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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc153

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Subject:< DC153 Spring 1905 Results >
Topic:< dc153 >
Category:< Closed Games 
Posted:Mar 17, 2008 at 10:36 pm
Viewed:1488 times

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France, having already used his grace, NMR's, but receives some help
from Italy and thus only has one unit dislodged instead of two;
elsewhere England continues to romp through Russian home centers with
just one army and Austria seems to have won the Great Balkan War with a
unit in every Balkan center now. The question his, can he hold on to them?

Three retreats from two powers (see bottom of adj); they are due on
Wednesday (Mar. 19) at 9 pm eastern, although as always I will
adjudicate early if I receive them early.



Sev H: Dislodged by Mos 2:1;
Aeg H: OK
Eas S Aeg H: OK
Bul H: Dislodged by Rum 3:1;

Spa S MAt H: OK
Wes S MAt H: OK
Mar S Bur H: OK
Pie - Tyr: OK
Ven S Pie - Tyr: OK

Bel S Lon - Pic: OK
Ber - Sil: OK
Den - Swe: OK
Hol - Kie: OK
Mun S Ruh - Bur: OK
Ruh - Bur: Bounce with Bur;
Ukr S Mos - Sev: OK

France: NMR
Bre H: OK
Pic H: Dislodged by Lon 2:1
Bur H: OK

NAt - MAt: Bounce with MAt;
Iri S NAt - MAt: OK
Nrg - NAt: Bounce with NAt;
Lon - Eng - Pic: OK
Eng C Lon - Pic: OK
Nth S Eng H: OK
Mos - Sev: OK

Vie H: OK
Bud - Rum: OK
Rum - Bul: OK
Ser S Rum - Bul: OK
Gre S Rum - Bul: OK
Ion S Gre H: OK

Turkey may retreat fleet in Sev to: Bla, Arm

Turkey may retreat army in Bul to: Con

France may retreat army in Pic to: Par

There is 1 Message in this Thread:

DC153 Spring 1905 Results (MattTheLesser) Mar 17, 10:36 pm

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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