Hey guys, this deadline is pushed back to Friday 1/30.
Retreats & builds will then be due Monday.
From: Michael Sims
Sent: Sat 1/24/2009 11:24 AM
Subject: dc210 s07 results!
Hey all, France has correctly pointed out that he had 2 fleets in Bre, so the move to Gal does happen. He had one there, then built another! (these darn rules allowing screwy things like that)
NEXT: Fall 07, due Wed 1/28, 10am Pacific
1) A Ven move Apus
2) A Vie move Tri
3) A Vie support A Tyr hold
4) A Rum support A Bul
5) A Bul support F Con
6) A War hold
7) A Tyr hold

F Tri move Adr
9) F Adr move Ion
10) F Apu move Cal
11) F Con support A Bul
A (Wal) - Wsx
F (Wsx) - ENC
F (NTH) s F (Wex) - ENC
F (ARC) s F (NTH) stand
F (Kie) s Russian A (Pru) - Ber
F (Den) s F Kie) stand
F Bre - PSM
F Bre - Gal
A Swi - Pie
A Lor - Swi
A Col -Swa
A Hol - Col
F Bel - Hol
F Eng - Bel
F Berlin -> Kiel (*Disbanded*)
A Bav to Boh
A Rom attack Ven
A Cau - Sev
F Bla - Con (*Fails*)
F Mrm S F Bla - Con
A Pru - Ber
f SBS S A Pru - Ber
F Lvn - NBS