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GGS 1264 / DC110 - Votes, Votes, Votes!! - former.trout   (Nov 04, 2008, 10:59 pm)
Heya gang,

With the verdict clear in the US election, guess its time to announce the results of our end-game votes in Guns, Germs and Steel... Its a simple announcement - all three proposals met wi


GGS 1264 / DC110 - Votes, Votes, Votes!! (dc110) deathblade_penguin Nov 05, 06:49 am
Britain says 'FFS'

Stephen Lytton
Sponsor me for MOvember
GGS 1264 / DC110 - Votes, Votes, Votes!! (dc110) diplomat_2001 Nov 05, 07:03 am
China voted early and often...how the heck did none of those not pass!!!???

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephen Lytton" <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>
To: "Former
GGS 1264 / DC110 - Votes, Votes, Votes!! (dc110) deathblade_penguin Nov 06, 03:07 am
Britain is willing to vote for an End Game Proposal.

You bring it, I'll vote YES on it.

Come on let's end this game?

Stephen Lytton
Sponsor me for MOvember
GGS 1264 / DC110 - Votes, Votes, Votes!! (dc110) diplomat_2001 Nov 06, 11:23 am
Naw, lets keep it going...go for the record.

It'll be like a fraternity thing...
people will go "So, what position/years did YOU play in GGS 1264?"

Hell, Japan alone has 4 differen
DC191 Study In Baltic - Spring 1909 - Obaltic! - former.trout   (Nov 04, 2008, 10:51 pm)
Heh... Hell of a night. Go Obama! =)

Sorry - my political stripes are showing. Big change in the States tonight, but not so big a change on our Baltic board. The Spring map looks very much as the W


DC196 - 19.5 hour Fall 06 Deadline Warning - former.trout   (Nov 04, 2008, 10:31 pm)
Heya folks,

Guess I was a little more rattled than I thought last night. The DC-196 deadline is not actually for another 19.5 hours. My apologies for any confusion I caused, especially to those pla


DC200 Winter 1907 - trezdk   (Nov 04, 2008, 6:01 pm)
Hey all,

Winter time is here and it is getting colder with fewer players since everybody knows that many people heat up a place better.

Remove F Helgoland Bight
Remove F North Africa


Acrimony / dc206 - Spring 1904 Results - john76   (Nov 04, 2008, 5:53 pm)
Hello All,

Please note we had two nations with NMRs again this fall: England and

Also, France has a retreat... but only one choice... Ruhr to
Burgandy... so I ordered it. France


DC209 04S NO GIDDY-AP LIKE GIAP FOR V II - vegas_iwish   (Nov 04, 2008, 4:47 pm)
Posting adjudication this time unlike spring so adding rets to the brilliant commentary. NEXT MON NEXT
Ho & Giap would be learning Bisayan so they could oversee the redistribution of captured lan


Retreats - Samnuva   (Nov 04, 2008, 4:21 pm)
To clarify about my no retreat diplomacy rule:

There is to be NO, I repeat NO contact with other players individually
during retreat phases. The only communication allowed is public


DC 217, Our number and a deadline - alwayshunted   (Nov 04, 2008, 4:07 pm)
Hi all,

Just a quick note to inform you all that there was indeed a time change in my locale last Sunday morning, so we are now on Mountain Standard Time instead of Mountain Daylight Time. I am now


WWIV s07 results!PENGUIN STABBED ME!!! - vegas_iwish   (Nov 04, 2008, 3:43 pm)
Twice! 1st by unseating a competent conservative govt that would not have let thier currency fall to the value of tissue paper thereby killing thier bond market which I have $$ in then this horrible s


WWIV s07 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Nov 04, 2008, 2:34 pm)
Congo NMR’s for the 2nd straight turn, so he goes into CD. Out of the game, his last unit will hold and disband if dislodged. Texas also takes a beating as his last 2 units get annihilated &#821


Retreats - Samnuva   (Nov 04, 2008, 11:14 am)
To clarify about my no retreat diplomacy rule:

There is to be NO, I repeat NO contact with other players individually during retreat phases. The only communication allowed is public messages which


Retreats (dc213) Samnuva Nov 04, 04:21 pm
To clarify about my no retreat diplomacy rule:

There is to be NO, I repeat NO contact with other players individually
during retreat phases. The only communication allowed is public
dc 186 Fall '79 results - notasb   (Nov 04, 2008, 10:13 am)
The world is conspiring against me this morning so please check the results carefully for errors. I will be back online sometime this afternoon if any corrections are needed.




DC215 Fall 1902 Results - Kenshi777   (Nov 04, 2008, 6:09 am)
DC 215 players -

I just redeployed from 15 months in Iraq recently, and am about to take my block leave in November. I will be away from home and internet access from 6-8 November, 10-21 November,


Confidential business proposal - ahmedkarim657 at gmail...   (Nov 04, 2008, 5:43 am)
Dear sir/madam

[i:2f9ac8a807]I am Mr. Karim Ahmed, Director Account department African development bank Ouagadougou Burkina Faso . I am contacting you with respect to transfer the sum ($25,200,000


Dc214 - 24 hour warning - deathblade_penguin   (Nov 04, 2008, 2:24 am)
Dc214 moves are due in 24 hours,

I have no moves from


Stephen Lytton
Sponsor me for MOvember


Dc214 - 24 hour warning (DC Invitational) deathblade_penguin Nov 15, 02:49 am
Dc214 Spring 1903 is due on Sunday 16th at 8am GMT

This is your 24 hour warning.

I have NO moves from Italy or Russia.

Stephen Lytton
Sponsor me for MOvember
Dc194 - 24 hours to deadline - deathblade_penguin   (Nov 04, 2008, 2:22 am)
Dc194 Autumn and Winter are due in 24 hours.

I have orders from England.
I have no specific orders from Germnay but unless I hear otherwise from Rachael, the retreat will be assumed
at th


dc187 winter 05 results - catsfather   (Nov 04, 2008, 12:24 am)
Italy's last fleet is removed leaving us with five powers fighting over

Deadline for spring 06 will be Monday, 10 November at 6pm GMT.

Adjustment orders for Winter of 1905. (dc187)


dc187 winter 05 results (dc187) catsfather Nov 12, 08:16 am
Austria crushed ... is there any other way to phrase it?

Two retreats:

Russian A Bohemia can retreat to Tyrolia or Galicia.
German A Prussia can retreat to Berlin.

Deadline for the retreats
dc207 Mandate s368bc retreats! - deathblade_penguin   (Nov 04, 2008, 12:17 am)
We just look for the nearest wireless hotspot after we rampage in.

Stephen Lytton
Sponsor me for MOvember


Aegean s10 retreats! (deadline) - FuzzyLogic   (Nov 03, 2008, 11:10 pm)
Fall 10 isn’t due till Tuesday 11/11. At 11:11 Pacific. Just kidding. Still 10am Pacific, but on Tues 11/11. A player is out of the country till the weekend.



dc193 ~ Manifested Destiny - sgttodd   (Nov 03, 2008, 11:03 pm)
I'm sorry folks, but I have to extend the deadline to Wednesday,
November 5th.

At our Civil War event in Virginia a member of my group died of a heart
attack in his sleep in camp Saturday night


dc207 Mandate s368bc retreats! - former.trout   (Nov 03, 2008, 9:57 pm)
Those barbarians.. So technically inclined.. I suppose they just plug their laptops up to their Yaks..

On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 8:21 PM, Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton


dc207 Mandate s368bc retreats! - deathblade_penguin   (Nov 03, 2008, 9:22 pm)
The Barbarians are back from their Holiday and will now search for emails to answer.

Stephen Lytton
Sponsor me for MOvember


DC215 Fall 1902 Results - MattTheLesser   (Nov 03, 2008, 8:52 pm)
This adjudication looks more like one for a spring than for a fall as
some key non-SC territories, such as Nth (Germany), Bur (Germany), Trl
(Austria), and Bla (Turkey) are taken, but only a singl


DC215 Fall 1902 Results (dc215) Kenshi777 Nov 04, 06:09 am
DC 215 players -

I just redeployed from 15 months in Iraq recently, and am about to take my block leave in November. I will be away from home and internet access from 6-8 November, 10-21 November,
DC176 - Autumn 1914 adjudication - bielf11   (Nov 03, 2008, 8:26 pm)
Autumn 1914: the French army in Kiel retreats to Ruhr.

Berlin, Budapest, Greece, Kiel, Moscow, Naples, Norway, Rome, Rumania, Serbia, Sevastopol, St Peters


DC176 - Fall 1914 adjudication - bielf11   (Nov 03, 2008, 7:52 pm)
Fall 1914: the Powers have been very kind to eachother, or so it seems.
France takes Munich but has to give up Kiel to the Austrians in return. Not sure who cries victory over this exchange.


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