Austria lets Italy keep Tunis, but Turkey doesn't do the same favor for
the archduke with Rumania; meanwhile England and Germany pull off the
game's first "cooperative convoy" between Belgium and Denmark. And why
are there trees on the Champs - Elysses? So that English armies can walk
in the shade. As the navy blue troops come into Paris, we say goodbye
to France. Thanks for a well fought game, Paul.
Only three adjustments due from remaining players (see bottom of adj),
so I will publish as soon as I have them in hand. The deadline, just in
case, is Friday at 9 pm eastern.
Bla - Sev: Bounce with Sev;
Rum S Gal - Ukr: OK
Ion - Tyn: OK
Bul S Rum H: Illegal;
Mar H: OK
Pie S Mar H: OK
Tyr - Boh: Bounce with Boh;
Ven - Tyr: Bounce with Tyr;
Wes S Tun - NAf: OK
Spa S Por H: OK
Por S Spa H: OK
Bel - Nth - Den: OK
Ber - Pru: OK
Boh S Sil - Gal: Cut by Tyr;
Bur S Bre - Par: OK
Mun S Boh H: OK
Sil - Gal: Defeated by Bud 2:1;
Swe - Bal: OK
Ukr - War: OK
Par H: Dislodged by Bre 3:1;
Bre - Par: OK
Gas S Bre - Par: OK
Sev H: OK
MAt S Gas H: OK
Iri S MAt H: OK
Eng S MAt H: OK
Nth C Bel - Den: OK
Tun - NAf: OK
Gre - Aeg: OK
Gal - Ukr: OK
Bud - Gal: OK
Ser - Bud: OK
Vie S Bud - Gal: OK
France may retreat army in Par to: Pic
*** Adjudicated with Diplo 2.8 ***
Turkey takes Rum from Austria.
England takes Par from France.
Turkey may build 1 unit.
France disbands 1 unit.
England may build 1 unit.
Austria disbands 1 unit.