No exclamation point on this turn's results, as it's always a bummer when a player goes into Civil Disorder. France NMR's for a 2nd straight turn, so his units will hold from here on, and he's out of the game. 3 players remain. In other news, a band of hunters are rumored to have mistaken a pack of vultures devouring a dead ferret for a game of Diplomacy...
NEXT: Fall 10, due Monday April 6, 10am Pacific!
A Swi is disbanded
A Tus is disbanded
1 A Boh support A Trie move Tyr
2 A Tyr move Swi
3 A Tri moveTyr
4 A Ven support A Tyr move Swi
5 A Rom support F TYS move Tus
6 A Bul support A Rum
7 A Rum support A Bul
8 F Con support A Bul
9 F Apu move ION
10 F BOT move WMS
11 F Nap move TYS
12 F TYS move Tus
A (Lon) - Wsx
A (Lon) b F (Lon)
A/F (Lon) - NTH
F (Hol) s A/F (Lon) - NTH
F (Bel) - ENC
F (Bre) - Gal
F (NAO) - Fnt
F Kie - SBS
F Swe - NBS
A Stp - Mos
A Bav - Col
A Ber - Bav
A Sil S A Ber - Bav
A WhRu Holds
F Bla Holds
F Smy - Aeg