel Hold England: F eng - mao England: F iri Supports F eng - mao England: F nth - eng (*Bounce*) England: F nwy - nth (*Fails*) France: A bur Supports A hol - bel (*Void*) France: A gas Supports A bur France: F mao Supports F pic - eng (*Dislodged*) France: A par - bre France: F pic - eng (*Bounce*) Germany: F bal - swe Germany: F den Supports F bal - swe Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel (*Void*) Germany: A kie Supports A hol Germany: A mun Hold Italy: A apu - tun Italy: F ion Convoys A apu - tun Italy: A ven - apu Russia: F bot - stp(sc) Russia: A rum - sev (*Bounce*) Russia: A ukr Supports A rum - sev Turkey: A arm - sev (*Bounce*) Turkey: F bla - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: A bul Supports F bla - rum (*Dislodged*) Turkey: A mos Supports A arm - sev Turkey: F smy - aeg 4 1902 -T--IaTa--Ea-T-Fa-AaFa--G----AaFaA---GaIEGa----ETaGa---EE--F-----RaAa-----RsG--Ia---Ra------ TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Turkish A bul con French F mao nao spa(nc) por spa(sc) naf wes France: F mao - por Turkey: Remove A bul 5 1902 -T--IaTa--Ea-T-Fa-AaFa--G----AaFaA---GaIEGa----ETaGa---EE--F-F---RaAa-----RsG--Ia---Ra------ TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 5 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 Austria: Build A vie Austria: Build A bud Germany: Build F ber Italy: Build F nap Turkey: Build F smy 1 1903 -T--IaTa--EaGT-FaAaAaFa--G----AaFaA---GaIEGa----ETaGaI--EE--F-F---RaAa---T-RsG--Ia---Ra-Aa---- TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - rum Austria: A bul Supports F bla - con (*Void*) Austria: A gal Supports A ukr - war Austria: F gre Supports F ion - aeg Austria: A ser Supports A bul Austria: A vie Hold England: A bel Supports A mun - bur (*Disbanded*) England: F iri Supports F nth - eng England: F mao - gas England: F nth - eng England: F nwy Hold France: A bre Hold France: A bur - bel France: A gas - spa France: F pic Supports A bur - bel France: F por - mao Germany: F ber - bal Germany: F den - ska Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel Germany: A kie - ruh Germany: A mun - bur Germany: F swe Supports F den - ska Italy: A apu Hold Italy: F ion - aeg (*Fails*) Italy: F nap - ion (*Fails*) Italy: A tun Hold Russia: A rum - ukr Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr - war Turkey: F aeg Supports A arm - bul (*Cut*) Turkey: A arm - bul (*Fails*) Turkey: F bla Convoys A arm - bul Turkey: A mos - sev Turkey: F smy Supports F aeg 3 1903 -T--IaTaG-Fa-T-Fa-AaGa-----E-AaEA---GaIE-----F--I---E--F----GaAaAaTa-GTFaRsG--Ia---Ra-Aa-Ra-- TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports A rum Austria: A gal Supports A rum Austria: F gre Supports F ion - aeg (*Void*) Austria: A rum Supports A bul Austria: A ser Supports F gre Austria: A vie Hold England: F eng Supports A bel England: F gas - bre England: F iri - nao England: F nwy Hold (*Dislodged*) France: A bel Hold France: A bre - par France: F mao - spa(sc) France: F pic Supports A bel France: A spa - mar Germany: F bal - den Germany: A bur - bel (*Fails*) Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel Germany: A ruh Supports A bur - bel Germany: F ska Supports F swe - nwy Germany: F swe - nwy Italy: A apu, no move received Italy: F ion, no move received Italy: F nap, no move received Italy: A tun, no move received Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr - mos Russia: A war Supports A ukr - mos Turkey: F aeg Supports F bla - con Turkey: A arm - ank Turkey: F bla - con Turkey: A sev Hold Turkey: F smy - eas 4 1903 -T-TaIa---Fa---E-AaGa-TGT-E-Aa-A---GaI-----Fa-Ra-IE--G-FaF----GaAaAaTa-G-FsRs---Ia-----Aa-Ra-- TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 English F nwy bar nwg nth England: F nwy - nth 5 1903 -T-TaIa---Fa---E-AaGa-TGT-E-Aa-A---GaI-----Fa-Ra-IE-EG-FaF----GaAaAaTa-G-FsRs---Ia-----Aa-Ra-- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 Austria: Build A tri Germany: Build A mun Turkey: Remove A ank 1 1904 -T--Ia---Fa---E-AaGa-TGT-E-Aa-A---GaI-----Fa-RaGaIE-EG-FaF----GaAaAaTa-G-FsRs--AaIa-----Aa-Ra-- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports F gre Austria: A gal - sil Austria: F gre Supports F ion - aeg Austria: A rum - ukr (*Fails*) Austria: A ser Supports A bul Austria: A tri - trl Austria: A vie - boh England: F bre - eng England: F eng - lon England: F nao - nwg England: F nth - hel France: A bel Supports A par - bur (*Disbanded*) France: A mar Supports A par - bur France: A par - bur France: F pic Supports A bel France: F spa(sc) - lyo Germany: A bur - bel Germany: F den Supports F ska - nth Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel Germany: A mun - bur (*Fails*) Germany: F nwy Supports F ska - nth Germany: A ruh Supports A bur - bel Germany: F ska - nth Italy: A apu - ven Italy: F ion - aeg (*Dislodged*) Italy: F nap - ion (*Fails*) Italy: A tun Hold Russia: A mos - ukr Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A war - pru Turkey: F aeg Supports F eas - ion Turkey: F con Supports F aeg Turkey: F eas - ion Turkey: A sev Supports A mos - ukr 2 1904 -T------Ga--Aa--AaFa-TG--E---AF-EGaT----EFa--GaI--GGE-F--Ra-GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia-Aa-RaIa----- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Italian F ion tys apu adr alb Italy: F ion - tys 3 1904 -T------Ga--Aa--AaFa-TG--E---AF-EGaT----EFa--GaI--GGE-F--Ra-GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia-AaIRaIa----- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A boh Supports A trl - mun Austria: A bul - gre (*Fails*) Austria: F gre - ion (*Dislodged*) Austria: A rum - bul (*Bounce*) Austria: A ser Supports A rum - bul (*Fails*) Austria: A sil Supports A trl - mun Austria: A trl - mun England: F eng Supports F pic - bel (*Cut*) England: F hel - hol (*Fails*) England: F lon - nth (*Fails*) England: F nwg - edi France: A bur Supports F pic - bel France: F lyo Convoys A mar - tus France: A mar - tus (*Bounce*) France: F pic - bel Germany: A bel Supports F pic (*Disbanded*) Germany: F den - kie Germany: A hol Supports A bel (*Cut*) Germany: A mun Hold (*Disbanded*) Germany: F nth - eng (*Fails*) Germany: F nwy - stp(nc) (*Fails*) Germany: A ruh Supports A mun Italy: F nap - ion Italy: A tun Hold Italy: F tys Supports F nap - ion Italy: A ven - tus (*Bounce*) Russia: A pru - ber Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr - mos Turkey: F aeg Supports F ion - gre Turkey: F con - bul(sc) (*Bounce*) Turkey: F ion - gre Turkey: A sev Hold 4 1904 -T------FRa-Aa--AaFa-T--EE---TF-EGaI-G--EFa-RaAa---GG-------GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia--I-Ia----- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 Austrian F gre alb Austria: F gre - alb 5 1904 -TA-----FRa-Aa--AaFa-T--EE---TF-EGaI-G--EFa-RaAa---GG-------GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia--I-Ia----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 France: Build A par Russia: Build A war Turkey: Build F ank 1 1905 -TAT----FRa-Aa--AaFa-T--EE---TF-EGaI-G--EFa-RaAa---GG-Fa-----GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia--I-Ia--Ra-- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb Supports A ser - gre Austria: A boh Supports A sil - mun (*Fails*) Austria: A bul - con (*Dislodged*) Austria: A mun - kie (*Bounce*) Austria: A rum Supports A mos - sev Austria: A ser - gre Austria: A sil - mun (*Fails*) England: F edi - nwg England: F eng - mao England: F hel Supports F lon - nth England: F lon - nth France: F bel Hold France: A bur - ruh (*Fails*) France: F lyo Convoys A mar - tus France: A mar - tus France: A par - bur (*Fails*) Germany: A hol Supports A ruh - kie Germany: F kie - bal Germany: F nth - ska Germany: F nwy Supports F hel - nth (*Void*) Germany: A ruh - kie (*Bounce*) Italy: F ion, no move received Italy: A tun, no move received Italy: F tys, no move received Italy: A ven, no move received Russia: A ber Supports A mun - kie Russia: A mos - sev Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A war - ukr Turkey: F aeg Supports F gre - bul(sc) Turkey: F ank - bla Turkey: F con Supports F gre - bul(sc) Turkey: F gre - bul(sc) Turkey: A sev - rum (*Dislodged*) 2 1905 -TA---G-FRaTAa--TsFa-T-------AaF-EGaI------E-Aa---EGEFa-----GaAa-RaAaG--Rs---IaFa-IRaIa----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Austrian A bul ser Turkish A sev arm Austria: A bul - ser Turkey: A sev - arm 3 1905 -TA--TaG-FRaTAa--TsFa-T-------AaF-EGaI------E-Aa---EGEFa-----GaAaAaRaAaG--Rs---IaFa-IRaIa----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb Supports A ser - gre Austria: A boh Supports A sil - mun Austria: A gre - nap Austria: A mun - kie Austria: A rum - bul (*Fails*) Austria: A ser - gre Austria: A sil - mun England: F hel - hol England: F mao - bre (*Bounce*) England: F nth - nwy England: F nwg Supports F nth - nwy France: F bel Supports F hel - hol France: A bur - ruh (*Fails*) France: F lyo - tys France: A par - bre (*Bounce*) France: A tus - rom (*Fails*) Germany: F bal - den Germany: A hol Supports A ruh - kie (*Disbanded*) Germany: F nwy Supports F ska (*Dislodged*) Germany: A ruh - kie (*Fails*) Germany: F ska Supports F bal - den Italy: F ion Convoys A gre - nap Italy: A tun Hold Italy: F tys - rom Italy: A ven Supports F tys - rom Russia: A ber Supports A mun - kie Russia: A sev Supports A rum (*Ordered to Move*) Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr Supports A sev Turkey: F aeg Supports F bul(sc) Turkey: A arm - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F bla Convoys A arm - rum Turkey: F bul(sc) Supports A arm - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F con Supports F bul(sc) 4 1905 -TA--Ta--FRaTAa--TsFa-TG------Aa---EI-Aa----E-AaAa---EEFa----IGaAa-Ra-G--Rs---IaFa-FRaIa----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 German F nwy swe bar Germany: F nwy - swe 5 1905 -TA--Ta--FRaTAa--TsFa-TG------Aa---EI-Aa----E-AaAa---EEFa----IGaAa-Ra-G--RsG--IaFa-FRaIa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 9 2 2 0 -2 -1 1 -1 0 Austria: Build A tri Austria: Build A bud England: Build F edi England: Build F lon Germany: Remove F ska Germany: Remove A ruh Italy: Defaults, removing F ion Russia: Build A mos Turkey: Remove F con 1 1906 -TA--Ta--FRaTAa-AaTsFa--G-E----Aa---E--Aa--E-ERaAaAa---EEFa----I-Aa-Ra----RsG-AaIaFa-FRaIa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre (*Fails*) Austria: A boh - trl Austria: A bud - ser Austria: A gre Supports A rum - bul Austria: A kie Supports A mun Austria: A mun Supports A kie Austria: A nap Supports F rom Austria: A rum - bul (*Fails*) Austria: A tri - ven England: F edi - nth England: F hol Supports F edi - nth England: F lon - eng England: F mao Supports F lon - eng England: F nwy - ska England: F nwg - nwy France: F bel - pic France: A bur - mar France: A par - bur France: A tus - rom (*Dislodged*) France: F tys - ion Germany: F den, no move received Germany: F swe, no move received Italy: F rom Supports A ven - tus Italy: A tun - naf Italy: A ven - tus Russia: A ber Supports A kie Russia: A mos - stp Russia: A sev Hold Russia: F stp(sc) - bot Russia: A ukr Supports A sev Turkey: F aeg Supports F bul(sc) Turkey: A arm - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F bla Convoys A arm - rum Turkey: F bul(sc) Supports A arm - rum (*Fails*) 2 1906 -TA--Ta---RaT---TsFa--G--E---Aa-R-EF-Aa---FaE-AaAa-IaEE--F---I-AaAaRa-E--RaG---IaAa-RaAa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 French A tus pie France: A tus - pie 3 1906 -TA--Ta---RaT---TsFa--G--E---Aa-R-EF-Aa---FaE-AaAa-IaEE--FFa--I-AaAaRa-E--RaG---IaAa-RaAa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - ion Austria: A gre Supports A rum - bul Austria: A kie Supports F den Austria: A mun Supports A kie Austria: A nap Supports A ven - rom Austria: A rum - bul Austria: A ser Supports A rum - bul Austria: A trl - ven Austria: A ven - rom England: F eng - bel (*Bounce*) England: F hol Supports F eng - bel England: F mao - por England: F nth Supports F ska - den England: F nwy Supports F bot - swe (*Dislodged*) England: F ska - den (*Fails*) France: A bur - bel (*Bounce*) France: F ion - tun France: A mar - gas France: F pic Supports A bur - bel France: A pie - mar Germany: F den Supports F swe (*Cut*) Germany: F swe Supports A stp - nwy Italy: A naf Hold Italy: F rom - tys Italy: A tus Hold Russia: A ber Supports A kie Russia: F bot - bal Russia: A sev Hold Russia: A stp - nwy Russia: A ukr - rum Turkey: F aeg Supports F bul(sc) Turkey: A arm Hold Turkey: F bla Supports A ukr - rum Turkey: F bul(sc) Supports A ukr - rum (*Dislodged*) 4 1906 -T---TaR--RaT---AaFa--G--E--FaAa---EA-Aa---Fa--AaAa-IaERa--F-E-Aa-RaAaRa-E---G--FIa-I-Aa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Turkish F bul(sc) con English F nwy nwg bar England: F nwy - nwg Turkey: Remove F bul(sc) 5 1906 -T---TaR--RaT---AaFa--G--E--FaAa---EA-Aa---Fa--AaAa-IaERaE-F-E-Aa-RaAaRa-E---G--FIa-I-Aa----- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 7 2 0 0 0 -3 2 0 0 Austria: Build F tri Austria: Build A bud Italy: Remove A naf Italy: Remove F tys Italy: Remove A tus Russia: Build F stp(nc) Russia: Build A mos 1 1907 -T---TaR--RaT--AaAaFa--G--E--FaAa---EA-Aa---Fa-RaAaAa--ERaE-F-E-Aa-RaAaRa-E--RnG-AF----Aa----- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud Supports A ser - rum Austria: A bul Supports A arm - con (*Void*) Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: F ion - eas Austria: A kie - ruh Austria: A mun Supports A kie - ruh Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A rom - ven Austria: A ser - rum (*Fails*) Austria: F tri - alb Austria: A ven - trl England: F eng - bel England: F hol Supports F eng - bel England: F nth - nwy England: F nwg Supports F nth - nwy England: F por - mao England: F ska Supports F nth - nwy France: A bur - bel (*Fails*) France: A gas Supports F pic - bre France: A mar - spa France: F pic - bre France: F tun - wes Germany: F den Supports F swe Germany: F swe Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: F bal Supports A nwy - swe Russia: A ber, no move received Russia: A mos Supports A sev Russia: A nwy - swe (*Dislodged*) Russia: A rum Hold Russia: A sev Supports A rum Russia: F stp(nc), no move received Turkey: F aeg Supports F bla - con Turkey: A arm Hold Turkey: F bla - con 2 1907 -TA--TaR-ERa--FAaAaFa-TGA----FaAa---E-------ERaAaAa---EE------AaRaAaRa-E-FaRnG----Aa--Aa---F- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Russian A nwy fin Russia: A nwy - fin 3 1907 -TA--TaR-ERa--FAaAaFa-TGA--Ra-FaAa---E-------ERaAaAa---EE------AaRaAaRa-E-FaRnG----Aa--Aa---F- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - ion Austria: A bud Supports A ser - rum Austria: A bul Supports A ser - rum Austria: F eas Supports F alb - ion Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: A mun Supports A ber - kie Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A ruh Hold Austria: A ser - rum Austria: A trl Supports A mun Austria: A ven Hold England: F bel Supports F mao - eng England: F hol Supports F bel England: F mao - eng England: F nwy Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F nwg Supports F nwy England: F ska - swe (*Fails*) France: F bre Supports F wes - mao France: A bur Supports F bel France: A gas - spa France: A spa - por France: F wes - mao Germany: F den, no move received Germany: F swe, no move received Russia: F bal Supports A ber - kie Russia: A ber - kie Russia: A fin Supports F stp(nc) - nwy Russia: A mos - lvn Russia: A rum - ukr Russia: A sev - arm (*Fails*) Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) Turkey: F aeg - ion (*Fails*) Turkey: A arm - smy (*Bounce*) Turkey: F con - smy (*Bounce*) 5 1907 -T---TaR-E---FAaAaFa-TGA-ERa--Aa---EA-Ra-Ra--F-AaAa---EE---Fa--AaAa-Ra-E-FaRnG----Aa-RaAa----- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 2 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 0 France: Build F mar Russia: Remove A sev 1 1908 -T---TaR-E---FAaAaFa-TGA-ERa--Aa---EA-Ra-Ra-FF-AaAa---EE---Fa--AaAa---E-FaRnG----Aa-RaAa----- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - tri Austria: A bul Supports A gre Austria: F eas - smy Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: F ion Convoys A nap - tun Austria: A mun - bur Austria: A nap - tun Austria: A ruh Supports A mun - bur Austria: A rum, no move received Austria: A trl - mun Austria: A ven - pie England: F bel Supports F hol England: F eng - nth England: F hol Supports F eng - nth England: F nwy Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F nwg Supports F nwy England: F ska - swe (*Bounce*) France: F bre - mao France: A bur Hold (*Dislodged*) France: F mar - lyo France: F mao - wes France: A por - spa France: A spa - mar Germany: F den Supports F swe (*Cut*) Germany: F swe Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: F bal Convoys A lvn - den Russia: A fin - swe (*Bounce*) Russia: A kie, no move received Russia: A lvn - den (*Fails*) Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) Russia: A ukr, no move received Turkey: F aeg Supports F con Turkey: A arm - syr Turkey: F con Supports F aeg 2 1908 -T----R-E-----AaAa-TG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra-Ra-FaF-Aa---EEE--Aa---AaAa---EAFaRnGTaAaAa---Ra----F- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 French A bur pic par gas France: A bur - par 3 1908 -T----R-E-----AaAa-TG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra-Ra-FaF-Aa---EEEFa-Aa---AaAa---EAFaRnGTaAaAa---Ra----F- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports F smy - con Austria: A bur - pic Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: F ion - aeg (*Fails*) Austria: A mun - bur Austria: A pie - mar (*Fails*) Austria: A ruh Supports A mun - bur Austria: A rum Supports A bul Austria: F smy - con Austria: A tri - ven Austria: A tun Hold England: F bel Supports F hol England: F hol Supports F bel England: F nth Supports F nwy England: F nwy Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F nwg - bar England: F ska - swe (*Fails*) France: F lyo Supports F wes - tys France: A mar Supports A par - bur (*Cut*) France: F mao - wes France: A par - bur (*Fails*) France: A spa Supports A mar France: F wes - tys Germany: F den Supports F swe (*Cut*) Germany: F swe Supports F den (*Dislodged*) Russia: F bal Convoys A lvn - swe Russia: A fin Supports A lvn - swe Russia: A kie - den (*Fails*) Russia: A lvn - swe Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) Russia: A ukr - mos Turkey: F aeg Supports A syr - smy (*Cut*) Turkey: F con Supports A syr - smy (*Dislodged*) Turkey: A syr - smy 4 1908 -T----REE-----AaAa-AG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra---Fa-Ra----EE-FaAaAa---AaAa---ETaFaRnRa--Aa--F-Aa---F- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Turkish F con ank bla German F swe bot Germany: Remove F swe Turkey: F con - bla 5 1908 -T----REE-T---AaAa-AG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra---Fa-Ra----EE-FaAaAa---AaAa---ETaFaRnRa--Aa--F-Aa---F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 5 2 0 -1 0 0 1 -1 0 Austria: Build A tri Austria: Build A vie France: Remove F lyo Russia: Build waived Turkey: Remove F aeg 1 1909 ------REE-T---AaAa-AG---Ra--Aa---EA-Ra---Fa-Ra----EE-FaAaAa---AaAa---ETaFaRnRa-AaAa--F-AaAa--F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Austria: A bul - con (*Fails*) Austria: A bur Supports A pie - mar Austria: F con - ank (*Bounce*) Austria: A gre - ser Austria: F ion - tys (*Fails*) Austria: A pic - bre Austria: A pie - mar Austria: A ruh - bel Austria: A rum Hold Austria: A tri - ven Austria: A tun Hold Austria: A ven - apu Austria: A vie - trl England: F bar Supports F nwy England: F bel - pic England: F hol - kie (*Fails*) England: F nth - hol (*Fails*) England: F nwy Supports F ska England: F ska Supports F den France: A mar Hold (*Dislodged*) France: A par, no move received France: A spa, no move received France: F tys, no move received France: F wes, no move received Germany: F den Hold Russia: F bal, no move received Russia: A fin, no move received Russia: A kie, no move received Russia: A mos, no move received Russia: F stp(nc), no move received Russia: A swe, no move received Turkey: F bla - ank (*Bounce*) Turkey: A smy - ank (*Bounce*) 2 1909 ----Aa-REAa-T-Aa-AaAa-AG---Ra------EA-Ra---Aa-Ra----EE-FaE-----AaAa--ETaFaRnRa--Aa-AaF-Aa---F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 French A mar gas France: A mar - gas 3 1909 ----Aa-REAa-T-Aa-AaAa-AG---Ra-Fa----EA-Ra---Aa-Ra----EE-FaE-----AaAa--ETaFaRnRa--Aa-AaF-Aa---F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Austria: A apu - nap Austria: A bel - pic (*Dislodged*) Austria: A bre Supports A bur - par Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur - par Austria: F con Hold Austria: F ion Supports A tun Austria: A mar - gas (*Dislodged*) Austria: A rum Supports A mos - sev Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: A tun Hold Austria: A trl - mun Austria: A ven - rom (*Bounce*) England: F bar - stp(nc) England: F hol Supports F pic - bel England: F nth Supports F pic - bel England: F nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc) England: F pic - bel England: F ska Supports F nwy France: A gas - mar France: A par - bur (*Dislodged*) France: A spa Supports A gas - mar France: F tys - rom (*Bounce*) France: F wes - lyo Germany: F den - kie (*Dislodged*) Russia: F bal - den Russia: A fin Supports F stp(nc) - nwy Russia: A kie Supports F bal - den Russia: A mos - sev Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Disbanded*) Russia: A swe Supports F bal - den Turkey: F bla - ank (*Bounce*) Turkey: A smy - ank (*Bounce*) 4 1909 --------E-T-Aa-Aa--AR---Ra---F--EA-Ra---Fa--AaAa--EE-Aa------AaAaRa-ETaFaEnRa--Aa--F-Aa----- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 Austrian A bel bur ruh German F den hel Austrian A mar bur pie French A par gas pic Austria: A bel - bur Austria: A mar - pie France: Remove A par Germany: Remove F den 5 1909 --------E-T-Aa-AaAa-AR---Ra---F--EA-Ra---Fa--AaAa--EE-Aa-Aa----AaAaRa-ETaFaEnRa--Aa--F-Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 6 2 1 -1 0 0 2 0 0 Austria: Build F tri Austria: Build A vie England: Build waived France: Remove F lyo Russia: Build A war Russia: Build A mos 1 1910 --------E-T-Aa-AaAa-AR---Ra------EA-Ra---Fa-RaAaAa--EE-Aa-Aa----AaAaRa-ETaFaEnRa-AAa--F-AaAa-Ra-- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bre - gas Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur Supports A pie - mar Austria: F con Supports A smy - ank Austria: F ion - tys Austria: A mun - ruh Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A par Supports A bre - gas Austria: A pie - mar (*Fails*) Austria: A rum - gal (*Bounce*) Austria: A ser Hold Austria: F tri - alb Austria: A tun Hold Austria: A ven - rom Austria: A vie - gal (*Bounce*) England: F bel Hold England: F hol - kie (*Fails*) England: F nth - den England: F nwy - swe (*Fails*) England: F ska Supports F nth - den England: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) France: A mar, no move received France: A spa Supports A mar France: F tys - wes Russia: F den Supports A swe (*Dislodged*) Russia: A fin Supports A swe Russia: A kie Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: A mos - stp (*Fails*) Russia: A sev Hold Russia: A swe Supports A fin (*Cut*) Russia: A war - lvn Turkey: F bla - ank (*Fails*) Turkey: A smy - ank 2 1910 --ATa----E-T---AaAa-AE---Ra-Aa----E--Ra-Ra-Fa-Ra-Aa---E-Aa-Aa--AaAaAaAaRa-E-FaEnRa--Aa--A--Aa--F- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Russian F den bal hel Russia: F den - hel 3 1910 --ATa----E-T---AaAa-AE---Ra-Aa---RE--Ra-Ra-Fa-Ra-Aa---E-Aa-Aa--AaAaAaAaRa-E-FaEnRa--Aa--A--Aa--F- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur Supports A pie - mar Austria: F con Supports A ank (*Ordered to Move*) Austria: A gas Supports A pie - mar (*Dislodged*) Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A par - pic Austria: A pie - mar Austria: A rom - ven Austria: A ruh Hold Austria: A rum Hold Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: A tun Hold Austria: F tys - lyo Austria: A vie - trl England: F bel Supports F hol England: F den - swe England: F hol Supports F bel England: F nwy Supports F stp(nc) (*Dislodged*) England: F ska Supports F den - swe England: F stp(nc) Supports F nwy (*Dislodged*) France: A mar - gas France: A spa Supports A mar - gas France: F wes - mao Russia: A fin Supports A swe - nwy Russia: F hel - den Russia: A kie Supports F hel - den Russia: A lvn Supports A mos - stp Russia: A mos - stp Russia: A sev - arm Russia: A swe - nwy Turkey: A ank - smy Turkey: F bla - ank 4 1910 ---T-Ra--E-----AaAa-AR---Ra-FaAA--E--Ra-Ra-AaF--Aa---Ra--Aa----AaAaAa--ETaFaRaE--Aa-Aa--Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 Austrian A gas bre par English F nwy bar nwg nth English F stp(nc) bar Austria: A gas - par England: F nwy - nwg England: F stp(nc) - bar 5 1910 ---T-Ra-EE-----AaAa-AR---Ra-FaAA--E--Ra-Ra-AaF--Aa---RaEAaAa----AaAaAa--ETaFaRaE--Aa-Aa--Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 3 1 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 Austria: Build F tri France: Remove A gas Russia: Build F sev 1 1911 ---T-Ra-EE-----AaAa-AR---Ra--AA--E--Ra-Ra-AaF--Aa---RaEAaAa----AaAaAaR-ETaFaRaE-AAa-Aa--Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur - bel Austria: F con Supports A arm - ank Austria: F gre - aeg Austria: F lyo - spa(sc) Austria: A mar Supports F lyo - spa(sc) Austria: A nap - rom Austria: A par - gas Austria: A pic Supports A bur - bel Austria: A ruh Supports A bur - bel Austria: A rum Supports A bul Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: F tri - adr Austria: A tun - naf Austria: A trl - mun Austria: A ven - trl England: F bar Supports F nwg - nwy England: F bel - nth England: F hol - kie (*Fails*) England: F nwg - nwy England: F ska Supports F swe - den England: F swe - den France: F mao, no move received France: A spa Hold (*Dislodged*) Russia: A arm - ank Russia: F den Supports A nwy - swe (*Dislodged*) Russia: A fin Supports A nwy - swe Russia: A kie Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: A lvn - stp (*Fails*) Russia: A nwy - swe Russia: F sev - bla (*Bounce*) Russia: A stp - nwy (*Fails*) Turkey: F ank - bla (*Disbanded*) Turkey: A smy Hold 2 1911 AA-Ra---EAa-----Aa--AE---Ra-Aa----E--Ra-Ra-AaF-Aa--AaEE--Aa---AaAaAaAaR-ETaAsRaRa----Aa-------- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 Russian F den bal hel French A spa por France: A spa - por Russia: F den - bal 3 1911 AA-Ra--REAa-----Aa--AE---Ra-Aa----E--Ra-Ra-AaF-Aa--AaEE--Aa-Fa-AaAaAaAaR-ETaAsRaRa----Aa-------- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Austria: F adr - ion Austria: F aeg Supports F con Austria: A bel Supports A ruh - hol Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: F con Hold Austria: A gas - bre Austria: A mar Supports F spa(sc) Austria: A mun Hold Austria: A naf Hold Austria: A pic Supports A bel Austria: A rom Hold Austria: A ruh - hol Austria: A rum Hold Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: F spa(sc) Hold Austria: A trl - boh England: F bar - stp(nc) (*Fails*) England: F den Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F hol - kie (*Dislodged*) England: F nth Supports F den England: F nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc) (*Dislodged*) England: F ska - swe France: F mao - eng France: A por - spa (*Fails*) Russia: A ank Hold Russia: F bal - den (*Fails*) Russia: A fin Supports A swe - nwy Russia: A kie Supports F bal - den (*Cut*) Russia: A lvn Supports A stp Russia: F sev Hold Russia: A stp Supports A swe - nwy (*Cut*) Russia: A swe - nwy Turkey: A smy Hold 4 1911 -A-Ra--REAa--AaAa-Aa--AE--FRa------AaA-Ra-Ra-Aa--Aa--AaERa--Aa-Fa-Aa-AaAaR--TaAsRaE------------- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 English F hol hel English F nwy nwg ska England: F hol - hel England: F nwy - nwg -1 Austria: Build Austria: Build Austria: Build England: Remove France: Remove
dc249 Torjik: F11 Game Over - Austrian 19 Center Solo (Winter Blitz) ndeily Jun 11, 06:54 pm
Agreed - well done and I enjoyed having a game in which an alliance with you lasted longer than a few turns... DC229 still stings. Wink

From: Thomas Fletcher <tfletch33(at)yahoo.com>
To: Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; nephilli99(at)hotmail.com; mrh(at)panix.com; gbimmerle(at)gmail.com; rick_powell_2000(at)yahoo.com; genea5613(at)aol.com; WB Orders <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 4:52:04 PM
Subject: Re: dc249 Torjik: F11 Game Over - Austrian 19 Center Solo

Very well done, Nigel. Congrats are in order!


From: Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>
To: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; nephilli99(at)hotmail.com; mrh(at)panix.com; tfletch33(at)yahoo.com; gbimmerle(at)gmail.com; rick_powell_2000(at)yahoo.com; genea5613(at)aol.com; WB Orders <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 3:45:16 PM
Subject: dc249 Torjik: F11 Game Over - Austrian 19 Center Solo

.hmmessage P { margin:0px;padding:0px;} body.hmmessage { font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} Congrats to Nigel on a solo victory with a 19 center count. Thanks to all who hung on and got survival [Fletch, Melinda, Nathan].

One technical note: You will see in the maps and the dpy file that I auto-retreated English F's to places without asking because I knew that Austria had won and the retreats didn't matter.

Thanks for playing in the tournament.


F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea
F Aegean Sea Supports F Constantinople
A Belgium Supports A Ruhr - Holland
A Bulgaria Supports F Constantinople
F Constantinople Hold
A Gascony - Brest
A Marseilles Supports F Spain(sc)
A Munich Hold
A North Africa Hold
A Picardy Supports A Belgium
A Rome Hold
A Ruhr - Holland
A Rumania Hold
A Serbia Supports A Rumania
F Spain(sc) suns itself and reflects on a job well done
A Tyrolia - Bohemia

F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc) (*Fails*)
F Denmark Supports F Skagerrak - Sweden (*Cut*)
F Holland - Kiel (*Dislodged*)
F North Sea Supports F Denmark
F Norway Supports F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc) (*Dislodged*)
F Skagerrak - Sweden

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English Channel
A Portugal - Spain (*Fails*)

A Ankara Hold
F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Fails*)
A Finland Supports A Sweden - Norway
A Kiel Supports F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Cut*)
A Livonia Supports A St Petersburg
F Sevastopol Hold
A St Petersburg Supports A Sweden - Norway (*Cut*)
A Sweden - Norway

A Smyrna Hold

Windows Liveâ„¢: Keep your life in sync. Check it out.

-----Inline Attachment Follows-----

1 torjik Standard Winter 1911 5 7 3 bel, bre, bud, bul, con, gre, hol, mar, mun, nap, par, rom, rum, ser, spa, tri, tun, ven, vie. F aeg, A bel, A boh, A bre, A bul, F con, A hol, F ion, A mar, A mun, A naf, A pic, A rom, A rum, A ser, F spa(sc) -1 den, edi, lvp, lon, swe. F bar, F den, F hel, F nth, F nwg, F swe -1 por. F eng, A por 0 0 0 ank, ber, kie, mos, nwy, sev, stp, war. A ank, F bal, A fin, A kie, A lvn, A nwy, F sev, A stp 0 smy. A smy 0 v2 49 1 1901 ---T-----Ga--FAa---Ta--E-----------GEa-EFa-RaGaI-----Fa----Ia---R--Ta-Rs--A-----IaAa-Ra-- T-GFA-T-E--GEEFRGI-F-I--RT-R-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - ser Austria: F tri - alb Austria: A vie - gal (*Bounce*) England: F edi - nwg England: A lvp - yor England: F lon - nth France: F bre - mao France: A mar - spa France: A par - bur (*Bounce*) Germany: A ber - kie Germany: F kie - den Germany: A mun - bur (*Bounce*) Italy: F nap - ion Italy: A rom - ven Italy: A ven - trl Russia: A mos - ukr Russia: F sev - bla Russia: F stp(sc) - bot Russia: A war - gal (*Bounce*) Turkey: F ank - con Turkey: A con - bul Turkey: A smy - arm 3 1901 --A--Ta----R---Ta--TG--------R--I-Ga----F-Ga---E-EFa-------Aa----Fa------Ia-RaIaAa-Ra-Ea T-GFA-T-E--GEEFRGI-F-I--RT-R-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre (*Bounce*) Austria: A ser Supports A vie - tri Austria: A vie - tri (*Bounce*) England: F nth Convoys A yor - bel England: F nwg - nwy England: A yor - bel France: F mao - por France: A par - bur France: A spa Hold Germany: F den - swe (*Bounce*) Germany: A kie - hol Germany: A mun Hold Italy: F ion - gre (*Bounce*) Italy: A trl - tri (*Bounce*) Italy: A ven Supports A trl - tri Russia: F bla - con (*Fails*) Russia: F bot - swe (*Bounce*) Russia: A ukr - rum (*Bounce*) Russia: A war - gal Turkey: A arm - sev Turkey: A bul - rum (*Bounce*) Turkey: F con Hold 5 1901 --A-----Ea-R---TaFa-TG----Ra---R-GaI--------Ga---EE----F----AaTa---Fa------Ia-RaIaAa---- TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 10 1 2 2 2 0 -1 2 0 Austria: Build A tri England: Build F lon England: Build F lvp France: Build A par France: Build F bre Germany: Build A kie Germany: Build F ber Russia: Remove F bla Turkey: Build F smy Turkey: Build A ank 1 1902 --ATa----EaG--F-TaFa-TG----Ra---R-GaI-GaE-E---Ga---EE-Fa--F----AaTa--TFa---Aa--Ia-RaIaAa---- TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre Austria: A ser Supports F alb - gre Austria: A tri - bud Austria: A vie Supports A tri - bud England: A bel Hold England: F lvp - iri England: F lon - eng England: F nth Supports F lon - eng England: F nwy - stp(nc) (*Bounce*) France: F bre - pic France: A bur Supports F bre - pic France: A par Supports F bre - pic France: F por - mao France: A spa - gas Germany: F ber - bal Germany: F den Supports F ber - bal Germany: A hol Supports A bel Germany: A kie Supports A hol Germany: A mun Hold Italy: F ion - aeg (*Bounce*) Italy: A trl - ven Italy: A ven - apu Russia: A gal - rum Russia: F bot - stp(sc) (*Bounce*) Russia: A ukr Supports A gal - rum Turkey: A ank - arm Turkey: A bul - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F con - bla Turkey: A sev - mos Turkey: F smy - aeg (*Bounce*) 3 1902 ----IaTaG-Ea-T--AaTaFa--G--E--FaA-R-GaIEGa----FTaGa---EE-FaF-----RaAa---T---------RaIaAa---- TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - ser Austria: F gre Supports A ser - bul Austria: A ser - bul Austria: A vie - gal England: A bel Hold England: F eng - mao England: F iri Supports F eng - mao England: F nth - eng (*Bounce*) England: F nwy - nth (*Fails*) France: A bur Supports A hol - bel (*Void*) France: A gas Supports A bur France: F mao Supports F pic - eng (*Dislodged*) France: A par - bre France: F pic - eng (*Bounce*) Germany: F bal - swe Germany: F den Supports F bal - swe Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel (*Void*) Germany: A kie Supports A hol Germany: A mun Hold Italy: A apu - tun Italy: F ion Convoys A apu - tun Italy: A ven - apu Russia: F bot - stp(sc) Russia: A rum - sev (*Bounce*) Russia: A ukr Supports A rum - sev Turkey: A arm - sev (*Bounce*) Turkey: F bla - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: A bul Supports F bla - rum (*Dislodged*) Turkey: A mos Supports A arm - sev Turkey: F smy - aeg 4 1902 -T--IaTa--Ea-T-Fa-AaFa--G----AaFaA---GaIEGa----ETaGa---EE--F-----RaAa-----RsG--Ia---Ra------ TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Turkish A bul con French F mao nao spa(nc) por spa(sc) naf wes France: F mao - por Turkey: Remove A bul 5 1902 -T--IaTa--Ea-T-Fa-AaFa--G----AaFaA---GaIEGa----ETaGa---EE--F-F---RaAa-----RsG--Ia---Ra------ TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 5 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 Austria: Build A vie Austria: Build A bud Germany: Build F ber Italy: Build F nap Turkey: Build F smy 1 1903 -T--IaTa--EaGT-FaAaAaFa--G----AaFaA---GaIEGa----ETaGaI--EE--F-F---RaAa---T-RsG--Ia---Ra-Aa---- TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - rum Austria: A bul Supports F bla - con (*Void*) Austria: A gal Supports A ukr - war Austria: F gre Supports F ion - aeg Austria: A ser Supports A bul Austria: A vie Hold England: A bel Supports A mun - bur (*Disbanded*) England: F iri Supports F nth - eng England: F mao - gas England: F nth - eng England: F nwy Hold France: A bre Hold France: A bur - bel France: A gas - spa France: F pic Supports A bur - bel France: F por - mao Germany: F ber - bal Germany: F den - ska Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel Germany: A kie - ruh Germany: A mun - bur Germany: F swe Supports F den - ska Italy: A apu Hold Italy: F ion - aeg (*Fails*) Italy: F nap - ion (*Fails*) Italy: A tun Hold Russia: A rum - ukr Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr - war Turkey: F aeg Supports A arm - bul (*Cut*) Turkey: A arm - bul (*Fails*) Turkey: F bla Convoys A arm - bul Turkey: A mos - sev Turkey: F smy Supports F aeg 3 1903 -T--IaTaG-Fa-T-Fa-AaGa-----E-AaEA---GaIE-----F--I---E--F----GaAaAaTa-GTFaRsG--Ia---Ra-Aa-Ra-- TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports A rum Austria: A gal Supports A rum Austria: F gre Supports F ion - aeg (*Void*) Austria: A rum Supports A bul Austria: A ser Supports F gre Austria: A vie Hold England: F eng Supports A bel England: F gas - bre England: F iri - nao England: F nwy Hold (*Dislodged*) France: A bel Hold France: A bre - par France: F mao - spa(sc) France: F pic Supports A bel France: A spa - mar Germany: F bal - den Germany: A bur - bel (*Fails*) Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel Germany: A ruh Supports A bur - bel Germany: F ska Supports F swe - nwy Germany: F swe - nwy Italy: A apu, no move received Italy: F ion, no move received Italy: F nap, no move received Italy: A tun, no move received Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr - mos Russia: A war Supports A ukr - mos Turkey: F aeg Supports F bla - con Turkey: A arm - ank Turkey: F bla - con Turkey: A sev Hold Turkey: F smy - eas 4 1903 -T-TaIa---Fa---E-AaGa-TGT-E-Aa-A---GaI-----Fa-Ra-IE--G-FaF----GaAaAaTa-G-FsRs---Ia-----Aa-Ra-- TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 English F nwy bar nwg nth England: F nwy - nth 5 1903 -T-TaIa---Fa---E-AaGa-TGT-E-Aa-A---GaI-----Fa-Ra-IE-EG-FaF----GaAaAaTa-G-FsRs---Ia-----Aa-Ra-- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 Austria: Build A tri Germany: Build A mun Turkey: Remove A ank 1 1904 -T--Ia---Fa---E-AaGa-TGT-E-Aa-A---GaI-----Fa-RaGaIE-EG-FaF----GaAaAaTa-G-FsRs--AaIa-----Aa-Ra-- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports F gre Austria: A gal - sil Austria: F gre Supports F ion - aeg Austria: A rum - ukr (*Fails*) Austria: A ser Supports A bul Austria: A tri - trl Austria: A vie - boh England: F bre - eng England: F eng - lon England: F nao - nwg England: F nth - hel France: A bel Supports A par - bur (*Disbanded*) France: A mar Supports A par - bur France: A par - bur France: F pic Supports A bel France: F spa(sc) - lyo Germany: A bur - bel Germany: F den Supports F ska - nth Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel Germany: A mun - bur (*Fails*) Germany: F nwy Supports F ska - nth Germany: A ruh Supports A bur - bel Germany: F ska - nth Italy: A apu - ven Italy: F ion - aeg (*Dislodged*) Italy: F nap - ion (*Fails*) Italy: A tun Hold Russia: A mos - ukr Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A war - pru Turkey: F aeg Supports F eas - ion Turkey: F con Supports F aeg Turkey: F eas - ion Turkey: A sev Supports A mos - ukr 2 1904 -T------Ga--Aa--AaFa-TG--E---AF-EGaT----EFa--GaI--GGE-F--Ra-GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia-Aa-RaIa----- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Italian F ion tys apu adr alb Italy: F ion - tys 3 1904 -T------Ga--Aa--AaFa-TG--E---AF-EGaT----EFa--GaI--GGE-F--Ra-GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia-AaIRaIa----- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A boh Supports A trl - mun Austria: A bul - gre (*Fails*) Austria: F gre - ion (*Dislodged*) Austria: A rum - bul (*Bounce*) Austria: A ser Supports A rum - bul (*Fails*) Austria: A sil Supports A trl - mun Austria: A trl - mun England: F eng Supports F pic - bel (*Cut*) England: F hel - hol (*Fails*) England: F lon - nth (*Fails*) England: F nwg - edi France: A bur Supports F pic - bel France: F lyo Convoys A mar - tus France: A mar - tus (*Bounce*) France: F pic - bel Germany: A bel Supports F pic (*Disbanded*) Germany: F den - kie Germany: A hol Supports A bel (*Cut*) Germany: A mun Hold (*Disbanded*) Germany: F nth - eng (*Fails*) Germany: F nwy - stp(nc) (*Fails*) Germany: A ruh Supports A mun Italy: F nap - ion Italy: A tun Hold Italy: F tys Supports F nap - ion Italy: A ven - tus (*Bounce*) Russia: A pru - ber Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr - mos Turkey: F aeg Supports F ion - gre Turkey: F con - bul(sc) (*Bounce*) Turkey: F ion - gre Turkey: A sev Hold 4 1904 -T------FRa-Aa--AaFa-T--EE---TF-EGaI-G--EFa-RaAa---GG-------GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia--I-Ia----- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 Austrian F gre alb Austria: F gre - alb 5 1904 -TA-----FRa-Aa--AaFa-T--EE---TF-EGaI-G--EFa-RaAa---GG-------GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia--I-Ia----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 France: Build A par Russia: Build A war Turkey: Build F ank 1 1905 -TAT----FRa-Aa--AaFa-T--EE---TF-EGaI-G--EFa-RaAa---GG-Fa-----GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia--I-Ia--Ra-- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb Supports A ser - gre Austria: A boh Supports A sil - mun (*Fails*) Austria: A bul - con (*Dislodged*) Austria: A mun - kie (*Bounce*) Austria: A rum Supports A mos - sev Austria: A ser - gre Austria: A sil - mun (*Fails*) England: F edi - nwg England: F eng - mao England: F hel Supports F lon - nth England: F lon - nth France: F bel Hold France: A bur - ruh (*Fails*) France: F lyo Convoys A mar - tus France: A mar - tus France: A par - bur (*Fails*) Germany: A hol Supports A ruh - kie Germany: F kie - bal Germany: F nth - ska Germany: F nwy Supports F hel - nth (*Void*) Germany: A ruh - kie (*Bounce*) Italy: F ion, no move received Italy: A tun, no move received Italy: F tys, no move received Italy: A ven, no move received Russia: A ber Supports A mun - kie Russia: A mos - sev Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A war - ukr Turkey: F aeg Supports F gre - bul(sc) Turkey: F ank - bla Turkey: F con Supports F gre - bul(sc) Turkey: F gre - bul(sc) Turkey: A sev - rum (*Dislodged*) 2 1905 -TA---G-FRaTAa--TsFa-T-------AaF-EGaI------E-Aa---EGEFa-----GaAa-RaAaG--Rs---IaFa-IRaIa----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Austrian A bul ser Turkish A sev arm Austria: A bul - ser Turkey: A sev - arm 3 1905 -TA--TaG-FRaTAa--TsFa-T-------AaF-EGaI------E-Aa---EGEFa-----GaAaAaRaAaG--Rs---IaFa-IRaIa----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb Supports A ser - gre Austria: A boh Supports A sil - mun Austria: A gre - nap Austria: A mun - kie Austria: A rum - bul (*Fails*) Austria: A ser - gre Austria: A sil - mun England: F hel - hol England: F mao - bre (*Bounce*) England: F nth - nwy England: F nwg Supports F nth - nwy France: F bel Supports F hel - hol France: A bur - ruh (*Fails*) France: F lyo - tys France: A par - bre (*Bounce*) France: A tus - rom (*Fails*) Germany: F bal - den Germany: A hol Supports A ruh - kie (*Disbanded*) Germany: F nwy Supports F ska (*Dislodged*) Germany: A ruh - kie (*Fails*) Germany: F ska Supports F bal - den Italy: F ion Convoys A gre - nap Italy: A tun Hold Italy: F tys - rom Italy: A ven Supports F tys - rom Russia: A ber Supports A mun - kie Russia: A sev Supports A rum (*Ordered to Move*) Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr Supports A sev Turkey: F aeg Supports F bul(sc) Turkey: A arm - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F bla Convoys A arm - rum Turkey: F bul(sc) Supports A arm - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F con Supports F bul(sc) 4 1905 -TA--Ta--FRaTAa--TsFa-TG------Aa---EI-Aa----E-AaAa---EEFa----IGaAa-Ra-G--Rs---IaFa-FRaIa----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 German F nwy swe bar Germany: F nwy - swe 5 1905 -TA--Ta--FRaTAa--TsFa-TG------Aa---EI-Aa----E-AaAa---EEFa----IGaAa-Ra-G--RsG--IaFa-FRaIa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 9 2 2 0 -2 -1 1 -1 0 Austria: Build A tri Austria: Build A bud England: Build F edi England: Build F lon Germany: Remove F ska Germany: Remove A ruh Italy: Defaults, removing F ion Russia: Build A mos Turkey: Remove F con 1 1906 -TA--Ta--FRaTAa-AaTsFa--G-E----Aa---E--Aa--E-ERaAaAa---EEFa----I-Aa-Ra----RsG-AaIaFa-FRaIa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre (*Fails*) Austria: A boh - trl Austria: A bud - ser Austria: A gre Supports A rum - bul Austria: A kie Supports A mun Austria: A mun Supports A kie Austria: A nap Supports F rom Austria: A rum - bul (*Fails*) Austria: A tri - ven England: F edi - nth England: F hol Supports F edi - nth England: F lon - eng England: F mao Supports F lon - eng England: F nwy - ska England: F nwg - nwy France: F bel - pic France: A bur - mar France: A par - bur France: A tus - rom (*Dislodged*) France: F tys - ion Germany: F den, no move received Germany: F swe, no move received Italy: F rom Supports A ven - tus Italy: A tun - naf Italy: A ven - tus Russia: A ber Supports A kie Russia: A mos - stp Russia: A sev Hold Russia: F stp(sc) - bot Russia: A ukr Supports A sev Turkey: F aeg Supports F bul(sc) Turkey: A arm - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F bla Convoys A arm - rum Turkey: F bul(sc) Supports A arm - rum (*Fails*) 2 1906 -TA--Ta---RaT---TsFa--G--E---Aa-R-EF-Aa---FaE-AaAa-IaEE--F---I-AaAaRa-E--RaG---IaAa-RaAa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 French A tus pie France: A tus - pie 3 1906 -TA--Ta---RaT---TsFa--G--E---Aa-R-EF-Aa---FaE-AaAa-IaEE--FFa--I-AaAaRa-E--RaG---IaAa-RaAa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - ion Austria: A gre Supports A rum - bul Austria: A kie Supports F den Austria: A mun Supports A kie Austria: A nap Supports A ven - rom Austria: A rum - bul Austria: A ser Supports A rum - bul Austria: A trl - ven Austria: A ven - rom England: F eng - bel (*Bounce*) England: F hol Supports F eng - bel England: F mao - por England: F nth Supports F ska - den England: F nwy Supports F bot - swe (*Dislodged*) England: F ska - den (*Fails*) France: A bur - bel (*Bounce*) France: F ion - tun France: A mar - gas France: F pic Supports A bur - bel France: A pie - mar Germany: F den Supports F swe (*Cut*) Germany: F swe Supports A stp - nwy Italy: A naf Hold Italy: F rom - tys Italy: A tus Hold Russia: A ber Supports A kie Russia: F bot - bal Russia: A sev Hold Russia: A stp - nwy Russia: A ukr - rum Turkey: F aeg Supports F bul(sc) Turkey: A arm Hold Turkey: F bla Supports A ukr - rum Turkey: F bul(sc) Supports A ukr - rum (*Dislodged*) 4 1906 -T---TaR--RaT---AaFa--G--E--FaAa---EA-Aa---Fa--AaAa-IaERa--F-E-Aa-RaAaRa-E---G--FIa-I-Aa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Turkish F bul(sc) con English F nwy nwg bar England: F nwy - nwg Turkey: Remove F bul(sc) 5 1906 -T---TaR--RaT---AaFa--G--E--FaAa---EA-Aa---Fa--AaAa-IaERaE-F-E-Aa-RaAaRa-E---G--FIa-I-Aa----- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 7 2 0 0 0 -3 2 0 0 Austria: Build F tri Austria: Build A bud Italy: Remove A naf Italy: Remove F tys Italy: Remove A tus Russia: Build F stp(nc) Russia: Build A mos 1 1907 -T---TaR--RaT--AaAaFa--G--E--FaAa---EA-Aa---Fa-RaAaAa--ERaE-F-E-Aa-RaAaRa-E--RnG-AF----Aa----- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud Supports A ser - rum Austria: A bul Supports A arm - con (*Void*) Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: F ion - eas Austria: A kie - ruh Austria: A mun Supports A kie - ruh Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A rom - ven Austria: A ser - rum (*Fails*) Austria: F tri - alb Austria: A ven - trl England: F eng - bel England: F hol Supports F eng - bel England: F nth - nwy England: F nwg Supports F nth - nwy England: F por - mao England: F ska Supports F nth - nwy France: A bur - bel (*Fails*) France: A gas Supports F pic - bre France: A mar - spa France: F pic - bre France: F tun - wes Germany: F den Supports F swe Germany: F swe Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: F bal Supports A nwy - swe Russia: A ber, no move received Russia: A mos Supports A sev Russia: A nwy - swe (*Dislodged*) Russia: A rum Hold Russia: A sev Supports A rum Russia: F stp(nc), no move received Turkey: F aeg Supports F bla - con Turkey: A arm Hold Turkey: F bla - con 2 1907 -TA--TaR-ERa--FAaAaFa-TGA----FaAa---E-------ERaAaAa---EE------AaRaAaRa-E-FaRnG----Aa--Aa---F- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Russian A nwy fin Russia: A nwy - fin 3 1907 -TA--TaR-ERa--FAaAaFa-TGA--Ra-FaAa---E-------ERaAaAa---EE------AaRaAaRa-E-FaRnG----Aa--Aa---F- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - ion Austria: A bud Supports A ser - rum Austria: A bul Supports A ser - rum Austria: F eas Supports F alb - ion Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: A mun Supports A ber - kie Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A ruh Hold Austria: A ser - rum Austria: A trl Supports A mun Austria: A ven Hold England: F bel Supports F mao - eng England: F hol Supports F bel England: F mao - eng England: F nwy Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F nwg Supports F nwy England: F ska - swe (*Fails*) France: F bre Supports F wes - mao France: A bur Supports F bel France: A gas - spa France: A spa - por France: F wes - mao Germany: F den, no move received Germany: F swe, no move received Russia: F bal Supports A ber - kie Russia: A ber - kie Russia: A fin Supports F stp(nc) - nwy Russia: A mos - lvn Russia: A rum - ukr Russia: A sev - arm (*Fails*) Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) Turkey: F aeg - ion (*Fails*) Turkey: A arm - smy (*Bounce*) Turkey: F con - smy (*Bounce*) 5 1907 -T---TaR-E---FAaAaFa-TGA-ERa--Aa---EA-Ra-Ra--F-AaAa---EE---Fa--AaAa-Ra-E-FaRnG----Aa-RaAa----- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 2 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 0 France: Build F mar Russia: Remove A sev 1 1908 -T---TaR-E---FAaAaFa-TGA-ERa--Aa---EA-Ra-Ra-FF-AaAa---EE---Fa--AaAa---E-FaRnG----Aa-RaAa----- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - tri Austria: A bul Supports A gre Austria: F eas - smy Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: F ion Convoys A nap - tun Austria: A mun - bur Austria: A nap - tun Austria: A ruh Supports A mun - bur Austria: A rum, no move received Austria: A trl - mun Austria: A ven - pie England: F bel Supports F hol England: F eng - nth England: F hol Supports F eng - nth England: F nwy Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F nwg Supports F nwy England: F ska - swe (*Bounce*) France: F bre - mao France: A bur Hold (*Dislodged*) France: F mar - lyo France: F mao - wes France: A por - spa France: A spa - mar Germany: F den Supports F swe (*Cut*) Germany: F swe Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: F bal Convoys A lvn - den Russia: A fin - swe (*Bounce*) Russia: A kie, no move received Russia: A lvn - den (*Fails*) Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) Russia: A ukr, no move received Turkey: F aeg Supports F con Turkey: A arm - syr Turkey: F con Supports F aeg 2 1908 -T----R-E-----AaAa-TG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra-Ra-FaF-Aa---EEE--Aa---AaAa---EAFaRnGTaAaAa---Ra----F- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 French A bur pic par gas France: A bur - par 3 1908 -T----R-E-----AaAa-TG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra-Ra-FaF-Aa---EEEFa-Aa---AaAa---EAFaRnGTaAaAa---Ra----F- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports F smy - con Austria: A bur - pic Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: F ion - aeg (*Fails*) Austria: A mun - bur Austria: A pie - mar (*Fails*) Austria: A ruh Supports A mun - bur Austria: A rum Supports A bul Austria: F smy - con Austria: A tri - ven Austria: A tun Hold England: F bel Supports F hol England: F hol Supports F bel England: F nth Supports F nwy England: F nwy Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F nwg - bar England: F ska - swe (*Fails*) France: F lyo Supports F wes - tys France: A mar Supports A par - bur (*Cut*) France: F mao - wes France: A par - bur (*Fails*) France: A spa Supports A mar France: F wes - tys Germany: F den Supports F swe (*Cut*) Germany: F swe Supports F den (*Dislodged*) Russia: F bal Convoys A lvn - swe Russia: A fin Supports A lvn - swe Russia: A kie - den (*Fails*) Russia: A lvn - swe Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) Russia: A ukr - mos Turkey: F aeg Supports A syr - smy (*Cut*) Turkey: F con Supports A syr - smy (*Dislodged*) Turkey: A syr - smy 4 1908 -T----REE-----AaAa-AG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra---Fa-Ra----EE-FaAaAa---AaAa---ETaFaRnRa--Aa--F-Aa---F- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Turkish F con ank bla German F swe bot Germany: Remove F swe Turkey: F con - bla 5 1908 -T----REE-T---AaAa-AG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra---Fa-Ra----EE-FaAaAa---AaAa---ETaFaRnRa--Aa--F-Aa---F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 5 2 0 -1 0 0 1 -1 0 Austria: Build A tri Austria: Build A vie France: Remove F lyo Russia: Build waived Turkey: Remove F aeg 1 1909 ------REE-T---AaAa-AG---Ra--Aa---EA-Ra---Fa-Ra----EE-FaAaAa---AaAa---ETaFaRnRa-AaAa--F-AaAa--F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Austria: A bul - con (*Fails*) Austria: A bur Supports A pie - mar Austria: F con - ank (*Bounce*) Austria: A gre - ser Austria: F ion - tys (*Fails*) Austria: A pic - bre Austria: A pie - mar Austria: A ruh - bel Austria: A rum Hold Austria: A tri - ven Austria: A tun Hold Austria: A ven - apu Austria: A vie - trl England: F bar Supports F nwy England: F bel - pic England: F hol - kie (*Fails*) England: F nth - hol (*Fails*) England: F nwy Supports F ska England: F ska Supports F den France: A mar Hold (*Dislodged*) France: A par, no move received France: A spa, no move received France: F tys, no move received France: F wes, no move received Germany: F den Hold Russia: F bal, no move received Russia: A fin, no move received Russia: A kie, no move received Russia: A mos, no move received Russia: F stp(nc), no move received Russia: A swe, no move received Turkey: F bla - ank (*Bounce*) Turkey: A smy - ank (*Bounce*) 2 1909 ----Aa-REAa-T-Aa-AaAa-AG---Ra------EA-Ra---Aa-Ra----EE-FaE-----AaAa--ETaFaRnRa--Aa-AaF-Aa---F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 French A mar gas France: A mar - gas 3 1909 ----Aa-REAa-T-Aa-AaAa-AG---Ra-Fa----EA-Ra---Aa-Ra----EE-FaE-----AaAa--ETaFaRnRa--Aa-AaF-Aa---F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Austria: A apu - nap Austria: A bel - pic (*Dislodged*) Austria: A bre Supports A bur - par Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur - par Austria: F con Hold Austria: F ion Supports A tun Austria: A mar - gas (*Dislodged*) Austria: A rum Supports A mos - sev Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: A tun Hold Austria: A trl - mun Austria: A ven - rom (*Bounce*) England: F bar - stp(nc) England: F hol Supports F pic - bel England: F nth Supports F pic - bel England: F nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc) England: F pic - bel England: F ska Supports F nwy France: A gas - mar France: A par - bur (*Dislodged*) France: A spa Supports A gas - mar France: F tys - rom (*Bounce*) France: F wes - lyo Germany: F den - kie (*Dislodged*) Russia: F bal - den Russia: A fin Supports F stp(nc) - nwy Russia: A kie Supports F bal - den Russia: A mos - sev Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Disbanded*) Russia: A swe Supports F bal - den Turkey: F bla - ank (*Bounce*) Turkey: A smy - ank (*Bounce*) 4 1909 --------E-T-Aa-Aa--AR---Ra---F--EA-Ra---Fa--AaAa--EE-Aa------AaAaRa-ETaFaEnRa--Aa--F-Aa----- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 Austrian A bel bur ruh German F den hel Austrian A mar bur pie French A par gas pic Austria: A bel - bur Austria: A mar - pie France: Remove A par Germany: Remove F den 5 1909 --------E-T-Aa-AaAa-AR---Ra---F--EA-Ra---Fa--AaAa--EE-Aa-Aa----AaAaRa-ETaFaEnRa--Aa--F-Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 6 2 1 -1 0 0 2 0 0 Austria: Build F tri Austria: Build A vie England: Build waived France: Remove F lyo Russia: Build A war Russia: Build A mos 1 1910 --------E-T-Aa-AaAa-AR---Ra------EA-Ra---Fa-RaAaAa--EE-Aa-Aa----AaAaRa-ETaFaEnRa-AAa--F-AaAa-Ra-- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bre - gas Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur Supports A pie - mar Austria: F con Supports A smy - ank Austria: F ion - tys Austria: A mun - ruh Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A par Supports A bre - gas Austria: A pie - mar (*Fails*) Austria: A rum - gal (*Bounce*) Austria: A ser Hold Austria: F tri - alb Austria: A tun Hold Austria: A ven - rom Austria: A vie - gal (*Bounce*) England: F bel Hold England: F hol - kie (*Fails*) England: F nth - den England: F nwy - swe (*Fails*) England: F ska Supports F nth - den England: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) France: A mar, no move received France: A spa Supports A mar France: F tys - wes Russia: F den Supports A swe (*Dislodged*) Russia: A fin Supports A swe Russia: A kie Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: A mos - stp (*Fails*) Russia: A sev Hold Russia: A swe Supports A fin (*Cut*) Russia: A war - lvn Turkey: F bla - ank (*Fails*) Turkey: A smy - ank 2 1910 --ATa----E-T---AaAa-AE---Ra-Aa----E--Ra-Ra-Fa-Ra-Aa---E-Aa-Aa--AaAaAaAaRa-E-FaEnRa--Aa--A--Aa--F- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Russian F den bal hel Russia: F den - hel 3 1910 --ATa----E-T---AaAa-AE---Ra-Aa---RE--Ra-Ra-Fa-Ra-Aa---E-Aa-Aa--AaAaAaAaRa-E-FaEnRa--Aa--A--Aa--F- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur Supports A pie - mar Austria: F con Supports A ank (*Ordered to Move*) Austria: A gas Supports A pie - mar (*Dislodged*) Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A par - pic Austria: A pie - mar Austria: A rom - ven Austria: A ruh Hold Austria: A rum Hold Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: A tun Hold Austria: F tys - lyo Austria: A vie - trl England: F bel Supports F hol England: F den - swe England: F hol Supports F bel England: F nwy Supports F stp(nc) (*Dislodged*) England: F ska Supports F den - swe England: F stp(nc) Supports F nwy (*Dislodged*) France: A mar - gas France: A spa Supports A mar - gas France: F wes - mao Russia: A fin Supports A swe - nwy Russia: F hel - den Russia: A kie Supports F hel - den Russia: A lvn Supports A mos - stp Russia: A mos - stp Russia: A sev - arm Russia: A swe - nwy Turkey: A ank - smy Turkey: F bla - ank 4 1910 ---T-Ra--E-----AaAa-AR---Ra-FaAA--E--Ra-Ra-AaF--Aa---Ra--Aa----AaAaAa--ETaFaRaE--Aa-Aa--Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 Austrian A gas bre par English F nwy bar nwg nth English F stp(nc) bar Austria: A gas - par England: F nwy - nwg England: F stp(nc) - bar 5 1910 ---T-Ra-EE-----AaAa-AR---Ra-FaAA--E--Ra-Ra-AaF--Aa---RaEAaAa----AaAaAa--ETaFaRaE--Aa-Aa--Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 3 1 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 Austria: Build F tri France: Remove A gas Russia: Build F sev 1 1911 ---T-Ra-EE-----AaAa-AR---Ra--AA--E--Ra-Ra-AaF--Aa---RaEAaAa----AaAaAaR-ETaFaRaE-AAa-Aa--Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur - bel Austria: F con Supports A arm - ank Austria: F gre - aeg Austria: F lyo - spa(sc) Austria: A mar Supports F lyo - spa(sc) Austria: A nap - rom Austria: A par - gas Austria: A pic Supports A bur - bel Austria: A ruh Supports A bur - bel Austria: A rum Supports A bul Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: F tri - adr Austria: A tun - naf Austria: A trl - mun Austria: A ven - trl England: F bar Supports F nwg - nwy England: F bel - nth England: F hol - kie (*Fails*) England: F nwg - nwy England: F ska Supports F swe - den England: F swe - den France: F mao, no move received France: A spa Hold (*Dislodged*) Russia: A arm - ank Russia: F den Supports A nwy - swe (*Dislodged*) Russia: A fin Supports A nwy - swe Russia: A kie Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: A lvn - stp (*Fails*) Russia: A nwy - swe Russia: F sev - bla (*Bounce*) Russia: A stp - nwy (*Fails*) Turkey: F ank - bla (*Disbanded*) Turkey: A smy Hold 2 1911 AA-Ra---EAa-----Aa--AE---Ra-Aa----E--Ra-Ra-AaF-Aa--AaEE--Aa---AaAaAaAaR-ETaAsRaRa----Aa-------- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 Russian F den bal hel French A spa por France: A spa - por Russia: F den - bal 3 1911 AA-Ra--REAa-----Aa--AE---Ra-Aa----E--Ra-Ra-AaF-Aa--AaEE--Aa-Fa-AaAaAaAaR-ETaAsRaRa----Aa-------- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Austria: F adr - ion Austria: F aeg Supports F con Austria: A bel Supports A ruh - hol Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: F con Hold Austria: A gas - bre Austria: A mar Supports F spa(sc) Austria: A mun Hold Austria: A naf Hold Austria: A pic Supports A bel Austria: A rom Hold Austria: A ruh - hol Austria: A rum Hold Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: F spa(sc) Hold Austria: A trl - boh England: F bar - stp(nc) (*Fails*) England: F den Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F hol - kie (*Dislodged*) England: F nth Supports F den England: F nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc) (*Dislodged*) England: F ska - swe France: F mao - eng France: A por - spa (*Fails*) Russia: A ank Hold Russia: F bal - den (*Fails*) Russia: A fin Supports A swe - nwy Russia: A kie Supports F bal - den (*Cut*) Russia: A lvn Supports A stp Russia: F sev Hold Russia: A stp Supports A swe - nwy (*Cut*) Russia: A swe - nwy Turkey: A smy Hold 4 1911 -A-Ra--REAa--AaAa-Aa--AE--FRa------AaA-Ra-Ra-Aa--Aa--AaERa--Aa-Fa-Aa-AaAaR--TaAsRaE------------- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 English F hol hel English F nwy nwg ska England: F hol - hel England: F nwy - nwg -1 Austria: Build Austria: Build Austria: Build England: Remove France: Remove
dc249 Torjik: F11 Game Over - Austrian 19 Center Solo (Winter Blitz) Tirerndil Jun 11, 10:36 pm
Yes very well played.  Congrats to Nigs.  I'm looking forward to the next time we play. 
Also I think that Garry deserves a big thank you from all of us for doing such a good job GMing.  Thanks Garry.
 >>>Thanks to all who hung on and got survival [Fletch, Melinda, Nathan].

What! I didn't survive?!?!  Wink
2009/6/11 Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email])>

Agreed - well done and I enjoyed having a game in which an alliance with you lasted longer than a few turns... DC229 still stings. Wink

From: Thomas Fletcher <tfletch33(at)yahoo.com ([email]tfletch33(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
To: Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com ([email]kielmarch(at)hotmail.com[/email])>; Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net ([email]mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net[/email])>; ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email]); nephilli99(at)hotmail.com ([email]nephilli99(at)hotmail.com[/email]); mrh(at)panix.com ([email]mrh(at)panix.com[/email]); gbimmerle(at)gmail.com ([email]gbimmerle(at)gmail.com[/email]); rick_powell_2000(at)yahoo.com ([email]rick_powell_2000(at)yahoo.com[/email]); genea5613(at)aol.com ([email]genea5613(at)aol.com[/email]); WB Orders <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])>
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 4:52:04 PM
Subject: Re: dc249 Torjik: F11 Game Over - Austrian 19 Center Solo

Very well done, Nigel. Congrats are in order!

From: Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com ([email]kielmarch(at)hotmail.com[/email])>
To: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net ([email]mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net[/email])>; ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email]); nephilli99(at)hotmail.com ([email]nephilli99(at)hotmail.com[/email]); mrh(at)panix.com ([email]mrh(at)panix.com[/email]); tfletch33(at)yahoo.com ([email]tfletch33(at)yahoo.com[/email]); gbimmerle(at)gmail.com ([email]gbimmerle(at)gmail.com[/email]); rick_powell_2000(at)yahoo.com ([email]rick_powell_2000(at)yahoo.com[/email]); genea5613(at)aol.com ([email]genea5613(at)aol.com[/email]); WB Orders <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])>
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 3:45:16 PM
Subject: dc249 Torjik: F11 Game Over - Austrian 19 Center Solo

Congrats to Nigel on a solo victory with a 19 center count. Thanks to all who hung on and got survival [Fletch, Melinda, Nathan].

One technical note: You will see in the maps and the dpy file that I auto-retreated English F's to places without asking because I knew that Austria had won and the retreats didn't matter.

Thanks for playing in the tournament.


F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea
F Aegean Sea Supports F Constantinople
A Belgium Supports A Ruhr - Holland
A Bulgaria Supports F Constantinople
F Constantinople Hold
A Gascony - Brest
A Marseilles Supports F Spain(sc)
A Munich Hold
A North Africa Hold
A Picardy Supports A Belgium
A Rome Hold
A Ruhr - Holland
A Rumania Hold
A Serbia Supports A Rumania
F Spain(sc) suns itself and reflects on a job well done
A Tyrolia - Bohemia

F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc) (*Fails*)
F Denmark Supports F Skagerrak - Sweden (*Cut*)
F Holland - Kiel (*Dislodged*)
F North Sea Supports F Denmark
F Norway Supports F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc) (*Dislodged*)
F Skagerrak - Sweden

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English Channel
A Portugal - Spain (*Fails*)

A Ankara Hold
F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Fails*)
A Finland Supports A Sweden - Norway
A Kiel Supports F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Cut*)
A Livonia Supports A St Petersburg
F Sevastopol Hold
A St Petersburg Supports A Sweden - Norway (*Cut*)
A Sweden - Norway

A Smyrna Hold

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-----Inline Attachment Follows-----

1 torjik Standard Winter 1911 5 7 3 bel, bre, bud, bul, con, gre, hol, mar, mun, nap, par, rom, rum, ser, spa, tri, tun, ven, vie. F aeg, A bel, A boh, A bre, A bul, F con, A hol, F ion, A mar, A mun, A naf, A pic, A rom, A rum, A ser, F spa(sc) -1 den, edi, lvp, lon, swe. F bar, F den, F hel, F nth, F nwg, F swe -1 por. F eng, A por 0 0 0 ank, ber, kie, mos, nwy, sev, stp, war. A ank, F bal, A fin, A kie, A lvn, A nwy, F sev, A stp 0 smy. A smy 0 v2 49 1 1901 ---T-----Ga--FAa---Ta--E-----------GEa-EFa-RaGaI-----Fa----Ia---R--Ta-Rs--A-----IaAa-Ra-- T-GFA-T-E--GEEFRGI-F-I--RT-R-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - ser Austria: F tri - alb Austria: A vie - gal (*Bounce*) England: F edi - nwg England: A lvp - yor England: F lon - nth France: F bre - mao France: A mar - spa France: A par - bur (*Bounce*) Germany: A ber - kie Germany: F kie - den Germany: A mun - bur (*Bounce*) Italy: F nap - ion Italy: A rom - ven Italy: A ven - trl Russia: A mos - ukr Russia: F sev - bla Russia: F stp(sc) - bot Russia: A war - gal (*Bounce*) Turkey: F ank - con Turkey: A con - bul Turkey: A smy - arm 3 1901 --A--Ta----R---Ta--TG--------R--I-Ga----F-Ga---E-EFa-------Aa----Fa------Ia-RaIaAa-Ra-Ea T-GFA-T-E--GEEFRGI-F-I--RT-R-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre (*Bounce*) Austria: A ser Supports A vie - tri Austria: A vie - tri (*Bounce*) England: F nth Convoys A yor - bel England: F nwg - nwy England: A yor - bel France: F mao - por France: A par - bur France: A spa Hold Germany: F den - swe (*Bounce*) Germany: A kie - hol Germany: A mun Hold Italy: F ion - gre (*Bounce*) Italy: A trl - tri (*Bounce*) Italy: A ven Supports A trl - tri Russia: F bla - con (*Fails*) Russia: F bot - swe (*Bounce*) Russia: A ukr - rum (*Bounce*) Russia: A war - gal Turkey: A arm - sev Turkey: A bul - rum (*Bounce*) Turkey: F con Hold 5 1901 --A-----Ea-R---TaFa-TG----Ra---R-GaI--------Ga---EE----F----AaTa---Fa------Ia-RaIaAa---- TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 10 1 2 2 2 0 -1 2 0 Austria: Build A tri England: Build F lon England: Build F lvp France: Build A par France: Build F bre Germany: Build A kie Germany: Build F ber Russia: Remove F bla Turkey: Build F smy Turkey: Build A ank 1 1902 --ATa----EaG--F-TaFa-TG----Ra---R-GaI-GaE-E---Ga---EE-Fa--F----AaTa--TFa---Aa--Ia-RaIaAa---- TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre Austria: A ser Supports F alb - gre Austria: A tri - bud Austria: A vie Supports A tri - bud England: A bel Hold England: F lvp - iri England: F lon - eng England: F nth Supports F lon - eng England: F nwy - stp(nc) (*Bounce*) France: F bre - pic France: A bur Supports F bre - pic France: A par Supports F bre - pic France: F por - mao France: A spa - gas Germany: F ber - bal Germany: F den Supports F ber - bal Germany: A hol Supports A bel Germany: A kie Supports A hol Germany: A mun Hold Italy: F ion - aeg (*Bounce*) Italy: A trl - ven Italy: A ven - apu Russia: A gal - rum Russia: F bot - stp(sc) (*Bounce*) Russia: A ukr Supports A gal - rum Turkey: A ank - arm Turkey: A bul - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F con - bla Turkey: A sev - mos Turkey: F smy - aeg (*Bounce*) 3 1902 ----IaTaG-Ea-T--AaTaFa--G--E--FaA-R-GaIEGa----FTaGa---EE-FaF-----RaAa---T---------RaIaAa---- TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - ser Austria: F gre Supports A ser - bul Austria: A ser - bul Austria: A vie - gal England: A bel Hold England: F eng - mao England: F iri Supports F eng - mao England: F nth - eng (*Bounce*) England: F nwy - nth (*Fails*) France: A bur Supports A hol - bel (*Void*) France: A gas Supports A bur France: F mao Supports F pic - eng (*Dislodged*) France: A par - bre France: F pic - eng (*Bounce*) Germany: F bal - swe Germany: F den Supports F bal - swe Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel (*Void*) Germany: A kie Supports A hol Germany: A mun Hold Italy: A apu - tun Italy: F ion Convoys A apu - tun Italy: A ven - apu Russia: F bot - stp(sc) Russia: A rum - sev (*Bounce*) Russia: A ukr Supports A rum - sev Turkey: A arm - sev (*Bounce*) Turkey: F bla - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: A bul Supports F bla - rum (*Dislodged*) Turkey: A mos Supports A arm - sev Turkey: F smy - aeg 4 1902 -T--IaTa--Ea-T-Fa-AaFa--G----AaFaA---GaIEGa----ETaGa---EE--F-----RaAa-----RsG--Ia---Ra------ TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Turkish A bul con French F mao nao spa(nc) por spa(sc) naf wes France: F mao - por Turkey: Remove A bul 5 1902 -T--IaTa--Ea-T-Fa-AaFa--G----AaFaA---GaIEGa----ETaGa---EE--F-F---RaAa-----RsG--Ia---Ra------ TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 5 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 Austria: Build A vie Austria: Build A bud Germany: Build F ber Italy: Build F nap Turkey: Build F smy 1 1903 -T--IaTa--EaGT-FaAaAaFa--G----AaFaA---GaIEGa----ETaGaI--EE--F-F---RaAa---T-RsG--Ia---Ra-Aa---- TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - rum Austria: A bul Supports F bla - con (*Void*) Austria: A gal Supports A ukr - war Austria: F gre Supports F ion - aeg Austria: A ser Supports A bul Austria: A vie Hold England: A bel Supports A mun - bur (*Disbanded*) England: F iri Supports F nth - eng England: F mao - gas England: F nth - eng England: F nwy Hold France: A bre Hold France: A bur - bel France: A gas - spa France: F pic Supports A bur - bel France: F por - mao Germany: F ber - bal Germany: F den - ska Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel Germany: A kie - ruh Germany: A mun - bur Germany: F swe Supports F den - ska Italy: A apu Hold Italy: F ion - aeg (*Fails*) Italy: F nap - ion (*Fails*) Italy: A tun Hold Russia: A rum - ukr Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr - war Turkey: F aeg Supports A arm - bul (*Cut*) Turkey: A arm - bul (*Fails*) Turkey: F bla Convoys A arm - bul Turkey: A mos - sev Turkey: F smy Supports F aeg 3 1903 -T--IaTaG-Fa-T-Fa-AaGa-----E-AaEA---GaIE-----F--I---E--F----GaAaAaTa-GTFaRsG--Ia---Ra-Aa-Ra-- TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports A rum Austria: A gal Supports A rum Austria: F gre Supports F ion - aeg (*Void*) Austria: A rum Supports A bul Austria: A ser Supports F gre Austria: A vie Hold England: F eng Supports A bel England: F gas - bre England: F iri - nao England: F nwy Hold (*Dislodged*) France: A bel Hold France: A bre - par France: F mao - spa(sc) France: F pic Supports A bel France: A spa - mar Germany: F bal - den Germany: A bur - bel (*Fails*) Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel Germany: A ruh Supports A bur - bel Germany: F ska Supports F swe - nwy Germany: F swe - nwy Italy: A apu, no move received Italy: F ion, no move received Italy: F nap, no move received Italy: A tun, no move received Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr - mos Russia: A war Supports A ukr - mos Turkey: F aeg Supports F bla - con Turkey: A arm - ank Turkey: F bla - con Turkey: A sev Hold Turkey: F smy - eas 4 1903 -T-TaIa---Fa---E-AaGa-TGT-E-Aa-A---GaI-----Fa-Ra-IE--G-FaF----GaAaAaTa-G-FsRs---Ia-----Aa-Ra-- TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 English F nwy bar nwg nth England: F nwy - nth 5 1903 -T-TaIa---Fa---E-AaGa-TGT-E-Aa-A---GaI-----Fa-Ra-IE-EG-FaF----GaAaAaTa-G-FsRs---Ia-----Aa-Ra-- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 Austria: Build A tri Germany: Build A mun Turkey: Remove A ank 1 1904 -T--Ia---Fa---E-AaGa-TGT-E-Aa-A---GaI-----Fa-RaGaIE-EG-FaF----GaAaAaTa-G-FsRs--AaIa-----Aa-Ra-- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports F gre Austria: A gal - sil Austria: F gre Supports F ion - aeg Austria: A rum - ukr (*Fails*) Austria: A ser Supports A bul Austria: A tri - trl Austria: A vie - boh England: F bre - eng England: F eng - lon England: F nao - nwg England: F nth - hel France: A bel Supports A par - bur (*Disbanded*) France: A mar Supports A par - bur France: A par - bur France: F pic Supports A bel France: F spa(sc) - lyo Germany: A bur - bel Germany: F den Supports F ska - nth Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel Germany: A mun - bur (*Fails*) Germany: F nwy Supports F ska - nth Germany: A ruh Supports A bur - bel Germany: F ska - nth Italy: A apu - ven Italy: F ion - aeg (*Dislodged*) Italy: F nap - ion (*Fails*) Italy: A tun Hold Russia: A mos - ukr Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A war - pru Turkey: F aeg Supports F eas - ion Turkey: F con Supports F aeg Turkey: F eas - ion Turkey: A sev Supports A mos - ukr 2 1904 -T------Ga--Aa--AaFa-TG--E---AF-EGaT----EFa--GaI--GGE-F--Ra-GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia-Aa-RaIa----- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Italian F ion tys apu adr alb Italy: F ion - tys 3 1904 -T------Ga--Aa--AaFa-TG--E---AF-EGaT----EFa--GaI--GGE-F--Ra-GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia-AaIRaIa----- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A boh Supports A trl - mun Austria: A bul - gre (*Fails*) Austria: F gre - ion (*Dislodged*) Austria: A rum - bul (*Bounce*) Austria: A ser Supports A rum - bul (*Fails*) Austria: A sil Supports A trl - mun Austria: A trl - mun England: F eng Supports F pic - bel (*Cut*) England: F hel - hol (*Fails*) England: F lon - nth (*Fails*) England: F nwg - edi France: A bur Supports F pic - bel France: F lyo Convoys A mar - tus France: A mar - tus (*Bounce*) France: F pic - bel Germany: A bel Supports F pic (*Disbanded*) Germany: F den - kie Germany: A hol Supports A bel (*Cut*) Germany: A mun Hold (*Disbanded*) Germany: F nth - eng (*Fails*) Germany: F nwy - stp(nc) (*Fails*) Germany: A ruh Supports A mun Italy: F nap - ion Italy: A tun Hold Italy: F tys Supports F nap - ion Italy: A ven - tus (*Bounce*) Russia: A pru - ber Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr - mos Turkey: F aeg Supports F ion - gre Turkey: F con - bul(sc) (*Bounce*) Turkey: F ion - gre Turkey: A sev Hold 4 1904 -T------FRa-Aa--AaFa-T--EE---TF-EGaI-G--EFa-RaAa---GG-------GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia--I-Ia----- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 Austrian F gre alb Austria: F gre - alb 5 1904 -TA-----FRa-Aa--AaFa-T--EE---TF-EGaI-G--EFa-RaAa---GG-------GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia--I-Ia----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 France: Build A par Russia: Build A war Turkey: Build F ank 1 1905 -TAT----FRa-Aa--AaFa-T--EE---TF-EGaI-G--EFa-RaAa---GG-Fa-----GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia--I-Ia--Ra-- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb Supports A ser - gre Austria: A boh Supports A sil - mun (*Fails*) Austria: A bul - con (*Dislodged*) Austria: A mun - kie (*Bounce*) Austria: A rum Supports A mos - sev Austria: A ser - gre Austria: A sil - mun (*Fails*) England: F edi - nwg England: F eng - mao England: F hel Supports F lon - nth England: F lon - nth France: F bel Hold France: A bur - ruh (*Fails*) France: F lyo Convoys A mar - tus France: A mar - tus France: A par - bur (*Fails*) Germany: A hol Supports A ruh - kie Germany: F kie - bal Germany: F nth - ska Germany: F nwy Supports F hel - nth (*Void*) Germany: A ruh - kie (*Bounce*) Italy: F ion, no move received Italy: A tun, no move received Italy: F tys, no move received Italy: A ven, no move received Russia: A ber Supports A mun - kie Russia: A mos - sev Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A war - ukr Turkey: F aeg Supports F gre - bul(sc) Turkey: F ank - bla Turkey: F con Supports F gre - bul(sc) Turkey: F gre - bul(sc) Turkey: A sev - rum (*Dislodged*) 2 1905 -TA---G-FRaTAa--TsFa-T-------AaF-EGaI------E-Aa---EGEFa-----GaAa-RaAaG--Rs---IaFa-IRaIa----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Austrian A bul ser Turkish A sev arm Austria: A bul - ser Turkey: A sev - arm 3 1905 -TA--TaG-FRaTAa--TsFa-T-------AaF-EGaI------E-Aa---EGEFa-----GaAaAaRaAaG--Rs---IaFa-IRaIa----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb Supports A ser - gre Austria: A boh Supports A sil - mun Austria: A gre - nap Austria: A mun - kie Austria: A rum - bul (*Fails*) Austria: A ser - gre Austria: A sil - mun England: F hel - hol England: F mao - bre (*Bounce*) England: F nth - nwy England: F nwg Supports F nth - nwy France: F bel Supports F hel - hol France: A bur - ruh (*Fails*) France: F lyo - tys France: A par - bre (*Bounce*) France: A tus - rom (*Fails*) Germany: F bal - den Germany: A hol Supports A ruh - kie (*Disbanded*) Germany: F nwy Supports F ska (*Dislodged*) Germany: A ruh - kie (*Fails*) Germany: F ska Supports F bal - den Italy: F ion Convoys A gre - nap Italy: A tun Hold Italy: F tys - rom Italy: A ven Supports F tys - rom Russia: A ber Supports A mun - kie Russia: A sev Supports A rum (*Ordered to Move*) Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr Supports A sev Turkey: F aeg Supports F bul(sc) Turkey: A arm - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F bla Convoys A arm - rum Turkey: F bul(sc) Supports A arm - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F con Supports F bul(sc) 4 1905 -TA--Ta--FRaTAa--TsFa-TG------Aa---EI-Aa----E-AaAa---EEFa----IGaAa-Ra-G--Rs---IaFa-FRaIa----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 German F nwy swe bar Germany: F nwy - swe 5 1905 -TA--Ta--FRaTAa--TsFa-TG------Aa---EI-Aa----E-AaAa---EEFa----IGaAa-Ra-G--RsG--IaFa-FRaIa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 9 2 2 0 -2 -1 1 -1 0 Austria: Build A tri Austria: Build A bud England: Build F edi England: Build F lon Germany: Remove F ska Germany: Remove A ruh Italy: Defaults, removing F ion Russia: Build A mos Turkey: Remove F con 1 1906 -TA--Ta--FRaTAa-AaTsFa--G-E----Aa---E--Aa--E-ERaAaAa---EEFa----I-Aa-Ra----RsG-AaIaFa-FRaIa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre (*Fails*) Austria: A boh - trl Austria: A bud - ser Austria: A gre Supports A rum - bul Austria: A kie Supports A mun Austria: A mun Supports A kie Austria: A nap Supports F rom Austria: A rum - bul (*Fails*) Austria: A tri - ven England: F edi - nth England: F hol Supports F edi - nth England: F lon - eng England: F mao Supports F lon - eng England: F nwy - ska England: F nwg - nwy France: F bel - pic France: A bur - mar France: A par - bur France: A tus - rom (*Dislodged*) France: F tys - ion Germany: F den, no move received Germany: F swe, no move received Italy: F rom Supports A ven - tus Italy: A tun - naf Italy: A ven - tus Russia: A ber Supports A kie Russia: A mos - stp Russia: A sev Hold Russia: F stp(sc) - bot Russia: A ukr Supports A sev Turkey: F aeg Supports F bul(sc) Turkey: A arm - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F bla Convoys A arm - rum Turkey: F bul(sc) Supports A arm - rum (*Fails*) 2 1906 -TA--Ta---RaT---TsFa--G--E---Aa-R-EF-Aa---FaE-AaAa-IaEE--F---I-AaAaRa-E--RaG---IaAa-RaAa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 French A tus pie France: A tus - pie 3 1906 -TA--Ta---RaT---TsFa--G--E---Aa-R-EF-Aa---FaE-AaAa-IaEE--FFa--I-AaAaRa-E--RaG---IaAa-RaAa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - ion Austria: A gre Supports A rum - bul Austria: A kie Supports F den Austria: A mun Supports A kie Austria: A nap Supports A ven - rom Austria: A rum - bul Austria: A ser Supports A rum - bul Austria: A trl - ven Austria: A ven - rom England: F eng - bel (*Bounce*) England: F hol Supports F eng - bel England: F mao - por England: F nth Supports F ska - den England: F nwy Supports F bot - swe (*Dislodged*) England: F ska - den (*Fails*) France: A bur - bel (*Bounce*) France: F ion - tun France: A mar - gas France: F pic Supports A bur - bel France: A pie - mar Germany: F den Supports F swe (*Cut*) Germany: F swe Supports A stp - nwy Italy: A naf Hold Italy: F rom - tys Italy: A tus Hold Russia: A ber Supports A kie Russia: F bot - bal Russia: A sev Hold Russia: A stp - nwy Russia: A ukr - rum Turkey: F aeg Supports F bul(sc) Turkey: A arm Hold Turkey: F bla Supports A ukr - rum Turkey: F bul(sc) Supports A ukr - rum (*Dislodged*) 4 1906 -T---TaR--RaT---AaFa--G--E--FaAa---EA-Aa---Fa--AaAa-IaERa--F-E-Aa-RaAaRa-E---G--FIa-I-Aa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Turkish F bul(sc) con English F nwy nwg bar England: F nwy - nwg Turkey: Remove F bul(sc) 5 1906 -T---TaR--RaT---AaFa--G--E--FaAa---EA-Aa---Fa--AaAa-IaERaE-F-E-Aa-RaAaRa-E---G--FIa-I-Aa----- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 7 2 0 0 0 -3 2 0 0 Austria: Build F tri Austria: Build A bud Italy: Remove A naf Italy: Remove F tys Italy: Remove A tus Russia: Build F stp(nc) Russia: Build A mos 1 1907 -T---TaR--RaT--AaAaFa--G--E--FaAa---EA-Aa---Fa-RaAaAa--ERaE-F-E-Aa-RaAaRa-E--RnG-AF----Aa----- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud Supports A ser - rum Austria: A bul Supports A arm - con (*Void*) Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: F ion - eas Austria: A kie - ruh Austria: A mun Supports A kie - ruh Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A rom - ven Austria: A ser - rum (*Fails*) Austria: F tri - alb Austria: A ven - trl England: F eng - bel England: F hol Supports F eng - bel England: F nth - nwy England: F nwg Supports F nth - nwy England: F por - mao England: F ska Supports F nth - nwy France: A bur - bel (*Fails*) France: A gas Supports F pic - bre France: A mar - spa France: F pic - bre France: F tun - wes Germany: F den Supports F swe Germany: F swe Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: F bal Supports A nwy - swe Russia: A ber, no move received Russia: A mos Supports A sev Russia: A nwy - swe (*Dislodged*) Russia: A rum Hold Russia: A sev Supports A rum Russia: F stp(nc), no move received Turkey: F aeg Supports F bla - con Turkey: A arm Hold Turkey: F bla - con 2 1907 -TA--TaR-ERa--FAaAaFa-TGA----FaAa---E-------ERaAaAa---EE------AaRaAaRa-E-FaRnG----Aa--Aa---F- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Russian A nwy fin Russia: A nwy - fin 3 1907 -TA--TaR-ERa--FAaAaFa-TGA--Ra-FaAa---E-------ERaAaAa---EE------AaRaAaRa-E-FaRnG----Aa--Aa---F- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - ion Austria: A bud Supports A ser - rum Austria: A bul Supports A ser - rum Austria: F eas Supports F alb - ion Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: A mun Supports A ber - kie Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A ruh Hold Austria: A ser - rum Austria: A trl Supports A mun Austria: A ven Hold England: F bel Supports F mao - eng England: F hol Supports F bel England: F mao - eng England: F nwy Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F nwg Supports F nwy England: F ska - swe (*Fails*) France: F bre Supports F wes - mao France: A bur Supports F bel France: A gas - spa France: A spa - por France: F wes - mao Germany: F den, no move received Germany: F swe, no move received Russia: F bal Supports A ber - kie Russia: A ber - kie Russia: A fin Supports F stp(nc) - nwy Russia: A mos - lvn Russia: A rum - ukr Russia: A sev - arm (*Fails*) Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) Turkey: F aeg - ion (*Fails*) Turkey: A arm - smy (*Bounce*) Turkey: F con - smy (*Bounce*) 5 1907 -T---TaR-E---FAaAaFa-TGA-ERa--Aa---EA-Ra-Ra--F-AaAa---EE---Fa--AaAa-Ra-E-FaRnG----Aa-RaAa----- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 2 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 0 France: Build F mar Russia: Remove A sev 1 1908 -T---TaR-E---FAaAaFa-TGA-ERa--Aa---EA-Ra-Ra-FF-AaAa---EE---Fa--AaAa---E-FaRnG----Aa-RaAa----- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - tri Austria: A bul Supports A gre Austria: F eas - smy Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: F ion Convoys A nap - tun Austria: A mun - bur Austria: A nap - tun Austria: A ruh Supports A mun - bur Austria: A rum, no move received Austria: A trl - mun Austria: A ven - pie England: F bel Supports F hol England: F eng - nth England: F hol Supports F eng - nth England: F nwy Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F nwg Supports F nwy England: F ska - swe (*Bounce*) France: F bre - mao France: A bur Hold (*Dislodged*) France: F mar - lyo France: F mao - wes France: A por - spa France: A spa - mar Germany: F den Supports F swe (*Cut*) Germany: F swe Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: F bal Convoys A lvn - den Russia: A fin - swe (*Bounce*) Russia: A kie, no move received Russia: A lvn - den (*Fails*) Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) Russia: A ukr, no move received Turkey: F aeg Supports F con Turkey: A arm - syr Turkey: F con Supports F aeg 2 1908 -T----R-E-----AaAa-TG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra-Ra-FaF-Aa---EEE--Aa---AaAa---EAFaRnGTaAaAa---Ra----F- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 French A bur pic par gas France: A bur - par 3 1908 -T----R-E-----AaAa-TG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra-Ra-FaF-Aa---EEEFa-Aa---AaAa---EAFaRnGTaAaAa---Ra----F- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports F smy - con Austria: A bur - pic Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: F ion - aeg (*Fails*) Austria: A mun - bur Austria: A pie - mar (*Fails*) Austria: A ruh Supports A mun - bur Austria: A rum Supports A bul Austria: F smy - con Austria: A tri - ven Austria: A tun Hold England: F bel Supports F hol England: F hol Supports F bel England: F nth Supports F nwy England: F nwy Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F nwg - bar England: F ska - swe (*Fails*) France: F lyo Supports F wes - tys France: A mar Supports A par - bur (*Cut*) France: F mao - wes France: A par - bur (*Fails*) France: A spa Supports A mar France: F wes - tys Germany: F den Supports F swe (*Cut*) Germany: F swe Supports F den (*Dislodged*) Russia: F bal Convoys A lvn - swe Russia: A fin Supports A lvn - swe Russia: A kie - den (*Fails*) Russia: A lvn - swe Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) Russia: A ukr - mos Turkey: F aeg Supports A syr - smy (*Cut*) Turkey: F con Supports A syr - smy (*Dislodged*) Turkey: A syr - smy 4 1908 -T----REE-----AaAa-AG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra---Fa-Ra----EE-FaAaAa---AaAa---ETaFaRnRa--Aa--F-Aa---F- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Turkish F con ank bla German F swe bot Germany: Remove F swe Turkey: F con - bla 5 1908 -T----REE-T---AaAa-AG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra---Fa-Ra----EE-FaAaAa---AaAa---ETaFaRnRa--Aa--F-Aa---F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 5 2 0 -1 0 0 1 -1 0 Austria: Build A tri Austria: Build A vie France: Remove F lyo Russia: Build waived Turkey: Remove F aeg 1 1909 ------REE-T---AaAa-AG---Ra--Aa---EA-Ra---Fa-Ra----EE-FaAaAa---AaAa---ETaFaRnRa-AaAa--F-AaAa--F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Austria: A bul - con (*Fails*) Austria: A bur Supports A pie - mar Austria: F con - ank (*Bounce*) Austria: A gre - ser Austria: F ion - tys (*Fails*) Austria: A pic - bre Austria: A pie - mar Austria: A ruh - bel Austria: A rum Hold Austria: A tri - ven Austria: A tun Hold Austria: A ven - apu Austria: A vie - trl England: F bar Supports F nwy England: F bel - pic England: F hol - kie (*Fails*) England: F nth - hol (*Fails*) England: F nwy Supports F ska England: F ska Supports F den France: A mar Hold (*Dislodged*) France: A par, no move received France: A spa, no move received France: F tys, no move received France: F wes, no move received Germany: F den Hold Russia: F bal, no move received Russia: A fin, no move received Russia: A kie, no move received Russia: A mos, no move received Russia: F stp(nc), no move received Russia: A swe, no move received Turkey: F bla - ank (*Bounce*) Turkey: A smy - ank (*Bounce*) 2 1909 ----Aa-REAa-T-Aa-AaAa-AG---Ra------EA-Ra---Aa-Ra----EE-FaE-----AaAa--ETaFaRnRa--Aa-AaF-Aa---F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 French A mar gas France: A mar - gas 3 1909 ----Aa-REAa-T-Aa-AaAa-AG---Ra-Fa----EA-Ra---Aa-Ra----EE-FaE-----AaAa--ETaFaRnRa--Aa-AaF-Aa---F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Austria: A apu - nap Austria: A bel - pic (*Dislodged*) Austria: A bre Supports A bur - par Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur - par Austria: F con Hold Austria: F ion Supports A tun Austria: A mar - gas (*Dislodged*) Austria: A rum Supports A mos - sev Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: A tun Hold Austria: A trl - mun Austria: A ven - rom (*Bounce*) England: F bar - stp(nc) England: F hol Supports F pic - bel England: F nth Supports F pic - bel England: F nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc) England: F pic - bel England: F ska Supports F nwy France: A gas - mar France: A par - bur (*Dislodged*) France: A spa Supports A gas - mar France: F tys - rom (*Bounce*) France: F wes - lyo Germany: F den - kie (*Dislodged*) Russia: F bal - den Russia: A fin Supports F stp(nc) - nwy Russia: A kie Supports F bal - den Russia: A mos - sev Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Disbanded*) Russia: A swe Supports F bal - den Turkey: F bla - ank (*Bounce*) Turkey: A smy - ank (*Bounce*) 4 1909 --------E-T-Aa-Aa--AR---Ra---F--EA-Ra---Fa--AaAa--EE-Aa------AaAaRa-ETaFaEnRa--Aa--F-Aa----- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 Austrian A bel bur ruh German F den hel Austrian A mar bur pie French A par gas pic Austria: A bel - bur Austria: A mar - pie France: Remove A par Germany: Remove F den 5 1909 --------E-T-Aa-AaAa-AR---Ra---F--EA-Ra---Fa--AaAa--EE-Aa-Aa----AaAaRa-ETaFaEnRa--Aa--F-Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 6 2 1 -1 0 0 2 0 0 Austria: Build F tri Austria: Build A vie England: Build waived France: Remove F lyo Russia: Build A war Russia: Build A mos 1 1910 --------E-T-Aa-AaAa-AR---Ra------EA-Ra---Fa-RaAaAa--EE-Aa-Aa----AaAaRa-ETaFaEnRa-AAa--F-AaAa-Ra-- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bre - gas Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur Supports A pie - mar Austria: F con Supports A smy - ank Austria: F ion - tys Austria: A mun - ruh Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A par Supports A bre - gas Austria: A pie - mar (*Fails*) Austria: A rum - gal (*Bounce*) Austria: A ser Hold Austria: F tri - alb Austria: A tun Hold Austria: A ven - rom Austria: A vie - gal (*Bounce*) England: F bel Hold England: F hol - kie (*Fails*) England: F nth - den England: F nwy - swe (*Fails*) England: F ska Supports F nth - den England: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) France: A mar, no move received France: A spa Supports A mar France: F tys - wes Russia: F den Supports A swe (*Dislodged*) Russia: A fin Supports A swe Russia: A kie Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: A mos - stp (*Fails*) Russia: A sev Hold Russia: A swe Supports A fin (*Cut*) Russia: A war - lvn Turkey: F bla - ank (*Fails*) Turkey: A smy - ank 2 1910 --ATa----E-T---AaAa-AE---Ra-Aa----E--Ra-Ra-Fa-Ra-Aa---E-Aa-Aa--AaAaAaAaRa-E-FaEnRa--Aa--A--Aa--F- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Russian F den bal hel Russia: F den - hel 3 1910 --ATa----E-T---AaAa-AE---Ra-Aa---RE--Ra-Ra-Fa-Ra-Aa---E-Aa-Aa--AaAaAaAaRa-E-FaEnRa--Aa--A--Aa--F- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur Supports A pie - mar Austria: F con Supports A ank (*Ordered to Move*) Austria: A gas Supports A pie - mar (*Dislodged*) Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A par - pic Austria: A pie - mar Austria: A rom - ven Austria: A ruh Hold Austria: A rum Hold Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: A tun Hold Austria: F tys - lyo Austria: A vie - trl England: F bel Supports F hol England: F den - swe England: F hol Supports F bel England: F nwy Supports F stp(nc) (*Dislodged*) England: F ska Supports F den - swe England: F stp(nc) Supports F nwy (*Dislodged*) France: A mar - gas France: A spa Supports A mar - gas France: F wes - mao Russia: A fin Supports A swe - nwy Russia: F hel - den Russia: A kie Supports F hel - den Russia: A lvn Supports A mos - stp Russia: A mos - stp Russia: A sev - arm Russia: A swe - nwy Turkey: A ank - smy Turkey: F bla - ank 4 1910 ---T-Ra--E-----AaAa-AR---Ra-FaAA--E--Ra-Ra-AaF--Aa---Ra--Aa----AaAaAa--ETaFaRaE--Aa-Aa--Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 Austrian A gas bre par English F nwy bar nwg nth English F stp(nc) bar Austria: A gas - par England: F nwy - nwg England: F stp(nc) - bar 5 1910 ---T-Ra-EE-----AaAa-AR---Ra-FaAA--E--Ra-Ra-AaF--Aa---RaEAaAa----AaAaAa--ETaFaRaE--Aa-Aa--Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 3 1 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 Austria: Build F tri France: Remove A gas Russia: Build F sev 1 1911 ---T-Ra-EE-----AaAa-AR---Ra--AA--E--Ra-Ra-AaF--Aa---RaEAaAa----AaAaAaR-ETaFaRaE-AAa-Aa--Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur - bel Austria: F con Supports A arm - ank Austria: F gre - aeg Austria: F lyo - spa(sc) Austria: A mar Supports F lyo - spa(sc) Austria: A nap - rom Austria: A par - gas Austria: A pic Supports A bur - bel Austria: A ruh Supports A bur - bel Austria: A rum Supports A bul Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: F tri - adr Austria: A tun - naf Austria: A trl - mun Austria: A ven - trl England: F bar Supports F nwg - nwy England: F bel - nth England: F hol - kie (*Fails*) England: F nwg - nwy England: F ska Supports F swe - den England: F swe - den France: F mao, no move received France: A spa Hold (*Dislodged*) Russia: A arm - ank Russia: F den Supports A nwy - swe (*Dislodged*) Russia: A fin Supports A nwy - swe Russia: A kie Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: A lvn - stp (*Fails*) Russia: A nwy - swe Russia: F sev - bla (*Bounce*) Russia: A stp - nwy (*Fails*) Turkey: F ank - bla (*Disbanded*) Turkey: A smy Hold 2 1911 AA-Ra---EAa-----Aa--AE---Ra-Aa----E--Ra-Ra-AaF-Aa--AaEE--Aa---AaAaAaAaR-ETaAsRaRa----Aa-------- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 Russian F den bal hel French A spa por France: A spa - por Russia: F den - bal 3 1911 AA-Ra--REAa-----Aa--AE---Ra-Aa----E--Ra-Ra-AaF-Aa--AaEE--Aa-Fa-AaAaAaAaR-ETaAsRaRa----Aa-------- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Austria: F adr - ion Austria: F aeg Supports F con Austria: A bel Supports A ruh - hol Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: F con Hold Austria: A gas - bre Austria: A mar Supports F spa(sc) Austria: A mun Hold Austria: A naf Hold Austria: A pic Supports A bel Austria: A rom Hold Austria: A ruh - hol Austria: A rum Hold Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: F spa(sc) Hold Austria: A trl - boh England: F bar - stp(nc) (*Fails*) England: F den Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F hol - kie (*Dislodged*) England: F nth Supports F den England: F nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc) (*Dislodged*) England: F ska - swe France: F mao - eng France: A por - spa (*Fails*) Russia: A ank Hold Russia: F bal - den (*Fails*) Russia: A fin Supports A swe - nwy Russia: A kie Supports F bal - den (*Cut*) Russia: A lvn Supports A stp Russia: F sev Hold Russia: A stp Supports A swe - nwy (*Cut*) Russia: A swe - nwy Turkey: A smy Hold 4 1911 -A-Ra--REAa--AaAa-Aa--AE--FRa------AaA-Ra-Ra-Aa--Aa--AaERa--Aa-Fa-Aa-AaAaR--TaAsRaE------------- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 English F hol hel English F nwy nwg ska England: F hol - hel England: F nwy - nwg -1 Austria: Build Austria: Build Austria: Build England: Remove France: Remove

dc249 Torjik: F11 Game Over - Austrian 19 Center Solo (Winter Blitz) offdisc Jun 12, 10:33 am
Congrats Nigel!  And "Great job" to the rest of you who kept him at bay for so long!
When I left the game in 1906, everyone claimed that I handed Nigel a victory and the game would end very quickly.  You played your hearts out to make the game last until 1911.
Finally, thanks to Garry for GMing.  And good luck all in the rest of the tourney.
Mike Hoffman---------
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson
"Whenever some act of wondrous power must be performed, Michael is sent" --- Pope Saint Gregory the Great
dc246 fall 1911 results - coryfucius   (Jun 11, 2009, 5:59 pm)
First things first, the E/T draw proposal fails, so the game continues...

I could not locate orders from either Austria or France, so both those powers' units are ordered to hold. Both England and Turkey take advantage, as their rivals' capitals are left undefended. Turkey also gains Naples, overpowering the French fleet in drydock. Italy remains in port in Tunis, successfully defending against an English attack.

The only dislodged unit is the French fleet in Naples, which has no valid retreats and is destroyed.

Winter 1911 adjustments will be as follows:
England: build 2
France: remove 3
Turkey: build 2

The winter adjustment orders are due tomorrow, Friday 6/12 at 3pm Central (US) / 20:00 GMT.



Fall 1911 results:

Austria: (NMR, GM orders Hold)
F Albania Hold
A Budapest Hold
A Rome Hold
A Trieste Hold
A Venice Hold

A Berlin - Prussia
F Brest Hold
F English Channel - Belgium
F Irish Sea - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean (*Fails*)
A Munich Hold
F North Sea Hold
F Norway Supports A St Petersburg
A Picardy - Paris
A Ruhr - Kiel
A St Petersburg Hold
F Western Mediterranean - Tunis (*Fails*)

France: (NMR, GM orders Hold)
A Burgundy Hold
A Gascony Hold
F Gulf of Lyon Hold
A Marseilles Hold
F Naples Hold (*Disbanded*)
A Tuscany Hold
F Tyrrhenian Sea Hold

F Tunis Hold

F Adriatic Sea Supports F Greece - Ionian Sea
F Aegean Sea Supports F Greece - Ionian Sea
A Apulia Supports F Ionian Sea - Naples
A Bohemia - Vienna
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Galicia Hold
F Greece - Ionian Sea
F Ionian Sea - Naples
A Moscow Hold


DC190 - Fall 2014 - DamienThryn   (Jun 11, 2009, 5:54 pm)
Please build me:
Vote for the Mex/South America/Persia/Russia Draw.
Vote NO to the Mex/Russia draw.

On 6/9/09, Diplomacy Gamemaster <worldwidegm(at)gmail.com ([email]worldwidegm(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Well, well, well... so the regular computer is just as mysteriously back online, so I waited long enough to get back onto the real map.  A few developments this turn: Russia orders units to move (though none of them actually get anywhere) and Africa gets just a little bit darker (green).  This season also brought the official close to the Chinese campaign as the Independent State of Ethiopia fell to the Persians.  Thanks to Mike for sticking it out.

There are no retreats necessary, so we move straight on into the winter of 2014.  Since it's a winter season, we won't be voting on any proposals, but the fun will resume when we get into the spring.

Your orders:

F Alaska Supports F Pacific Ocean
F Nunavut Supports F Alaska
A Vancouver Holds
F Pacific Ocean Supports F Micronesian Sea
F Quebec Holds
F Halifax Supports F Florida - Atlantic Ocean
F Atlantic Ocean - Cape Verde Sea
F Florida - Atlantic Ocean
F Caribbean Sea - Trinidad & Tobago
F Canary Sea Supports A Morocco
F Iberia Supports F Paris
A Paris Supports A Berlin - Rome (*cut*)
A Morocco Supports F Iberia
A Dakar Supports A Ouagadougou
A Ouagadougou Supports F Yaounde - Lagos
F South China Sea - Jakarta
F Micronesian Sea Supports F Pacific Ocean
F Philippines Sea Supports F Micronesian Sea
F Manila Supports F Philippines Sea
F Arafura Sea Supports F South China Sea - Jakarta
F Jayapura Supports F Philippines Sea

South America:
F Hong Kong Supports F Manila - East China Sea (*disbanded*)
F Bay of Bengal - Siam (*fails*)
F Cocos Sea - Indian Ocean (*fails*)
F Perth Supports F Great Australian Bight - Cocos Sea
F Great Australian Bight - Cocos Sea (*fails*)
F Sydney - Tasman Sea
F Skeleton Coast - Perth (*invalid*)
F Nosy Barrens - Dar es Salaam
A Maputo Supports F Nosy Barrens - Dar es Salaam
A Zambezi Supports F Nosy Barrens - Dar es Salaam
A Angola - Congo (*fails*)
F Sandwich Sea Supports A Angola - Congo
F Yaounde - Lagos
F Gulf of Guinea Supports F Yaounde - Lagos

F Beaufort Sea Supports F Bering Sea
F Labrador Sea Supports F English Channel
F English Channel Supports F Labrador Sea
F Arctic Ocean Supports F Labrador Sea
A London Holds
A Holland Supports A Berlin
A Berlin Holds
A Irkutsk - Vladivostok (*bounce*)
A Ulaanbaatar - Vladivostok (*bounce*)
A Beijing - Shanghai (*bounce*)
F Honshu Supports F East China Sea (*unit ordered to move*)
F East China Sea - Shanghai (*bounce*)
F Taiwan - South China Sea (*bounce*)

West Africa:
A Algeria Holds
F Lagos Supports A N'Djamena - Yaounde (*disbanded*)

A Vietnam Supports A Shanghai - Hong Kong
A Shanghai - Hong Kong
A Calcutta - Himalaya
A Addis Ababa Supports A Nairobi
F Arabian Sea - Mumbai
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Paris (*fails*)
A Rome Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Paris
F Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea
A Niamey Supports F Lagos
A N'Djamena - Yaounde
F Tunis Supports A Algeria
A Khartoum Supports A Congo
A Dar es Salaam Supports A Congo (*disbanded*)
A Congo Supports A N'Djamena - Yaounde (*cut*)
F Zanzibar Sea Supports A Dar es Salaam
A Nairobi Supports A Congo
F Indian Ocean - Cocos Sea (*fails*)

F Siam - South China Sea (*bounce*)
F Jakarta Supports F Siam - South China Sea (*disbanded*)

Mex: 20 sc's - 20 units = even
SAm: 16 sc's - 13 units = build 3
Rus: 15 sc's - 14 units = build 1
WAf: 1 sc - 1 unit = even
Per: 17 sc's - 16 units = build 1
Chi: 0 sc's - 0 unit = thanks for playing
Oce: 1 sc - 1 unit = even

Next deadline:
Winter Builds are due Saturday, June 13, 2200GMT.


dc249 Torjik: S11 Retreats Done... - tfletch33   (Jun 11, 2009, 5:25 pm)

Can anybody tell me how Austria has not won? I smell game over.

I've been smelling it for years! Let this game end!


From: Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>
To: mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; nephilli99(at)hotmail.com; mrh(at)panix.com; tfletch33(at)yahoo.com; gbimmerle(at)gmail.com; rick_powell_2000(at)yahoo.com; genea5613(at)aol.com; WB Orders <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2009 6:15:43 PM
Subject: dc249 Torjik: S11 Retreats Done...

.hmmessage P { margin:0px;padding:0px;} body.hmmessage { font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} By the way,
Can anybody tell me how Austria has not won? I smell game over. Guess the voting was irrelevant?

Maybe I am missing something. Guess the Fall orders [due Thursday] will tell the tale.


Russian A now in Swe
Russian F now in BAL
French A now in Por

Lauren found her dream laptop. Find the PC that’s right for you.


DC251 Shadowplay, Winter 1904 adjudication - bielf11   (Jun 11, 2009, 4:06 pm)
Have you tried Simon's other email address at O2: Simon_Langley-Evans(at)o2.co.uk ([email]Simon_Langley-Evans(at)o2.co.uk[/email]) ?

2009/6/11 <alcore(at)uurth.com ([email]alcore(at)uurth.com[/email])>

Dad gummit.  I ordered that build.  In Stp!

(An Army.)

Would someone please relay this to the GM.


Gene P. <alcore(at)uurth.com ([email]alcore(at)uurth.com[/email])>
My Personal Webpage:  <http://www.uurth.com/alcore>

[quote:c71885097b]-------- Original Message --------
Subject: DC251 Shadowplay, Winter 1904 adjudication
From: Simon Langley-Evans <Simon.Langley-evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk ([email]Simon.Langley-evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk[/email])>
Date: Thu, June 11, 2009 3:12 pm
To: <rocketship.rocketship(at)gmail.com ([email]rocketship.rocketship(at)gmail.com[/email])>, <coebq(at)yahoo.com ([email]coebq(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "Langley,
John" <jon.langley(at)ntlworld.com ([email]jon.langley(at)ntlworld.com[/email])>, <bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com ([email]bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com[/email])>,
<alcore(at)uurth.com ([email]alcore(at)uurth.com[/email])>, <rickshanahan(at)yahoo.com ([email]rickshanahan(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Cc: <Dc251(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]Dc251(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])>, <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>,
<former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>
DC251 Shadowplay.
Winter 1904.

Build A London
Build F Brest
Build A Paris
Remove A Apulia
No build ordered.

The next deadline, Spring 1905, will be Wednesday 17th June at 22:00 GMT.

Best wishes

Professor Simon Langley-Evans BSc. Phd. RNutr.
Chair in Human Nutrition
School of Biosciences
University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington
LE12 5RD
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)115 951 6139
Fax: +44 (0)115 951 6122

New textbook "Nutrition, a lifespan approach <https://owa.nottingham.ac.uk/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1405178787.html> ", now available.

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University of Nottingham may be monitored as permitted by UK legislation.



DC251 Shadowplay, Winter 1904 adjudication - Alcore   (Jun 11, 2009, 4:04 pm)
Dad gummit. I ordered that build. In Stp!

(An Army.)

Would someone please relay this to the GM.


Gene P. <alcore(at)uurth.com>
My Personal Webpage: <http://www.uurth.com/alcore>

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: DC251 Shadowplay, Winter 1904 adjudication
From: Simon Langley-Evans <Simon.Langley-evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk>
Date: Thu, June 11, 2009 3:12 pm
To: <rocketship.rocketship(at)gmail.com>, <coebq(at)yahoo.com>, "Langley,
John" <jon.langley(at)ntlworld.com>, <bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com>,
<alcore(at)uurth.com>, <rickshanahan(at)yahoo.com>
Cc: <Dc251(at)diplomaticcorp.com>, <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>,
DC251 Shadowplay.
Winter 1904.

Build A London
Build F Brest
Build A Paris
Remove A Apulia
No build ordered.

The next deadline, Spring 1905, will be Wednesday 17th June at 22:00 GMT.

Best wishes

Professor Simon Langley-Evans BSc. Phd. RNutr.
Chair in Human Nutrition
School of Biosciences
University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington
LE12 5RD
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)115 951 6139
Fax: +44 (0)115 951 6122
New textbook "Nutrition, a lifespan approach <https://owa.nottingham.ac.uk/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1405178787.html> ", now available.
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
This message has been checked for viruses but the contents of an attachment
may still contain software viruses, which could damage your computer system:
you are advised to perform your own checks. Email communications with the
University of Nottingham may be monitored as permitted by UK legislation.


DC251 Shadowplay, Winter 1904 adjudication - Slangers   (Jun 11, 2009, 3:22 pm)
DC251 Shadowplay.
Winter 1904.

Build A London
Build F Brest
Build A Paris
Remove A Apulia
No build ordered.

The next deadline, Spring 1905, will be Wednesday 17th June at 22:00 GMT.

Best wishes

Professor Simon Langley-Evans BSc. Phd. RNutr.
Chair in Human Nutrition
School of Biosciences
University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington
LE12 5RD
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)115 951 6139
Fax: +44 (0)115 951 6122
New textbook "[/u][/u][/u][u][u][u]Nutrition, a lifespan approach", now available.

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail


DC251 Shadowplay, Winter 1904 adjudication (dc251) Alcore Jun 11, 04:04 pm
Dad gummit. I ordered that build. In Stp!

(An Army.)

Would someone please relay this to the GM.


Gene P. <alcore(at)uurth.com>
My Personal Webpage: <http://www.uurth.com/alcore>

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: DC251 Shadowplay, Winter 1904 adjudication
From: Simon Langley-Evans <Simon.Langley-evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk>
Date: Thu, June 11, 2009 3:12 pm
To: <rocketship.rocketship(at)gmail.com>, <coebq(at)yahoo.com>, "Langley,
John" <jon.langley(at)ntlworld.com>, <bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com>,
<alcore(at)uurth.com>, <rickshanahan(at)yahoo.com>
Cc: <Dc251(at)diplomaticcorp.com>, <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>,
DC251 Shadowplay.
Winter 1904.

Build A London
Build F Brest
Build A Paris
Remove A Apulia
No build ordered.

The next deadline, Spring 1905, will be Wednesday 17th June at 22:00 GMT.

Best wishes

Professor Simon Langley-Evans BSc. Phd. RNutr.
Chair in Human Nutrition
School of Biosciences
University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington
LE12 5RD
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)115 951 6139
Fax: +44 (0)115 951 6122
New textbook "Nutrition, a lifespan approach <https://owa.nottingham.ac.uk/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1405178787.html> ", now available.
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
This message has been checked for viruses but the contents of an attachment
may still contain software viruses, which could damage your computer system:
you are advised to perform your own checks. Email communications with the
University of Nottingham may be monitored as permitted by UK legislation.

DC251 Shadowplay, Winter 1904 adjudication (dc251) bielf11 Jun 11, 04:06 pm
Have you tried Simon's other email address at O2: Simon_Langley-Evans(at)o2.co.uk ([email]Simon_Langley-Evans(at)o2.co.uk[/email]) ?

2009/6/11 <alcore(at)uurth.com ([email]alcore(at)uurth.com[/email])>

Dad gummit.  I ordered that build.  In Stp!

(An Army.)

Would someone please relay this to the GM.


Gene P. <alcore(at)uurth.com ([email]alcore(at)uurth.com[/email])>
My Personal Webpage:  <http://www.uurth.com/alcore>

[quote:c71885097b]-------- Original Message --------
Subject: DC251 Shadowplay, Winter 1904 adjudication
From: Simon Langley-Evans <Simon.Langley-evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk ([email]Simon.Langley-evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk[/email])>
Date: Thu, June 11, 2009 3:12 pm
To: <rocketship.rocketship(at)gmail.com ([email]rocketship.rocketship(at)gmail.com[/email])>, <coebq(at)yahoo.com ([email]coebq(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "Langley,
John" <jon.langley(at)ntlworld.com ([email]jon.langley(at)ntlworld.com[/email])>, <bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com ([email]bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com[/email])>,
<alcore(at)uurth.com ([email]alcore(at)uurth.com[/email])>, <rickshanahan(at)yahoo.com ([email]rickshanahan(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Cc: <Dc251(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]Dc251(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])>, <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>,
<former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>
DC251 Shadowplay.
Winter 1904.

Build A London
Build F Brest
Build A Paris
Remove A Apulia
No build ordered.

The next deadline, Spring 1905, will be Wednesday 17th June at 22:00 GMT.

Best wishes

Professor Simon Langley-Evans BSc. Phd. RNutr.
Chair in Human Nutrition
School of Biosciences
University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington
LE12 5RD
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)115 951 6139
Fax: +44 (0)115 951 6122

New textbook "Nutrition, a lifespan approach <https://owa.nottingham.ac.uk/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1405178787.html> ", now available.

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
This message has been checked for viruses but the contents of an attachment
may still contain software viruses, which could damage your computer system:
you are advised to perform your own checks. Email communications with the
University of Nottingham may be monitored as permitted by UK legislation.

DC251 Shadowplay, Winter 1904 adjudication (dc251) Slangers Jun 12, 02:51 am
It seems that we have some major problems here. It is claimed by certainly Russia, and maybe Germany, that for some reason my email account (Simon.Langley-Evans(at)Nottingham.ac.uk ([email]Simon.Langley-Evans(at)Nottingham.ac.uk[/email])) has taken a dislike to some of you and is not letting orders through. This is obviously a disaster, but I cannot see any reason for this to happen:
<![if !supportLists]>1) <![endif]>None of your messages are in my Junk e mail folder. This is where most material that our system rejects ends up and I have checked through it all very carefully.
<![if !supportLists]>2) <![endif]>All of the players in this game are on my Safe Senders list.
<![if !supportLists]>3) <![endif]>I have checked that none of you are on my blocked senders list.
<![if !supportLists]>4) <![endif]>I have previously received orders from you all using this account, without any problems.

So, as you can see, this is a mystery that is beyond my IT skills to solve. From my perspective, I can only process the orders that I receive. If I see nothing then I must assume that nothing has been sent. I’m just a humble GM trying to do a good job, but can only work within my technological limits.

Whilst I appreciate that this causes major inconvenience to players who have been affected, I would point out that I contacted everyone quite a long time ago to give an alternative email address (Simon_Langley-Evans(at)o2.co.uk ([email]Simon_Langley-Evans(at)o2.co.uk[/email])). I would recommend that you all send your orders to both of my addresses to make sure that they get through. I always acknowledge orders as they come in, so if you send orders and hear nothing from me, then it means there is a problem and you need to chase them up. Simon_Langley-Evans(at)o2.co.uk ([email]Simon_Langley-Evans(at)o2.co.uk[/email]) has no spam filters so everything should get through, but queries can always be posted on the message board.

There is nothing I can do to reinstate any Fall 1904 orders that may have gone astray. The game has moved on since then and neither of the players who NMRd at that time took steps to indicate that there was a problem at the time of that adjudication, which was some time ago now. It would be relatively straightforward to have done so, either through the DC message board, through another player or through Steve or Former Trout. So, the Fall 04 adjudication stands.

However, I will make an amendment to the Winter 1904 adjudication and allow Russia to build his Army StP. I will send out the amended maps with this email. This seems to be the fairest thing I can do, and I hope that you’re all happy with this.

Game End Proposals:
We have two game end proposals for you to vote on. Please send your vote with your next set of orders. Remember, for a proposal to be carried, it must be an unanimous decision. If you abstain it will be treated as a “no” vote. The proposals are:

<![if !supportLists]>1. <![endif]>Draw including all survivors
<![if !supportLists]>2. <![endif]>2 way victory for France and England.

Sorry for all of the troubles. I really do not have a clue what is going on here and am desperately disappointed that whatever it is has impacted on your enjoyment of the game. New maps are attached. Deadline is next week as advertised.


Professor Simon Langley-Evans BSc. Phd. RNutr.
Chair in Human Nutrition
School of Biosciences
University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington
LE12 5RD
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)115 951 6139
Fax: +44 (0)115 951 6122
New textbook "Nutrition, a lifespan approach", now available.

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

From: Langley-Evans Simon
Sent: 11 June 2009 21:12
To: rocketship.rocketship(at)gmail.com; coebq(at)yahoo.com; Langley, John; bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com; alcore(at)uurth.com; rickshanahan(at)yahoo.com
Cc: Dc251(at)diplomaticcorp.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com
Subject: DC251 Shadowplay, Winter 1904 adjudication

DC251 Shadowplay.
Winter 1904.

Build A London

Build F Brest
Build A Paris

Remove A Apulia

No build ordered.

The next deadline, Spring 1905, will be Wednesday 17th June at 22:00 GMT.

Best wishes


Professor Simon Langley-Evans BSc. Phd. RNutr.
Chair in Human Nutrition
School of Biosciences
University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington
LE12 5RD
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)115 951 6139
Fax: +44 (0)115 951 6122

New textbook "Nutrition, a lifespan approach", now available.

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
DC251 Shadowplay, Winter 1904 adjudication (dc251) Alcore Jun 12, 08:46 am
I accept the fault of not having dug up your alternate email address

I suggest that you treat failure to recieve orders for a power as
grounds for extending the deadline one week, and send out a "are you
still alive email" specifically to missing powers.

I don't know what the fundamental issue is, but It's game changing.
Which is a shame.

I vote in favor of both game end proposals. If both win, I prefer the
all-way draw.

Gene P. <alcore(at)uurth.com>
My Personal Webpage: <http://www.uurth.com/alcore>

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: DC251 Shadowplay, Winter 1904 adjudication
From: Simon Langley-Evans <Simon.Langley-evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk>
Date: Fri, June 12, 2009 2:49 am
To: Simon Langley-Evans <Simon.Langley-evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk>,
<rocketship.rocketship(at)gmail.com>, <coebq(at)yahoo.com>, "Langley, John"
<jon.langley(at)ntlworld.com>, <bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com>,
<alcore(at)uurth.com>, <rickshanahan(at)yahoo.com>
Cc: <Dc251(at)diplomaticcorp.com>, <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>,
It seems that we have some major problems here. It is claimed by
certainly Russia, and maybe Germany, that for some reason my email
account (Simon.Langley-Evans(at)Nottingham.ac.uk
<mailto:Simon.Langley-Evans(at)Nottingham.ac.uk> ) has taken a dislike to
some of you and is not letting orders through. This is obviously a
disaster, but I cannot see any reason for this to happen:
1) None of your messages are in my Junk e mail folder. This is
where most material that our system rejects ends up and I have checked
through it all very carefully.
2) All of the players in this game are on my Safe Senders list.
3) I have checked that none of you are on my blocked senders list.
4) I have previously received orders from you all using this
account, without any problems.

So, as you can see, this is a mystery that is beyond my IT skills to
solve. From my perspective, I can only process the orders that I
receive. If I see nothing then I must assume that nothing has been sent.
I'm just a humble GM trying to do a good job, but can only work within
my technological limits.

Whilst I appreciate that this causes major inconvenience to players who
have been affected, I would point out that I contacted everyone quite a
long time ago to give an alternative email address (
Simon_Langley-Evans(at)o2.co.uk <mailto:Simon_Langley-Evans(at)o2.co.uk> ). I
would recommend that you all send your orders to both of my addresses to
make sure that they get through. I always acknowledge orders as they
come in, so if you send orders and hear nothing from me, then it means
there is a problem and you need to chase them up.
Simon_Langley-Evans(at)o2.co.uk <mailto:Simon_Langley-Evans(at)o2.co.uk> has
no spam filters so everything should get through, but queries can always
be posted on the message board.

There is nothing I can do to reinstate any Fall 1904 orders that may
have gone astray. The game has moved on since then and neither of the
players who NMRd at that time took steps to indicate that there was a
problem at the time of that adjudication, which was some time ago now.
It would be relatively straightforward to have done so, either through
the DC message board, through another player or through Steve or Former
Trout. So, the Fall 04 adjudication stands.

However, I will make an amendment to the Winter 1904 adjudication and
allow Russia to build his Army StP. I will send out the amended maps
with this email. This seems to be the fairest thing I can do, and I hope
that you're all happy with this.

Game End Proposals:
We have two game end proposals for you to vote on. Please send your vote
with your next set of orders. Remember, for a proposal to be carried, it
must be an unanimous decision. If you abstain it will be treated as a
"no" vote. The proposals are:

1. Draw including all survivors
2. 2 way victory for France and England.

Sorry for all of the troubles. I really do not have a clue what is going
on here and am desperately disappointed that whatever it is has impacted
on your enjoyment of the game. New maps are attached. Deadline is next
week as advertised.

Professor Simon Langley-Evans BSc. Phd. RNutr.
Chair in Human Nutrition
School of Biosciences
University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington
LE12 5RD
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)115 951 6139
Fax: +44 (0)115 951 6122
New textbook "Nutrition, a lifespan approach
<http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1405178787.html> ",
now available.

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

From: Langley-Evans Simon
Sent: 11 June 2009 21:12
To: rocketship.rocketship(at)gmail.com; coebq(at)yahoo.com; Langley, John;
bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com; alcore(at)uurth.com; rickshanahan(at)yahoo.com
Cc: Dc251(at)diplomaticcorp.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com;
Subject: DC251 Shadowplay, Winter 1904 adjudication

DC251 Shadowplay.
Winter 1904.

Build A London
Build F Brest
Build A Paris
Remove A Apulia
No build ordered.

The next deadline, Spring 1905, will be Wednesday 17th June at 22:00

Best wishes

Professor Simon Langley-Evans BSc. Phd. RNutr.
Chair in Human Nutrition
School of Biosciences
University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington
LE12 5RD
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)115 951 6139
Fax: +44 (0)115 951 6122
New textbook "Nutrition, a lifespan approach
com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1405178787.html> ", now available.
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
This message has been checked for viruses but the contents of an attachment
may still contain software viruses, which could damage your computer system:
you are advised to perform your own checks. Email communications with the
University of Nottingham may be monitored as permitted by UK legislation.

Unknown (dc251) Slangers Jun 12, 10:46 am
Gene, I take your point about extending the deadline and sending out an email to see if you were still OK. However, if I had done that, your reply would not have got to me either, so all that we'd have seen is a one week delay, followed by your NMR.

It has been suggested by another player that NMR does in fact mean No Move "Received". This means the onus is on you as players to make sure I have received them, and not on me to chase around to see if you have sent them.
DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: FA09 results. SOMETHING ELSE - TheWhiteWolf   (Jun 11, 2009, 1:13 pm)
Hey, nobody's saying you can't have both!

--- On Thu, 6/11/09, Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Can we eliminate you and go for the win?


DC251 Shadowplay: Winter 1904 deadline - Slangers   (Jun 11, 2009, 12:02 pm)
Just a reminder that the winter deadline is this evening (3 hours away in fact). If I have not acknowledged receipt of your orders, it means I have not received them.


Professor Simon Langley-Evans BSc. Phd. RNutr.
Chair in Human Nutrition
School of Biosciences
University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington
LE12 5RD
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)115 951 6139
Fax: +44 (0)115 951 6122
New textbook "[/u][/u][/u][u][u][u]Nutrition, a lifespan approach", now available.

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail


Dc197 Fall 1914 - packrat   (Jun 11, 2009, 10:25 am)
Very nicely done Kevin. You certainly earned it!

From: Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>
To: Mike Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>; klynch427(at)hotmail.com; vincentdecattoire(at)yahoo.fr; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; dc197(at)diplomaticcorp.com; brn2dip(at)yahoo.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; kevinokelly(at)gmail.com
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 7:29:18 AM
Subject: Dc197 Fall 1914

.hmmessage P { margin:0px;padding:0px;} body.hmmessage { font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} Dc197 Fall 1914

It's Alive!...

and the proof, is that not only did all players submit moves that are moves but everyone was in before the deadline... I'm impressed.. after all it is 1914 and the game you thought was going to be over is very much killing villagers and rampaging through the woods... so to the adjudication and back to the game...

F Aegean Sea - Constantinople
F Albania Supports A Serbia - Greece
A Bohemia Supports A Munich
A Bulgaria Supports F Aegean Sea - Constantinople
A Galicia - Silesia
F Gulf of Lyon - Western Mediterranean
A Marseilles - Gascony (*Bounce*)
A Munich Supports A Silesia - Berlin (*Cut*)
A Piedmont - Marseilles (*Fails*)
A Serbia - Greece
A Sevastopol - Armenia (*Fails*)
A Silesia - Berlin
A St Petersburg - Norway (*Fails*)
A Tyrolia Supports A Munich
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Western Mediterranean

F North Atlantic Ocean, no move received
A North Africa, no move received
A Ruhr, no move received
F Tunis, no move received

F Baltic Sea Convoys A Berlin - Livonia
A Berlin - Livonia
A Burgundy - Munich (*Fails*)
A Holland - Kiel
A Kiel - Denmark
F Portugal - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Spain - Gascony (*Bounce*)

A Norway - St Petersburg (*Fails*)

A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
A Constantinople Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Greece - Aegean Sea
F Smyrna Supports F Greece - Aegean Sea

Autumn 1914
I have retreated the Turkish army CON to Ank. Turkey can inform me by the winter deadline if he wishes to disband.

Winter 1914

and of course, it's all over.... Austria has got the 18 SC he needs and congratulations to Kevin.

There was a proposal for an Austrain SOLO back on the table but its irrelevant now.

Stephen Lytton
Mein Luftkissenfahrzeug ist von den Aalen voll.

Let us help with car news, reviews and more Looking for a new car this winter?


dc245 Fall '11 results - notasb   (Jun 11, 2009, 9:12 am)
Sorry for delay been fighting with car that won't start and whole morning got to !(at)#$%^&, now it looks like France NMR not a happy GM today

Italy-All: sorry if I havne;t been responding to press. I've been gone and away from internet access since saturday. I'm still gone, and the orders this round were conditional. Hope they worked out for me! Be back on saturday!

France NMR

DIAS vote Fails.




Builds are due Friday June 12th 8 AM CDST (GMT -5) 1300 GMT

Orders and Results:

France: NMR
A Berlin, no move received
A Burgundy, no move received
F Clyde, no move received
F English Channel, no move received
A Gascony, no move received
F Holland, no move received
A Marseilles, no move received
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move received
A Munich, no move received
F Portugal, no move received
F Spain(sc), no move received (*Disbanded*)

F Armenia Supports A Rumania - Sevastopol
F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc) (*Bounce*)
F Black Sea Supports A Rumania - Sevastopol
A Bulgaria Supports A Rumania (*Ordered to Move*)
A Galicia - Ukraine (*Fails*)
F Gulf of Lyon - Spain(sc)
F North Africa Supports F Western Mediterranean
F Piedmont - Marseilles (*Fails*)
A Rumania - Sevastopol
A Trieste Supports A Vienna
A Tyrolia Hold
A Venice Supports A Tyrolia
A vie s bud-Gal (*Invalid*)
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Spain(sc)

A Moscow Supports F Sevastopol
F North Sea - Edinburgh (*Bounce*)
F Norway - St Petersburg(nc) (*Bounce*)
F Norwegian Sea - Norway (*Fails*)
F Sevastopol Hold (*Disbanded*)
A Silesia Hold
A Ukraine Supports F Sevastopol (*Cut*)
A Warsaw Supports A Ukraine
F Yorkshire - Edinburgh (*Bounce*)

Forced Disbands:

Russian F Sevastopol has no retreats, disbanded.
French F Spain(sc) has no retreats, disbanded.

Builds Due:

Italy: 16 / 14 Build 2

No Adjustments Due:

France: 10 / 10
Russia: 8 / 8

A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.
Gen. George S Patton


Dc197 Fall 1914 - klynch427   (Jun 11, 2009, 9:10 am)
It was a pleasure playing with you all, thanks! This was my first game on DC, and I never would have imagined it lasting this long. But there were lots of interesting twists and turns.


Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 05:37:03 -0600
Subject: Re: Dc197 Fall 1914
From: former.trout(at)gmail.com
To: stevelytton(at)hotmail.com
CC: mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; klynch427(at)hotmail.com; vincentdecattoire(at)yahoo.fr; dc197(at)diplomaticcorp.com; brn2dip(at)yahoo.com; kevinokelly(at)gmail.com

Congrats Kevin! Nice solo.

Thanks to all you guys for the game, and for keeping this little Russian in the game. =)

Survivor Trout

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 5:29 AM, Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Dc197 Fall 1914

It's Alive!...

and the proof, is that not only did all players submit moves that are moves but everyone was in before the deadline... I'm impressed.. after all it is 1914 and the game you thought was going to be over is very much killing villagers and rampaging through the woods... so to the adjudication and back to the game...

F Aegean Sea - Constantinople
F Albania Supports A Serbia - Greece
A Bohemia Supports A Munich
A Bulgaria Supports F Aegean Sea - Constantinople
A Galicia - Silesia
F Gulf of Lyon - Western Mediterranean
A Marseilles - Gascony (*Bounce*)
A Munich Supports A Silesia - Berlin (*Cut*)
A Piedmont - Marseilles (*Fails*)
A Serbia - Greece
A Sevastopol - Armenia (*Fails*)
A Silesia - Berlin
A St Petersburg - Norway (*Fails*)
A Tyrolia Supports A Munich
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Western Mediterranean

F North Atlantic Ocean, no move received
A North Africa, no move received
A Ruhr, no move received
F Tunis, no move received

F Baltic Sea Convoys A Berlin - Livonia
A Berlin - Livonia
A Burgundy - Munich (*Fails*)
A Holland - Kiel
A Kiel - Denmark
F Portugal - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Spain - Gascony (*Bounce*)

A Norway - St Petersburg (*Fails*)

A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
A Constantinople Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Greece - Aegean Sea
F Smyrna Supports F Greece - Aegean Sea

Autumn 1914
I have retreated the Turkish army CON to Ank. Turkey can inform me by the winter deadline if he wishes to disband.

Winter 1914

and of course, it's all over.... Austria has got the 18 SC he needs and congratulations to Kevin.

There was a proposal for an Austrain SOLO back on the table but its irrelevant now.

Stephen Lytton
Mein Luftkissenfahrzeug ist von den Aalen voll.

Let us help with car news, reviews and more Looking for a new car this winter?


DC224 Slaughter At StoryTime - Fall 07 - former.trout   (Jun 11, 2009, 7:24 am)
Heya folks,

Another quick and dirty round of results here.  Three retreats are needed - from the Wizards, Archers and Hobbits.  (Although the Hobbit retreat is fairly moot, at this point.)

Deadline for the Early Winter 07 retreats will be set for Friday, June 12th (11:59 PM GMT).

Also, please note that due to site policy changes I will be revising my NMR policy a little bit.  Nope - I'm still going to seek out orders from everyone to include in the turn.  But if you ARE late submitting orders, I will notch a counter in your NMR stat on the site.  Please just let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns about this policy.

If you spot an error, let me know.  Cheers!

Off-to-work Trout

Movement results for Fall of 7.  (DC 224 07 FALL)

Archers: F Llyr - Horned Bay.
Archers: A Hundred Acre Wood - Starkadh.
Archers: A Neverpeak Mountain - Maze Of Regrets (*Dislodged*).
Archers: A Duloc Supports A Endor - Fantastica.
Archers: A Avalon Supports A Hundred Acre Wood - Starkadh (*Fails*).
Archers: F Kingdom Of Hearts - Prydain.
Archers: A Ivory Tower Supports A Myth Drannor.
Archers: A Endor - Fantastica.
Archers: F Cliffs Of Insanity Supports A Myth Drannor.

Dwarves: F Mt Nimro - Churning Reach.
Dwarves: A Carpantha - Temple Of Doom (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: A Undermountain - Yggdrasil (*Fails*).
Dwarves: A Fjord Supports A Magrathea - The Wilderland (*Void*).
Dwarves: F The Julianthes - West Mirianic Ocean (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: A Pwyll - Zhentil Keep.
Dwarves: A Venatori Umbrarum - Temple Of Doom (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: F All Saints Bay Supports F Savage Sea - Timber Lands (*Cut*).

Elves: A Garthim Supports F Marshes of Morva - City Of Splendors (*Cut*).
Elves: F Florin - North Rainbow Lake.
Elves: F Marshes of Morva - City Of Splendors.
Elves: F South Rainbow Lake Supports F Florin - North Rainbow Lake.

Faeries: A Spiral Castle - Kingdom Of Hearts (*Bounce*).
Faeries: F Land Of Sweets - Shady Vale.
Faeries: F Gumdrop Isle - Rugged Coast (*Bounce*).
Faeries: A Myth Drannor Supports A Ivory Tower.
Faeries: A Fionavar - River Saeren (*Bounce*).
Faeries: A Dragons Teeth Mtns Supports A Spiral Castle - Kingdom Of Hearts.
Faeries: F East Mirianic Ocean Supports F West Mirianic Ocean (*Ordered to
Faeries: F North Mirianic Ocean Supports F East Mirianic Ocean.

Hobbits: A Shining Stream Hold (*Dislodged*).

Knights: F Gu'Tanoth - Paras Derval (*Fails*).
Knights: A Paras Derval - Kingdom Of Hearts (*Bounce*).
Knights: A Anvard Supports A Aslan - Dancing Lawn.
Knights: A Arborlon - Aslan (*Bounce*).
Knights: A Grimpen Ward Supports A Arborlon - Aslan (*Cut*).
Knights: A Aslan - Dancing Lawn.
Knights: A Drynwyn Supports A Paras Derval - Kingdom Of Hearts.
Knights: A Heavens Well - River Saeren (*Bounce*).
Knights: A River Saeren Supports A Paras Derval - Kingdom Of Hearts (*Cut*).
Knights: A Shady Vale - Fionavar (*Disbanded*).
Knights: F Crystal Lake Supports A Anvard.

Ogres: A Gelfling Supports A Garthim.
Ogres: F Prekkandorran Heights(nc) Supports A Gelfling (*Fails*).
Ogres: A Lubrick - Knockshegowna (*Bounce*).
Ogres: A Auryn Supports F Marshes of Morva - City Of Splendors.
Ogres: A Traal Supports A Magrathea.
Ogres: A Magrathea Supports F France - Shining Stream.
Ogres: A Great Steppes Supports A Tuatha - Gollerus.
Ogres: A Sinking Shore Supports F Prekkandorran Heights(nc).
Ogres: A Allerleirauh - Knockshegowna (*Bounce*).
Ogres: F France - Shining Stream.
Ogres: F Three River Lake Supports A Gelfling.

Pirates: A Fantastica - Duloc (*Disbanded*).
Pirates: A The Neverwood - Maze Of Regrets.
Pirates: F Never Never Land Supports F Babel Beach - Sea Of Fallen Stars.
Pirates: F Traverse Town - Fantastica (*Fails*).
Pirates: F Slightly Gulch Hold.
Pirates: A Camelittle Supports A Maze Of Regrets - Neverpeak Mountain.
Pirates: A Maze Of Regrets - Neverpeak Mountain.
Pirates: F Babel Beach - Sea Of Fallen Stars.
Pirates: F Sea Of Fallen Stars - The High Way.

Rogues: A Tumnus - Immoren.
Rogues: F Archenland - Aslan (*Bounce*).
Rogues: A Sleepy Hollow - Cathal.
Rogues: A Dancing Lawn - Tumnus.
Rogues: F Walk Of Clouds - To-Gai-Ru.
Rogues: A Palmaris Supports F Timber Lands.
Rogues: F Timber Lands Supports F West Mirianic Ocean - All Saints Bay (*Cut*).
Rogues: A Hidden Grotto Supports A Cave Of Ordeals - Yggdrasil.
Rogues: F Mist Marsh - Grimpen Ward (*Fails*).
Rogues: F Celestial Delta Supports F Land Of Sweets - Shady Vale.
Rogues: F Tilva Strait - West Mirianic Ocean (*Bounce*).
Rogues: F Trog - Troldhaugen.
Rogues: F West Mirianic Ocean - All Saints Bay (*Fails*).

Trolls: F Khemri Hold.
Trolls: F Newa River Hold.
Trolls: A Sorrow's End - Cave Of Ordeals.
Trolls: A Cyriss Hold.
Trolls: F Enchanted Isles - Way The Heck Out There (*Fails*).
Trolls: A Cave Of Ordeals - Yggdrasil.
Trolls: F Thon-Thalas - High Seas.
Trolls: F High Seas - Krynn.
Trolls: F Way The Heck Out There Supports F Bikini Bottom - Ansalon.
Trolls: F Bikini Bottom - Ansalon.

Undead: A Skullcap Supports F Savage Sea - Timber Lands.
Undead: A Tuatha - Gollerus.
Undead: F River Styx - West Sea Of Shadows.
Undead: F Thunderhead - Tuatha.
Undead: F Savage Sea - Timber Lands (*Fails*).
Undead: F North Rainbow Lake - Caer.

Wizards: A City Of Splendors Supports A Cormyr - Garthim (*Dislodged*).
Wizards: A Krikkit Hold.
Wizards: F Great Glacier - River Of Dawn.
Wizards: A Cormyr - Garthim (*Fails*).
Wizards: F Churning Reach - Great Glacier.
Wizards: F Rift Canyon - Rugged Coast (*Bounce*).
Wizards: F Razors Edge Supports F Churning Reach - Great Glacier.
Wizards: F Roaring Rapids Supports A Cormyr - Garthim.

The following units were dislodged:

Wizard A City Of Splendors can retreat to Anhondo Plain or France or Thirsty Desert or Valley Of Lost Honor.
Archer A Neverpeak Mountain can retreat to Critter Country.
Hobbit A Shining Stream can retreat to The Wilderland or Thirsty Desert.

Unit locations:

Archers:     F Prydain, A Fantastica, A Neverpeak Mountain, A Duloc, A Avalon,
             A Ivory Tower, A Starkadh, F Cliffs Of Insanity, F Horned Bay.
Dwarves:     A Carpantha, A Undermountain, A Fjord, A Zhentil Keep, F The
             Julianthes, A Venatori Umbrarum, F All Saints Bay, F Churning
Elves:       A Garthim, F City Of Splendors, F North Rainbow Lake, F South
             Rainbow Lake.
Faeries:     A Spiral Castle, F Gumdrop Isle, A Myth Drannor, F Shady Vale, A
             Fionavar, A Dragons Teeth Mtns, F East Mirianic Ocean, F North
             Mirianic Ocean.
Hobbits:     A Shining Stream.
Knights:     F Gu'Tanoth, A Paras Derval, A Anvard, A Arborlon, A Grimpen Ward,
             A Dancing Lawn, A Drynwyn, A Heavens Well, A River Saeren, A Shady
             Vale, F Crystal Lake.
Ogres:       A Gelfling, F Prekkandorran Heights(nc), A Lubrick, A Auryn, A
             Traal, A Magrathea, A Great Steppes, A Sinking Shore, A
             Allerleirauh, F Shining Stream, F Three River Lake.
Pirates:     A Fantastica, F Never Never Land, F Traverse Town, F Slightly
             Gulch, A Neverpeak Mountain, F The High Way, A Camelittle, A Maze
             Of Regrets, F Sea Of Fallen Stars.
Rogues:      A Tumnus, F To-Gai-Ru, F Archenland, F Troldhaugen, A Cathal, A
             Immoren, A Palmaris, F Timber Lands, A Hidden Grotto, F Mist
             Marsh, F Celestial Delta, F Tilva Strait, F West Mirianic Ocean.
Trolls:      F Khemri, F Newa River, F Krynn, A Cyriss, F Ansalon, F Enchanted
             Isles, A Cave Of Ordeals, A Yggdrasil, F High Seas, F Way The Heck
             Out There.
Undead:      A Gollerus, A Skullcap, F Tuatha, F Caer, F West Sea Of Shadows, F
             Savage Sea.
Wizards:     A City Of Splendors, A Krikkit, F Great Glacier, A Cormyr, F Rift
             Canyon, F Razors Edge, F River Of Dawn, F Roaring Rapids.

Ownership of supply centers:

Archers:     Llyr, Loxley, Prydain, Hundred Acre Wood, Duloc, Avalon, Kingdom
             Of Hearts, Ivory Tower.
Dwarves:     Mt Nimro, Carpantha, Undermountain, Fjord, Zhentil Keep, The Old
             Gristmill, The Julianthes, Spirit Pond.
Elves:       Garthim.
Faeries:     Vinyaya, Oz, Ella, Spiral Castle, Land Of Sweets, Gurgi, Gumdrop
             Isle, Myth Drannor.
Knights:     Gu'Tanoth, Paras Derval, Brennin, Anvard, Wing Hove, Arborlon,
             Grimpen Ward, Gwynir, Sleepy Hollow, Icereach.
Ogres:       Gelfling, Prekkandorran Heights, Knockshegowna, Lubrick, Auryn,
             Horborixen, Nehwon, Lankhmar, Traal, Magrathea, Fafhrd, Whoville,
             Devils Canyon, Forbidden City.
Pirates:     Rohan, Lindon, Fantastica, Riku, The Neverwood, Pans Labyrinth,
             Never Never Land, Traverse Town, Slightly Gulch, Neverpeak
Rogues:      Tumnus, Grissel, To-Gai-Ru, Grimheim, The Silver City, Ashan,
             Archenland, Telmar, Troldhaugen, Orboros, Dargaard Keep, Corona,
             Cathal, Dimmsdale.
Trolls:      Khemri, Newa River, Tarsis, Ergoth, Krynn, Sorrow's End, Niflheim,
             Kahvi, Grendel, Cyriss, Ansalon, Enchanted Isles.
Undead:      Gollerus, Skullcap, Everglot, Skellington, Tuatha, Caer,
Wizards:     Mordor, Baldurs Gate, Waterdeep, Faerun, City Of Splendors,
             Krikkit, Two Towers, Candlekeep, Land Ho, Great Glacier.

Archers:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Barbarians:   0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Centaurs:     0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Dwarves:      8 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   8 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Elves:        2 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   4 Units:  Removes  2 units.
Faeries:      8 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   8 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Gnomes:       0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Hobbits:      0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   1 Unit:   Removes  1 unit.
Knights:     10 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  11 Units:  Removes  1 unit.
Leprechauns:  0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Magicians:    0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Nomads:       0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Ogres:       14 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  11 Units:  Builds   3 units.
Pirates:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Rogues:      14 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  13 Units:  Builds   1 unit.
Samurai:      0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Trolls:      12 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  10 Units:  Builds   2 units.
Undead:       7 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   6 Units:  Builds   1 unit.
Wizards:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   8 Units:  Builds   1 unit.



Dc241 Fall 1905 FRANCE - deathblade_penguin   (Jun 11, 2009, 6:55 am)
GM confirms

France retreats to BUR.

Winter moves are due in 21 hours.

Stephen Lytton
Mein Luftkissenfahrzeug ist von den Aalen voll.

Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 07:34:46 -0400
Subject: Re: Dc241 Fall 1905 FRANCE
From: mistro914(at)gmail.com
To: stevelytton(at)hotmail.com
CC: psychosis(at)sky.com; rbristol(at)cogeco.ca; ahmet_okyay(at)hotmail.com; fredrik(at)familjenblom.se; poem342000(at)yahoo.com; dc241(at)diplomaticcorp.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; erik(at)aderstedt.se

Sorry I thought I sent it... I'm sending to all, so all know...

France A Bel retreats to BUR.

Again sorry, Michael

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 7:09 AM, Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Autumn 1905
French A Belgium can retreat to Picardy or Ruhr or Burgundy.

I can't find the french retreat anywhere. France you have approximately 12 hours to submit or the retreat will be disbanded.

Winter 1905 is NOW due Friday 12th at 7pm, Australian DST

England: Build Three

France: Remove One

Russia: Remove Two

Turkey: Build One

Stephen Lytton
Mein Luftkissenfahrzeug ist von den Aalen voll.

From: stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])
To: psychosis(at)sky.com ([email]psychosis(at)sky.com[/email]); rbristol(at)cogeco.ca ([email]rbristol(at)cogeco.ca[/email]); ahmet_okyay(at)hotmail.com ([email]ahmet_okyay(at)hotmail.com[/email]); stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email]); fredrik(at)familjenblom.se ([email]fredrik(at)familjenblom.se[/email]); poem342000(at)yahoo.com ([email]poem342000(at)yahoo.com[/email]); mistro914(at)gmail.com ([email]mistro914(at)gmail.com[/email]); dc241(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc241(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]); former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email]); erik(at)aderstedt.se ([email]erik(at)aderstedt.se[/email])
Subject: Dc241 Fall 1905
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 19:50:30 +1000

Dc241 Fall 1905

A Budapest Supports A Serbia (*Cut*)
A Serbia Supports A Budapest

F Baltic Sea Convoys A Denmark - Prussia
F Barents Sea - Norwegian Sea
F Berlin - Kiel
A Denmark - Prussia
A Holland Supports A Yorkshire - Belgium
A Livonia - Moscow
F North Sea Convoys A Yorkshire - Belgium
A St Petersburg Supports A Livonia - Moscow
A Yorkshire - Belgium

A Belgium Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Bohemia - Munich (*Bounce*)
A Galicia - Budapest (*Fails*)
A Marseilles Supports A Spain
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - North Africa
A Spain Supports A Marseilles
A Tyrolia - Piedmont
A Vienna Supports A Galicia - Budapest

A Warsaw, no move received

F Albania Supports F Greece
F Greece Supports F Albania (*Cut*)
F Gulf of Lyon - Western Mediterranean
A Trieste Supports F Venice
F Tuscany - Gulf of Lyon
F Venice Supports A Trieste

A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Silesia - Munich (*Bounce*)
A Ukraine Supports A Sevastopol - Rumania

F Aegean Sea - Greece (*Fails*)
A Armenia - Sevastopol
F Black Sea Supports A Armenia - Sevastopol
F Bulgaria(sc) Supports F Aegean Sea - Greece
A Rumania - Ukraine (*Disbanded*)

I'll run Autumn is due in 24 hours time
Autumn 1905
French A Belgium can retreat to Picardy or Ruhr or Burgundy.

Winter 1905 is due Thursday 11th at 7pm, Australian DST

England: Build Three

France: Remove One

Russia: Remove Two

Turkey: Build One

Stephen "the Great" Lytton

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DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: FA09 results. SOMETHING ELSE - stevelytton at gmail.com   (Jun 11, 2009, 6:53 am)
Can we eliminate you and go for the win?

2009/6/10 The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com ([email]cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com[/email])>

I voice a public no to any draw. Eliminate me or go for the win!


I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:

--- On Tue, 6/9/09, Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com ([email]brn2dip(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:
I have a proposal for an AG draw on the table so vote for that with
your adjustments.

From: Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com ([email]brn2dip(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
To: Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com ([email]brn2dip(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; the_master642(at)yahoo.com ([email]the_master642(at)yahoo.com[/email]); The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com ([email]cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com ([email]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com[/email]); Stephen Worthy <stephen(at)worthy1.fsnet.co.uk ([email]stephen(at)worthy1.fsnet.co.uk[/email])>; g_mod23(at)hotmail.com ([email]g_mod23(at)hotmail.com[/email]); matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu ([email]matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu[/email]); scaponig(at)yahoo.com ([email]scaponig(at)yahoo.com[/email]); stephenworthy(at)rocketmail.com ([email]stephenworthy(at)rocketmail.com[/email]); camorse22(at)yahoo.com ([email]camorse22(at)yahoo.com[/email]); stevelytton(at)gmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)gmail.com[/email])
Cc: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>; dc218(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc218(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]); Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)gmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)gmail.com[/email])>; mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])
Sent: Monday, June 8, 2009 10:09:45 PM
Subject: Re: DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: FA09 results. Retreats and adjustments needed.

Austrian F Tunis can retreat to North Africa.
Russian A Ukraine can retreat to Moscow.
Russian A Warsaw can retreat to Livonia or Moscow or Galicia.

The adjustments below assume all units retreat OTB -
Austria:       Supp  8 Unit  8 Build  0 Remove 1 if retreat is not OTB
England:      Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
France:       Supp  5 Unit  3 Build  1
Germany:    Supp  9 Unit  7 Build  2
Italy:           Supp  6 Unit  6 Build  0
Russia:        Supp  3 Unit  3 Build  0 Removes 1 or 2 if 1 or 2 retreats are OTB
Turkey:       Supp  3 Unit  3 Build  0

I would like to process the retreats before the adjustments so lets have the retreats by Wednesday
at 2100 and the builds tentatively scheduled for Friday.  If France and Germany don't care about the
retreats to decide their builds then we can do it all for Wednesday and move right along.

Yes, Turkey did NMR and he also has to Wednesday to let me know if he still wants to play this
game or not.  If not I will CD the position

F Adriatic Sea Supports F Ionian Sea
A Albania - Apulia
A Bulgaria Supports A Rumania
A Galicia - Ukraine
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Albania - Apulia
A Rumania Supports A Galicia - Ukraine
A Trieste Supports A Venice
F Tunis - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Dislodged*)
A Venice Supports A Albania - Apulia

A Gascony - Marseilles
A Paris Hold
F Wales - Liverpool

A Burgundy Supports A Gascony - Marseilles
F Gulf of Bothnia - St Petersburg(sc)
A Munich Supports A Burgundy
F North Sea - Norway (*Fails*)
A Prussia Supports A Silesia - Warsaw
A Silesia - Warsaw
A Sweden Supports F North Sea - Norway (*Cut*)

A Apulia - Venice (*Disbanded*)
F Gulf of Lyon - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Marseilles - Piedmont
F Naples - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
A Tuscany - Rome
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tunis
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tunis

A Finland - Sweden (*Fails*)
F Norway Supports A Finland - Sweden (*Cut*)
A Sevastopol Supports A Ukraine - Rumania
A Ukraine - Rumania (*Dislodged*)
A Warsaw - Silesia (*Dislodged*)

F Armenia, no move received
A Constantinople, no move received
A Smyrna, no move received


aka Deathblade_penguin,
Knight of the Alliance


DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: FA09 results. SOMETHING ELSE (dc218) TheWhiteWolf Jun 11, 01:13 pm
Hey, nobody's saying you can't have both!

--- On Thu, 6/11/09, Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Can we eliminate you and go for the win?

Dc197 Fall 1914 - former.trout   (Jun 11, 2009, 6:37 am)
Congrats Kevin!  Nice solo.

Thanks to all you guys for the game, and for keeping this little Russian in the game.  =)

Survivor Trout

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 5:29 AM, Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Dc197 Fall 1914
It's Alive!...
and the proof, is that not only did all players submit moves that are moves but everyone was in before the deadline... I'm impressed.. after all it is 1914 and the game you thought was going to be over is very much killing villagers and rampaging through the woods... so to the adjudication and back to the game...
F Aegean Sea - Constantinople
F Albania Supports A Serbia - Greece
A Bohemia Supports A Munich
A Bulgaria Supports F Aegean Sea - Constantinople
A Galicia - Silesia
F Gulf of Lyon - Western Mediterranean
A Marseilles - Gascony (*Bounce*)
A Munich Supports A Silesia - Berlin (*Cut*)
A Piedmont - Marseilles (*Fails*)
A Serbia - Greece
A Sevastopol - Armenia (*Fails*)
A Silesia - Berlin
A St Petersburg - Norway (*Fails*)
A Tyrolia Supports A Munich
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Western Mediterranean
F North Atlantic Ocean, no move received
A North Africa, no move received
A Ruhr, no move received
F Tunis, no move received

F Baltic Sea Convoys A Berlin - Livonia
A Berlin - Livonia
A Burgundy - Munich (*Fails*)
A Holland - Kiel
A Kiel - Denmark
F Portugal - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Spain - Gascony (*Bounce*)
A Norway - St Petersburg (*Fails*)
A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
A Constantinople Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Greece - Aegean Sea
F Smyrna Supports F Greece - Aegean Sea

Autumn 1914
I have retreated the Turkish army CON to Ank. Turkey can inform me by the winter deadline if he wishes to disband.
Winter 1914
and of course, it's all over.... Austria has got the 18 SC he needs and congratulations to Kevin.
There was a proposal for an Austrain SOLO back on the table but its irrelevant now.
Stephen  Lytton
Mein Luftkissenfahrzeug ist von den Aalen voll.


Let us help with car news, reviews and more Looking for a new car this winter?


Dc241 Fall 1905 FRANCE - mistro   (Jun 11, 2009, 6:35 am)
Sorry I thought I sent it... I'm sending to all, so all know...
France A Bel retreats to BUR.
Again sorry, Michael

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 7:09 AM, Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Autumn 1905
French A Belgium can retreat to Picardy or Ruhr or Burgundy.
I can't find the french retreat anywhere. France you have approximately 12 hours to submit or the retreat will be disbanded.

Winter 1905 is NOW due Friday 12th at 7pm, Australian DST
England: Build Three

France: Remove One
Russia: Remove Two
Turkey: Build One

Stephen  Lytton
Mein Luftkissenfahrzeug ist von den Aalen voll.


From: stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])
To: psychosis(at)sky.com ([email]psychosis(at)sky.com[/email]); rbristol(at)cogeco.ca ([email]rbristol(at)cogeco.ca[/email]); ahmet_okyay(at)hotmail.com ([email]ahmet_okyay(at)hotmail.com[/email]); stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email]); fredrik(at)familjenblom.se ([email]fredrik(at)familjenblom.se[/email]); poem342000(at)yahoo.com ([email]poem342000(at)yahoo.com[/email]); mistro914(at)gmail.com ([email]mistro914(at)gmail.com[/email]); dc241(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc241(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]); former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email]); erik(at)aderstedt.se ([email]erik(at)aderstedt.se[/email])
Subject: Dc241 Fall 1905
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 19:50:30 +1000

Dc241 Fall 1905
A Budapest Supports A Serbia (*Cut*)
A Serbia Supports A Budapest
F Baltic Sea Convoys A Denmark - Prussia
F Barents Sea - Norwegian Sea
F Berlin - Kiel
A Denmark - Prussia
A Holland Supports A Yorkshire - Belgium
A Livonia - Moscow
F North Sea Convoys A Yorkshire - Belgium
A St Petersburg Supports A Livonia - Moscow
A Yorkshire - Belgium
A Belgium Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Bohemia - Munich (*Bounce*)
A Galicia - Budapest (*Fails*)
A Marseilles Supports A Spain
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - North Africa
A Spain Supports A Marseilles
A Tyrolia - Piedmont
A Vienna Supports A Galicia - Budapest
A Warsaw, no move received
F Albania Supports F Greece
F Greece Supports F Albania (*Cut*)
F Gulf of Lyon - Western Mediterranean
A Trieste Supports F Venice
F Tuscany - Gulf of Lyon
F Venice Supports A Trieste
A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Silesia - Munich (*Bounce*)
A Ukraine Supports A Sevastopol - Rumania
F Aegean Sea - Greece (*Fails*)
A Armenia - Sevastopol
F Black Sea Supports A Armenia - Sevastopol
F Bulgaria(sc) Supports F Aegean Sea - Greece
A Rumania - Ukraine (*Disbanded*)
I'll run Autumn is due in 24 hours time
Autumn 1905
French A Belgium can retreat to Picardy or Ruhr or Burgundy.

Winter 1905 is due Thursday 11th at 7pm, Australian DST
England: Build Three

France: Remove One
Russia: Remove Two
Turkey: Build One

Stephen "the Great" Lytton


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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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