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DC127 - back on track - douglasefresh at googl...   (Mar 19, 2008, 12:12 pm)
Dear All,

England is back in the fold. I shall send out Winter maps tomorrow. Deadline for Spring shall be next Tuesday at 3pm GMT. I have orders from some of you, but please check the maps tomorrow and reassess your orders based on those. Congratulations for surviving and thriving thusfar - I'm looking forward to an interesting end-game with the three of you. That said, I reserve the right to replace any powers who are not able to send any orders in on time.

I'm sure we all still have plenty to learn Smile

Kind regards


Once Within - More ?'s - FuzzyLogic   (Mar 19, 2008, 11:28 am)
Don’t forget the Once Within crucial Fall 02 results are tomorrow!
Opening builds out of the way, this is the round where true colors are usually revealed…

Some questions have arisen that I think are best answered publicly for fairness:


Can we see the border art for the whole map?

- Unfortunately not yet… There are things that might be revealed. The map does not fit inside a nice shape.


Are special abilities duplicated among races?

- Absolutely not. Every power is fundamentally different and curtailed to the individual race.
Many of them could probly be guessed just by thinking of stereotypical traits of the units.
(Having played D&D for 20 years would be a plus) Smile


I was told of an enemy movement… but I only see the abbreviation (like A xxx–yyy). Can I get the full name of those spaces?

- By all means, YES. If you are told of an abbreviation, it’s just cuz that’s what I copy/paste from Realpolitik. If you want to know the name for any space you know of, feel free to ask.


How did a unit move in what seems to be an impossible way?

- A) There are abilities.
- B) The map is not as flat as it seems.


If a unit moves in a way that uses a special ability, then you would have been told that in the “Map Notes” section, with a somewhat cryptic one-liner from me. The things I put in the Map Notes (and the poems) are not the irrelevant musings that they might seem.

Remember one way to find out where units are moving around you is to HOLD. By holding, you learn every order or ability that affects every adjacent space to the unit that held. Consider the HOLD order to be like an OBSERVE order. Holding is much more valuable in this game for the intelligence you gain than in a standard game – especially with a well-placed unit amid a bunch of enemies. If you order A to support B, then A only learns of other orders / abilities that affect spaces A or B. However if A holds instead, it would learn of all the orders / abilities that affect every adjacent space – far more information. You even learn of special abilities / actions!

Also don’t forget your Lighthouse / Watch Tower will always tell you every order that affects either of the two spaces that it watches.



DC135 DOH! - holyyakker at gmail.com   (Mar 19, 2008, 8:38 am)
Forgot to include a deadline. So lets go with Friday March 21st. 8:00PM EST!

Sorry all! Smile


Dc132 - 24 hour warning - deathblade_penguin   (Mar 19, 2008, 5:33 am)
Dc132 Spring 1908 is due Thursday 20th at 9pm, Australian EST. This is in less than 24 hours.

I have NO moves from :-


aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Lion)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

at CarPoint.com.au It's simple! Sell your car for just $30


DC161 - Check The Ale-Halls!! - former.trout   (Mar 18, 2008, 11:38 pm)
Knights of DC-161..

Don't be caught with rusty armour. Buff up those suits of steel and march out for DC-161 Fall 826. Deadline falls in 19.5 hours.




DC151 - Russia's EOGS - Bridgejunky   (Mar 18, 2008, 11:55 am)
Hello everyone,

Sorry this has taken me so long to get around to but I managed to land myself
with moths of work to get done in 21 days. Needless to say, I managed to get
precisely three weeks worth done. Sad

Anyway, thanks to everyone for an interesting game and special thanks to Mike
to for a great GMing job. No fuss, just a real ‘feel’ for the game. It can’t be
done better mate.

I think it’s widely accepted that it takes a little bit of luck to do well in
Diplomacy and, as we all know, luck evens out in the end. This has to mean that
I’m going to get creamed in the second round and in every other game I play for
years to come!

I had luck in spades here and I admit to being a bit embarrassed by it all.
Whether it was Alex and Jason’s NMRs, misorders that worked out better than the
ones I had planned to issue, Will and Jean-Luc’s seeming inability to conclude
any kind of deal or Garry’s ‘scented earth’ policy toward the end, it seemed I
was living under the protection of some reverse version of Murphy ’s Law. One
where everything that could go right, did go right!

Reading the runes of the opening diplomatic round, my decision was to go along
with the G/I/R triple which had been proposed and to regard G/R as the primary
relationship within that. This was based on slow communications from Austria
and strong rumours, which soon proved accurate, that England and France weren’t
getting along. This implied an opportunity for early gains in the North and
dictated close cooperation with Germany. I also tried to keep an open mind
toward working with Turkey but this ended quickly when, having first agreed to
DMZ BLA, Alex made a fall ’01 pitch to be allowed into that area. Serious
thoughts of a Turkish alliance died right there.

As it turned out I stuck with these decisions right to the end but this was far
from intentional let me tell you. In fact I was well down the road toward
switching my main allegiance to Italy and to stabbing Germany when our Kaiser
to beat me to the punch by shifting against me first! It may be that Will just
wasn’t getting that warm fuzzy feeling from our alliance. Either that or
perhaps he had gotten wind of my, not yet immanent but certainly coming, stab.
On the surface G/R was going well enough but, though mostly small and
surmountable, the number of disagreements was growing all the time. One of
these was certainly not small and it eventually led, I believe, to Will’s ‘NMR’.

I had for some time been asking for a German move against France to distract
any idea Jean-Luc might have against Italy but there was always delay. My
reading was that Will was promising anti-Russian moves to France and anti-
French ones to Russia. Eventually he ran out of room for manoeuvre and so chose
a diplomatic NMR instead of committing one way or the other. This was, in my
opinion, brilliant play from Will’s point of view but to say that I was not
happy would be putting it mildly! Smile It also indirectly caused another,
subtle, change in our relationship.

Although it had had no bearing on my choice of ally I had, up to that point,
thought Will was a fellow Englishman because of the time stamp on his emails
and because of the times of day when he seemed to be online. Around this time
however he wrote a message which included the noun ‘cookies’ and I realised I
had jumped to the wrong conclusion. Cookie is an American word we all know of
course but it simply does not get used in anything other than a computing sense
here in the UK.

Anyway, I had responded positively to an invitation from Garry that we might
consider a two-way I/R finish instead of the three-way G/I/R. Actually, VERY
positively is a better description but my problem in pushing on with this was
France. I wanted to ask Jean-Luc to join a partnership against Germany but it
was very difficult to believe that anything I said to him would remain
confidential between us. Then, after Will had aimed his units at Russian supply
centres, it quickly became clear that Jean-Luc preferred to try to gain
Germany’s trust rather than work with me.

This left things looking pretty bleak. If France was openly telling me that he
would work with Germany against Russia then he must be telling Germany the same
thing and this could only encourage Will to press on with his plans against me.
Will had written immediately after his move against me to explain his motives
but his initial response to my, “Let’s fix this”, suggestion was so lukewarm
that it didn’t give me much hope. I thought it signalled a lot of confidence,
not only in his position against me, but also in his anti-Russian alliances. I
calculated that this must mean Italy was in on it. Garry has never said
anything to confirm this but I’ve more than a sneaking feeling that this
assessment was correct.

Whether I was, in fact, right about this or not the plan to stab Italy grew out
of that thought and did not change when Will suddenly became a lot more
interested in talking about a way forward for G/R. Stupidly, I did not believe
him but it later became clear that he meant it. It looks like he and Jean-Luc
had had a falling out and it was this that saved my beacon.

It’s hard to escape the conclusion that France was the centre of gravity
throughout this whole game. It was his row with England that dictated the early
plans of everyone in the north, my fear that he might attack Italy and so leave
me without an effective ally in the south that caused me to press Germany to
move against him, his pro-German, or at any rate aggressively anti-Russian,
stance that prevented me moving against Germany and his fall-out with Germany
that eventually kept me alive when I might have been squashed.

I really enjoyed playing this game with Jean-Luc. His messages were always
either interesting or entertaining and I really respect the way he never gave
up pitching his ideas including an almost daily stream of reasons why I should
claim the solo. One of his earliest notes told me that I was a liar, an idiot
and that he didn’t like the way I played the game. Just in case I was left
wondering how he felt about me, he then signed off with the email equivalent of
slamming the receiver down. This was not to be the last time he ‘put the phone
down’ on me! Smile

Jean-Luc I heartily apologise for all the anger I caused you. I hope you know
it was not meant and that it absolutely certainly was not personal. In fact I
tried really hard not to lie to you at all throughout the game. I think I did
OK in that attempt but you may not agree I suppose. One apology I certainly do
owe you though is in voting for the final outcome. I guess that my good fortune
put me in a situation where I could have insisted that you be allowed to
survive but I just went with the path of least resistance and voted as I did.

That vote meant that Will finished with a good result which was the least he
deserved in my opinion. It seemed to me that Germany was in the diplomatic hot
seat almost throughout the game and always facing heavy criticism whatever
choices he made. In the end however he talked me out of wanting to move against
him, didn’t produce a knee-jerk reaction after I took EDI and showed a lot of
courage in making a choice to stick with Russia on diplomatic grounds. Yes he
took risks, but the results show that he made the right decisions and that,
ultimately, is the test. I’d say Will is the true winner of this board and he
didn’t have the benefit of outrageous quantities of luck either!

I would also like to play tribute to Garry. He came up with a great strategy
that not many would have gone with. By laying dot after dot in my path and
forcing me to the point of having either to leave him alone or to give Germany
strategically important SCs and so risk my own position. I thought it was brave
and brilliantly executed. I learned something from you mate. I know you were
frustrated with me when I stabbed you but I’m immensely grateful that you were
even more frustrated with someone else when he didn’t stab me! Smile

I think, and really hope, that everyone from this board will do well in the
second round. Obviously I hope that includes me but, if there is a God, I’m
headed for the drain!

Good luck,


This mail sent through http://www.ukonline.net


DC127 - back on track...ish - douglasefresh at googl...   (Mar 18, 2008, 10:34 am)
We have our England back in the fold. Once I have a build order, I shall send you your Winter maps with the Spring deadline.

Kind regards


DC 160 Early Winter Map Update - Githraine   (Mar 18, 2008, 10:28 am)
Ok, somehow I cannot pick the correct map from a list.
This, AGAIN, was last winter's map.
Here is THIS EARLY winters map.
Man it is a good thing we are all volunteers or I would be out of a job!!!

Thanks all, If anyone needs an extension due to all my foolishness, please let me know.


----- Original Message ----
From: Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com>
To: clagr2(at)yahoo.com; coebq(at)yahoo.com; david.kodarin(at)gmail.com; dc160(at)diplomaticcorp.com; johnmarkellsworth(at)gmail.com; jwoodward(at)blueprint.net; Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>; paul_arnold79(at)hotmail.com; paul.arnold(at)cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.uk; Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>; Viceroyd(at)hotmail.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 8:36:27 AM
Subject: DC 160 Early Winter Map Update

Please note the map on the website is old and I cannot re-submit the new one.
Trout, can you force this map in?

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DC 160 Early Winter Map Update - Githraine   (Mar 18, 2008, 7:46 am)
Please note the map on the website is old and I cannot re-submit the new one.
Trout, can you force this map in?

Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.


DC 160 Early Winter Map Update (dc160) Githraine Mar 18, 10:28 am
Ok, somehow I cannot pick the correct map from a list.
This, AGAIN, was last winter's map.
Here is THIS EARLY winters map.
Man it is a good thing we are all volunteers or I would be out of a job!!!

Thanks all, If anyone needs an extension due to all my foolishness, please let me know.


----- Original Message ----
From: Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com>
To: clagr2(at)yahoo.com; coebq(at)yahoo.com; david.kodarin(at)gmail.com; dc160(at)diplomaticcorp.com; johnmarkellsworth(at)gmail.com; jwoodward(at)blueprint.net; Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>; paul_arnold79(at)hotmail.com; paul.arnold(at)cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.uk; Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>; Viceroyd(at)hotmail.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 8:36:27 AM
Subject: DC 160 Early Winter Map Update

Please note the map on the website is old and I cannot re-submit the new one.
Trout, can you force this map in?

Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.
DC 128 Winter 07 Results - derekthefeared2 at yah...   (Mar 18, 2008, 6:29 am)
Sorry I was slow to send out results. Late night at work and then my internet was out. Here are the results for winter. Spring 08 Moves will be due Friday at 5:00 pm. Additionally A vote has been proposed to give England the solo win. Everyone must agree so please send that either with your orders or in advance. You can reply to the group or just send it to me. Everyone needs to vote yes for it to pass. Otherwise the game continues as normal with moves on Friday.

Remove A Galicia
Remove A Bohemia
Build A Edinburgh
Build A London
Defaults, removing A Livonia

Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.


Dc159 - Possible GM extension - deathblade_penguin   (Mar 18, 2008, 4:35 am)
I am granting an up to 24 hours extension for this winter's builds. There are 3 players who i wish to clarify their winter builds (and I have just emailed all of you)... as soon as I have clarification from them, I'm running the winter turn. If i reach Wednesday 9pm, Australian EST -i'm adjudicating anyway.

1) If France chooses to build a fleet in MAR, Harry can build it on the west coast (gascony side) or east coast (Gulf of lyon side).

2) If Italy choose to build a fleet in ROME, Garry can build on the west coast (Tyrenhian sea) or the east coast (venice side).

3) Fleets can now be built in Paris and Moscow.

aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Lion)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

at CarPoint.com.au It's simple! Sell your car for just $30


Dc159 - More deluge Rules - deathblade_penguin   (Mar 18, 2008, 4:01 am)

Dear Players. It seems that our players are much more thorough in looking at the rules. Two situations have been asked of me that now require clarification. (Trout - can you please add the clarified rules to the deluge wiki site).

The main one of this is the A/F rules. It seems that when you are moving an army across one sea space you cannot create an a/F; you must convoy (or fast ferry). Given this new information, In fall 1901 Italy fleet in the ION was seen to CONVOY the army to Greece. My decision on that matter is final. POINT 2 G now applies from the start of Spring 1902.


1. Creation of coasts. When a land space sinks at the end of a winter, coastal provinces may be created. If there are ANY fleets BUILT in these territories that will have multi coasts, the player must decide during the current WINTER which coast the fleet will be on. For established fleets, the GM will assign a coast based on the previous fall move.

Eg at the end of winter 1901, venice sinks creating 2 coasts in ROME, Piedmont and Tuscany.

if Italy builds a fleet in Rome, he must declare a coast.

If France had move a fleet to piedmont, it would be placed on the gulf of lyon coast side.

If a fleet had been moved to Tuscany, it would be placed on the gulf of lyon coast side.

2. Convoy (also know as fast Ferry in some versions of the game)
A fleet that carries an army over one sea space is convoying or fast ferrying. That is classified as it's move. If a CONVOY fails, then an A/F is created.

3. Army- Fleet Rules.

a) An A/F may only consist of two units belonging to the same country. IF a resulting move would see a creation of a multi-country A/F then the Army is returned to space it embarked from.

b) An A/F has the same "combat factor" as a single fleet; it may attack, support or be supported.

c) An A/F cannot convoy another army.

d) An Army cannot board an A/F.

e) An A/F can only exist in a sea space - it cannot be ordered to a coastal province as an entity - but it may support some other unit into a coastal province.

f) If an army is ordered to board a fleet, and the A/F is prevented from moving to another sea space the A/F remains intact.

g) If an army is ordered to board a fleet, and the fleet is attacked from another sea space, or if the fleet is ordered to support another unit, the army is considered to have failed to board and it remains in its land province. This is true even if the fleet successfully defends itself against attack.

h) A fleet which lands an army in a coastal province, before making a move, may then support that army to land as its move, or it may move elsewhere. If an army's disembarkation fails, the A/F remains intact and any orders for fleet movement will not be carried out.

i) A fleet may not simultaneously land one army and pick up another.

j) If an A/F is annihilated, then both units are removed from the board.

k) An A/F can be ordered to HOLD. (ie A Lon embarks F Nth, a/F nth Holds)

l) Retreats, Dislodgements and Annihilation. If an A/F is dislodged whilst trying to disembark its A, this move fails and the A and F must retreat together. If an A/F is dislodged and can only retreat to a land space (no suitable sea space being available), the F may retreat but the A is destroyed.

m)Where an A disembarks from the F, and the F then moves away without supporting the A; if the now vacated sea space is then occupied by another unsupported F or A/F, the A disembarkation succeeds; if the second occupation is supported, the disembarkation fails and the A continues with the F.

SO - Now you are completly confused.


A(Lon) E F(ENG); A/F(ENG) - MAO; A(MAO) D Por.
A/F(ENG); A(ENG) D Bre; F(ENG) - NTH.
A/F(ENG); F(ENG) S A(ENG) D Bre.
F(ENG) convoys A(Lon) - Bre.


A(Lon) E F(ENG); F(ENG) S A(Lon) - Bre.


aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Lion)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Find it at www.seek.com.au Your Future Starts Here. Dream it? Then be it!


GGS 1264 / DC110 Fall 1870 Deadline Reminder - former.trout   (Mar 18, 2008, 12:08 am)
Heya Gunners,

You can hear the war drums pounding... Fall 1870 orders are due in approximately 43 hours. Not all sets have been received at this point.




DC 156, DEADLINE WARNING - alwayshunted   (Mar 17, 2008, 11:00 pm)

[quote:0292d5c7fb] [quote:0292d5c7fb] [quote:0292d5c7fb] Fall 1903 is due in just over 23 hours. I am missing lots of orders, so get 'em in people.




DC135 Fall 1907 - holyyakker at gmail.com   (Mar 17, 2008, 10:50 pm)
F Adriatic Sea Supports F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Budapest - Vienna (*Fails*)
A Rumania Hold
A Tyrolia Supports A Trieste - Venice (*Disbanded*)

F Baltic Sea Hold
A Berlin - Prussia
A Denmark - Kiel
A Moscow - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
F North Sea - Helgoland Bight
F Norwegian Sea - North Sea
A Prussia - Warsaw
A Ukraine Supports A Moscow - Sevastopol
A Vienna - Trieste (*Fails*)
A Warsaw - Galicia

A Bohemia - Tyrolia
A Kiel - Holland
A Munich Supports A Bohemia - Tyrolia
A Picardy - Belgium
A Piedmont Supports A Tuscany - Venice
A Rome Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples
A Silesia Supports A Warsaw - Galicia
F Tunis - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
A Tuscany - Venice
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples
F Western Mediterranean - Tyrrhenian Sea

F Sevastopol Hold
A Trieste - Venice (*Fails*)

F Aegean Sea Supports F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Armenia Supports F Sevastopol
A Bulgaria Supports A Rumania
A Constantinople - Paris (*Fails*)
F Greece - Albania
F Naples - Ionian Sea

England Build 2
France Build 1
Turkey Remove 1


DC153 Spring 1905 Results - MattTheLesser   (Mar 17, 2008, 10:36 pm)
France, having already used his grace, NMR's, but receives some help
from Italy and thus only has one unit dislodged instead of two;
elsewhere England continues to romp through Russian home centers with
just one army and Austria seems to have won the Great Balkan War with a
unit in every Balkan center now. The question his, can he hold on to them?

Three retreats from two powers (see bottom of adj); they are due on
Wednesday (Mar. 19) at 9 pm eastern, although as always I will
adjudicate early if I receive them early.



Sev H: Dislodged by Mos 2:1;
Aeg H: OK
Eas S Aeg H: OK
Bul H: Dislodged by Rum 3:1;

Spa S MAt H: OK
Wes S MAt H: OK
Mar S Bur H: OK
Pie - Tyr: OK
Ven S Pie - Tyr: OK

Bel S Lon - Pic: OK
Ber - Sil: OK
Den - Swe: OK
Hol - Kie: OK
Mun S Ruh - Bur: OK
Ruh - Bur: Bounce with Bur;
Ukr S Mos - Sev: OK

France: NMR
Bre H: OK
Pic H: Dislodged by Lon 2:1
Bur H: OK

NAt - MAt: Bounce with MAt;
Iri S NAt - MAt: OK
Nrg - NAt: Bounce with NAt;
Lon - Eng - Pic: OK
Eng C Lon - Pic: OK
Nth S Eng H: OK
Mos - Sev: OK

Vie H: OK
Bud - Rum: OK
Rum - Bul: OK
Ser S Rum - Bul: OK
Gre S Rum - Bul: OK
Ion S Gre H: OK

Turkey may retreat fleet in Sev to: Bla, Arm

Turkey may retreat army in Bul to: Con

France may retreat army in Pic to: Par


WBB4 - Spring 1911 - holyyakker at gmail.com   (Mar 17, 2008, 10:33 pm)
A Belgium Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Brest Hold
F Gulf of Lyon Hold
F Liverpool Hold
F London Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Marseilles Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Paris Hold
F Western Mediterranean Hold

F Black Sea Supports A Rumania
A Budapest Supports A Venice (*Fails*)
A Burgundy - Marseilles
F Edinburgh - Clyde
F English Channel - Brest (*Fails*)
A Holland - Belgium
A Kiel - Munich
F North Sea Supports A Yorkshire - London
F Norwegian Sea - North Atlantic Ocean
A Piedmont Supports A Burgundy - Marseilles
A Ruhr Supports A Holland - Belgium
A Rumania Supports A Budapest
A Sevastopol Supports A Rumania
A Trieste Supports A Venice
A Tyrolia Supports A Venice
A Venice Supports A Piedmont
A Yorkshire - London

A Ankara Hold
A Bulgaria Hold
A Constantinople Hold
F Ionian Sea Hold
F North Africa Hold
A Rome Hold
A Serbia Hold
F Tunis Hold
F Tuscany Hold

France F Lon may retreat to Wal
France A Bel may retreat to Pic or Bur
France A Mar may retreat to Bur, Gas, or Spa



DC152 (wb0817) - Spring 1911 - former.trout   (Mar 17, 2008, 8:03 pm)
Mass movement on the Russian Steppes.. The French Solo is Torpedoed. The ending here should be very interesting.

No retreats required after the Spring. Fall 1911 orders will be due Thursday, March 20th (11:59 PM GMT).



DC-152 Winter Blitz Game WB0812 Standard Variant Game Started: January 3rd, 2008

Current Turn: Spring 1911
Next Deadline: Fall 1911 Orders Thursday, March 20th (11:59 PM GMT)

The Rowdy Cast
Austria: Eric Lindsay ericzred AT gmail DOT com England: Rene Kroll rk AT giorsoine DOT dk France: Michael Thompson psychosis AT sky DOT com Germany: Troy Dulihanty tdulihan AT yahoo DOT com Italy: Nick Buscaglia busckeeper0018 AT verizon DOT net Russia: Max Victory Maxatrest AT yahoo DOT co DOT uk Turkey: Spencer Jensen jensends AT yahoo DOT com



a stp move mos OK a mos move war OK a war move gal OK a liv move prussia [BOUNCE with BER 1:1] a sev move ukr OK a bud move ser [BOUNCE with SER 1:1] a ser move alb [BOUNCE with ALB 1:2] a ank move rum OK f bla convoy ank move rum OK

TURKEY: (No Move Received!!)
[GM NOTE: A Greece Unordered - Holds] OK [GM NOTE: F Smyrna Unordered - Holds] OK

F Barents Sea Supports A Norway - St Petersburg OK A Berlin - Prussia [BOUNCE with LVN 1:1] F Denmark - Baltic Sea OK A Edinburgh - Norway OK F Kiel Hold OK A London Hold OK F North Sea Convoys A Edinburgh - Norway OK A Norway - St Petersburg OK F Sweden - Finland OK



11 Supply Centers - Mos, War, Sev, Rum, Bud, Vie, Con, Bul, Stp, Ank, Ser
8 Armies - Rum, Ser, War, Bud, Mos, Lvn, Gal, Ukr
1 Fleet - Bla

2 Supply Centers - Smy, Gre
1 Army - Gre
1 Fleet - Smy

9 Supply Centers - Lon, Lvp, Edi, Nwy, Swe, Den, Hol, Kie, Ber
4 Armies - Ber, Lon, Stp, Nwy
5 Fleets - Fin, Kie, Bal, Nth, Bar

12 Supply Centers - Par, Mar, Spa, Bel, Por, Bre, Tun, Rom, Nap, Ven,
Mun, Tri
8 Armies - Tri, Sil, Tyl, Bel, Mun, Boh, Bur, Pie
4 Fleets - Eme, Ion, Alb, Bre






The map is not ours - clagr2   (Mar 17, 2008, 6:48 pm)
DC160 map is incorrect


dc163 Fall 1901 Results - davidellsworth   (Mar 17, 2008, 6:35 pm)
It looks like some in this group plan on mixing it up right away!

"Let slip the dogs of war" may have been more appropriate then I had really imagined. Five of the nations take two centers while the other two nations did not get shut out and gained one each. The only hiccup being that one of Russia's newly captured centers was an Austrian home center! Sweden avoids coming under the sway of any major power due to the collision of German and Russian fleets, all other neutrals were picked up.

That leaves us with Austria, Italy, and Turkey each building one. Britain, France, Germany, and Russia each may build two units.

Builds will be due Wednesday 19 MARCH 2008 by 6pm EST. If I get a full set before then I will send out the update sooner.

F Albania - Greece
A Budapest Hold
A Serbia Supports F Albania - Greece

A Edinburgh - Belgium
F North Sea Convoys A Edinburgh - Belgium
F Norwegian Sea - Norway

A Burgundy - Munich (*Fails*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Portugal
A Spain Hold

F Denmark - Sweden (*Bounce*)
A Kiel - Holland
A Munich Hold

A Apulia - Tunis
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Apulia - Tunis
A Venice Hold

A Galicia - Vienna
F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden (*Bounce*)
F Rumania - Sevastopol (*Bounce*)
A St Petersburg - Finland

F Black Sea - Sevastopol (*Bounce*)
A Bulgaria - Greece (*Fails*)
A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Fails*)

GameMaster dc163


DC143 fall 1902 deadline reminder! - coryfucius at gmail.com   (Mar 17, 2008, 5:25 pm)
The deadline for submitting fall 1902 orders is rapidly approaching, and I have only received one set of orders so far. Please don't forget to send in your orders, you have only about 24 hours until the official deadline, and a little over 36 hours until the practical deadline.

Prelims are strongly encouraged, even if you expect to have changes -- if something were to happen (even an illness or computer crash) and you couldn't send final orders before the deadline, it's better to have me adjudicate your prelims than to suffer an NMR.

Thanks, everyone, and happy stabbing!



DC140 "Never Ending Story" 24-hour remin... - coryfucius   (Mar 17, 2008, 4:26 pm)
Well, it's a bit under 23 hours now, but close enough. I have received at least preliminary orders from everyone, so thanks!


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DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Deadline reminder - Githraine   (Mar 17, 2008, 3:43 pm)
Our first deadline is 28.5 hours away and I only have 2 sets of orders in.
Remember, prelims will save you from an NMR!


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DC 160 - Nightstalkers - 1902 - Fall Results - Githraine   (Mar 17, 2008, 3:40 pm)
Please check these as I have already had to fix once!
Stabs Galore!
Turkey retakes Bulgaria, Russia powers into Serbia but fails to retake Rumania, Germany is pushed back in the Lowlands, and the English kick the Russians from Sweden!
We have 2 retreats, Sweden can go to the Baltic, the Gulf of Bothnie, or Sweden; And Serbia can pull back to Albania.

Please get retreat orders in by Wednesday, March 19th (at) 9PM

F Albania - Ionian Sea
A Budapest Supports A Galicia - Rumania
A Bulgaria Supports A Galicia - Rumania (*Disbanded*)
A Galicia - Rumania
A Serbia Supports A Galicia - Rumania (*Dislodged*)

F London - Wales
F North Sea Supports A Picardy - Belgium
F Norway - Sweden
A Picardy - Belgium
F Skagerrak Supports F Norway - Sweden

A Burgundy Supports A Picardy - Belgium
A Gascony - Paris
A Marseilles Hold
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Hold
F Spain(sc) Hold

A Belgium - Holland
F Denmark Hold
A Prussia Hold
A Ruhr - Belgium (*Fails*)
A Silesia - Munich

A Greece Supports A Rumania - Serbia
F Ionian Sea - Tunis
F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Venice - Trieste

F Black Sea - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Rumania - Serbia
A St Petersburg - Moscow
F Sweden - Denmark (*Dislodged*)
A Warsaw - Galicia

F Aegean Sea Supports A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Ankara - Smyrna
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
F Smyrna - Eastern Mediterranean

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DC127 - GM note - bielschowsky.f at goog...   (Mar 17, 2008, 11:46 am)
Doug, Matt,

if Alf doesn't come back to us - I sure hope all is well with Alf - I also favour a replacement for England as it will keep the game more interesting. Whoever signs up for running England will definitely have an interesting play with plenty of opportunities.


2008/3/17, Douglas Fresh <douglasefresh(at)googlemail.com ([email]douglasefresh(at)googlemail.com[/email])>:

Dear Players,

No word from Alf. Alf if you're out there, i hope you're well - get in touch if you can.

Now that the game is down to three players I do not wish to scupper the position by playing on with just two of you - especially when everything hangs in the balance. Despite the fact that I did not want to use replacements in this game, I think that the only realistic way of getting any satisfaction from this end-game is to recruit a replacement England, if Alf doesn't get in touch.

I'll start putting feelers out for a suitable player, but please be aware that there will need to be a pause in the game to bring whoever steps in up to speed.

If you do not wish me to seek a replacement, I'd suggest we call it a day.

Please let me know your thoughts (CC all on this mail in, so we can keep an open dialogue)

Kind regards


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