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DC138 Winter Of Our Discontent - Fall 2007 - I Wan... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
A smile is your personal welcome mat...

So the question after Fall 2007 is whether or not the Heartland thinks Quebec is smiling at him. The fate of the yellow forces hinges on a Heartland retreat. Of course, the Chicagoan has his own trouble at home as California stakes a claim in the center of the board. While in the south, dark things loom on the horizon as Cuba and Mexico steam north into the Carribean...

Please let me know if you spot any errors. Deadline for Early Winter 2007 will be set for Friday, Apr 11th (11:59 PM GMT).




FALL 2007

BC - All: When I look around me, I can't believe what I see
It seems as if this country has lost the will to live!
The economy is lousy, we barely have an army
But we can still stand proudly because BC is really big!

We're the second, (sorta) largest country,
On this freaking board!
And if New York, keeps on shrinking,
Then soon we'll be first! (as long as we keep Quebec...)


Movement results for Fall of 2007. (DC138 07 FALL)

BC: A Gaspesie - Beauce.
BC: F Greenland - Sea of Labrador.
BC: F Gulf of St-Lawrence Supports A Quebec City - Cote-Nord.
BC: F Hawaii Hold.
BC: A Montreal Supports A Gaspesie - Beauce.
BC: F North Atlantic Ocean Supports F New Brunswick(nc) - Nova Scotia (*Cut*).
BC: A Ontario - Michigan (*Bounce*).
BC: A Quebec City - Cote-Nord.
BC: F Sea of Labrador - Labrador.

California: A Arizona - New Mexico (*Bounce*).
California: A Arkansas - Louisiana (*Fails*).
California: A Dallas Supports A San Antonio - Houston.
California: F Gulf of California - Baja California.
California: A Iowa - Minneapolis.
California: A Kentucky Supports A Missouri - Chicago.
California: A Missouri - Chicago.
California: A New Mexico, no move received.
California: F North Pacific Ocean Hold.
California: A San Antonio - Houston.
California: A West Texas - New Mexico (*Bounce*).

Florida: F Dominican Republic - East Caribbean Sea (*Fails*).
Florida: A Deep South Supports A Louisiana.
Florida: A Georgia Supports A Tennessee.
Florida: F Gulf of Honduras Supports F Yucatan.
Florida: F Gulf of Mexico Supports F Yucatan (*Cut*).
Florida: A Havana - Camaguey.
Florida: A Houston, no move received (*Disbanded*).
Florida: A Louisiana Supports A Houston (*Cut*).
Florida: A North Carolina Supports A Tennessee.
Florida: A Tennessee Hold.
Florida: F West Caribbean Sea - Kingston.
Florida: F Yucatan Hold.

Heartland: A Beauce - Ontario (*Dislodged*).
Heartland: A Milwaukee - Upper Peninsula (*Fails*).
Heartland: A Ohio Supports A Ontario - Michigan (*Cut*).
Heartland: A West Virginia Supports A Kentucky - Virginia (*Void*).

NewYork: F Cote-Nord - Gulf of St-Lawrence (*Disbanded*).
NewYork: F Massachusetts Bay - North Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*).
NewYork: A Maine - New Brunswick (*Fails*).
NewYork: F Nova Scotia Supports F Massachusetts Bay - North Atlantic Ocean
NewYork: A New York State - Ontario (*Bounce*).
NewYork: A Upper Peninsula - Michigan (*Bounce*).
NewYork: A Washington DC - West Virginia (*Fails*).
NewYork: A West Pennsylvania - Ohio (*Fails*).

Quebec: F New Brunswick(nc) - Nova Scotia (*Fails*).

Cuba: F East Caribbean Sea - Dominican Republic (*Fails*).
Cuba: A Guajira - Venezuela.
Cuba: F Venezuela - Lesser Antilles.

Mexico: F Coronado Bay - Panama.
Mexico: F Coast of Mexico - Guatemala(sc) (*Fails*).
Mexico: F Gulf of Mosquitos Supports F Panama - South Caribbean Sea.
Mexico: F Gulf of Campeche - Gulf of Mexico (*Fails*).
Mexico: F Guadalajara Hold.
Mexico: A Guatemala - Yucatan (*Fails*).
Mexico: A Nicaragua Hold.
Mexico: A Nuevo Leon Supports A San Antonio (*Ordered to Move*).
Mexico: F Panama - South Caribbean Sea.
Mexico: A Tabasco Supports A Guatemala - Yucatan.

The following units were dislodged:

Chicagoan A Beauce can retreat to Vermont or Quebec City.

Unit locations:

BC: A Beauce, A Cote-Nord, F Gulf of St-Lawrence, F Hawaii, F Labrador,
A Montreal, F North Atlantic Ocean, A Ontario, F Sea of Labrador.
California: A Arizona, A Arkansas, F Baja California, A Chicago, A Dallas, A
Houston, A Kentucky, A Minneapolis, A New Mexico, F North Pacific
Ocean, A West Texas.
Florida: A Camaguey, F Dominican Republic, A Deep South, A Georgia, F Gulf of
Honduras, F Gulf of Mexico, A Houston, F Kingston, A Louisiana, A
North Carolina, A Tennessee, F Yucatan.
Heartland: A Beauce, A Milwaukee, A Ohio, A West Virginia.
NewYork: F Cote-Nord, F Massachusetts Bay, A Maine, F Nova Scotia, A New York
State, A Upper Peninsula, A Washington DC, A West Pennsylvania.
Quebec: F New Brunswick(nc).
Cuba: F East Caribbean Sea, F Lesser Antilles, A Venezuela.
Mexico: F Coast of Mexico, F Gulf of Mosquitos, F Gulf of Campeche, F
Guadalajara, A Guatemala, A Nicaragua, A Nuevo Leon, F Panama, F
South Caribbean Sea, A Tabasco.

Ownership of supply centers:

BC: Anchorage, Calgary, Greenland, Hawaii, Manitoba, Montreal, Ontario,
Ungava, Vancouver, Washington.
California: Arizona, Chihuahua, Chicago, Colorado, Dallas, Kansas, Los Angeles,
Minneapolis, Missouri, Oregon, San Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco.
Florida: Dominican Republic, Georgia, Havana, Holquin, Houston, Jacksonville,
Kingston, Louisiana, Miami, North Carolina, Tampa, Tennessee,
Heartland: Milwaukee, Ohio.
NewYork: Massachussets, Michigan, New Jersey, Nova Scotia, New York City,
Philadelphia, Washington DC.
Quebec: Quebec City.
Cuba: Bogota, Cali, Venezuela.
Mexico: Durango, Guadalajara, Guatemala, Lima, Mexico City, Nicaragua, Nuevo
Leon, Panama, Veracruz.

BC: 10 Supply centers, 9 Units: Builds 1 unit.
California: 14 Supply centers, 11 Units: Builds 3 units.
Florida: 12 Supply centers, 12 Units: Builds 0 units.
Heartland: 2 Supply centers, 4 Units: Removes 2 units.
NewYork: 7 Supply centers, 8 Units: Removes 1 unit.
Quebec: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
Peru: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Texas: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Cuba: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Mexico: 9 Supply centers, 10 Units: Removes 1 unit.



DC161 Knights Who Say Ni! - Winter 827 - The Mouse... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Well... I was about seventeen and some mates and me went to a party, and, er... we had quite a lot to drink... and then some of the fellows there ... started handing ... cheese around ... and well just out of curiosity I tried a bit ... and well that was that.


The Norse - a fleet in Hordaland. The Anglo-Saxons - an army in Hamptonshire. Deadline for Spring 828 orders will be set for Tuesday, Apr 15th (11:59 PM GMT).



Adjustment orders for Winter of 827. (DC 161 827 WIN)

Norse: Build F Hordaland.

AngloSaxons: Build A Hamptonshire.

Unit locations:

Gaels: F Atlantic Ocean, A Connaught, F Cornwall, F Ulster.
Scots: F Hebridean Sea, F Moray Firth, F North Atlantic Ocean, F North
Channel, A Strathclyde.
Britons: F Bristol Channel, F Dyfed, A Gwynned, F Irish Sea, A Mercia.
Norse: F Hordaland, F North Frisian Coast, F North Sea, A Opplandene, F
Ribe(wc), F Rogaland Coast.
AngloSaxons: A Austrasia, F Brittany, F Cornish Sea, F Frisia, A Hamptonshire,
A Middle Anglia, F West Frisian Coast.
Swedes: F Bay of Pomerania, A Gotar, F Kattegat, A Pomerania, A Saxony, F
Skaggerak, A Skane.

Ownership of supply centers:

Gaels: Cornwall, Leinster, Meath, Ulster.
Scots: Cait, Circinn, Dal Riada, Fortrenn, Strathclyde.
Britons: Deira, Gwent, Gwynned, Mercia, Powys.
Norse: Agder, Hordaland, Jelling, Ribe, Trondelag, Vestfold.
AngloSaxons: Austrasia, Brittany, East Anglia, Frisia, Hamptonshire, Kent,
Swedes: Gotar, Lappland, Pomerania, Prussia, Roskilde, Skane, Svear.

Gaels: 4 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 0 units.
Scots: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
Britons: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
Norse: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
AngloSaxons: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
Danes: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Swedes: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.



GGS 1264 / DC110 - Fall 1871 Deadline Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya Gunners,

Banging my gong here - deadline for Fall 1871 arrives in 33 hours or so. I am still missing several sets of orders.




DC129 - Spring 09 Deadline Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya folks,

Just sending word that Spring 1909 orders are due in just over 19 hours. Cheers!



DC152 - Fall 1914 Deadline Notice - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

Fall 1914. 19 hours. Nuff said. =)



DC166 - Fall 1903 Deadline Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya Blitzers,

Don't miss the Fall 03 Deadline. It arrives in just over 19 hours. Cheers!



DC153 Fall 1906 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Austria lets Italy keep Tunis, but Turkey doesn't do the same favor for
the archduke with Rumania; meanwhile England and Germany pull off the
game's first "cooperative convoy" between Belgium and Denmark. And why
are there trees on the Champs - Elysses? So that English armies can walk
in the shade. As the navy blue troops come into Paris, we say goodbye
to France. Thanks for a well fought game, Paul.

Only three adjustments due from remaining players (see bottom of adj),
so I will publish as soon as I have them in hand. The deadline, just in
case, is Friday at 9 pm eastern.



Bla - Sev: Bounce with Sev;
Rum S Gal - Ukr: OK
Ion - Tyn: OK
Bul S Rum H: Illegal;

Mar H: OK
Pie S Mar H: OK
Tyr - Boh: Bounce with Boh;
Ven - Tyr: Bounce with Tyr;
Wes S Tun - NAf: OK
Spa S Por H: OK
Por S Spa H: OK

Bel - Nth - Den: OK
Ber - Pru: OK
Boh S Sil - Gal: Cut by Tyr;
Bur S Bre - Par: OK
Mun S Boh H: OK
Sil - Gal: Defeated by Bud 2:1;
Swe - Bal: OK
Ukr - War: OK

Par H: Dislodged by Bre 3:1;

Bre - Par: OK
Gas S Bre - Par: OK
Sev H: OK
MAt S Gas H: OK
Iri S MAt H: OK
Eng S MAt H: OK
Nth C Bel - Den: OK

Tun - NAf: OK
Gre - Aeg: OK
Gal - Ukr: OK
Bud - Gal: OK
Ser - Bud: OK
Vie S Bud - Gal: OK

France may retreat army in Par to: Pic

*** Adjudicated with Diplo 2.8 ***

Turkey takes Rum from Austria.
England takes Par from France.

Turkey may build 1 unit.
France disbands 1 unit.
England may build 1 unit.
Austria disbands 1 unit.


DC172 Midsummers - Spring 1601 Deadline Notice - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Gents of 1600,

Please do not forget that the deadline for Spring 1601 falls in just over 19 hours. Cheers!



DC129 In Rainbows - Spring 09 Deadline Extension - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya gang,

I've had a request for 24 hours leeway with the Spring 09 deadline. We'll push the Spring back and revise the deadlien for 36 hours from now - on Friday, Apr 11th (11:59 PM GMT).




Dc132 Draw Proposal - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Fall 1909 is due next Wednesday 16th April at 7pm, Australian EST

There is a proposal for a E-F-T Draw.

Please votes YES or NO with your Fall moves.

aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Lion)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Find out: SEEK Salary Centre Are you paid what you're worth?


Dc142 Winter 1906 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Build A Trieste
Build A Berlin

Dc142 Spring 1907 is due next Wednesday at the brand new time of 6pm Australian EST.

aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Lion)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Find out: SEEK Salary Centre Are you paid what you're worth?


Dc159 - 20 hour warning - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Dc159 Winter 1902 is due Friday 11th at 6pm Australian EST

I have NO adjustments from :-

Germany (Build 2)
Austria (Disband 1)
Russia (Builds 2)

aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Lion)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Find out: SEEK Salary Centre Are you paid what you're worth?


DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1902 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
What a year!!
We have quite a few SCs changing hands but surprisingly few changes in SC totals.

No retreats are necessary so we can move right into the Build Phase.
England and Germany both get a build, while Russia has to disband one unit.
Please get your orders in by Monday, April 14th (at) 9PM

And remember to get prelim orders in if you can.

A Albania - Serbia
A Budapest Supports A Albania - Serbia
F Greece - Bulgaria(sc) (*Bounce*)
A Ukraine - Sevastopol
A Vienna - Trieste (*Fails*)

F English Channel Hold
A London - Yorkshire
F St Petersburg(nc) Hold
F Wales - Liverpool

A Gascony - Brest
F Irish Sea - North Atlantic Ocean
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Hold
A Picardy Supports A Gascony - Brest
A Spain - Gascony

A Belgium Hold
A Munich - Berlin
F Prussia Supports A Silesia - Warsaw (*Fails*)
A Silesia - Warsaw (*Fails*)
F Sweden - Denmark (*Bounce*)

A Apulia Hold
F Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea
A Trieste Supports A Serbia (*Cut*)
F Tunis - Ionian Sea
A Venice Supports A Trieste

F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Bounce*)
A Galicia - Ukraine
A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Warsaw Hold

A Ankara - Constantinople (*Fails*)
F Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc) (*Bounce*)
A Serbia Supports A Trieste (*Disbanded*)
A Smyrna Hold

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DC 164 - Map correction - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
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DC176 - Spring 1901 orders - Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Most Powers have already submitted their orders for Spring 1901.
I guess that the others are still busy planning and engaging in diplomatic affairs.
There are still just under 5 days left to submit me your final orders and Adjudication takes place.
A word of advice however: don't wait until the last minute or else risk missing out on it.

For any Diplomacy newbees, a quick explanation of the rules in case you miss a turn (of course this is not going to happen us): if I don't receive any orders from a Power for a turn, this is considered a NMR (No Moves Received). And, yeah, that's a bad thing: your units stay where they are and Hold; and two consecutive NMRs means your units go into Civil Disorder, and you are out of the game as a player.
So better submit preliminary orders early, than risk not sending in any. Be forewarned because many of us have experienced situations where the Internet connection or PC no longer worked when it really counted !

For those with an interest of tracking orders and moves on their computer instead of paper or on the board: since I'm using RealPolitik, after each adjudication, with the orders and maps, I will also send you the RealPolitik DPY file.



DC153 Winter 1906 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Got them all early, so onward we push! Again those early fleet builds
start disappearing while nations bulk up their land power...

Spring 1907 is due this Monday, April 14, at 9 pm eastern.



Austria: Disband F Aeg

England: Build A Lon

France: Disband A Pic

Turkey: Build A Ank


DC140 "Never Ending Story" fall 1906 res... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Once again, lots of action all around the board. This season, many of the attacks succeed.

In the north, England finally succeeds in taking Holland from Germany, while Russia maintains control over the German coastal centers. France consolidates control of the waters west of Great Britain, but sees its advance unit in Silesia pushed out by Tsarist forces from Warsaw.

In the south, Russia reoccupies Budapest and Italy does the same in Serbia. Turkey sets adrift the Italian fleet in Greece, and Russia asserts control of Vienna.

Lots of units are dislodged:
The English F Irish Sea may retreat to Wales or OTB.
The French A Silesia may retreat to Bohemia, Galicia, or OTB.
The German F Holland has no valid retreats and is destroyed.
The Italian A Budapest may retreat to Trieste or OTB.
The Italian F Greece has no valid retreats and is destroyed.

As usual, both the autumn retreats and winter adjustment deadline will be at the same time, Tuesday 4/15 at 3pm Central (US). However, since there are 3 players who have retreats due, I would appreciate it if you could send those in fairly quickly, so that I can post the autumn 1906 results before the winter adjustments are due. Thanks!

Winter 1906 adjustments will be as follows:
England build 1 (build 2 if retreat OTB)
France even (build 1 if retreat OTB)
Italy even (build 1 if retreat OTB)
Russia build 1
Turkey build 1



Fall 1906 results:

F Clyde - Norwegian Sea
F English Channel - Belgium (*Fails*)
F Helgoland Bight Supports F North Sea - Holland
F Irish Sea - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Dislodged*)
F North Sea - Holland

F Brest - English Channel (*Fails*)
A Burgundy - Ruhr
F Liverpool Supports F North Atlantic Ocean - Irish Sea
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Brest - English Channel (*Cut*)
F North Atlantic Ocean - Irish Sea
A Silesia - Berlin (*Dislodged*)

F Belgium Supports F Holland (*Cut*)
F Holland Supports A Munich - Kiel (*Disbanded*)
A Munich - Kiel (*Fails*)

F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea
A Albania Supports A Trieste - Serbia
A Budapest - Rumania (*Dislodged*)
F Greece - Bulgaria(sc) (*Disbanded*)
F Ionian Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
A Trieste - Serbia
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean

F Berlin Supports A Kiel (*Cut*)
A Galicia - Budapest
A Kiel Supports F North Sea - Holland (*Cut*)
A Prussia Supports A Warsaw - Silesia
F Sevastopol Supports F Black Sea - Rumania
A Vienna Supports A Galicia - Budapest
A Warsaw - Silesia

F Black Sea - Rumania
A Bulgaria Supports A Serbia - Greece
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Serbia - Greece
F Smyrna Supports F Constantinople - Aegean Sea

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dc171 - Fall 1903 - Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I hope I didn't screw these up.
Still not a full set of seven orders yet... maybe next time. Sorry for huge file. Can't convert now. I'll send .GIF's tonight and post to the site.

Retreats and Adjustments - Friday April 11, 2008 at 21:00GMT (5pm EDT).
Spring 1904 - Monday April 14, 2008 at 21:00GMT (5pm EDT).


A Budapest - Rumania (*Fails*)
F Bulgaria(sc) Hold
A Galicia Supports A Silesia - Warsaw
A Greece Supports F Bulgaria(sc)
A Serbia Supports F Bulgaria(sc)
A Silesia - Warsaw

F English Channel - Brest (*Fails*)
F North Sea - English Channel (*Fails*)
A Norway - St Petersburg
A Picardy Supports A Burgundy - Paris (*Cut*)
F Sweden Hold

A Brest - Picardy (*Fails*)
A Paris Supports A Brest - Picardy (*Cut*)

F Baltic Sea Supports A Denmark
A Belgium Supports A Picardy
A Burgundy - Paris (*Fails*)
A Denmark Supports F Sweden
F Holland Supports A Belgium
A Prussia Supports A Silesia - Warsaw

F Eastern Mediterranean Supports F Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea
F Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea
A Marseilles - Gascony
A Naples - Apulia
A Spain - Portugal
F Western Mediterranean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean

F Black Sea Hold
A Rumania Hold
A Sevastopol Hold
A Ukraine Hold
A Warsaw Hold (*Dislodged*)

F Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc) (*Fails*)
A Smyrna Hold
A Syria Hold

Russian A Warsaw can retreat to Livonia or Moscow or OTB.

Austria: Build 1
England: Build 1
Italy: Build 1
Russia: Remove 2 (or 1 if retreat OTB)


DC170 fall 1903 results! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Plenty of action again this season, especially in the domains of our fading powers Italy and Russia. France (with support from Austria) gains both Rome and Tunis, Austria takes control of both Venice and Warsaw, while Turkey takes over Rumania. Germany moves aggressively toward France, as England defends against a German attack that fails to materialize.

Three units were dislodged:
The Italian F Ionian Sea may retreat to Adriatic Sea, Albania (vacant because the convoy was disrupted, not due to a standoff), Apulia, Eastern Med, or OTB.
The Italian A Rome has no valid retreats and is destroyed.
The Russian A Ukraine also has no valid retreats and is destroyed.

Winter 1903 adjustments are due as follows:
Austria build 1
England build 1
France build 1
Germany remove 1
Italy remove 2 (or remove 1 if retreat OTB)
Russia build 1 (no civil disorder in the tournament)
Turkey build 1

Both the autumn 1903 retreat and winter 1903 adjustments are due tomorrow 4/11 at 3pm Pacific. Since Italy has a removal due even if the retreat is OTB, I won't post the retreat separately. Thanks!



Fall 1903 results:

A Galicia Supports A Rumania - Ukraine
F Greece - Ionian Sea
A Trieste - Tyrolia
A Venice Supports A Tuscany - Rome
A Vienna Supports A Trieste - Tyrolia
A Warsaw Hold

F English Channel Supports F North Sea (*Cut*)
F North Sea Supports F English Channel (*Cut*)
A Norway Supports F Sweden
F Sweden Supports A Norway (*Cut*)

F Brest - English Channel (*Fails*)
A Gascony - Marseilles
F Gulf of Lyon - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Tuscany - Rome
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tunis

F Baltic Sea - Sweden (*Fails*)
A Belgium - Picardy
F Denmark - North Sea (*Fails*)
F Holland - Belgium
F Kiel - Holland
A Livonia - Moscow (*Bounce*)
A Ruhr - Burgundy

F Ionian Sea Convoys A Naples - Albania (*Dislodged*)
A Naples - Albania (*Fails*)
A Piedmont - Tyrolia (*Fails*)
F Rome Hold (*Disbanded*)

Russia: (NMR, GM orders all units to Hold)
A Moscow Hold
A Ukraine Hold (*Disbanded*)

F Aegean Sea Supports F Greece - Ionian Sea
F Black Sea - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
A Bulgaria - Rumania
A Rumania - Ukraine
A Sevastopol - Moscow (*Bounce*)

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DC152 (wb0817) - Fall 1914 - French Solo!! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
It's over! France surges through the Balkans en route to an 18 center solo victory. And so the longest-running game of the first round ends....

There was one retreat from Russia in Constantinople. For the sake of the final map, I simply removed the fleet. Congratulations to Michael for the solo victory, as well as to all you surviving players. EOG statements are MORE than welcome. =)

Cheers everyone. Its been a pleasure being your GM for this one.


Movement results for Fall of 1914. (DC152 14 SPR)

England: F Baltic Sea Hold.
England: F Barents Sea - Norwegian Sea.
England: F Berlin - Kiel.
England: F Holland - North Sea.
England: F Kiel - Holland.
England: A Livonia - Warsaw (*Bounce*).
England: F London Hold.
England: A Moscow Supports A Livonia - Warsaw (*Cut*).
England: A Prussia Supports A Livonia - Warsaw.
England: A St Petersburg Supports A Moscow.

France: F Aegean Sea Supports F Bulgaria(sc) - Constantinople.
France: A Belgium Hold.
France: A Bohemia - Galicia.
France: F Brest Hold.
France: F Bulgaria(sc) - Constantinople.
France: A Burgundy - Munich.
France: F Eastern Mediterranean Hold.
France: F Greece - Bulgaria(sc).
France: A Munich - Bohemia.
France: A Piedmont - Venice.
France: A Serbia - Rumania (*Fails*).
France: A Silesia Supports A Bohemia - Galicia.
France: A Trieste - Budapest.
France: A Tyrolia - Trieste.
France: A Vienna Supports A Trieste - Budapest.

Russia: A Budapest - Vienna (*Disbanded*).
Russia: F Constantinople - Bulgaria(ec) (*Dislodged*).
Russia: A Galicia - Warsaw (*Disbanded*).
Russia: A Rumania Supports F Constantinople - Bulgaria(ec) (*Cut*).
Russia: A Sevastopol - Moscow (*Fails*).
Russia: A Ukraine Supports A Galicia - Warsaw.

Turkey: F Smyrna, no move received.

The following units were dislodged:

Russian F Constantinople can retreat to Ankara or Black Sea.

Unit locations:

England: F Baltic Sea, F Holland, F Kiel, A Livonia, F London, A Moscow, F
North Sea, F Norwegian Sea, A Prussia, A St Petersburg.
France: F Aegean Sea, A Belgium, A Bohemia, F Brest, A Budapest, F
Bulgaria(sc), F Constantinople, F Eastern Mediterranean, A Galicia,
A Munich, A Serbia, A Silesia, A Trieste, A Venice, A Vienna.
Russia: A Budapest, F Constantinople, A Galicia, A Rumania, A Sevastopol, A
Turkey: F Smyrna.

Ownership of supply centers:

England: Berlin, Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel, Liverpool, London,
Moscow, Norway, St Petersburg, Sweden, Warsaw.
France: Belgium, Brest, Budapest, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece,
Marseilles, Munich, Naples, Paris, Portugal, Rome, Serbia, Spain,
Trieste, Tunis, Venice, Vienna.
Russia: Ankara, Rumania, Sevastopol.
Turkey: Smyrna.

Austria: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 12 Supply centers, 10 Units: Builds 2 units.
France: 18 Supply centers, 15 Units: Builds 2 units.
Germany: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.



DC136 - Spring 1909 Deadline Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya Disco-Fans,

Deadline for Spring 1909 dances its way to us in roughly 21 hours. Don't miss the beat.. =)




DC138 - Corrected Fall 07 Map - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya folks,

With chagrin, I admit that it appears that I took some liberty with the California moves for Fall 07. Please find attached a corrected Fall 07 map showing the moves from West Texas -> San Antonio and New Mexico -> Oklahoma as ordered by Ray.

Sorry about that folks. Cheers,



DC141 - Early Winter 1905 - A Tuscany Tea Party - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi everyone,

My bad... I forgot that an end-game proposal has been put forward for a vote. A four-way draw between England, France, Russia and Turkey has been proposed. Please let me know whether you say yay or nay to this by the Winter deadline (Saturday.) Failure to vote will count as a no.



On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 8:10 PM, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Hey folks,

Both Austria and Turkey retreat to Tuscany - resulting, of course, in both units disbanding. With that nasty bit of business over, we move onto Winter. Deadline for adjustments will be set for Saturday, Apr 12th (11:59 PM GMT).

Once again, a big shout-out to Max for stepping in and helping us keep the game moving. Cheers everyone!


Retreat orders for Fall of 1905. (DC141 05 EW)

Austria: A Venice - Tuscany (*Bounce*).

Turkey: F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tuscany (*Bounce*).

Unit locations:

Austria: A Apulia.
England: A Denmark, A Edinburgh, F Finland, F Helgoland Bight, A Holland, F
Norway, F St Petersburg(nc), A Sweden.
France: A Burgundy, A Piedmont, A Rome, A Ruhr, F Tyrrhenian Sea, F Western
Germany: A Kiel, A Munich.
Italy: A Tunis.
Russia: F Baltic Sea, A Bohemia, F Constantinople, F Gulf of Bothnia, A
Livonia, A Silesia, A Tyrolia.
Turkey: F Adriatic Sea, F Bulgaria(sc), F Eastern Mediterranean, F Ionian
Sea, A Serbia, A Venice.

Ownership of supply centers:

England: Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Liverpool, London, Norway, St
Petersburg, Sweden.
France: Belgium, Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Rome, Spain.
Germany: Berlin, Kiel, Munich.
Italy: Tunis.
Russia: Budapest, Constantinople, Moscow, Rumania, Sevastopol, Vienna,
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Greece, Naples, Serbia, Smyrna, Trieste, Venice.

Austria: 0 Supply centers, 1 Unit: Removes 1 unit.
England: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 7 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Germany: 3 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Italy: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 8 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 2 units.



DC166 (wb0821) - Fall 1903 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
The supply center shuffle continues - the board remains a mash-up. Several retreats are required, one each from Austria, Russia and Italy. As well, of course, as the Winter adjustments. Deadline for the retreats and the adjustments will be Friday, Apr 11th (11:59 PM GMT).



Movement results for Fall of 1903. (DC166 03 FALL)

Austria: A Budapest Supports A Greece - Serbia (*Cut*).
Austria: A Greece - Serbia (*Dislodged*).
Austria: F Trieste Hold.
Austria: A Ukraine - Moscow.
Austria: A Vienna Supports A Budapest.

England: F English Channel - Brest (*Bounce*).
England: A Finland - St Petersburg.
England: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc) (*Bounce*).
England: F North Sea - Denmark (*Bounce*).
England: F Portugal Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc).
England: F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway.

France: A Gascony Supports A Marseilles - Spain.
France: A Marseilles - Spain (*Bounce*).
France: A Paris - Brest (*Bounce*).

Germany: F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Bounce*).
Germany: A Berlin Supports A Holland - Kiel.
Germany: A Holland - Kiel.
Germany: A Munich Supports A Berlin.
Germany: A Picardy - Paris (*Fails*).

Italy: A Tunis Hold.
Italy: F Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples (*Dislodged*).
Italy: A Venice - Apulia.

Russia: A Galicia - Budapest (*Fails*).
Russia: F Kiel - Berlin (*Dislodged*).
Russia: A Prussia - Livonia.
Russia: F Rumania Hold.
Russia: A Serbia - Greece (*Fails*).
Russia: A Silesia - Warsaw.

Turkey: F Aegean Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Greece.
Turkey: A Bulgaria - Greece.
Turkey: A Constantinople - Bulgaria.
Turkey: F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea.
Turkey: F Naples Supports F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea.

The following units were dislodged:

Austrian A Greece no retreat received, disbanded.
Russian F Kiel no retreat received, disbanded.
Italian F Tyrrhenian Sea no retreat received, disbanded.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Budapest, A Greece, A Moscow, F Trieste, A Vienna.
England: F English Channel, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F North Sea, F Norway, F
Portugal, A St Petersburg.
France: A Gascony, A Marseilles, A Paris.
Germany: F Baltic Sea, A Berlin, A Kiel, A Munich, A Picardy.
Italy: A Apulia, A Tunis, F Tyrrhenian Sea.
Russia: A Galicia, F Kiel, A Livonia, F Rumania, A Serbia, A Warsaw.
Turkey: F Aegean Sea, A Bulgaria, A Greece, F Naples, F Tyrrhenian Sea.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Budapest, Moscow, Trieste, Vienna.
England: Brest, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway, Portugal, St
Petersburg, Sweden.
France: Marseilles, Paris, Spain.
Germany: Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Munich.
Italy: Rome, Tunis, Venice.
Russia: Kiel, Rumania, Serbia, Sevastopol, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Naples, Smyrna.

Austria: 4 Supply centers, 5 Units: Removes 1 unit.
England: 8 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 2 units.
France: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 6 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 4 Supply centers, 6 Units: Removes 2 units.
Turkey: 6 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 1 unit.



DC172 Midsummer Night's Stab - Spring 1601 - Richa... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!

The center of the board is definitely in play at this point. You'd need a horse to cover all the fronts... Sweden reinforces their landing on the mainland, the Pollacks win the struggle for Bessarabia and things get dicey in Western waters as the Spanish sail north. Get your deck chairs because this is going to be quite the show. =)

But with all the action, there's no retreats required. Deadline for Fall 1601 orders will be set for Wednesday, April 16th (11:59 PM GMT). Give me a holler if you spot any errors, please.



Movement results for Spring of 1601. (DC172 01 SPR)

Denmark: F North Atlantic Ocean Supports F Vestlandet - Norwegian Sea.
Denmark: A Bremen - Westphalia.
Denmark: A Holstein - Bremen.
Denmark: F Jutland - Skaggarak.
Denmark: A Scania Hold.
Denmark: F Vestlandet - Norwegian Sea.

England: F North Sea - English Channel (*Bounce*).
England: F Scotland - North Sea (*Fails*).
England: F Ireland Hold.
England: A London - Yorkshire.

France: A Savoy Hold.
France: F Bay of Biscay Hold.
France: A Champagne - Flanders (*Bounce*).
France: F Gascony - Brittany.
France: A Burgundy - France Comte (*Bounce*).
France: A Lorraine Hold.

HabsburgEmpire: A Western Hungary - Eastern Hungary.
HabsburgEmpire: A Bohemia - Moravia.
HabsburgEmpire: A Austria - Slovakia.
HabsburgEmpire: A Croatia - Western Hungary.
HabsburgEmpire: A Venice - Milan.
HabsburgEmpire: A Bavaria - France Comte (*Bounce*).

OttomanEmpire: F Egypt Hold.
OttomanEmpire: A Armenia - Bessarabia (*Fails*).
OttomanEmpire: F Greece Hold.
OttomanEmpire: F Black Sea Convoys A Armenia - Bessarabia.
OttomanEmpire: A Azerbaijan Hold.
OttomanEmpire: A Serbia - Transylvania (*Fails*).

Poland: A Transylvania Supports A Cracow - Bessarabia (*Cut*).
Poland: A White Russia Supports A Estonia - Pskov (*Void*).
Poland: A Cracow - Bessarabia.
Poland: A Volhynia Supports A Cracow - Bessarabia.

Russia: A Central Asia - Uralsk.
Russia: A Crimea Supports A Central Asia - Uralsk.
Russia: A Voronezj Supports A Moscow - Tula.
Russia: A Moscow - Tula.
Russia: A Pskov Supports A Estonia - Livonia.

Spain: F North Africa - Libya.
Spain: A Rome - Tuscany.
Spain: F Flanders - English Channel (*Bounce*).
Spain: F Naples - Ionian Sea.
Spain: A Castille Supports A Portugal - Navarre.
Spain: F Granada - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.
Spain: A Portugal - Navarre.
Spain: A Netherlands - Flanders (*Bounce*).

Sweden: A Pomerania - Brandenburg.
Sweden: A Prussia - Mazovia.
Sweden: F Baltic Sea Convoys A Stockholm - Pomerelia.
Sweden: F Finland - Gulf of Bothnia.
Sweden: A Estonia - Livonia.
Sweden: A Stockholm - Pomerelia.

Unit locations:

Denmark: F North Atlantic Ocean, F Norwegian Sea, F Skaggarak, A Westphalia,
A Bremen, A Scania.
England: F North Sea, F Scotland, F Ireland, A Yorkshire.
France: A Savoy, F Bay of Biscay, F Brittany, A Champagne, A Burgundy, A
HabsburgEmpire: A Eastern Hungary, A Western Hungary, A Slovakia, A Moravia, A
Milan, A Bavaria.
OttomanEmpire: F Egypt, A Armenia, F Greece, F Black Sea, A Azerbaijan, A
Poland: A Bessarabia, A Transylvania, A White Russia, A Volhynia.
Russia: A Crimea, A Voronezj, A Uralsk, A Tula, A Pskov.
Spain: F Libya, F Ionian Sea, A Tuscany, F Flanders, A Navarre, A Castille,
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A Netherlands.
Sweden: A Brandenburg, A Pomerelia, A Mazovia, A Livonia, F Gulf of Bothnia,
F Baltic Sea.

Ownership of supply centers:

Denmark: Bremen, Holstein, Jutland, Zealand, Scania, Vestlandet.
England: Scotland, Ireland, Wales, London.
France: Savoy, Paris, Gascony, Burgundy, Provence, Lorraine.
HabsburgEmpire: Western Hungary, Bohemia, Austria, Croatia, Venice, Bavaria.
OttomanEmpire: Egypt, Anatolia, Constantinople, Greece, Azerbaijan, Serbia.
Poland: Transylvania, White Russia, Warsaw, Cracow.
Russia: Central Asia, Crimea, Voronezj, Moscow, Novgorod.
Spain: North Africa, Rome, Flanders, Naples, Castille, Granada, Portugal,
Sweden: Pomerania, Prussia, Finland, Estonia, Stockholm, Bergslagen.
Unowned: Bessarabia, Brandenburg.



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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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