French Fleet GOL is disbanded.
There is a 3-way draw proposed. Since everyone has builds due, vote with your WINTER orders. 3 yes-votes required to pass. Even tho France still has centers, he is out of the game and does not vote. Winter - due Monday 4/13, 10am Pacific.
A: 12/14, +2
B: 8/9, +1
R: 8/10, +2
1 A Boh support A Tyr
2 A Tyr support A Ven move Swi
3 A Ven move Swi
4 A Swi move Mar
5 A Rom move Ven
6 A Bul support A Rum
7 A Rum support A Bul
8 F TYS support F Tus move GOL
9 F Tus move GOL
10 F WMS move Spa (*Bounce*)
11 F ION move Gre
12 F Con support A Bul
F (FNT) - Por
F (Gas) - Spa nc (*Bounce*)
A/F (NTH) - Bel disembark A - Bel (*Ok, fleet returns to NTH*)
F (SKA) - NTH (*Fails*)
F (Hol) s A/F (NTH) - Bel
F (ENC) - Wsx
A (Wsx) board F (Wsx)
F SBS - swe (*Bounce*)
F NBS - swe (*Bounce*)
A Mos - White Russias
A Col s a bav - swa
A Bav - swa
A Sil - bav
A WhRu - war
F Bla - mrm (*Bounce*)
F Aeg - mrm (*Bounce*)