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dc204 ~ The Final Frontier - sgttodd   (Oct 03, 2008, 2:30 pm)
Don't forget! The deadline for Stardate 2373.1: October 3; 2359 UTC


dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 08, 03:47 pm
We have a new Klingon Chancellor
Paolo Sforza
who replaces Dean Gardiner who we all hope to learn is well and safe.

To give our new Klingon time to acclimate, the deadline for Stardate 2373.3 (Fall orders) will be Tuesday, October 14th, at 2359 UTC.

The Q

Sent through e-mol. E-mail, Anywhere, Anytime. http://www.e-mol.com
dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 14, 07:15 pm
Greetings from the Q

There were NO NMRs this time, but there are two retreats. Since the
retreats will not affect the winter standing, we'll combine them into a
single deadline...

The deadline for Stardate 2373.4 (autumn) and 2373.5 (winter) combined
is Friday, October 17; 2359 UTC.

The following units were dislodged:

Cardassian F Lazon can retreat to Torros or Portas or Dopa.
Ferengi F Breen can retreat to Chamra Vortex or Rakhar or Black Cluster
or Yaderan.

Borg: Supp 8 Unit 8
Cardassian: Supp 3 Unit 4 Remove 1
Dominion: Supp 10 Unit 7 Build 3
Ferengi: Supp 8 Unit 6 Build 2
Klingon: Supp 6 Unit 6
Romulan: Supp 8 Unit 7 Build 1
UFP: Supp 5 Unit 5

Movement results for Stardate 2373.3

Borg: F 2635 - Malon Cooperative.
Borg: F 3729 - 4425.
Borg: F 4425 - 3424.
Borg: F 5725 Hold.
Borg: A 5215 Hold.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F Lazon Hold (*Dislodged*).
Cardassian: F Dopa - ChinToka.
Cardassian: F Megara - Trill.

Dominion: F Ken - Teplan.
Dominion: F Varala - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor - Cardassia Prime (*Fails*).
Dominion: F Karemma - Breen.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Supports F Karemma - Breen.
Dominion: F G03 - Ultia Thule.

Ferengi: F ChinToka - Talar.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria Supports F Mariah - Lazon.
Ferengi: F Mariah - Lazon.
Ferengi: F Portas - Deneb.
Ferengi: F Breen Hold (*Dislodged*).

Klingon: F Archanis - Hromi Cluster.
Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Kazar.
Klingon: F Kazar - Briar Patch.
Klingon: F Gorn Supports F Kazar - Briar Patch.
Klingon: F Zalkon - D05.

Romulan: F Romulus - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Pretorian - Talon.
Romulan: F Tarrod, no move received.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Ophiucus.
Romulan: F Bolarus - Korniforous.
Romulan: F Jouret Supports F Barradas II - Ophiucus.
Romulan: A Antares Supports F Bolarus - Korniforous.

UFP: F Alpha Centauri - Bolarus.
UFP: F Ophiucus - Andoria.
UFP: F Regulus - Vulcan.
UFP: F Terra Nova - Sol.
UFP: A Korniforous Hold (*Disbanded*).
UFP: F Tholia - Castor.

Unit locations:

Borg: F 3424, F 4425, F 5725, A 5215, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar
Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F Malon Cooperative.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Lazon, F Trill.

Dominion: F Teplan, A Bajor, F Ultia Thule, F Breen, F Torga, F Obatta
Cluster, F Trialus.

Ferengi: F Lazon, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Talar, F Breen.

Klingon: A Qonos, F Briar Patch, F Hromi Cluster, F Kazar, F Gorn, F D05.

Romulan: F Talon, F Tarrod, F Barradas II, F Jouret, F Ophiucus, F
Korniforous, A Antares.

UFP: F Sol, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor, F Bolarus, A Korniforous.

Ownership of supply centers:

Borg: Borg Unicomplex, 3249, 4050, 5215, Devore Imperium, Bomar
Soveriegnty, Vidiian Solidarity, Kazon Collective.

Cardassian: Cardassia Prime, ChinToka, Trill.

Dominion: Idran, Korill Prime, Omarion, Bajor, Argratha, Breen,
Gavara, Merik, New Bajor, Torga.

Ferengi: Lazon, Feringinar, Clarus, Thalos, Deneb, Kalidar,
Kobheeria, Talar.

Klingon: Archanis, Khitomer, Qonos, Gorn, tessen, Zalkon.

Romulan: Romulus, Remus, Pretorian, Korniforous, Antares, FCG-J25,
Zakdorn, Gamma Hydrae.

UFP: Sol, Alpha Centauri, Betazed, Vulcan, Tholia.

Unowned: Tezenketh.

Deadline for Stardate 2373.4 and 2373.5 combined is Friday, October 17;
2359 UTC.
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 17, 01:29 pm
Sentients, (or so you keep telling me), a deadline extension has been requested. I don't like deadlines in weekends, so the new deadline will be Monday, October 20 at 0700 Q time (EDT) that's 1200 UTC I think, or maybe 1300 - the Continuum is on Daylight Saving Time, so who know what time it is in the rest of the universe?

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 20, 10:16 pm
Greetings, beings of this galaxy the Terran's have so dullingly named,
The Milky Way. It could make a Klingon cry.

The deadline for Stardate 2374.1 is Friday, October 24; 2359 UTC

Stardate 2373.4 Retreats:

F Lazon - Dopa

F Breen - Black Cluster

Stardate 2373.5 Adjusts:

Cardassian: NDR: Defaults, removing F Trill.

Dominion: Build F Idran.
Dominion: Build F Omarion.
Dominion: Build F Korill Prime.

Ferengi: Build F Clarus.
Ferengi: Build F Thalos.

Romulan: Build F Pretorian.

Unit locations:

Borg: F 3424, F 4425, F 5725, A 5215, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar
Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F Malon Cooperative.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Dopa.

Dominion: F Idran, F Korill Prime, F Omarion, F Teplan, A Bajor, F
Ultia Thule, F Breen, F Torga, F Obatta Cluster, F Trialus.

Ferengi: F Lazon, F Clarus, F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F
Kobheeria, F Talar, F Black Cluster.

Klingon: A Qonos, F Briar Patch, F Hromi Cluster, F Kazar, F Gorn, F D05.

Romulan: F Pretorian, F Talon, F Tarrod, F Barradas II, F Jouret, F
Ophiucus, F Korniforous, A Antares.

UFP: F Sol, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor, F Bolarus.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.1: Friday, October 24; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 21, 01:30 pm
The Ferengi fleet Black Cluster is actually supposed to have retreated to Rakhar. (I never could read Ferengi handwriting.)

Please note then Black Cluster is emptey and Ferengi F Rakhar.

The DPW file has been corrected.


Sent through e-mol. E-mail, Anywhere, Anytime. http://www.e-mol.com
dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 21, 11:22 pm
The Q apparently can't read Cardassian handwriting either. Subsequent
to his ordering Laz to retreat to Dop, Gull Frink ordered the fleet
disbanded instead - which I did not apply.

As a result, a new DPW is posted. Please note that there is no longer a
F Dop and F Trill is not disbanded, ie: there a Cardassian fleet in
Trill,.and therefore the Cardassians did not NMR.

Hopefully that the last screw-up for this turn and we can finally get on
with Stardate 2374.1

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 22, 08:51 am
By request, the deadline for Stardate 2374.1 has been extended to Monday, October 27; 2359 UTC so they may better absorb the recent corrections.

Sent through e-mol. E-mail, Anywhere, Anytime. http://www.e-mol.com
Unknown (dc204) Kitomakazu Oct 22, 02:29 pm
I'm relieved that I didn't suddenly lose a fleet in the wrong place.

By the way, what the heck happened anyway? I thought the Q would be so superior in his handwriting reading skills so that even an angry scrawl by furious klingon warriors would be sparkling crystal clear.

Got a breakdown somewhere, eh?
-The Legate Who Tempts Fate By Questioning a God
dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

Unknown (dc204) sgttodd Oct 29, 06:48 am
I'm not sure why, but the last email (above) was copied to the forum some 20 times or more. I just deleted the extra 19.
dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Oct 27, 08:21 pm

It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out to the 10th or 11th.

So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.

Movement Stardate 2374.1

Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.

Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.

Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.

Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.

Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.

UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.

Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) stevelytton at gmail.com Oct 28, 05:21 am
I guess it's easy to say 'resistance is futile' when you dont leave your own quadrant!!!

Vorta Weyoun.
aka Deathblade_penguin,
Knight of the Rose
dc204 ~ The Final Frontier (dc204) sgttodd Dec 14, 01:45 pm
The deadline for stardate 2376.3 is Thursday, December 18th; 2359 UTC.

There were no retreats.

Movement results for stardat 2376.1

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex Supports F 5215.
Borg: F 5725 Supports F 5215.
Borg: F 5215 Hold.
Borg: F Devore Imperium - 2825 (*Bounce*).
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty - Krenim.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative - 3249.
Borg: F Hierarchy - FCG-J25.
Borg: F D11 - Vidiian Solidarity.

Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold (*Disbanded*).

Dominion: F Amleth - Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Idran Hold.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports F Amleth - Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Breen - Trialus.
Dominion: F Gavara - Hurq.
Dominion: F Merik Hold.
Dominion: F New Bajor Hold.
Dominion: F Torga - Obatta Cluster.
Dominion: F Kylata - Torga.
Dominion: F Rakhar - Breen.

Ferengi: F ChinToka - Amleth.
Ferengi: F Dopa - ChinToka.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Talar - Megara (*Fails*).
Ferengi: F Gemulon Supports F Orellius - Tezenketh.
Ferengi: F Frederick - Talar (*Fails*).
Ferengi: F Orellius - Tezenketh (*Fails*).
Ferengi: F Black Cluster - Kholfa.
Ferengi: F G02 Hold.

Klingon: F 6540 - 4762.
Klingon: F Archanis - Boreth.
Klingon: F Khitomer - Burun.
Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Sol - Terra Nova.
Klingon: F Andoria - Sol.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Capella.
Klingon: F Galen - Megara.
Klingon: F Archer - Zalda (*Fails*).

Romulan: F 3424 - 2825 (*Bounce*).
Romulan: F 4425 Supports F D03 - 5215.
Romulan: F Romulus - Belak.
Romulan: F Pretorian - Caldos.
Romulan: F Alpha Centauri - First Federation.
Romulan: A Betazed Hold.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Tezenketh Supports F Izar (*Cut*).
Romulan: F Izar Supports F Tezenketh.
Romulan: F D02 Supports F D03 - 5215.
Romulan: F D03 - 5215 (*Fails*).

UFP: F Trill Supports F Galen - Megara.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 3249, F 5725, F Krenim, F FCG-J25, F 5215, F Devore Imperium, F Vidiian Solidarity.

Dominion: F Cardassia Prime, F Idran, A Bajor, F Breen, F Merik, F New Bajor, F Torga, F Hurq, F Obatta Cluster, F Trialus.

Ferengi: F ChinToka, F Amleth, F Kholfa, A Kalidar, F Talar, F Gemulon, F Frederick, F Orellius, F G02.

Klingon: F 4762, A Qonos, F Burun, F Boreth, F Sol, F Capella, F Terra Nova, F Megara, F Archer.

Romulan: F 3424, F 4425, F Belak, A Betazed, F Barradas II, F First Federation, F Tezenketh, F Izar, F Caldos, F D02, F D03.

UFP: F Trill.

Deadline for stardate 2376.3; Thursday, December 18th; 2359 UTC.
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
Unknown (dc204) sgttodd Dec 14, 01:50 pm
I don't know why, but since all those messages got duplicated and I deleted them, none of the emails I've copied to this forum have posted.

Emails I've copied to the dc193 forum have been posting fine, it's just here.

So be sure to watch: the DC204 page for updates in case this forum and email are acting funky.

dc204 ~ The Final Frontier ~ Stardate 2376.3 (dc204) sgttodd Dec 23, 08:56 am
The deadline for Stardate 2376.5 Adjustments: Monday, December 29th; 2359 UTC

May all of you have a great holiday, or whatever you creatures celebrate.

Movement results for Stardate 2376.3

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex Supports F 5215.
Borg: F 3249 - 3424.
Borg: F 5725 Supports F 5215.
Borg: F Krenim - 4233.
Borg: F FCG-J25 - Gamma Hydrae (*Bounce*).
Borg: F 5215 Hold.
Borg: F Devore Imperium - 2825.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity - North-West Passage.

Dominion: F Cardassia Prime - Olmerak (*Bounce*).
Dominion: F Idran - Bajor (*Fails*).
Dominion: A Bajor - Cardassia Prime (*Fails*).
Dominion: F Breen - Trialus.
Dominion: F Merik - D06.
Dominion: F New Bajor Hold.
Dominion: F Torga - D08.
Dominion: F Hurq - D12.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster - D10.
Dominion: F Trialus - G06.

Ferengi: F ChinToka Supports F Talar - Megara.
Ferengi: F Amleth Supports F Talar - Megara.
Ferengi: F Kholfa Convoys A Kalidar - Feringinar.
Ferengi: A Kalidar - Feringinar.
Ferengi: F Talar - Megara.
Ferengi: F Gemulon - Tezenketh (*Fails*).
Ferengi: F Frederick - Talar.
Ferengi: F Orellius Supports F Gemulon - Tezenketh.
Ferengi: F G02 - Thalos.

Klingon: F 4762 - Kazon Collective.
Klingon: A Qonos - Archanis.
Klingon: F Burun - Archer (*Fails*).
Klingon: F Boreth Convoys A Qonos - Archanis.
Klingon: F Sol - Terra Nova (*Fails*).
Klingon: F Capella Supports F Megara - Trill.
Klingon: F Terra Nova - Olmerak (*Bounce*).
Klingon: F Megara - Trill.
Klingon: F Archer - Zalda (*Fails*).

Romulan: F 3424 - D01.
Romulan: F 4425 - D02.
Romulan: F Belak - Tarrod.
Romulan: A Betazed - Sol (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Barradas II - Antares.
Romulan: F First Federation Convoys A Betazed - Sol (*Void*).
Romulan: F Tezenketh Supports F Izar (*Cut*).
Romulan: F Izar Supports F Tezenketh.
Romulan: F Caldos - Gamma Hydrae (*Bounce*).
Romulan: F D02 - Makar.
Romulan: F D03 - Zakdorn.

UFP: F Trill Supports F Galen - Megara (*Dislodged & Disbanded*).

The following units were dislodged:

Federation has no more centers so F Trill was disbanded. Thank you Sam, for your participation and your perseverance.

Unit locations:

>Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 3424, F 4233, F 5725, F FCG-J25, F 5215, F 2825, F North-West Passage.
>Dominion: F Cardassia Prime, F Idran, A Bajor, F D06, F D08, F D10, F D12, F New Bajor, F Trialus, F G06.
>Ferengi: F ChinToka, F Amleth, A Feringinar, F Thalos, F Kholfa, F Talar, F Gemulon, F Megara, F Orellius.
>Klingon: A Archanis, F Burun, F Boreth, F Sol, F Capella, F Terra Nova, F Trill, F Archer, F Kazon Collective.
>Romulan: F Tarrod, A Betazed, F First Federation, F Tezenketh, F Izar, F Antares, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Makar, F D01, F D02.

Ownership of supply centers:

>Borg: Borg Unicomplex, 3249, 4050, FCG-J25, 5215, Devore Imperium, Bomar Soveriegnty, Vidiian Solidarity.
>Dominion: Cardassia Prime, Idran, Korill Prime, Omarion, Bajor, Argratha, Breen, Gavara, Merik, New Bajor, Torga.
>Ferengi: ChinToka, Lazon, Feringinar, Clarus, Thalos, Deneb, Kalidar, Kobheeria, Talar.
>Klingon: Archanis, Khitomer, Qonos, Sol, Vulcan, Trill, Gorn, Tholia, tessen, Zalkon, Kazon Collective.
>Romulan: Romulus, Remus, Pretorian, Alpha Centauri, Betazed, Korniforous, Tezenketh, Antares, Zakdorn, Gamma Hydrae.


Borg: Supp 8 Unit 8 Build 0
Cardassian: Supp 0 Eliminated
Dominion: Supp 11 Unit 10 Build 1
Ferengi: Supp 9 Unit 9 Build 0
Klingon: Supp 11 Unit 9 Build 2
Romulan: Supp 10 Unit 11 Remove 1
UFP: Supp 0 Eliminated

Deadline for Stardate 2376.5 Adjustments: Monday, December 29th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
dc204 ~ The Final Frontier ~ stardate 2376.5 (dc204) sgttodd Dec 30, 07:14 am
There was a missed connection between Archer and Zalda in the .map file which
has been repaired.

As a result, the Klingon orders:
F Burun - Archer
F Archer - Zalda
were successful.

The updated .map file and .zip are available at the files site below

The deadline for Stardate 2377.1 is Monday, January 5th; 2359 UTC
You should all be sufficiently recovered from your inebriation by then.

Adjustment orders for Stardate 2376.5

Dominion: Build F Omarion.

Klingon: Build F Khitomer.
Klingon: Build F Qonos.

Romulan: Remove F Caldos.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 3424, F 4233, F 5725, F FCG-J25, F 5215, F 2825, F North-West Passage.
Dominion: F Cardassia Prime, F Idran, F Omarion, A Bajor, F D06, F D08, F D10, F D12, F New Bajor, F Trialus, F G06.
Ferengi: F ChinToka, F Amleth, A Feringinar, F Thalos, F Kholfa, F Talar, F Gemulon, F Megara, F Orellius.
Klingon: A Archanis, F Khitomer, F Qonos, F Boreth, F Sol, F Capella, F Terra Nova, F Trill, F Archer, F Zalda, F Kazon Collective.
Romulan: F Tarrod, A Betazed, F First Federation, F Tezenketh, F Izar, F Antares, F Zakdorn, F Makar, F D01, F D02.

Ownership of supply centers:

Borg: Borg Unicomplex, 3249, 4050, FCG-J25, 5215, Devore Imperium, Bomar Soveriegnty, Vidiian Solidarity.
Dominion: Cardassia Prime, Idran, Korill Prime, Omarion, Bajor, Argratha, Breen, Gavara, Merik, New Bajor, Torga.
Ferengi: ChinToka, Lazon, Feringinar, Clarus, Thalos, Deneb, Kalidar, Kobheeria, Talar.
Klingon: Archanis, Khitomer, Qonos, Sol, Vulcan, Trill, Gorn, Tholia, tessen, Zalkon, Kazon Collective.
Romulan: Romulus, Remus, Pretorian, Alpha Centauri, Betazed, Korniforous, Tezenketh, Antares, Zakdorn, Gamma Hydrae.

Deadline for Stardate 2377.1: Monday, January 5th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
Don't forget to grab the updated .map file.

Happy New Year!

Unknown (dc204) sgttodd Jan 06, 09:35 am
The deadline for Stardate 2377.2: Thursday, January 8th; 2359 UTC.

The following units were dislodged:

Borg F FCG-J25 can retreat to D01 or VaaDwaur.
Klingon F Kazon Collective can retreat to 4762 or 3665.

Unit locations:

Borg: F 4050, F 2635, F 5725, F FCG-J25, A 5215, F Devore Imperium, F Kazon Collective, F D04.
Dominion: A Cardassia Prime, F Olmerak, F Varala, F Bajor, F D06, F D08, F D10, F D12, F Merik, F Quasar M92, F Rakhar.
Ferengi: F ChinToka, F Amleth, A Feringinar, F Kholfa, F Kalidar, F Galen, F Gemulon, F Megara, F Orellius.
Klingon: A Archanis, F Boreth, F Tika, F Algol, F Capella, F Xyrillia, F Trill, F Zalda, F Vodrey Nebula, F Kazon Collective, F D05.
Romulan: A Betazed, F Korniforous, F Tezenketh, F Izar, F Antares, F FCG-J25, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae, F Makar.

Stardate 2377.1 Moves:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex - 5215.
Borg: F 3424 - 2635.
Borg: F 4233 - 4050.
Borg: F 5725 - D04.
Borg: F FCG-J25 - Hierarchy (*Dislodged*).
Borg: F 5215 - 5725.
Borg: F 2825 - Devore Imperium.
Borg: F North-West Passage - Kazon Collective.

Dominion: F Cardassia Prime - Olmerak.
Dominion: F Idran - Bajor.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: A Bajor - Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F D06 - Hierarchy (*Bounce*).
Dominion: F D08 Hold.
Dominion: F D10 Hold.
Dominion: F D12 Supports F North-West Passage - Kazon Collective.
Dominion: F New Bajor - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Trialus - Merik.
Dominion: F G06 - Quasar M92.

Ferengi: F ChinToka Supports F Talar - Megara.
Ferengi: F Amleth Supports F Talar - Megara.
Ferengi: A Feringinar Hold.
Ferengi: F Thalos - Kholfa.
Ferengi: F Kholfa - Kalidar.
Ferengi: F Talar - Megara.
Ferengi: F Gemulon Supports F Orellius.
Ferengi: F Megara - Galen.
Ferengi: F Orellius Supports F Gemulon.

Klingon: A Archanis Hold.
Klingon: F Khitomer - Boreth.
Klingon: F Qonos - Vodrey Nebula.
Klingon: F Boreth - Tika.
Klingon: F Sol - Xyrillia.
Klingon: F Capella Supports F Trill.
Klingon: F Terra Nova - Algol.
Klingon: F Trill Supports F Terra Nova - Algol.
Klingon: F Archer - Zalda.
Klingon: F Zalda - D05.
Klingon: F Kazon Collective Hold (*Dislodged*).

Romulan: F Tarrod - FCG-J25.
Romulan: A Betazed Hold.
Romulan: F First Federation - Korniforous.
Romulan: F Tezenketh Supports F First Federation (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Izar, no move received.
Romulan: F Antares Supports F Tarrod - FCG-J25.
Romulan: F Zakdorn Hold.
Romulan: F Makar Hold.
Romulan: F D01 - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F D02 - Caldos.


Deadline for Stardate 2377.2: Thursday, January 8th; 2359 UTC.
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
Stardate 2377.2 (dc204) sgttodd Jan 09, 11:43 am
Sorry for the delay, I found my Internet connection down when I got home and it didn't come up until after noon.
As usual, the deadline is set from the tme I adjudicate, so...

Deadline for Stardate 2377.3: Wednesday, January 14th; 2359 UTC.

Retreat orders for Stardate 2377.2:

Borg: F FCG-J25 - D01.
Klingon: F Kazon Collective - 4762.

Unit locations:

Borg: F 4050, F 2635, F 5725, A 5215, F Devore Imperium, F Kazon Collective, F D01, F D04.

Dominion: A Cardassia Prime, F Olmerak, F Varala, F Bajor, F D06, F D08, F D10, F D12, F Merik, F Quasar M92, F Rakhar.

Ferengi: F ChinToka, F Amleth, A Feringinar, F Kholfa, F Kalidar, F Galen, F Gemulon, F Megara, F Orellius.

Klingon: F 4762, A Archanis, F Boreth, F Tika, F Algol, F Capella, F Xyrillia, F Trill, F Vodrey Nebula, F Zalda, F D05.

Romulan: A Betazed, F Korniforous, F Tezenketh, F Izar, F Antares, F FCG-J25, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae, F Makar.

Deadline for Stardate 2377.3: Wednesday, January 14th; 2359 UTC.
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

Unknown (dc204) sgttodd Jan 14, 10:11 pm
The deadline for Stardate 2377.4 retreats is: Thursday, January 15th; 2359 UTC
Yes, that's less than 24 hours, but it's one bloody unit - Q

Stardate 2377.3 Moves:

Borg: F 4050 - 5054 (*Bounce*).
Borg: F 2635 - 3424.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 Hold.
Borg: F Devore Imperium - 2825.
Borg: F Kazon Collective Hold.
Borg: F D01 - D02.
Borg: F D04 Supports F 5725 - 6540.

Dominion: A Cardassia Prime - Bajor.
Dominion: F Olmerak Supports F Gemulon - Tezenketh.
Dominion: F Varala - Torga.
Dominion: F Bajor - Terra Nova.
Dominion: F D06 - Hierarchy (*Bounce*).
Dominion: F D08 - D09.
Dominion: F D10 - Obatta Cluster.
Dominion: F D12 Hold.
Dominion: F Merik - D06 (*Fails*).
Dominion: F Quasar M92 - Nehru.
Dominion: F Rakhar - Black Cluster.

Ferengi: F ChinToka - Megara.
Ferengi: F Amleth Hold (*Dislodged*).
Ferengi: A Feringinar - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Kholfa - Orellius (*Fails*).
Ferengi: F Kalidar Supports F Quasar M92 - Nehru.
Ferengi: F Galen - Tholia.
Ferengi: F Gemulon - Tezenketh.
Ferengi: F Megara - Galen.
Ferengi: F Orellius - Izar (*Fails*).

Klingon: F 4762 - 5054 (*Bounce*).
Klingon: A Archanis Hold.
Klingon: F Boreth - Hatoria.
Klingon: F Tika - Metron Consortium.
Klingon: F Algol Supports F Trill - Amleth.
Klingon: F Capella - Trill.
Klingon: F Xyrillia - Briar Patch.
Klingon: F Trill - Amleth.
Klingon: F Vodrey Nebula - Bellatrix.
Klingon: F Zalda - Nequencia.
Klingon: F D05 - Zalda.

Romulan: A Betazed Hold.
Romulan: F Korniforous - Nehru (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Tezenketh Supports F Izar (*Dislodged*).
Romulan: F Izar Supports F Tezenketh (*Cut*).
Romulan: F Antares - Korniforous (*Fails*).
Romulan: F FCG-J25 - Hierarchy (*Bounce*).
Romulan: F Zakdorn Supports F Makar.
Romulan: F Caldos - Gamma Hydrae (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Gamma Hydrae - FCG-J25 (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Makar Supports F Zakdorn.

The following units were dislodged:

Ferengi F Amleth can retreat to Kelvas or ChinToka or Cardassia Prime.
Romulan F Tezenketh will retreat to Badlands.

Unit locations:

Borg: F 4050, F 3424, F 6540, A 5215, F Kazon Collective, F 2825, F D02, F D04.

Dominion: F Olmerak, F Terra Nova, A Bajor, F Nehru, F D06, F D09, F D12, F Merik, F Torga, F Black Cluster, F Obatta Cluster.

Ferengi: A Thalos, F Kholfa, F Kalidar, F Tezenketh, F Galen, F Megara, F Orellius, F Tholia, F Amleth.

Klingon: F 4762, F Amleth, A Archanis, F Hatoria, F Nequencia, F Algol, F Briar Patch, F Trill, F Bellatrix, F Metron Consortium, F Zalda.

Romulan: A Betazed, F Korniforous, F Izar, F Antares, F FCG-J25, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae, F Makar, F Tezenketh.

The deadline for Stardate 2377.4 retreats is: Thursday, January 15th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

Presenting the Flying Ferengies! (dc204) sgttodd Jan 14, 10:12 pm
It seems the Ferengi was up and about and saved us the wait, so...

The Deadline for Stardate 2377.5 adjustments is: Monday, January 19th; 2359 UTC.

Stardate 2377.4

F Amleth - ChinToka

F Tezenketh - Badlands

Unit locations:

Borg: F 4050, F 3424, F 6540, A 5215, F Kazon Collective, F 2825, F D02, F D04.
Dominion: F Olmerak, F Terra Nova, A Bajor, F Nehru, F D06, F D09, F D12, F Merik, F Torga, F Black Cluster, F Obatta Cluster.
Ferengi: F ChinToka, A Thalos, F Kholfa, F Kalidar, F Tezenketh, F Galen, F Megara, F Orellius, F Tholia.
Klingon: F 4762, F Amleth, A Archanis, F Hatoria, F Nequencia, F Algol, F Briar Patch, F Trill, F Bellatrix, F Metron Consortium, F Zalda.
Romulan: F Badlands, A Betazed, F Korniforous, F Izar, F Antares, F FCG-J25, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae, F Makar.

Ownership of supply centers:

Borg: Borg Unicomplex, 3249, 4050, 5215, Devore Imperium, Bomar Soveriegnty, Vidiian Solidarity, Kazon Collective.
Dominion: Cardassia Prime, Idran, Korill Prime, Omarion, Bajor, Argratha, Breen, Gavara, Merik, New Bajor, Torga.
Ferengi: ChinToka, Lazon, Feringinar, Clarus, Thalos, Deneb, Kalidar, Kobheeria, Talar, Tezenketh, Tholia.
Klingon: Archanis, Khitomer, Qonos, Sol, Vulcan, Trill, Gorn, tessen, Zalkon.
Romulan: Romulus, Remus, Pretorian, Alpha Centauri, Betazed, Korniforous, Antares, FCG-J25, Zakdorn, Gamma Hydrae.

Borg: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.
Dominion: 11 Supply centers, 11 Units: Builds 0 units.
Ferengi: 11 Supply centers, 9 Units: Builds 2 units.
Klingon: 9 Supply centers, 11 Units: Removes 2 units.
Romulan: 10 Supply centers, 10 Units: Builds 0 units.

Stardate 2377.5 adjustments are due: Monday, January 19th; 2359 UTC.
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
Unknown (dc204) sgttodd Jan 19, 10:13 pm
Adjustment orders for Stardate 2377.5

Ferengi: Build F Clarus.
Ferengi: Build F Feringinar.

Klingon: Remove A Archanis.
Klingon: Remove F Hatoria.

Unit locations:

Borg: F 4050, F 3424, F 6540, A 5215, F Kazon Collective, F 2825, F D02, F D04.
Dominion: F Olmerak, F Terra Nova, A Bajor, F Nehru, F D06, F D09, F D12, F Merik, F Torga, F Black Cluster, F Obatta Cluster.
Ferengi: F ChinToka, F Feringinar, F Clarus, A Thalos, F Kholfa, F Kalidar, F Tezenketh, F Galen, F Megara, F Orellius, F Tholia.
Klingon: F 4762, F Amleth, F Nequencia, F Algol, F Briar Patch, F Trill, F Bellatrix, F Metron Consortium, F Zalda.
Romulan: F Badlands, A Betazed, F Korniforous, F Izar, F Antares, F FCG-J25, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae, F Makar.

One player will be away until January 30th but has submitted preliminary orders, thus
The deadline for Stardate 2378.1 is January 31; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
Unknown (dc204) sgttodd Feb 02, 07:00 am
The deadline for Stardate 2378.3 is: February 6th, 2359 UTC
There were no retreats.

Movement results for Stardate 2378.1

Borg: F 4050 - The Swarm.
Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 6540 - 4762.
Borg: A 5215, no move received.
Borg: F Kazon Collective - North-West Passage.
Borg: F 2825 - Devore Imperium.
Borg: F D02 - D01.
Borg: F D04 Hold.

Dominion: F Olmerak - Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Terra Nova - Sol.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports F Olmerak - Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Nehru - Korniforous (*Fails*).
Dominion: F D06 - Hierarchy (*Bounce*).
Dominion: F D09 - Torga.
Dominion: F D12 - Hurq.
Dominion: F Merik - D07.
Dominion: F Torga - Varala.
Dominion: F Black Cluster - Quasar M92 (*Fails*).
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.

Ferengi: F ChinToka - Amleth (*Fails*).
Ferengi: F Feringinar - Irt.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Feringinar.
Ferengi: A Thalos Hold.
Ferengi: F Kholfa - Kalidar.
Ferengi: F Kalidar - Izar.
Ferengi: F Tezenketh - Olmerak.
Ferengi: F Galen - Trill (*Fails*).
Ferengi: F Megara Supports F Galen - Trill (*Cut*).
Ferengi: F Orellius Supports F Kalidar - Izar.
Ferengi: F Tholia - Castor.

Klingon: F 4762 - Kazon Collective.
Klingon: F Amleth - Megara (*Fails*).
Klingon: F Nequencia - Hatoria.
Klingon: F Algol - Terra Nova.
Klingon: F Briar Patch Supports F Bellatrix - Tholia.
Klingon: F Trill - Galen (*Fails*).
Klingon: F Bellatrix - Tholia.
Klingon: F Metron Consortium - Gorn.
Klingon: F Zalda - Tybellia.

Romulan: F Badlands Supports F Izar - Tezenketh.
Romulan: A Betazed Supports F Badlands (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Nehru (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Izar - Tezenketh.
Romulan: F Antares - Bolarus.
Romulan: F FCG-J25 - Hierarchy (*Bounce*).
Romulan: F Zakdorn Hold.
Romulan: F Caldos - Belak.
Romulan: F Gamma Hydrae - FCG-J25 (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Makar - Pretorian.

Unit locations:
Borg: F 4762, A 5215, F Devore Imperium, F 2825, F North-West Passage, F The Swarm, F D01, F D04.
Dominion: F Cardassia Prime, F Varala, F Sol, A Bajor, F Nehru, F D06, F D07, F Torga, F Black Cluster, F Hurq, F Obatta Cluster.
Ferengi: F ChinToka, F Olmerak, F Feringinar, A Thalos, F Irt, F Castor, F Kalidar, F Galen, F Izar, F Megara, F Orellius.
Klingon: F Amleth, F Hatoria, F Briar Patch, F Terra Nova, F Trill, F Gorn, F Tholia, F Tybellia, F Kazon Collective.
Romulan: F Badlands, F Pretorian, F Belak, A Betazed, F Bolarus, F Korniforous, F Tezenketh, F FCG-J25, F Zakdorn, F Gamma Hydrae.


Deadline for Stardate 2378.3 is: February 6th, 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
Unknown (dc204) sgttodd Feb 07, 12:32 pm
The deadline for stardate 2378.5 adjustments is: Tuesday, February 10th; 2359 UTC


Borg: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.
Dominion: 12 Supply centers, 11 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Ferengi: 11 Supply centers, 11 Units: Builds 0 units.
Klingon: 8 Supply centers, 9 Units: Removes 1 unit.
Romulan: 10 Supply centers, 9 Units: Builds 1 unit.

Unit locations:

Borg: F 5725, A 5215, F Devore Imperium, F Vidiian Solidarity, F Kazon Collective, F 2825, F North-West Passage, F VaaDwaur.
Dominion: F Cardassia Prime, F Sol, A Bajor, F Nehru, F D06, F D07, F D09, F D11, F Torga, F Hurq, F Trialus.
Ferengi: F Amleth, A Thalos, F Irt, F Kalidar, F Trill, F Tezenketh, F Galen, F Gemulon, F Izar, F Megara, F Orellius.
Klingon: F Kelvas, F Capella, F Castor, F Paulsons Nebula, F Terra Nova, F Gorn, F Tholia, F Tybellia, F D12.
Romulan: F Badlands, F Tarrod, A Betazed, F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Korniforous, F Antares, F Zakdorn, F Caldos.

Ownership of supply centers:

Borg: Borg Unicomplex, 3249, 4050, 5215, Devore Imperium, Bomar Soveriegnty, Vidiian Solidarity, Kazon Collective.
Dominion: Cardassia Prime, Idran, Korill Prime, Omarion, Sol, Bajor, Argratha, Breen, Gavara, Merik, New Bajor, Torga.
Ferengi: ChinToka, Lazon, Feringinar, Clarus, Thalos, Deneb, Kalidar, Kobheeria, Talar, Trill, Tezenketh.
Klingon: Archanis, Khitomer, Qonos, Vulcan, Gorn, Tholia, tessen, Zalkon.
Romulan: Romulus, Remus, Pretorian, Alpha Centauri, Betazed, Korniforous, Antares, FCG-J25, Zakdorn, Gamma Hydrae.

Movement results for stardate 2378.3

Borg: F 4762 - Kazon Collective.
Borg: A 5215 Hold.
Borg: F Devore Imperium - D08 (*Bounce*).
Borg: F 2825 - Devore Imperium (*Fails*).
Borg: F North-West Passage Supports F Kazon Collective - D12.
Borg: F The Swarm - Vidiian Solidarity.
Borg: F D01 - VaaDwaur.
Borg: F D04 - 5725.

Dominion: F Cardassia Prime Supports A Bajor.
Dominion: F Varala - Torga.
Dominion: F Sol - Alpha Centauri (*Bounce*).
Dominion: A Bajor Supports F Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Nehru - Korniforous (*Fails*).
Dominion: F D06 - D07 (*Fails*).
Dominion: F D07 - D08 (*Bounce*).
Dominion: F Torga - D09.
Dominion: F Black Cluster - Trialus.
Dominion: F Hurq - D12 (*Fails*).
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster - D11.

Ferengi: F ChinToka - Amleth.
Ferengi: F Olmerak - Tezenketh.
Ferengi: F Feringinar - Irt.
Ferengi: A Thalos Hold.
Ferengi: F Irt - Gemulon.
Ferengi: F Castor - Trill.
Ferengi: F Kalidar - Izar (*Bounce*).
Ferengi: F Galen Supports F Castor - Trill.
Ferengi: F Izar - Badlands (*Fails*).
Ferengi: F Megara Supports F Castor - Trill.
Ferengi: F Orellius Supports F Olmerak - Tezenketh.

Klingon: F Amleth - Kelvas.
Klingon: F Hatoria - Paulsons Nebula.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Castor.
Klingon: F Terra Nova Supports F Trill - Capella.
Klingon: F Trill - Capella.
Klingon: F Gorn Supports F Tholia.
Klingon: F Tholia Supports F Briar Patch - Castor.
Klingon: F Tybellia Hold.
Klingon: F Kazon Collective - D12.

Romulan: F Badlands Supports F Tezenketh (*Cut*).
Romulan: F Pretorian - Caldos.
Romulan: F Belak - Barradas II.
Romulan: A Betazed Hold.
Romulan: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri (*Bounce*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar (*Bounce*).
Romulan: F Tezenketh Supports F Badlands (*Disbanded*).
Romulan: F FCG-J25 - Antares.
Romulan: F Zakdorn Hold.
Romulan: F Gamma Hydrae - Tarrod.

Deadline for stardate 2378.5 adjustments: Tuesday, February 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

Unknown (dc204) sgttodd Feb 11, 01:46 pm
The deadline for stardate 2379.1: Monday, February 16th, 2359 UTC

Adjustment orders for Stardat 2378.5

Dominion: Build F Omarion.
Klingon: Remove F Gorn.
Romulan: Build F Romulus.

Unit locations:

Borg: F 5725, A 5215, F Devore Imperium, F Vidiian Solidarity, F Kazon Collective, F 2825, F North-West Passage, F VaaDwaur.
Dominion: F Cardassia Prime, F Omarion, F Sol, A Bajor, F Nehru, F D06, F D07, F D09, F D11, F Torga, F Hurq, F Trialus.
Ferengi: F Amleth, A Thalos, F Irt, F Kalidar, F Trill, F Tezenketh, F Galen, F Gemulon, F Izar, F Megara, F Orellius.
Klingon: F Kelvas, F Capella, F Castor, F Paulsons Nebula, F Terra Nova, F Tholia, F Tybellia, F D12.
Romulan: F Badlands, F Romulus, F Tarrod, A Betazed, F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Korniforous, F Antares, F Zakdorn, F Caldos.

Deadline for stardate 2379.1: Monday, February 16th, 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
Stardate 2379.1 (dc204) sgttodd Feb 17, 08:03 am
Would the Dominion mind getting their retreat in this evening (2/17)?

The following units were dislodged:

Romulan F Badlands can retreat to Fellebia.
Jem'Hadar F Sol can retreat to Alpha Centauri or Vega or Xyrillia.

Movement results for stardate 2379.1

Borg: F 5725 Hold.
Borg: A 5215 Hold.
Borg: F Devore Imperium - D08 (*Fails*).
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Supports F D12 - D11.
Borg: F Kazon Collective - D12 (*Bounce*).
Borg: F 2825 Supports F VaaDwaur - Hierarchy.
Borg: F North-West Passage Supports F Kazon Collective - D12.
Borg: F VaaDwaur - Hierarchy.

Dominion: F Cardassia Prime - Orias (*Bounce*).
Dominion: F Omarion - Teplan.
Dominion: F Sol, no move received (*Dislodged*).
Dominion: A Bajor Hold.
Dominion: F Nehru - Quasar M92.
Dominion: F D06 - Hierarchy (*Fails*).
Dominion: F D07 Supports F Torga - D08.
Dominion: F D09 - Malon Cooperative.
Dominion: F D11 - D12 (*Bounce*).
Dominion: F Torga - D08.
Dominion: F Hurq Supports F D11 - D12.
Dominion: F Trialus - Kylata.

Ferengi: F Amleth - ChinToka.
Ferengi: A Thalos Hold.
Ferengi: F Irt - Volchok.
Ferengi: F Kalidar - Nehru.
Ferengi: F Trill Hold.
Ferengi: F Tezenketh - Badlands.
Ferengi: F Galen - Megara.
Ferengi: F Gemulon - Olmerak (*Bounce*).
Ferengi: F Izar Supports F Tezenketh - Badlands.
Ferengi: F Megara - Talar.
Ferengi: F Orellius - Tezenketh.

Klingon: F Kelvas - Orias (*Bounce*).
Klingon: F Capella - Sol.
Klingon: F Castor Supports F Tholia.
Klingon: F Paulsons Nebula - Andoria.
Klingon: F Terra Nova Supports F Capella - Sol.
Klingon: F Tholia Supports F Castor.
Klingon: F Tybellia - Zalda.
Klingon: F D12 - D11 (*Fails*).

Romulan: F Badlands - Olmerak (*Dislodged*).
Romulan: F Romulus - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Tarrod - FCG-J25.
Romulan: A Betazed Hold.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Bolarus - First Federation.
Romulan: F Korniforous Supports F Bolarus - First Federation.
Romulan: F Antares Supports F Korniforous.
Romulan: F Zakdorn Hold.
Romulan: F Caldos - Gamma Hydrae.

Unit locations:

Borg: F 5725, A 5215, F Devore Imperium, F Vidiian Solidarity, F Kazon Collective, F 2825, F North-West Passage, F Hierarchy.
Dominion: F Cardassia Prime, F Teplan, F Sol, A Bajor, F Malon Cooperative, F D06, F D07, F D08, F D11, F Hurq, F Kylata, F Quasar M92.
Ferengi: F ChinToka, F Badlands, A Thalos, F Volchok, F Talar, F Trill, F Tezenketh, F Gemulon, F Izar, F Megara, F Nehru.
Klingon: F Kelvas, F Sol, F Andoria, F Castor, F Terra Nova, F Tholia, F Zalda, F D12.
Romulan: F Badlands, A Betazed, F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F First Federation, F Korniforous, F Antares, F FCG-J25, F Zakdorn, F Gamma Hydrae.

files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
Retreat orders for Stardate 2379.2 (dc204) sgttodd Feb 18, 06:33 am
The deadline for Stardate 2379.3 is: Monday, February 23rd; 2359 UTC
Retreat orders for Stardate 2379.2

Dominion: F Sol - Xyrillia.
Romulan: F Badlands - Fellebia.

Unit locations:

Borg: F 5725, A 5215, F Devore Imperium, F Vidiian Solidarity, F Kazon Collective, F 2825, F North-West Passage, F Hierarchy.
Dominion: F Cardassia Prime, F Teplan, F Xyrillia, A Bajor, F Malon Cooperative, F D06, F D07, F D08, F D11, F Hurq, F Kylata, F Quasar M92.
Ferengi: F ChinToka, F Badlands, A Thalos, F Volchok, F Talar, F Trill, F Tezenketh, F Gemulon, F Izar, F Megara, F Nehru.
Klingon: F Kelvas, F Sol, F Andoria, F Castor, F Terra Nova, F Tholia, F Zalda, F D12.
Romulan: A Betazed, F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Fellebia, F First Federation, F Korniforous, F Antares, F FCG-J25, F Zakdorn, F Gamma Hydrae.

Deadline for Stardate 2379.3: Monday, February 23rd; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
Stardate 2379.3 (dc204) sgttodd Feb 24, 12:38 am
Deadline for Stardate 2379.5 (adjustments): Wednesday, February 25th; 2359 UTC

Movement results for Stardate 2379.3

Borg: F 5725 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: A 5215 Hold.
Borg: F Devore Imperium - D09.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity - Bomar Soveriegnty.
Borg: F Kazon Collective - North-West Passage.
Borg: F 2825 Supports F Hierarchy - Devore Imperium.
Borg: F North-West Passage - Vidiian Solidarity.
Borg: F Hierarchy - Devore Imperium (*Bounce*).

Dominion: F Cardassia Prime - Orias.
Dominion: F Teplan - Obatta Cluster.
Dominion: F Xyrillia - Andoria.
Dominion: A Bajor Hold.
Dominion: F Malon Cooperative - 3249.
Dominion: F D06 - Hierarchy (*Fails*).
Dominion: F D07 - Devore Imperium (*Bounce*).
Dominion: F D08 Supports F D07 - Devore Imperium.
Dominion: F D11 Supports F D12 - Vidiian Solidarity (*Void*).
Dominion: F Hurq Supports F D11.
Dominion: F Kylata - D07 (*Fails*).
Dominion: F Quasar M92 - G05.

Ferengi: F ChinToka - Orias (*Fails*).
Ferengi: F Badlands - Betazed (*Fails*).
Ferengi: A Thalos Hold.
Ferengi: F Volchok - Rolor Nebula.
Ferengi: F Talar - ChinToka (*Fails*).
Ferengi: F Trill Supports F Megara - Galen.
Ferengi: F Tezenketh Supports F Izar.
Ferengi: F Gemulon - Olmerak (*Fails*).
Ferengi: F Izar Supports F Badlands - Betazed (*Cut*).
Ferengi: F Megara - Galen.
Ferengi: F Nehru - Korniforous (*Fails*).

Klingon: F Kelvas Supports F Cardassia Prime - Orias.
Klingon: F Sol Hold.
Klingon: F Andoria - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Castor - Briar Patch (*Bounce*).
Klingon: F Terra Nova - Olmerak.
Klingon: F Tholia - Briar Patch (*Bounce*).
Klingon: F Zalda Hold.
Klingon: F D12 - D11 (*Fails*).

Romulan: A Betazed Hold.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
Romulan: F Fellebia Supports F Terra Nova - Olmerak.
Romulan: F First Federation - Izar (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous Supports F First Federation - Izar (*Cut*).
Romulan: F Antares Supports F Korniforous.
Romulan: F FCG-J25 - Tarrod.
Romulan: F Zakdorn Hold.
Romulan: F Gamma Hydrae - FCG-J25.

Unit locations:

Borg: F Borg Unicomplex, A 5215, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F North-West Passage, F Hierarchy, F D09.
Dominion: F 3249, F Orias, F Andoria, A Bajor, F D06, F D07, F D08, F D11, F Hurq, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F G05.
Ferengi: F ChinToka, F Badlands, A Thalos, F Talar, F Trill, F Tezenketh, F Galen, F Gemulon, F Izar, F Nehru, F Rolor Nebula.
Klingon: F Kelvas, F Olmerak, F Sol, F Vulcan, F Castor, F Tholia, F Zalda, F D12.
Romulan: F Tarrod, F Alpha Centauri, A Betazed, F Bolarus, F Fellebia, F First Federation, F Korniforous, F Antares, F FCG-J25, F Zakdorn.

Ownership of supply centers:

Borg: Borg Unicomplex, 4050, 5215, Devore Imperium, Bomar Soveriegnty, Vidiian Solidarity, Kazon Collective.
Dominion: 3249, Cardassia Prime, Idran, Korill Prime, Omarion, Bajor, Argratha, Breen, Gavara, Merik, New Bajor, Torga.
Ferengi: ChinToka, Lazon, Feringinar, Clarus, Thalos, Deneb, Kalidar, Kobheeria, Talar, Trill, Tezenketh.
Klingon: Archanis, Khitomer, Qonos, Sol, Vulcan, Gorn, Tholia, tessen, Zalkon.
Romulan: Romulus, Remus, Pretorian, Alpha Centauri, Betazed, Korniforous, Antares, FCG-J25, Zakdorn, Gamma Hydrae.

Borg: 7 Supply centers, 8 Units: Removes 1 unit.
Dominion: 12 Supply centers, 12 Units: Builds 0 units.
Ferengi: 11 Supply centers, 11 Units: Builds 0 units.
Klingon: 9 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Romulan: 10 Supply centers, 10 Units: Builds 0 units.

Deadline for Stardate 2379.5 (adjustments): Wednesday, February 25th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

Stardate 2379.5 Adjustments (dc204) sgttodd Feb 27, 04:26 pm
Sorry guys for being so late. After 3 weeks of a sinus infection and possibly 2 whole days of not being sick - I got a bad cold.

Defaults, removing F Hierarchy

Build F Archanis

Unit locations:

Borg: F Borg Unicomplex, A 5215, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F North-West Passage, F D09.
Dominion: F 3249, F Orias, F Andoria, A Bajor, F D06, F D07, F D08, F D11, F Hurq, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F G05.
Ferengi: F ChinToka, F Badlands, A Thalos, F Talar, F Trill, F Tezenketh, F Galen, F Gemulon, F Izar, F Nehru, F Rolor Nebula.
Klingon: F Kelvas, F Olmerak, F Archanis, F Sol, F Vulcan, F Castor, F Tholia, F Zalda, F D12.
Romulan: F Tarrod, F Alpha Centauri, A Betazed, F Bolarus, F Fellebia, F First Federation, F Korniforous, F Antares, F FCG-J25, F Zakdorn.

The deadline for stardate 2380.1 will be: Wednesday, March 4th; 2359 UTC

I'm crawling back into bed...

Stardate 2380.1 (dc204) sgttodd Mar 04, 10:19 pm
Deadline for 2380.2 "The Klingons Retreat;" Thursday, March 5th; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Klingon F Olmerak can retreat to Terra Nova or Rolor Nebula.

Movement results for Stardate 2380.1

Borg: F Borg Unicomplex - 4233.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Supports F Vidiian Solidarity - D10.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity - D10.
Borg: F 2825 Supports F FCG-J25 - Hierarchy.
Borg: F North-West Passage - Vidiian Solidarity.
Borg: F D09 - Devore Imperium (*Fails*).

Dominion: F 3249 Hold.
Dominion: F Orias - Cardassia Prime (*Bounce*).
Dominion: F Andoria - Paulsons Nebula.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports F Orias - Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F D06 - Hierarchy (*Fails*).
Dominion: F D07 Supports F D08 - Devore Imperium.
Dominion: F D08 - Devore Imperium.
Dominion: F D11 Supports F D12 - Vidiian Solidarity (*Void*).
Dominion: F Hurq - D11 (*Bounce*).
Dominion: F Kylata - Torga (*Bounce*).
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster - Torga (*Bounce*).
Dominion: F G05 - Merik.

Ferengi: F ChinToka - Orias (*Fails*).
Ferengi: F Badlands Supports F Izar (*Cut*).
Ferengi: A Thalos Hold.
Ferengi: F Talar - ChinToka (*Fails*).
Ferengi: F Trill Supports F Galen.
Ferengi: F Tezenketh Supports F Gemulon - Olmerak.
Ferengi: F Galen Supports F Trill.
Ferengi: F Gemulon - Olmerak.
Ferengi: F Izar Supports F Badlands (*Cut*).
Ferengi: F Nehru Supports F Izar.
Ferengi: F Rolor Nebula - Athos.

Klingon: F Kelvas Supports F Olmerak - Cardassia Prime.
Klingon: F Olmerak - Cardassia Prime (*Dislodged*).
Klingon: F Archanis - Hromi Cluster.
Klingon: F Sol Supports F Vulcan - Andoria.
Klingon: F Vulcan - Andoria.
Klingon: F Castor Supports F Tholia.
Klingon: F Tholia Supports F Castor.
Klingon: F Zalda Hold.
Klingon: F D12 - D11 (*Bounce*).

Romulan: F Tarrod - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Alpha Centauri - Vega.
Romulan: A Betazed Hold.
Romulan: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
Romulan: F Fellebia - Badlands (*Fails*).
Romulan: F First Federation Supports F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Antares - Korniforous (*Fails*).
Romulan: F FCG-J25 - Hierarchy.
Romulan: F Zakdorn - Makar.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4233, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F D09, F D10.
Dominion: F 3249, F Orias, F Paulsons Nebula, A Bajor, F Devore Imperium, F D06, F D07, F D11, F Merik, F Hurq, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster.
Ferengi: F ChinToka, F Athos, F Badlands, F Olmerak, A Thalos, F Talar, F Trill, F Tezenketh, F Galen, F Izar, F Nehru.
Klingon: F Kelvas, F Sol, F Andoria, F Castor, F Hromi Cluster, F Tholia, F Zalda, F D12, F Olmerak.
Romulan: F Alpha Centauri, A Betazed, F Barradas II, F Fellebia, F First Federation, F Vega, F Korniforous, F Antares, F Makar, F Hierarchy.

Deadline for 2380.2: Thursday, March 5th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
The Klingon Retreat (dc204) sgttodd Mar 05, 04:49 pm
Deadline for stardate 2380.3; Tuesday, March 10th; 2359 UTC

Klingon F Olmerak retreats to Rolor Nebula.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4233, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F D09, F D10.
Dominion: F 3249, F Orias, F Paulsons Nebula, A Bajor, F Devore Imperium, F D06, F D07, F D11, F Merik, F Hurq, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster.
Ferengi: F ChinToka, F Athos, F Badlands, F Olmerak, A Thalos, F Talar, F Trill, F Tezenketh, F Galen, F Izar, F Nehru.
Klingon: F Kelvas, F Sol, F Andoria, F Castor, F Hromi Cluster, F Tholia, F Zalda, F D12, F Rolor Nebula.
Romulan: F Alpha Centauri, A Betazed, F Barradas II, F Fellebia, F First Federation, F Vega, F Korniforous, F Antares, F Makar, F Hierarchy.

Deadline for stardate 2380.3; Tuesday, March 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
Stardate 2380.3 redo (dc204) sgttodd Mar 12, 10:14 am
Redo: I used the wrong version of a set of orders - sorry.

Deadline for stardate 2380.4 (retreats) is still Friday, March 13th; 2359 UTC.

The following unit was dislodged:

The Jem'Hadar F Devore Imperium can retreat to Malon Cooperative or 2635 or into a White induced oblivion.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F Krenim, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F D09, F D10, F D11.
Dominion: F 3249, F Orias, F Acamar, A Bajor, F D06, F D07, F D08, F Torga, F Hurq, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Devore Imperium.
Ferengi: F ChinToka, F Athos, F Badlands, F Olmerak, A Feringinar, F Trill, F Tezenketh, F Frederick, F Izar, F Tholia, F Quasar M92.
Klingon: F Cardassia Prime, F Hatoria, F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Briar Patch, F Dreon, F Gorn, F Zakdorn, F D12.
Romulan: A Betazed, F Fellebia, F First Federation, F Jouret, F Terra Nova, F Vega, F Korniforous, F Antares, F Caldos, F Hierarchy.

Movement results for stardate 2380.3

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex Hold.
Borg: F 4233 - Krenim.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Supports F 4233 - Krenim (*Cut*).
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity - D11.
Borg: F 2825 - Devore Imperium.
Borg: F D09 Supports F 2825 - Devore Imperium.
Borg: F D10 Supports F Vidiian Solidarity - D11.

Dominion: F 3249 - Bomar Soveriegnty (*Fails*).
Dominion: F Orias - Cardassia Prime (*Bounce*).
Dominion: F Paulsons Nebula - Acamar.
Dominion: A Bajor - Cardassia Prime (*Bounce*).
Dominion: F Devore Imperium Hold (*Dislodged*).
Dominion: F D06 Supports F Merik - D07.
Dominion: F D07 - D08.
Dominion: F D11 - Obatta Cluster.
Dominion: F Merik - D07.
Dominion: F Hurq Supports F D11 - Obatta Cluster.
Dominion: F Kylata Supports F Obatta Cluster - Torga.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster - Torga.

Ferengi: F ChinToka Hold.
Ferengi: F Athos Supports F Kelvas - Cardassia Prime.
Ferengi: F Badlands - Fellebia (*Fails*).
Ferengi: F Olmerak Supports F Kelvas - Cardassia Prime.
Ferengi: A Thalos - Feringinar.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Trill Hold.
Ferengi: F Tezenketh Supports F Izar.
Ferengi: F Galen - Tholia.
Ferengi: F Izar Supports F Badlands - Fellebia (*Fails*).
Ferengi: F Nehru - Quasar M92.

Klingon: F Kelvas - Cardassia Prime.
Klingon: F Sol Supports F Andoria - Alpha Centauri.
Klingon: F Andoria - Alpha Centauri.
Klingon: F Castor - Briar Patch.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Hatoria.
Klingon: F Rolor Nebula - Dreon.
Klingon: F Tholia - Gorn.
Klingon: F Zalda - Zakdorn.
Klingon: F D12 Supports F Vidiian Solidarity - D11.

Romulan: F Alpha Centauri - Vega.
Romulan: A Betazed Hold.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Jouret.
Romulan: F Fellebia - Badlands (*Fails*).
Romulan: F First Federation - Izar (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Vega - Terra Nova.
Romulan: F Korniforous Supports F First Federation - Izar.
Romulan: F Antares Supports F Korniforous.
Romulan: F Makar - Caldos.
Romulan: F Hierarchy - D07 (*Fails*).


Deadline for stardate 2380.4 (retreats) is Friday, March 13th; 2359 UTC.
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
Stardate 2380.4 (dc204) sgttodd Mar 14, 06:16 pm
A vote for a 5-way draw has been called for. Please send your vote in by the below deadline.

The deadline for stardate 2380.5 (adjustments) is: Tuesday, March 17th; 2359 UTC.

Orders for 2380.4

Dominion: disband F Devore Imperium.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F Krenim, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F D09, F D10, F D11.
Dominion: F 3249, F Orias, F Acamar, A Bajor, F D06, F D07, F D08, F Torga, F Hurq, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster.
Ferengi: F ChinToka, F Athos, F Badlands, F Olmerak, A Feringinar, F Trill, F Tezenketh, F Frederick, F Izar, F Tholia, F Quasar M92.
Klingon: F Cardassia Prime, F Hatoria, F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Briar Patch, F Dreon, F Gorn, F Zakdorn, F D12.
Romulan: A Betazed, F Fellebia, F First Federation, F Jouret, F Terra Nova, F Vega, F Korniforous, F Antares, F Caldos, F Hierarchy.

Ownership of supply centers:

Borg: Borg Unicomplex, 4050, 5215, Devore Imperium, Bomar Soveriegnty, Vidiian Solidarity, Kazon Collective.
Dominion: 3249, Idran, Korill Prime, Omarion, Bajor, Argratha, Breen, Gavara, Merik, New Bajor, Torga.
Ferengi: ChinToka, Lazon, Feringinar, Clarus, Thalos, Deneb, Kalidar, Kobheeria, Talar, Trill, Tezenketh, Tholia.
Klingon: Cardassia Prime, Archanis, Khitomer, Qonos, Sol, Alpha Centauri, Vulcan, Gorn, tessen, Zalkon, Zakdorn.
Romulan: Romulus, Remus, Pretorian, Betazed, Korniforous, Antares, FCG-J25, Gamma Hydrae.

Borg: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units.
Dominion: 11 Supply centers, 11 Units.
Ferengi: 12 Supply centers, 11 Units: Build 1 unit.
Klingon: 11 Supply centers, 9 Units: Build 2 units.
Romulan: 8 Supply centers, 10 Units: Remove 2 units.

Deadline for stardate 2380.5 (adjustments): Tuesday, March 17th; 2359 UTC.

The Final Frontier Ends (dc204) sgttodd Mar 16, 10:33 pm
The vote for the 5-way draw was unanimous - heh, humanoids.

The draw includes the Borg Collective, the Dominion, the Ferengi Alliance, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Star Republic.

Eliminated were the Cardassian Union, and the United Federation of Planets.

Thank you all for playing and for your feedback on the first play of this variant.

Q, I mean, Jerry
dc187 fall 04 results - catsfather   (Oct 03, 2008, 12:33 am)
England and Italy lose their last home footholds as Edinburgh is forced
to retreat by France and Naples is forced to disband by the homeless
Austria ... is Austria now the new Italy?

Two retreats (English F Edinburgh and German A Silesia). Deadline
Sunday 5th at 6pm.


Movement results for Fall of 1904. (dc187)

Austria: F Apulia - Naples.
Austria: A Rome Supports F Apulia - Naples.
Austria: A Venice - Trieste (*Fails*).

England: F Edinburgh Hold (*Dislodged*).

France: F Clyde - Edinburgh.
France: F English Channel Convoys A London - Brest.
France: A London - Brest (*Bounce*).
France: A Marseilles - Piedmont.
France: F Portugal Supports F Spain(sc).
France: F Spain(sc) Supports F Portugal.
France: A Yorkshire Supports F Clyde - Edinburgh.

Germany: F Baltic Sea Supports F Denmark - Sweden.
Germany: A Berlin - Munich.
Germany: F Denmark - Sweden (*Bounce*).
Germany: A Holland - Kiel.
Germany: F North Sea - Norway (*Fails*).
Germany: A Silesia - Warsaw (*Dislodged*).

Italy: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Brest (*Bounce*).
Italy: F Naples - Ionian Sea (*Disbanded*).
Italy: F Western Mediterranean - Tunis.

Russia: A Finland Supports F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden.
Russia: A Galicia Supports A Warsaw - Silesia.
Russia: F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden (*Bounce*).
Russia: F Norway Supports F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden (*Cut*).
Russia: A Rumania - Budapest.
Russia: A Vienna Supports A Serbia - Trieste.
Russia: A Warsaw - Silesia.

Turkey: F Aegean Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea.
Turkey: A Bulgaria - Serbia.
Turkey: A Constantinople - Bulgaria.
Turkey: F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea.
Turkey: F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea.
Turkey: A Serbia - Trieste.
Turkey: F Trieste - Albania.

The following units were dislodged:

English F Edinburgh can retreat to Norwegian Sea.
German A Silesia can retreat to Bohemia or Prussia or Berlin.

Unit locations:

Austria: F Naples, A Rome, A Venice.
France: F Edinburgh, F English Channel, A London, A Piedmont, F
Portugal, F
Spain(sc), A Yorkshire.
Germany: F Baltic Sea, F Denmark, A Kiel, A Munich, F North Sea.
Italy: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F Tunis.
Russia: A Budapest, A Finland, A Galicia, F Gulf of Bothnia, F
Norway, A
Silesia, A Vienna.
Turkey: F Aegean Sea, F Albania, A Bulgaria, F Ionian Sea, A Serbia, A
Trieste, F Tyrrhenian Sea.

The next phase of dc187 will be Retreats for Fall of 1904.


GGS 1264 / DC110 - Fall 78 Deadline Reminder - former.trout   (Oct 02, 2008, 11:48 pm)
Heyo, heyo...

Fall 78 orders be due in just over 19 hours. There's still a few lurking out there - lets flush em out. =)


Imperial Trout


Correction to Deadline(s) - deathblade_penguin   (Oct 02, 2008, 11:36 pm)
Dc215 Confirmation of Staring Email is due Monday 6th at 5pm, Australian EST.
Dc214 Spring 1901 is due Monday 13th October at 5pm, Australin EST

Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com


dc186 Summer '77 Results - notasb   (Oct 02, 2008, 8:37 am)



Fall '77 is due Tuesday October 7th 8 AM CDST (GMT -5) 1300 GMT


A Sinkiang - Assam

F Upper Pacific - Tokyo

“you're not a felon if you don't get caught.”


PS f14 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Oct 02, 2008, 8:33 am)

Attican F Arg Sin may retreat to Iria/sc or Argos.


Boeotia: Build 2
Attica: Build 0 or 1, pending retreat
Arcolia: Remove 0 or 1, pending retreat
Laconia: Remove 1
Elia: Build 1

RETREATS and BUILDS are all due tomorrow (Friday) 10am Pacific!



F rhegium Hold

A arcania - elis (*Fails*)
F athenae - saronieus sinus
F corinth Supports F athenae - saronieus sinus (*Cut*)
F cypurissius sinus Supports F messeniacus sinus
A eleusis Hold
F italus sinus Supports F cypurissius sinus
A locris Hold
F marathon - athenae
F mare mediterranea Supports F athenae - saronieus sinus
F prian rhium Convoys A arcania - elis
F rhodius sinus - laconicus sinus (*Fails*)
A sicily - rhegium (*Fails*)
F sinus corinthiucus Supports F corinth
F zazynthus sinus Supports A arcania - elis

F argulicus sinus - epidaurus(sc) (*Dislodged*)
F marmora sinus Hold
F messeniacus sinus Supports F rhodius sinus - laconicus sinus

F epidaurus(nc) Supports A orchenenus - corinth (*Cut*)
A kaphyae Supports A pellea
A orchenenus - corinth (*Fails*)
A pellea Supports A orchenenus - corinth

A achaia Supports A pellea
F cyn. - argulicus sinus
A elis Supports A patcae (*Cut*)
F halieis Supports F cyn. - argulicus sinus
A ilia Supports A elis
A ira Hold
F laconia Supports F thuria - messeniacus sinus (*Fails*)
F laconicus sinus Supports F thuria - messeniacus sinus (*Cut*)
A messena Supports A pylos
A patcae Supports A achaia
A pisatis Supports A ilia
F prastos Supports F cyn. - argulicus sinus
A pylos Supports A messena
F thuria - messeniacus sinus (*Fails*)

A protilae - arcadia


End-Game Statement - ecommander0   (Oct 02, 2008, 7:15 am)
France here,

Well, this is my first ever game of Diplomacy, and, needless to say, its been interesting. I survived on pure luck (thanks Italy, for not destroying me), and now I need to find a new game!

- Eric (France)
Upgrade to Hotmail Plus and share more photos with bigger attachments. Click here to find out how Click here to find out how


DC208 Fall 1902 Results - coebq   (Oct 02, 2008, 7:12 am)
In wartime, truth is so precious that she should be attended by a bodyguard of lies.

The truth of the matter is that things are getting interesting in our Europe...

The German leader orders his armies and fleets to defend their territories at all costs, but it is to no avail as English armies in Belgium sweep northward into Holland and the low countries sending the German fleet to the bottom. The navies of France likewise make a strong move into Spain and establish a presence in the warm Mediterranean. In the east, even in death the Turkish soldiers are tenacious as the ghosts of thousands of Turkish soldiers massacred earlier in the year vainly attempt to hold onto Bulgaria.

Hyperbole aside, there is one retreat due, and Italy can retreat its fleet Wes to Naf, Tun, Tyn or OTB. As there was only one retreat due, I took the liberty of retreating the unit to Tun. David, if you don't like that, let me know ASAP or NLT Friday, October 3.

If Italy makes a change, I will publish it.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, check the previous map/status before sending in your orders; check your spelling and abbreviations--it must be correct when I receive it--and REMEMBER if you are moving a fleet to a territory with two coasts, you MUST specify which coast you are moving to, otherwise the move is invalidated!

Adjustments are going to be due on Monday, October 6 with Spring 1903 orders then due on Friday, October 11. All times are 2359 GMT.

As always please check the details below and help me make sure it was not just the red wine talking!

Thanks again guys for the timeliness of your submissions. We are 100 percent to date!

Good luck and best regards.



F Albania - Ionian Sea

A Bulgaria Supports F Rumania

F Greece - Aegean Sea

A Serbia Supports A Bulgaria

A Vienna Hold

England :

A Belgium - Holland

F Helgoland Bight - Kiel (*Fails*)

F North Sea Supports A Belgium - Holland

F Norwegian Sea - Norway

F Skagerrak Supports F Norwegian Sea - Norway

France :

A Burgundy - Munich (*Fails*)

A Marseilles Hold

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean

F Spain (sc) Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean

Germany :

F Berlin Supports A Denmark (*Fails*)

A Denmark Supports A Kiel

F Holland Supports A Kiel (*Disbanded*)

A Kiel Supports A Denmark (*Cut*)

A Munich - Burgundy (*Fails*)

Italy :

A Piedmont - Marseilles (*Fails*)

A Tuscany Supports A Piedmont (*Ordered to Move*)

F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon

F Western Mediterranean - Spain (*Dislodged*)

Russia :

A Finland Supports F Sweden

A Moscow - Warsaw

F Rumania Supports A Ukraine - Sevastopol (*Cut*)

F Sevastopol - Armenia

F Sweden Supports F Skagerrak - Denmark (*Void*)

A Ukraine - Sevastopol

Turkey :

F Ankara Supports F Black Sea (*Ordered to Move*)

F Black Sea - Rumania (*Fails*)

A Constantinople Supports A Bulgaria (*No Such Unit*)

A Bulgaria Hold (*No Such Unit*)

Status of the Retreat orders for Fall of 1902. (dc208 Fall 1902)

Italy: F Western Mediterranean, no valid move received.

The following units were dislodged:
Italian F Western Mediterranean can retreat to Tyrrhenian Sea or Tunis or North Africa.

Unit locations:
Austria: F Aegean Sea, A Bulgaria, F Ionian Sea, A Serbia, A Vienna.
England: F Helgoland Bight, A Holland, F North Sea, F Norway, F Skagerrak.
France: A Burgundy, A Marseilles, F Spain(sc), F Western Mediterranean.
Germany: F Berlin, A Denmark, A Kiel, A Munich.
Italy: F Gulf of Lyon, A Piedmont, A Tuscany, F Western Mediterranean.
Russia: F Armenia, A Finland, F Rumania, A Sevastopol, F Sweden, A Warsaw.
Turkey: F Ankara, F Black Sea, A Constantinople.

Ownership of supply centers:
Austria: Budapest, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Trieste, Vienna.
England: Belgium, Edinburgh, Holland, Liverpool, London, Norway.
France: Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: Berlin, Denmark, Kiel, Munich.
Italy: Naples, Rome, Tunis, Venice.
Russia: Moscow, Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Constantinople, Smyrna.

Austria: 6 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 1 unit.
England: 6 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 1 unit.
France: 5 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Germany: 4 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 4 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.



Dc214 DCI Round 2 - deathblade_penguin   (Oct 02, 2008, 1:06 am)
Oh and here are my updated House rules. they have changed slightly since the last game.

let me know if there is anything you dont like.

Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

From: stevelytton(at)hotmail.com
To: jorgesaralegui(at)verizon.net; m_don_j(at)hotmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com; leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk; nephilli99(at)hotmail.com; dc189(at)diplomaticcorp.com; clarklandry(at)gmail.com; jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; mike(at)southwall.com
Subject: Dc214 DCI Round 2
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2008 15:55:41 +1000

.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P{padding:0px;}.ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage{font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma;} Gentleman

I am very pleased to announce that all 7 players have (reluctantly!) agreed to play in this second very cutthroat game of the 2008 DCI. Please confirm receipt of this email by Monday 8th so I know you are receiving the emails.

I have assigned countries randomly (although was tempted to let Clark choose since it seems to be his birthday - Happy Birthday Clark!). The only rule was that Mike Sims and Mikael could not play a country they played in last year's DCI (which did not end up being a factor).

Our first deadine is Spring 1901 which will be due Monday 15th October, 5pm Australian EST.

A reminder of the points structure for the DCI is.

1st 7
2nd 6
3rd 5
4th 4
5th 3
6th 2
7th 1

With a draw, averaging the points between the draw recipiants. Acheiving a solo will also net a bonus 3 points.

The current standings are:-

Mike 1 point
Clark 2.5 points
Nigel 2.5 points
Lee 4 points
Dan 6 points
Jorge 6 points
Mikael 6 points

Our country assignments are

Mike mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email]) France
Clark clarklandry(at)gmail.com ([email]clarklandry(at)gmail.com[/email]) Germany
Nigel nephilli99(at)hotmail.com ([email]nephilli99(at)hotmail.com[/email]) Russia
Lee leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email]) Austria
Dan ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com ([email]ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Turkey
Jorge jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com ([email]jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com[/email]) England
Mikael m_don_j(at)hotmail.com ([email]m_don_j(at)hotmail.com[/email]) Italy

Good Luck.

Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com


Dc214 DCI Round 2 - deathblade_penguin   (Oct 02, 2008, 12:56 am)

I am very pleased to announce that all 7 players have (reluctantly!) agreed to play in this second very cutthroat game of the 2008 DCI. Please confirm receipt of this email by Monday 8th so I know you are receiving the emails.

I have assigned countries randomly (although was tempted to let Clark choose since it seems to be his birthday - Happy Birthday Clark!). The only rule was that Mike Sims and Mikael could not play a country they played in last year's DCI (which did not end up being a factor).

Our first deadine is Spring 1901 which will be due Monday 15th October, 5pm Australian EST.

A reminder of the points structure for the DCI is.

1st 7
2nd 6
3rd 5
4th 4
5th 3
6th 2
7th 1

With a draw, averaging the points between the draw recipiants. Acheiving a solo will also net a bonus 3 points.

The current standings are:-

Mike 1 point
Clark 2.5 points
Nigel 2.5 points
Lee 4 points
Dan 6 points
Jorge 6 points
Mikael 6 points

Our country assignments are

Mike mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email]) France
Clark clarklandry(at)gmail.com ([email]clarklandry(at)gmail.com[/email]) Germany
Nigel nephilli99(at)hotmail.com ([email]nephilli99(at)hotmail.com[/email]) Russia
Lee leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email]) Austria
Dan ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com ([email]ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Turkey
Jorge jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com ([email]jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com[/email]) England
Mikael m_don_j(at)hotmail.com ([email]m_don_j(at)hotmail.com[/email]) Italy

Good Luck.

Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com


Dc214 DCI Round 2 (DC Invitational) deathblade_penguin Oct 02, 01:06 am
Oh and here are my updated House rules. they have changed slightly since the last game.

let me know if there is anything you dont like.

Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

From: stevelytton(at)hotmail.com
To: jorgesaralegui(at)verizon.net; m_don_j(at)hotmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com; leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk; nephilli99(at)hotmail.com; dc189(at)diplomaticcorp.com; clarklandry(at)gmail.com; jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; mike(at)southwall.com
Subject: Dc214 DCI Round 2
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2008 15:55:41 +1000

.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P{padding:0px;}.ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage{font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma;} Gentleman

I am very pleased to announce that all 7 players have (reluctantly!) agreed to play in this second very cutthroat game of the 2008 DCI. Please confirm receipt of this email by Monday 8th so I know you are receiving the emails.

I have assigned countries randomly (although was tempted to let Clark choose since it seems to be his birthday - Happy Birthday Clark!). The only rule was that Mike Sims and Mikael could not play a country they played in last year's DCI (which did not end up being a factor).

Our first deadine is Spring 1901 which will be due Monday 15th October, 5pm Australian EST.

A reminder of the points structure for the DCI is.

1st 7
2nd 6
3rd 5
4th 4
5th 3
6th 2
7th 1

With a draw, averaging the points between the draw recipiants. Acheiving a solo will also net a bonus 3 points.

The current standings are:-

Mike 1 point
Clark 2.5 points
Nigel 2.5 points
Lee 4 points
Dan 6 points
Jorge 6 points
Mikael 6 points

Our country assignments are

Mike mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email]) France
Clark clarklandry(at)gmail.com ([email]clarklandry(at)gmail.com[/email]) Germany
Nigel nephilli99(at)hotmail.com ([email]nephilli99(at)hotmail.com[/email]) Russia
Lee leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email]) Austria
Dan ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com ([email]ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Turkey
Jorge jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com ([email]jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com[/email]) England
Mikael m_don_j(at)hotmail.com ([email]m_don_j(at)hotmail.com[/email]) Italy

Good Luck.

Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Retreats delay - worldwidegm at gmail.com   (Oct 02, 2008, 12:41 am)
Hey everyone... sorry about the delay. I completely forgot about it yesterday and today was just way too busy. I'll get on it tomorrow morning.



DC191 - Study - Fall 07 Deadline Reminder - former.trout   (Oct 01, 2008, 10:43 pm)
Order up! 20 hours. Cheers!



DC196 - Winter 04 Deadline Reminder - former.trout   (Oct 01, 2008, 10:42 pm)
Heya Heroes. Hi Villains.

Your evil or good schemes for Winter 04 are due in just over 20 hours. Best get them in. Cheers!



Sorry - former.trout   (Oct 01, 2008, 10:36 pm)
I blame it on the fact that Penguins don't have fingers... Only flippers.

Try plugging in an ethernet cable without opposable thumbs... Okay - plugging in is easy - but now try taking it out.. =P


On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 9:21 PM, F Bielschowsky <bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com ([email]bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com[/email])> wrote:

Yeah, the usual blame game.
Easy for you to say it's the laptop.
Anyone speaking up on behalf of the laptop? Bet that, if he could, he'd blame it on the user.

2008/10/1 Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>

[quote:603391e3a4] Sorry everyone for the delay

The good news is that I've narrowed down the problem of my constant internet access issues.

The bad news is that it's my laptop!

anyway I'm back online now so Dc199 and Dc181 will be out within the hour.

Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com



Sorry - deathblade_penguin   (Oct 01, 2008, 10:33 pm)
funny man..

it's not making the adjudication come any faster..

Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 23:21:39 -0400
From: bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com
To: stevelytton(at)hotmail.com
Subject: Re: Sorry
CC: pokerthief(at)gmail.com; cdhopate(at)gmail.com; dc199(at)diplomaticcorp.com; mtschupp(at)kpkb.com; jhack16(at)gmail.com; sforzapaolo(at)yahoo.com; rocketship.rocketship(at)gmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; ecommander0(at)hotmail.com; briankingfox(at)hotmail.com; david.kodarin(at)gmail.com; matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu; scaponig(at)yahoo.com

Yeah, the usual blame game.
Easy for you to say it's the laptop.
Anyone speaking up on behalf of the laptop? Bet that, if he could, he'd blame it on the user.

2008/10/1 Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>

Sorry everyone for the delay

The good news is that I've narrowed down the problem of my constant internet access issues.

The bad news is that it's my laptop!

anyway I'm back online now so Dc199 and Dc181 will be out within the hour.

Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com


Sorry - bielf11   (Oct 01, 2008, 10:22 pm)
Yeah, the usual blame game.
Easy for you to say it's the laptop.
Anyone speaking up on behalf of the laptop? Bet that, if he could, he'd blame it on the user.

2008/10/1 Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>

Sorry everyone for the delay

The good news is that I've narrowed down the problem of my constant internet access issues.

The bad news is that it's my laptop!

anyway I'm back online now so Dc199 and Dc181 will be out within the hour.

Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com


Sorry - bielf11   (Oct 01, 2008, 10:22 pm)
Yeah, the usual blame game.
Easy for you to say it's the laptop.
Anyone speaking up on behalf of the laptop? Bet that, if he could, he'd blame it on the user.

2008/10/1 Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>

Sorry everyone for the delay

The good news is that I've narrowed down the problem of my constant internet access issues.

The bad news is that it's my laptop!

anyway I'm back online now so Dc199 and Dc181 will be out within the hour.

Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com


Sorry - deathblade_penguin   (Oct 01, 2008, 10:11 pm)
Sorry everyone for the delay

The good news is that I've narrowed down the problem of my constant internet access issues.

The bad news is that it's my laptop!

anyway I'm back online now so Dc199 and Dc181 will be out within the hour.

Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com


Sorry (dc199) bielf11 Oct 01, 10:22 pm
Yeah, the usual blame game.
Easy for you to say it's the laptop.
Anyone speaking up on behalf of the laptop? Bet that, if he could, he'd blame it on the user.

2008/10/1 Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>

Sorry everyone for the delay

The good news is that I've narrowed down the problem of my constant internet access issues.

The bad news is that it's my laptop!

anyway I'm back online now so Dc199 and Dc181 will be out within the hour.

Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Sorry (dc199) bielf11 Oct 01, 10:22 pm
Yeah, the usual blame game.
Easy for you to say it's the laptop.
Anyone speaking up on behalf of the laptop? Bet that, if he could, he'd blame it on the user.

2008/10/1 Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>

Sorry everyone for the delay

The good news is that I've narrowed down the problem of my constant internet access issues.

The bad news is that it's my laptop!

anyway I'm back online now so Dc199 and Dc181 will be out within the hour.

Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Sorry (dc199) deathblade_penguin Oct 01, 10:33 pm
funny man..

it's not making the adjudication come any faster..

Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 23:21:39 -0400
From: bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com
To: stevelytton(at)hotmail.com
Subject: Re: Sorry
CC: pokerthief(at)gmail.com; cdhopate(at)gmail.com; dc199(at)diplomaticcorp.com; mtschupp(at)kpkb.com; jhack16(at)gmail.com; sforzapaolo(at)yahoo.com; rocketship.rocketship(at)gmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; ecommander0(at)hotmail.com; briankingfox(at)hotmail.com; david.kodarin(at)gmail.com; matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu; scaponig(at)yahoo.com

Yeah, the usual blame game.
Easy for you to say it's the laptop.
Anyone speaking up on behalf of the laptop? Bet that, if he could, he'd blame it on the user.

2008/10/1 Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>

Sorry everyone for the delay

The good news is that I've narrowed down the problem of my constant internet access issues.

The bad news is that it's my laptop!

anyway I'm back online now so Dc199 and Dc181 will be out within the hour.

Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Sorry (dc199) former.trout Oct 01, 10:36 pm
I blame it on the fact that Penguins don't have fingers... Only flippers.

Try plugging in an ethernet cable without opposable thumbs... Okay - plugging in is easy - but now try taking it out.. =P


On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 9:21 PM, F Bielschowsky <bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com ([email]bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com[/email])> wrote:

Yeah, the usual blame game.
Easy for you to say it's the laptop.
Anyone speaking up on behalf of the laptop? Bet that, if he could, he'd blame it on the user.

2008/10/1 Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>

[quote:603391e3a4] Sorry everyone for the delay

The good news is that I've narrowed down the problem of my constant internet access issues.

The bad news is that it's my laptop!

anyway I'm back online now so Dc199 and Dc181 will be out within the hour.

Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

DC201 (Viking) - Player help: list of regions and... - FlapJack   (Oct 01, 2008, 9:43 pm)
thanks...i have access to realpotik but i find it isn't very useful as it slows my work machine to a crawl....

On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 10:28 PM, F Bielschowsky <bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com ([email]bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com[/email])> wrote:

I have attached a spreadsheet with the complete list of all regions on the Viking map.
They have been listed by initial assignment, and where there was none it will indicate Unassigned SC or Non-SC, or water.
Any of the initially assigned regions is a SC; and thus can be used for Builds. Or Scorched Earth Sad
Hope this helps any player without access to RealPolitik or struggling decyphering the new map.



DC173 - Spring 1910 Extension - former.trout   (Oct 01, 2008, 8:06 am)
Hi folks,

It seems our evil internet gnomes have struck again and Jeff is currently having a little technical difficulty. We'll extend the Spring 1910 deadline to Monday, October 6th (11:59 PM GMT) to give him time to nurse his connection back to health.

Cheers all!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: jclark21 <jclark21(at)rbksch.org ([email]jclark21(at)rbksch.org[/email])>
Date: Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 4:27 AM
Subject: DC173: Turkey email problems
To: former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])


This is Jeff Clark from DC173 (tacodile(at)blueyonder.co.uk ([email]tacodile(at)blueyonder.co.uk[/email]))

My home email isn't working, and I can't access that account
from work either (blocked), so could I ask you to please
notify the other players that I'm incommunicado, and could I
ask you to halt the deadline for a few days until I get it
back? (The cable company says they have to replace a box
somewhere and they don't know how long it will take...)


Jeff clark

This email has been sent from the Royal Borough of Kingston LEA system. If you have cause for complaint regarding the content of this email please contact abuse(at)rbksch.org ([email]abuse(at)rbksch.org[/email]) ========================================================================


DC201 (Viking) - Winter 954 adjustments - former.trout   (Oct 01, 2008, 8:01 am)
Whatever the case.. It sounds like I'm going to hear about this one for a while...



On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 1:16 AM, Lee Taylor <leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email])> wrote:

surely, Trout season closes early....

no more fish to fry?

battered but not forgotten?

fish gets its own back and burns down the chippy?

----- Original Message ----
From: Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com ([email]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com[/email])>
To: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>
Cc: bielschowsky.f(at)gmail.com ([email]bielschowsky.f(at)gmail.com[/email]); dc201(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc201(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]); Andy Stroup - ajiowa (DC201 Arab) <ajstroup1(at)yahoo.com ([email]ajstroup1(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Jackson Foster - Kai (DC201 Danmark) <jrobfoster(at)gmail.com ([email]jrobfoster(at)gmail.com[/email])>; Jorge Saralegui (DC201 ERE) <jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com ([email]jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com[/email])>; Kurt Weihs - Sturmkraehe (DC201 Slavic) <Sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net ([email]Sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net[/email])>; Lee Taylor (DC201 Burgundy) <leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email])>; Steve Lytton (DC195 Columbia / DC201 Norge) <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>
Sent: Wednesday, 1 October, 2008 3:15:55
Subject: Re: DC201 (Viking) - Winter 954 adjustments

better...viking dip I - trout season opens early

On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 10:15 PM, Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com ([email]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:
[quote:c689255eab] Viking Dip I--The Trout is Served...

On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 9:52 PM, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:
[quote:c689255eab] How about Viking Dip I - The Fish is Frying... ?


On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 7:06 PM, Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com ([email]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:
[quote:c689255eab] so what's the title of this one: Viking Dip I - The Trout Sleeps with the Fishes

On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 7:40 PM, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:
[quote:c689255eab] You will all see me again in Viking Dip II - The Trout Strikes Back.

Thanks for the game, everyone. So long, and thanks for all the beatings. =P


On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 5:26 PM, F Bielschowsky <bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com ([email]bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com[/email])> wrote:
[quote:c689255eab] Winter 954 adjustments: This winter we see the first victim of the terrible wars in Europe.
The French ruler is no longer and its people are still in shock.

Remove F Serkland

Build F Groningen
Build A Koln
Build A Verdun

Remove F Mecklenburg
Remove F Dogger Bank
Remove F Bruges
Remove F Bretagne

Build A Spalato

Remove A Tours

Build A Noirmoutier

Build A Uppsala
Build F Birka
Build F Goteborg

With one player down, and 7 cities destroyed, we've ended up in Spring 955.
Deadline is set at Saturday Oct 4 at 23:00 GMT.








Seismic f09 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Sep 29, 2008, 2:06 pm)
Wait, this is a spring turn, so no builds!
Ignore the coloring of Rome already on the map. Smile
NEXT is Fall 09, due Friday 10/3, 10am Pacific!

-----Original Message-----

Austrian F Rom is dislodged, can only retreat to Naples



Rom HOLD (*Dislodged to Naples 2:3*)

A Tun S F Rome-hold
F Brest-MAO
A Cly- Bel
F NTH C A Cly- Bel
A Norway S A StP hold
A Mar - Gascony
A Spa S A Mar - Gascony
A Par S A Mos - Con (!!) (*Fails*)

A StP S A Ukr-Sev
A Ukr-Sev (*Fails 2:2*)
A Mos-Ukr (*Fails*)
A Kie-Pru
A Hol-Kie
A Bur S A Hol-Kie
A Sil S A War-Gal
A War-Gal (*Bounce 2:2*)

A Arm S A Sev H
A Sev S A Rum-Gal (*Cut*)
A Rum - Gal (*Bounce 2:2*)
F Bla S A Rum-Gal
A Gal - Boh
A Vie S A Gal-Boh
A Mun S A Gal-Boh
A Tyr S A Mun H
A Ven-Rom
F Adr S A Ven-Rom
F Tus S A Ven-Rom
F Ion H



A: Split Rom/ADR, Join Apu/Ven
F: Split StP/out, Join Bar/Sev
R: Split Swi/Kie, Join Bur/Mun
T: SPLIT Nap/Tir, JOIN Rom/Tun

Austrian F Nap is BEACHED! It cannot move, support, or do anything but


Seismic f09 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Sep 29, 2008, 2:02 pm)
Turkey, BUILD 1

By Tuesday, 10am Pacific!


Austrian F Rom is dislodged, can only retreat to Naples



Rom HOLD (*Dislodged to Naples 2:3*)

A Tun S F Rome-hold
F Brest-MAO
A Cly- Bel
F NTH C A Cly- Bel
A Norway S A StP hold
A Mar - Gascony
A Spa S A Mar - Gascony
A Par S A Mos - Con (!!) (*Fails*)

A StP S A Ukr-Sev
A Ukr-Sev (*Fails 2:2*)
A Mos-Ukr (*Fails*)
A Kie-Pru
A Hol-Kie
A Bur S A Hol-Kie
A Sil S A War-Gal
A War-Gal (*Bounce 2:2*)

A Arm S A Sev H
A Sev S A Rum-Gal (*Cut*)
A Rum - Gal (*Bounce 2:2*)
F Bla S A Rum-Gal
A Gal - Boh
A Vie S A Gal-Boh
A Mun S A Gal-Boh
A Tyr S A Mun H
A Ven-Rom
F Adr S A Ven-Rom
F Tus S A Ven-Rom
F Ion H



A: Split Rom/ADR, Join Apu/Ven
F: Split StP/out, Join Bar/Sev
R: Split Swi/Kie, Join Bur/Mun
T: SPLIT Nap/Tir, JOIN Rom/Tun

Austrian F Nap is BEACHED! It cannot move, support, or do anything but


Seismic f09 results! (dc182) FuzzyLogic Sep 29, 02:06 pm
Wait, this is a spring turn, so no builds!
Ignore the coloring of Rome already on the map. Smile
NEXT is Fall 09, due Friday 10/3, 10am Pacific!

-----Original Message-----

Austrian F Rom is dislodged, can only retreat to Naples



Rom HOLD (*Dislodged to Naples 2:3*)

A Tun S F Rome-hold
F Brest-MAO
A Cly- Bel
F NTH C A Cly- Bel
A Norway S A StP hold
A Mar - Gascony
A Spa S A Mar - Gascony
A Par S A Mos - Con (!!) (*Fails*)

A StP S A Ukr-Sev
A Ukr-Sev (*Fails 2:2*)
A Mos-Ukr (*Fails*)
A Kie-Pru
A Hol-Kie
A Bur S A Hol-Kie
A Sil S A War-Gal
A War-Gal (*Bounce 2:2*)

A Arm S A Sev H
A Sev S A Rum-Gal (*Cut*)
A Rum - Gal (*Bounce 2:2*)
F Bla S A Rum-Gal
A Gal - Boh
A Vie S A Gal-Boh
A Mun S A Gal-Boh
A Tyr S A Mun H
A Ven-Rom
F Adr S A Ven-Rom
F Tus S A Ven-Rom
F Ion H



A: Split Rom/ADR, Join Apu/Ven
F: Split StP/out, Join Bar/Sev
R: Split Swi/Kie, Join Bur/Mun
T: SPLIT Nap/Tir, JOIN Rom/Tun

Austrian F Nap is BEACHED! It cannot move, support, or do anything but
DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1908 CORRECTION an... - Githraine   (Sep 29, 2008, 9:27 am)
First, my apologies for the delay in getting this out.
I was on a last minute family trip and could not get enough access to deal with this issue until now.
There was a GM mistake in the Fall orders, France did order A Trieste - Venice NOT A Trieste - Vienna
So, Piedmont is disbanded, The English retreat stands (Rome - Tyrrhenian Sea), and The German build (A Berlin) goes as ordered.
Despite an SC changing hands, the Build results are still valid.

So Spring can progress. I have prelim orders from Italy, Jason I know You are opn a business trip and this change affects you the most.
I will set the Deadline for Friday, October 3rd (at) 9PM EST, but will NOT adjudicate until I get either a new set from Italy, or a confirm that his Prelims stand as ordered.

Again, sorry for the delay and disruption, but I had to cart a 90 year old to Maine for the weekend Wink

F Barents Sea Hold
A Livonia Supports A St Petersburg - Moscow
F North Sea Hold
F Rome Hold (*Dislodged*)
A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Fails*)
F Tunis - Western Mediterranean

F Gulf of Lyon Supports A Marseilles - Piedmont
A Marseilles - Piedmont
A Trieste - Venice
F Tuscany Supports F Rome (*Cut*)

F Baltic Sea Hold
A Berlin - Silesia
A Burgundy Hold
F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden
F Holland Hold
A Munich Supports A Berlin - Silesia
A Prussia Supports A Warsaw
A Warsaw Supports A St Petersburg - Moscow

A Bohemia - Tyrolia
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
F Ionian Sea Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tunis
A Naples Supports A Venice - Rome
A Piedmont - Tuscany (*Disbanded*)
A Serbia - Trieste
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tunis
A Venice - Rome

A Ankara - Rumania
F Black Sea Convoys A Ankara - Rumania
A Galicia - Budapest
A Moscow Hold
A Sevastopol Supports A Moscow
A Ukraine Supports A Moscow


DC 211: Seismic on Hold - AceRimmer   (Sep 29, 2008, 9:02 am)
I'm sorry to pause the game before getting through the opening credits, but our Turkish player, Eduardo, has contacted me and announced that he will be unable to participate in the game.

So, we will need a replacement (invite a friend!).

And it's better that this happened now than after the opening shots are fired.

Thank you all for your patience. Trout or Lytton, if there's anything I need to do administratively that I have not already done, please let me know.



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