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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  Winter Blitz

(4th Annual DC Winter Blitz (WB 2011))

Post:< 11359 >
Subject:< dc249 Torjik: F11 Game Over - Austrian 19 Center Solo >
Topic:Winter Blitz >
Category:< Active Games >
Posted:Jun 11, 2009 at 6:52 pm
Viewed:673 times

  [New Post]  [Reply]  [Quote]

Very well done, Nigel. Congrats are in order!


From: Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>
To: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; nephilli99(at)hotmail.com; mrh(at)panix.com; tfletch33(at)yahoo.com; gbimmerle(at)gmail.com; rick_powell_2000(at)yahoo.com; genea5613(at)aol.com; WB Orders <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 3:45:16 PM
Subject: dc249 Torjik: F11 Game Over - Austrian 19 Center Solo

.hmmessage P { margin:0px;padding:0px;} body.hmmessage { font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} Congrats to Nigel on a solo victory with a 19 center count. Thanks to all who hung on and got survival [Fletch, Melinda, Nathan].

One technical note: You will see in the maps and the dpy file that I auto-retreated English F's to places without asking because I knew that Austria had won and the retreats didn't matter.

Thanks for playing in the tournament.


F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea
F Aegean Sea Supports F Constantinople
A Belgium Supports A Ruhr - Holland
A Bulgaria Supports F Constantinople
F Constantinople Hold
A Gascony - Brest
A Marseilles Supports F Spain(sc)
A Munich Hold
A North Africa Hold
A Picardy Supports A Belgium
A Rome Hold
A Ruhr - Holland
A Rumania Hold
A Serbia Supports A Rumania
F Spain(sc) suns itself and reflects on a job well done
A Tyrolia - Bohemia

F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc) (*Fails*)
F Denmark Supports F Skagerrak - Sweden (*Cut*)
F Holland - Kiel (*Dislodged*)
F North Sea Supports F Denmark
F Norway Supports F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc) (*Dislodged*)
F Skagerrak - Sweden

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English Channel
A Portugal - Spain (*Fails*)

A Ankara Hold
F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Fails*)
A Finland Supports A Sweden - Norway
A Kiel Supports F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Cut*)
A Livonia Supports A St Petersburg
F Sevastopol Hold
A St Petersburg Supports A Sweden - Norway (*Cut*)
A Sweden - Norway

A Smyrna Hold

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-----Inline Attachment Follows-----

1 torjik Standard Winter 1911 5 7 3 bel, bre, bud, bul, con, gre, hol, mar, mun, nap, par, rom, rum, ser, spa, tri, tun, ven, vie. F aeg, A bel, A boh, A bre, A bul, F con, A hol, F ion, A mar, A mun, A naf, A pic, A rom, A rum, A ser, F spa(sc) -1 den, edi, lvp, lon, swe. F bar, F den, F hel, F nth, F nwg, F swe -1 por. F eng, A por 0 0 0 ank, ber, kie, mos, nwy, sev, stp, war. A ank, F bal, A fin, A kie, A lvn, A nwy, F sev, A stp 0 smy. A smy 0 v2 49 1 1901 ---T-----Ga--FAa---Ta--E-----------GEa-EFa-RaGaI-----Fa----Ia---R--Ta-Rs--A-----IaAa-Ra-- T-GFA-T-E--GEEFRGI-F-I--RT-R-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - ser Austria: F tri - alb Austria: A vie - gal (*Bounce*) England: F edi - nwg England: A lvp - yor England: F lon - nth France: F bre - mao France: A mar - spa France: A par - bur (*Bounce*) Germany: A ber - kie Germany: F kie - den Germany: A mun - bur (*Bounce*) Italy: F nap - ion Italy: A rom - ven Italy: A ven - trl Russia: A mos - ukr Russia: F sev - bla Russia: F stp(sc) - bot Russia: A war - gal (*Bounce*) Turkey: F ank - con Turkey: A con - bul Turkey: A smy - arm 3 1901 --A--Ta----R---Ta--TG--------R--I-Ga----F-Ga---E-EFa-------Aa----Fa------Ia-RaIaAa-Ra-Ea T-GFA-T-E--GEEFRGI-F-I--RT-R-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre (*Bounce*) Austria: A ser Supports A vie - tri Austria: A vie - tri (*Bounce*) England: F nth Convoys A yor - bel England: F nwg - nwy England: A yor - bel France: F mao - por France: A par - bur France: A spa Hold Germany: F den - swe (*Bounce*) Germany: A kie - hol Germany: A mun Hold Italy: F ion - gre (*Bounce*) Italy: A trl - tri (*Bounce*) Italy: A ven Supports A trl - tri Russia: F bla - con (*Fails*) Russia: F bot - swe (*Bounce*) Russia: A ukr - rum (*Bounce*) Russia: A war - gal Turkey: A arm - sev Turkey: A bul - rum (*Bounce*) Turkey: F con Hold 5 1901 --A-----Ea-R---TaFa-TG----Ra---R-GaI--------Ga---EE----F----AaTa---Fa------Ia-RaIaAa---- TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 10 1 2 2 2 0 -1 2 0 Austria: Build A tri England: Build F lon England: Build F lvp France: Build A par France: Build F bre Germany: Build A kie Germany: Build F ber Russia: Remove F bla Turkey: Build F smy Turkey: Build A ank 1 1902 --ATa----EaG--F-TaFa-TG----Ra---R-GaI-GaE-E---Ga---EE-Fa--F----AaTa--TFa---Aa--Ia-RaIaAa---- TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre Austria: A ser Supports F alb - gre Austria: A tri - bud Austria: A vie Supports A tri - bud England: A bel Hold England: F lvp - iri England: F lon - eng England: F nth Supports F lon - eng England: F nwy - stp(nc) (*Bounce*) France: F bre - pic France: A bur Supports F bre - pic France: A par Supports F bre - pic France: F por - mao France: A spa - gas Germany: F ber - bal Germany: F den Supports F ber - bal Germany: A hol Supports A bel Germany: A kie Supports A hol Germany: A mun Hold Italy: F ion - aeg (*Bounce*) Italy: A trl - ven Italy: A ven - apu Russia: A gal - rum Russia: F bot - stp(sc) (*Bounce*) Russia: A ukr Supports A gal - rum Turkey: A ank - arm Turkey: A bul - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F con - bla Turkey: A sev - mos Turkey: F smy - aeg (*Bounce*) 3 1902 ----IaTaG-Ea-T--AaTaFa--G--E--FaA-R-GaIEGa----FTaGa---EE-FaF-----RaAa---T---------RaIaAa---- TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - ser Austria: F gre Supports A ser - bul Austria: A ser - bul Austria: A vie - gal England: A bel Hold England: F eng - mao England: F iri Supports F eng - mao England: F nth - eng (*Bounce*) England: F nwy - nth (*Fails*) France: A bur Supports A hol - bel (*Void*) France: A gas Supports A bur France: F mao Supports F pic - eng (*Dislodged*) France: A par - bre France: F pic - eng (*Bounce*) Germany: F bal - swe Germany: F den Supports F bal - swe Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel (*Void*) Germany: A kie Supports A hol Germany: A mun Hold Italy: A apu - tun Italy: F ion Convoys A apu - tun Italy: A ven - apu Russia: F bot - stp(sc) Russia: A rum - sev (*Bounce*) Russia: A ukr Supports A rum - sev Turkey: A arm - sev (*Bounce*) Turkey: F bla - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: A bul Supports F bla - rum (*Dislodged*) Turkey: A mos Supports A arm - sev Turkey: F smy - aeg 4 1902 -T--IaTa--Ea-T-Fa-AaFa--G----AaFaA---GaIEGa----ETaGa---EE--F-----RaAa-----RsG--Ia---Ra------ TEGFATTGE-GGEEFRGIEFFI-ATTFR-A-IAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Turkish A bul con French F mao nao spa(nc) por spa(sc) naf wes France: F mao - por Turkey: Remove A bul 5 1902 -T--IaTa--Ea-T-Fa-AaFa--G----AaFaA---GaIEGa----ETaGa---EE--F-F---RaAa-----RsG--Ia---Ra------ TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 5 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 Austria: Build A vie Austria: Build A bud Germany: Build F ber Italy: Build F nap Turkey: Build F smy 1 1903 -T--IaTa--EaGT-FaAaAaFa--G----AaFaA---GaIEGa----ETaGaI--EE--F-F---RaAa---T-RsG--Ia---Ra-Aa---- TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - rum Austria: A bul Supports F bla - con (*Void*) Austria: A gal Supports A ukr - war Austria: F gre Supports F ion - aeg Austria: A ser Supports A bul Austria: A vie Hold England: A bel Supports A mun - bur (*Disbanded*) England: F iri Supports F nth - eng England: F mao - gas England: F nth - eng England: F nwy Hold France: A bre Hold France: A bur - bel France: A gas - spa France: F pic Supports A bur - bel France: F por - mao Germany: F ber - bal Germany: F den - ska Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel Germany: A kie - ruh Germany: A mun - bur Germany: F swe Supports F den - ska Italy: A apu Hold Italy: F ion - aeg (*Fails*) Italy: F nap - ion (*Fails*) Italy: A tun Hold Russia: A rum - ukr Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr - war Turkey: F aeg Supports A arm - bul (*Cut*) Turkey: A arm - bul (*Fails*) Turkey: F bla Convoys A arm - bul Turkey: A mos - sev Turkey: F smy Supports F aeg 3 1903 -T--IaTaG-Fa-T-Fa-AaGa-----E-AaEA---GaIE-----F--I---E--F----GaAaAaTa-GTFaRsG--Ia---Ra-Aa-Ra-- TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports A rum Austria: A gal Supports A rum Austria: F gre Supports F ion - aeg (*Void*) Austria: A rum Supports A bul Austria: A ser Supports F gre Austria: A vie Hold England: F eng Supports A bel England: F gas - bre England: F iri - nao England: F nwy Hold (*Dislodged*) France: A bel Hold France: A bre - par France: F mao - spa(sc) France: F pic Supports A bel France: A spa - mar Germany: F bal - den Germany: A bur - bel (*Fails*) Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel Germany: A ruh Supports A bur - bel Germany: F ska Supports F swe - nwy Germany: F swe - nwy Italy: A apu, no move received Italy: F ion, no move received Italy: F nap, no move received Italy: A tun, no move received Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr - mos Russia: A war Supports A ukr - mos Turkey: F aeg Supports F bla - con Turkey: A arm - ank Turkey: F bla - con Turkey: A sev Hold Turkey: F smy - eas 4 1903 -T-TaIa---Fa---E-AaGa-TGT-E-Aa-A---GaI-----Fa-Ra-IE--G-FaF----GaAaAaTa-G-FsRs---Ia-----Aa-Ra-- TEGFAATGEAGGEEFTGIEFFIRATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 English F nwy bar nwg nth England: F nwy - nth 5 1903 -T-TaIa---Fa---E-AaGa-TGT-E-Aa-A---GaI-----Fa-Ra-IE-EG-FaF----GaAaAaTa-G-FsRs---Ia-----Aa-Ra-- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 Austria: Build A tri Germany: Build A mun Turkey: Remove A ank 1 1904 -T--Ia---Fa---E-AaGa-TGT-E-Aa-A---GaI-----Fa-RaGaIE-EG-FaF----GaAaAaTa-G-FsRs--AaIa-----Aa-Ra-- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports F gre Austria: A gal - sil Austria: F gre Supports F ion - aeg Austria: A rum - ukr (*Fails*) Austria: A ser Supports A bul Austria: A tri - trl Austria: A vie - boh England: F bre - eng England: F eng - lon England: F nao - nwg England: F nth - hel France: A bel Supports A par - bur (*Disbanded*) France: A mar Supports A par - bur France: A par - bur France: F pic Supports A bel France: F spa(sc) - lyo Germany: A bur - bel Germany: F den Supports F ska - nth Germany: A hol Supports A bur - bel Germany: A mun - bur (*Fails*) Germany: F nwy Supports F ska - nth Germany: A ruh Supports A bur - bel Germany: F ska - nth Italy: A apu - ven Italy: F ion - aeg (*Dislodged*) Italy: F nap - ion (*Fails*) Italy: A tun Hold Russia: A mos - ukr Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A war - pru Turkey: F aeg Supports F eas - ion Turkey: F con Supports F aeg Turkey: F eas - ion Turkey: A sev Supports A mos - ukr 2 1904 -T------Ga--Aa--AaFa-TG--E---AF-EGaT----EFa--GaI--GGE-F--Ra-GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia-Aa-RaIa----- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Italian F ion tys apu adr alb Italy: F ion - tys 3 1904 -T------Ga--Aa--AaFa-TG--E---AF-EGaT----EFa--GaI--GGE-F--Ra-GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia-AaIRaIa----- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A boh Supports A trl - mun Austria: A bul - gre (*Fails*) Austria: F gre - ion (*Dislodged*) Austria: A rum - bul (*Bounce*) Austria: A ser Supports A rum - bul (*Fails*) Austria: A sil Supports A trl - mun Austria: A trl - mun England: F eng Supports F pic - bel (*Cut*) England: F hel - hol (*Fails*) England: F lon - nth (*Fails*) England: F nwg - edi France: A bur Supports F pic - bel France: F lyo Convoys A mar - tus France: A mar - tus (*Bounce*) France: F pic - bel Germany: A bel Supports F pic (*Disbanded*) Germany: F den - kie Germany: A hol Supports A bel (*Cut*) Germany: A mun Hold (*Disbanded*) Germany: F nth - eng (*Fails*) Germany: F nwy - stp(nc) (*Fails*) Germany: A ruh Supports A mun Italy: F nap - ion Italy: A tun Hold Italy: F tys Supports F nap - ion Italy: A ven - tus (*Bounce*) Russia: A pru - ber Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr - mos Turkey: F aeg Supports F ion - gre Turkey: F con - bul(sc) (*Bounce*) Turkey: F ion - gre Turkey: A sev Hold 4 1904 -T------FRa-Aa--AaFa-T--EE---TF-EGaI-G--EFa-RaAa---GG-------GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia--I-Ia----- TFGEAATGEAGGEEFRGIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 Austrian F gre alb Austria: F gre - alb 5 1904 -TA-----FRa-Aa--AaFa-T--EE---TF-EGaI-G--EFa-RaAa---GG-------GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia--I-Ia----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 France: Build A par Russia: Build A war Turkey: Build F ank 1 1905 -TAT----FRa-Aa--AaFa-T--EE---TF-EGaI-G--EFa-RaAa---GG-Fa-----GaAaAaTaAa---Rs---Ia--I-Ia--Ra-- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb Supports A ser - gre Austria: A boh Supports A sil - mun (*Fails*) Austria: A bul - con (*Dislodged*) Austria: A mun - kie (*Bounce*) Austria: A rum Supports A mos - sev Austria: A ser - gre Austria: A sil - mun (*Fails*) England: F edi - nwg England: F eng - mao England: F hel Supports F lon - nth England: F lon - nth France: F bel Hold France: A bur - ruh (*Fails*) France: F lyo Convoys A mar - tus France: A mar - tus France: A par - bur (*Fails*) Germany: A hol Supports A ruh - kie Germany: F kie - bal Germany: F nth - ska Germany: F nwy Supports F hel - nth (*Void*) Germany: A ruh - kie (*Bounce*) Italy: F ion, no move received Italy: A tun, no move received Italy: F tys, no move received Italy: A ven, no move received Russia: A ber Supports A mun - kie Russia: A mos - sev Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A war - ukr Turkey: F aeg Supports F gre - bul(sc) Turkey: F ank - bla Turkey: F con Supports F gre - bul(sc) Turkey: F gre - bul(sc) Turkey: A sev - rum (*Dislodged*) 2 1905 -TA---G-FRaTAa--TsFa-T-------AaF-EGaI------E-Aa---EGEFa-----GaAa-RaAaG--Rs---IaFa-IRaIa----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Austrian A bul ser Turkish A sev arm Austria: A bul - ser Turkey: A sev - arm 3 1905 -TA--TaG-FRaTAa--TsFa-T-------AaF-EGaI------E-Aa---EGEFa-----GaAaAaRaAaG--Rs---IaFa-IRaIa----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb Supports A ser - gre Austria: A boh Supports A sil - mun Austria: A gre - nap Austria: A mun - kie Austria: A rum - bul (*Fails*) Austria: A ser - gre Austria: A sil - mun England: F hel - hol England: F mao - bre (*Bounce*) England: F nth - nwy England: F nwg Supports F nth - nwy France: F bel Supports F hel - hol France: A bur - ruh (*Fails*) France: F lyo - tys France: A par - bre (*Bounce*) France: A tus - rom (*Fails*) Germany: F bal - den Germany: A hol Supports A ruh - kie (*Disbanded*) Germany: F nwy Supports F ska (*Dislodged*) Germany: A ruh - kie (*Fails*) Germany: F ska Supports F bal - den Italy: F ion Convoys A gre - nap Italy: A tun Hold Italy: F tys - rom Italy: A ven Supports F tys - rom Russia: A ber Supports A mun - kie Russia: A sev Supports A rum (*Ordered to Move*) Russia: F stp(sc) Hold Russia: A ukr Supports A sev Turkey: F aeg Supports F bul(sc) Turkey: A arm - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F bla Convoys A arm - rum Turkey: F bul(sc) Supports A arm - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F con Supports F bul(sc) 4 1905 -TA--Ta--FRaTAa--TsFa-TG------Aa---EI-Aa----E-AaAa---EEFa----IGaAa-Ra-G--Rs---IaFa-FRaIa----- TFREAATGETGGEEFRAIGFFIAATTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 German F nwy swe bar Germany: F nwy - swe 5 1905 -TA--Ta--FRaTAa--TsFa-TG------Aa---EI-Aa----E-AaAa---EEFa----IGaAa-Ra-G--RsG--IaFa-FRaIa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 9 2 2 0 -2 -1 1 -1 0 Austria: Build A tri Austria: Build A bud England: Build F edi England: Build F lon Germany: Remove F ska Germany: Remove A ruh Italy: Defaults, removing F ion Russia: Build A mos Turkey: Remove F con 1 1906 -TA--Ta--FRaTAa-AaTsFa--G-E----Aa---E--Aa--E-ERaAaAa---EEFa----I-Aa-Ra----RsG-AaIaFa-FRaIa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre (*Fails*) Austria: A boh - trl Austria: A bud - ser Austria: A gre Supports A rum - bul Austria: A kie Supports A mun Austria: A mun Supports A kie Austria: A nap Supports F rom Austria: A rum - bul (*Fails*) Austria: A tri - ven England: F edi - nth England: F hol Supports F edi - nth England: F lon - eng England: F mao Supports F lon - eng England: F nwy - ska England: F nwg - nwy France: F bel - pic France: A bur - mar France: A par - bur France: A tus - rom (*Dislodged*) France: F tys - ion Germany: F den, no move received Germany: F swe, no move received Italy: F rom Supports A ven - tus Italy: A tun - naf Italy: A ven - tus Russia: A ber Supports A kie Russia: A mos - stp Russia: A sev Hold Russia: F stp(sc) - bot Russia: A ukr Supports A sev Turkey: F aeg Supports F bul(sc) Turkey: A arm - rum (*Fails*) Turkey: F bla Convoys A arm - rum Turkey: F bul(sc) Supports A arm - rum (*Fails*) 2 1906 -TA--Ta---RaT---TsFa--G--E---Aa-R-EF-Aa---FaE-AaAa-IaEE--F---I-AaAaRa-E--RaG---IaAa-RaAa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 French A tus pie France: A tus - pie 3 1906 -TA--Ta---RaT---TsFa--G--E---Aa-R-EF-Aa---FaE-AaAa-IaEE--FFa--I-AaAaRa-E--RaG---IaAa-RaAa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - ion Austria: A gre Supports A rum - bul Austria: A kie Supports F den Austria: A mun Supports A kie Austria: A nap Supports A ven - rom Austria: A rum - bul Austria: A ser Supports A rum - bul Austria: A trl - ven Austria: A ven - rom England: F eng - bel (*Bounce*) England: F hol Supports F eng - bel England: F mao - por England: F nth Supports F ska - den England: F nwy Supports F bot - swe (*Dislodged*) England: F ska - den (*Fails*) France: A bur - bel (*Bounce*) France: F ion - tun France: A mar - gas France: F pic Supports A bur - bel France: A pie - mar Germany: F den Supports F swe (*Cut*) Germany: F swe Supports A stp - nwy Italy: A naf Hold Italy: F rom - tys Italy: A tus Hold Russia: A ber Supports A kie Russia: F bot - bal Russia: A sev Hold Russia: A stp - nwy Russia: A ukr - rum Turkey: F aeg Supports F bul(sc) Turkey: A arm Hold Turkey: F bla Supports A ukr - rum Turkey: F bul(sc) Supports A ukr - rum (*Dislodged*) 4 1906 -T---TaR--RaT---AaFa--G--E--FaAa---EA-Aa---Fa--AaAa-IaERa--F-E-Aa-RaAaRa-E---G--FIa-I-Aa----- TFREATTGEAEAEEFRAAEFFIAARTFRGAIIAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Turkish F bul(sc) con English F nwy nwg bar England: F nwy - nwg Turkey: Remove F bul(sc) 5 1906 -T---TaR--RaT---AaFa--G--E--FaAa---EA-Aa---Fa--AaAa-IaERaE-F-E-Aa-RaAaRa-E---G--FIa-I-Aa----- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 7 2 0 0 0 -3 2 0 0 Austria: Build F tri Austria: Build A bud Italy: Remove A naf Italy: Remove F tys Italy: Remove A tus Russia: Build F stp(nc) Russia: Build A mos 1 1907 -T---TaR--RaT--AaAaFa--G--E--FaAa---EA-Aa---Fa-RaAaAa--ERaE-F-E-Aa-RaAaRa-E--RnG-AF----Aa----- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud Supports A ser - rum Austria: A bul Supports A arm - con (*Void*) Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: F ion - eas Austria: A kie - ruh Austria: A mun Supports A kie - ruh Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A rom - ven Austria: A ser - rum (*Fails*) Austria: F tri - alb Austria: A ven - trl England: F eng - bel England: F hol Supports F eng - bel England: F nth - nwy England: F nwg Supports F nth - nwy England: F por - mao England: F ska Supports F nth - nwy France: A bur - bel (*Fails*) France: A gas Supports F pic - bre France: A mar - spa France: F pic - bre France: F tun - wes Germany: F den Supports F swe Germany: F swe Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: F bal Supports A nwy - swe Russia: A ber, no move received Russia: A mos Supports A sev Russia: A nwy - swe (*Dislodged*) Russia: A rum Hold Russia: A sev Supports A rum Russia: F stp(nc), no move received Turkey: F aeg Supports F bla - con Turkey: A arm Hold Turkey: F bla - con 2 1907 -TA--TaR-ERa--FAaAaFa-TGA----FaAa---E-------ERaAaAa---EE------AaRaAaRa-E-FaRnG----Aa--Aa---F- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Russian A nwy fin Russia: A nwy - fin 3 1907 -TA--TaR-ERa--FAaAaFa-TGA--Ra-FaAa---E-------ERaAaAa---EE------AaRaAaRa-E-FaRnG----Aa--Aa---F- TFREAATGEAEAEEFRAARFEARARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - ion Austria: A bud Supports A ser - rum Austria: A bul Supports A ser - rum Austria: F eas Supports F alb - ion Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: A mun Supports A ber - kie Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A ruh Hold Austria: A ser - rum Austria: A trl Supports A mun Austria: A ven Hold England: F bel Supports F mao - eng England: F hol Supports F bel England: F mao - eng England: F nwy Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F nwg Supports F nwy England: F ska - swe (*Fails*) France: F bre Supports F wes - mao France: A bur Supports F bel France: A gas - spa France: A spa - por France: F wes - mao Germany: F den, no move received Germany: F swe, no move received Russia: F bal Supports A ber - kie Russia: A ber - kie Russia: A fin Supports F stp(nc) - nwy Russia: A mos - lvn Russia: A rum - ukr Russia: A sev - arm (*Fails*) Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) Turkey: F aeg - ion (*Fails*) Turkey: A arm - smy (*Bounce*) Turkey: F con - smy (*Bounce*) 5 1907 -T---TaR-E---FAaAaFa-TGA-ERa--Aa---EA-Ra-Ra--F-AaAa---EE---Fa--AaAa-Ra-E-FaRnG----Aa-RaAa----- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 2 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 0 France: Build F mar Russia: Remove A sev 1 1908 -T---TaR-E---FAaAaFa-TGA-ERa--Aa---EA-Ra-Ra-FF-AaAa---EE---Fa--AaAa---E-FaRnG----Aa-RaAa----- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bud - tri Austria: A bul Supports A gre Austria: F eas - smy Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: F ion Convoys A nap - tun Austria: A mun - bur Austria: A nap - tun Austria: A ruh Supports A mun - bur Austria: A rum, no move received Austria: A trl - mun Austria: A ven - pie England: F bel Supports F hol England: F eng - nth England: F hol Supports F eng - nth England: F nwy Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F nwg Supports F nwy England: F ska - swe (*Bounce*) France: F bre - mao France: A bur Hold (*Dislodged*) France: F mar - lyo France: F mao - wes France: A por - spa France: A spa - mar Germany: F den Supports F swe (*Cut*) Germany: F swe Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: F bal Convoys A lvn - den Russia: A fin - swe (*Bounce*) Russia: A kie, no move received Russia: A lvn - den (*Fails*) Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) Russia: A ukr, no move received Turkey: F aeg Supports F con Turkey: A arm - syr Turkey: F con Supports F aeg 2 1908 -T----R-E-----AaAa-TG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra-Ra-FaF-Aa---EEE--Aa---AaAa---EAFaRnGTaAaAa---Ra----F- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 French A bur pic par gas France: A bur - par 3 1908 -T----R-E-----AaAa-TG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra-Ra-FaF-Aa---EEEFa-Aa---AaAa---EAFaRnGTaAaAa---Ra----F- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports F smy - con Austria: A bur - pic Austria: A gre Supports A bul Austria: F ion - aeg (*Fails*) Austria: A mun - bur Austria: A pie - mar (*Fails*) Austria: A ruh Supports A mun - bur Austria: A rum Supports A bul Austria: F smy - con Austria: A tri - ven Austria: A tun Hold England: F bel Supports F hol England: F hol Supports F bel England: F nth Supports F nwy England: F nwy Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F nwg - bar England: F ska - swe (*Fails*) France: F lyo Supports F wes - tys France: A mar Supports A par - bur (*Cut*) France: F mao - wes France: A par - bur (*Fails*) France: A spa Supports A mar France: F wes - tys Germany: F den Supports F swe (*Cut*) Germany: F swe Supports F den (*Dislodged*) Russia: F bal Convoys A lvn - swe Russia: A fin Supports A lvn - swe Russia: A kie - den (*Fails*) Russia: A lvn - swe Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) Russia: A ukr - mos Turkey: F aeg Supports A syr - smy (*Cut*) Turkey: F con Supports A syr - smy (*Dislodged*) Turkey: A syr - smy 4 1908 -T----REE-----AaAa-AG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra---Fa-Ra----EE-FaAaAa---AaAa---ETaFaRnRa--Aa--F-Aa---F- TERFAATGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRGAFAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Turkish F con ank bla German F swe bot Germany: Remove F swe Turkey: F con - bla 5 1908 -T----REE-T---AaAa-AG---Ra--AaF--EA-Ra---Fa-Ra----EE-FaAaAa---AaAa---ETaFaRnRa--Aa--F-Aa---F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 5 2 0 -1 0 0 1 -1 0 Austria: Build A tri Austria: Build A vie France: Remove F lyo Russia: Build waived Turkey: Remove F aeg 1 1909 ------REE-T---AaAa-AG---Ra--Aa---EA-Ra---Fa-Ra----EE-FaAaAa---AaAa---ETaFaRnRa-AaAa--F-AaAa--F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Austria: A bul - con (*Fails*) Austria: A bur Supports A pie - mar Austria: F con - ank (*Bounce*) Austria: A gre - ser Austria: F ion - tys (*Fails*) Austria: A pic - bre Austria: A pie - mar Austria: A ruh - bel Austria: A rum Hold Austria: A tri - ven Austria: A tun Hold Austria: A ven - apu Austria: A vie - trl England: F bar Supports F nwy England: F bel - pic England: F hol - kie (*Fails*) England: F nth - hol (*Fails*) England: F nwy Supports F ska England: F ska Supports F den France: A mar Hold (*Dislodged*) France: A par, no move received France: A spa, no move received France: F tys, no move received France: F wes, no move received Germany: F den Hold Russia: F bal, no move received Russia: A fin, no move received Russia: A kie, no move received Russia: A mos, no move received Russia: F stp(nc), no move received Russia: A swe, no move received Turkey: F bla - ank (*Bounce*) Turkey: A smy - ank (*Bounce*) 2 1909 ----Aa-REAa-T-Aa-AaAa-AG---Ra------EA-Ra---Aa-Ra----EE-FaE-----AaAa--ETaFaRnRa--Aa-AaF-Aa---F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 French A mar gas France: A mar - gas 3 1909 ----Aa-REAa-T-Aa-AaAa-AG---Ra-Fa----EA-Ra---Aa-Ra----EE-FaE-----AaAa--ETaFaRnRa--Aa-AaF-Aa---F- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Austria: A apu - nap Austria: A bel - pic (*Dislodged*) Austria: A bre Supports A bur - par Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur - par Austria: F con Hold Austria: F ion Supports A tun Austria: A mar - gas (*Dislodged*) Austria: A rum Supports A mos - sev Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: A tun Hold Austria: A trl - mun Austria: A ven - rom (*Bounce*) England: F bar - stp(nc) England: F hol Supports F pic - bel England: F nth Supports F pic - bel England: F nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc) England: F pic - bel England: F ska Supports F nwy France: A gas - mar France: A par - bur (*Dislodged*) France: A spa Supports A gas - mar France: F tys - rom (*Bounce*) France: F wes - lyo Germany: F den - kie (*Dislodged*) Russia: F bal - den Russia: A fin Supports F stp(nc) - nwy Russia: A kie Supports F bal - den Russia: A mos - sev Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Disbanded*) Russia: A swe Supports F bal - den Turkey: F bla - ank (*Bounce*) Turkey: A smy - ank (*Bounce*) 4 1909 --------E-T-Aa-Aa--AR---Ra---F--EA-Ra---Fa--AaAa--EE-Aa------AaAaRa-ETaFaEnRa--Aa--F-Aa----- TERFAAAGEAEREEFRAAEFFAAARTFRRAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 Austrian A bel bur ruh German F den hel Austrian A mar bur pie French A par gas pic Austria: A bel - bur Austria: A mar - pie France: Remove A par Germany: Remove F den 5 1909 --------E-T-Aa-AaAa-AR---Ra---F--EA-Ra---Fa--AaAa--EE-Aa-Aa----AaAaRa-ETaFaEnRa--Aa--F-Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 6 2 1 -1 0 0 2 0 0 Austria: Build F tri Austria: Build A vie England: Build waived France: Remove F lyo Russia: Build A war Russia: Build A mos 1 1910 --------E-T-Aa-AaAa-AR---Ra------EA-Ra---Fa-RaAaAa--EE-Aa-Aa----AaAaRa-ETaFaEnRa-AAa--F-AaAa-Ra-- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bre - gas Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur Supports A pie - mar Austria: F con Supports A smy - ank Austria: F ion - tys Austria: A mun - ruh Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A par Supports A bre - gas Austria: A pie - mar (*Fails*) Austria: A rum - gal (*Bounce*) Austria: A ser Hold Austria: F tri - alb Austria: A tun Hold Austria: A ven - rom Austria: A vie - gal (*Bounce*) England: F bel Hold England: F hol - kie (*Fails*) England: F nth - den England: F nwy - swe (*Fails*) England: F ska Supports F nth - den England: F stp(nc) - nwy (*Fails*) France: A mar, no move received France: A spa Supports A mar France: F tys - wes Russia: F den Supports A swe (*Dislodged*) Russia: A fin Supports A swe Russia: A kie Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: A mos - stp (*Fails*) Russia: A sev Hold Russia: A swe Supports A fin (*Cut*) Russia: A war - lvn Turkey: F bla - ank (*Fails*) Turkey: A smy - ank 2 1910 --ATa----E-T---AaAa-AE---Ra-Aa----E--Ra-Ra-Fa-Ra-Aa---E-Aa-Aa--AaAaAaAaRa-E-FaEnRa--Aa--A--Aa--F- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Russian F den bal hel Russia: F den - hel 3 1910 --ATa----E-T---AaAa-AE---Ra-Aa---RE--Ra-Ra-Fa-Ra-Aa---E-Aa-Aa--AaAaAaAaRa-E-FaEnRa--Aa--A--Aa--F- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: F alb - gre Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur Supports A pie - mar Austria: F con Supports A ank (*Ordered to Move*) Austria: A gas Supports A pie - mar (*Dislodged*) Austria: A nap Hold Austria: A par - pic Austria: A pie - mar Austria: A rom - ven Austria: A ruh Hold Austria: A rum Hold Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: A tun Hold Austria: F tys - lyo Austria: A vie - trl England: F bel Supports F hol England: F den - swe England: F hol Supports F bel England: F nwy Supports F stp(nc) (*Dislodged*) England: F ska Supports F den - swe England: F stp(nc) Supports F nwy (*Dislodged*) France: A mar - gas France: A spa Supports A mar - gas France: F wes - mao Russia: A fin Supports A swe - nwy Russia: F hel - den Russia: A kie Supports F hel - den Russia: A lvn Supports A mos - stp Russia: A mos - stp Russia: A sev - arm Russia: A swe - nwy Turkey: A ank - smy Turkey: F bla - ank 4 1910 ---T-Ra--E-----AaAa-AR---Ra-FaAA--E--Ra-Ra-AaF--Aa---Ra--Aa----AaAaAa--ETaFaRaE--Aa-Aa--Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEFRAAEAFAAARTFERAAAAR 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 Austrian A gas bre par English F nwy bar nwg nth English F stp(nc) bar Austria: A gas - par England: F nwy - nwg England: F stp(nc) - bar 5 1910 ---T-Ra-EE-----AaAa-AR---Ra-FaAA--E--Ra-Ra-AaF--Aa---RaEAaAa----AaAaAa--ETaFaRaE--Aa-Aa--Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 3 1 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 Austria: Build F tri France: Remove A gas Russia: Build F sev 1 1911 ---T-Ra-EE-----AaAa-AR---Ra--AA--E--Ra-Ra-AaF--Aa---RaEAaAa----AaAaAaR-ETaFaRaE-AAa-Aa--Aa----- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: A bur - bel Austria: F con Supports A arm - ank Austria: F gre - aeg Austria: F lyo - spa(sc) Austria: A mar Supports F lyo - spa(sc) Austria: A nap - rom Austria: A par - gas Austria: A pic Supports A bur - bel Austria: A ruh Supports A bur - bel Austria: A rum Supports A bul Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: F tri - adr Austria: A tun - naf Austria: A trl - mun Austria: A ven - trl England: F bar Supports F nwg - nwy England: F bel - nth England: F hol - kie (*Fails*) England: F nwg - nwy England: F ska Supports F swe - den England: F swe - den France: F mao, no move received France: A spa Hold (*Dislodged*) Russia: A arm - ank Russia: F den Supports A nwy - swe (*Dislodged*) Russia: A fin Supports A nwy - swe Russia: A kie Supports F den (*Cut*) Russia: A lvn - stp (*Fails*) Russia: A nwy - swe Russia: F sev - bla (*Bounce*) Russia: A stp - nwy (*Fails*) Turkey: F ank - bla (*Disbanded*) Turkey: A smy Hold 2 1911 AA-Ra---EAa-----Aa--AE---Ra-Aa----E--Ra-Ra-AaF-Aa--AaEE--Aa---AaAaAaAaR-ETaAsRaRa----Aa-------- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 Russian F den bal hel French A spa por France: A spa - por Russia: F den - bal 3 1911 AA-Ra--REAa-----Aa--AE---Ra-Aa----E--Ra-Ra-AaF-Aa--AaEE--Aa-Fa-AaAaAaAaR-ETaAsRaRa----Aa-------- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Austria: F adr - ion Austria: F aeg Supports F con Austria: A bel Supports A ruh - hol Austria: A bul Supports F con Austria: F con Hold Austria: A gas - bre Austria: A mar Supports F spa(sc) Austria: A mun Hold Austria: A naf Hold Austria: A pic Supports A bel Austria: A rom Hold Austria: A ruh - hol Austria: A rum Hold Austria: A ser Supports A rum Austria: F spa(sc) Hold Austria: A trl - boh England: F bar - stp(nc) (*Fails*) England: F den Supports F ska - swe (*Cut*) England: F hol - kie (*Dislodged*) England: F nth Supports F den England: F nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc) (*Dislodged*) England: F ska - swe France: F mao - eng France: A por - spa (*Fails*) Russia: A ank Hold Russia: F bal - den (*Fails*) Russia: A fin Supports A swe - nwy Russia: A kie Supports F bal - den (*Cut*) Russia: A lvn Supports A stp Russia: F sev Hold Russia: A stp Supports A swe - nwy (*Cut*) Russia: A swe - nwy Turkey: A smy Hold 4 1911 -A-Ra--REAa--AaAa-Aa--AE--FRa------AaA-Ra-Ra-Aa--Aa--AaERa--Aa-Fa-Aa-AaAaR--TaAsRaE------------- TERAAAAREAEREEARAARAFAAARTFREAAAAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 English F hol hel English F nwy nwg ska England: F hol - hel England: F nwy - nwg -1 Austria: Build Austria: Build Austria: Build England: Remove France: Remove

This message is in reply to post 11358:

Congrats to Nigel on a solo victory with a 19 center count. Thanks to all who hung on and got survival [Fletch, Melinda, Nathan].

One technical note: You will see in the maps and the dpy file that I auto-retreated English F's to places without asking because I knew that Austria had won and the retreats didn't matter.

Thanks for playing in the tournament.


F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea
F Aegean Sea Supports F Constantinople
A Belgium Supports A Ruhr - Holland
A Bulgaria Supports F Constantinople
F Constantinople Hold
A Gascony - Brest
A Marseilles Supports F Spain(sc)
A Munich Hold
A North Africa Hold
A Picardy Supports A Belgium
A Rome Hold
A Ruhr - Holland
A Rumania Hold
A Serbia Supports A Rumania
F Spain(sc) suns itself and reflects on a job well done
A Tyrolia - Bohemia

F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc) (*Fails*)
F Denmark Supports F Skagerrak - Sweden (*Cut*)
F Holland - Kiel (*Dislodged*)
F North Sea Supports F Denmark
F Norway Supports F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc) (*Dislodged*)
F Skagerrak - Sweden

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English Channel
A Portugal - Spain (*Fails*)

A Ankara Hold
F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Fails*)
A Finland Supports A Sweden - Norway
A Kiel Supports F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Cut*)
A Livonia Supports A St Petersburg
F Sevastopol Hold
A St Petersburg Supports A Sweden - Norway (*Cut*)
A Sweden - Norway

A Smyrna Hold

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There are 5 Messages in this Thread:

dc249 Torjik: F11 Game Over - Austrian 19 Center Solo (garry.bledsoe) Jun 11, 06:46 pm

dc249 Torjik: F11 Game Over - Austrian 19 Center Solo (tfletch33) Jun 11, 06:52 pm

dc249 Torjik: F11 Game Over - Austrian 19 Center Solo (ndeily) Jun 11, 06:54 pm

dc249 Torjik: F11 Game Over - Austrian 19 Center Solo (Tirerndil) Jun 11, 10:36 pm

dc249 Torjik: F11 Game Over - Austrian 19 Center Solo (offdisc) Jun 12, 10:33 am

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dc492 Spring 1914 (catsfather)

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dc492 Fall 1913 (catsfather)

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dc492 Spring 1913 (catsfather)

dc492 Fall 1912 (catsfather) [6 Replies]

dc492 Summer 1912 (catsfather)

dc492 Spring 1912 (catsfather)

dc492 Winter 1911 (catsfather)

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