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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc210

(Great Balls Of Fire - GM: Paolo Sforza Original Dip Commemorative Game)

Subject:< EGS - Russia. 
Topic:< dc210 >
Category:< Closed Games 
Posted:May 12, 2009 at 5:08 am
Viewed:1554 times

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A few words from Russia.

Mike - thankyou for stepping in and GMing this game.

Aidan - You were a great ally throughout the game and even on the few rounds where we had a lapse of communication, our misunderstand were easily cleared.

Trout - The way the map was designed, Russia has to take out Germany. So i did.

Mav - I enjoyed working with you, but you grew too big too quickly... however you did force England and I to play for a draw rather than to eliminate you.

Jeff - we never really had a chance to work together

Nigel - Austria was gunning for you form the beginning and I just tagged along.

France - You are far and wide the worst player i have ever encountered. YOu never answered a single one of my emails.

There was never enough communciation in this game (and I am partly responsible for that).........

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Alliance
Moderator of www.diplomaticcorp.com

Let ninemsn property help Looking to move somewhere new this winter?

There is 1 Message in this Thread:

EGS - Russia. (deathblade_penguin) May 12, 05:08 am

There are 45 Threads in dc210:

EGS - Russia. (deathblade_penguin)

dc210 s12 - Game Over!!! (mike at southwall.com)

dc210 f11 results! v2 (mike at southwall.com)

dc210 s11 results! (mike at southwall.com)

dc210 w10 builds! (mike at southwall.com)

dc210 f10 results! (FuzzyLogic)

dc210 s10 results (FuzzyLogic)

dc210 w09 builds! (FuzzyLogic)

dc210 f09 results! (FuzzyLogic)

dc210 s09 results! (FuzzyLogic)

dc210 w08 builds! (FuzzyLogic)

dc210 f08 results! (FuzzyLogic)

dc210 s08 results! (FuzzyLogic)

dc210 w07 builds! (FuzzyLogic)

dc210 f07 results! (FuzzyLogic)

dc210 s07 results! (FuzzyLogic) [5 Replies]

dc210 w06 builds! (FuzzyLogic)

dc210 f06 results! (corrected) (FuzzyLogic)

dc210 f06 results! (FuzzyLogic)

dc210 s06 results! (FuzzyLogic)

1 - 20 of 45 shown [More]

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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