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Re: Awarding the player rating points - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

My brother and I were discussing this some time ago, but we could not find anyplace where we could look at the formula for determining the point adjustments to the player ratings for wins, draws, and losses. By looking at some old games we have a sense of it, but we were wondering, in the interest of transparency, if this information could be disclosed?

Yep, we're working on a writeup for this.

I believe that I was also informed that a replacement player does not take as much of a hit for a loss. I even used this information to entice one player to pick up the reigns from a failing player.

Exactly - Replacement players are much less liable for a point loss for taking on mercy positions. The original player bears the majority of the loss, based on the center count upon abandoning.

ps. I love the two different point systems! I think it is great to reward loyalty, even if they player has had a run of bad luck, (or just isn't that good!)

Heh... where is Felix when you need to express an example. Very Happy


Dc 175 2-Season Diplomacy - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
[size=24:66841b2631]2-Season Diplomacy to be used for DC175
(a version of 2-Season Diplomacy Dipwiki edited and expanded for clarity).[/size:66841b2631]


2-Season Diplomacy is a style of Email Diplomacy where the game is played using a 2 season – Spring and Fall - game year (standard game) and is often played to a fixed-duration turn cycle, with the deadlines set for the same time, sometimes on the same day of successive weeks.

The Rules of Diplomacy were written with a view to face-to-face play and, as such, contained, and continue to contain as of 2008, specific rules prohibiting diplomatic discussion between the resolution of normal moves and ordering retreats, and between the resolution of normal moves or retreats and adjustments. Email Diplomacy and, to a lesser extent, Postal Mail Diplomacy, can allows these prohibitions to be compromised by enabling rapid correspondence between players, beyond GM control, at a point where no such discussion is allowed by the rules.

2-Season Diplomacy attempts to stay closer to the intent of the rules by incorporates the retreat and/or adjustment phases within the preceding Spring and Fall movement turns. Players are expected to submit, for the:

• Spring turn, any move, hold, support and convoy orders, PLUS any retreats that the player feels might need to be ordered.

• Fall turn, any move, hold, support and convoy orders, PLUS any retreats that the player feels might need to be ordered, PLUS any adjustments (builds or removals) that the player feels might need to be ordered.

2-Season Diplomacy reduces the number of deadlines per game year (and the opportunity for NMRs), and the commensurate administration time associated with individual deadlines. However, it requires additional methods for writing retreat and adjustment orders.


There are several methods of writing orders when using 2-Season Diplomacy. DC175 will use the Preference List Order Method which recognizes that player’s may have, or may be able to develop, an ability to look ahead to possible permutations of units following a set of moves and that a preference lists of possible destinations for retreats, possible locations for builds and possible candidate units for disbandment can give control over a player’s retreat and adjustment orders.

It is important to note that diplomatic discussion regarding possible dislodgements, builds and disbandments with other players may be desirable. Such discussion, however, would need to take place prior to the submitting of the requisite Spring or Fall orders.

During order adjudication, the GM first adjudicates the move, hold, support and convoys orders, then any retreat orders, disbanding units without valid retreats, then (if a Fall turn) any adjustments and publishes all the season’s results at the same time. Should any retreat or adjustment orders not be given when required then: unordered retreats are disbanded; unordered builds are waived; and unordered removals are processed as per the Civil Disorder rules. It may be advisable for a player to submit: a retreat order for each of their units that may be dislodged; a build order for each home supply center; and, a disbandment orders for the maximum number of disbandments that they expect.

When adjudicating preferred list retreat orders, the GM will evaluate the retreat orders for each dislodged unit, and if:

1. no retreat order has been submitted for that unit, it will be disbanded.

2. the unit is ordered to retreat OTB (off the board) it will be disbanded.

3. a unit’s most preferred retreat is blocked for retreat purposes (because that province is occupied; is the province from which the attacker came; or is a province that was left vacant by a standoff during the same turn) then the next preferred unblocked province will be used, repeating the process down the preference list, as necessary.

4. the first unblocked retreat of a unit is ambiguously ordered (e.g. ‘Nor’ when either ‘North Sea’ or ‘Norway’ could by retreated to by a fleet, even if one or more of the ambiguous retreat locations is blocked) then that will considered be a misorder and the unit will be disbanded.

5. two or more units’ retreat to the same unblocked province after all their preceding retreats listed are discounted as blocked then those units are disbanded.

6. none of a unit’s ordered retreats are unblocked (even if there is a vacant unblocked province to which the unit which could have otherwise have retreated) the unit is disbanded.

7. the unit has not so far been destroyed and a valid retreat location has been ordered then the unit is retreated to that province.

When adjudicating preferred list build orders, the GM will evaluate the build orders (in the order given) for each player who has possible builds this turn, and if:

1. no build order has been submitted then any build will be waived that turn.

2. a ‘no builds’ order has been submitted then any builds will be waived that turn.

3. a unit’s most preferred build location is now occupied then the next preferred build order will be used, repeating the process down the list, as necessary.

4. any of a unit’s preferred build locations are ambiguously ordered or misordered then that build order is ignored.

5. not enough valid build orders have been specified then any excess builds will be waived that turn.

6. there remain valid build locations ordered and the builds are available then those available builds will be made.

When adjudicating preferred list disbandment orders, the GM will evaluate the disbandment orders (in the order given) for each player who has required disbandments this turn, and if:

1. no valid disbandment order has been submitted then any required disbandments will be decided as per the usual Civil Disorder rules.

2. not enough disbandment orders have been specified then any excess disbandments will be decided as per the usual Civil Disorder rules.

3. any of a unit’s preferred units for disbandment are ambiguously ordered or misordered then that preferred disbandment is ignored and any excess disbandments that result will be decided as per the usual Civil Disorder rules.

4. there remain valid disbandment orders and required disbandments then those disbandments will be made as ordered.


An NMR is applied to a player if no move, hold, support, convoy or retreat orders are submitted for a given Spring turn. An NMR is applied to a player if no move, hold, support, convoy, retreat, build or disbandment orders are submitted for a given Fall turn.



After all the move, hold, support and convoy orders have been listed; list the orders for any or all potential retreats using the format:

R A/F pppO-pppR


R = Retreat;
A/F = A(rmy) or F(leet) – optional;
pppO = the province from which the unit has been dislodged;
pppR = one or more alternative retreat locations listed in descending order of preference, each separated by commas (and separated from pppO by a hyphen), or OTB.


After retreat orders have been listed, list the orders for potential builds on separate lines (in descending order of preference) in the format:

B A/F ppp


B = Build;
A/F = A(rmy) or F(leet) – only mandatory for coastal provinces;
ppp = the province in which the unit is to be built (including the coast if necessary to avoid ambiguity).


After build orders have been listed, list the orders for potential disbandments on separate lines (in descending order of preference) in the format:

D A/F ppp


D = Disband;
A/F = A(rmy) or F(leet) – optional;
ppp = the province in which the unit to be disbanded is located (specifying the coast is optional).



1. Italy is expecting to be dislodged from Ven by Austrian moves‘ A Tri-Ven, Russian A Tyl S A Tri-Ven’. Italy submits a retreat order ‘R A Ven-Pie, Tus, Rom’ and if dislodged A Ven will retreat to the first space on the list that is unblocked for retreat purposes.

2. Both German A Ruh and French A Bur have the option of retreating to either Mun or Bel if dislodged. If Germany orders ‘R A Ruh-Bel, Mun’ and France orders ‘R A Bur-Bel, Mun’ and Bel is an unblocked location for retreat then they both attempt to retreat there and are both destroyed. If Bel was unblocked for retreat then both would retreat to the next on the list and again be destroyed. However, if Germany orders ‘R A Ruh-Bel, Mun’ and France orders ‘R A Bur-Mun, Bel’ then if both spaces are unblocked retreat locations then the units will retreat as per their first choice and not be destroyed. However, if either, or both, Bel or Mun are blocked for retreat then the dislodged units would again clash and both be destroyed.


3. Austria is expecting two builds and provides a build preference list ‘B A Vie, B F Tri’. If Austria did get at least one build and Vie was unoccupied then they would build A Vie. If for some reason Ven was occupied then they would build F Tri instead, if Tri was unoccupied. If Austria indeed gained two builds and both centers were unoccupied then A Vie and F Tri would both be built. If Vie was occupied, but Tri unoccupied then only F Tri would be built and the second build waived, conversely, if Tri was occupied, but Ven unoccupied then only A Vie would be built. If both centers were occupied then both builds would be waived, even if Bud was available for a build. If Austria had gained three builds then the third would have automatically have been waived as only two preferences were given in the list.

4. France is doing well against both England and Italy. On balance France decides that England is the best target. France expects 3 builds so orders ‘B F Bre, B F Mar, B A Par’. If only one build is made then this will be in Bre to be more easily directed against England, if two builds then the next build will be in Mar against Italy, and if a third then in Par.


5. France is now not doing so well against England and France. On balance France decides that England is the most skilled player and has closer units so when it comes to ordering retreats he decides that F Tys is more expendable than F Eng. France doesn’t feel able to spare any of his armies facing Germany so orders ‘D F Tys, D F Eng, D A Pic, D A Bur’. Any unit will disband only if required even if a disband order is submitted.


Unknown - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Personally I like the information..... It is often what I look at first when I start a game. A bit of a first impression of the others, if you will.


I agree! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I like the current Info, and would even add a few points, as I have mentioned before.
My vote would be to purge all players who signed up but never played in a rolling time period (60 days, 90?)
Not to exclude people, but dead data is dead data.

Do we have the ability to run Polls on DC? This would be a good one to run, I think...



DC170 winter 1902 adjustments - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Two of our powers fail to submit orders this turn. Russia's dislodged army in Warsaw went unordered, and by Dip rules is disbanded; and since Bothnia and Ukraine are equidistant from the Tsar's home centers, the fleet is the default disband. England fails to send a build order, so his build is waived for this year.

Spring 1903 orders will be due Tuesday 4/8 at 3pm Pacific.



Autumn 1902 results:

Russia: (NRR)
Remove A Warsaw


Winter 1902 results:

Build A Trieste

England: (NBR)
Build waived

Build F Kiel
Build F Berlin

Russia: (NBR)
Remove F Gulf of Bothnia

Build A Constantinople

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.


DC152 (wb0817) - Winter 1913 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Two more french guns spring up in the west. Paris and Marseilles field new units of French regulars, and on we move to Spring 1914.

On the Diplomatic front, a French Solo has been put forward for your consideration. Please have your yay or nay votes in to me with the Spring moves. Deadline will be Monday, Apr 7th (11:59 PM GMT).



Adjustment orders for Winter of 1913. (DC152 13 WIN)

France: Build A Paris.
France: Build A Marseilles.

Unit locations:

England: F Baltic Sea, F Barents Sea, A Galicia, F Gulf of Bothnia, F Kiel, A
Livonia, F London, F North Sea, A Prussia, A St Petersburg, A Warsaw.
France: A Albania, A Belgium, A Bohemia, F Brest, F Bulgaria(sc), F Eastern
Mediterranean, F Greece, F Ionian Sea, A Marseilles, A Munich, A
Paris, A Silesia, A Trieste, A Tyrolia, A Vienna.
Russia: A Budapest, F Constantinople, A Moscow, A Rumania, A Serbia, A
Sevastopol, A Ukraine.
Turkey: F Smyrna.

Ownership of supply centers:

England: Berlin, Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel, Liverpool, London,
Norway, St Petersburg, Sweden, Warsaw.
France: Belgium, Brest, Bulgaria, Greece, Marseilles, Munich, Naples, Paris,
Portugal, Rome, Spain, Trieste, Tunis, Venice, Vienna.
Russia: Ankara, Budapest, Constantinople, Moscow, Rumania, Serbia,
Turkey: Smyrna.

Austria: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 11 Supply centers, 11 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 15 Supply centers, 15 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.



dc171 - Fall 1902 - Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I am not near my computer... and won't be able to adjudicate for at least 5 hours. Worst case, I shall adjudicate by 2p GMT tomorrow.
Sorry for the delay.


dc130 ~ Imperial1840 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Deadline for Spring 1847: Tuesday, April 8, 2359 GMT

The sun sets on the British Empire.

Remove A Tunisia
Remove F Tyrrhenian Sea

Remove A Finland - Eliminated

Remove F Liberia
Remove F Cimbebas Coast

Build F Maldives
Build F Java
Build F New Guinea
Build A Natal

Build A Warsaw
Build A Sevastopol

Deadline for Spring 1847: Tuesday, April 8, 2359 GMT


DC166 (wb0821) - Winter 02 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya folks,

The British Navy sails once more from London and Edinburgh ports. This and other Winter adjustments are included in the adjudication below. Deadline for Spring 1903 orders will be set for Monday, Apr 7th (11:59 PM GMT).



Adjustment orders for Winter of 1902. (DC166 02 WIN)

Austria: Build A Budapest.

England: Build F London.
England: Build F Edinburgh.

France: Remove F Portugal.

Turkey: Build F Smyrna.

Unit locations:

Austria: F Albania, A Budapest, A Greece, A Vienna, A Warsaw.
England: F Brest, F Edinburgh, F London, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F Norway, A
France: A Burgundy, A Gascony, A Marseilles.
Germany: F Baltic Sea, A Belgium, A Berlin, A Munich, A Paris, A Prussia.
Italy: A Piedmont, A Tunis, F Tyrrhenian Sea.
Russia: A Galicia, F Kiel, A Livonia, F Rumania, A Serbia, A Silesia.
Turkey: F Aegean Sea, A Ankara, A Bulgaria, F Naples, F Smyrna.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Budapest, Greece, Trieste, Vienna, Warsaw.
England: Brest, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway, Sweden.
France: Marseilles, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Munich, Paris.
Italy: Rome, Tunis, Venice.
Russia: Kiel, Moscow, Rumania, Serbia, Sevastopol, St Petersburg.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Naples, Smyrna.

Austria: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.



DC166 (wb0821) - Winter 02 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hey folks,

This time lets try it with the correct map.. =)


On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 6:43 PM, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Heya folks,

The British Navy sails once more from London and Edinburgh ports. This and other Winter adjustments are included in the adjudication below. Deadline for Spring 1903 orders will be set for Monday, Apr 7th (11:59 PM GMT).



Adjustment orders for Winter of 1902. (DC166 02 WIN)

Austria: Build A Budapest.

England: Build F London.
England: Build F Edinburgh.

France: Remove F Portugal.

Turkey: Build F Smyrna.

Unit locations:

Austria: F Albania, A Budapest, A Greece, A Vienna, A Warsaw.
England: F Brest, F Edinburgh, F London, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F Norway, A
France: A Burgundy, A Gascony, A Marseilles.
Germany: F Baltic Sea, A Belgium, A Berlin, A Munich, A Paris, A Prussia.
Italy: A Piedmont, A Tunis, F Tyrrhenian Sea.
Russia: A Galicia, F Kiel, A Livonia, F Rumania, A Serbia, A Silesia.
Turkey: F Aegean Sea, A Ankara, A Bulgaria, F Naples, F Smyrna.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Budapest, Greece, Trieste, Vienna, Warsaw.
England: Brest, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway, Sweden.
France: Marseilles, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Munich, Paris.
Italy: Rome, Tunis, Venice.
Russia: Kiel, Moscow, Rumania, Serbia, Sevastopol, St Petersburg.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Naples, Smyrna.

Austria: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.



DC169 - Winter 1902 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya folks,

I have adjudicated WInter 1902... However - it looks as though RP quirked and for whatever reason did not list the Russian build in the last turn. Due to the adjudication error, we'll give Andrew a little bit of extra time to get a build in - the Russian build will be due by Saturday, Apr 5th (11:59 PM GMT).

Unless any of you have any objections, the Spring 03 deadline will remain due on Monday, Apr 7th (11:59 PM GMT).

Cheers - and apologies for the slight mistake...



Re: Cleaning up the Player Roster - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Just another thought:
If the standard view of the Players list would be static (say generated once a day) wouldn't that speed it up a lot? That page should be able to load immediately.
An information refresh of once a day will meet most of our needs I'd say. For everything else - actual information, or differently sorted - a user could always click away from the standard page at the cost of a slower load.

Yeah the player list does load a bit slow as the number of players grows.
Three options...

- Purge players who sign up but never play a game. (greatest speed improvement)
- Change the player list to only show players who have played a game. (moderate speed improvement)
- Remove some of the columns from the player list. (speed improvement at the cost of some information)


DC141 Seven Sinners - Spring 1905 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
hey T. am i missing something or is this game well past the deadline?

----- Original Message ----
From: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
To: dc141(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Cc: rleacock(at)cfl.rr.com; alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; jyjusy(at)hotmail.com; finchleywomble(at)hotmail.com; sordros(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; Alexander Schmidt <wecanworkthisout(at)yahoo.com>; Max Victory <maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk>
Sent: Friday, 28 March, 2008 1:38:13 PM
Subject: DC141 Seven Sinners - Spring 1905 Results

Heya all,

We find ourselves rolling once more. Germany powers back into Kiel and France slips into Rome. No retreats are required after the Spring moves so we'll flow right into the Fall turn. Deadline for Fall 05 orders will be set for Wednesday, Apr 2nd (11:59 PM GMT).

Please just let me know if you spot any errors in the adjudication. Also, please continue to CC me in on orders submitted to Alex. I will continue to act as your humble GM's safety net while Real Life continues to keep him from whats really important. =P



DC-141 Seven Sinners


rom move apu
ven s rom move apu

F St. Pete Hold
Ft. Norway S Ft St Pete NC hold
F Swe –Fin
A Den – Swe
F Nth Sea C A Lon- Den
A Lon –Den
A Kiel S A Lon -Den
A Holland S A Kiel hold
A Edi hold

A Burgundy - Marseilles
A paris - Burgundy
A Tuscany - Rome
A Ruhr S Paris - Burgundy
F Western Med - Gulf of Lyon
F North Africa - Western Med


A (tun) hold

F Baltic Sea Supports A Berlin - Kiel
A Bohemia Supports A Munich
A Budapest - Galicia
F Gulf of Bothnia - St Petersburg(sc)
A Moscow - Livonia
F Sevastopol - Black Sea
A Vienna - Tyrolia

F Albania - Adriatic Sea
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Greece - Albania
F Ionian Sea Supports A Tunis
F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea
F Smyrna - Eastern Mediterranean
A Trieste supports vienna to tyrolia


Movement results for Spring of 1905. (DC141 05 SPR)

Austria: A Rome - Apulia.
Austria: A Venice Supports A Rome - Apulia.

England: A Denmark - Sweden.
England: A Edinburgh Hold.
England: A Holland Supports A Kiel.
England: A Kiel Supports A London - Denmark (*Disbanded*).
England: A London - Denmark.
England: F North Sea Convoys A London - Denmark.
England: F Norway Supports F St Petersburg(nc).
England: F St Petersburg(nc) Hold.
England: F Sweden - Finland.

France: A Burgundy - Marseilles.
France: F North Africa - Western Mediterranean.
France: A Paris - Burgundy.
France: A Ruhr Supports A Paris - Burgundy.
France: A Tuscany - Rome.
France: F Western Mediterranean - Gulf of Lyon.

Germany: A Berlin - Kiel.
Germany: A Munich Supports A Berlin - Kiel.

Italy: A Tunis Hold.

Russia: F Baltic Sea Supports A Berlin - Kiel.
Russia: A Bohemia Supports A Munich.
Russia: A Budapest - Galicia.
Russia: F Gulf of Bothnia - St Petersburg(sc) (*Fails*).
Russia: A Moscow - Livonia.
Russia: F Sevastopol - Black Sea.
Russia: A Vienna - Tyrolia.

Turkey: F Albania - Adriatic Sea.
Turkey: F Constantinople - Aegean Sea.
Turkey: A Greece - Albania.
Turkey: F Ionian Sea Supports A Tunis.
Turkey: F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea.
Turkey: F Smyrna - Eastern Mediterranean.
Turkey: A Trieste Supports A Vienna - Tyrolia.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Apulia, A Venice.
England: A Denmark, A Edinburgh, F Finland, A Holland, A Kiel, F North Sea, F
Norway, F St Petersburg(nc), A Sweden.
France: A Burgundy, F Gulf of Lyon, A Marseilles, A Rome, A Ruhr, F Western
Germany: A Kiel, A Munich.
Italy: A Tunis.
Russia: F Baltic Sea, F Black Sea, A Bohemia, A Galicia, F Gulf of Bothnia,
A Livonia, A Tyrolia.
Turkey: F Adriatic Sea, F Aegean Sea, A Albania, F Eastern Mediterranean, F
Ionian Sea, A Trieste, F Tyrrhenian Sea.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Rome, Venice.
England: Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel, Liverpool, London, Norway, St
Petersburg, Sweden.
France: Belgium, Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: Berlin, Munich.
Italy: Tunis.
Russia: Budapest, Moscow, Rumania, Serbia, Sevastopol, Vienna, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Naples, Smyrna, Trieste.


On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 10:04 PM, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Better belay that notice folks. Apologies, but we seem to be short one set of orders for Spring 1905 - the player in question has been notified. I would normally follow Alex's HR's and NMR the position this turn, but due to the dual-GM nature of the last couple turns its possible that the orders were sent but simply not CC'd to me.

Whatever the case, if the last year has taught me anything it is that it never hurts to delay just a few hours to seek clarification. (Lesson learnt the hard-way.) I have given the missing player notice that orders are due by 11:59 AM GMT, or approximately 8 hours from now.

Cheers everyone. We'll get this game firing on all seven cylinders yet. =P


On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 9:44 PM, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:
[quote:82e3dbba8f]Heya folks,

I will be putting the DC141 Spring 1905 adjudication out momentarily. Thanks for waiting patiently - as Alex is the GM I wished to give him time to get this out.



On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 7:04 PM, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:
[quote:82e3dbba8f]Heya folks,

Truly sorry about this. Turns out I already had the missing adjustments but had mis-filed them in a different game-folder. My bad - the slight delay is on my shoulders...

Winter adjudication is below. England builds a pair of armies, Turkey a pair of fleets. Russia pots a pair of boots in Moscow and Germany removes in Helgoland. And with Italy non-responsive, I took the liberty and removed his non-SC unit in the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Have not heard from the possible replacement players as of yet, but I will let everyone know ASAP what the situation there is. (They are blind-CC'd on this adjudication.)

Spring 1905 orders will be set for Wednesday, March 26th (11:59 PM GMT). Please send your orders to Alex, but copy me in on them in case he is still busy and cannot adjudicate.



Adjustment orders for Winter of 1904. (DC141 04 FALL)

England: Build A London.
England: Build A Edinburgh.

Germany: Remove F Helgoland Bight.

Italy: Remove F Tyrrhenian Sea.

Russia: Build A Moscow.

Turkey: Build F Smyrna.
Turkey: Build F Constantinople.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Rome, A Venice.
England: A Denmark, A Edinburgh, A Holland, A Kiel, A London, F North Sea, F
Norway, F St Petersburg(nc), F Sweden.
France: A Burgundy, F North Africa, A Paris, A Ruhr, A Tuscany, F Western
Germany: A Berlin, A Munich.
Italy: A Tunis.
Russia: F Baltic Sea, A Bohemia, A Budapest, F Gulf of Bothnia, A Moscow, F
Sevastopol, A Vienna.
Turkey: F Albania, F Constantinople, A Greece, F Ionian Sea, F Naples, F
Smyrna, A Trieste.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Rome, Venice.
England: Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel, Liverpool, London, Norway, St
Petersburg, Sweden.
France: Belgium, Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: Berlin, Munich.
Italy: Tunis.
Russia: Budapest, Moscow, Rumania, Serbia, Sevastopol, Vienna, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Naples, Smyrna, Trieste.

Austria: 2 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 9 Supply centers, 9 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 2 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.

The next phase of DC141 04 FALL will be Movement for Spring of 1905.




Yahoo! for Good helps you make a difference


DC166 (wb0821) - Winter 02 Austrian holiday - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Im on hols for a couple of days and probably wont have email (leaving in 5 hours) for last minute negotiations!
My orders are in. cheers

----- Original Message ----
From: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
To: blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Cc: Andrew Cassese <landru428(at)aol.com>; Clark Landry <clarklandry(at)gmail.com>; Dan Fehr <dfehr(at)hotmail.com>; Daniel Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>; Max Victory <maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk>; Mike Sims <mike(at)southwall.com>; Nigel Phillips <nephilli99(at)hotmail.com>; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>; Will Fleming <wtfleming(at)hotmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, 5 April, 2008 1:43:08 AM
Subject: DC166 (wb0821) - Winter 02

Heya folks,

The British Navy sails once more from London and Edinburgh ports. This and other Winter adjustments are included in the adjudication below. Deadline for Spring 1903 orders will be set for Monday, Apr 7th (11:59 PM GMT).



Adjustment orders for Winter of 1902. (DC166 02 WIN)

Austria: Build A Budapest.

England: Build F London.
England: Build F Edinburgh.

France: Remove F Portugal.

Turkey: Build F Smyrna.

Unit locations:

Austria: F Albania, A Budapest, A Greece, A Vienna, A Warsaw.
England: F Brest, F Edinburgh, F London, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F Norway, A
France: A Burgundy, A Gascony, A Marseilles.
Germany: F Baltic Sea, A Belgium, A Berlin, A Munich, A Paris, A Prussia.
Italy: A Piedmont, A Tunis, F Tyrrhenian Sea.
Russia: A Galicia, F Kiel, A Livonia, F Rumania, A Serbia, A Silesia.
Turkey: F Aegean Sea, A Ankara, A Bulgaria, F Naples, F Smyrna.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Budapest, Greece, Trieste, Vienna, Warsaw.
England: Brest, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway, Sweden.
France: Marseilles, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Munich, Paris.
Italy: Rome, Tunis, Venice.
Russia: Kiel, Moscow, Rumania, Serbia, Sevastopol, St Petersburg.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Naples, Smyrna.

Austria: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.


Yahoo! for Good helps you make a difference


DC141 Seven Sinners - Spring 1905 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

Due to life pressures, Alex has had to step away from the game. He announced this last night - but I'm not sure if you were on his email distribution list. (He also changed the deadline to Friday which I *know* he didn't let you know about.)

I will be coming in as the temp GM. Tremble, ye players, for the wrath of Trout is about to descend. =P


On Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 1:32 AM, max victory <maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email])> wrote:

hey T. am i missing something or is this game well past the deadline?

----- Original Message ----
From: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>
To: dc141(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc141(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])
Cc: rleacock(at)cfl.rr.com ([email]rleacock(at)cfl.rr.com[/email]); alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com ([email]alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com[/email]); jyjusy(at)hotmail.com ([email]jyjusy(at)hotmail.com[/email]); finchleywomble(at)hotmail.com ([email]finchleywomble(at)hotmail.com[/email]); sordros(at)gmail.com ([email]sordros(at)gmail.com[/email]); stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email]); Alexander Schmidt <wecanworkthisout(at)yahoo.com ([email]wecanworkthisout(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Max Victory <maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email])>
Sent: Friday, 28 March, 2008 1:38:13 PM
Subject: DC141 Seven Sinners - Spring 1905 Results

Heya all,

We find ourselves rolling once more. Germany powers back into Kiel and France slips into Rome. No retreats are required after the Spring moves so we'll flow right into the Fall turn. Deadline for Fall 05 orders will be set for Wednesday, Apr 2nd (11:59 PM GMT).

Please just let me know if you spot any errors in the adjudication. Also, please continue to CC me in on orders submitted to Alex. I will continue to act as your humble GM's safety net while Real Life continues to keep him from whats really important. =P



DC-141 Seven Sinners


rom move apu
ven s rom move apu

F St. Pete Hold
Ft. Norway S Ft St Pete NC hold
F Swe –Fin
A Den – Swe
F Nth Sea C A Lon- Den
A Lon –Den
A Kiel S A Lon -Den
A Holland S A Kiel hold
A Edi hold

A Burgundy - Marseilles
A paris - Burgundy
A Tuscany - Rome
A Ruhr S Paris - Burgundy
F Western Med - Gulf of Lyon
F North Africa - Western Med


A (tun) hold

F Baltic Sea Supports A Berlin - Kiel
A Bohemia Supports A Munich
A Budapest - Galicia
F Gulf of Bothnia - St Petersburg(sc)
A Moscow - Livonia
F Sevastopol - Black Sea
A Vienna - Tyrolia

F Albania - Adriatic Sea
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Greece - Albania
F Ionian Sea Supports A Tunis
F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea
F Smyrna - Eastern Mediterranean
A Trieste supports vienna to tyrolia


Movement results for Spring of 1905. (DC141 05 SPR)

Austria: A Rome - Apulia.
Austria: A Venice Supports A Rome - Apulia.

England: A Denmark - Sweden.
England: A Edinburgh Hold.
England: A Holland Supports A Kiel.
England: A Kiel Supports A London - Denmark (*Disbanded*).
England: A London - Denmark.
England: F North Sea Convoys A London - Denmark.
England: F Norway Supports F St Petersburg(nc).
England: F St Petersburg(nc) Hold.
England: F Sweden - Finland.

France: A Burgundy - Marseilles.
France: F North Africa - Western Mediterranean.
France: A Paris - Burgundy.
France: A Ruhr Supports A Paris - Burgundy.
France: A Tuscany - Rome.
France: F Western Mediterranean - Gulf of Lyon.

Germany: A Berlin - Kiel.
Germany: A Munich Supports A Berlin - Kiel.

Italy: A Tunis Hold.

Russia: F Baltic Sea Supports A Berlin - Kiel.
Russia: A Bohemia Supports A Munich.
Russia: A Budapest - Galicia.
Russia: F Gulf of Bothnia - St Petersburg(sc) (*Fails*).
Russia: A Moscow - Livonia.
Russia: F Sevastopol - Black Sea.
Russia: A Vienna - Tyrolia.

Turkey: F Albania - Adriatic Sea.
Turkey: F Constantinople - Aegean Sea.
Turkey: A Greece - Albania.
Turkey: F Ionian Sea Supports A Tunis.
Turkey: F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea.
Turkey: F Smyrna - Eastern Mediterranean.
Turkey: A Trieste Supports A Vienna - Tyrolia.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Apulia, A Venice.
England: A Denmark, A Edinburgh, F Finland, A Holland, A Kiel, F North Sea, F
Norway, F St Petersburg(nc), A Sweden.
France: A Burgundy, F Gulf of Lyon, A Marseilles, A Rome, A Ruhr, F Western
Germany: A Kiel, A Munich.
Italy: A Tunis.
Russia: F Baltic Sea, F Black Sea, A Bohemia, A Galicia, F Gulf of Bothnia,
A Livonia, A Tyrolia.
Turkey: F Adriatic Sea, F Aegean Sea, A Albania, F Eastern Mediterranean, F
Ionian Sea, A Trieste, F Tyrrhenian Sea.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Rome, Venice.
England: Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel, Liverpool, London, Norway, St
Petersburg, Sweden.
France: Belgium, Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: Berlin, Munich.
Italy: Tunis.
Russia: Budapest, Moscow, Rumania, Serbia, Sevastopol, Vienna, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Naples, Smyrna, Trieste.


On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 10:04 PM, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:
[quote:7cbf0938b2]Better belay that notice folks. Apologies, but we seem to be short one set of orders for Spring 1905 - the player in question has been notified. I would normally follow Alex's HR's and NMR the position this turn, but due to the dual-GM nature of the last couple turns its possible that the orders were sent but simply not CC'd to me.

Whatever the case, if the last year has taught me anything it is that it never hurts to delay just a few hours to seek clarification. (Lesson learnt the hard-way.) I have given the missing player notice that orders are due by 11:59 AM GMT, or approximately 8 hours from now.

Cheers everyone. We'll get this game firing on all seven cylinders yet. =P


On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 9:44 PM, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:
[quote:7cbf0938b2]Heya folks,

I will be putting the DC141 Spring 1905 adjudication out momentarily. Thanks for waiting patiently - as Alex is the GM I wished to give him time to get this out.



On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 7:04 PM, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:
[quote:7cbf0938b2]Heya folks,

Truly sorry about this. Turns out I already had the missing adjustments but had mis-filed them in a different game-folder. My bad - the slight delay is on my shoulders...

Winter adjudication is below. England builds a pair of armies, Turkey a pair of fleets. Russia pots a pair of boots in Moscow and Germany removes in Helgoland. And with Italy non-responsive, I took the liberty and removed his non-SC unit in the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Have not heard from the possible replacement players as of yet, but I will let everyone know ASAP what the situation there is. (They are blind-CC'd on this adjudication.)

Spring 1905 orders will be set for Wednesday, March 26th (11:59 PM GMT). Please send your orders to Alex, but copy me in on them in case he is still busy and cannot adjudicate.



Adjustment orders for Winter of 1904. (DC141 04 FALL)

England: Build A London.
England: Build A Edinburgh.

Germany: Remove F Helgoland Bight.

Italy: Remove F Tyrrhenian Sea.

Russia: Build A Moscow.

Turkey: Build F Smyrna.
Turkey: Build F Constantinople.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Rome, A Venice.
England: A Denmark, A Edinburgh, A Holland, A Kiel, A London, F North Sea, F
Norway, F St Petersburg(nc), F Sweden.
France: A Burgundy, F North Africa, A Paris, A Ruhr, A Tuscany, F Western
Germany: A Berlin, A Munich.
Italy: A Tunis.
Russia: F Baltic Sea, A Bohemia, A Budapest, F Gulf of Bothnia, A Moscow, F
Sevastopol, A Vienna.
Turkey: F Albania, F Constantinople, A Greece, F Ionian Sea, F Naples, F
Smyrna, A Trieste.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Rome, Venice.
England: Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel, Liverpool, London, Norway, St
Petersburg, Sweden.
France: Belgium, Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: Berlin, Munich.
Italy: Tunis.
Russia: Budapest, Moscow, Rumania, Serbia, Sevastopol, Vienna, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Naples, Smyrna, Trieste.

Austria: 2 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 9 Supply centers, 9 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 2 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.

The next phase of DC141 04 FALL will be Movement for Spring of 1905.




Yahoo! for Good helps you make a difference



DC 168 WBR2 - Winter 02 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
My apologies for the delay. I was out late last night and when I got home one of the orders submitted used an abbreviation I wasn't familiar with so I sought to verify my hunch before adjudicating.

Remove A Bohemia

Remove F Mid-Atlantic Ocean

Build A Munich

Build A Naples

Build A Constantinople
Build A Ankara


dc171 - Fall 1902 Retreats and Winter 1902 Adjustm... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Onward march... and I'll be adjudicating within an hour of the deadline on Monday. Must leave work on time.

Spring 1903 - Monday April 7, 2008 at 21:00GMT (5pm EDT).

F BEL disbands
A Mar- Gas

F SWE disbands

Build A Trieste

Build A London

Build A Berlin

Build A Naples

Build A Sevastopol


Once Within - s03 all out! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Summer 03 retreats: Tuesday 2pm Pacific
Fall 03: Next Monday 2pm Pacific



DC172 Midsummers - Late Orders, RP Fixes and Forum... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya folks,

I'm missing two sets of Winter 1901 adjustments, unfortunately. The players in question have been notified and I'll give them a little bit to respond. Hopefully they'll do so in short order.

I've also had to tinker with the RealPolitik variant files. I don't quite understand it - but the RP variant wasn't allowing for any Spanish builds. I solved the problem with some minor edits to the .map and .gam files. (For those who care, I adjusted the Spanish letter abbreviation from 'I' to 'S'.) I've attached those files - all you have to do is to replace the versions in your 1600 variant folder with these ones. Also had to redo the Spring and Fall .dpy files - those are attached as well.

Also, please note that we now have a game forum: dc172(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc172(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]) All turn adjudications will be copied there - and I highly encourage any of you to submit press there as well. =)

Cheers gang! Will be in touch soon with regards to Winter. If I fail to hear from the players by tonight, we'll take the appropriate actions then.



DC136 Avenging Disco Godfathers - Early Winter 08... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Let me tell you it's always coolAnd the boss don't mind sometimes, if ya act the fool
At the car wash ...

The tsar surrenders in the northern seas, disbanding both fleets. Deadline for Winter 1908 adjustments will be set for Monday, Apr 7th (11:59 PM GMT).

That disco ball keeps revolving. Cheers!


Retreat orders for Fall of 1908. (DC136 08 EW)

Russia: disband F Edinburgh.
Russia: disband F Norway.

Unit locations:

France: F Adriatic Sea, A Bohemia, A Burgundy, A Edinburgh, F Ionian Sea, A
Liverpool, F London, F Naples, F North Sea, F Norwegian Sea, F
Trieste, A Venice.
Germany: A Berlin, A Moscow, F Norway, F Sweden, A Tyrolia, A Warsaw.
Russia: A Galicia, F Gulf of Bothnia, A Prussia, F Sevastopol, A St
Petersburg, A Vienna.
Turkey: F Aegean Sea, A Albania, A Bulgaria, F Eastern Mediterranean, F
Greece, A Serbia, F Smyrna.

Ownership of supply centers:

France: Belgium, Brest, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Marseilles, Naples,
Paris, Portugal, Rome, Spain, Trieste, Tunis, Venice.
Germany: Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Moscow, Munich, Norway, Sweden,
Russia: Budapest, Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Vienna.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Serbia, Smyrna.

Austria: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 14 Supply centers, 12 Units: Builds 2 units.
Germany: 9 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 2 units.
Italy: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 5 Supply centers, 6 Units: Removes 1 unit.
Turkey: 6 Supply centers, 7 Units: Removes 1 unit.



DC129 In Rainbows - Winter 1908 - Treefingers - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
It's armies all around the board with the exception of the Sultan who builds a fleet in Smyrna just to be different... Deadline for Spring 1909 orders will be set for Thursday, Apr 10th (11:59 PM GMT).

Please don't forget to get your yay or nay votes in for our two end-game proposals as well. We have an EFRT four-way draw as well as a DIAS draw on the books.



Adjustment orders for Winter of 1908. (DC129 08 WIN)

England: Build A Edinburgh.

France: Build A Marseilles.

Germany: Build A Munich.

Russia: Build A Warsaw.

Turkey: Build F Smyrna.

Unit locations:

England: F Baltic Sea, F Barents Sea, F Denmark, A Edinburgh, A Finland, F
Gulf of Bothnia, F Helgoland Bight, F Kiel, A Ruhr, A St Petersburg.
France: A Burgundy, A Marseilles, F Naples, A Piedmont, F Rome, F Tunis, A
Tuscany, F Tyrrhenian Sea.
Germany: A Berlin, A Munich.
Russia: A Bohemia, A Livonia, A Moscow, A Prussia, A Silesia, A Warsaw.
Turkey: F Adriatic Sea, F Aegean Sea, F Greece, F Ionian Sea, F Smyrna, A
Trieste, A Tyrolia, A Venice.

Ownership of supply centers:

England: Belgium, Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel, Liverpool, London,
Norway, St Petersburg, Sweden.
France: Brest, Marseilles, Naples, Paris, Portugal, Rome, Spain, Tunis.
Germany: Berlin, Munich.
Russia: Budapest, Moscow, Rumania, Sevastopol, Vienna, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Serbia, Smyrna, Trieste,

Austria: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 10 Supply centers, 10 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 2 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.



DC153 Spring 1906 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Sorry for the delayed adjudication; it's literally been sitting on comp
since Friday morning and I just forgot to send it. Oops...

Germany helps England pull off a double convoy to the "door" of France
while Italy learns about coastal distinctions. Austria helps Turkey
into his own center but also moves on Tunis, but the question is: Will
the Italians so easily cede Carthage to their eastern neighbors after
their ancestors fought so hard to conquer it?

We have no retreats, so we progress directly to Fall 1906, due this
Wednesday, April 9, at 9 pm eastern.



Bul - Rum: OK
Bla S Bul - Rum: OK
Aeg - Bul: OK
Eas - Ion: OK

Por - MAt: Bounce with MAt;
NAf - Wes: OK
Mar - Gas: Defeated by Lon 3:1;
Spa S Mar - Gas: Illegal;
Pie - Mar: Bounce with Mar;
Tyr H: OK
Ven S Tyr H: OK

Swe H: OK
Bel S Bur H: OK
Bur S Lon - Gas: OK
Ber - Sil: OK
Boh H: OK
Mun S Boh H: OK
Ukr S Sev - Rum: OK
Kie - Ber: OK

Par S Mar - Bur: Void;

Sev - Rum: Defeated by Bul 3:2;
Nth H: OK
Lon - Eng - MAt - Gas: OK
Eng C Lon - Gas: OK
MAt C Lon - Gas: OK
Bre S Lon - Gas: OK
Iri S MAt H: OK

Bud S Rum - Gal: OK
Rum - Gal: OK
Vie S Rum - Gal: OK
Ser S Bul - Rum: OK
Gre H: OK
Ion - Tun: OK



Guns, Germs and Steel 1264 / DC110 - Summer 1871 -... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

Yup. There was a whole schwack of orders that I missed entering into the RP adjudication last turn - most of them belonging to Holland... The only real result of the missed orders however was that Austria was bounced out of Fezz. I have attached a corrected Spring map with the Summer 1871 retreats.

Don't think I could possibly screw anything up with the Sumer turn - but who knows.. Just let me know if you spot anything. Fall 1871 orders will be due Friday, Apr 11th (11:59 PM GMT).



Retreat orders for Spring of 1871. (GGS 1264 - DC110 - 1871 SUM)

Austria: A Galicia (gal) - Budapest (bud).
Austria: A Venice (ven) - Vienna (vie).

Brazil: A Brasilia (bra), no move received (*Disbanded*).

Russia: A Irkutsk (irk) - Yakutsk (yak).

Unit locations:

Austria: F Aegean Sea (aeg), A Bosnia (bos), A Budapest (bud), F Constantinople
(con), A Croatia (cro), F Eastern Mediterranean (eas), A Gall Land
(gld), A Kiel (kie), A Prussia (pru), A Ruhr (ruh), A Rumania (rum), A
Silesia (sil), A Sofia (sof), A Stuttgart (stu), A Tawarek (twr), A
Vienna (vie).
Brazil: F Eastern Carribean (eca), F Falkland Islands (fal), F Uruguay (uru).
Britain: F Bay of Biscay (bob), F Edinburgh (edi), F Greenland (grn), F Norway
(nwy), F Norwegian Sea (nwg).
China: F Fuchan (fuc), F Hong Kong (hko), A Inner Mongolia (img), A Irkutsk
(irk), A Kashgar (ksg), A Kashmir (kas), A Kirghiz (kir), A
Krasnoyarsk (kra), A Mongolia (mon), F Peking (pek), A Rangoon (rng),
A Shanghai (sha), A Tashkent (tsh), A Tibet (tib), A Tonkin (tnk), A
Vladivostok (vla), A Yunnan (yun).
France: F Adriatic Sea (adr), F The Azores (azo), A Brasilia (bra), F Brazil
Current (bcu), F Cape Verde Islands (vrd), F Coast of Argentina (cag),
A Denmark (den), A El Jouf (elj), F Greece (gre), F Helgoland Bight
(hel), A Holland (hol), F Ionian Sea (ion), A Metz (met), F Middle
Atlantic (mat), F Morocco (mrc), F North Sea (nth), F Oliveira (oli),
F Pramaiba (pra), A Recife (rec), A Rio de Janeiro (rdj), A Rome
(rom), F Rouen (rou), F South Atlantic (sat), F Tripoli (trp), A
Tubruq (tbq), A Venice (ven).
Holland: F Abyssinia (aby), A Aden (ade), A Afganistan (afg), F Antarctic
Atlantic Ocean (aat), F Antarctic Pacific Ocean(apa), F Arabian
Sea(ara), A Aswan (asw), A Bangalore (ban), F Bangkok (bnk)(wc), F
Bismark Sea (bis), A Cairo (cai), A Cambodia (cmb), F Cape Town (ctn),
F Cochin (cch), F Coral Sea (cor), A Cyprus (cyp), A Dar Es Sallam
(dar), F Drake (dra), F East China Sea (ecs), F Equatorial
CounterCurrent (eco), F Goodhope (goo), F Hadramaut (hdr)(nc), F Izu
Trench (izu), F Java Sea (jse), F Kagoshima (kag), A Karachi (krc), A
Kenya (ken), F Marshal Islands (mhl), F New Zealand (nzl), F North
East Monsoon (nem), F Okinawa (oki), F Persian Gulf (pgu), A Perth
(per), F Philippine (phi), F Red Sea (rse), F South China Sea (scs), F
South East Trades (set), F South West Pacific (swp), A Tabrize (tbr),
F Yellow Sea (yse).
Japan: F Edo (edo), F Fusan (fsn), F Port Arthur (poa), F Sakhurlin (sak), F
Sapporo (sap), F Sea of Japan (soj), A Seoul (seo).
Russia: F Angora (ang)(sc), A Baku (bku), F Black Sea (bla), A Bokhara (bkh),
A Evenki (eve), A Galicia (gal), A Kasala (ksl), A Khiva (khv), A
Livonia (lvn), A Warsaw (war), A Sevastopol (sev), A Tehran (teh), A
Yakutsk (yak).
USA: A Alaska (ala), A Amazon (ama), A Barcelone (brc), F Bering Sea (bse),
A Bogota (bgt), A Cayenne (cyn), F Chesapeake Approaches (che), F
Chilean Basin (cba), F Cuba (cub), F Dublin (dub), F Eastern Seaboard
(ese), F Gulf of Panama (gop), F Haiti (hai), F Hawaii (haw), F Hudson
(hud), F Kamchatka (kam), F Kirbati Sea (kse), F Kuril (kur), A Lima
(lim), F London (lon), F North Atlantic (nat), F North East Trades
(net), F North Pacific (npa), F North Passage (nps), F Okhotsk (okh),
F Pacific Basin (pba), A Quito (qto), F Sargasso (sar), F Society
Islands (sct), A Tennessee (ten), F Virgin Islands (vis), F West Coast
(wco), F West Pacific (wpa), F Westerlies (wst), F Western Carribean

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Bavaria (bav), Berlin (ber), Budapest (bud), Cairo (cai),
Constantinople (con), Crete (cre), Croatia (cro), Greece (gre), Kiel
(kie), Prussia (pru), Ruhr (ruh), Serbia (ser), Silesia (sil), Sofia
(sof), Stuttgart (stu), Venice (ven), Vienna (vie).
Brazil: Barcelone (brc), Brasilia (bra), Falkland Islands (fal), La Paz (lpa),
Paraguay (prg), Uruguay (uru), Virgin Islands (vis).
Britain: Denmark (den), Edinburgh (edi), Greenland (grn), Nantes (nan), Norway
(nwy), Sweden (swe).
China: Bengal (ben), Burma (brm), Canton (can), Chungking (chk), Delhi (del),
Hong Kong (hko), Kashmir (kas), Manchuria (mac), Peking (pek), Rangoon
(rng), Shanghai (sha), Sinkiang (snk), Tashkent (tsh), Tonkin (tnk),
Vladivostok (vla), Wuhan (wuh), Yuthia (yut).
France: The Azores (azo), Cameroon (cmn), Cape Verde Islands (vrd), Corsica
(crs), Fiji (fij), Gibraltar (gib), Grain Coast (gcs), Holland (hol),
Ivory Coast (ivc), Marseilles (mar), Monrovia (mnv), Morocco (mrc),
Okrana (okn), Oliveira (oli), Paris (par), Piedmont (pie), Recife
(rec), Rio de Janeiro (rdj), Rome (rom), Salerno (sal), Sicily (sic),
Sierra Leone (sie), South Georgia Islands (sgr), Tripoli (trp), Tunis
(tun), Valencia (vlc).
Holland: Abyssinia (aby), Aden (ade), Andaman Islands (amn), Baghdad (bag),
Bangalore (ban), Bangkok (bnk), Bombay (bom), Borneo (brn), Botswana
(bsw), Cambodia (cmb), Cape Town (ctn), Ceylon (cey), Cochin (cch),
Cyprus (cyp), Formosa (for), Irian Java (ija), Java (jav), Kagoshima
(kag), Karachi (krc), Luzon (luz), Madagascar (mad), Madras (mds),
Malaysia (mal), Maldives (mld), Marshal Islands (mhl), Mindanao (mnd),
New Guinea (ngu), New South Wales (nsw), New Zealand (nzl), Okinawa
(oki), Oman (oma), Perth (per), Queensland (qnl), Rhodesia (rho),
Sarawak (srw), Seychelles (sey), Singapore (sin), Sudan (sud), Sumatra
(sum), Transvaal (trn).
Japan: Caroline Islands (crl), Edo (edo), Fusan (fsn), Port Arthur (poa),
Sakhurlin (sak), Sapporo (sap), Seoul (seo).
Russia: Angora (ang), Baku (bku), Georgia (geo), Irkutsk (irk), Khiva (khv),
Warsaw (war), Omsk (oms), Orenburg (orn), Rumania (rum), Sevastopol
(sev), St Petersburg (stp), Tehran (teh), Moscow (mos).
USA: Alberta (alb), Anchorage (anc), Atlanta (atl), Austin (aus), The
Bahamas (bah), Bogota (bgt), Cayenne (cyn), Chicago (chc), Cuba (cub),
Detroit (det), Dublin (dub), Galapagos (glp), Haiti (hai), Hawaii
(haw), Honduras (hon), Kansas (kan), Lima (lim), London (lon),
Mazatlan (maz), Merida (mer), Mexico City (mex), Nebraska (neb), New
Mexico (nme), New Orleans (nol), New York (nyc), Nova Scotia (nsc),
Oklahoma (okl), Oregon (ore), Panama (pan), Paramaribo (pmb), Quebec
(que), Richmond (ric), San Francisco (sfo), Seattle (sea), Society
Islands (sct), Vancouver (van), Victoria (vic), Washington DC (wdc),
Yukon (yuk).



DC172 Midsummers Night Stab - Winter 1600 - King H... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
A little fire is quickly trodden out;
Which, being suffered, rivers cannot quench.

New forces spring up across the map. How will they play out?...

Spring 1601 orders will be due Thursday, Apr 10th (11:59 PM GMT). Cheers everyone!


Adjustment orders for Winter of 1600. (DC172 00 WIN)

Denmark: Build F Vestlandet.
Denmark: Build F Jutland.

England: Build F Ireland.

France: Build F Gascony.
France: Build A Burgundy.

HabsburgEmpire: Build A Croatia.
HabsburgEmpire: Build A Austria.
HabsburgEmpire: Build A Bohemia.

OttomanEmpire: Build F Egypt.
OttomanEmpire: Build F Greece.

Poland: Build A Cracow.

Russia: Build A Voronezj.
Russia: Build A Moscow.

Spain: Build F Granada.
Spain: Build F Naples.
Spain: Build F Flanders.
Spain: Build A Castille.

Sweden: Build A Stockholm.
Sweden: Build F Finland.

Unit locations:

Denmark: F North Atlantic Ocean, A Bremen, A Holstein, F Jutland, A Scania, F
England: F North Sea, F Scotland, F Ireland, A London.
France: A Savoy, F Bay of Biscay, A Champagne, F Gascony, A Burgundy, A
HabsburgEmpire: A Western Hungary, A Bohemia, A Austria, A Croatia, A Venice, A
OttomanEmpire: F Egypt, A Armenia, F Greece, F Black Sea, A Azerbaijan, A
Poland: A Transylvania, A White Russia, A Cracow, A Volhynia.
Russia: A Central Asia, A Crimea, A Voronezj, A Moscow, A Pskov.
Spain: F North Africa, A Rome, F Flanders, F Naples, A Castille, F Granada,
A Portugal, A Netherlands.
Sweden: A Pomerania, A Prussia, F Baltic Sea, F Finland, A Estonia, A

Ownership of supply centers:

Denmark: Bremen, Holstein, Jutland, Zealand, Scania, Vestlandet.
England: Scotland, Ireland, Wales, London.
France: Savoy, Paris, Gascony, Burgundy, Provence, Lorraine.
HabsburgEmpire: Western Hungary, Bohemia, Austria, Croatia, Venice, Bavaria.
OttomanEmpire: Egypt, Anatolia, Constantinople, Greece, Azerbaijan, Serbia.
Poland: Transylvania, White Russia, Warsaw, Cracow.
Russia: Central Asia, Crimea, Voronezj, Moscow, Novgorod.
Spain: North Africa, Rome, Flanders, Naples, Castille, Granada, Portugal,
Sweden: Pomerania, Prussia, Finland, Estonia, Stockholm, Bergslagen.
Unowned: Bessarabia, Brandenburg.

Denmark: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 4 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
HabsburgEmpire: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
OttomanEmpire: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Poland: 4 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
Spain: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.
Sweden: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.



DC169 (wbo824) - Winter 1902 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Well, despite the extra time there was no build forthcoming from Russia. With regrets, we move forward into Spring 1903. Deadline for orders will be Monday Apr 7th (11:59 PM GMT)... Or at the time that Steve announces when he gets back - I believe he will return this weekend. He may adjust the deadline if necessary.



Adjustment orders for Winter of 1902. (Dc169 WIN 02)

England: Build A London.
England: Build F Edinburgh.

Russia: Build waived.

Turkey: Build A Ankara.

Unit locations:

Austria: F Greece, A Serbia, A Trieste, A Vienna.
England: A Belgium, F Denmark, F Edinburgh, A Holland, A London, F North Sea,
F Norway.
France: A Burgundy, A Gascony, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A Piedmont, A Ruhr.
Germany: F Baltic Sea, A Kiel.
Italy: A Munich, F North Africa, A Tyrolia, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Venice.
Russia: A Budapest, A Galicia, A Rumania, A Silesia, F Sweden.
Turkey: F Aegean Sea, A Ankara, F Black Sea, A Bulgaria, A Sevastopol.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Greece, Serbia, Trieste, Vienna.
England: Belgium, Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Liverpool, London, Norway.
France: Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: Berlin, Kiel.
Italy: Munich, Naples, Rome, Tunis, Venice.
Russia: Budapest, Moscow, Rumania, St Petersburg, Sweden, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Sevastopol, Smyrna.



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