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DC219, Deadline Reminder - m_don_j   (Jan 23, 2009, 1:16 pm)
Heya folks!

I'm glad to inform you you that ALL orders are in, yey! Still time to do some changes if ya like.

/ Mikael
Hitta bästa boräntan! MSN Privatekonomi


DC 233: Winter Blitz Winter - AceRimmer   (Jan 23, 2009, 11:05 am)
We have an outbreak of armies... and another NBR from England.

Next deadline: Monday at 1000 CST. Spring 1903!

Build A Vienna

Build waived

Build A Berlin

Build A St Petersburg


DC 211: Spring 1906 Adjudication - AceRimmer   (Jan 23, 2009, 11:01 am)
The popular vacation destination for 1906? Sweden. And the lucky tourist ticket goes to... the lads of the British Skaggerak Fleet.

There is only one retreat. It is also a disband. So our next phase is S1906 Seismic.

We had one serious cartographic miscue this season. I apologize for confusion that may have been caused by my map – and I will redraw the fleet in Norway as a consequence so that it clearly resides on the west coast – but the fleet in Norway does not border on the Barents Sea. Norway has two coasts, as was specified by Mr. Lytton way back in S1901:

“My plan was (and should be clear...er) I DO not want fleet travel from Barents to NWG. No Isthmus, No strait etc.”

I am open to suggestions as making my maps clearer, and again, I apologize if I sowed befuddlement.

Of course, with a Seismic order coming up, the situation can now be rectified in a variety of ways.

Russia is absentee through January 30, so there will not be another deadline until Monday, February 2 at 1000 CST. Please get your seismic orders in before then, though.

A Boh S War -> Ber
A Pie S Vie -> Tyl
A Vie -> Tyl
A Tri -> Ser (*Bounces 1:1 with A Bul-Ser*)
A Bud -> Vie
A Bul -> Ser (*Bounces 1:1 with A Tri-Ser*)
A Con -> Bul (*Fails 1:1 to A Bul*)
A Smy hold

A Hol -> Ber (*Fails 1:2 to A War-Ber*)
F Den Support Ska -> Swe
F Ska -> Swe
F Nwy -> Bar (*Illegal move – coast does not connect*)
A Edi -> Nwy (*Fails to F Nwy*)
F Nat Support Edi -> Nwy

A NAf – Tun (*Dislodged 1:2 by F Wes-NAf*; *Disbanded*)
F Tys - Wes
F Spa (sc) S F Tys - Wes
F GoL – Tys (*Bounces 1:1 with F Nap-Tys*)
A Mar - Bur
A Mun – Tyl (*Fails 1:2 to A Vie-Tyl*)
F Bre - MAt
A Kie S F Ska – Swe

F Wes - NAf
F Tun S F Wes - NAf
F Nap – Tys (*Bounces 1:1 with F GoL-Tys*)
A Rom H

A swe - fin
a stp s a ber - swe
a ber – swe (*Fails 2:3 to F Ska-Swe*)
a war – ber (*Fails to A Ber*)
a mos – war (*Fails 1:1 to A War*)
f rum - bla

F black sea to Ankara


DC190 - Spring 2009 - worldwidegm at gmail.com   (Jan 23, 2009, 10:35 am)
A dance is performed on the North American west coast, a three-way bounce happens in Addis Ababa and the Indian Ocean sends all courters packing. It's all in a season's work and we're off to the summer. We've got two retreats to resolve before we can move on. See for yourselves:

F Morocco Supports F Canary Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
F Canary Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
F Atlantic Ocean Convoys A Florida - Paris
A Florida - Paris (*fails*)
F Quebec - Gulf of St. Lawrence
A Ontario - Quebec
A WInnipeg - Ontario
F Arizona Supports F Revillagigedo Sea
F Pacific Ocean - Vancouver
F Revillagigedo Sea Supports F Micronesian Sea - Fijian Sea
F Oaxaca - Galapagos Sea

South America:
F Vancouver - Alaska
F Falkland Sea - Tongan Sea (*bounce*)
F Micronesian Sea - Fijian Sea
F Hong Kong - South China Sea (*fails*)
F Bay of Bengal - Indian Ocean (*fails*)
F Cocos Sea - Nosy Barrens
F Sandwich Sea - Skeleton Coast
F Recife - Rio de Janeiro
F Trinidad & Tobago - Amazon
F Columbia - Peru
F Cape Verde Sea - Sandwich Sea

F Alaska - Pacific Ocean
F Nunavut Holds
F Labrador Sea Holds
F Arctic Ocean Supports F Labrador Sea
A London Holds
A Holland Supports F Paris
A Caucasus - Nizhniy-Novgorod
F Beaufort Sea Supports F Bering Sea
F Bering Sea Supports F Alaska - Pacific Ocean
F Honshu - East China Sea
A Vladivostok Supports A Beijing
A Ulaanbataar Supports A Beijing
A Beijing Supports A Shanghai (*ordered to move*)

West Africa:
F Gulf of Guinea Supports F Cape Verde Sea - Sandwich Sea
A Ouagadougou Supports A Niamey - Lagos
A Niamey - Lagos
A Algeria Supports F Ionian Sea - Libya

South Africa:
A Tunis - Libya
A Egypt Supports A Tunis - Libya
A N'Djamena Supports A Tunis - Libya
F Yaounde - Lagos (*fails*)
F Congo - Yaounde (*fails*)
A Addis Ababa - Nairobi
F Somalia - Addis Ababa (*bounce*)
A Maputo - Zambezi

F Paris - Tyrrhenian Sea (*fails*)
F Ionian Sea - Libya (*fails*)
A Ankara - Galilee
A Khartoum - Addis Ababa (*bounce*)
A Riyadh Supports A Tehran - Muscat
F Arabian Sea Supports A Tehran - Muscat
F Mumbai - Indian Ocean (*fails*)
A Tibet Holds
A Shanghai - Hong Kong (*fails*)
A Pakistan - Tehran
A Tehran - Muscat

F Muscat - Addis Ababa (*dislodged*)
F Persian Gulf - Muscat (*fails*)

F Melbourne - Great Australian Bight
F Fijian Sea - Tongan Sea (*dislodged*)
F Arafura Sea - South China Sea
F Manila - Philippines Sea
F Siam Supports F Arafura Sea - South China Sea
F Indian Ocean Suppports F Jakarta (*cut*)
F Jakarta Supports F Indian Ocean

China's F Muscat may retreat to Red Sea or OTB
Oceania's F Fijian Sea may retreat to Jayapura, Coral Reef, Tasman Sea, Auckland, Easter Sea or OTB

Next Deadline: Monday, January 26, 2200GMT for Summer 2009. If I get them in more quickly, I'll adjudicate and move us along.

ps. I'm doing an edit of the map as I prepare for a live game we're scheduling here in Winnipeg. If anyone has suggestions on how to make it more even or better in any way, let me know and I'll consider it.


dc231 the dpy - notasb   (Jan 23, 2009, 10:22 am)
I think I forgot to add this

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
Douglas Adams


DC222 Two Steps To Missing Orders - Fall 03 Extens... - Cartesian   (Jan 23, 2009, 9:43 am)

2009/1/23 Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email])>

In my humble opinion, the offending parties should be NMR'd as this is not the first occasion this has happened.

It only takes a minute to submit prelims, and another minute to change them.

While I admire Trout's leniency, I wonder whether it is appreciated, as we seem to be taking advantage of it so often.


----- Original Message ----
From: Brian Schoner <bschoner(at)gmail.com ([email]bschoner(at)gmail.com[/email])>
To: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>; DC222(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]DC222(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])
Cc: kai_shing888(at)yahoo.com.hk ([email]kai_shing888(at)yahoo.com.hk[/email]); Babak Talebi <babaktalebi(at)gmail.com ([email]babaktalebi(at)gmail.com[/email])>; John Langley <jon.langley(at)ntlworld.com ([email]jon.langley(at)ntlworld.com[/email])>; Kevin Lynch <klynch427(at)hotmail.com ([email]klynch427(at)hotmail.com[/email])>; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>; Valentin Cojocaru <valicojo21(at)yahoo.com ([email]valicojo21(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 7:51:31 AM
Subject: RE: DC222 Two Steps To Missing Orders - Fall 03 Extension

[quote:a2cfd4a62e]Hmm. According to four of you we need a 24 hour extension for Fall 1903.
At least, I have to assume thats the case as I'm missing more than half
of the orders for this turn.

Aw, come on, folks! Are we playing this game or what?!?





DC222 Two Steps To Missing Orders - Fall 03 Extens... - ndeily   (Jan 23, 2009, 9:38 am)
In my humble opinion, the offending parties should be NMR'd as this is not the first occasion this has happened.

It only takes a minute to submit prelims, and another minute to change them.

While I admire Trout's leniency, I wonder whether it is appreciated, as we seem to be taking advantage of it so often.


----- Original Message ----
From: Brian Schoner <bschoner(at)gmail.com>
To: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>; DC222(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Cc: kai_shing888(at)yahoo.com.hk; Babak Talebi <babaktalebi(at)gmail.com>; John Langley <jon.langley(at)ntlworld.com>; Kevin Lynch <klynch427(at)hotmail.com>; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>; Valentin Cojocaru <valicojo21(at)yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 7:51:31 AM
Subject: RE: DC222 Two Steps To Missing Orders - Fall 03 Extension

Hmm.  According to four of you we need a 24 hour extension for Fall 1903.
 At least, I have to assume thats the case as I'm missing more than half
of the orders for this turn.

Aw, come on, folks! Are we playing this game or what?!?




dc231 Winter '02 results - notasb   (Jan 23, 2009, 9:14 am)
I could not find retreat orders from Austria.




Spring '03 is due Monday Jan 26th 8 AM CST (GMT -6) 1400 GMT


Austria: NRR
A Budapest, no move received (*Disbanded*)
F Greece, no move received (*Disbanded*)


Build F Liverpool

Build A Berlin

Build F Naples

Build A Warsaw
Build A Moscow

Build F Smyrna

Supply Center and Unit Count:

Austria: 2 / 2
England: 5 / 5
France: 5 / 5
Germany: 6 / 6
Italy: 5 / 5
Russia: 6 / 6
Turkey: 5 / 5

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
Douglas Adams


DC222 Two Steps To Missing Orders - Fall 03 Extens... - bschoner at gmail.com   (Jan 23, 2009, 8:52 am)

Hmm.  According to four of you we need a 24 hour extension for Fall 1903.
 At least, I have to assume thats the case as I'm missing more than half
of the orders for this turn.

Aw, come on, folks! Are we playing this game or what?!?




dc215 tonight! - MattTheLesser   (Jan 23, 2009, 8:50 am)
A little less than 12 hours from now...

Have orders from: England, Germany, Russia, France, Turkey, Italy

Need orders from: No one!

So we're ready to go, although you've got until tonight to update if you



DC219, Deadline reminder - m_don_j   (Jan 23, 2009, 5:11 am)
Heya folks!

I'm glad to say that I've already got 6 out of 7 sets. *gently nudges France to get orders in*

/ Mikael
Hitta bästa boräntan! MSN Privatekonomi


DC205 The Pleiades - Winter 08 - The Cutting Board - former.trout   (Jan 23, 2009, 2:01 am)
Heya 205'ers...

Some new fodder for the cannons finds its way onto the board as Russia reinforces with armies in Moscow and Sevastopol and Italy launches a Naples fleet.

Dems be the builds for 08. Deadline for Spring 1909 orders will be set for Wednesday, Jan 29th (11:59 PM GMT).

Cheers folks!


Adjustment orders for Winter of 1908. (DC205 08 WIN)

Italy: Build F Naples.

Russia: Build A Sevastopol.
Russia: Build A Moscow.

Unit locations:

France: F Barents Sea, A Burgundy, F English Channel, A Holland, F London, A
Marseilles, F North Sea, F Norwegian Sea, A Ruhr, A St Petersburg, A
Italy: F Adriatic Sea, F Bulgaria(sc), F Greece, A Kiel, F Naples, A
Piedmont, A Venice.
Russia: A Ankara, F Armenia, A Berlin, F Black Sea, A Budapest, F Denmark, A
Moscow, A Munich, A Norway, A Serbia, A Sevastopol, F Skagerrak, A
Trieste, A Vienna.
Turkey: F Constantinople, A Smyrna.

Ownership of supply centers:

France: Belgium, Brest, Edinburgh, Holland, Liverpool, London, Marseilles,
Paris, Portugal, Spain, St Petersburg.
Italy: Bulgaria, Greece, Kiel, Naples, Rome, Tunis, Venice.
Russia: Ankara, Berlin, Budapest, Denmark, Moscow, Munich, Norway, Rumania,
Serbia, Sevastopol, Sweden, Trieste, Vienna, Warsaw.
Turkey: Constantinople, Smyrna.

Austria: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 11 Supply centers, 11 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 14 Supply centers, 14 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 2 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 0 units.



DC222 Two Steps To Missing Orders - Fall 03 Extens... - former.trout   (Jan 23, 2009, 1:50 am)
Heya folks,

Hmm. According to four of you we need a 24 hour extension for Fall 1903. At least, I have to assume thats the case as I'm missing more than half of the orders for this turn.


Revised Fall 03 deadline will be set for Friday, Jan 23rd (11:59 PM GMT). Which is roughly 17 hours from now. Hope to hear from some of you very soon. =P




DC222 Two Steps To Missing Orders - Fall 03 Extension (dc222) bschoner at gmail.com Jan 23, 08:52 am

Hmm.  According to four of you we need a 24 hour extension for Fall 1903.
 At least, I have to assume thats the case as I'm missing more than half
of the orders for this turn.

Aw, come on, folks! Are we playing this game or what?!?


DC222 Two Steps To Missing Orders - Fall 03 Extension (dc222) ndeily Jan 23, 09:38 am
In my humble opinion, the offending parties should be NMR'd as this is not the first occasion this has happened.

It only takes a minute to submit prelims, and another minute to change them.

While I admire Trout's leniency, I wonder whether it is appreciated, as we seem to be taking advantage of it so often.


----- Original Message ----
From: Brian Schoner <bschoner(at)gmail.com>
To: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>; DC222(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Cc: kai_shing888(at)yahoo.com.hk; Babak Talebi <babaktalebi(at)gmail.com>; John Langley <jon.langley(at)ntlworld.com>; Kevin Lynch <klynch427(at)hotmail.com>; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>; Valentin Cojocaru <valicojo21(at)yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 7:51:31 AM
Subject: RE: DC222 Two Steps To Missing Orders - Fall 03 Extension

Hmm.  According to four of you we need a 24 hour extension for Fall 1903.
 At least, I have to assume thats the case as I'm missing more than half
of the orders for this turn.

Aw, come on, folks! Are we playing this game or what?!?


DC222 Two Steps To Missing Orders - Fall 03 Extension (dc222) Cartesian Jan 23, 09:43 am

2009/1/23 Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email])>

In my humble opinion, the offending parties should be NMR'd as this is not the first occasion this has happened.

It only takes a minute to submit prelims, and another minute to change them.

While I admire Trout's leniency, I wonder whether it is appreciated, as we seem to be taking advantage of it so often.


----- Original Message ----
From: Brian Schoner <bschoner(at)gmail.com ([email]bschoner(at)gmail.com[/email])>
To: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>; DC222(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]DC222(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])
Cc: kai_shing888(at)yahoo.com.hk ([email]kai_shing888(at)yahoo.com.hk[/email]); Babak Talebi <babaktalebi(at)gmail.com ([email]babaktalebi(at)gmail.com[/email])>; John Langley <jon.langley(at)ntlworld.com ([email]jon.langley(at)ntlworld.com[/email])>; Kevin Lynch <klynch427(at)hotmail.com ([email]klynch427(at)hotmail.com[/email])>; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>; Valentin Cojocaru <valicojo21(at)yahoo.com ([email]valicojo21(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 7:51:31 AM
Subject: RE: DC222 Two Steps To Missing Orders - Fall 03 Extension

[quote:a2cfd4a62e]Hmm. According to four of you we need a 24 hour extension for Fall 1903.
At least, I have to assume thats the case as I'm missing more than half
of the orders for this turn.

Aw, come on, folks! Are we playing this game or what?!?



dc210 s07 results! - former.trout   (Jan 23, 2009, 12:40 am)
Well, I guess that makes my orders for the Fall turn pretty easy. =P

Nice work Penger. Looks like in this one, you got the upper hand on me. *grin*

No-Unit Trout

On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 8:54 PM, Michael Sims <mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])> wrote:

Things are looking grim for some as this game might boil down to a
4-player matchup pretty quick!

NEXT: Fall 07, due Wed 1/28, 10am Pacific

1) A Ven move Apus
2) A Vie move Tri
3) A Vie support A Tyr hold
4) A Rum support A Bul
5) A Bul support F Con
6) A War hold
7) A Tyr hold
Cool F Tri move Adr
9) F Adr move Ion
10) F Apu move Cal
11) F Con support A Bul

A (Wal) - Wsx
F (Wsx) - ENC
F (NTH) s F (Wex) - ENC
F (ARC) s F (NTH) stand
F (Kie) s Russian A (Pru) - Ber
F (Den) s F Kie) stand

F Bre - PSM
F Bre - Gal (*Ignored*)
A Swi - Pie
A Lor - Swi
A Col -Swa
A Hol - Col
F Bel - Hol
F Eng - Bel

F Berlin -> Kiel (*Disbanded*)

A Bav to Boh
A Rom attack Ven

A Cau - Sev
F Bla - Con (*Fails*)
F Mrm S F Bla - Con
A Pru - Ber
f SBS S A Pru - Ber
F Lvn - NBS


WWIV f10 results! (correction) - FuzzyLogic   (Jan 22, 2009, 10:21 pm)
Slight change, India ordered Uzb-Kas, not Kaz. No changes to builds, but that army does move.

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Thu 1/22/2009 9:37 PM
Subject: WWIV f10 results!

6 retreats and lots of builds by MONDAY 10am Pacific!



Mexico A Mexico City(mxc) can retreat to Michoacan(mch).

UnitedKingdom A St Petersburg(stp) can retreat to Komi(kom).

SongEmpire F Akita(aki) can retreat to Nagano(ngn).
SongEmpire A Anhui(anh) can retreat to Zhengzhou(zhe) or
Fuzhou(fuz) or Nanchang(nan).

Philippines F Bering Sea(brg) can retreat to North West Pacific Ocean(nwp).

Oceania F Micronesia(mic) can retreat to Nauru(nau).


Brazil: Remove
California: Build
Catholica: Build 2
Illinois: Build 5
India: Build 2
Mexico: Remove 3
Oceania: Remove
Philippines: Build 2
SichuanEmpire: Build
SongEmpire: Remove 3
SouthAfrica: Build
Thailand: Remove
Turkey: Build 2
UnitedKingdom: Build 3
UnitedStates: Build 2



F Gulf of Panama(gop) - Nicaragua(nic)(wc)
A Acre(acr) Hold
F Archipielago of Chile(arc) - Magallanes(mag)
F Arequipa(arq) Supports F Chile Basin(chb) - Galapagos(glp)
F Bio Bio(bio) Hold
F Buenos-Aries(bue) - South West Atlantic(swa) (*Fails*)
F Chile Basin(chb) - Galapagos(glp)
A Ecuador(ecu) Supports A Lima(lim)
F Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands(flk) - South Atlantic
Ocean(sat) (*Fails*)
F Galapagos(glp) - Gulf of Panama(gop)
A Gran Chaco(gra) - Paraguay(pgy) (*Bounce*)
A Lima(lim) Supports A Ecuador(ecu)
A La Paz(lpz) Supports A Santa Cruz(scz)
A Patagonia(pat) - Buenos-Aries(bue) (*Bounce*)
A Santa Cruz(scz) Supports A Gran Chaco(gra) - Paraguay(pgy)
A Uruguay(uru) - Buenos-Aries(bue) (*Bounce*)

F Cape Verde Islands(cpv) Hold
F Western South Atlantic Ocean(wsa) Supports F Trinidad &
Tobago(trd) - Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) (*Fails*)
F Antilles(ant) Supports F Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) - Puerto
Rico(pr) (*Cut*)
F Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) - Puerto Rico(pr) (*Fails*)
A Panama(pan) Supports F Gulf of Panama(gop) - Nicaragua(nic)(wc)
F Trinidad & Tobago(trd) - Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) (*Bounce*)
F Amundsen Sea(amu) - Weddell Sea(wed) (*Bounce*)
A Amazon Basin(amz) - Loreto(lor)
A Bogota(bog) Supports A Panama(pan) (*Fails*)
F Barranquilla(brn) Supports F Golfo De Venezuela(gov) - Western
Caribbean Sea(wcb)
F Caracas(crc) - Golfo De Venezuela(gov) (*Fails*)
F Golfo De Venezuela(gov) - Western Caribbean Sea(wcb) (*Fails*)
F Guyana(guy) Supports F Trinidad & Tobago(trd) - Eastern
Caribbean Sea(ecb) (*Fails*)
A Manaus(man) Hold
A Medellin(med) Supports A Panama(pan)
A Mato Grosso Do Sul(mgd) - Paraguay(pgy) (*Bounce*)
A Mato Grosso(mgr) - Santa Cruz(scz) (*Fails*)
F Mid South Atlantic Ocean(msa) Supports F South West
Atlantic(swa) - St Helena(sth)
F Rio De Janeiro(rio) Supports F Buenos-Aries(bue) - South West
Atlantic(swa) (*Fails*)
A Sao Paulo(sao) Hold
A Santander(stn) - Maracaibo(mcb)
F South West Atlantic(swa) - St Helena(sth) (*Fails*)

A Baja(baj) - Guadalajara(gdl)
A Chihuahua(chu) - New Mexico(nmx)
F Guatamala Basin(gub) Convoys A Baja(baj) - Guadalajara(gdl)
A Sonora(son) - Zacatcas(zac) (*Bounce*)
F North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp) Supports F Anchorage(anc) -
Bering Sea(brg)
F East Central Pacific Ocean(ecp) Supports F Guatamala Basin(gub)
F Hawaii(hi) Supports F Midway Island(mdw)
F Midway Island(mdw) Supports F North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp)
F North East Pacific Ocean(nep) - Los Angeles(la)
A Utah(uta) - Nevada(nev)

F Morocco(mor) Supports F Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena)
F Red Sea(red) Supports F Yemen(yem) - Gulf of Aden(gad)
F Gulf of Sirte(sir) - Tyrrhenian Sea(tyr)
F Bay of Biscay(bis) Supports F Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena)
A Budapest(bud) - Rumania(rum) (*Bounce*)
A Burgundy(bur) - Piedmont(pie)
F Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena) Supports F Azores(azo)
A Lithuania(lit) - St Petersburg(stp)
A Piedmont(pie) - Atlas Mountains(ats)
A Prague(prg) - Austria(aus)
A Serbia(ser) - Rumania(rum) (*Bounce*)
F Spain(spa)(sc) - Portugal(por)
F Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) Convoys A Piedmont(pie) - Atlas
F Yemen(yem) - Gulf of Aden(gad)

A Cienfuegos(cie) Hold
A Coahuila(coa) - Zacatcas(zac) (*Bounce*)
F Eastern Gulf of Mexico(egm) - Bahamas(bhm)
F Jamaica(jam) Supports F Western Caribbean Sea(wcb)
A Monterey(mon) - Mexico City(mxc)
A Veracruz(vcz) Supports A Monterey(mon) - Mexico City(mxc)
F Western Gulf of Mexico(wgm) - Yucatan(yuc)
F Yucatan Basin(yub) Supports F Jamaica(jam)
A Yucatan(yuc) - Belize(blz)
F Anchorage(anc) - Bering Sea(brg)
A Corpus Christi(ccr) Supports A San Antonio(san) - Monterey(mon)
F Gulf of Alaska(goa) Supports F Anchorage(anc) - Bering Sea(brg)
F Greenland(grn) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab) - Norwegian
F Hudson Bay(hud) - Labrador Sea(lab)
A Kansas(kan) Hold
F Labrador Sea(lab) - Norwegian Sea(nwg)
A Memphis(mem) Hold
A Quebec(qbc) Hold
A San Antonio(san) - Monterey(mon)
F Vancouver(van) - Cascadia Basin(cas)
A West Texas(wtx) - Chihuahua(chu)
A Yukon(yuk) - Anchorage(anc) (*Bounce*)

A Orenburgskaya Oblast(orn) Supports A Kazan(kzn)
F Arabian Sea(ara) - Madras(mdr)
F Bay of Bengal(bob) Convoys A Madras(mdr) - Magwe(mgw)
F Gulf of Aden(gad) - Arabian Sea(ara)
A Madras(mdr) - Magwe(mgw)
A Oman(oma) Hold
F Persian Gulf(peg) Supports A Oman(oma)
F Sri Lanka(sri) - North Indian Ocean(nio) (*Fails*)
A Aktyubinsk(akt) Supports A Orenburgskaya Oblast(orn)
F Karachi(kar), no move received
A Kazakhstan(kaz) - Almaty(alm)
A Shiraz(shi) Supports A Tehran(teh)
A Tehran(teh) Hold
A Uzbekistan(uzb) - Kazakhstan(kaz) (*Fails*)

F Acapulco(aca), no move received
F Guatamala(gml), no move received
A Honduras(hon), no move received
A Mexico City(mxc) Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Nicaragua(nic) Hold (*Disbanded*)
A Zacatcas(zac), no move received
A Arizona(arz), no move received

A Bangui(ban) - Chad(cha)
A Chad(cha) - Niger(ngr)
A Congo(con) Hold
F Dakar(dak) Supports F Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa)
A Equateur(equ) - Sudan(sud)
F Eritrea(eri) Supports F Yemen(yem) - Gulf of Aden(gad)
F Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa) Supports F St Helena(sth)
F Gulf of Guinea(gog) Supports F Eastern South Atlantic
A Mali(mal) Supports F Mauritania(mau)
F Mauritania(mau) Supports F Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena)
A Niger(ngr) - Tombouctou(tom)
F Somalia(som) Supports F Yemen(yem) - Gulf of Aden(gad)
A Sudan(sud) - Khartoum(kha)

F Ambon(amb) - Arafura Sea(arf)
F Darwin(dwn) Hold
F Micronesia(mic) Hold (*Dislodged*)
F New Guinea(ng) Supports F Micronesia(mic) - Southern
Philippine Sea(sps) (*Void*)
F Papua New Guinea(pap) Supports F Ambon(amb) - Arafura Sea(arf)
F Soloman Islands(sol), no move received
A South Australia(soz) Supports F Darwin(dwn)
F Tasman Sea(tas) - Coral Sea(crl)
F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo) Supports F Soloman Islands(sol) -
Micronesia(mic) (*Void*)
F Pitcairn Island(pit) Supports F South Central Pacific
F Ross Sea(ros) Supports F Pitcairn Island(pit)
F South Central Pacific Ocean(scp) Supports F Pitcairn
F Tahiti(tah) Supports F Pitcairn Island(pit)

F Bering Sea(brg) - North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp)
F Guam(gua) Supports F Southern Philippine Sea(sps) -
F Northern Philippine Sea(nps) - Okinawa(oki)
F North West Pacific Ocean(nwp) - West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp)
F Saipan(sai) Supports F North West Pacific Ocean(nwp) - West
Central Pacific Ocean(wcp)
F West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp) - Tokyo(tok)
F Manila(mnl) - Northern Philippine Sea(nps)
F Southern Philippine Sea(sps) - Micronesia(mic)

A Komi(kom) - Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina(zap)
A Kazan(kzn) Hold
A Omsk(oms) Supports A Komi(kom) - Zapadno-Sibirskaya
A Perm'(prm) Supports A Komi(kom) - Zapadno-Sibirskaya
A Ufa(ufa) Supports A Kazan(kzn)
A Changsha(chg) Supports A Wuhan(wuh) - Anhui(anh)
A Chongqing(cho) Supports A Yunan(yun)
F East China Sea(ecs) Supports F Northern Philippine Sea(nps) -
A Henan(hen) - Wuhan(wuh)
A Korea(kor) - Nanjing(njg)
F Sea of Okhotsk(okh) Supports F Seoul(seo) - Sea of Japan(soj)
A Sakhalinsk(sak) Supports F Sapporo(sap)
F Sapporo(sap) Supports F Sea of Japan(soj) - Akita(aki)
F Shandong(sdg) Supports A Korea(kor) - Nanjing(njg)
F Seoul(seo) - Sea of Japan(soj)
A Siberia(sib) - Anchorage(anc) (*Bounce*)
F Sea of Japan(soj) - Akita(aki)
A Wuhan(wuh) - Anhui(anh)
F Yellow Sea(yel) Convoys A Korea(kor) - Nanjing(njg)
A Srednesibirskoye Ploskogor'ye(srd) - Irkutsk(irk)
A Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina(zap) - Srednesibirskoye

F Akita(aki) Supports F Kyoto(kyo) - Sea of Japan(soj)
A Anhui(anh) Supports F Nanjing(njg) - Shanghai(sha)
A Da Nang(dan), no move received
F Guangdong(gdg) Supports F Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu(gnx) - Hong
F Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu(gnx) - Hong Kong(hk) (*Bounce*)
A Guiyang(gyn) Supports A Guizhou(gzh) - Yunan(yun)
A Guizhou(gzh) - Yunan(yun) (*Fails*)
F Kyoto(kyo) - Sea of Japan(soj) (*Fails*)
F Nanjing(njg) - Shanghai(sha)
F Taiwan(tai) - South China Sea North(scn) (*Fails*)

F Angola Basin(anb) Supports F St Helena(sth)
A Angola(ang) Supports A Kinshasa(kin)
A Kinshasa(kin) Supports A Angola(ang)
F Lubango(lub) Supports F South Atlantic Ocean(sat)
F Madagascar(mds) - Central Indian Ocean(cio)
A Mombasa(mom) Supports A Uganda(uga) - Tanzania(tan)
F Somali Basin(sob) Supports F Central Indian Ocean(cio) - Diego
F St Helena(sth) Supports F Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa)
A Uganda(uga) - Tanzania(tan)
A Zambia(zam) Supports A Uganda(uga) - Tanzania(tan)
F Central Indian Ocean(cio) - Diego Garcia(die)
F North Indian Ocean(nio) - Strait of Malacca(stm)
F Southern Indian Ocean(sio) Supports F Madagascar(mds) -
Central Indian Ocean(cio)
F South West Indian Ocean(swi) - Weddell Sea(wed) (*Bounce*)
F South Atlantic Ocean(sat) Supports F South West Indian
Ocean(swi) - Weddell Sea(wed) (*Cut*)

F Gulf of Tongking(gto) Supports F South China Sea North(scn) -
Hong Kong(hk)
A Hanoi(han) Supports A Yunan(yun)
F South China Sea North(scn) - Hong Kong(hk) (*Bounce*)
A Yunan(yun) Supports A Hanoi(han) (*Cut*)
F Arafura Sea(arf) - Molucca Sea(mlc)
F Banda Sea(bnd) - Ambon(amb)
F Diego Garcia(die) - North Indian Ocean(nio)
A Ho Chi Minh(ho) - Da Nang(dan) (*Fails*)
F Java Trench(jvt) Supports F Diego Garcia(die) - North Indian
A Laos(lao) Supports A Hanoi(han)
A Medan(mdn), no move received
F Natuna Sea(ntu) - Java Sea(jav)
A Padang(pad) - Riau(ria)
F Timor Sea(tms) - Darwin(dwn) (*Fails*)

F Black Sea(bla) - Istanbul(ist)
A Donets’k(don) Supports A Volgograd(vol)
A Jordan(jor) - Egypt(egy)
A Kiev(kie) Supports A Moscow(mos)
A Mecca(mec) - Yemen(yem)
A Moscow(mos) Supports A Lithuania(lit) - St Petersburg(stp)
A Minsk(msk) Supports A Moscow(mos)
F Saudi Arabia(sau) - Oman(oma) (*Fails*)
A Syria(syr) - Baghdad(bag) (*Bounce*)
A Volgograd(vol) Supports A Moscow(mos)
A Azerbaijan(aze) Supports A Volgograd(vol)
A Baghdad(bag) - Jordan(jor)
A Tabriz(tab) - Baghdad(bag) (*Bounce*)

F Azores(azo), no move received
F Barents Sea(bar), no move received
F Eastern North Sea(ens), no move received
F Finland(fin), no move received
F Iceland(ice), no move received
F Murmansk(mur), no move received
F North Atlantic Ocean(nat), no move received
A St Petersburg(stp) Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Western North Sea(wns), no move received

F Guantanamo(gno) - Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) (*Bounce*)
F Hispaniola(his) Supports F Sargasso Sea(sar) - Puerto Rico(pr)
F Sargasso Sea(sar) - Puerto Rico(pr)
F Western Caribbean Sea(wcb) Supports F Jamaica(jam) (*Cut*)
A Atlanta(atl) - Miami(mia)
F Bermuda(bmd) - Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) (*Fails*)
F Gulf of St Lawrence(gsl) Supports F Bermuda(bmd) - Mid North
Atlantic Ocean(mna) (*Fails*)
F Labrador(lbr) Supports F Hudson Bay(hud) - Labrador Sea(lab)
F Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) - Antilles(ant) (*Fails*)
F North East Coast(nec) Supports F Bermuda(bmd) - Mid North
Atlantic Ocean(mna) (*Fails*)
F Newfoundland(nwf) Supports F Hudson Bay(hud) - Labrador
A Pennsylvania(pa) - New York City(nyc)


dc210 s07 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Jan 22, 2009, 9:52 pm)
Things are looking grim for some as this game might boil down to a
4-player matchup pretty quick!

NEXT: Fall 07, due Wed 1/28, 10am Pacific

1) A Ven move Apus
2) A Vie move Tri
3) A Vie support A Tyr hold
4) A Rum support A Bul
5) A Bul support F Con
6) A War hold
7) A Tyr hold
Cool F Tri move Adr
9) F Adr move Ion
10) F Apu move Cal
11) F Con support A Bul

A (Wal) - Wsx
F (Wsx) - ENC
F (NTH) s F (Wex) - ENC
F (ARC) s F (NTH) stand
F (Kie) s Russian A (Pru) - Ber
F (Den) s F Kie) stand

F Bre - PSM
F Bre - Gal (*Ignored*)
A Swi - Pie
A Lor - Swi
A Col -Swa
A Hol - Col
F Bel - Hol
F Eng - Bel

F Berlin -> Kiel (*Disbanded*)

A Bav to Boh
A Rom attack Ven

A Cau - Sev
F Bla - Con (*Fails*)
F Mrm S F Bla - Con
A Pru - Ber
f SBS S A Pru - Ber
F Lvn - NBS


dc210 s07 results! (dc210) former.trout Jan 23, 12:40 am
Well, I guess that makes my orders for the Fall turn pretty easy. =P

Nice work Penger. Looks like in this one, you got the upper hand on me. *grin*

No-Unit Trout

On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 8:54 PM, Michael Sims <mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])> wrote:

Things are looking grim for some as this game might boil down to a
4-player matchup pretty quick!

NEXT: Fall 07, due Wed 1/28, 10am Pacific

1) A Ven move Apus
2) A Vie move Tri
3) A Vie support A Tyr hold
4) A Rum support A Bul
5) A Bul support F Con
6) A War hold
7) A Tyr hold
Cool F Tri move Adr
9) F Adr move Ion
10) F Apu move Cal
11) F Con support A Bul

A (Wal) - Wsx
F (Wsx) - ENC
F (NTH) s F (Wex) - ENC
F (ARC) s F (NTH) stand
F (Kie) s Russian A (Pru) - Ber
F (Den) s F Kie) stand

F Bre - PSM
F Bre - Gal (*Ignored*)
A Swi - Pie
A Lor - Swi
A Col -Swa
A Hol - Col
F Bel - Hol
F Eng - Bel

F Berlin -> Kiel (*Disbanded*)

A Bav to Boh
A Rom attack Ven

A Cau - Sev
F Bla - Con (*Fails*)
F Mrm S F Bla - Con
A Pru - Ber
f SBS S A Pru - Ber
F Lvn - NBS

dc210 s07 results! (dc210) FuzzyLogic Jan 24, 11:22 am
Hey all, France has correctly pointed out that he had 2 fleets in Bre,
so the move to Gal does happen. He had one there, then built another!
(these darn rules allowing screwy things like that)

NEXT: Fall 07, due Wed 1/28, 10am Pacific

1) A Ven move Apus
2) A Vie move Tri
3) A Vie support A Tyr hold
4) A Rum support A Bul
5) A Bul support F Con
6) A War hold
7) A Tyr hold
Cool F Tri move Adr
9) F Adr move Ion
10) F Apu move Cal
11) F Con support A Bul

A (Wal) - Wsx
F (Wsx) - ENC
F (NTH) s F (Wex) - ENC
F (ARC) s F (NTH) stand
F (Kie) s Russian A (Pru) - Ber
F (Den) s F Kie) stand

F Bre - PSM
F Bre - Gal
A Swi - Pie
A Lor - Swi
A Col -Swa
A Hol - Col
F Bel - Hol
F Eng - Bel

F Berlin -> Kiel (*Disbanded*)

A Bav to Boh
A Rom attack Ven

A Cau - Sev
F Bla - Con (*Fails*)
F Mrm S F Bla - Con
A Pru - Ber
f SBS S A Pru - Ber
F Lvn - NBS
dc210 s07 results! (dc210) FuzzyLogic Jan 28, 08:47 am
Hey guys, this deadline is pushed back to Friday 1/30.
Retreats & builds will then be due Monday.

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Sat 1/24/2009 11:24 AM
Subject: dc210 s07 results!

Hey all, France has correctly pointed out that he had 2 fleets in Bre, so the move to Gal does happen. He had one there, then built another! (these darn rules allowing screwy things like that)

NEXT: Fall 07, due Wed 1/28, 10am Pacific

1) A Ven move Apus
2) A Vie move Tri
3) A Vie support A Tyr hold
4) A Rum support A Bul
5) A Bul support F Con
6) A War hold
7) A Tyr hold
Cool F Tri move Adr
9) F Adr move Ion
10) F Apu move Cal
11) F Con support A Bul

A (Wal) - Wsx
F (Wsx) - ENC
F (NTH) s F (Wex) - ENC
F (ARC) s F (NTH) stand
F (Kie) s Russian A (Pru) - Ber
F (Den) s F Kie) stand

F Bre - PSM
F Bre - Gal
A Swi - Pie
A Lor - Swi
A Col -Swa
A Hol - Col
F Bel - Hol
F Eng - Bel

F Berlin -> Kiel (*Disbanded*)

A Bav to Boh
A Rom attack Ven

A Cau - Sev
F Bla - Con (*Fails*)
F Mrm S F Bla - Con
A Pru - Ber
f SBS S A Pru - Ber
F Lvn - NBS
dc210 s07 results! (dc210) FuzzyLogic Feb 02, 09:25 am
Hey all,
Amid all the anticipation of a great game this wkend it seems Diplomacy has fallen by the way... much like the Cards blew their fantastic end to their game in an equally anti-fantastic way. At least, I guess, being a Cubs fan, i'm used to it...

Oh well... will get to this one later today. If anyone doesnt have orders in, get'em in!

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Sat 1/24/2009 11:24 AM
To: 'stermapo(at)yahoo.com'; 'mestanacar(at)yahoo.com'; 'former.trout(at)gmail.com'; 'aislattery(at)aol.com'; 'jmc66(at)mac.com'; 'nephilli99(at)hotmail.com'; 'stevelytton(at)hotmail.com'; 'dc210(at)diplomaticcorp.com'
Subject: dc210 s07 results!

Hey all, France has correctly pointed out that he had 2 fleets in Bre, so the move to Gal does happen. He had one there, then built another! (these darn rules allowing screwy things like that)

NEXT: Fall 07, due Wed 1/28, 10am Pacific

1) A Ven move Apus
2) A Vie move Tri
3) A Vie support A Tyr hold
4) A Rum support A Bul
5) A Bul support F Con
6) A War hold
7) A Tyr hold
Cool F Tri move Adr
9) F Adr move Ion
10) F Apu move Cal
11) F Con support A Bul

A (Wal) - Wsx
F (Wsx) - ENC
F (NTH) s F (Wex) - ENC
F (ARC) s F (NTH) stand
F (Kie) s Russian A (Pru) - Ber
F (Den) s F Kie) stand

F Bre - PSM
F Bre - Gal
A Swi - Pie
A Lor - Swi
A Col -Swa
A Hol - Col
F Bel - Hol
F Eng - Bel

F Berlin -> Kiel (*Disbanded*)

A Bav to Boh
A Rom attack Ven

A Cau - Sev
F Bla - Con (*Fails*)
F Mrm S F Bla - Con
A Pru - Ber
f SBS S A Pru - Ber
F Lvn - NBS
dc210 s07 results! (dc210) former.trout Feb 02, 12:50 pm
Sorry I'm late with these... =P

A Hell -> Moscow
A NIrvana -> St. Petersburg
A My Fridge Support Nirvana -> St. Petes
F Rubber Duckie -> Sevastopol


Annihilated Trout

On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 8:21 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])> wrote:

Hey all,
Amid all the anticipation of a great game this wkend it seems Diplomacy has fallen by the way... much like the Cards blew their fantastic end to their game in an equally anti-fantastic way. At least, I guess, being a Cubs fan, i'm used to it...

Oh well... will get to this one later today. If anyone doesnt have orders in, get'em in!

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Sat 1/24/2009 11:24 AM

To: 'stermapo(at)yahoo.com ([email]stermapo(at)yahoo.com[/email])'; 'mestanacar(at)yahoo.com ([email]mestanacar(at)yahoo.com[/email])'; 'former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])'; 'aislattery(at)aol.com ([email]aislattery(at)aol.com[/email])'; 'jmc66(at)mac.com ([email]jmc66(at)mac.com[/email])'; 'nephilli99(at)hotmail.com ([email]nephilli99(at)hotmail.com[/email])'; 'stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])'; 'dc210(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc210(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])'
Subject: dc210 s07 results!

Hey all, France has correctly pointed out that he had 2 fleets in Bre, so the move to Gal does happen. He had one there, then built another! (these darn rules allowing screwy things like that)

NEXT: Fall 07, due Wed 1/28, 10am Pacific

1) A Ven move Apus
2) A Vie move Tri
3) A Vie support A Tyr hold
4) A Rum support A Bul
5) A Bul support F Con
6) A War hold
7) A Tyr hold
Cool F Tri move Adr
9) F Adr move Ion
10) F Apu move Cal
11) F Con support A Bul

A (Wal) - Wsx
F (Wsx) - ENC
F (NTH) s F (Wex) - ENC
F (ARC) s F (NTH) stand
F (Kie) s Russian A (Pru) - Ber
F (Den) s F Kie) stand

F Bre - PSM
F Bre - Gal
A Swi - Pie
A Lor - Swi
A Col -Swa
A Hol - Col
F Bel - Hol
F Eng - Bel

F Berlin -> Kiel (*Disbanded*)

A Bav to Boh
A Rom attack Ven

A Cau - Sev
F Bla - Con (*Fails*)
F Mrm S F Bla - Con
A Pru - Ber
f SBS S A Pru - Ber
F Lvn - NBS

WWIV f10 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Jan 22, 2009, 9:36 pm)
6 retreats and lots of builds by MONDAY 10am Pacific!



Mexico A Mexico City(mxc) can retreat to Michoacan(mch).

UnitedKingdom A St Petersburg(stp) can retreat to Komi(kom).

SongEmpire F Akita(aki) can retreat to Nagano(ngn).
SongEmpire A Anhui(anh) can retreat to Zhengzhou(zhe) or
Fuzhou(fuz) or Nanchang(nan).

Philippines F Bering Sea(brg) can retreat to North West Pacific Ocean(nwp).

Oceania F Micronesia(mic) can retreat to Nauru(nau).


Brazil: Remove
California: Build
Catholica: Build 2
Illinois: Build 5
India: Build 2
Mexico: Remove 3
Oceania: Remove
Philippines: Build 2
SichuanEmpire: Build
SongEmpire: Remove 3
SouthAfrica: Build
Thailand: Remove
Turkey: Build 2
UnitedKingdom: Build 3
UnitedStates: Build 2



F Gulf of Panama(gop) - Nicaragua(nic)(wc)
A Acre(acr) Hold
F Archipielago of Chile(arc) - Magallanes(mag)
F Arequipa(arq) Supports F Chile Basin(chb) - Galapagos(glp)
F Bio Bio(bio) Hold
F Buenos-Aries(bue) - South West Atlantic(swa) (*Fails*)
F Chile Basin(chb) - Galapagos(glp)
A Ecuador(ecu) Supports A Lima(lim)
F Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands(flk) - South Atlantic
Ocean(sat) (*Fails*)
F Galapagos(glp) - Gulf of Panama(gop)
A Gran Chaco(gra) - Paraguay(pgy) (*Bounce*)
A Lima(lim) Supports A Ecuador(ecu)
A La Paz(lpz) Supports A Santa Cruz(scz)
A Patagonia(pat) - Buenos-Aries(bue) (*Bounce*)
A Santa Cruz(scz) Supports A Gran Chaco(gra) - Paraguay(pgy)
A Uruguay(uru) - Buenos-Aries(bue) (*Bounce*)

F Cape Verde Islands(cpv) Hold
F Western South Atlantic Ocean(wsa) Supports F Trinidad &
Tobago(trd) - Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) (*Fails*)
F Antilles(ant) Supports F Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) - Puerto
Rico(pr) (*Cut*)
F Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) - Puerto Rico(pr) (*Fails*)
A Panama(pan) Supports F Gulf of Panama(gop) - Nicaragua(nic)(wc)
F Trinidad & Tobago(trd) - Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) (*Bounce*)
F Amundsen Sea(amu) - Weddell Sea(wed) (*Bounce*)
A Amazon Basin(amz) - Loreto(lor)
A Bogota(bog) Supports A Panama(pan) (*Fails*)
F Barranquilla(brn) Supports F Golfo De Venezuela(gov) - Western
Caribbean Sea(wcb)
F Caracas(crc) - Golfo De Venezuela(gov) (*Fails*)
F Golfo De Venezuela(gov) - Western Caribbean Sea(wcb) (*Fails*)
F Guyana(guy) Supports F Trinidad & Tobago(trd) - Eastern
Caribbean Sea(ecb) (*Fails*)
A Manaus(man) Hold
A Medellin(med) Supports A Panama(pan)
A Mato Grosso Do Sul(mgd) - Paraguay(pgy) (*Bounce*)
A Mato Grosso(mgr) - Santa Cruz(scz) (*Fails*)
F Mid South Atlantic Ocean(msa) Supports F South West
Atlantic(swa) - St Helena(sth)
F Rio De Janeiro(rio) Supports F Buenos-Aries(bue) - South West
Atlantic(swa) (*Fails*)
A Sao Paulo(sao) Hold
A Santander(stn) - Maracaibo(mcb)
F South West Atlantic(swa) - St Helena(sth) (*Fails*)

A Baja(baj) - Guadalajara(gdl)
A Chihuahua(chu) - New Mexico(nmx)
F Guatamala Basin(gub) Convoys A Baja(baj) - Guadalajara(gdl)
A Sonora(son) - Zacatcas(zac) (*Bounce*)
F North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp) Supports F Anchorage(anc) -
Bering Sea(brg)
F East Central Pacific Ocean(ecp) Supports F Guatamala Basin(gub)
F Hawaii(hi) Supports F Midway Island(mdw)
F Midway Island(mdw) Supports F North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp)
F North East Pacific Ocean(nep) - Los Angeles(la)
A Utah(uta) - Nevada(nev)

F Morocco(mor) Supports F Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena)
F Red Sea(red) Supports F Yemen(yem) - Gulf of Aden(gad)
F Gulf of Sirte(sir) - Tyrrhenian Sea(tyr)
F Bay of Biscay(bis) Supports F Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena)
A Budapest(bud) - Rumania(rum) (*Bounce*)
A Burgundy(bur) - Piedmont(pie)
F Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena) Supports F Azores(azo)
A Lithuania(lit) - St Petersburg(stp)
A Piedmont(pie) - Atlas Mountains(ats)
A Prague(prg) - Austria(aus)
A Serbia(ser) - Rumania(rum) (*Bounce*)
F Spain(spa)(sc) - Portugal(por)
F Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) Convoys A Piedmont(pie) - Atlas
F Yemen(yem) - Gulf of Aden(gad)

A Cienfuegos(cie) Hold
A Coahuila(coa) - Zacatcas(zac) (*Bounce*)
F Eastern Gulf of Mexico(egm) - Bahamas(bhm)
F Jamaica(jam) Supports F Western Caribbean Sea(wcb)
A Monterey(mon) - Mexico City(mxc)
A Veracruz(vcz) Supports A Monterey(mon) - Mexico City(mxc)
F Western Gulf of Mexico(wgm) - Yucatan(yuc)
F Yucatan Basin(yub) Supports F Jamaica(jam)
A Yucatan(yuc) - Belize(blz)
F Anchorage(anc) - Bering Sea(brg)
A Corpus Christi(ccr) Supports A San Antonio(san) - Monterey(mon)
F Gulf of Alaska(goa) Supports F Anchorage(anc) - Bering Sea(brg)
F Greenland(grn) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab) - Norwegian
F Hudson Bay(hud) - Labrador Sea(lab)
A Kansas(kan) Hold
F Labrador Sea(lab) - Norwegian Sea(nwg)
A Memphis(mem) Hold
A Quebec(qbc) Hold
A San Antonio(san) - Monterey(mon)
F Vancouver(van) - Cascadia Basin(cas)
A West Texas(wtx) - Chihuahua(chu)
A Yukon(yuk) - Anchorage(anc) (*Bounce*)

A Orenburgskaya Oblast(orn) Supports A Kazan(kzn)
F Arabian Sea(ara) - Madras(mdr)
F Bay of Bengal(bob) Convoys A Madras(mdr) - Magwe(mgw)
F Gulf of Aden(gad) - Arabian Sea(ara)
A Madras(mdr) - Magwe(mgw)
A Oman(oma) Hold
F Persian Gulf(peg) Supports A Oman(oma)
F Sri Lanka(sri) - North Indian Ocean(nio) (*Fails*)
A Aktyubinsk(akt) Supports A Orenburgskaya Oblast(orn)
F Karachi(kar), no move received
A Kazakhstan(kaz) - Almaty(alm)
A Shiraz(shi) Supports A Tehran(teh)
A Tehran(teh) Hold
A Uzbekistan(uzb) - Kazakhstan(kaz) (*Fails*)

F Acapulco(aca), no move received
F Guatamala(gml), no move received
A Honduras(hon), no move received
A Mexico City(mxc) Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Nicaragua(nic) Hold (*Disbanded*)
A Zacatcas(zac), no move received
A Arizona(arz), no move received

A Bangui(ban) - Chad(cha)
A Chad(cha) - Niger(ngr)
A Congo(con) Hold
F Dakar(dak) Supports F Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa)
A Equateur(equ) - Sudan(sud)
F Eritrea(eri) Supports F Yemen(yem) - Gulf of Aden(gad)
F Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa) Supports F St Helena(sth)
F Gulf of Guinea(gog) Supports F Eastern South Atlantic
A Mali(mal) Supports F Mauritania(mau)
F Mauritania(mau) Supports F Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena)
A Niger(ngr) - Tombouctou(tom)
F Somalia(som) Supports F Yemen(yem) - Gulf of Aden(gad)
A Sudan(sud) - Khartoum(kha)

F Ambon(amb) - Arafura Sea(arf)
F Darwin(dwn) Hold
F Micronesia(mic) Hold (*Dislodged*)
F New Guinea(ng) Supports F Micronesia(mic) - Southern
Philippine Sea(sps) (*Void*)
F Papua New Guinea(pap) Supports F Ambon(amb) - Arafura Sea(arf)
F Soloman Islands(sol), no move received
A South Australia(soz) Supports F Darwin(dwn)
F Tasman Sea(tas) - Coral Sea(crl)
F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo) Supports F Soloman Islands(sol) -
Micronesia(mic) (*Void*)
F Pitcairn Island(pit) Supports F South Central Pacific
F Ross Sea(ros) Supports F Pitcairn Island(pit)
F South Central Pacific Ocean(scp) Supports F Pitcairn
F Tahiti(tah) Supports F Pitcairn Island(pit)

F Bering Sea(brg) - North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp)
F Guam(gua) Supports F Southern Philippine Sea(sps) -
F Northern Philippine Sea(nps) - Okinawa(oki)
F North West Pacific Ocean(nwp) - West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp)
F Saipan(sai) Supports F North West Pacific Ocean(nwp) - West
Central Pacific Ocean(wcp)
F West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp) - Tokyo(tok)
F Manila(mnl) - Northern Philippine Sea(nps)
F Southern Philippine Sea(sps) - Micronesia(mic)

A Komi(kom) - Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina(zap)
A Kazan(kzn) Hold
A Omsk(oms) Supports A Komi(kom) - Zapadno-Sibirskaya
A Perm'(prm) Supports A Komi(kom) - Zapadno-Sibirskaya
A Ufa(ufa) Supports A Kazan(kzn)
A Changsha(chg) Supports A Wuhan(wuh) - Anhui(anh)
A Chongqing(cho) Supports A Yunan(yun)
F East China Sea(ecs) Supports F Northern Philippine Sea(nps) -
A Henan(hen) - Wuhan(wuh)
A Korea(kor) - Nanjing(njg)
F Sea of Okhotsk(okh) Supports F Seoul(seo) - Sea of Japan(soj)
A Sakhalinsk(sak) Supports F Sapporo(sap)
F Sapporo(sap) Supports F Sea of Japan(soj) - Akita(aki)
F Shandong(sdg) Supports A Korea(kor) - Nanjing(njg)
F Seoul(seo) - Sea of Japan(soj)
A Siberia(sib) - Anchorage(anc) (*Bounce*)
F Sea of Japan(soj) - Akita(aki)
A Wuhan(wuh) - Anhui(anh)
F Yellow Sea(yel) Convoys A Korea(kor) - Nanjing(njg)
A Srednesibirskoye Ploskogor'ye(srd) - Irkutsk(irk)
A Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina(zap) - Srednesibirskoye

F Akita(aki) Supports F Kyoto(kyo) - Sea of Japan(soj)
A Anhui(anh) Supports F Nanjing(njg) - Shanghai(sha)
A Da Nang(dan), no move received
F Guangdong(gdg) Supports F Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu(gnx) - Hong
F Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu(gnx) - Hong Kong(hk) (*Bounce*)
A Guiyang(gyn) Supports A Guizhou(gzh) - Yunan(yun)
A Guizhou(gzh) - Yunan(yun) (*Fails*)
F Kyoto(kyo) - Sea of Japan(soj) (*Fails*)
F Nanjing(njg) - Shanghai(sha)
F Taiwan(tai) - South China Sea North(scn) (*Fails*)

F Angola Basin(anb) Supports F St Helena(sth)
A Angola(ang) Supports A Kinshasa(kin)
A Kinshasa(kin) Supports A Angola(ang)
F Lubango(lub) Supports F South Atlantic Ocean(sat)
F Madagascar(mds) - Central Indian Ocean(cio)
A Mombasa(mom) Supports A Uganda(uga) - Tanzania(tan)
F Somali Basin(sob) Supports F Central Indian Ocean(cio) - Diego
F St Helena(sth) Supports F Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa)
A Uganda(uga) - Tanzania(tan)
A Zambia(zam) Supports A Uganda(uga) - Tanzania(tan)
F Central Indian Ocean(cio) - Diego Garcia(die)
F North Indian Ocean(nio) - Strait of Malacca(stm)
F Southern Indian Ocean(sio) Supports F Madagascar(mds) -
Central Indian Ocean(cio)
F South West Indian Ocean(swi) - Weddell Sea(wed) (*Bounce*)
F South Atlantic Ocean(sat) Supports F South West Indian
Ocean(swi) - Weddell Sea(wed) (*Cut*)

F Gulf of Tongking(gto) Supports F South China Sea North(scn) -
Hong Kong(hk)
A Hanoi(han) Supports A Yunan(yun)
F South China Sea North(scn) - Hong Kong(hk) (*Bounce*)
A Yunan(yun) Supports A Hanoi(han) (*Cut*)
F Arafura Sea(arf) - Molucca Sea(mlc)
F Banda Sea(bnd) - Ambon(amb)
F Diego Garcia(die) - North Indian Ocean(nio)
A Ho Chi Minh(ho) - Da Nang(dan) (*Fails*)
F Java Trench(jvt) Supports F Diego Garcia(die) - North Indian
A Laos(lao) Supports A Hanoi(han)
A Medan(mdn), no move received
F Natuna Sea(ntu) - Java Sea(jav)
A Padang(pad) - Riau(ria)
F Timor Sea(tms) - Darwin(dwn) (*Fails*)

F Black Sea(bla) - Istanbul(ist)
A Donets’k(don) Supports A Volgograd(vol)
A Jordan(jor) - Egypt(egy)
A Kiev(kie) Supports A Moscow(mos)
A Mecca(mec) - Yemen(yem)
A Moscow(mos) Supports A Lithuania(lit) - St Petersburg(stp)
A Minsk(msk) Supports A Moscow(mos)
F Saudi Arabia(sau) - Oman(oma) (*Fails*)
A Syria(syr) - Baghdad(bag) (*Bounce*)
A Volgograd(vol) Supports A Moscow(mos)
A Azerbaijan(aze) Supports A Volgograd(vol)
A Baghdad(bag) - Jordan(jor)
A Tabriz(tab) - Baghdad(bag) (*Bounce*)

F Azores(azo), no move received
F Barents Sea(bar), no move received
F Eastern North Sea(ens), no move received
F Finland(fin), no move received
F Iceland(ice), no move received
F Murmansk(mur), no move received
F North Atlantic Ocean(nat), no move received
A St Petersburg(stp) Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Western North Sea(wns), no move received

F Guantanamo(gno) - Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) (*Bounce*)
F Hispaniola(his) Supports F Sargasso Sea(sar) - Puerto Rico(pr)
F Sargasso Sea(sar) - Puerto Rico(pr)
F Western Caribbean Sea(wcb) Supports F Jamaica(jam) (*Cut*)
A Atlanta(atl) - Miami(mia)
F Bermuda(bmd) - Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) (*Fails*)
F Gulf of St Lawrence(gsl) Supports F Bermuda(bmd) - Mid North
Atlantic Ocean(mna) (*Fails*)
F Labrador(lbr) Supports F Hudson Bay(hud) - Labrador Sea(lab)
F Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) - Antilles(ant) (*Fails*)
F North East Coast(nec) Supports F Bermuda(bmd) - Mid North
Atlantic Ocean(mna) (*Fails*)
F Newfoundland(nwf) Supports F Hudson Bay(hud) - Labrador
A Pennsylvania(pa) - New York City(nyc)


Deadline reminder - deathblade_penguin   (Jan 22, 2009, 9:22 pm)
Get well soon, Rachael! With the healthcare system you have in the states you can't afford to be sick and we dont want to lose a good GM!

Steve (living in a country with free healthcare)

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Inferno
Moderator of www.diplomaticcorp.com

Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 16:47:50 -0800
From: verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com
Subject: Deadline reminder
To: dc212(at)diplomaticcorp.com; closed.sunday(at)gmail.com; yeeha77(at)yahoo.com; dc212(at)diplomaticcorp.com; patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org; joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com; drew3739o(at)yahoo.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com

The deadline was 45 min ago and sadly I have only received....2 sets of orders. Since I neglected to send out a reminder last night ( I spent the night in the ER yakking my guys up ) I will extend the deadline by 24 hours. Orders are due tomorrow night Jan 23rd at 7pm EST ( 11:59 pm GMT ).


Find your ideal job with SEEK Time for change?


dc231 Fall '02 Results - pintoski   (Jan 22, 2009, 9:02 pm)
for those who want it. sorry it's so late.

no worries, pintoski.

Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 06:21:49 -0800
From: dawench2(at)yahoo.com
Subject: dc231 Fall '02 Results
To: blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com; dario_(at)berkeley.edu; githraine(at)yahoo.com; dawench2(at)lycos.com; jhack16(at)gmail.com; nephilli99(at)hotmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; orders(at)diplomaticcorp.com; the_great_pintoski(at)hotmail.com; rick_powell_2000(at)yahoo.com; theshrizzz(at)gmail.com; briankingfox(at)hotmail.com




Retreats, Builds & Disbands are due Friday Jan 23rd 8 AM CST (GMT -6) 1400 GMT

Orders and Results:

A Budapest - Vienna (*Dislodged*)
F Greece - Bulgaria(sc) (*Dislodged*)
A Serbia Supports A Trieste
A Trieste Supports A Budapest - Vienna (*Cut*)

F North Sea - English Channel
A Norway - St Petersburg (*Fails*)
F Sweden Hold
F Wales - Liverpool (*Bounce*)

A Gascony Hold
F Irish Sea Convoys A Spain - Liverpool
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Convoys A Spain - Liverpool
A Picardy - Belgium (*Fails*)
A Spain - Liverpool (*Bounce*)

F Denmark - Sweden (*Fails*)
A Holland Supports A Ruhr - Belgium
A Munich - Kiel
A Ruhr - Belgium
A Silesia - Munich

F Ionian Sea Supports F Greece (*Void*)
A Tyrolia - Trieste (*Fails*)
A Venice Supports A Tyrolia - Trieste
A Vienna Supports A Rumania - Budapest

A Rumania - Budapest
F Sevastopol Supports A Ukraine - Rumania
F St Petersburg(sc) Hold
A Ukraine - Rumania

F Aegean Sea - Greece
F Ankara - Black Sea
A Bulgaria Supports F Aegean Sea - Greece
A Constantinople Supports A Bulgaria

Retreats Due:

Austrian A Budapest can retreat to Galicia or OTB.
Austrian F Greece can retreat to Albania or OTB.

Builds Due:

England: 5 / 4 Build 1
Germany: 6 / 5 Build 1
Italy: 5 / 4 Build 1
Russia: 6 / 4 Build 2
Turkey: 5 / 4 Build 1

Disbands Due:

Austria: 2 / 4 Remove 2 (dependent on Retreats)

No Adjustment Due:

France: 5 / 5

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
Douglas Adams


DC: 225 Winter 1902 Results - AlanRFarrington   (Jan 22, 2009, 8:50 pm)
Hey Guys,

A fleet and an army are built this winter at the expense of two Russian armies.


Austria: Santiago Villamayor (svillamayor(at)mail.cl)
England: Mark Utterback (MDemagogue(at)gmail.com)
France: Anthony Stevens (AandTStevens(at)GMail.com)
Germany: Jyri Syrja (jyjusy(at)hotmail.com)
Italy: Eugene S. (icarusflier(at)gmail.com)
Russia: Rachael Jameson (verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com)
Turkey: Michael Holm (Zipholm(at)hotmail.com)

Next Deadline:

Spring 1903 is due Tuesday January 27th at Midnight GMT (7:00pm EST)
Any Issues with this please let me know.

Build A Vienna

Build F Liverpool

Build F Naples

Remove A Moscow
Remove A Sevastopol

Ownership of Supply Centers:

Austria: Budapest, Rumania, Serbia, Trieste, Vienna.
England: Denmark, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway, Sweden.
France: Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: Belgium, Berlin, Holland, Kiel, Munich.
Italy: Greece, Naples, Rome, Tunis, Venice.
Russia: Moscow, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Smyrna.

Thanks for all of you who chose to respond earlier this week,
Alan Farrington
Windows Live™ Hotmail®:…more than just e-mail. Check it out.


DC234 1902 Fall Adjudication - Tirerndil   (Jan 22, 2009, 7:51 pm)
I also think that it's highly unlikely that Paul would NMR. Though I guess it can happen to the best of us.


On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 7:04 PM, phantomas <phantomas13(at)orange.fr ([email]phantomas13(at)orange.fr[/email])> wrote:

So do I. I just spoke to him few hours ago.


De : Michael Todd [mailto:mwxtodd(at)gmail.com ([email]mwxtodd(at)gmail.com[/email])]
Envoyé : vendredi 23 janvier 2009 01:38
À : Sam Buck
Cc : Paul Russel; Gregory Bim-Merle; Jacob Roberts; Chris Lockheardt; Mick Cox; Jean-Luc Granier; Order Box; Former Trout; Blitz Forum
Objet : Re: DC234 1902 Fall Adjudication


England is very talkative, so I'd be surprised if he NMR'd.

Grace and Peace,

On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 6:15 PM, Sam Buck <sam_buck_productions(at)me.com ([email]sam_buck_productions(at)me.com[/email])> wrote:
Sorry It's a little late folks. I overslept.
Now, as for the game, We have our First NMR: England. England has sent in no orders, even in the 3 extra hours that the winds of fate blew his way, so all his units hold. Winter Adjustments will be due Friday the 23rd at 4ET (3CT).

Austria: Disband 1

Germany and Turkey: Build 1

Italy: Build 2

Anyway, so I don't waste any more time:
[list:bc07d1d556] [*:bc07d1d556]Austria: A tri -> ser [*:bc07d1d556]Austria: A gal -> rum [*:bc07d1d556]Austria: A bud Supports A tri -> ser [*:bc07d1d556]Austria: F alb Supports F ion -> gre [*:bc07d1d556]France: A par -> pic [*:bc07d1d556]France: F mao Supports F bre -> eng [*:bc07d1d556]France: A mar Supports A bur [*:bc07d1d556]France: A bur Supports A par -> pic [*:bc07d1d556]France: F bre -> eng [*:bc07d1d556]Germany: F swe Supports A nwy -> fin [*:bc07d1d556]Germany: A ruh Supports A kie -> mun [*:bc07d1d556]Germany: A mun -> sil [*:bc07d1d556]Germany: A kie -> mun [*:bc07d1d556]Germany: A hol Supports F bel [*:bc07d1d556]Italy: A ven -> tri [*:bc07d1d556]Italy: F tun -> wes [*:bc07d1d556]Italy: F ion Convoys A apu -> gre [*:bc07d1d556]Italy: A apu -> gre [*:bc07d1d556]Russia: A war -> gal [*:bc07d1d556]Russia: F stp/nc -> bar [*:bc07d1d556]Russia: F sev -> bla [*:bc07d1d556]Russia: A rum Supports A ser -> bud [*:bc07d1d556]Russia: F bot -> swe [*:bc07d1d556]Turkey: A smy -> con [*:bc07d1d556]Turkey: A ser -> bud [*:bc07d1d556]Turkey: F bul/sc Supports A apu -> gre [*:bc07d1d556]Turkey: F aeg Supports A apu -> gre [/list:u:bc07d1d556]


-Sam Buck

Your GM


The Audacity of a Diplomat's Hope Game Start - coebq   (Jan 22, 2009, 7:25 pm)
Fellow Audacious Diplomats of Hope, welcome to DC238!

I apologize for the delay in kicking this off. We had a last minute change in the roster and I needed to get firm confirmations before we could get things rolling. But with that now in-hand and the hope of millions as our tailwind, we are ready to begin our journey of reconciliation, renewal, peace and...ok, sorry, more like destruction, mayhem and lies. Lots of lies...just thought an "inaugural" theme would work given recent events.

Hyperbole side, I'm looking forward to a good game with you all. Here are your country assignments. Not everyone got what they asked for this time:

Name: Karl Vondran
Email : kdv1224(at)yahoo.com
Ctry: Austria

Name: Jeremiah Lee
Email: dadidea(at)gmail.com
Cnty: Germany

Name: Steve Chase
Email: Slyder111(at)gmail.com
Cnty: Russia

Name: Joey Pedicin
Email: bobbarkerfan1ped(at)yahoo.com
Cnty: Italy

Name: Josh Mayo
Email: zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com
Cnty: England

Name: Catya Steen
Email: catya_ds(at)yahoo.com
Cnty: France

Name: Gareth Griffiths
Email: gareth.griffiths(at)magd.ox.ac.uk
Cnty: Turkey

Here are some general guidelines to assist you:

I follow the DC House Rules which you can download from the DC web site and view. If you have any questions about them, please let me know. If I say anything different than the house rules, below, please follow my rules.

As far as turnaround times are concerned, I will begin with an approximate five day negotiation period between each major turn, ie Spring to Fall. I try and get retreats back within 24 hours and builds/disbands within 48 hours. Often I will either retreat on behalf of a player if there is only one choice, or an equally obvious choice, and then allow the player the option of changing that within the allocated time period. I will also sometimes ask for retreats and builds/disbands in the same time frame. In other words, I am generally aiming at a total seven-day turn around for a complete turn, although holidays, weekends (possibly, depending on particular limits players may have) can cause this to shift from time to time.

I stick to my deadlines once they are set, but try and remain as flexible as possible in setting those deadlines should a player need more time. If people are consistently getting orders into me on-time or early, I may pick up the pace. Conversely, I will slow it down if I get a lot of requests for extensions or last minute orders.

Changes in orders are accepted until I publish the results of the turn, ie, until I physically adjudicate by sending out the email to you with the results.

If you have press--and I very much encourage it--make sure you tell if it is anonymous or not. I will ASSUME it is attributable unless you state otherwise. Also, tell me when you want it to go out--specifically. It otherwise will go to all players and the DC message board with my next email to all players.

Questions? Bring them on! We have a few first timers here and I really want this to be a great experience for them as well as everyone. So ask away. I will try and answer back immediately. If I don't know the answer, I send it to our resident experts who you will find Cc'd on this note.

BUT (!!!!!!), don't look for me to provide advice on your moves or your orders. So please, please, please review your orders before you send them to me! Use the standard abbreviations found in the rule book, or just spell it out completely, and you'll be fine. I will NOT under any circumstances, however, change the orders you send to me or tell you there's a problem. So if your orders are ambiguous, misspelled or otherwise messed up to the point that the RP (the software program used to adjudicate turns) doesn't recognize it or accept it, you will get a no move received for that unit or an error message. Don't let it happen to you (unless you want it to for some reason, of course)!

In your emails to me, please include game number, season/year and country. Thus all should look something like: dc238, Spring 1901, Canada

Ok, I think that's it for now! Let's go.

First deadline will be Spring 1901 orders due to me on Wed, January 28 at 2359 GMT.

Good luck!

Your Ambassador of Hope in the Far East,




DC235 Dirkfell - Fall 1902 Results - garry.bledsoe   (Jan 22, 2009, 7:19 pm)
English Ascendancy?
I Can, Without Reservation, Say That I Have NO Idea What is Happening.
Lots of Bounces But No Retreats Needed
It Seems That Almost Every Navy in the Free World Wants to Get to the Med Somewhere!

Okay all...no retreats but remember the QUICK turnaround on builds/disbands. We have several of those below. I have some conditional builds but those CAN be changed pre-deadline if desired. Deadline is tomorrow at 5pm CST. I will hold tight to that because I have to adjudicate before going to an event tomorrow night.

Happy digesting!
Lord of the March

A Bohemia - Munich (*Fails*)
A Bulgaria Hold
A Galicia - Warsaw (*Bounce*)
F Greece - Aegean Sea (*Bounce*)
A Serbia Supports A Bulgaria
A Vienna - Galicia (*Fails*)

F Barents Sea Supports A St Petersburg
F North Sea - Belgium
F Norway Supports A St Petersburg
A St Petersburg Hold

A Gascony Supports A Marseilles
A Marseilles Hold
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean (*Fails*)
A Paris - Burgundy
F Portugal - Spain(sc) (*Bounce*)

F Berlin - Baltic Sea
A Munich Hold
A Ruhr Supports A Munich
A Silesia - Warsaw (*Bounce*)
F Sweden Hold

A Piedmont Hold
A Tyrolia - Trieste
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Ionian Sea (*Bounce*)
F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc) (*Bounce*)

A Finland - St Petersburg (*Fails*)
F Gulf of Bothnia Supports A Finland - St Petersburg
A Moscow Supports A Finland - St Petersburg
F Rumania Supports A Bulgaria

F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea (*Bounce*)
A Ankara - Constantinople (*Fails*)
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea (*Bounce*)

Austria: Budapest, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Vienna.
England: Belgium, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway, St Petersburg.
France: Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Sweden.
Italy: Naples, Rome, Trieste, Tunis, Venice.
Russia: Moscow, Rumania, Sevastopol, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Constantinople, Smyrna.

Austria: Supp 5 Unit 6 Remove 1
England: Supp 6 Unit 4 Build 2
France: Supp 5 Unit 5 Build 0
Germany: Supp 6 Unit 5 Build 1
Italy: Supp 5 Unit 4 Build 1
Russia: Supp 4 Unit 4 Build 0
Turkey: Supp 3 Unit 3 Build 0

Windows Live™: E-mail. Chat. Share. Get more ways to connect. Check it out.


DC 220 Autumn 1903 Retreats - Verticallychallangedcutie   (Jan 22, 2009, 7:11 pm)
Here's the retreats, nice and simple..

Austria - Jason Beck: <jasonmbeck(at)gmail.com >
England - Alex Kossoff: <akossoff(at)gmail.com >
France - Benjy Aarons: <finchleywomble(at)hotmail.com >
Germany - Josh Mayo: <zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com >
Italy - Kevin Dietz <insky(at)cox.net >
Russia - The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>
Turkey - Michael Thompson: <psychosis(at)sky.com

Retreats and Deadlines:
A Kiel - Berlin
A Munich - Ruhr
Let's set Winter 03 to be due on Monday Jan 26th at 7pm EST ( 11:59pm GMT ). Dpy file and map are attached for your viewing pleasure.



DC 236 Fall 1902 Results Redone - Verticallychallangedcutie   (Jan 22, 2009, 7:06 pm)
It has been brought to my attention that England's orders were cut off in the adjudication. I've corrected this problem and below is the correct adjudication.

Austria: Ross Jefferson <Ross92021(at)yahoo.com>
England: Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>
France: Mike Hoffman <mrh(at)panix.com>
Germany: John Robillard <john.robillard(at)telia.com>
Italy: Daniel Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>
Russia: Benjy Aarons <finchleywomble(at)hotmail.com>
Turkey: Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)yahoo.com>

F Adriatic Sea, no move received
A Budapest, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Trieste, no move received (*Disbanded*)

F English Channel Supports A Norway - Belgium
F North Sea Convoys A Norway - Belgium
A Norway - Belgium
A Picardy Supports A Norway - Belgium

A Burgundy Supports F Spain(sc) - Marseilles
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean (*Fails*)
A Portugal - Spain (*Bounce*)
F Spain(sc) - Marseilles

F Baltic Sea Supports A Denmark
A Belgium Supports A Burgundy - Picardy (*Dislodged*)
A Denmark Supports A Finland - Sweden (*Void*)
F Holland Supports A Belgium
A Munich, no move received

F Ionian Sea - Adriatic Sea (*Fails*)
A Marseilles Supports F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc)
A Tyrolia - Trieste
A Venice Supports A Tyrolia - Trieste
F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc) (*Bounce*)

A Finland Supports F Sweden - Norway
A Galicia Supports A Rumania - Budapest
A Rumania - Budapest
F Sevastopol - Rumania
A St Petersburg Supports F Sweden - Norway
F Sweden - Norway
A Vienna Supports A Tyrolia - Trieste

F Aegean Sea - Greece
A Albania Supports A Tyrolia - Trieste
A Bulgaria Supports A Greece - Serbia
A Greece - Serbia

Retreats and Deadline:
German A Belgium can retreat to Ruhr.
Italian A Marseilles can retreat to Piedmont or Gascony.

Retreats are due tomorrow at 7pm EST ( 11:59 GMT ) along with your winter orders as well. Please make sure you copy all orders to orders(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Dpy file and map is attached for your viewing pleasure.



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Rows per page:

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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