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DC 219, Deadline Reminder - m_don_j   (Dec 17, 2008, 6:51 am)
Fellow players,

I'm still 2 sets short. Clock is ticking.

/ Mikael
Beställ bläck före 19 för leverans nästa vardag inkClub


DC 180: 24 Hour Warning - scaponig   (Dec 17, 2008, 6:45 am)
I'm actually a little late, the official deadline is in about 12 hours, but I only have orders from 3 people, which means Germany and Turkey, get those in. If you get them in today, I can adjucate tonight. If not, it may have to wait until Fri. Morning.




DC 207: Summer 366 BC Adjucation - scaponig   (Dec 17, 2008, 6:32 am)
Retreat orders fail as A Handan is retreated OTB!

Map is coming up later tonight, for now, just make that army disappear with your mind...

Fall 366 BC Due on Wednesday, December 24th at 23:59 GMT. Get prelims in for this one, if you don't do prelims already, because this seems like a night when many people probably won't be on their computers all night with nothing to do....



DC 207: Summer 366 BC Adjucation (dc207) stevelytton at gmail.com Dec 18, 05:42 am

I'm not goign to be available from the 24th to the 28th.

On 17/12/2008, Steve Caponigri <scaponig(at)yahoo.com ([email]scaponig(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

Retreat orders fail as A Handan is retreated OTB!

Map is coming up later tonight, for now, just make that army disappear with your mind...

Fall 366 BC Due on Wednesday, December 24th at 23:59 GMT. Get prelims in for this one, if you don't do prelims already, because this seems like a night when many people probably won't be on their computers all night with nothing to do....


aka Deathblade_penguin,
Knight of the Rose
DC219, Deadline reminder - m_don_j   (Dec 17, 2008, 12:26 am)
Fellow players,

With 13,5 hours to go, I'm still missing a few sets. Consider this your gentle nudge Smile

/ Mikael
Beställ bläck före 19 för leverans nästa vardag inkClub


DC224 - Fall 01 Deadline Reminder - former.trout   (Dec 17, 2008, 12:04 am)
Heya folks of Haven...

Our deadline for Fall 01 orders is in roughly 18 hours. LOTS of you still have not sent any moves my way, so the alarm bells are definitely ringing. =)

However - it has been pointed out to me that on the Spring 01 adjudication I made a slight date error. Instead of Wednesday the 17th, I put Wednesday the 19th. The deadline is for tomorrow night (the 17th) - but due to this error we'll play it by ear and possibly extend if necessary. That being said - hopefully the six or seven of you yet to send in orders can do so for tomorrow.

By the way - I'm thinking of giving this game a Groo The Wanderer theme... In that light, the first person to email me what the secret message is in each adjudication will get a no-prize. And yes - there definitely was one in the Spring 01 adjudication that nobody has picked up on yet. *evil grin*


Sergio Aragones Trout


DC201 (Viking) - Autumn 959 adjudication - bielf11   (Dec 16, 2008, 9:36 pm)
Autumn 959 retreats:
EasternRomanEmpire: F Strait of Sicily - Palermo
Sverige: A Bavaria - Praha

Burgundy: Avignon, Bruges, Dorestad, Frankfurt, Genova, Koln,
Mainz, Marseilles, Palma, Paris, Rouen, Verdun,
EasternRomanEmpire: Alexandria, Ancona, Ankara, Antakya, Buda,
Cagliari, Graz, Jorsal, Kaffa, Miklagard, Napoli,
Palermo, Palmyra, Pest, Ragusa, Smyrna, Spalato,
Syracuse, Tarsus, Trebizond, Venezia.
SlavicNations: Aldeigjuborg, Arkhangelsk, Holmgard, Kjonugard,
Rostov, Smolensk, Vitebsk, Vladimir.
Norge: Dyvlin, Hafrsfjord, Hastings, Jorvik, Katanes,
Kirkby, Lindisfarne, London, Nidaros, Noirmoutier,
Sevilla, Skaalholt, Skegness, Skiringssal, Vardoeyhus.
Sverige: Birka, Brandenburg, Breslau, Gdansk, Goteborg,
Groningen, Hamburg, Jomsborg, Memel, Przemysl, Reval,
Uppsala, Visby.

Burgundy: Supp 13 Unit 13 Build 0
EasternRomanEmpire: Supp 21 Unit 21 Build 0
SlavicNations: Supp 8 Unit 7 Build 1
Norge: Supp 15 Unit 15 Build 0
Sverige: Supp 13 Unit 12 Build 1

Deadline for Winter adjustments is Thursday, Dec 18.
This is also the deadline for the DIAS votes. Result of the vote will be announced with the Winter adjustments.



DC-184 Spring 1909 Retreat Adjudication - TheWhiteWolf   (Dec 16, 2008, 6:50 pm)
Once again, I get to blame Comcast for the delay - my internet went out late Sunday, I believe, and didn't come back up until this morning (as I was walking out the door for work.) Anyhoo, terribly sorry for the delay, but here it is.


Austria: Pontus Nilsson pontus(at)wallmanderco.se **ELIMINATED**
England: Mark Utterback mdemagogue(at)gmail.com
France: Joe Hackett jhack16(at)gmail.com
Germany: Roger Strand PellefantSpam(at)gmail.com
Italy: Chris Morse camorse22(at)yahoo.com
Russia: Ross Webb rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com
Turkey: German Zorba germanzorba(at)gmail.com


F Ionian Sea - Apulia

Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)

Austria: ELIMINATED 1905

England: (1/1)
Fleets - Yor

France: (8/Cool
Armies - Bel, Gas, Kie
Fleets - Cly, Hol, Lon, Lyo, Nwg

Germany: (4/2)
Fleets - Hel, Nth

Italy: (7/7)
Armies - Alb, Mun, Ser
Fleets - Adr, Ion, Tun, Tys

Russia: (9/9)
Armies - Ank, Ber, Bul, Pru, Sil
Fleets - Bal, Bla, Den, Nwy

Turkey: (5/4)
Armies - Smy
Fleets - Apu, Con, Gre

Fall 1909 is due Monday, 22 December at 2pm EST (7pm GMT.)
Any issues or errors, let me know.

Map and RP file are attached for your convenience, enjoy!

Thanks all,
The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


DC200 Autumn 1910 - trezdk   (Dec 16, 2008, 5:12 pm)
Hey all,

didnt get a mail from Josh, so this is what happens.

A Belgium, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Munich, no move received (*Disbanded*)

So Winter is next, and this is what is up

1 Build

1 Build

1 Build

1 Build

Deadline for Winter is 17th december at 8 pm GMT.

Your GM



DC215 Fall 1904 Results - MattTheLesser   (Dec 16, 2008, 3:45 pm)
The fall ushers German units further west in France and England, while
Italy changes his SC count for the first time since 1901. Russia storms
the Black Sea but can't hold on to Budapest as Austria continues to
fight off the hordes.

Our only two retreats (France's A Gas and Russia's A Bud) each only had
one option (Spa and Gal, respectively), so those have been ordered in
the name of speed. Let me know if either of you want it OTB.

Four of you have adjustments (listed below the adjudication) for Winter
1904; the deadline will be three days from now: Friday, December 19, at
9 pm eastern.


F Bulgaria(sc) - Greece (*Disbanded*)
A Greece Hold
A Serbia Supports A Trieste - Budapest
A Trieste - Budapest

F Clyde - Liverpool (*Bounce*)
A Yorkshire Supports F Clyde - Liverpool

A Brest - Picardy (*Fails*)
A Gascony - Paris (*Dislodged*)
A Marseilles - Burgundy (*Bounce*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English Channel (*Fails*)

A Burgundy - Gascony
A Denmark - Kiel
A Edinburgh Supports F North Atlantic Ocean - Liverpool
F English Channel - Brest (*Fails*)
A Munich - Burgundy (*Bounce*)
F North Sea - London
A Paris Supports A Burgundy - Gascony
A Picardy Supports A Munich - Burgundy (*Cut*)

F Adriatic Sea Supports A Venice - Trieste
F Albania - Ionian Sea
A Tyrolia Supports A Venice - Trieste
A Venice - Trieste

A Budapest Supports A Galicia - Vienna (*Dislodged*)
A Finland - Norway
A Galicia - Vienna
A Moscow - Sevastopol
F North Atlantic Ocean - Liverpool (*Bounce*)
F Norwegian Sea Supports A Edinburgh
F Rumania Supports F Sevastopol - Black Sea
F Sevastopol - Black Sea

F Aegean Sea Supports F Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc)
F Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc)
A Smyrna - Ankara

England: Remove
Germany: Build
Italy: Build
Turkey: Build


DC205 The Pleiades - Winter 1906 - Just Like That - former.trout   (Dec 16, 2008, 11:48 am)
With blazing speed, Italy raises an army in Rome. Just like that.

Once again, my thanks to Mark for running the gauntlet to the bitter-sweet end. And so, with one less player we'll move on into Spring 07. Deadline will be set for Sunday, December 21st (11:59 PM GMT).




DC205 The Pleiades - Fall 1906 - The Nightlife In... - former.trout   (Dec 16, 2008, 11:07 am)
Heya folks,

The board gets a little tighter, the options a little narrower. Germany makes a valiant attempt and succeeds in cutting a key Russian support - but Berlin remains in the Tsars hands. Not all Germany stays white though - Italy makes a bold attempt on Munich and wins through with French support. Meanwhile, down south, Turkey remains a rock.

No retreats are required, and Winter adjustments consist of a build for Italy and our farewell to Mark. Thanks for playing the position out right to the end. We'll see you on the next board. =)

Winter 06 deadline will be set for Thursday, December 18th (11:59 PM GMT). However - if I get the orders in early and marked FINAL - in this case I will adjudicate early.

Just let me know if you spot any errors. Cheers!


Movement results for Fall of 1906. (DC205 06 FALL)

France: A Burgundy Supports A Tyrolia - Munich.
France: F English Channel - North Sea (*Fails*).
France: F London Supports F English Channel - North Sea (*Fails*).
France: F North Atlantic Ocean - Norwegian Sea.
France: F North Sea - Norway (*Bounce*).
France: A Paris - Gascony.
France: A Picardy - Belgium.
France: A Ruhr Supports A Tyrolia - Munich.
France: A Yorkshire - Edinburgh.

Germany: A Prussia - Berlin (*Fails*).

Italy: F Adriatic Sea Supports A Trieste.
Italy: F Greece Supports F Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc) (*Void*).
Italy: F Ionian Sea Supports F Greece.
Italy: A Trieste Supports A Venice.
Italy: A Tyrolia - Munich.
Italy: A Venice Supports A Trieste.

Russia: F Armenia - Ankara (*Fails*).
Russia: A Berlin Supports A Kiel - Munich (*Cut*).
Russia: F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Constantinople.
Russia: A Budapest Supports A Vienna.
Russia: A Bulgaria - Constantinople (*Fails*).
Russia: A Denmark - Kiel (*Fails*).
Russia: F Helgoland Bight - Denmark (*Fails*).
Russia: F Holland - Helgoland Bight (*Fails*).
Russia: A Kiel - Munich (*Fails*).
Russia: A Rumania - Serbia.
Russia: A Serbia - Albania.
Russia: A Silesia - Bohemia.
Russia: F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway (*Bounce*).
Russia: A Ukraine - Warsaw.
Russia: A Vienna Supports A Silesia - Bohemia.

Turkey: F Ankara Supports F Constantinople (*Cut*).
Turkey: F Constantinople Supports F Ankara (*Cut*).
Turkey: A Smyrna Supports F Constantinople.

Unit locations:

France: A Belgium, A Burgundy, A Edinburgh, F English Channel, A Gascony, F
London, F North Sea, F Norwegian Sea, A Ruhr.
Germany: A Prussia.
Italy: F Adriatic Sea, F Greece, F Ionian Sea, A Munich, A Trieste, A
Russia: A Albania, F Armenia, A Berlin, F Black Sea, A Bohemia, A Budapest,
A Bulgaria, A Denmark, F Helgoland Bight, F Holland, A Kiel, A
Serbia, F St Petersburg(nc), A Vienna, A Warsaw.
Turkey: F Ankara, F Constantinople, A Smyrna.

Ownership of supply centers:

France: Belgium, Brest, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Marseilles, Paris,
Portugal, Spain.
Italy: Greece, Munich, Naples, Rome, Trieste, Tunis, Venice.
Russia: Berlin, Budapest, Bulgaria, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Moscow, Norway,
Rumania, Serbia, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, Vienna, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Constantinople, Smyrna.

Austria: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 9 Supply centers, 9 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 0 Supply centers, 1 Unit: Removes 1 unit.
Italy: 7 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Russia: 15 Supply centers, 15 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.



WWIV s09 retreats! - FuzzyLogic   (Dec 16, 2008, 9:55 am)
All 5 retreats are in early, so we’ll try to squeeze a turn in by Christmas!

NEXT: Fall 09, due Tuesday 12/23, 10am Pacific! – 1 week from today.

Only a couple have spoken up about any holiday schedules, so I’ll keep running the turns, and assume all have access to email during the festivities.


F Honduras(hon) - Western Caribbean Sea(wcb)

A Chihuahua(chu) - Coahuila(coa)

F Guatamala Basin(gub) - Acapulco(aca)
F Western Gulf of Mexico(wgm) - Veracruz(vcz)
A San Antonio(san) - Monterey(mon)

A Norway(nwy) - Finland(fin)

A Seoul(seo) - Korea(kor)


DC219, Deadline reminder - m_don_j   (Dec 16, 2008, 9:39 am)
Fellow players,

We are now about 29 hours away from deadline, and I'm still missing 50% of the sets. Time to hurry Smile

/ Mikael
Hitta någon att mysa med i höstrusket! MSN Dejting


WWIV s09 results! - former.trout   (Dec 16, 2008, 9:28 am)
I think we can do that.... How does the north pole sound? =P


On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 5:43 AM, Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])> wrote:


Now I know argentina and brazil will leave me one SC as a christmas present - after all they are such
old friends who have played many diplomacy games together, they can easy organise that.

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Rose

Subject: WWIV s09 results!
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 19:36:38 -0800
From: mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])
To: ianxshaw(at)gmail.com ([email]ianxshaw(at)gmail.com[/email]); former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email]); scaponig(at)yahoo.com ([email]scaponig(at)yahoo.com[/email]); ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email]); davidinknoxville(at)hotmail.com ([email]davidinknoxville(at)hotmail.com[/email]); m_don_j(at)hotmail.com ([email]m_don_j(at)hotmail.com[/email]); wkrill(at)yahoo.com ([email]wkrill(at)yahoo.com[/email]); stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email]); lebaron0819(at)yahoo.com ([email]lebaron0819(at)yahoo.com[/email]); x_bomber49(at)hotmail.com ([email]x_bomber49(at)hotmail.com[/email]); rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca ([email]rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca[/email]); bcoop310(at)comcast.net ([email]bcoop310(at)comcast.net[/email]); dipIndy500(at)yahoo.com ([email]dipIndy500(at)yahoo.com[/email]); derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com ([email]derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com[/email]); mapleleafdip(at)yahoo.com ([email]mapleleafdip(at)yahoo.com[/email]); psychosis(at)sky.com ([email]psychosis(at)sky.com[/email]); mvpenner(at)gmail.com ([email]mvpenner(at)gmail.com[/email]); kai.ermes(at)email.de ([email]kai.ermes(at)email.de[/email]); jkudlick(at)gmail.com ([email]jkudlick(at)gmail.com[/email]); isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com ([email]isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com[/email]); gregsurname(at)gmail.com ([email]gregsurname(at)gmail.com[/email]); alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com ([email]alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com[/email]); rude13(at)gmail.com ([email]rude13(at)gmail.com[/email]); dougburg(at)ix.netcom.com ([email]dougburg(at)ix.netcom.com[/email]); clarklandry(at)gmail.com ([email]clarklandry(at)gmail.com[/email]); thase+dipcorp(at)dalarin.net ([email]thase%2Bdipcorp(at)dalarin.net[/email]); dylan.hirshkowitz(at)gmail.com ([email]dylan.hirshkowitz(at)gmail.com[/email]); jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com ([email]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com[/email]); coebq(at)yahoo.com ([email]coebq(at)yahoo.com[/email]); matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu ([email]matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu[/email]); damienthryn(at)gmail.com ([email]damienthryn(at)gmail.com[/email]); dc195(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc195(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]); afretired(at)charter.net ([email]afretired(at)charter.net[/email]); johnmarkellsworth(at)gmail.com ([email]johnmarkellsworth(at)gmail.com[/email]); jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com ([email]jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com[/email]); Stefan.Krekeler(at)web.de ([email]Stefan.Krekeler(at)web.de[/email]); adanine(at)yahoo.com ([email]adanine(at)yahoo.com[/email])

Colombia wins the turn off – 2 centers, but no units he has to bother ordering this round!
A surprise NMR from India – but even so takes no losses anywhere.

Only a handful of retreats, from 5 players – due Wed 12/17, 10am Pacific!

THEN: Next Wednesday is the 24th. I'm guessing many of y'all don't want a turn on Christmas Eve, so if I get all 5 retreats by tomorrow, I'll run it early and post the next turn due the 23rd. If I don't get the retreats all by tomorrow, then the next turn won't be due till next Friday, the day after Christmas.

If anyone has Christmas delays to request, the time to get them in to me is BEFORE we start the next turn! Especially if the above paragraph does not work with your holiday plans.



RETREATS: (Wed 12/17)

AmazonEmpire F Honduras(hon) can retreat to Belize(blz) or Western Caribbean Sea(wcb).

Illinois A Chihuahua(chu) can retreat to Arizona(arz) or Coahuila(coa).

Mexico F Western Gulf of Mexico(wgm) can retreat to Yucatan(yuc) or Veracruz(vcz) or Monterey(mon).
Mexico A San Antonio(san) can retreat to Coahuila(coa) or Monterey(mon).
Mexico F Guatamala Basin(gub) can retreat to Baja(baj) or Guadalajara(gdl) or
Michoacan(mch) or Acapulco(aca) or Guatamala(gml).

Russia A Norway(nwy) can retreat to Finland(fin).

SichuanEmpire A Seoul(seo) can retreat to Korea(kor).


F Honduras(hon) Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Acre(acr) Supports A Amazon Basin(amz) (*Ordered to Move*)
F Archipielago of Chile(arc) Supports F Amundsen Sea(amu)
F Arequipa(arq) - Galapagos(glp)
A Atacama(ata) - La Paz(lpz)
F Bio Bio(bio) Supports F Chile Basin(chb)
F Chile Basin(chb) Supports F Arequipa(arq) - Galapagos(glp)
A Ecuador(ecu) Supports A Medellin(med) (*Ordered to Move*)
A Gran Chaco(gra) - Paraguay(pgy) (*Bounce*)
A Lima(lim) Supports A Ecuador(ecu)
F Patagonia(pat) - Weddell Sea(wed)
A Rosario(rsr) - Buenos-Aries(bue)
A Santa Cruz(scz) Supports A Gran Chaco(gra) - Paraguay(pgy)
A Uruguay(uru) Supports A Rosario(rsr) - Buenos-Aries(bue)
F Valparaiso(val) Supports F Chile Basin(chb)

F Western South Atlantic Ocean(wsa) Supports F Eastern North
Atlantic Ocean(ena) - Cape Verde Islands(cpv) (*Void*)
F Puerto Rico(pr) Supports F Caracas(crc) - Eastern Caribbean
F Trinidad & Tobago(trd) Supports F Caracas(crc) - Eastern
Caribbean Sea(ecb)
F Amundsen Sea(amu) Supports F Archipielago of Chile(arc)
A Amazon Basin(amz) - Rondonia(ron) (*Bounce*)
F Aruba(aru) Supports F Maracaibo(mcb) - Golfo De Venezuela(gov)
A Bogota(bog) Supports A Santander(stn) - Medellin(med)
A Barranquilla(brn) Supports A Medellin(med) - Panama(pan)
F Caracas(crc) - Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb)
F Guyana(guy) Supports F Western South Atlantic Ocean(wsa)
A Manaus(man) - Rondonia(ron) (*Bounce*)
F Maracaibo(mcb) - Golfo De Venezuela(gov)
A Medellin(med) - Panama(pan)
A Mato Grosso Do Sul(mgd) - Paraguay(pgy) (*Bounce*)
A Mato Grosso(mgr) - Santa Cruz(scz) (*Fails*)
F Mid South Atlantic Ocean(msa) Supports F South West
F Recife(rec) Supports F Mid South Atlantic Ocean(msa)
A Sao Paulo(sao) Hold
A Santander(stn) - Medellin(med)
F South West Atlantic(swa) Supports F Patagonia(pat) - Weddell
Sea(wed) (*Cut*)

A Sonora(son) Hold
A Arizona(arz) - Utah(uta)
A Denver(dnv) - New Mexico(nmx)
F East Central Pacific Ocean(ecp) Supports F North East Pacific
Ocean(nep) - Guatamala Basin(gub)
F Gulf of Alaska(goa) - North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp)
F Hawaii(hi) Supports F San Francisco(sf) - North East Pacific
F North East Pacific Ocean(nep) - Guatamala Basin(gub)
F San Francisco(sf) - North East Pacific Ocean(nep)

F Eastern Mediterranean Sea(emd) - Egypt(egy) (*Bounce*)
F Morocco(mor) Supports F Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) -
Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena) (*Fails*)
F Red Sea(red) - Gulf of Aden(gad) (*Fails*)
F Aegean Sea(aeg) - Crete(cre)
F Bay of Biscay(bis) Supports F Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) -
Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena) (*Fails*)
A Budapest(bud) Supports A Warsaw(war)
F Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena) - Mid North Atlantic
Ocean(mna) (*Fails*)
A Moldova(mol) - Rumania(rum)
A Munich(mun) - Ruhr(ruh)
A Prague(prg) - Munich(mun) (*Bounce*)
A Silesia(sil) - Prague(prg) (*Fails*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea(tyr) - Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) (*Fails*)
A Warsaw(war) Supports A Moscow(mos) - Minsk(msk) (*Cut*)
F Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) - Eastern North Atlantic
Ocean(ena) (*Fails*)
F Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) - Labrador Sea(lab) (*Disbanded*)

A Panama(pan) Supports F Gulf of Panama(gop) - Medellin(med)
F Galapagos(glp) Supports F Pitcairn Island(pit) - Chile
Basin(chb) (*Disbanded*)

A Chihuahua(chu) Supports A Sonora(son) (*Dislodged*)
F Eastern Gulf of Mexico(egm) Supports F New Orleans(no) -
Western Gulf of Mexico(wgm)
A Havana(hav) - Cienfuegos(cie)
F Jamaica(jam) - Golfo De Venezuela(gov) (*Fails*)
A Alabama(ala) - New Orleans(no)
F Anchorage(anc) - Bering Sea(brg) (*Fails*)
A Arkansas(ark) - Houston(hou)
F Cascadia Basin(cas) - Gulf of Alaska(goa) (*Fails*)
A Dallas(dal) Supports A Houston(hou) - San Antonio(san)
F Greenland(grn) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab)
A Houston(hou) - San Antonio(san)
F Hudson Bay(hud) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab)
F Labrador Sea(lab) Supports F Bermuda(bmd) - Mid North Atlantic
Ocean(mna) (*Void*)
A Montana(mt) - Nebraska(neb)
F New Orleans(no) - Western Gulf of Mexico(wgm)
A Oklahoma(okl) Supports A West Texas(wtx)
A Ontario(ont) - Wisconsin(wis)
A Quebec(qbc) Hold
F Vancouver(van) - Anchorage(anc) (*Bounce*)
A West Texas(wtx) Supports A Houston(hou) - San Antonio(san)
A Yukon(yuk) Supports F Vancouver(van) - Anchorage(anc) (*Fails*)

F Arabian Sea(ara), no move received
F Gulf of Aden(gad), no move received
F Madras(mdr), no move received
A Oman(oma), no move received
F Persian Gulf(peg), no move received
F Rajasthan(raj), no move received
F Sri Lanka(sri), no move received
F Yemen(yem), no move received
A Afghanistan(afg), no move received
A Aktyubinsk(akt), no move received
A Ashgabat(ash), no move received
A Kazakhstan(kaz), no move received
A Shiraz(shi), no move received
A Tehran(teh), no move received
A Uzbekistan(uzb), no move received

A Mecca(mec) Hold

A Guatamala(gml) - Honduras(hon)
F Gulf of Panama(gop) Supports F Arequipa(arq) - Galapagos(glp)
F Guatamala Basin(gub) Supports F Arequipa(arq) - Galapagos(glp)
A Nicaragua(nic) Supports A Guatamala(gml) - Honduras(hon)
F Western Gulf of Mexico(wgm), no move received (*Dislodged*)
A Zacatcas(zac) Supports A New Mexico(nmx) - Chihuahua(chu)
A Corpus Christi(ccr), no move received
A New Mexico(nmx) - Chihuahua(chu)
A San Antonio(san), no move received (*Dislodged*)

F Angola Basin(anb) - Angola(ang)
A Bangui(ban) - Chad(cha)
A Congo(con) - Kinshasa(kin) (*Fails*)
F Cape Verde Islands(cpv) - Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa)
F Dakar(dak) - Mauritania(mau)
A Equateur(equ) Supports A Kisangani(kis)
A Eritrea(eri) - Khartoum(kha) (*Fails*)
F Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa) - Dakar(dak)
A Ethiopia(eth) - Nairobi(nai) (*Fails*)
F Gulf of Guinea(gog) Supports F Cape Verde Islands(cpv) -
Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa)
F Khartoum(kha) - Egypt(egy) (*Bounce*)
A Kisangani(kis) Hold
A Nairobi(nai) - Mombasa(mom) (*Fails*)
F Somalia(som) Supports A Nairobi(nai) - Mombasa(mom)
A Sudan(sud) Supports A Kisangani(kis)

F Darwin(dwn) - Arafura Sea(arf)
F Great Australian Bight(gab) Supports F Ross Sea(ros)
F Nauru(nau) - Micronesia(mic)
F Perth(per) Supports F Reunion(reu) - Central Indian Ocean(cio)
F Samoa(sam) - Soloman Islands(sol)
A South Australia(soz) - Darwin(dwn)
F South Pacific Ocean(spo) Supports F Pitcairn Island(pit)
F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo) Supports F Nauru(nau) -
F Pitcairn Island(pit) Supports F South Central Pacific
F Ross Sea(ros) Supports F Great Australian Bight(gab)
F South Central Pacific Ocean(scp) Supports F Pitcairn
F Tahiti(tah) Supports F Pitcairn Island(pit)

F Bering Sea(brg) Supports F North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp)
F Guam(gua) Supports F Cebu(ceb) - Northern Philippine Sea(nps)
F North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp) Supports F Bering Sea(brg)
F Northern Philippine Sea(nps) - South China Sea North(scn)
F Saipan(sai) Supports F Cebu(ceb) - Northern Philippine
Sea(nps) (*Fails*)
F West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp) Supports F North Central
Pacific Ocean(ncp)
F Cebu(ceb) - Northern Philippine Sea(nps) (*Fails*)
F Mindanao(min) - Cebu(ceb) (*Fails*)
F Midway Island(mdw) Supports F North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp)

A Eastern Germany(egr) - Munich(mun) (*Bounce*)
A L'viv(lvi) - Warsaw(war) (*Fails*)
A Norway(nwy) - Murmansk(mur) (*Dislodged*)

A Komi(kom) - Moscow(mos) (*Fails*)
A Murmansk(mur) - Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina(zap)
A Omsk(oms) Supports A Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina(zap) -
A Orenburgskaya Oblast(orn) - Kazan(kzn)
A Ufa(ufa) Supports A Orenburgskaya Oblast(orn) - Kazan(kzn)
F Beijing(bei) Supports F Shenyang(she) - Yellow Sea(yel)
A Chongqing(cho) Supports A Xi'an(xia) - Hubei(hub) (*Cut*)
A Henan(hen) Supports A Xi'an(xia) - Hubei(hub)
F Khabarovsk(khb) - Sea of Okhotsk(okh) (*Bounce*)
A Sakhalinsk(sak) Supports F Sapporo(sap)
F Sapporo(sap) Supports F Vladivostok(vla) - Sea of Japan(soj)
A Seoul(seo) Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Shenyang(she) - Yellow Sea(yel)
A Siberia(sib) - Anchorage(anc) (*Bounce*)
F Vladivostok(vla) - Sea of Japan(soj)
A Xi'an(xia) - Hubei(hub)
A Pavlodar(pav) - Novosibirsk(nsb)
A Tibet(tib) Supports A Yunan(yun)
A Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina(zap) - Perm'(prm)

A Changsha(chg) - Chongqing(cho) (*Fails*)
F East China Sea(ecs) Supports F Sea of Japan(soj) - Seoul(seo)
F Fuzhou(fuz) - Guangdong(gdg)
A Guiyang(gyn) - Yunan(yun) (*Fails*)
A Hanoi(han) Supports A Guiyang(gyn) - Yunan(yun)
F Kyoto(kyo) - Sea of Japan(soj) (*Fails*)
F North West Pacific Ocean(nwp) - Sea of Okhotsk(okh) (*Bounce*)
F Okinawa(oki) Hold
A Shanghai(sha) - Nanjing(njg)
F Sea of Japan(soj) - Seoul(seo)
F Taiwan(tai) Supports F Manila(mnl) - South China Sea North(scn)
A Tokyo(tok) - Akita(aki)
A Wuhan(wuh) - Shandong(sdg)
F Manila(mnl) - South China Sea North(scn) (*Bounce*)

F Cape Town(cap) - South Atlantic Ocean(sat)
A Katanga(kat) Supports A Kinshasa(kin)
A Kinshasa(kin) Supports A Kivu(kiv) - Kisangani(kis) (*Cut*)
A Kivu(kiv) - Kisangani(kis) (*Fails*)
F Lubango(lub) - Angola Basin(anb)
F Madagascar(mds) Supports F Reunion(reu) - Central Indian
F Mombasa(mom) Supports F Mozambique Channel(mzb) - Somali
Basin(sob) (*Cut*)
F Mozambique Channel(mzb) - Somali Basin(sob) (*Fails*)
A Rwanda(rwa) - Uganda(uga)
F St Helena(sth) Supports F Lubango(lub) - Angola Basin(anb)
A Tanzania(tan) Supports F Mombasa(mom)
F Reunion(reu) - Central Indian Ocean(cio)
F Southern Indian Ocean(sio) Supports F Reunion(reu) - Central
Indian Ocean(cio)
F South West Indian Ocean(swi) Supports F Southern Indian
F Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands(flk) - South West
Atlantic(swa) (*Fails*)

F Somali Basin(sob) Hold
A Yunan(yun) Supports A Korat Plateau(krt) - Laos(lao) (*Cut*)
F Andaman Sea(and), no move received
F Diego Garcia(die) Supports F Somali Basin(sob)
F Ho Chi Minh(ho) - Gulf of Tongking(gto)
F Java Trench(jvt) - Java Sea(jav)
A Korat Plateau(krt) - Laos(lao)
A Medan(mdn), no move received
F North Indian Ocean(nio) Supports F Somali Basin(sob)
F Palembang(plm) - Singapore(sng)
A Riau(ria) - Padang(pad)
F South China Sea South(scs) Supports F Northern Philippine
Sea(nps) - South China Sea North(scn)
F Strait of Malacca(stm) - Kuala Lumpur(kua)

F Donets'k(don) - Black Sea(bla)
A Jordan(jor) Supports F Baghdad(bag) - Saudi Arabia(sau)
A Kiev(kie) Supports A Moscow(mos) - Minsk(msk)
A Kazan(kzn) - Moscow(mos)
A Moscow(mos) - Minsk(msk)
A Odessa(ode) - Donets'k(don)
A Saudi Arabia(sau) - Yemen(yem) (*Fails*)
A Syria(syr) - Baghdad(bag) (*Fails*)
A Volgograd(vol) Supports A Kazan(kzn) - Moscow(mos)
A Azerbaijan(aze) Supports A Volgograd(vol)
F Baghdad(bag) - Saudi Arabia(sau) (*Fails*)
A Tabriz(tab) Supports A Syria(syr) - Baghdad(bag) (*Fails*)

F Antilles(ant) Supports F Puerto Rico(pr)
F Azores(azo) Supports F Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) -
Labrador Sea(lab)
F Barents Sea(bar) Supports F Norwegian Sea(nwg) - Norway(nwy)
F English Channel(eng) - Western North Sea(wns)
F Iceland(ice) Supports F Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) -
Labrador Sea(lab)
F North Atlantic Ocean(nat) Supports F Mid North Atlantic
Ocean(mna) - Labrador Sea(lab)
F Norwegian Sea(nwg) - Norway(nwy)
A St Petersburg(stp) - Murmansk(mur) (*Bounce*)
F Sweden(swe) Supports F Norwegian Sea(nwg) - Norway(nwy)
F Western North Sea(wns) - Holland(hol)

F Bahamas(bhm) - Sargasso Sea(sar)
F Guantanamo(gno) - Yucatan Basin(yub)
F Sargasso Sea(sar) - Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna)
F Santa Clara(snc) - Guantanamo(gno)
A Atlanta(atl), no move received
F Bermuda(bmd) Supports F Sargasso Sea(sar) - Mid North Atlantic
F Gulf of St Lawrence(gsl) Supports F Sargasso Sea(sar) - Mid
North Atlantic Ocean(mna)
F Labrador(lbr) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab)
F Miami(mia) - Santa Clara(snc)
F North East Coast(nec) Supports F Sargasso Sea(sar) - Mid North
Atlantic Ocean(mna)
F Newfoundland(nwf) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab)
A New York City(nyc), no move received
F South East Coast(sec) Supports F Bahamas(bhm) - Sargasso

Find your ideal job with SEEK Time for change?


dc188 - Fall 1909 Results - kevinokelly   (Dec 16, 2008, 9:23 am)
A draw has been proposed, and it will be voted on with the Spring orders. The draw is a 3-way A/F/G.
Please submit your vote starting now all the way up to the Spring deadline. All votes are final, unless marked preliminary. I will announce the result of the vote as soon as I have all of the votes.

I have already retreated the Italian army to ARM. If the Italian wishes to retreat to SMY or OTB, he can let me know by the winter deadline. I will adjudicate winter as soon as I receive both adjustment orders.

Lastly, the Spring deadline will be next Tuesday (12/23). I'll have the results out by no later than Wednesday afternoon, and then we won't have another deadline until probably the next Tuesday (12/30) and then the next deadline after that, whatever it may be, will probably be the following Tuesday after that (1/6), so that nobody has to miss a deadline due to the holidays.

Winter 1909 - Wednesday December 17, 2008 at 22:00GMT (5pm EST)
Spring 1909 - Tuesday December 23, 2008 at 22:00GMT (5pm EST)

F Adriatic Sea Supports F Ionian Sea
A Ankara Supports F Constantinople - Smyrna
A Bohemia - Munich (*Fails*)
F Constantinople - Smyrna
A Galicia Hold
F Ionian Sea Hold
A Sevastopol Supports A Ukraine
A Tyrolia Supports A Bohemia - Munich
A Ukraine Supports A Galicia
A Venice Hold
A Vienna Supports A Galicia

F English Channel Hold
A Gascony - Burgundy
F Gulf of Lyon Supports A Marseilles - Piedmont
A London Hold
A Marseilles - Piedmont
A Naples - Rome
A Picardy Supports A Gascony - Burgundy
A Rome - Tuscany
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples
F Western Mediterranean - Tyrrhenian Sea

A Berlin Supports A Silesia
A Livonia Supports A Moscow
A Moscow Hold
A Munich Hold
F North Sea - Norwegian Sea
A Norway - St Petersburg
A Prussia Supports A Warsaw
A Ruhr Supports A Munich
A Silesia Hold
F Skagerrak - North Sea
A Warsaw Hold

A Smyrna Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Tunis Hold

A Smyrna - Armenia

Austria: Build 1
Italy: Remove 1


DC200 Fall 1910 - trezdk   (Dec 16, 2008, 8:37 am)
Hey all,

the Fall is over and this is what happens

A Belgium - Holland (*Dislodged*)
F Brest - Picardy
F English Channel - Belgium (*Fails*)
A Gascony - Burgundy
F Marseilles Hold (*Disbanded*)
A Munich - Kiel (*Dislodged*)
F North Sea Supports A Belgium - Holland (*Cut*)
A Paris Supports A Gascony - Burgundy

F Baltic Sea - Berlin
A Burgundy - Marseilles
F Denmark - North Sea (*Fails*)
A Holland Supports A Picardy - Belgium
A Kiel - Munich
A Picardy - Belgium
A Piedmont Supports A Burgundy - Marseilles

A Galicia - Ukraine (*Disbanded*)
A Moscow Supports A Ukraine - Sevastopol
F Sweden Hold
A Ukraine - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
A Warsaw - Silesia (*Bounce*)

F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea
F Black Sea Supports A Sevastopol
A Bohemia - Silesia (*Bounce*)
A Budapest - Galicia
F Bulgaria(ec) Supports A Rumania
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Gascony
F North Africa - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Rumania Supports A Budapest - Galicia
A Sevastopol Hold
A Tuscany Hold
A Tyrolia Supports A Kiel - Munich
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon
A Vienna Supports A Budapest - Galicia
F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc)

There are 2 retreats, both French

A Belgium can retreat to Ruhr or OTB
A Munich can retreat to Ruhr or OTB

The deadline for the retreats are tonight at 8 pm GMT but if you can get them in asap Josh I would love that.



dc186 Game Over - notasb   (Dec 16, 2008, 8:17 am)
The China, Holland, Turkey End Game draw proposal has passed, the game is over.

I want to thank all of you for playing, this was a very interesting game to watch. I hope you will all post EOGs, I am looking forward to hear what happened from insider view point!


It's hard to play mind games with the absent minded.


WWIV s09 results! - deathblade_penguin   (Dec 16, 2008, 6:43 am)

Now I know argentina and brazil will leave me one SC as a christmas present - after all they are such
old friends who have played many diplomacy games together, they can easy organise that.

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Rose

Subject: WWIV s09 results!
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 19:36:38 -0800
From: mike(at)southwall.com
To: ianxshaw(at)gmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; scaponig(at)yahoo.com; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; davidinknoxville(at)hotmail.com; m_don_j(at)hotmail.com; wkrill(at)yahoo.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; lebaron0819(at)yahoo.com; x_bomber49(at)hotmail.com; rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca; bcoop310(at)comcast.net; dipIndy500(at)yahoo.com; derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com; mapleleafdip(at)yahoo.com; psychosis(at)sky.com; mvpenner(at)gmail.com; kai.ermes(at)email.de; jkudlick(at)gmail.com; isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com; gregsurname(at)gmail.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; rude13(at)gmail.com; dougburg(at)ix.netcom.com; clarklandry(at)gmail.com; thase+dipcorp(at)dalarin.net; dylan.hirshkowitz(at)gmail.com; jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com; coebq(at)yahoo.com; matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu; damienthryn(at)gmail.com; dc195(at)diplomaticcorp.com; afretired(at)charter.net; johnmarkellsworth(at)gmail.com; jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com; Stefan.Krekeler(at)web.de; adanine(at)yahoo.com

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Colombia wins the turn off – 2 centers, but no units he has to bother ordering this round!
A surprise NMR from India – but even so takes no losses anywhere.

Only a handful of retreats, from 5 players – due Wed 12/17, 10am Pacific!

THEN: Next Wednesday is the 24th. I’m guessing many of y’all don’t want a turn on Christmas Eve, so if I get all 5 retreats by tomorrow, I’ll run it early and post the next turn due the 23rd. If I don’t get the retreats all by tomorrow, then the next turn won’t be due till next Friday, the day after Christmas.

If anyone has Christmas delays to request, the time to get them in to me is BEFORE we start the next turn! Especially if the above paragraph does not work with your holiday plans.



RETREATS: (Wed 12/17)

AmazonEmpire F Honduras(hon) can retreat to Belize(blz) or Western Caribbean Sea(wcb).

Illinois A Chihuahua(chu) can retreat to Arizona(arz) or Coahuila(coa).

Mexico F Western Gulf of Mexico(wgm) can retreat to Yucatan(yuc) or Veracruz(vcz) or Monterey(mon).
Mexico A San Antonio(san) can retreat to Coahuila(coa) or Monterey(mon).
Mexico F Guatamala Basin(gub) can retreat to Baja(baj) or Guadalajara(gdl) or
Michoacan(mch) or Acapulco(aca) or Guatamala(gml).

Russia A Norway(nwy) can retreat to Finland(fin).

SichuanEmpire A Seoul(seo) can retreat to Korea(kor).


F Honduras(hon) Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Acre(acr) Supports A Amazon Basin(amz) (*Ordered to Move*)
F Archipielago of Chile(arc) Supports F Amundsen Sea(amu)
F Arequipa(arq) - Galapagos(glp)
A Atacama(ata) - La Paz(lpz)
F Bio Bio(bio) Supports F Chile Basin(chb)
F Chile Basin(chb) Supports F Arequipa(arq) - Galapagos(glp)
A Ecuador(ecu) Supports A Medellin(med) (*Ordered to Move*)
A Gran Chaco(gra) - Paraguay(pgy) (*Bounce*)
A Lima(lim) Supports A Ecuador(ecu)
F Patagonia(pat) - Weddell Sea(wed)
A Rosario(rsr) - Buenos-Aries(bue)
A Santa Cruz(scz) Supports A Gran Chaco(gra) - Paraguay(pgy)
A Uruguay(uru) Supports A Rosario(rsr) - Buenos-Aries(bue)
F Valparaiso(val) Supports F Chile Basin(chb)

F Western South Atlantic Ocean(wsa) Supports F Eastern North
Atlantic Ocean(ena) - Cape Verde Islands(cpv) (*Void*)
F Puerto Rico(pr) Supports F Caracas(crc) - Eastern Caribbean
F Trinidad & Tobago(trd) Supports F Caracas(crc) - Eastern
Caribbean Sea(ecb)
F Amundsen Sea(amu) Supports F Archipielago of Chile(arc)
A Amazon Basin(amz) - Rondonia(ron) (*Bounce*)
F Aruba(aru) Supports F Maracaibo(mcb) - Golfo De Venezuela(gov)
A Bogota(bog) Supports A Santander(stn) - Medellin(med)
A Barranquilla(brn) Supports A Medellin(med) - Panama(pan)
F Caracas(crc) - Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb)
F Guyana(guy) Supports F Western South Atlantic Ocean(wsa)
A Manaus(man) - Rondonia(ron) (*Bounce*)
F Maracaibo(mcb) - Golfo De Venezuela(gov)
A Medellin(med) - Panama(pan)
A Mato Grosso Do Sul(mgd) - Paraguay(pgy) (*Bounce*)
A Mato Grosso(mgr) - Santa Cruz(scz) (*Fails*)
F Mid South Atlantic Ocean(msa) Supports F South West
F Recife(rec) Supports F Mid South Atlantic Ocean(msa)
A Sao Paulo(sao) Hold
A Santander(stn) - Medellin(med)
F South West Atlantic(swa) Supports F Patagonia(pat) - Weddell
Sea(wed) (*Cut*)

A Sonora(son) Hold
A Arizona(arz) - Utah(uta)
A Denver(dnv) - New Mexico(nmx)
F East Central Pacific Ocean(ecp) Supports F North East Pacific
Ocean(nep) - Guatamala Basin(gub)
F Gulf of Alaska(goa) - North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp)
F Hawaii(hi) Supports F San Francisco(sf) - North East Pacific
F North East Pacific Ocean(nep) - Guatamala Basin(gub)
F San Francisco(sf) - North East Pacific Ocean(nep)

F Eastern Mediterranean Sea(emd) - Egypt(egy) (*Bounce*)
F Morocco(mor) Supports F Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) -
Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena) (*Fails*)
F Red Sea(red) - Gulf of Aden(gad) (*Fails*)
F Aegean Sea(aeg) - Crete(cre)
F Bay of Biscay(bis) Supports F Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) -
Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena) (*Fails*)
A Budapest(bud) Supports A Warsaw(war)
F Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena) - Mid North Atlantic
Ocean(mna) (*Fails*)
A Moldova(mol) - Rumania(rum)
A Munich(mun) - Ruhr(ruh)
A Prague(prg) - Munich(mun) (*Bounce*)
A Silesia(sil) - Prague(prg) (*Fails*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea(tyr) - Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) (*Fails*)
A Warsaw(war) Supports A Moscow(mos) - Minsk(msk) (*Cut*)
F Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) - Eastern North Atlantic
Ocean(ena) (*Fails*)
F Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) - Labrador Sea(lab) (*Disbanded*)

A Panama(pan) Supports F Gulf of Panama(gop) - Medellin(med)
F Galapagos(glp) Supports F Pitcairn Island(pit) - Chile
Basin(chb) (*Disbanded*)

A Chihuahua(chu) Supports A Sonora(son) (*Dislodged*)
F Eastern Gulf of Mexico(egm) Supports F New Orleans(no) -
Western Gulf of Mexico(wgm)
A Havana(hav) - Cienfuegos(cie)
F Jamaica(jam) - Golfo De Venezuela(gov) (*Fails*)
A Alabama(ala) - New Orleans(no)
F Anchorage(anc) - Bering Sea(brg) (*Fails*)
A Arkansas(ark) - Houston(hou)
F Cascadia Basin(cas) - Gulf of Alaska(goa) (*Fails*)
A Dallas(dal) Supports A Houston(hou) - San Antonio(san)
F Greenland(grn) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab)
A Houston(hou) - San Antonio(san)
F Hudson Bay(hud) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab)
F Labrador Sea(lab) Supports F Bermuda(bmd) - Mid North Atlantic
Ocean(mna) (*Void*)
A Montana(mt) - Nebraska(neb)
F New Orleans(no) - Western Gulf of Mexico(wgm)
A Oklahoma(okl) Supports A West Texas(wtx)
A Ontario(ont) - Wisconsin(wis)
A Quebec(qbc) Hold
F Vancouver(van) - Anchorage(anc) (*Bounce*)
A West Texas(wtx) Supports A Houston(hou) - San Antonio(san)
A Yukon(yuk) Supports F Vancouver(van) - Anchorage(anc) (*Fails*)

F Arabian Sea(ara), no move received
F Gulf of Aden(gad), no move received
F Madras(mdr), no move received
A Oman(oma), no move received
F Persian Gulf(peg), no move received
F Rajasthan(raj), no move received
F Sri Lanka(sri), no move received
F Yemen(yem), no move received
A Afghanistan(afg), no move received
A Aktyubinsk(akt), no move received
A Ashgabat(ash), no move received
A Kazakhstan(kaz), no move received
A Shiraz(shi), no move received
A Tehran(teh), no move received
A Uzbekistan(uzb), no move received

A Mecca(mec) Hold

A Guatamala(gml) - Honduras(hon)
F Gulf of Panama(gop) Supports F Arequipa(arq) - Galapagos(glp)
F Guatamala Basin(gub) Supports F Arequipa(arq) - Galapagos(glp)
A Nicaragua(nic) Supports A Guatamala(gml) - Honduras(hon)
F Western Gulf of Mexico(wgm), no move received (*Dislodged*)
A Zacatcas(zac) Supports A New Mexico(nmx) - Chihuahua(chu)
A Corpus Christi(ccr), no move received
A New Mexico(nmx) - Chihuahua(chu)
A San Antonio(san), no move received (*Dislodged*)

F Angola Basin(anb) - Angola(ang)
A Bangui(ban) - Chad(cha)
A Congo(con) - Kinshasa(kin) (*Fails*)
F Cape Verde Islands(cpv) - Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa)
F Dakar(dak) - Mauritania(mau)
A Equateur(equ) Supports A Kisangani(kis)
A Eritrea(eri) - Khartoum(kha) (*Fails*)
F Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa) - Dakar(dak)
A Ethiopia(eth) - Nairobi(nai) (*Fails*)
F Gulf of Guinea(gog) Supports F Cape Verde Islands(cpv) -
Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa)
F Khartoum(kha) - Egypt(egy) (*Bounce*)
A Kisangani(kis) Hold
A Nairobi(nai) - Mombasa(mom) (*Fails*)
F Somalia(som) Supports A Nairobi(nai) - Mombasa(mom)
A Sudan(sud) Supports A Kisangani(kis)

F Darwin(dwn) - Arafura Sea(arf)
F Great Australian Bight(gab) Supports F Ross Sea(ros)
F Nauru(nau) - Micronesia(mic)
F Perth(per) Supports F Reunion(reu) - Central Indian Ocean(cio)
F Samoa(sam) - Soloman Islands(sol)
A South Australia(soz) - Darwin(dwn)
F South Pacific Ocean(spo) Supports F Pitcairn Island(pit)
F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo) Supports F Nauru(nau) -
F Pitcairn Island(pit) Supports F South Central Pacific
F Ross Sea(ros) Supports F Great Australian Bight(gab)
F South Central Pacific Ocean(scp) Supports F Pitcairn
F Tahiti(tah) Supports F Pitcairn Island(pit)

F Bering Sea(brg) Supports F North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp)
F Guam(gua) Supports F Cebu(ceb) - Northern Philippine Sea(nps)
F North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp) Supports F Bering Sea(brg)
F Northern Philippine Sea(nps) - South China Sea North(scn)
F Saipan(sai) Supports F Cebu(ceb) - Northern Philippine
Sea(nps) (*Fails*)
F West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp) Supports F North Central
Pacific Ocean(ncp)
F Cebu(ceb) - Northern Philippine Sea(nps) (*Fails*)
F Mindanao(min) - Cebu(ceb) (*Fails*)
F Midway Island(mdw) Supports F North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp)

A Eastern Germany(egr) - Munich(mun) (*Bounce*)
A L’viv(lvi) - Warsaw(war) (*Fails*)
A Norway(nwy) - Murmansk(mur) (*Dislodged*)

A Komi(kom) - Moscow(mos) (*Fails*)
A Murmansk(mur) - Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina(zap)
A Omsk(oms) Supports A Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina(zap) -
A Orenburgskaya Oblast(orn) - Kazan(kzn)
A Ufa(ufa) Supports A Orenburgskaya Oblast(orn) - Kazan(kzn)
F Beijing(bei) Supports F Shenyang(she) - Yellow Sea(yel)
A Chongqing(cho) Supports A Xi’an(xia) - Hubei(hub) (*Cut*)
A Henan(hen) Supports A Xi’an(xia) - Hubei(hub)
F Khabarovsk(khb) - Sea of Okhotsk(okh) (*Bounce*)
A Sakhalinsk(sak) Supports F Sapporo(sap)
F Sapporo(sap) Supports F Vladivostok(vla) - Sea of Japan(soj)
A Seoul(seo) Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Shenyang(she) - Yellow Sea(yel)
A Siberia(sib) - Anchorage(anc) (*Bounce*)
F Vladivostok(vla) - Sea of Japan(soj)
A Xi’an(xia) - Hubei(hub)
A Pavlodar(pav) - Novosibirsk(nsb)
A Tibet(tib) Supports A Yunan(yun)
A Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina(zap) - Perm'(prm)

A Changsha(chg) - Chongqing(cho) (*Fails*)
F East China Sea(ecs) Supports F Sea of Japan(soj) - Seoul(seo)
F Fuzhou(fuz) - Guangdong(gdg)
A Guiyang(gyn) - Yunan(yun) (*Fails*)
A Hanoi(han) Supports A Guiyang(gyn) - Yunan(yun)
F Kyoto(kyo) - Sea of Japan(soj) (*Fails*)
F North West Pacific Ocean(nwp) - Sea of Okhotsk(okh) (*Bounce*)
F Okinawa(oki) Hold
A Shanghai(sha) - Nanjing(njg)
F Sea of Japan(soj) - Seoul(seo)
F Taiwan(tai) Supports F Manila(mnl) - South China Sea North(scn)
A Tokyo(tok) - Akita(aki)
A Wuhan(wuh) - Shandong(sdg)
F Manila(mnl) - South China Sea North(scn) (*Bounce*)

F Cape Town(cap) - South Atlantic Ocean(sat)
A Katanga(kat) Supports A Kinshasa(kin)
A Kinshasa(kin) Supports A Kivu(kiv) - Kisangani(kis) (*Cut*)
A Kivu(kiv) - Kisangani(kis) (*Fails*)
F Lubango(lub) - Angola Basin(anb)
F Madagascar(mds) Supports F Reunion(reu) - Central Indian
F Mombasa(mom) Supports F Mozambique Channel(mzb) - Somali
Basin(sob) (*Cut*)
F Mozambique Channel(mzb) - Somali Basin(sob) (*Fails*)
A Rwanda(rwa) - Uganda(uga)
F St Helena(sth) Supports F Lubango(lub) - Angola Basin(anb)
A Tanzania(tan) Supports F Mombasa(mom)
F Reunion(reu) - Central Indian Ocean(cio)
F Southern Indian Ocean(sio) Supports F Reunion(reu) - Central
Indian Ocean(cio)
F South West Indian Ocean(swi) Supports F Southern Indian
F Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands(flk) - South West
Atlantic(swa) (*Fails*)

F Somali Basin(sob) Hold
A Yunan(yun) Supports A Korat Plateau(krt) - Laos(lao) (*Cut*)
F Andaman Sea(and), no move received
F Diego Garcia(die) Supports F Somali Basin(sob)
F Ho Chi Minh(ho) - Gulf of Tongking(gto)
F Java Trench(jvt) - Java Sea(jav)
A Korat Plateau(krt) - Laos(lao)
A Medan(mdn), no move received
F North Indian Ocean(nio) Supports F Somali Basin(sob)
F Palembang(plm) - Singapore(sng)
A Riau(ria) - Padang(pad)
F South China Sea South(scs) Supports F Northern Philippine
Sea(nps) - South China Sea North(scn)
F Strait of Malacca(stm) - Kuala Lumpur(kua)

F Donets’k(don) - Black Sea(bla)
A Jordan(jor) Supports F Baghdad(bag) - Saudi Arabia(sau)
A Kiev(kie) Supports A Moscow(mos) - Minsk(msk)
A Kazan(kzn) - Moscow(mos)
A Moscow(mos) - Minsk(msk)
A Odessa(ode) - Donets’k(don)
A Saudi Arabia(sau) - Yemen(yem) (*Fails*)
A Syria(syr) - Baghdad(bag) (*Fails*)
A Volgograd(vol) Supports A Kazan(kzn) - Moscow(mos)
A Azerbaijan(aze) Supports A Volgograd(vol)
F Baghdad(bag) - Saudi Arabia(sau) (*Fails*)
A Tabriz(tab) Supports A Syria(syr) - Baghdad(bag) (*Fails*)

F Antilles(ant) Supports F Puerto Rico(pr)
F Azores(azo) Supports F Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) -
Labrador Sea(lab)
F Barents Sea(bar) Supports F Norwegian Sea(nwg) - Norway(nwy)
F English Channel(eng) - Western North Sea(wns)
F Iceland(ice) Supports F Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) -
Labrador Sea(lab)
F North Atlantic Ocean(nat) Supports F Mid North Atlantic
Ocean(mna) - Labrador Sea(lab)
F Norwegian Sea(nwg) - Norway(nwy)
A St Petersburg(stp) - Murmansk(mur) (*Bounce*)
F Sweden(swe) Supports F Norwegian Sea(nwg) - Norway(nwy)
F Western North Sea(wns) - Holland(hol)

F Bahamas(bhm) - Sargasso Sea(sar)
F Guantanamo(gno) - Yucatan Basin(yub)
F Sargasso Sea(sar) - Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna)
F Santa Clara(snc) - Guantanamo(gno)
A Atlanta(atl), no move received
F Bermuda(bmd) Supports F Sargasso Sea(sar) - Mid North Atlantic
F Gulf of St Lawrence(gsl) Supports F Sargasso Sea(sar) - Mid
North Atlantic Ocean(mna)
F Labrador(lbr) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab)
F Miami(mia) - Santa Clara(snc)
F North East Coast(nec) Supports F Sargasso Sea(sar) - Mid North
Atlantic Ocean(mna)
F Newfoundland(nwf) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab)
A New York City(nyc), no move received
F South East Coast(sec) Supports F Bahamas(bhm) - Sargasso

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DC201 (Viking) - Fall 959 adjudication - deathblade_penguin   (Dec 16, 2008, 6:42 am)
I'll vote YES.


Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Rose

Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 20:12:55 -0500
From: bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com
To: dc201(at)diplomaticcorp.com; dougray30(at)yahoo.com; jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com; jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net
Subject: DC201 (Viking) - Fall 959 adjudication
CC: ajstroup1(at)yahoo.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; jrobfoster(at)gmail.com; leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk

Fall 959: you may not (want to) believe this but a DIAS (Draw Including All Survivors) has been proposed.
Please submit your votes before the Winter 959 deadline.
Now let's head back to what happened this Fall.

The Slavs had no access to their command and thus resorted to self-support instead.
The Swedes now are openly supporting the Romans. Will be interesting to see how that will impact the relationships between the Powers.
Retreats are due this Autumn.

A Abruzzi - Ancona (*Disbanded*)
A Alsace - Koln
F Barca - Alexandria (*Bounce*)
A Frankfurt Supports A Mainz - Bavaria
A Genova Supports A Pisa
F Ligurian Sea - Cagliari (*Fails*)
A Lombardy - Venezia (*Bounce*)
A Mainz - Bavaria
A Marseilles Hold
A Pisa Supports A Abruzzi - Ancona (*Cut*)
A St. Gallen - Tirol (*Fails*)
A Verdun - Flanders
F Western Mediterranean Sea Supports F Ligurian Sea - Cagliari (*Cut*)
A Zurich - St. Gallen (*Bounce*)

F Alexandria - Eastern Mediterranean Sea
A Ancona Supports F Napoli - Abruzzi
A Buda - Venezia (*Bounce*)
F Cagliari Supports F Strait of Sicily - Western Mediterranean Sea (*Cut*)
F Cherson Bight - South Black Sea
A Cumaniya Hold
A Graz Supports A Buda - Venezia (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Jorsal - Alexandria (*Bounce*)
A Kaffa Supports A Cumaniya
A Khazar Empire Hold
F Libyan Sea Supports F Alexandria - Eastern Mediterranean Sea
F Napoli - Abruzzi
F North Black Sea Supports A Khazar Empire
A Paristria - Beograd
A Pest Hold
F Roma - Ligurian Sea (*Bounce*)
F Strait of Sicily - Western Mediterranean Sea (*Dislodged*)
A Tirol - St. Gallen (*Bounce*)
A Transylvania Supports A Cumaniya
A Venezia - Pisa (*Fails*)

A Burta Hold
A Gardarike Hold
A Holmgard Hold
A Kjonugard Hold
A Mordvin Hold
A Smolensk Hold
F Vladimir Hold

A Auvergne Hold
F Berber Coast - Strait of Sicily
F Bretagne - English Channel
A Catalonia Hold
F English Channel - Sea of England
F Gulf of Lyons - Ligurian Sea (*Bounce*)
A Lapland - Jemtland (*Bounce*)
A Maine - Bretagne
F Mid Atlantic Ocean Hold
A Savoie Supports A Lombardy (*Ordered to Move*)
F Sea of England - North Sea
F Serkland Supports F Tunis
A Skiringssal - Jemtland (*Bounce*)
A Toulouse Hold
F Tunis Supports F Berber Coast - Strait of Sicily

F Baltic Sea - Bornholmer Sea (*Fails*)
A Bavaria Supports A Tirol - St. Gallen (*Dislodged*)
A Birka - Tiundaland
F Bornholmer Sea - Kattegat (*Fails*)
A Brandenburg - Hessen
A Breslau - Brandenburg
A Gdansk - Pommern
F Gulf of Finland - Gulf of Bothnia
A Kalmar - Goteborg
A Oldenburg - Groningen
A Ruthenia, no move received
A Uppsala - Jemtland (*Bounce*)

Swedish A Bavaria can retreat to Praha. Or OTB.
Roman F Strait of Sicily can retreat to Palermo. Or OTB.
Deadline for Autumn 959 is Tuesday Dec 16, at 23:00 GMT.

Deadline for Winter 959 will be set at Thursday Dec 18, at 23:00 GMT.
I will be away, without access to the Internet from Saturday Dec 20 until Sunday Dec 28.
So I'd like to suggest that the deadline for Spring 960 will be Monday Dec 29, at 23:00 GMT.
And Fall 960 on Monday Jan 5, at 23:00 GMT.
Any objections to these dates, please let me asap.

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dc193 ~ Manifested Destiny - psychosis1973   (Dec 16, 2008, 3:47 am)
Yes from me as well...

--- On Tue, 16/12/08, Andrew Tanner <damienthryn(at)gmail.com> wrote:

From: Andrew Tanner <damienthryn(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: dc193 ~ Manifested Destiny
To: Mickstagman(at)aol.com
Cc: mike(at)southwall.com, sgttodd(at)mainecav.org, dc193(at)diplomaticcorp.com, former.trout(at)gmail.com, stevelytton(at)gmail.com, psychosis(at)sky.com, scaponig(at)yahoo.com
Date: Tuesday, 16 December, 2008, 3:32 AM
Also voting yes. Proud of how far I've gotten starting
out with 5 centers
and all armies. No need to draw things out further.


On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 11:59 PM,
<Mickstagman(at)aol.com> wrote:

[quote:1c5406e3e7]I also vote yes. I dont think there is any way that I

can stop him taking

4 of my centres this year.



DC 217, spring/summer 1903 - alwayshunted   (Dec 15, 2008, 11:26 pm)
After the spring turn we had one retreat due from Turkey. There was only one option, so I have assumed that it would be taken. Rachael, please let me know if you would rather retreat it OTB.

One more turn to go, and then we will take a bit of time off for the holiday season. I'm going to suggest we start up again on the 5th, probably with winter 1903 due on that day. I'm open to feedback of course.

For now, Fall 1903 is due on Monday, December 22, 22:00 MST.

Here is the spring and summer adjudication:


England F BRE - PIC
England F ENG - MAO
England A HOL - BEL
England F NRT – NWY
England F EDI – NWG

A Burgundy - Ruhr
F Liverpool - Clyde
A Marseilles - Gascony
A Paris Supports A Marseilles - Gascony
A Portugal - Spain

F Baltic Sea Supports A Denmark - Sweden
A Denmark - Sweden
A Kiel - Ruhr
A Munich - Ruhr

A Ven -> Tyr
A Vie holds
A Tri -> Ser
F Nap -> Ion
F Apu -> Adr
F Ion -> Alb

FStPnc S FSwe-Nwy
AGal-S ABud
ARum S Italian A Tri-Ser
ABud S Italian ATri-Ser

F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
A Ankara - Constantinople
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Greece Hold
A Serbia Supports A Budapest
A Smyrna - Ankara


F Brest - Picardy
F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Holland - Belgium
F North Sea - Norway (*Fails*)

A Burgundy - Ruhr (*Bounce*)
F Liverpool - Clyde
A Marseilles - Gascony
A Paris Supports A Marseilles - Gascony
A Portugal - Spain

F Baltic Sea Supports A Denmark - Sweden
A Denmark - Sweden
A Kiel - Ruhr (*Bounce*)
A Munich - Ruhr (*Bounce*)

F Apulia - Adriatic Sea
F Ionian Sea - Albania
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Trieste - Serbia
A Venice - Tyrolia
A Vienna Hold

A Budapest Supports A Trieste - Serbia
A Galicia Supports A Budapest
A Rumania Supports A Trieste - Serbia
F Sevastopol - Black Sea
F St Petersburg(nc) Supports F Sweden - Norway
F Sweden - Norway
A Warsaw - Silesia

F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
A Ankara - Constantinople
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Greece Hold
A Serbia Supports A Budapest (*Dislodged*)
A Smyrna - Ankara


There was one retreat due from Turkey, however I have retreated the unit to its only option,Bulgaria.

Fall 1903 is now due in one week, on December 22nd, 22:00 MST.

Maps are attached. Check everything.



WWIV s09 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Dec 15, 2008, 9:36 pm)
Colombia wins the turn off – 2 centers, but no units he has to bother ordering this round!
A surprise NMR from India – but even so takes no losses anywhere.

Only a handful of retreats, from 5 players – due Wed 12/17, 10am Pacific!

THEN: Next Wednesday is the 24th. I’m guessing many of y’all don’t want a turn on Christmas Eve, so if I get all 5 retreats by tomorrow, I’ll run it early and post the next turn due the 23rd. If I don’t get the retreats all by tomorrow, then the next turn won’t be due till next Friday, the day after Christmas.

If anyone has Christmas delays to request, the time to get them in to me is BEFORE we start the next turn! Especially if the above paragraph does not work with your holiday plans.



RETREATS: (Wed 12/17)

AmazonEmpire F Honduras(hon) can retreat to Belize(blz) or Western Caribbean Sea(wcb).

Illinois A Chihuahua(chu) can retreat to Arizona(arz) or Coahuila(coa).

Mexico F Western Gulf of Mexico(wgm) can retreat to Yucatan(yuc) or Veracruz(vcz) or Monterey(mon).
Mexico A San Antonio(san) can retreat to Coahuila(coa) or Monterey(mon).
Mexico F Guatamala Basin(gub) can retreat to Baja(baj) or Guadalajara(gdl) or
Michoacan(mch) or Acapulco(aca) or Guatamala(gml).

Russia A Norway(nwy) can retreat to Finland(fin).

SichuanEmpire A Seoul(seo) can retreat to Korea(kor).


F Honduras(hon) Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Acre(acr) Supports A Amazon Basin(amz) (*Ordered to Move*)
F Archipielago of Chile(arc) Supports F Amundsen Sea(amu)
F Arequipa(arq) - Galapagos(glp)
A Atacama(ata) - La Paz(lpz)
F Bio Bio(bio) Supports F Chile Basin(chb)
F Chile Basin(chb) Supports F Arequipa(arq) - Galapagos(glp)
A Ecuador(ecu) Supports A Medellin(med) (*Ordered to Move*)
A Gran Chaco(gra) - Paraguay(pgy) (*Bounce*)
A Lima(lim) Supports A Ecuador(ecu)
F Patagonia(pat) - Weddell Sea(wed)
A Rosario(rsr) - Buenos-Aries(bue)
A Santa Cruz(scz) Supports A Gran Chaco(gra) - Paraguay(pgy)
A Uruguay(uru) Supports A Rosario(rsr) - Buenos-Aries(bue)
F Valparaiso(val) Supports F Chile Basin(chb)

F Western South Atlantic Ocean(wsa) Supports F Eastern North
Atlantic Ocean(ena) - Cape Verde Islands(cpv) (*Void*)
F Puerto Rico(pr) Supports F Caracas(crc) - Eastern Caribbean
F Trinidad & Tobago(trd) Supports F Caracas(crc) - Eastern
Caribbean Sea(ecb)
F Amundsen Sea(amu) Supports F Archipielago of Chile(arc)
A Amazon Basin(amz) - Rondonia(ron) (*Bounce*)
F Aruba(aru) Supports F Maracaibo(mcb) - Golfo De Venezuela(gov)
A Bogota(bog) Supports A Santander(stn) - Medellin(med)
A Barranquilla(brn) Supports A Medellin(med) - Panama(pan)
F Caracas(crc) - Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb)
F Guyana(guy) Supports F Western South Atlantic Ocean(wsa)
A Manaus(man) - Rondonia(ron) (*Bounce*)
F Maracaibo(mcb) - Golfo De Venezuela(gov)
A Medellin(med) - Panama(pan)
A Mato Grosso Do Sul(mgd) - Paraguay(pgy) (*Bounce*)
A Mato Grosso(mgr) - Santa Cruz(scz) (*Fails*)
F Mid South Atlantic Ocean(msa) Supports F South West
F Recife(rec) Supports F Mid South Atlantic Ocean(msa)
A Sao Paulo(sao) Hold
A Santander(stn) - Medellin(med)
F South West Atlantic(swa) Supports F Patagonia(pat) - Weddell
Sea(wed) (*Cut*)

A Sonora(son) Hold
A Arizona(arz) - Utah(uta)
A Denver(dnv) - New Mexico(nmx)
F East Central Pacific Ocean(ecp) Supports F North East Pacific
Ocean(nep) - Guatamala Basin(gub)
F Gulf of Alaska(goa) - North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp)
F Hawaii(hi) Supports F San Francisco(sf) - North East Pacific
F North East Pacific Ocean(nep) - Guatamala Basin(gub)
F San Francisco(sf) - North East Pacific Ocean(nep)

F Eastern Mediterranean Sea(emd) - Egypt(egy) (*Bounce*)
F Morocco(mor) Supports F Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) -
Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena) (*Fails*)
F Red Sea(red) - Gulf of Aden(gad) (*Fails*)
F Aegean Sea(aeg) - Crete(cre)
F Bay of Biscay(bis) Supports F Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) -
Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena) (*Fails*)
A Budapest(bud) Supports A Warsaw(war)
F Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena) - Mid North Atlantic
Ocean(mna) (*Fails*)
A Moldova(mol) - Rumania(rum)
A Munich(mun) - Ruhr(ruh)
A Prague(prg) - Munich(mun) (*Bounce*)
A Silesia(sil) - Prague(prg) (*Fails*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea(tyr) - Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) (*Fails*)
A Warsaw(war) Supports A Moscow(mos) - Minsk(msk) (*Cut*)
F Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) - Eastern North Atlantic
Ocean(ena) (*Fails*)
F Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) - Labrador Sea(lab) (*Disbanded*)

A Panama(pan) Supports F Gulf of Panama(gop) - Medellin(med)
F Galapagos(glp) Supports F Pitcairn Island(pit) - Chile
Basin(chb) (*Disbanded*)

A Chihuahua(chu) Supports A Sonora(son) (*Dislodged*)
F Eastern Gulf of Mexico(egm) Supports F New Orleans(no) -
Western Gulf of Mexico(wgm)
A Havana(hav) - Cienfuegos(cie)
F Jamaica(jam) - Golfo De Venezuela(gov) (*Fails*)
A Alabama(ala) - New Orleans(no)
F Anchorage(anc) - Bering Sea(brg) (*Fails*)
A Arkansas(ark) - Houston(hou)
F Cascadia Basin(cas) - Gulf of Alaska(goa) (*Fails*)
A Dallas(dal) Supports A Houston(hou) - San Antonio(san)
F Greenland(grn) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab)
A Houston(hou) - San Antonio(san)
F Hudson Bay(hud) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab)
F Labrador Sea(lab) Supports F Bermuda(bmd) - Mid North Atlantic
Ocean(mna) (*Void*)
A Montana(mt) - Nebraska(neb)
F New Orleans(no) - Western Gulf of Mexico(wgm)
A Oklahoma(okl) Supports A West Texas(wtx)
A Ontario(ont) - Wisconsin(wis)
A Quebec(qbc) Hold
F Vancouver(van) - Anchorage(anc) (*Bounce*)
A West Texas(wtx) Supports A Houston(hou) - San Antonio(san)
A Yukon(yuk) Supports F Vancouver(van) - Anchorage(anc) (*Fails*)

F Arabian Sea(ara), no move received
F Gulf of Aden(gad), no move received
F Madras(mdr), no move received
A Oman(oma), no move received
F Persian Gulf(peg), no move received
F Rajasthan(raj), no move received
F Sri Lanka(sri), no move received
F Yemen(yem), no move received
A Afghanistan(afg), no move received
A Aktyubinsk(akt), no move received
A Ashgabat(ash), no move received
A Kazakhstan(kaz), no move received
A Shiraz(shi), no move received
A Tehran(teh), no move received
A Uzbekistan(uzb), no move received

A Mecca(mec) Hold

A Guatamala(gml) - Honduras(hon)
F Gulf of Panama(gop) Supports F Arequipa(arq) - Galapagos(glp)
F Guatamala Basin(gub) Supports F Arequipa(arq) - Galapagos(glp)
A Nicaragua(nic) Supports A Guatamala(gml) - Honduras(hon)
F Western Gulf of Mexico(wgm), no move received (*Dislodged*)
A Zacatcas(zac) Supports A New Mexico(nmx) - Chihuahua(chu)
A Corpus Christi(ccr), no move received
A New Mexico(nmx) - Chihuahua(chu)
A San Antonio(san), no move received (*Dislodged*)

F Angola Basin(anb) - Angola(ang)
A Bangui(ban) - Chad(cha)
A Congo(con) - Kinshasa(kin) (*Fails*)
F Cape Verde Islands(cpv) - Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa)
F Dakar(dak) - Mauritania(mau)
A Equateur(equ) Supports A Kisangani(kis)
A Eritrea(eri) - Khartoum(kha) (*Fails*)
F Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa) - Dakar(dak)
A Ethiopia(eth) - Nairobi(nai) (*Fails*)
F Gulf of Guinea(gog) Supports F Cape Verde Islands(cpv) -
Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa)
F Khartoum(kha) - Egypt(egy) (*Bounce*)
A Kisangani(kis) Hold
A Nairobi(nai) - Mombasa(mom) (*Fails*)
F Somalia(som) Supports A Nairobi(nai) - Mombasa(mom)
A Sudan(sud) Supports A Kisangani(kis)

F Darwin(dwn) - Arafura Sea(arf)
F Great Australian Bight(gab) Supports F Ross Sea(ros)
F Nauru(nau) - Micronesia(mic)
F Perth(per) Supports F Reunion(reu) - Central Indian Ocean(cio)
F Samoa(sam) - Soloman Islands(sol)
A South Australia(soz) - Darwin(dwn)
F South Pacific Ocean(spo) Supports F Pitcairn Island(pit)
F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo) Supports F Nauru(nau) -
F Pitcairn Island(pit) Supports F South Central Pacific
F Ross Sea(ros) Supports F Great Australian Bight(gab)
F South Central Pacific Ocean(scp) Supports F Pitcairn
F Tahiti(tah) Supports F Pitcairn Island(pit)

F Bering Sea(brg) Supports F North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp)
F Guam(gua) Supports F Cebu(ceb) - Northern Philippine Sea(nps)
F North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp) Supports F Bering Sea(brg)
F Northern Philippine Sea(nps) - South China Sea North(scn)
F Saipan(sai) Supports F Cebu(ceb) - Northern Philippine
Sea(nps) (*Fails*)
F West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp) Supports F North Central
Pacific Ocean(ncp)
F Cebu(ceb) - Northern Philippine Sea(nps) (*Fails*)
F Mindanao(min) - Cebu(ceb) (*Fails*)
F Midway Island(mdw) Supports F North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp)

A Eastern Germany(egr) - Munich(mun) (*Bounce*)
A L’viv(lvi) - Warsaw(war) (*Fails*)
A Norway(nwy) - Murmansk(mur) (*Dislodged*)

A Komi(kom) - Moscow(mos) (*Fails*)
A Murmansk(mur) - Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina(zap)
A Omsk(oms) Supports A Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina(zap) -
A Orenburgskaya Oblast(orn) - Kazan(kzn)
A Ufa(ufa) Supports A Orenburgskaya Oblast(orn) - Kazan(kzn)
F Beijing(bei) Supports F Shenyang(she) - Yellow Sea(yel)
A Chongqing(cho) Supports A Xi’an(xia) - Hubei(hub) (*Cut*)
A Henan(hen) Supports A Xi’an(xia) - Hubei(hub)
F Khabarovsk(khb) - Sea of Okhotsk(okh) (*Bounce*)
A Sakhalinsk(sak) Supports F Sapporo(sap)
F Sapporo(sap) Supports F Vladivostok(vla) - Sea of Japan(soj)
A Seoul(seo) Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Shenyang(she) - Yellow Sea(yel)
A Siberia(sib) - Anchorage(anc) (*Bounce*)
F Vladivostok(vla) - Sea of Japan(soj)
A Xi’an(xia) - Hubei(hub)
A Pavlodar(pav) - Novosibirsk(nsb)
A Tibet(tib) Supports A Yunan(yun)
A Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina(zap) - Perm'(prm)

A Changsha(chg) - Chongqing(cho) (*Fails*)
F East China Sea(ecs) Supports F Sea of Japan(soj) - Seoul(seo)
F Fuzhou(fuz) - Guangdong(gdg)
A Guiyang(gyn) - Yunan(yun) (*Fails*)
A Hanoi(han) Supports A Guiyang(gyn) - Yunan(yun)
F Kyoto(kyo) - Sea of Japan(soj) (*Fails*)
F North West Pacific Ocean(nwp) - Sea of Okhotsk(okh) (*Bounce*)
F Okinawa(oki) Hold
A Shanghai(sha) - Nanjing(njg)
F Sea of Japan(soj) - Seoul(seo)
F Taiwan(tai) Supports F Manila(mnl) - South China Sea North(scn)
A Tokyo(tok) - Akita(aki)
A Wuhan(wuh) - Shandong(sdg)
F Manila(mnl) - South China Sea North(scn) (*Bounce*)

F Cape Town(cap) - South Atlantic Ocean(sat)
A Katanga(kat) Supports A Kinshasa(kin)
A Kinshasa(kin) Supports A Kivu(kiv) - Kisangani(kis) (*Cut*)
A Kivu(kiv) - Kisangani(kis) (*Fails*)
F Lubango(lub) - Angola Basin(anb)
F Madagascar(mds) Supports F Reunion(reu) - Central Indian
F Mombasa(mom) Supports F Mozambique Channel(mzb) - Somali
Basin(sob) (*Cut*)
F Mozambique Channel(mzb) - Somali Basin(sob) (*Fails*)
A Rwanda(rwa) - Uganda(uga)
F St Helena(sth) Supports F Lubango(lub) - Angola Basin(anb)
A Tanzania(tan) Supports F Mombasa(mom)
F Reunion(reu) - Central Indian Ocean(cio)
F Southern Indian Ocean(sio) Supports F Reunion(reu) - Central
Indian Ocean(cio)
F South West Indian Ocean(swi) Supports F Southern Indian
F Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands(flk) - South West
Atlantic(swa) (*Fails*)

F Somali Basin(sob) Hold
A Yunan(yun) Supports A Korat Plateau(krt) - Laos(lao) (*Cut*)
F Andaman Sea(and), no move received
F Diego Garcia(die) Supports F Somali Basin(sob)
F Ho Chi Minh(ho) - Gulf of Tongking(gto)
F Java Trench(jvt) - Java Sea(jav)
A Korat Plateau(krt) - Laos(lao)
A Medan(mdn), no move received
F North Indian Ocean(nio) Supports F Somali Basin(sob)
F Palembang(plm) - Singapore(sng)
A Riau(ria) - Padang(pad)
F South China Sea South(scs) Supports F Northern Philippine
Sea(nps) - South China Sea North(scn)
F Strait of Malacca(stm) - Kuala Lumpur(kua)

F Donets’k(don) - Black Sea(bla)
A Jordan(jor) Supports F Baghdad(bag) - Saudi Arabia(sau)
A Kiev(kie) Supports A Moscow(mos) - Minsk(msk)
A Kazan(kzn) - Moscow(mos)
A Moscow(mos) - Minsk(msk)
A Odessa(ode) - Donets’k(don)
A Saudi Arabia(sau) - Yemen(yem) (*Fails*)
A Syria(syr) - Baghdad(bag) (*Fails*)
A Volgograd(vol) Supports A Kazan(kzn) - Moscow(mos)
A Azerbaijan(aze) Supports A Volgograd(vol)
F Baghdad(bag) - Saudi Arabia(sau) (*Fails*)
A Tabriz(tab) Supports A Syria(syr) - Baghdad(bag) (*Fails*)

F Antilles(ant) Supports F Puerto Rico(pr)
F Azores(azo) Supports F Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) -
Labrador Sea(lab)
F Barents Sea(bar) Supports F Norwegian Sea(nwg) - Norway(nwy)
F English Channel(eng) - Western North Sea(wns)
F Iceland(ice) Supports F Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) -
Labrador Sea(lab)
F North Atlantic Ocean(nat) Supports F Mid North Atlantic
Ocean(mna) - Labrador Sea(lab)
F Norwegian Sea(nwg) - Norway(nwy)
A St Petersburg(stp) - Murmansk(mur) (*Bounce*)
F Sweden(swe) Supports F Norwegian Sea(nwg) - Norway(nwy)
F Western North Sea(wns) - Holland(hol)

F Bahamas(bhm) - Sargasso Sea(sar)
F Guantanamo(gno) - Yucatan Basin(yub)
F Sargasso Sea(sar) - Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna)
F Santa Clara(snc) - Guantanamo(gno)
A Atlanta(atl), no move received
F Bermuda(bmd) Supports F Sargasso Sea(sar) - Mid North Atlantic
F Gulf of St Lawrence(gsl) Supports F Sargasso Sea(sar) - Mid
North Atlantic Ocean(mna)
F Labrador(lbr) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab)
F Miami(mia) - Santa Clara(snc)
F North East Coast(nec) Supports F Sargasso Sea(sar) - Mid North
Atlantic Ocean(mna)
F Newfoundland(nwf) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab)
A New York City(nyc), no move received
F South East Coast(sec) Supports F Bahamas(bhm) - Sargasso


WWIV s09 results! (dc195) deathblade_penguin Dec 16, 06:43 am

Now I know argentina and brazil will leave me one SC as a christmas present - after all they are such
old friends who have played many diplomacy games together, they can easy organise that.

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Rose

Subject: WWIV s09 results!
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 19:36:38 -0800
From: mike(at)southwall.com
To: ianxshaw(at)gmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; scaponig(at)yahoo.com; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; davidinknoxville(at)hotmail.com; m_don_j(at)hotmail.com; wkrill(at)yahoo.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; lebaron0819(at)yahoo.com; x_bomber49(at)hotmail.com; rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca; bcoop310(at)comcast.net; dipIndy500(at)yahoo.com; derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com; mapleleafdip(at)yahoo.com; psychosis(at)sky.com; mvpenner(at)gmail.com; kai.ermes(at)email.de; jkudlick(at)gmail.com; isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com; gregsurname(at)gmail.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; rude13(at)gmail.com; dougburg(at)ix.netcom.com; clarklandry(at)gmail.com; thase+dipcorp(at)dalarin.net; dylan.hirshkowitz(at)gmail.com; jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com; coebq(at)yahoo.com; matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu; damienthryn(at)gmail.com; dc195(at)diplomaticcorp.com; afretired(at)charter.net; johnmarkellsworth(at)gmail.com; jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com; Stefan.Krekeler(at)web.de; adanine(at)yahoo.com

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Colombia wins the turn off – 2 centers, but no units he has to bother ordering this round!
A surprise NMR from India – but even so takes no losses anywhere.

Only a handful of retreats, from 5 players – due Wed 12/17, 10am Pacific!

THEN: Next Wednesday is the 24th. I’m guessing many of y’all don’t want a turn on Christmas Eve, so if I get all 5 retreats by tomorrow, I’ll run it early and post the next turn due the 23rd. If I don’t get the retreats all by tomorrow, then the next turn won’t be due till next Friday, the day after Christmas.

If anyone has Christmas delays to request, the time to get them in to me is BEFORE we start the next turn! Especially if the above paragraph does not work with your holiday plans.



RETREATS: (Wed 12/17)

AmazonEmpire F Honduras(hon) can retreat to Belize(blz) or Western Caribbean Sea(wcb).

Illinois A Chihuahua(chu) can retreat to Arizona(arz) or Coahuila(coa).

Mexico F Western Gulf of Mexico(wgm) can retreat to Yucatan(yuc) or Veracruz(vcz) or Monterey(mon).
Mexico A San Antonio(san) can retreat to Coahuila(coa) or Monterey(mon).
Mexico F Guatamala Basin(gub) can retreat to Baja(baj) or Guadalajara(gdl) or
Michoacan(mch) or Acapulco(aca) or Guatamala(gml).

Russia A Norway(nwy) can retreat to Finland(fin).

SichuanEmpire A Seoul(seo) can retreat to Korea(kor).


F Honduras(hon) Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Acre(acr) Supports A Amazon Basin(amz) (*Ordered to Move*)
F Archipielago of Chile(arc) Supports F Amundsen Sea(amu)
F Arequipa(arq) - Galapagos(glp)
A Atacama(ata) - La Paz(lpz)
F Bio Bio(bio) Supports F Chile Basin(chb)
F Chile Basin(chb) Supports F Arequipa(arq) - Galapagos(glp)
A Ecuador(ecu) Supports A Medellin(med) (*Ordered to Move*)
A Gran Chaco(gra) - Paraguay(pgy) (*Bounce*)
A Lima(lim) Supports A Ecuador(ecu)
F Patagonia(pat) - Weddell Sea(wed)
A Rosario(rsr) - Buenos-Aries(bue)
A Santa Cruz(scz) Supports A Gran Chaco(gra) - Paraguay(pgy)
A Uruguay(uru) Supports A Rosario(rsr) - Buenos-Aries(bue)
F Valparaiso(val) Supports F Chile Basin(chb)

F Western South Atlantic Ocean(wsa) Supports F Eastern North
Atlantic Ocean(ena) - Cape Verde Islands(cpv) (*Void*)
F Puerto Rico(pr) Supports F Caracas(crc) - Eastern Caribbean
F Trinidad & Tobago(trd) Supports F Caracas(crc) - Eastern
Caribbean Sea(ecb)
F Amundsen Sea(amu) Supports F Archipielago of Chile(arc)
A Amazon Basin(amz) - Rondonia(ron) (*Bounce*)
F Aruba(aru) Supports F Maracaibo(mcb) - Golfo De Venezuela(gov)
A Bogota(bog) Supports A Santander(stn) - Medellin(med)
A Barranquilla(brn) Supports A Medellin(med) - Panama(pan)
F Caracas(crc) - Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb)
F Guyana(guy) Supports F Western South Atlantic Ocean(wsa)
A Manaus(man) - Rondonia(ron) (*Bounce*)
F Maracaibo(mcb) - Golfo De Venezuela(gov)
A Medellin(med) - Panama(pan)
A Mato Grosso Do Sul(mgd) - Paraguay(pgy) (*Bounce*)
A Mato Grosso(mgr) - Santa Cruz(scz) (*Fails*)
F Mid South Atlantic Ocean(msa) Supports F South West
F Recife(rec) Supports F Mid South Atlantic Ocean(msa)
A Sao Paulo(sao) Hold
A Santander(stn) - Medellin(med)
F South West Atlantic(swa) Supports F Patagonia(pat) - Weddell
Sea(wed) (*Cut*)

A Sonora(son) Hold
A Arizona(arz) - Utah(uta)
A Denver(dnv) - New Mexico(nmx)
F East Central Pacific Ocean(ecp) Supports F North East Pacific
Ocean(nep) - Guatamala Basin(gub)
F Gulf of Alaska(goa) - North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp)
F Hawaii(hi) Supports F San Francisco(sf) - North East Pacific
F North East Pacific Ocean(nep) - Guatamala Basin(gub)
F San Francisco(sf) - North East Pacific Ocean(nep)

F Eastern Mediterranean Sea(emd) - Egypt(egy) (*Bounce*)
F Morocco(mor) Supports F Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) -
Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena) (*Fails*)
F Red Sea(red) - Gulf of Aden(gad) (*Fails*)
F Aegean Sea(aeg) - Crete(cre)
F Bay of Biscay(bis) Supports F Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) -
Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena) (*Fails*)
A Budapest(bud) Supports A Warsaw(war)
F Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena) - Mid North Atlantic
Ocean(mna) (*Fails*)
A Moldova(mol) - Rumania(rum)
A Munich(mun) - Ruhr(ruh)
A Prague(prg) - Munich(mun) (*Bounce*)
A Silesia(sil) - Prague(prg) (*Fails*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea(tyr) - Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) (*Fails*)
A Warsaw(war) Supports A Moscow(mos) - Minsk(msk) (*Cut*)
F Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) - Eastern North Atlantic
Ocean(ena) (*Fails*)
F Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) - Labrador Sea(lab) (*Disbanded*)

A Panama(pan) Supports F Gulf of Panama(gop) - Medellin(med)
F Galapagos(glp) Supports F Pitcairn Island(pit) - Chile
Basin(chb) (*Disbanded*)

A Chihuahua(chu) Supports A Sonora(son) (*Dislodged*)
F Eastern Gulf of Mexico(egm) Supports F New Orleans(no) -
Western Gulf of Mexico(wgm)
A Havana(hav) - Cienfuegos(cie)
F Jamaica(jam) - Golfo De Venezuela(gov) (*Fails*)
A Alabama(ala) - New Orleans(no)
F Anchorage(anc) - Bering Sea(brg) (*Fails*)
A Arkansas(ark) - Houston(hou)
F Cascadia Basin(cas) - Gulf of Alaska(goa) (*Fails*)
A Dallas(dal) Supports A Houston(hou) - San Antonio(san)
F Greenland(grn) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab)
A Houston(hou) - San Antonio(san)
F Hudson Bay(hud) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab)
F Labrador Sea(lab) Supports F Bermuda(bmd) - Mid North Atlantic
Ocean(mna) (*Void*)
A Montana(mt) - Nebraska(neb)
F New Orleans(no) - Western Gulf of Mexico(wgm)
A Oklahoma(okl) Supports A West Texas(wtx)
A Ontario(ont) - Wisconsin(wis)
A Quebec(qbc) Hold
F Vancouver(van) - Anchorage(anc) (*Bounce*)
A West Texas(wtx) Supports A Houston(hou) - San Antonio(san)
A Yukon(yuk) Supports F Vancouver(van) - Anchorage(anc) (*Fails*)

F Arabian Sea(ara), no move received
F Gulf of Aden(gad), no move received
F Madras(mdr), no move received
A Oman(oma), no move received
F Persian Gulf(peg), no move received
F Rajasthan(raj), no move received
F Sri Lanka(sri), no move received
F Yemen(yem), no move received
A Afghanistan(afg), no move received
A Aktyubinsk(akt), no move received
A Ashgabat(ash), no move received
A Kazakhstan(kaz), no move received
A Shiraz(shi), no move received
A Tehran(teh), no move received
A Uzbekistan(uzb), no move received

A Mecca(mec) Hold

A Guatamala(gml) - Honduras(hon)
F Gulf of Panama(gop) Supports F Arequipa(arq) - Galapagos(glp)
F Guatamala Basin(gub) Supports F Arequipa(arq) - Galapagos(glp)
A Nicaragua(nic) Supports A Guatamala(gml) - Honduras(hon)
F Western Gulf of Mexico(wgm), no move received (*Dislodged*)
A Zacatcas(zac) Supports A New Mexico(nmx) - Chihuahua(chu)
A Corpus Christi(ccr), no move received
A New Mexico(nmx) - Chihuahua(chu)
A San Antonio(san), no move received (*Dislodged*)

F Angola Basin(anb) - Angola(ang)
A Bangui(ban) - Chad(cha)
A Congo(con) - Kinshasa(kin) (*Fails*)
F Cape Verde Islands(cpv) - Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa)
F Dakar(dak) - Mauritania(mau)
A Equateur(equ) Supports A Kisangani(kis)
A Eritrea(eri) - Khartoum(kha) (*Fails*)
F Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa) - Dakar(dak)
A Ethiopia(eth) - Nairobi(nai) (*Fails*)
F Gulf of Guinea(gog) Supports F Cape Verde Islands(cpv) -
Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa)
F Khartoum(kha) - Egypt(egy) (*Bounce*)
A Kisangani(kis) Hold
A Nairobi(nai) - Mombasa(mom) (*Fails*)
F Somalia(som) Supports A Nairobi(nai) - Mombasa(mom)
A Sudan(sud) Supports A Kisangani(kis)

F Darwin(dwn) - Arafura Sea(arf)
F Great Australian Bight(gab) Supports F Ross Sea(ros)
F Nauru(nau) - Micronesia(mic)
F Perth(per) Supports F Reunion(reu) - Central Indian Ocean(cio)
F Samoa(sam) - Soloman Islands(sol)
A South Australia(soz) - Darwin(dwn)
F South Pacific Ocean(spo) Supports F Pitcairn Island(pit)
F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo) Supports F Nauru(nau) -
F Pitcairn Island(pit) Supports F South Central Pacific
F Ross Sea(ros) Supports F Great Australian Bight(gab)
F South Central Pacific Ocean(scp) Supports F Pitcairn
F Tahiti(tah) Supports F Pitcairn Island(pit)

F Bering Sea(brg) Supports F North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp)
F Guam(gua) Supports F Cebu(ceb) - Northern Philippine Sea(nps)
F North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp) Supports F Bering Sea(brg)
F Northern Philippine Sea(nps) - South China Sea North(scn)
F Saipan(sai) Supports F Cebu(ceb) - Northern Philippine
Sea(nps) (*Fails*)
F West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp) Supports F North Central
Pacific Ocean(ncp)
F Cebu(ceb) - Northern Philippine Sea(nps) (*Fails*)
F Mindanao(min) - Cebu(ceb) (*Fails*)
F Midway Island(mdw) Supports F North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp)

A Eastern Germany(egr) - Munich(mun) (*Bounce*)
A L’viv(lvi) - Warsaw(war) (*Fails*)
A Norway(nwy) - Murmansk(mur) (*Dislodged*)

A Komi(kom) - Moscow(mos) (*Fails*)
A Murmansk(mur) - Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina(zap)
A Omsk(oms) Supports A Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina(zap) -
A Orenburgskaya Oblast(orn) - Kazan(kzn)
A Ufa(ufa) Supports A Orenburgskaya Oblast(orn) - Kazan(kzn)
F Beijing(bei) Supports F Shenyang(she) - Yellow Sea(yel)
A Chongqing(cho) Supports A Xi’an(xia) - Hubei(hub) (*Cut*)
A Henan(hen) Supports A Xi’an(xia) - Hubei(hub)
F Khabarovsk(khb) - Sea of Okhotsk(okh) (*Bounce*)
A Sakhalinsk(sak) Supports F Sapporo(sap)
F Sapporo(sap) Supports F Vladivostok(vla) - Sea of Japan(soj)
A Seoul(seo) Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Shenyang(she) - Yellow Sea(yel)
A Siberia(sib) - Anchorage(anc) (*Bounce*)
F Vladivostok(vla) - Sea of Japan(soj)
A Xi’an(xia) - Hubei(hub)
A Pavlodar(pav) - Novosibirsk(nsb)
A Tibet(tib) Supports A Yunan(yun)
A Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina(zap) - Perm'(prm)

A Changsha(chg) - Chongqing(cho) (*Fails*)
F East China Sea(ecs) Supports F Sea of Japan(soj) - Seoul(seo)
F Fuzhou(fuz) - Guangdong(gdg)
A Guiyang(gyn) - Yunan(yun) (*Fails*)
A Hanoi(han) Supports A Guiyang(gyn) - Yunan(yun)
F Kyoto(kyo) - Sea of Japan(soj) (*Fails*)
F North West Pacific Ocean(nwp) - Sea of Okhotsk(okh) (*Bounce*)
F Okinawa(oki) Hold
A Shanghai(sha) - Nanjing(njg)
F Sea of Japan(soj) - Seoul(seo)
F Taiwan(tai) Supports F Manila(mnl) - South China Sea North(scn)
A Tokyo(tok) - Akita(aki)
A Wuhan(wuh) - Shandong(sdg)
F Manila(mnl) - South China Sea North(scn) (*Bounce*)

F Cape Town(cap) - South Atlantic Ocean(sat)
A Katanga(kat) Supports A Kinshasa(kin)
A Kinshasa(kin) Supports A Kivu(kiv) - Kisangani(kis) (*Cut*)
A Kivu(kiv) - Kisangani(kis) (*Fails*)
F Lubango(lub) - Angola Basin(anb)
F Madagascar(mds) Supports F Reunion(reu) - Central Indian
F Mombasa(mom) Supports F Mozambique Channel(mzb) - Somali
Basin(sob) (*Cut*)
F Mozambique Channel(mzb) - Somali Basin(sob) (*Fails*)
A Rwanda(rwa) - Uganda(uga)
F St Helena(sth) Supports F Lubango(lub) - Angola Basin(anb)
A Tanzania(tan) Supports F Mombasa(mom)
F Reunion(reu) - Central Indian Ocean(cio)
F Southern Indian Ocean(sio) Supports F Reunion(reu) - Central
Indian Ocean(cio)
F South West Indian Ocean(swi) Supports F Southern Indian
F Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands(flk) - South West
Atlantic(swa) (*Fails*)

F Somali Basin(sob) Hold
A Yunan(yun) Supports A Korat Plateau(krt) - Laos(lao) (*Cut*)
F Andaman Sea(and), no move received
F Diego Garcia(die) Supports F Somali Basin(sob)
F Ho Chi Minh(ho) - Gulf of Tongking(gto)
F Java Trench(jvt) - Java Sea(jav)
A Korat Plateau(krt) - Laos(lao)
A Medan(mdn), no move received
F North Indian Ocean(nio) Supports F Somali Basin(sob)
F Palembang(plm) - Singapore(sng)
A Riau(ria) - Padang(pad)
F South China Sea South(scs) Supports F Northern Philippine
Sea(nps) - South China Sea North(scn)
F Strait of Malacca(stm) - Kuala Lumpur(kua)

F Donets’k(don) - Black Sea(bla)
A Jordan(jor) Supports F Baghdad(bag) - Saudi Arabia(sau)
A Kiev(kie) Supports A Moscow(mos) - Minsk(msk)
A Kazan(kzn) - Moscow(mos)
A Moscow(mos) - Minsk(msk)
A Odessa(ode) - Donets’k(don)
A Saudi Arabia(sau) - Yemen(yem) (*Fails*)
A Syria(syr) - Baghdad(bag) (*Fails*)
A Volgograd(vol) Supports A Kazan(kzn) - Moscow(mos)
A Azerbaijan(aze) Supports A Volgograd(vol)
F Baghdad(bag) - Saudi Arabia(sau) (*Fails*)
A Tabriz(tab) Supports A Syria(syr) - Baghdad(bag) (*Fails*)

F Antilles(ant) Supports F Puerto Rico(pr)
F Azores(azo) Supports F Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) -
Labrador Sea(lab)
F Barents Sea(bar) Supports F Norwegian Sea(nwg) - Norway(nwy)
F English Channel(eng) - Western North Sea(wns)
F Iceland(ice) Supports F Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) -
Labrador Sea(lab)
F North Atlantic Ocean(nat) Supports F Mid North Atlantic
Ocean(mna) - Labrador Sea(lab)
F Norwegian Sea(nwg) - Norway(nwy)
A St Petersburg(stp) - Murmansk(mur) (*Bounce*)
F Sweden(swe) Supports F Norwegian Sea(nwg) - Norway(nwy)
F Western North Sea(wns) - Holland(hol)

F Bahamas(bhm) - Sargasso Sea(sar)
F Guantanamo(gno) - Yucatan Basin(yub)
F Sargasso Sea(sar) - Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna)
F Santa Clara(snc) - Guantanamo(gno)
A Atlanta(atl), no move received
F Bermuda(bmd) Supports F Sargasso Sea(sar) - Mid North Atlantic
F Gulf of St Lawrence(gsl) Supports F Sargasso Sea(sar) - Mid
North Atlantic Ocean(mna)
F Labrador(lbr) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab)
F Miami(mia) - Santa Clara(snc)
F North East Coast(nec) Supports F Sargasso Sea(sar) - Mid North
Atlantic Ocean(mna)
F Newfoundland(nwf) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab)
A New York City(nyc), no move received
F South East Coast(sec) Supports F Bahamas(bhm) - Sargasso

Find your ideal job with SEEK Time for change?
WWIV s09 results! (dc195) former.trout Dec 16, 09:28 am
I think we can do that.... How does the north pole sound? =P


On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 5:43 AM, Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])> wrote:


Now I know argentina and brazil will leave me one SC as a christmas present - after all they are such
old friends who have played many diplomacy games together, they can easy organise that.

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Rose

Subject: WWIV s09 results!
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 19:36:38 -0800
From: mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])
To: ianxshaw(at)gmail.com ([email]ianxshaw(at)gmail.com[/email]); former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email]); scaponig(at)yahoo.com ([email]scaponig(at)yahoo.com[/email]); ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email]); davidinknoxville(at)hotmail.com ([email]davidinknoxville(at)hotmail.com[/email]); m_don_j(at)hotmail.com ([email]m_don_j(at)hotmail.com[/email]); wkrill(at)yahoo.com ([email]wkrill(at)yahoo.com[/email]); stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email]); lebaron0819(at)yahoo.com ([email]lebaron0819(at)yahoo.com[/email]); x_bomber49(at)hotmail.com ([email]x_bomber49(at)hotmail.com[/email]); rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca ([email]rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca[/email]); bcoop310(at)comcast.net ([email]bcoop310(at)comcast.net[/email]); dipIndy500(at)yahoo.com ([email]dipIndy500(at)yahoo.com[/email]); derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com ([email]derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com[/email]); mapleleafdip(at)yahoo.com ([email]mapleleafdip(at)yahoo.com[/email]); psychosis(at)sky.com ([email]psychosis(at)sky.com[/email]); mvpenner(at)gmail.com ([email]mvpenner(at)gmail.com[/email]); kai.ermes(at)email.de ([email]kai.ermes(at)email.de[/email]); jkudlick(at)gmail.com ([email]jkudlick(at)gmail.com[/email]); isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com ([email]isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com[/email]); gregsurname(at)gmail.com ([email]gregsurname(at)gmail.com[/email]); alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com ([email]alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com[/email]); rude13(at)gmail.com ([email]rude13(at)gmail.com[/email]); dougburg(at)ix.netcom.com ([email]dougburg(at)ix.netcom.com[/email]); clarklandry(at)gmail.com ([email]clarklandry(at)gmail.com[/email]); thase+dipcorp(at)dalarin.net ([email]thase%2Bdipcorp(at)dalarin.net[/email]); dylan.hirshkowitz(at)gmail.com ([email]dylan.hirshkowitz(at)gmail.com[/email]); jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com ([email]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com[/email]); coebq(at)yahoo.com ([email]coebq(at)yahoo.com[/email]); matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu ([email]matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu[/email]); damienthryn(at)gmail.com ([email]damienthryn(at)gmail.com[/email]); dc195(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc195(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]); afretired(at)charter.net ([email]afretired(at)charter.net[/email]); johnmarkellsworth(at)gmail.com ([email]johnmarkellsworth(at)gmail.com[/email]); jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com ([email]jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com[/email]); Stefan.Krekeler(at)web.de ([email]Stefan.Krekeler(at)web.de[/email]); adanine(at)yahoo.com ([email]adanine(at)yahoo.com[/email])

Colombia wins the turn off – 2 centers, but no units he has to bother ordering this round!
A surprise NMR from India – but even so takes no losses anywhere.

Only a handful of retreats, from 5 players – due Wed 12/17, 10am Pacific!

THEN: Next Wednesday is the 24th. I'm guessing many of y'all don't want a turn on Christmas Eve, so if I get all 5 retreats by tomorrow, I'll run it early and post the next turn due the 23rd. If I don't get the retreats all by tomorrow, then the next turn won't be due till next Friday, the day after Christmas.

If anyone has Christmas delays to request, the time to get them in to me is BEFORE we start the next turn! Especially if the above paragraph does not work with your holiday plans.



RETREATS: (Wed 12/17)

AmazonEmpire F Honduras(hon) can retreat to Belize(blz) or Western Caribbean Sea(wcb).

Illinois A Chihuahua(chu) can retreat to Arizona(arz) or Coahuila(coa).

Mexico F Western Gulf of Mexico(wgm) can retreat to Yucatan(yuc) or Veracruz(vcz) or Monterey(mon).
Mexico A San Antonio(san) can retreat to Coahuila(coa) or Monterey(mon).
Mexico F Guatamala Basin(gub) can retreat to Baja(baj) or Guadalajara(gdl) or
Michoacan(mch) or Acapulco(aca) or Guatamala(gml).

Russia A Norway(nwy) can retreat to Finland(fin).

SichuanEmpire A Seoul(seo) can retreat to Korea(kor).


F Honduras(hon) Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Acre(acr) Supports A Amazon Basin(amz) (*Ordered to Move*)
F Archipielago of Chile(arc) Supports F Amundsen Sea(amu)
F Arequipa(arq) - Galapagos(glp)
A Atacama(ata) - La Paz(lpz)
F Bio Bio(bio) Supports F Chile Basin(chb)
F Chile Basin(chb) Supports F Arequipa(arq) - Galapagos(glp)
A Ecuador(ecu) Supports A Medellin(med) (*Ordered to Move*)
A Gran Chaco(gra) - Paraguay(pgy) (*Bounce*)
A Lima(lim) Supports A Ecuador(ecu)
F Patagonia(pat) - Weddell Sea(wed)
A Rosario(rsr) - Buenos-Aries(bue)
A Santa Cruz(scz) Supports A Gran Chaco(gra) - Paraguay(pgy)
A Uruguay(uru) Supports A Rosario(rsr) - Buenos-Aries(bue)
F Valparaiso(val) Supports F Chile Basin(chb)

F Western South Atlantic Ocean(wsa) Supports F Eastern North
Atlantic Ocean(ena) - Cape Verde Islands(cpv) (*Void*)
F Puerto Rico(pr) Supports F Caracas(crc) - Eastern Caribbean
F Trinidad & Tobago(trd) Supports F Caracas(crc) - Eastern
Caribbean Sea(ecb)
F Amundsen Sea(amu) Supports F Archipielago of Chile(arc)
A Amazon Basin(amz) - Rondonia(ron) (*Bounce*)
F Aruba(aru) Supports F Maracaibo(mcb) - Golfo De Venezuela(gov)
A Bogota(bog) Supports A Santander(stn) - Medellin(med)
A Barranquilla(brn) Supports A Medellin(med) - Panama(pan)
F Caracas(crc) - Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb)
F Guyana(guy) Supports F Western South Atlantic Ocean(wsa)
A Manaus(man) - Rondonia(ron) (*Bounce*)
F Maracaibo(mcb) - Golfo De Venezuela(gov)
A Medellin(med) - Panama(pan)
A Mato Grosso Do Sul(mgd) - Paraguay(pgy) (*Bounce*)
A Mato Grosso(mgr) - Santa Cruz(scz) (*Fails*)
F Mid South Atlantic Ocean(msa) Supports F South West
F Recife(rec) Supports F Mid South Atlantic Ocean(msa)
A Sao Paulo(sao) Hold
A Santander(stn) - Medellin(med)
F South West Atlantic(swa) Supports F Patagonia(pat) - Weddell
Sea(wed) (*Cut*)

A Sonora(son) Hold
A Arizona(arz) - Utah(uta)
A Denver(dnv) - New Mexico(nmx)
F East Central Pacific Ocean(ecp) Supports F North East Pacific
Ocean(nep) - Guatamala Basin(gub)
F Gulf of Alaska(goa) - North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp)
F Hawaii(hi) Supports F San Francisco(sf) - North East Pacific
F North East Pacific Ocean(nep) - Guatamala Basin(gub)
F San Francisco(sf) - North East Pacific Ocean(nep)

F Eastern Mediterranean Sea(emd) - Egypt(egy) (*Bounce*)
F Morocco(mor) Supports F Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) -
Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena) (*Fails*)
F Red Sea(red) - Gulf of Aden(gad) (*Fails*)
F Aegean Sea(aeg) - Crete(cre)
F Bay of Biscay(bis) Supports F Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) -
Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena) (*Fails*)
A Budapest(bud) Supports A Warsaw(war)
F Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena) - Mid North Atlantic
Ocean(mna) (*Fails*)
A Moldova(mol) - Rumania(rum)
A Munich(mun) - Ruhr(ruh)
A Prague(prg) - Munich(mun) (*Bounce*)
A Silesia(sil) - Prague(prg) (*Fails*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea(tyr) - Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) (*Fails*)
A Warsaw(war) Supports A Moscow(mos) - Minsk(msk) (*Cut*)
F Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) - Eastern North Atlantic
Ocean(ena) (*Fails*)
F Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) - Labrador Sea(lab) (*Disbanded*)

A Panama(pan) Supports F Gulf of Panama(gop) - Medellin(med)
F Galapagos(glp) Supports F Pitcairn Island(pit) - Chile
Basin(chb) (*Disbanded*)

A Chihuahua(chu) Supports A Sonora(son) (*Dislodged*)
F Eastern Gulf of Mexico(egm) Supports F New Orleans(no) -
Western Gulf of Mexico(wgm)
A Havana(hav) - Cienfuegos(cie)
F Jamaica(jam) - Golfo De Venezuela(gov) (*Fails*)
A Alabama(ala) - New Orleans(no)
F Anchorage(anc) - Bering Sea(brg) (*Fails*)
A Arkansas(ark) - Houston(hou)
F Cascadia Basin(cas) - Gulf of Alaska(goa) (*Fails*)
A Dallas(dal) Supports A Houston(hou) - San Antonio(san)
F Greenland(grn) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab)
A Houston(hou) - San Antonio(san)
F Hudson Bay(hud) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab)
F Labrador Sea(lab) Supports F Bermuda(bmd) - Mid North Atlantic
Ocean(mna) (*Void*)
A Montana(mt) - Nebraska(neb)
F New Orleans(no) - Western Gulf of Mexico(wgm)
A Oklahoma(okl) Supports A West Texas(wtx)
A Ontario(ont) - Wisconsin(wis)
A Quebec(qbc) Hold
F Vancouver(van) - Anchorage(anc) (*Bounce*)
A West Texas(wtx) Supports A Houston(hou) - San Antonio(san)
A Yukon(yuk) Supports F Vancouver(van) - Anchorage(anc) (*Fails*)

F Arabian Sea(ara), no move received
F Gulf of Aden(gad), no move received
F Madras(mdr), no move received
A Oman(oma), no move received
F Persian Gulf(peg), no move received
F Rajasthan(raj), no move received
F Sri Lanka(sri), no move received
F Yemen(yem), no move received
A Afghanistan(afg), no move received
A Aktyubinsk(akt), no move received
A Ashgabat(ash), no move received
A Kazakhstan(kaz), no move received
A Shiraz(shi), no move received
A Tehran(teh), no move received
A Uzbekistan(uzb), no move received

A Mecca(mec) Hold

A Guatamala(gml) - Honduras(hon)
F Gulf of Panama(gop) Supports F Arequipa(arq) - Galapagos(glp)
F Guatamala Basin(gub) Supports F Arequipa(arq) - Galapagos(glp)
A Nicaragua(nic) Supports A Guatamala(gml) - Honduras(hon)
F Western Gulf of Mexico(wgm), no move received (*Dislodged*)
A Zacatcas(zac) Supports A New Mexico(nmx) - Chihuahua(chu)
A Corpus Christi(ccr), no move received
A New Mexico(nmx) - Chihuahua(chu)
A San Antonio(san), no move received (*Dislodged*)

F Angola Basin(anb) - Angola(ang)
A Bangui(ban) - Chad(cha)
A Congo(con) - Kinshasa(kin) (*Fails*)
F Cape Verde Islands(cpv) - Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa)
F Dakar(dak) - Mauritania(mau)
A Equateur(equ) Supports A Kisangani(kis)
A Eritrea(eri) - Khartoum(kha) (*Fails*)
F Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa) - Dakar(dak)
A Ethiopia(eth) - Nairobi(nai) (*Fails*)
F Gulf of Guinea(gog) Supports F Cape Verde Islands(cpv) -
Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa)
F Khartoum(kha) - Egypt(egy) (*Bounce*)
A Kisangani(kis) Hold
A Nairobi(nai) - Mombasa(mom) (*Fails*)
F Somalia(som) Supports A Nairobi(nai) - Mombasa(mom)
A Sudan(sud) Supports A Kisangani(kis)

F Darwin(dwn) - Arafura Sea(arf)
F Great Australian Bight(gab) Supports F Ross Sea(ros)
F Nauru(nau) - Micronesia(mic)
F Perth(per) Supports F Reunion(reu) - Central Indian Ocean(cio)
F Samoa(sam) - Soloman Islands(sol)
A South Australia(soz) - Darwin(dwn)
F South Pacific Ocean(spo) Supports F Pitcairn Island(pit)
F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo) Supports F Nauru(nau) -
F Pitcairn Island(pit) Supports F South Central Pacific
F Ross Sea(ros) Supports F Great Australian Bight(gab)
F South Central Pacific Ocean(scp) Supports F Pitcairn
F Tahiti(tah) Supports F Pitcairn Island(pit)

F Bering Sea(brg) Supports F North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp)
F Guam(gua) Supports F Cebu(ceb) - Northern Philippine Sea(nps)
F North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp) Supports F Bering Sea(brg)
F Northern Philippine Sea(nps) - South China Sea North(scn)
F Saipan(sai) Supports F Cebu(ceb) - Northern Philippine
Sea(nps) (*Fails*)
F West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp) Supports F North Central
Pacific Ocean(ncp)
F Cebu(ceb) - Northern Philippine Sea(nps) (*Fails*)
F Mindanao(min) - Cebu(ceb) (*Fails*)
F Midway Island(mdw) Supports F North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp)

A Eastern Germany(egr) - Munich(mun) (*Bounce*)
A L'viv(lvi) - Warsaw(war) (*Fails*)
A Norway(nwy) - Murmansk(mur) (*Dislodged*)

A Komi(kom) - Moscow(mos) (*Fails*)
A Murmansk(mur) - Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina(zap)
A Omsk(oms) Supports A Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina(zap) -
A Orenburgskaya Oblast(orn) - Kazan(kzn)
A Ufa(ufa) Supports A Orenburgskaya Oblast(orn) - Kazan(kzn)
F Beijing(bei) Supports F Shenyang(she) - Yellow Sea(yel)
A Chongqing(cho) Supports A Xi'an(xia) - Hubei(hub) (*Cut*)
A Henan(hen) Supports A Xi'an(xia) - Hubei(hub)
F Khabarovsk(khb) - Sea of Okhotsk(okh) (*Bounce*)
A Sakhalinsk(sak) Supports F Sapporo(sap)
F Sapporo(sap) Supports F Vladivostok(vla) - Sea of Japan(soj)
A Seoul(seo) Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Shenyang(she) - Yellow Sea(yel)
A Siberia(sib) - Anchorage(anc) (*Bounce*)
F Vladivostok(vla) - Sea of Japan(soj)
A Xi'an(xia) - Hubei(hub)
A Pavlodar(pav) - Novosibirsk(nsb)
A Tibet(tib) Supports A Yunan(yun)
A Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina(zap) - Perm'(prm)

A Changsha(chg) - Chongqing(cho) (*Fails*)
F East China Sea(ecs) Supports F Sea of Japan(soj) - Seoul(seo)
F Fuzhou(fuz) - Guangdong(gdg)
A Guiyang(gyn) - Yunan(yun) (*Fails*)
A Hanoi(han) Supports A Guiyang(gyn) - Yunan(yun)
F Kyoto(kyo) - Sea of Japan(soj) (*Fails*)
F North West Pacific Ocean(nwp) - Sea of Okhotsk(okh) (*Bounce*)
F Okinawa(oki) Hold
A Shanghai(sha) - Nanjing(njg)
F Sea of Japan(soj) - Seoul(seo)
F Taiwan(tai) Supports F Manila(mnl) - South China Sea North(scn)
A Tokyo(tok) - Akita(aki)
A Wuhan(wuh) - Shandong(sdg)
F Manila(mnl) - South China Sea North(scn) (*Bounce*)

F Cape Town(cap) - South Atlantic Ocean(sat)
A Katanga(kat) Supports A Kinshasa(kin)
A Kinshasa(kin) Supports A Kivu(kiv) - Kisangani(kis) (*Cut*)
A Kivu(kiv) - Kisangani(kis) (*Fails*)
F Lubango(lub) - Angola Basin(anb)
F Madagascar(mds) Supports F Reunion(reu) - Central Indian
F Mombasa(mom) Supports F Mozambique Channel(mzb) - Somali
Basin(sob) (*Cut*)
F Mozambique Channel(mzb) - Somali Basin(sob) (*Fails*)
A Rwanda(rwa) - Uganda(uga)
F St Helena(sth) Supports F Lubango(lub) - Angola Basin(anb)
A Tanzania(tan) Supports F Mombasa(mom)
F Reunion(reu) - Central Indian Ocean(cio)
F Southern Indian Ocean(sio) Supports F Reunion(reu) - Central
Indian Ocean(cio)
F South West Indian Ocean(swi) Supports F Southern Indian
F Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands(flk) - South West
Atlantic(swa) (*Fails*)

F Somali Basin(sob) Hold
A Yunan(yun) Supports A Korat Plateau(krt) - Laos(lao) (*Cut*)
F Andaman Sea(and), no move received
F Diego Garcia(die) Supports F Somali Basin(sob)
F Ho Chi Minh(ho) - Gulf of Tongking(gto)
F Java Trench(jvt) - Java Sea(jav)
A Korat Plateau(krt) - Laos(lao)
A Medan(mdn), no move received
F North Indian Ocean(nio) Supports F Somali Basin(sob)
F Palembang(plm) - Singapore(sng)
A Riau(ria) - Padang(pad)
F South China Sea South(scs) Supports F Northern Philippine
Sea(nps) - South China Sea North(scn)
F Strait of Malacca(stm) - Kuala Lumpur(kua)

F Donets'k(don) - Black Sea(bla)
A Jordan(jor) Supports F Baghdad(bag) - Saudi Arabia(sau)
A Kiev(kie) Supports A Moscow(mos) - Minsk(msk)
A Kazan(kzn) - Moscow(mos)
A Moscow(mos) - Minsk(msk)
A Odessa(ode) - Donets'k(don)
A Saudi Arabia(sau) - Yemen(yem) (*Fails*)
A Syria(syr) - Baghdad(bag) (*Fails*)
A Volgograd(vol) Supports A Kazan(kzn) - Moscow(mos)
A Azerbaijan(aze) Supports A Volgograd(vol)
F Baghdad(bag) - Saudi Arabia(sau) (*Fails*)
A Tabriz(tab) Supports A Syria(syr) - Baghdad(bag) (*Fails*)

F Antilles(ant) Supports F Puerto Rico(pr)
F Azores(azo) Supports F Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) -
Labrador Sea(lab)
F Barents Sea(bar) Supports F Norwegian Sea(nwg) - Norway(nwy)
F English Channel(eng) - Western North Sea(wns)
F Iceland(ice) Supports F Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) -
Labrador Sea(lab)
F North Atlantic Ocean(nat) Supports F Mid North Atlantic
Ocean(mna) - Labrador Sea(lab)
F Norwegian Sea(nwg) - Norway(nwy)
A St Petersburg(stp) - Murmansk(mur) (*Bounce*)
F Sweden(swe) Supports F Norwegian Sea(nwg) - Norway(nwy)
F Western North Sea(wns) - Holland(hol)

F Bahamas(bhm) - Sargasso Sea(sar)
F Guantanamo(gno) - Yucatan Basin(yub)
F Sargasso Sea(sar) - Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna)
F Santa Clara(snc) - Guantanamo(gno)
A Atlanta(atl), no move received
F Bermuda(bmd) Supports F Sargasso Sea(sar) - Mid North Atlantic
F Gulf of St Lawrence(gsl) Supports F Sargasso Sea(sar) - Mid
North Atlantic Ocean(mna)
F Labrador(lbr) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab)
F Miami(mia) - Santa Clara(snc)
F North East Coast(nec) Supports F Sargasso Sea(sar) - Mid North
Atlantic Ocean(mna)
F Newfoundland(nwf) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab)
A New York City(nyc), no move received
F South East Coast(sec) Supports F Bahamas(bhm) - Sargasso

Find your ideal job with SEEK Time for change?

dc193 ~ Manifested Destiny - DamienThryn   (Dec 15, 2008, 9:32 pm)
Also voting yes. Proud of how far I've gotten starting out with 5 centers and all armies. No need to draw things out further.


On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 11:59 PM, <Mickstagman(at)aol.com ([email]Mickstagman(at)aol.com[/email])> wrote:

I also vote yes. I dont think there is any way that I can stop him taking 4 of my centres this year.


DC201 (Viking) - Fall 959 adjudication - bielf11   (Dec 15, 2008, 7:13 pm)
Fall 959: you may not (want to) believe this but a DIAS (Draw Including All Survivors) has been proposed.
Please submit your votes before the Winter 959 deadline.
Now let's head back to what happened this Fall.

The Slavs had no access to their command and thus resorted to self-support instead.
The Swedes now are openly supporting the Romans. Will be interesting to see how that will impact the relationships between the Powers.
Retreats are due this Autumn.

A Abruzzi - Ancona (*Disbanded*)
A Alsace - Koln
F Barca - Alexandria (*Bounce*)
A Frankfurt Supports A Mainz - Bavaria
A Genova Supports A Pisa
F Ligurian Sea - Cagliari (*Fails*)
A Lombardy - Venezia (*Bounce*)
A Mainz - Bavaria
A Marseilles Hold
A Pisa Supports A Abruzzi - Ancona (*Cut*)
A St. Gallen - Tirol (*Fails*)
A Verdun - Flanders
F Western Mediterranean Sea Supports F Ligurian Sea - Cagliari (*Cut*)
A Zurich - St. Gallen (*Bounce*)

F Alexandria - Eastern Mediterranean Sea
A Ancona Supports F Napoli - Abruzzi
A Buda - Venezia (*Bounce*)
F Cagliari Supports F Strait of Sicily - Western Mediterranean Sea (*Cut*)
F Cherson Bight - South Black Sea
A Cumaniya Hold
A Graz Supports A Buda - Venezia (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Jorsal - Alexandria (*Bounce*)
A Kaffa Supports A Cumaniya
A Khazar Empire Hold
F Libyan Sea Supports F Alexandria - Eastern Mediterranean Sea
F Napoli - Abruzzi
F North Black Sea Supports A Khazar Empire
A Paristria - Beograd
A Pest Hold
F Roma - Ligurian Sea (*Bounce*)
F Strait of Sicily - Western Mediterranean Sea (*Dislodged*)
A Tirol - St. Gallen (*Bounce*)
A Transylvania Supports A Cumaniya
A Venezia - Pisa (*Fails*)

A Burta Hold
A Gardarike Hold
A Holmgard Hold
A Kjonugard Hold
A Mordvin Hold
A Smolensk Hold
F Vladimir Hold

A Auvergne Hold
F Berber Coast - Strait of Sicily
F Bretagne - English Channel
A Catalonia Hold
F English Channel - Sea of England
F Gulf of Lyons - Ligurian Sea (*Bounce*)
A Lapland - Jemtland (*Bounce*)
A Maine - Bretagne
F Mid Atlantic Ocean Hold
A Savoie Supports A Lombardy (*Ordered to Move*)
F Sea of England - North Sea
F Serkland Supports F Tunis
A Skiringssal - Jemtland (*Bounce*)
A Toulouse Hold
F Tunis Supports F Berber Coast - Strait of Sicily

F Baltic Sea - Bornholmer Sea (*Fails*)
A Bavaria Supports A Tirol - St. Gallen (*Dislodged*)
A Birka - Tiundaland
F Bornholmer Sea - Kattegat (*Fails*)
A Brandenburg - Hessen
A Breslau - Brandenburg
A Gdansk - Pommern
F Gulf of Finland - Gulf of Bothnia
A Kalmar - Goteborg
A Oldenburg - Groningen
A Ruthenia, no move received
A Uppsala - Jemtland (*Bounce*)

Swedish A Bavaria can retreat to Praha. Or OTB.
Roman F Strait of Sicily can retreat to Palermo. Or OTB.
Deadline for Autumn 959 is Tuesday Dec 16, at 23:00 GMT.

Deadline for Winter 959 will be set at Thursday Dec 18, at 23:00 GMT.
I will be away, without access to the Internet from Saturday Dec 20 until Sunday Dec 28.
So I'd like to suggest that the deadline for Spring 960 will be Monday Dec 29, at 23:00 GMT.
And Fall 960 on Monday Jan 5, at 23:00 GMT.
Any objections to these dates, please let me asap.



DC201 (Viking) - Fall 959 adjudication (dc201) deathblade_penguin Dec 16, 06:42 am
I'll vote YES.


Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Rose

Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 20:12:55 -0500
From: bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com
To: dc201(at)diplomaticcorp.com; dougray30(at)yahoo.com; jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com; jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net
Subject: DC201 (Viking) - Fall 959 adjudication
CC: ajstroup1(at)yahoo.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; jrobfoster(at)gmail.com; leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk

Fall 959: you may not (want to) believe this but a DIAS (Draw Including All Survivors) has been proposed.
Please submit your votes before the Winter 959 deadline.
Now let's head back to what happened this Fall.

The Slavs had no access to their command and thus resorted to self-support instead.
The Swedes now are openly supporting the Romans. Will be interesting to see how that will impact the relationships between the Powers.
Retreats are due this Autumn.

A Abruzzi - Ancona (*Disbanded*)
A Alsace - Koln
F Barca - Alexandria (*Bounce*)
A Frankfurt Supports A Mainz - Bavaria
A Genova Supports A Pisa
F Ligurian Sea - Cagliari (*Fails*)
A Lombardy - Venezia (*Bounce*)
A Mainz - Bavaria
A Marseilles Hold
A Pisa Supports A Abruzzi - Ancona (*Cut*)
A St. Gallen - Tirol (*Fails*)
A Verdun - Flanders
F Western Mediterranean Sea Supports F Ligurian Sea - Cagliari (*Cut*)
A Zurich - St. Gallen (*Bounce*)

F Alexandria - Eastern Mediterranean Sea
A Ancona Supports F Napoli - Abruzzi
A Buda - Venezia (*Bounce*)
F Cagliari Supports F Strait of Sicily - Western Mediterranean Sea (*Cut*)
F Cherson Bight - South Black Sea
A Cumaniya Hold
A Graz Supports A Buda - Venezia (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Jorsal - Alexandria (*Bounce*)
A Kaffa Supports A Cumaniya
A Khazar Empire Hold
F Libyan Sea Supports F Alexandria - Eastern Mediterranean Sea
F Napoli - Abruzzi
F North Black Sea Supports A Khazar Empire
A Paristria - Beograd
A Pest Hold
F Roma - Ligurian Sea (*Bounce*)
F Strait of Sicily - Western Mediterranean Sea (*Dislodged*)
A Tirol - St. Gallen (*Bounce*)
A Transylvania Supports A Cumaniya
A Venezia - Pisa (*Fails*)

A Burta Hold
A Gardarike Hold
A Holmgard Hold
A Kjonugard Hold
A Mordvin Hold
A Smolensk Hold
F Vladimir Hold

A Auvergne Hold
F Berber Coast - Strait of Sicily
F Bretagne - English Channel
A Catalonia Hold
F English Channel - Sea of England
F Gulf of Lyons - Ligurian Sea (*Bounce*)
A Lapland - Jemtland (*Bounce*)
A Maine - Bretagne
F Mid Atlantic Ocean Hold
A Savoie Supports A Lombardy (*Ordered to Move*)
F Sea of England - North Sea
F Serkland Supports F Tunis
A Skiringssal - Jemtland (*Bounce*)
A Toulouse Hold
F Tunis Supports F Berber Coast - Strait of Sicily

F Baltic Sea - Bornholmer Sea (*Fails*)
A Bavaria Supports A Tirol - St. Gallen (*Dislodged*)
A Birka - Tiundaland
F Bornholmer Sea - Kattegat (*Fails*)
A Brandenburg - Hessen
A Breslau - Brandenburg
A Gdansk - Pommern
F Gulf of Finland - Gulf of Bothnia
A Kalmar - Goteborg
A Oldenburg - Groningen
A Ruthenia, no move received
A Uppsala - Jemtland (*Bounce*)

Swedish A Bavaria can retreat to Praha. Or OTB.
Roman F Strait of Sicily can retreat to Palermo. Or OTB.
Deadline for Autumn 959 is Tuesday Dec 16, at 23:00 GMT.

Deadline for Winter 959 will be set at Thursday Dec 18, at 23:00 GMT.
I will be away, without access to the Internet from Saturday Dec 20 until Sunday Dec 28.
So I'd like to suggest that the deadline for Spring 960 will be Monday Dec 29, at 23:00 GMT.
And Fall 960 on Monday Jan 5, at 23:00 GMT.
Any objections to these dates, please let me asap.

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DC201 (Viking) - Fall 959 adjudication (dc201) deathblade_penguin Dec 18, 05:18 am
Norge votes YES.

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Rose

Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 20:12:55 -0500
From: bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com
To: dc201(at)diplomaticcorp.com; dougray30(at)yahoo.com; jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com; jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net
Subject: DC201 (Viking) - Fall 959 adjudication
CC: ajstroup1(at)yahoo.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; jrobfoster(at)gmail.com; leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk

Fall 959: you may not (want to) believe this but a DIAS (Draw Including All Survivors) has been proposed.
Please submit your votes before the Winter 959 deadline.
Now let's head back to what happened this Fall.

The Slavs had no access to their command and thus resorted to self-support instead.
The Swedes now are openly supporting the Romans. Will be interesting to see how that will impact the relationships between the Powers.
Retreats are due this Autumn.

A Abruzzi - Ancona (*Disbanded*)
A Alsace - Koln
F Barca - Alexandria (*Bounce*)
A Frankfurt Supports A Mainz - Bavaria
A Genova Supports A Pisa
F Ligurian Sea - Cagliari (*Fails*)
A Lombardy - Venezia (*Bounce*)
A Mainz - Bavaria
A Marseilles Hold
A Pisa Supports A Abruzzi - Ancona (*Cut*)
A St. Gallen - Tirol (*Fails*)
A Verdun - Flanders
F Western Mediterranean Sea Supports F Ligurian Sea - Cagliari (*Cut*)
A Zurich - St. Gallen (*Bounce*)

F Alexandria - Eastern Mediterranean Sea
A Ancona Supports F Napoli - Abruzzi
A Buda - Venezia (*Bounce*)
F Cagliari Supports F Strait of Sicily - Western Mediterranean Sea (*Cut*)
F Cherson Bight - South Black Sea
A Cumaniya Hold
A Graz Supports A Buda - Venezia (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Jorsal - Alexandria (*Bounce*)
A Kaffa Supports A Cumaniya
A Khazar Empire Hold
F Libyan Sea Supports F Alexandria - Eastern Mediterranean Sea
F Napoli - Abruzzi
F North Black Sea Supports A Khazar Empire
A Paristria - Beograd
A Pest Hold
F Roma - Ligurian Sea (*Bounce*)
F Strait of Sicily - Western Mediterranean Sea (*Dislodged*)
A Tirol - St. Gallen (*Bounce*)
A Transylvania Supports A Cumaniya
A Venezia - Pisa (*Fails*)

A Burta Hold
A Gardarike Hold
A Holmgard Hold
A Kjonugard Hold
A Mordvin Hold
A Smolensk Hold
F Vladimir Hold

A Auvergne Hold
F Berber Coast - Strait of Sicily
F Bretagne - English Channel
A Catalonia Hold
F English Channel - Sea of England
F Gulf of Lyons - Ligurian Sea (*Bounce*)
A Lapland - Jemtland (*Bounce*)
A Maine - Bretagne
F Mid Atlantic Ocean Hold
A Savoie Supports A Lombardy (*Ordered to Move*)
F Sea of England - North Sea
F Serkland Supports F Tunis
A Skiringssal - Jemtland (*Bounce*)
A Toulouse Hold
F Tunis Supports F Berber Coast - Strait of Sicily

F Baltic Sea - Bornholmer Sea (*Fails*)
A Bavaria Supports A Tirol - St. Gallen (*Dislodged*)
A Birka - Tiundaland
F Bornholmer Sea - Kattegat (*Fails*)
A Brandenburg - Hessen
A Breslau - Brandenburg
A Gdansk - Pommern
F Gulf of Finland - Gulf of Bothnia
A Kalmar - Goteborg
A Oldenburg - Groningen
A Ruthenia, no move received
A Uppsala - Jemtland (*Bounce*)

Swedish A Bavaria can retreat to Praha. Or OTB.
Roman F Strait of Sicily can retreat to Palermo. Or OTB.
Deadline for Autumn 959 is Tuesday Dec 16, at 23:00 GMT.

Deadline for Winter 959 will be set at Thursday Dec 18, at 23:00 GMT.
I will be away, without access to the Internet from Saturday Dec 20 until Sunday Dec 28.
So I'd like to suggest that the deadline for Spring 960 will be Monday Dec 29, at 23:00 GMT.
And Fall 960 on Monday Jan 5, at 23:00 GMT.
Any objections to these dates, please let me asap.

Download free Holiday emoticons today! Messenger's gift to you!
DC201 (Viking) - Fall 959 adjudication (dc201) FlapJack Dec 18, 01:29 pm
sveirge votes YES

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 6:18 AM, Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Norge votes YES.

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Rose

Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 20:12:55 -0500
From: bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com ([email]bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com[/email])
To: dc201(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc201(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]); dougray30(at)yahoo.com ([email]dougray30(at)yahoo.com[/email]); jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com ([email]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com[/email]); jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com ([email]jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com[/email]); stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email]); sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net ([email]sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net[/email])
Subject: DC201 (Viking) - Fall 959 adjudication
CC: ajstroup1(at)yahoo.com ([email]ajstroup1(at)yahoo.com[/email]); former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email]); jrobfoster(at)gmail.com ([email]jrobfoster(at)gmail.com[/email]); leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email])

Fall 959: you may not (want to) believe this but a DIAS (Draw Including All Survivors) has been proposed.
Please submit your votes before the Winter 959 deadline.
Now let's head back to what happened this Fall.

The Slavs had no access to their command and thus resorted to self-support instead.
The Swedes now are openly supporting the Romans. Will be interesting to see how that will impact the relationships between the Powers.
Retreats are due this Autumn.

A Abruzzi - Ancona (*Disbanded*)
A Alsace - Koln
F Barca - Alexandria (*Bounce*)
A Frankfurt Supports A Mainz - Bavaria
A Genova Supports A Pisa
F Ligurian Sea - Cagliari (*Fails*)
A Lombardy - Venezia (*Bounce*)
A Mainz - Bavaria
A Marseilles Hold
A Pisa Supports A Abruzzi - Ancona (*Cut*)
A St. Gallen - Tirol (*Fails*)
A Verdun - Flanders
F Western Mediterranean Sea Supports F Ligurian Sea - Cagliari (*Cut*)
A Zurich - St. Gallen (*Bounce*)

F Alexandria - Eastern Mediterranean Sea
A Ancona Supports F Napoli - Abruzzi
A Buda - Venezia (*Bounce*)
F Cagliari Supports F Strait of Sicily - Western Mediterranean Sea (*Cut*)
F Cherson Bight - South Black Sea
A Cumaniya Hold
A Graz Supports A Buda - Venezia (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Jorsal - Alexandria (*Bounce*)
A Kaffa Supports A Cumaniya
A Khazar Empire Hold
F Libyan Sea Supports F Alexandria - Eastern Mediterranean Sea
F Napoli - Abruzzi
F North Black Sea Supports A Khazar Empire
A Paristria - Beograd
A Pest Hold
F Roma - Ligurian Sea (*Bounce*)
F Strait of Sicily - Western Mediterranean Sea (*Dislodged*)
A Tirol - St. Gallen (*Bounce*)
A Transylvania Supports A Cumaniya
A Venezia - Pisa (*Fails*)

A Burta Hold
A Gardarike Hold
A Holmgard Hold
A Kjonugard Hold
A Mordvin Hold
A Smolensk Hold
F Vladimir Hold

A Auvergne Hold
F Berber Coast - Strait of Sicily
F Bretagne - English Channel
A Catalonia Hold
F English Channel - Sea of England
F Gulf of Lyons - Ligurian Sea (*Bounce*)
A Lapland - Jemtland (*Bounce*)
A Maine - Bretagne
F Mid Atlantic Ocean Hold
A Savoie Supports A Lombardy (*Ordered to Move*)
F Sea of England - North Sea
F Serkland Supports F Tunis
A Skiringssal - Jemtland (*Bounce*)
A Toulouse Hold
F Tunis Supports F Berber Coast - Strait of Sicily

F Baltic Sea - Bornholmer Sea (*Fails*)
A Bavaria Supports A Tirol - St. Gallen (*Dislodged*)
A Birka - Tiundaland
F Bornholmer Sea - Kattegat (*Fails*)
A Brandenburg - Hessen
A Breslau - Brandenburg
A Gdansk - Pommern
F Gulf of Finland - Gulf of Bothnia
A Kalmar - Goteborg
A Oldenburg - Groningen
A Ruthenia, no move received
A Uppsala - Jemtland (*Bounce*)

Swedish A Bavaria can retreat to Praha. Or OTB.
Roman F Strait of Sicily can retreat to Palermo. Or OTB.
Deadline for Autumn 959 is Tuesday Dec 16, at 23:00 GMT.

Deadline for Winter 959 will be set at Thursday Dec 18, at 23:00 GMT.
I will be away, without access to the Internet from Saturday Dec 20 until Sunday Dec 28.
So I'd like to suggest that the deadline for Spring 960 will be Monday Dec 29, at 23:00 GMT.
And Fall 960 on Monday Jan 5, at 23:00 GMT.
Any objections to these dates, please let me asap.


Download free Holiday emoticons today! Messenger's gift to you!

dc210 s05 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Dec 15, 2008, 2:50 pm)
Will this be the end of our Turkish Delight?
Will Italy's strategic Holds last him longer than Trout?
Will the Russians do anything useful w all those Baltic fleets?

Find out the answers to these, and more, Friday!

12/19, 10am Pacific

Shorter turn, as I'd like to get builds done before the holidays.
(If anyone wants till next Mon, tell me w/in 48 hours and I'll extend

*** Draw Proposal ***

This is a proposal to end the game in a 6-way draw, excluding Turkey.
Vote yay/nay with your fall orders! 6 yes-votes are required for the
move to pass. All votes are confidential.


A Tri hold
A Alb move Ser
A Ser move Bul
A Rum support A Ser move Bul
A Gal move Boh
F Trie move Adr
F Gre move Ion
F Bul move Aeg

F (Nwy) stand
F (Den) s F (NTH) - Kie
F (Lon) - NTH
F (NTH) - Kie
A (Lpl) stand

A Col - Hol
A Bel S A Col - Hol
F Fnt - Por
A Spa S F Fnt - Por
F NAO - Iri
F BoB - Bre

A Holland -> Belgium (*Disbanded*)
F Kiel -> North Sea (*Dislodged to Berlin*)
A Berlin -> Bavaria
A Warsaw -> Silisia

1) A SWI Hold, Support A PIE
2) A VEN Hold, Support A SWI
3) A PIE Hold, Support A SWI
7) F TYS Hold

F Swe - SBS
a fin - swe
f stp (sc) - nbs
a pon - ank
a sev - cau
a por waits for death (*Fails, death is immediate*)

F BLA supp A Con
A Con hold


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Rows per page:

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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