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Realpolitik - Slangers   (Sep 17, 2013, 7:35 am)
Does anybody know where I can get hold of a version of Realpolitik that runs on Macintosh OSX. The free version that I have found does not work "because PowerPC applications are no longer supported". Would be great to get hold of it as I would like to GM a game.


Realpolitik (Help & Suggestions) FuzzyLogic Sep 17, 07:52 am
Realpolitik for Mac is right there in Resources -> Downloads... Is that what you already tried? -mike
Realpolitik (Help & Suggestions) Slangers Sep 17, 07:57 am
Yes- no luck with that. Just won't run with the new OS. Annoying.
DC465 Blitzkrieg needs England - cbconnell   (Sep 17, 2013, 7:27 am)
We are still needing help if you are interested.


Dc464 Winter 1901 - Zoterik   (Sep 17, 2013, 3:41 am)
One can indeed wait too long for a Royal.  There may be some flaws in the Russian internal lines of communication; if anyone has had contact with the Tsar lately please do tell me because it may be that he cannot receive my emails.  If that is the case we may need to find an alternate means for him.  But, life goes on, and I can delay no further.  Winter brings few surprises, I think, and we shall see what comes in 1902.  That Western trio will be rather interesting with the Russian fleet in Norway.  

Spring 1902 orders are due 23 September at 08:00 GMT. 


Build A Vienna

Build F Edinburgh

Build A Paris
Build F Brest

Build F Kiel
Build A Berlin

Build A Naples



Build F Smyrna


Update - Slangers   (Sep 16, 2013, 1:37 pm)
Could we have the end to this game confirmed on the DC site please.It has been over for a while and I want my moment of glory!


DC465, A request - m_don_j   (Sep 16, 2013, 3:49 am)


I've been trying to reach out to our new England, but I've gotten no responses. I fear that his gmail might have taken a dissliking to my poor old hotmail. If anyone who has gotten a response from him could tell him that I've tried to reach him, that would be much appriciated.


/ Mikael


DC 463, Deadline Extension - alwayshunted   (Sep 15, 2013, 10:25 pm)
Hi folks,
I've had a delay request not only from Jacob but from at least one other player on Jacobs behalf.  Fair enough, deadline is moving.
New deadline is Friday, September 20, 18:00 Mountain time.   I think that's 01:00 on Saturday GMT.
From: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
To: amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk; archer.l.smith(at)gmail.com; jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch; jason4747(at)hotmail.com; jakewalters27(at)gmail.com; lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de; slangers(at)me.com; dc463(at)diplomaticcorp.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
Subject: DC 463, IMPORTANT!!! READ!!
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 16:35:48 -0600

Hi gang,
Okay, I know this might be hard to believe, but I made a mistake.....  (gasp!!)
I'm sure EVENTUALLY Jacob would have started wondering what he has done to deserve everyone's cold shoulder... but thanks to Simon for wondering to me where France was and why he wasn't talking.
The CORRECT player list is now below, maybe you all got it from DC a few minutes ago.  I know I did this whole process once before, but for some reason I still had the old Jacob in the game.... the one that never got back to me or anyone else.
So, everyone, welcome Jacob WALTERS (aka persuader)  to the game as France.  I hope this hasn't set anyone back too much wrt diplomacy for this game.  If anyone needs a deadline extension.... like perhaps you Jacob, please don't hesitate to ask.
I apologize a thousand times for this mixup, no one to blame but me.... or that other Jacob guy, whoever he is  Smile
Happy dipping,
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 17:26:11 -0500
Subject: Player list dc463
To: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; timothyl.crosby(at)gmail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com; Githraine(at)yahoo.com; jerome777(at)ymail.com; untitled36(at)hotmail.com; fredrik(at)familjenblom.se
From: noreply(at)fuzzylogicllc.net

Player list for dc463Player list for dc463

ID : alfdog
Ctry : Italy 0
Name : Alfred Nicol
Email : amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk
Location :

ID : carriemuirman
Ctry : Russia 0
Name : Archer Smith
Email : Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com
Location : Seattle, WA, US

ID : jakobworldpeace
Ctry : Germany 0
Name : jakob bauer
Email : jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch
Location : bern, CH

ID : jason4747
Ctry : Austria 0
Name : Jason B
Email : jason4747(at)hotmail.com
Location :

ID : persuader
Ctry : France 0
Name : Jacob Walters
Email : jakewalters27(at)gmail.com
Location : Brookline, MA, US

ID : ProfessorMoriarty
Ctry : Turkey 0
Name : Lucas Mayer
Email : lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de
Location : Eberbach, DE

ID : Slangers
Ctry : England 0
Name : Simon Langley-Evans
Email : slangers(at)me.com
Location : LEICS, UK

Semicolon delimited for easy addressing of emails (Copy & paste):

amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk; Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com; jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch; jason4747(at)hotmail.com; jakewalters27(at)gmail.com; lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de; slangers(at)me.com;

Tab delimited for easy export to Excel (Copy & Paste):

ID Country Sequence Name Email Location
alfdog Italy 0 Alfred Nicol amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk
carriemuirman Russia 0 Archer Smith Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com Seattle, WA, US
jakobworldpeace Germany 0 jakob bauer jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch bern, CH
jason4747 Austria 0 Jason B jason4747(at)hotmail.com
persuader France 0 Jacob Walters jakewalters27(at)gmail.com Brookline, MA, US
ProfessorMoriarty Turkey 0 Lucas Mayer lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de Eberbach, DE
Slangers England 0 Simon Langley-Evans slangers(at)me.com LEICS, UK

HTML table for clean emailing (Copy & Paste):

IDCountryNameEmailLocationalfdogItalyAlfred Nicolamn(at)benenden.kent.sch.ukcarriemuirmanRussiaArcher SmithArcher.L.Smith(at)gmail.comSeattle, WA, USjakobworldpeaceGermanyjakob bauerjakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.chbern, CHjason4747AustriaJason Bjason4747(at)hotmail.compersuaderFranceJacob Waltersjakewalters27(at)gmail.comBrookline, MA, USProfessorMoriartyTurkeyLucas Mayerlucasmayer1(at)gmx.deEberbach, DESlangersEnglandSimon Langley-Evansslangers(at)me.comLEICS, UK


Shanghai Noon aka Colonial is recruiting - trezdk   (Sep 15, 2013, 6:27 pm)
Join the fun of taking the train across the wast lands of Russia. Sail the Chinese Sea as a bold Admiral or try and keep the Dutch Spice Empire build by traders before you.

The Asian Colonies or Ancient Empires are calling!!!

Join now!!!



Rules - trezdk   (Sep 15, 2013, 6:15 pm)
Land Bridges:
This game of Colonial is based on the Moulmein Convention, so land bridges have been added between Otaru and Akita, and Sakalin and Otaru.

Optional Rules:

The Trans-Siberian Railroad
Even though the Trans-Siberian Railroad was opened in 1903, it plays an important role in Colonial Diplomacy (1870). The Trans-Siberian railroad (TSR) stretches from Moscow to Vladivostok, and can only be used by the Russian player. It is used to move from any space along the railroad to another one. Orders are written with the TSR as a "first target" for the move. The move of A Mos to Vla is written: "A Mos - TSR - Vla".

Units using the TSR may travel "through" other Russian units along the TSR. However, if a unit of another nationality blocks the way of a unit using the TSR, the TSR unit will stand off as normal at the place it is blocked. Example: Russia moves A Mos - TSR - Vla. China moves A Mon - Kra. There will be a stand-off in Kra. The chinese army bounces back to Mon. The russian army stops in Omsk.

Units using the TSR can attack another space (with support, if needed) along the TSR if
1. The province is unoccupied at the start of the turn.
2. The province is occupied at the start of the turn, but is made empty by other moves during that turn.

This means that if Russia orders a unit to Vladivostok from Moscow and supports it, the Chinese army in Vladivostok will still not be forced to retreat as long as it holds in Vladivostok. Units using the TSR can not attack occupied spaces. It is still a legal order, since China may leave Vladivostok in the same given turn. If the unit stays, the Russian army will end up in Irkutsk.

Egypt and The Suez Canal
The Suez Canal allows fleets to move directly from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea, without first passing through Egypt. This is only possible if allowed by a unit standing in Egypt. This unit must start and end the turn in Egypt in order to make the fleet move legal. The move must also be granted permission by the unit standing in Egypt. This is no big deal if for example Turkey has a unit in Egypt and a fleet in the Mediterranean which he moves to the Red Sea. But if another power wants to use the Suez canal, the unit in Egypt must specify that it gives its permission.

This is done by simply writing a support order for the move. F Egy s ENGLISH F REDS - MEDS.

Egypt has the same function as Kiel, Constantinople or Denmark in standard dip. It is concidered having a continous coast towards both the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.

Hong Kong
Hong Kong is a British home supply center. It counts as a supply center for any country except China. If China is in possession of Hong Kong, it counts as a non-supply neutral territory.


DC455 Aberration – Winter 408 - Zoterik   (Sep 15, 2013, 4:48 am)
As you all know, a draw proposal has been made, but just as quickly it has been resoundingly shot down.  This game is not going to end in a 4-way any time soon, gentlemen.  Two nations are officially eliminated; please say farewell to Mikael (Éire) and Matthew (Hungary).  The battles continue to rage from the Atlas and the Alps to the Caucasus and the Carpathians!  What a convenient bit of alliteration that is.  

Spring 1909 orders are due 20 September at 08:00 GMT.


Remove F Dublin

Remove F Minch

Remove A Tyrol

Remove F Tyrrhenian Sea

Build A Warsaw
Build A Kiev

Build A Morocco
Build A Santander

Build F Valencia

Build F Odessa


DC456 Imperium – Spring 409 - Zoterik   (Sep 15, 2013, 3:47 am)
Well now, what do we have here?  The Vandali/Alamanni pact has broken down as the Vandali seize the initiative and may be on their way to creating a renewed Roman (albeit Germanic) Empire!  A stab of his faithful ally should at least earn two centres this year, while the Alamanni do offset some of their gains but are unlikely to make any more headway against the Gothi.  Out west, the bloody tide continues to wash over Gaul as the Franci continue to lose ground to the Vandali and revitalized Saxones.  

One unit dislodged, also disbanded.  Fall 409 orders due 20 September at 08:00 GMT.


A Hunni Quarti – Chersonesus
A Scytia – ByzantiumA Dacia – Macedonia

F Mare Adriaticum S A Dacia – MacedoniaA Athenium S A Dacia – Macedonia

F Mare Ionium S A AtheniumF Rhegium S F Mare Ionium

F Syracusæ – Mare Ionium (*disbanded*)
A Aquitania – Narbonensis
A Flavia Cæsarensis – Londinum (*bounce*)

F Litus Saxonicum – Rotomagus (*bounce*)

A Macedonia – Galatia

F Ægeais C A Macedonia – GalatiaA Thracia – Byzantium (*bounce*)

A Visigothi – AsdingiF Mare Cypris – Mare Internum


F Mare Germanicum – Londinium (*bounce*)
F Tarraconensis – BurdigalaF Eburacum/ec Hold


F Mare Internum – Syracusæ
F Mare Tyrrhenicum S F Mare Internum – SyracusæF Baleares S F Mare Tyrrhenicum

F Roma – CapovaA Castra Regina – Vindobona

A Massilia – AquitaniaA Colonia Agrippa – Belgica

A Lutetia – Rotomagus (*bounce*)A Carthago Hold


DC 463, IMPORTANT!!! READ!! - Slangers   (Sep 14, 2013, 11:20 am)
Knapp withering? I think I meant keep wittering. Dratted autocorrect.

Simon Langley-EvansProfessor of Human NutritionDeputy Head of School of BiosciencesUniversity of Nottingham

On Sep 14, 2013, at 5:17 PM, Hunted <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Well, we probably are...... 
On 2013-09-14, at 4:47 AM, Simon Langley-Evans <slangers(at)me.com> wrote:

And Jacob-who-isn't-France must be wondering why I knapp withering about the English Channel!
This reminds me of when I used to play dip by snailmail in the 80s. The same problem happened and one of the players had his wrong address given out. About spring 1903 all of my letters were returned by the true occupant of the house with a covering note saying "You are all MAD".
Welcome to the game Jacob-who-is-France

Simon Langley-EvansProfessor of Human NutritionDeputy Head of School of BiosciencesUniversity of Nottingham

On Sep 13, 2013, at 11:35 PM, Warren Fleming <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi gang,
Okay, I know this might be hard to believe, but I made a mistake.....  (gasp!!)
I'm sure EVENTUALLY Jacob would have started wondering what he has done to deserve everyone's cold shoulder... but thanks to Simon for wondering to me where France was and why he wasn't talking.
The CORRECT player list is now below, maybe you all got it from DC a few minutes ago.  I know I did this whole process once before, but for some reason I still had the old Jacob in the game.... the one that never got back to me or anyone else.
So, everyone, welcome Jacob WALTERS (aka persuader)  to the game as France.  I hope this hasn't set anyone back too much wrt diplomacy for this game.  If anyone needs a deadline extension.... like perhaps you Jacob, please don't hesitate to ask.
I apologize a thousand times for this mixup, no one to blame but me.... or that other Jacob guy, whoever he is  Smile
Happy dipping,
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 17:26:11 -0500
Subject: Player list dc463
To: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; timothyl.crosby(at)gmail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com; Githraine(at)yahoo.com; jerome777(at)ymail.com; untitled36(at)hotmail.com; fredrik(at)familjenblom.se
From: noreply(at)fuzzylogicllc.net

Player list for dc463Player list for dc463

ID : alfdog
Ctry : Italy 0
Name : Alfred Nicol
Email : amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk
Location :

ID : carriemuirman
Ctry : Russia 0
Name : Archer Smith
Email : Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com
Location : Seattle, WA, US

ID : jakobworldpeace
Ctry : Germany 0
Name : jakob bauer
Email : jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch
Location : bern, CH

ID : jason4747
Ctry : Austria 0
Name : Jason B
Email : jason4747(at)hotmail.com
Location :

ID : persuader
Ctry : France 0
Name : Jacob Walters
Email : jakewalters27(at)gmail.com
Location : Brookline, MA, US

ID : ProfessorMoriarty
Ctry : Turkey 0
Name : Lucas Mayer
Email : lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de
Location : Eberbach, DE

ID : Slangers
Ctry : England 0
Name : Simon Langley-Evans
Email : slangers(at)me.com
Location : LEICS, UK

Semicolon delimited for easy addressing of emails (Copy & paste):

amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk; Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com; jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch; jason4747(at)hotmail.com; jakewalters27(at)gmail.com; lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de; slangers(at)me.com;

Tab delimited for easy export to Excel (Copy & Paste):

ID Country Sequence Name Email Location
alfdog Italy 0 Alfred Nicol amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk
carriemuirman Russia 0 Archer Smith Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com Seattle, WA, US
jakobworldpeace Germany 0 jakob bauer jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch bern, CH
jason4747 Austria 0 Jason B jason4747(at)hotmail.com
persuader France 0 Jacob Walters jakewalters27(at)gmail.com Brookline, MA, US
ProfessorMoriarty Turkey 0 Lucas Mayer lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de Eberbach, DE
Slangers England 0 Simon Langley-Evans slangers(at)me.com LEICS, UK

HTML table for clean emailing (Copy & Paste):

IDCountryNameEmailLocationalfdogItalyAlfred Nicolamn(at)benenden.kent.sch.ukcarriemuirmanRussiaArcher SmithArcher.L.Smith(at)gmail.comSeattle, WA, USjakobworldpeaceGermanyjakob bauerjakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.chbern, CHjason4747AustriaJason Bjason4747(at)hotmail.compersuaderFranceJacob Waltersjakewalters27(at)gmail.comBrookline, MA, USProfessorMoriartyTurkeyLucas Mayerlucasmayer1(at)gmx.deEberbach, DESlangersEnglandSimon Langley-Evansslangers(at)me.comLEICS, UK


DC 463, IMPORTANT!!! READ!! - alwayshunted   (Sep 14, 2013, 11:17 am)
Well, we probably are...... 
On 2013-09-14, at 4:47 AM, Simon Langley-Evans <slangers(at)me.com> wrote:

And Jacob-who-isn't-France must be wondering why I knapp withering about the English Channel!
This reminds me of when I used to play dip by snailmail in the 80s. The same problem happened and one of the players had his wrong address given out. About spring 1903 all of my letters were returned by the true occupant of the house with a covering note saying "You are all MAD".
Welcome to the game Jacob-who-is-France

Simon Langley-EvansProfessor of Human NutritionDeputy Head of School of BiosciencesUniversity of Nottingham

On Sep 13, 2013, at 11:35 PM, Warren Fleming <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi gang,
Okay, I know this might be hard to believe, but I made a mistake.....  (gasp!!)
I'm sure EVENTUALLY Jacob would have started wondering what he has done to deserve everyone's cold shoulder... but thanks to Simon for wondering to me where France was and why he wasn't talking.
The CORRECT player list is now below, maybe you all got it from DC a few minutes ago.  I know I did this whole process once before, but for some reason I still had the old Jacob in the game.... the one that never got back to me or anyone else.
So, everyone, welcome Jacob WALTERS (aka persuader)  to the game as France.  I hope this hasn't set anyone back too much wrt diplomacy for this game.  If anyone needs a deadline extension.... like perhaps you Jacob, please don't hesitate to ask.
I apologize a thousand times for this mixup, no one to blame but me.... or that other Jacob guy, whoever he is  Smile
Happy dipping,
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 17:26:11 -0500
Subject: Player list dc463
To: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; timothyl.crosby(at)gmail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com; Githraine(at)yahoo.com; jerome777(at)ymail.com; untitled36(at)hotmail.com; fredrik(at)familjenblom.se
From: noreply(at)fuzzylogicllc.net

Player list for dc463Player list for dc463

ID : alfdog
Ctry : Italy 0
Name : Alfred Nicol
Email : amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk
Location :

ID : carriemuirman
Ctry : Russia 0
Name : Archer Smith
Email : Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com
Location : Seattle, WA, US

ID : jakobworldpeace
Ctry : Germany 0
Name : jakob bauer
Email : jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch
Location : bern, CH

ID : jason4747
Ctry : Austria 0
Name : Jason B
Email : jason4747(at)hotmail.com
Location :

ID : persuader
Ctry : France 0
Name : Jacob Walters
Email : jakewalters27(at)gmail.com
Location : Brookline, MA, US

ID : ProfessorMoriarty
Ctry : Turkey 0
Name : Lucas Mayer
Email : lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de
Location : Eberbach, DE

ID : Slangers
Ctry : England 0
Name : Simon Langley-Evans
Email : slangers(at)me.com
Location : LEICS, UK

Semicolon delimited for easy addressing of emails (Copy & paste):

amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk; Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com; jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch; jason4747(at)hotmail.com; jakewalters27(at)gmail.com; lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de; slangers(at)me.com;

Tab delimited for easy export to Excel (Copy & Paste):

ID Country Sequence Name Email Location
alfdog Italy 0 Alfred Nicol amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk
carriemuirman Russia 0 Archer Smith Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com Seattle, WA, US
jakobworldpeace Germany 0 jakob bauer jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch bern, CH
jason4747 Austria 0 Jason B jason4747(at)hotmail.com
persuader France 0 Jacob Walters jakewalters27(at)gmail.com Brookline, MA, US
ProfessorMoriarty Turkey 0 Lucas Mayer lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de Eberbach, DE
Slangers England 0 Simon Langley-Evans slangers(at)me.com LEICS, UK

HTML table for clean emailing (Copy & Paste):

IDCountryNameEmailLocationalfdogItalyAlfred Nicolamn(at)benenden.kent.sch.ukcarriemuirmanRussiaArcher SmithArcher.L.Smith(at)gmail.comSeattle, WA, USjakobworldpeaceGermanyjakob bauerjakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.chbern, CHjason4747AustriaJason Bjason4747(at)hotmail.compersuaderFranceJacob Waltersjakewalters27(at)gmail.comBrookline, MA, USProfessorMoriartyTurkeyLucas Mayerlucasmayer1(at)gmx.deEberbach, DESlangersEnglandSimon Langley-Evansslangers(at)me.comLEICS, UK


DC 463, IMPORTANT!!! READ!! - Slangers   (Sep 14, 2013, 5:47 am)
And Jacob-who-isn't-France must be wondering why I knapp withering about the English Channel!
This reminds me of when I used to play dip by snailmail in the 80s. The same problem happened and one of the players had his wrong address given out. About spring 1903 all of my letters were returned by the true occupant of the house with a covering note saying "You are all MAD".
Welcome to the game Jacob-who-is-France

Simon Langley-EvansProfessor of Human NutritionDeputy Head of School of BiosciencesUniversity of Nottingham

On Sep 13, 2013, at 11:35 PM, Warren Fleming <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi gang,
Okay, I know this might be hard to believe, but I made a mistake.....  (gasp!!)
I'm sure EVENTUALLY Jacob would have started wondering what he has done to deserve everyone's cold shoulder... but thanks to Simon for wondering to me where France was and why he wasn't talking.
The CORRECT player list is now below, maybe you all got it from DC a few minutes ago.  I know I did this whole process once before, but for some reason I still had the old Jacob in the game.... the one that never got back to me or anyone else.
So, everyone, welcome Jacob WALTERS (aka persuader)  to the game as France.  I hope this hasn't set anyone back too much wrt diplomacy for this game.  If anyone needs a deadline extension.... like perhaps you Jacob, please don't hesitate to ask.
I apologize a thousand times for this mixup, no one to blame but me.... or that other Jacob guy, whoever he is  Smile
Happy dipping,
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 17:26:11 -0500
Subject: Player list dc463
To: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; timothyl.crosby(at)gmail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com; Githraine(at)yahoo.com; jerome777(at)ymail.com; untitled36(at)hotmail.com; fredrik(at)familjenblom.se
From: noreply(at)fuzzylogicllc.net

Player list for dc463Player list for dc463

ID : alfdog
Ctry : Italy 0
Name : Alfred Nicol
Email : amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk
Location :

ID : carriemuirman
Ctry : Russia 0
Name : Archer Smith
Email : Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com
Location : Seattle, WA, US

ID : jakobworldpeace
Ctry : Germany 0
Name : jakob bauer
Email : jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch
Location : bern, CH

ID : jason4747
Ctry : Austria 0
Name : Jason B
Email : jason4747(at)hotmail.com
Location :

ID : persuader
Ctry : France 0
Name : Jacob Walters
Email : jakewalters27(at)gmail.com
Location : Brookline, MA, US

ID : ProfessorMoriarty
Ctry : Turkey 0
Name : Lucas Mayer
Email : lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de
Location : Eberbach, DE

ID : Slangers
Ctry : England 0
Name : Simon Langley-Evans
Email : slangers(at)me.com
Location : LEICS, UK

Semicolon delimited for easy addressing of emails (Copy & paste):

amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk; Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com; jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch; jason4747(at)hotmail.com; jakewalters27(at)gmail.com; lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de; slangers(at)me.com;

Tab delimited for easy export to Excel (Copy & Paste):

ID Country Sequence Name Email Location
alfdog Italy 0 Alfred Nicol amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk
carriemuirman Russia 0 Archer Smith Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com Seattle, WA, US
jakobworldpeace Germany 0 jakob bauer jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch bern, CH
jason4747 Austria 0 Jason B jason4747(at)hotmail.com
persuader France 0 Jacob Walters jakewalters27(at)gmail.com Brookline, MA, US
ProfessorMoriarty Turkey 0 Lucas Mayer lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de Eberbach, DE
Slangers England 0 Simon Langley-Evans slangers(at)me.com LEICS, UK

HTML table for clean emailing (Copy & Paste):

IDCountryNameEmailLocationalfdogItalyAlfred Nicolamn(at)benenden.kent.sch.ukcarriemuirmanRussiaArcher SmithArcher.L.Smith(at)gmail.comSeattle, WA, USjakobworldpeaceGermanyjakob bauerjakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.chbern, CHjason4747AustriaJason Bjason4747(at)hotmail.compersuaderFranceJacob Waltersjakewalters27(at)gmail.comBrookline, MA, USProfessorMoriartyTurkeyLucas Mayerlucasmayer1(at)gmx.deEberbach, DESlangersEnglandSimon Langley-Evansslangers(at)me.comLEICS, UK


DC 463, IMPORTANT!!! READ!! - alwayshunted   (Sep 13, 2013, 5:35 pm)
Hi gang,
Okay, I know this might be hard to believe, but I made a mistake.....  (gasp!!)
I'm sure EVENTUALLY Jacob would have started wondering what he has done to deserve everyone's cold shoulder... but thanks to Simon for wondering to me where France was and why he wasn't talking.
The CORRECT player list is now below, maybe you all got it from DC a few minutes ago.  I know I did this whole process once before, but for some reason I still had the old Jacob in the game.... the one that never got back to me or anyone else.
So, everyone, welcome Jacob WALTERS (aka persuader)  to the game as France.  I hope this hasn't set anyone back too much wrt diplomacy for this game.  If anyone needs a deadline extension.... like perhaps you Jacob, please don't hesitate to ask.
I apologize a thousand times for this mixup, no one to blame but me.... or that other Jacob guy, whoever he is  Smile
Happy dipping,
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 17:26:11 -0500
Subject: Player list dc463
To: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; timothyl.crosby(at)gmail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com; Githraine(at)yahoo.com; jerome777(at)ymail.com; untitled36(at)hotmail.com; fredrik(at)familjenblom.se
From: noreply(at)fuzzylogicllc.net

Player list for dc463Player list for dc463

ID : alfdog
Ctry : Italy 0
Name : Alfred Nicol
Email : amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk
Location :

ID : carriemuirman
Ctry : Russia 0
Name : Archer Smith
Email : Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com
Location : Seattle, WA, US

ID : jakobworldpeace
Ctry : Germany 0
Name : jakob bauer
Email : jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch
Location : bern, CH

ID : jason4747
Ctry : Austria 0
Name : Jason B
Email : jason4747(at)hotmail.com
Location :

ID : persuader
Ctry : France 0
Name : Jacob Walters
Email : jakewalters27(at)gmail.com
Location : Brookline, MA, US

ID : ProfessorMoriarty
Ctry : Turkey 0
Name : Lucas Mayer
Email : lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de
Location : Eberbach, DE

ID : Slangers
Ctry : England 0
Name : Simon Langley-Evans
Email : slangers(at)me.com
Location : LEICS, UK

Semicolon delimited for easy addressing of emails (Copy & paste):

amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk; Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com; jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch; jason4747(at)hotmail.com; jakewalters27(at)gmail.com; lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de; slangers(at)me.com;

Tab delimited for easy export to Excel (Copy & Paste):

ID Country Sequence Name Email Location
alfdog Italy 0 Alfred Nicol amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk
carriemuirman Russia 0 Archer Smith Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com Seattle, WA, US
jakobworldpeace Germany 0 jakob bauer jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch bern, CH
jason4747 Austria 0 Jason B jason4747(at)hotmail.com
persuader France 0 Jacob Walters jakewalters27(at)gmail.com Brookline, MA, US
ProfessorMoriarty Turkey 0 Lucas Mayer lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de Eberbach, DE
Slangers England 0 Simon Langley-Evans slangers(at)me.com LEICS, UK

HTML table for clean emailing (Copy & Paste):

IDCountryNameEmailLocationalfdogItalyAlfred Nicolamn(at)benenden.kent.sch.ukcarriemuirmanRussiaArcher SmithArcher.L.Smith(at)gmail.comSeattle, WA, USjakobworldpeaceGermanyjakob bauerjakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.chbern, CHjason4747AustriaJason Bjason4747(at)hotmail.compersuaderFranceJacob Waltersjakewalters27(at)gmail.comBrookline, MA, USProfessorMoriartyTurkeyLucas Mayerlucasmayer1(at)gmx.deEberbach, DESlangersEnglandSimon Langley-Evansslangers(at)me.comLEICS, UK


DC 463, IMPORTANT!!! READ!! (dc463) Slangers Sep 14, 05:47 am
And Jacob-who-isn't-France must be wondering why I knapp withering about the English Channel!
This reminds me of when I used to play dip by snailmail in the 80s. The same problem happened and one of the players had his wrong address given out. About spring 1903 all of my letters were returned by the true occupant of the house with a covering note saying "You are all MAD".
Welcome to the game Jacob-who-is-France

Simon Langley-EvansProfessor of Human NutritionDeputy Head of School of BiosciencesUniversity of Nottingham

On Sep 13, 2013, at 11:35 PM, Warren Fleming <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi gang,
Okay, I know this might be hard to believe, but I made a mistake.....  (gasp!!)
I'm sure EVENTUALLY Jacob would have started wondering what he has done to deserve everyone's cold shoulder... but thanks to Simon for wondering to me where France was and why he wasn't talking.
The CORRECT player list is now below, maybe you all got it from DC a few minutes ago.  I know I did this whole process once before, but for some reason I still had the old Jacob in the game.... the one that never got back to me or anyone else.
So, everyone, welcome Jacob WALTERS (aka persuader)  to the game as France.  I hope this hasn't set anyone back too much wrt diplomacy for this game.  If anyone needs a deadline extension.... like perhaps you Jacob, please don't hesitate to ask.
I apologize a thousand times for this mixup, no one to blame but me.... or that other Jacob guy, whoever he is  Smile
Happy dipping,
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 17:26:11 -0500
Subject: Player list dc463
To: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; timothyl.crosby(at)gmail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com; Githraine(at)yahoo.com; jerome777(at)ymail.com; untitled36(at)hotmail.com; fredrik(at)familjenblom.se
From: noreply(at)fuzzylogicllc.net

Player list for dc463Player list for dc463

ID : alfdog
Ctry : Italy 0
Name : Alfred Nicol
Email : amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk
Location :

ID : carriemuirman
Ctry : Russia 0
Name : Archer Smith
Email : Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com
Location : Seattle, WA, US

ID : jakobworldpeace
Ctry : Germany 0
Name : jakob bauer
Email : jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch
Location : bern, CH

ID : jason4747
Ctry : Austria 0
Name : Jason B
Email : jason4747(at)hotmail.com
Location :

ID : persuader
Ctry : France 0
Name : Jacob Walters
Email : jakewalters27(at)gmail.com
Location : Brookline, MA, US

ID : ProfessorMoriarty
Ctry : Turkey 0
Name : Lucas Mayer
Email : lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de
Location : Eberbach, DE

ID : Slangers
Ctry : England 0
Name : Simon Langley-Evans
Email : slangers(at)me.com
Location : LEICS, UK

Semicolon delimited for easy addressing of emails (Copy & paste):

amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk; Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com; jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch; jason4747(at)hotmail.com; jakewalters27(at)gmail.com; lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de; slangers(at)me.com;

Tab delimited for easy export to Excel (Copy & Paste):

ID Country Sequence Name Email Location
alfdog Italy 0 Alfred Nicol amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk
carriemuirman Russia 0 Archer Smith Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com Seattle, WA, US
jakobworldpeace Germany 0 jakob bauer jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch bern, CH
jason4747 Austria 0 Jason B jason4747(at)hotmail.com
persuader France 0 Jacob Walters jakewalters27(at)gmail.com Brookline, MA, US
ProfessorMoriarty Turkey 0 Lucas Mayer lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de Eberbach, DE
Slangers England 0 Simon Langley-Evans slangers(at)me.com LEICS, UK

HTML table for clean emailing (Copy & Paste):

IDCountryNameEmailLocationalfdogItalyAlfred Nicolamn(at)benenden.kent.sch.ukcarriemuirmanRussiaArcher SmithArcher.L.Smith(at)gmail.comSeattle, WA, USjakobworldpeaceGermanyjakob bauerjakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.chbern, CHjason4747AustriaJason Bjason4747(at)hotmail.compersuaderFranceJacob Waltersjakewalters27(at)gmail.comBrookline, MA, USProfessorMoriartyTurkeyLucas Mayerlucasmayer1(at)gmx.deEberbach, DESlangersEnglandSimon Langley-Evansslangers(at)me.comLEICS, UK
DC 463, IMPORTANT!!! READ!! (dc463) alwayshunted Sep 14, 11:17 am
Well, we probably are...... 
On 2013-09-14, at 4:47 AM, Simon Langley-Evans <slangers(at)me.com> wrote:

And Jacob-who-isn't-France must be wondering why I knapp withering about the English Channel!
This reminds me of when I used to play dip by snailmail in the 80s. The same problem happened and one of the players had his wrong address given out. About spring 1903 all of my letters were returned by the true occupant of the house with a covering note saying "You are all MAD".
Welcome to the game Jacob-who-is-France

Simon Langley-EvansProfessor of Human NutritionDeputy Head of School of BiosciencesUniversity of Nottingham

On Sep 13, 2013, at 11:35 PM, Warren Fleming <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi gang,
Okay, I know this might be hard to believe, but I made a mistake.....  (gasp!!)
I'm sure EVENTUALLY Jacob would have started wondering what he has done to deserve everyone's cold shoulder... but thanks to Simon for wondering to me where France was and why he wasn't talking.
The CORRECT player list is now below, maybe you all got it from DC a few minutes ago.  I know I did this whole process once before, but for some reason I still had the old Jacob in the game.... the one that never got back to me or anyone else.
So, everyone, welcome Jacob WALTERS (aka persuader)  to the game as France.  I hope this hasn't set anyone back too much wrt diplomacy for this game.  If anyone needs a deadline extension.... like perhaps you Jacob, please don't hesitate to ask.
I apologize a thousand times for this mixup, no one to blame but me.... or that other Jacob guy, whoever he is  Smile
Happy dipping,
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 17:26:11 -0500
Subject: Player list dc463
To: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; timothyl.crosby(at)gmail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com; Githraine(at)yahoo.com; jerome777(at)ymail.com; untitled36(at)hotmail.com; fredrik(at)familjenblom.se
From: noreply(at)fuzzylogicllc.net

Player list for dc463Player list for dc463

ID : alfdog
Ctry : Italy 0
Name : Alfred Nicol
Email : amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk
Location :

ID : carriemuirman
Ctry : Russia 0
Name : Archer Smith
Email : Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com
Location : Seattle, WA, US

ID : jakobworldpeace
Ctry : Germany 0
Name : jakob bauer
Email : jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch
Location : bern, CH

ID : jason4747
Ctry : Austria 0
Name : Jason B
Email : jason4747(at)hotmail.com
Location :

ID : persuader
Ctry : France 0
Name : Jacob Walters
Email : jakewalters27(at)gmail.com
Location : Brookline, MA, US

ID : ProfessorMoriarty
Ctry : Turkey 0
Name : Lucas Mayer
Email : lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de
Location : Eberbach, DE

ID : Slangers
Ctry : England 0
Name : Simon Langley-Evans
Email : slangers(at)me.com
Location : LEICS, UK

Semicolon delimited for easy addressing of emails (Copy & paste):

amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk; Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com; jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch; jason4747(at)hotmail.com; jakewalters27(at)gmail.com; lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de; slangers(at)me.com;

Tab delimited for easy export to Excel (Copy & Paste):

ID Country Sequence Name Email Location
alfdog Italy 0 Alfred Nicol amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk
carriemuirman Russia 0 Archer Smith Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com Seattle, WA, US
jakobworldpeace Germany 0 jakob bauer jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch bern, CH
jason4747 Austria 0 Jason B jason4747(at)hotmail.com
persuader France 0 Jacob Walters jakewalters27(at)gmail.com Brookline, MA, US
ProfessorMoriarty Turkey 0 Lucas Mayer lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de Eberbach, DE
Slangers England 0 Simon Langley-Evans slangers(at)me.com LEICS, UK

HTML table for clean emailing (Copy & Paste):

IDCountryNameEmailLocationalfdogItalyAlfred Nicolamn(at)benenden.kent.sch.ukcarriemuirmanRussiaArcher SmithArcher.L.Smith(at)gmail.comSeattle, WA, USjakobworldpeaceGermanyjakob bauerjakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.chbern, CHjason4747AustriaJason Bjason4747(at)hotmail.compersuaderFranceJacob Waltersjakewalters27(at)gmail.comBrookline, MA, USProfessorMoriartyTurkeyLucas Mayerlucasmayer1(at)gmx.deEberbach, DESlangersEnglandSimon Langley-Evansslangers(at)me.comLEICS, UK
DC 463, IMPORTANT!!! READ!! (dc463) Slangers Sep 14, 11:20 am
Knapp withering? I think I meant keep wittering. Dratted autocorrect.

Simon Langley-EvansProfessor of Human NutritionDeputy Head of School of BiosciencesUniversity of Nottingham

On Sep 14, 2013, at 5:17 PM, Hunted <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Well, we probably are...... 
On 2013-09-14, at 4:47 AM, Simon Langley-Evans <slangers(at)me.com> wrote:

And Jacob-who-isn't-France must be wondering why I knapp withering about the English Channel!
This reminds me of when I used to play dip by snailmail in the 80s. The same problem happened and one of the players had his wrong address given out. About spring 1903 all of my letters were returned by the true occupant of the house with a covering note saying "You are all MAD".
Welcome to the game Jacob-who-is-France

Simon Langley-EvansProfessor of Human NutritionDeputy Head of School of BiosciencesUniversity of Nottingham

On Sep 13, 2013, at 11:35 PM, Warren Fleming <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi gang,
Okay, I know this might be hard to believe, but I made a mistake.....  (gasp!!)
I'm sure EVENTUALLY Jacob would have started wondering what he has done to deserve everyone's cold shoulder... but thanks to Simon for wondering to me where France was and why he wasn't talking.
The CORRECT player list is now below, maybe you all got it from DC a few minutes ago.  I know I did this whole process once before, but for some reason I still had the old Jacob in the game.... the one that never got back to me or anyone else.
So, everyone, welcome Jacob WALTERS (aka persuader)  to the game as France.  I hope this hasn't set anyone back too much wrt diplomacy for this game.  If anyone needs a deadline extension.... like perhaps you Jacob, please don't hesitate to ask.
I apologize a thousand times for this mixup, no one to blame but me.... or that other Jacob guy, whoever he is  Smile
Happy dipping,
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 17:26:11 -0500
Subject: Player list dc463
To: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; timothyl.crosby(at)gmail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com; Githraine(at)yahoo.com; jerome777(at)ymail.com; untitled36(at)hotmail.com; fredrik(at)familjenblom.se
From: noreply(at)fuzzylogicllc.net

Player list for dc463Player list for dc463

ID : alfdog
Ctry : Italy 0
Name : Alfred Nicol
Email : amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk
Location :

ID : carriemuirman
Ctry : Russia 0
Name : Archer Smith
Email : Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com
Location : Seattle, WA, US

ID : jakobworldpeace
Ctry : Germany 0
Name : jakob bauer
Email : jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch
Location : bern, CH

ID : jason4747
Ctry : Austria 0
Name : Jason B
Email : jason4747(at)hotmail.com
Location :

ID : persuader
Ctry : France 0
Name : Jacob Walters
Email : jakewalters27(at)gmail.com
Location : Brookline, MA, US

ID : ProfessorMoriarty
Ctry : Turkey 0
Name : Lucas Mayer
Email : lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de
Location : Eberbach, DE

ID : Slangers
Ctry : England 0
Name : Simon Langley-Evans
Email : slangers(at)me.com
Location : LEICS, UK

Semicolon delimited for easy addressing of emails (Copy & paste):

amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk; Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com; jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch; jason4747(at)hotmail.com; jakewalters27(at)gmail.com; lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de; slangers(at)me.com;

Tab delimited for easy export to Excel (Copy & Paste):

ID Country Sequence Name Email Location
alfdog Italy 0 Alfred Nicol amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk
carriemuirman Russia 0 Archer Smith Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com Seattle, WA, US
jakobworldpeace Germany 0 jakob bauer jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch bern, CH
jason4747 Austria 0 Jason B jason4747(at)hotmail.com
persuader France 0 Jacob Walters jakewalters27(at)gmail.com Brookline, MA, US
ProfessorMoriarty Turkey 0 Lucas Mayer lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de Eberbach, DE
Slangers England 0 Simon Langley-Evans slangers(at)me.com LEICS, UK

HTML table for clean emailing (Copy & Paste):

IDCountryNameEmailLocationalfdogItalyAlfred Nicolamn(at)benenden.kent.sch.ukcarriemuirmanRussiaArcher SmithArcher.L.Smith(at)gmail.comSeattle, WA, USjakobworldpeaceGermanyjakob bauerjakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.chbern, CHjason4747AustriaJason Bjason4747(at)hotmail.compersuaderFranceJacob Waltersjakewalters27(at)gmail.comBrookline, MA, USProfessorMoriartyTurkeyLucas Mayerlucasmayer1(at)gmx.deEberbach, DESlangersEnglandSimon Langley-Evansslangers(at)me.comLEICS, UK
Double Reversible Black Hole - EpicDip   (Sep 12, 2013, 4:47 pm)
Now Recruiting:

1. Regular rules of Diplomacy apply except as below.

2. The winner is the player that at the end of a Fall move/retreat owns over half of the non-black holed SCs. This game could end with everyone eliminated which will be considered a 7-way tie.

3. During each Spring and Fall move two spaces will be randomly selected from the 75 provinces on the board plus Switzerland. These two spaces will become or return from a BLACK HOLE. The provinces selected include both land and sea spaces.

4. A space which becomes a black hole will cease to exist immediately, and any unit attempting to enter or ending in that province during the move disappears with the province. If the province is a supply center, it will reduce the total number of supply centers by one. All provinces which are adjacent to the Black Hole now are adjacent to each other i.e. movement, support, retreats and convoys can pass through them as though they weren't there. A province which returns from a black hole comes back with all units and supply center that disappeared with it when it became a black hole. If more than one unit disappered with the black hole then all units will need to retreat when it returns. Supply centers return as neutral centers and increase the total number of supply centers by one.

Clarification: This may mean the loss or creation of coastlines, so that provinces may have more than one coastline for the first time, may have coastlines where they didn't have them before, or lose coastlines which they did have. Fleets on a coastline which is suddenly divided into two must choose which coastline to be placed on during the retreat phase; fleets in a coastal province which gets a new coastline not part of the original one stay on the coast they were already on. Fleets on coastlines which become marooned in a landlocked province will be destroyed during the retreat phase.

Clarification: If a second black hole is created touching an existing one, then the logic of the rule applies: all provinces touching the first black hole were touching the new black hole, so they are all touching those adjacent to the second black hole.

Clarification: Archipelagos that allow fleets to move through them (Denmark) will continue to do so to any sea space regardless of the number of adjacent sea spaces. They also do not stop coastal crawl through them and will continue to not disrrupt coastal crawl. These spaces will also cause adjacent spaces to be considered coastal even if the space has no other adjacent sea space.

5. If you have one or fewer home centers not black holed you may build from any owned supply center.


dc458 s07 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Sep 12, 2013, 3:37 pm)
There are 2 retreats, but each only had one choice so I just moved them.  Either player can opt for Off-The-Board by this time tomorrow else these stand...
Austria:  Sil-Pru
Germany:  Ukr-Mos
NEXT:  Fall 07 due Wednesday!  9/18, 3pm Central!
A Armenia Supports A Sevastopol
F Black Sea - Constantinople
A Budapest - Galicia
A Galicia - Ukraine
A Rumania Supports A Galicia - Ukraine
A Sevastopol Supports A Galicia - Ukraine
A Silesia - Warsaw (*Dislodged*)
A Tyrolia, no move received
A Vienna - Bohemia
A Gascony - Marseilles
F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - North Africa (*Bounce*)
A Paris - Brest
F Spain(sc) Supports A Gascony - Marseilles
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon (*Cut*)
A Belgium - Ruhr
A Berlin - Silesia
A Brest - Picardy
A Burgundy Supports A Munich
F Irish Sea - Liverpool
A Kiel Supports A Munich
A Moscow - St Petersburg
A Munich Supports A Berlin - Silesia
F North Sea Convoys A Yorkshire - Norway
A Ukraine - Galicia (*Dislodged*)
A Warsaw Supports A Ukraine - Galicia (*Cut*)
A Yorkshire - Norway
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Fails*)
A Piedmont - Marseilles (*Fails*)
F Smyrna Hold
A Tunis - North Africa (*Bounce*)
A Tuscany Hold
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean (*Fails*)
A St Petersburg - Finland


Double Reversible Black Hole Dip - FuzzyLogic   (Sep 12, 2013, 7:52 am)
Darn you, I'm in enough games right now but this sounds insanely fun so... I'm in.


Double Reversible Black Hole Dip - EpicDip   (Sep 12, 2013, 7:41 am)
1. Regular rules of Diplomacy apply except as below.

2. The winner is the player that at the end of a Fall move/retreat owns over half of the non-black holed SCs. This game could end with everyone eliminated which will be considered a 7-way tie.

3. During each Spring and Fall move two spaces will be randomly selected from the 75 provinces on the board plus Switzerland. These two spaces will become or return from a BLACK HOLE. The provinces selected include both land and sea spaces.

4. A space which becomes a black hole will cease to exist immediately, and any unit attempting to enter or ending in that province during the move disappears with the province. If the province is a supply center, it will reduce the total number of supply centers by one. All provinces which are adjacent to the Black Hole now are adjacent to each other i.e. movement, support, retreats and convoys can pass through them as though they weren't there. A province which returns from a black hole comes back with all units and supply center that disappeared with it when it became a black hole. If more than one unit disappered with the black hole then all units will need to retreat when it returns. Supply centers return as neutral centers and increase the total number of supply centers by one.

Clarification: This may mean the loss or creation of coastlines, so that provinces may have more than one coastline for the first time, may have coastlines where they didn't have them before, or lose coastlines which they did have. Fleets on a coastline which is suddenly divided into two must choose which coastline to be placed on during the retreat phase; fleets in a coastal province which gets a new coastline not part of the original one stay on the coast they were already on. Fleets on coastlines which become marooned in a landlocked province will be destroyed during the retreat phase.

Clarification: If a second black hole is created touching an existing one, then the logic of the rule applies: all provinces touching the first black hole were touching the new black hole, so they are all touching those adjacent to the second black hole.

Clarification: Archipelagos that allow fleets to move through them (Denmark) will continue to do so to any sea space regardless of the number of adjacent sea spaces. They also do not stop coastal crawl through them and will continue to not disrrupt coastal crawl. These spaces will also cause adjacent spaces to be considered coastal even if the space has no other adjacent sea space.

5. If you have one or fewer home centers not black holed you may build from any owned supply center.

Game Logistics

Now Recruiting:

I would like to run with the following deadlines:
7 days for year 1 moves
5 days for all other moves
2 days for retreats
2 days for adjustments

I will adjudicate at 9:00PM Central (US) (Currently 2:00am GMT the following day)


Double Reversible Black Hole Dip (Variants) FuzzyLogic Sep 12, 07:52 am
Darn you, I'm in enough games right now but this sounds insanely fun so... I'm in.
dc442 s13 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Sep 11, 2013, 7:44 am)
Draw fails, KAGLE re-proposed for fall.  Remember draws are hard to pass w this many players... if even one person fails to vote, the whole thing fails.
There are 2 retreats but they can each only go to one spot so I just moved them...
Leprechauns: F SAI-SAV
Hobbits:  A Bal-Yui
NEXT is Tuesday!  9/17, 3pm Central.
F Llyr - Endor
A Oz - Ella
A Pans Labyrinth - Eloi (*Bounce*)
F Land Ho - GULF OF LUHN (*Fails*)
A Neverpeak Mtn - Maze of Regrets
F Gumdrop Isle - RUGGED COAST
F Myth Drannor Supports F RAZORS EDGE
A Kara-Tur - Baldurs Gate
A Endor - Fantastica
F Port Ghaast Supports F Mount Nimro - CHURNING REACH
A Ancient Necropolis Supports A Venatori Umbrarum
A Snow Witch Supports A Twisted Tunnels (*Ordered to Move*)
A Venatori Umbrarum Supports A Ancient Necropolis
F RAZORS EDGE Supports A Kara-Tur - Baldurs Gate
F Mount Nimro - CHURNING REACH (*Fails*)
A Hollow Earth, no move received
A Cliffs of Insanity Supports F Myth Drannor
A Twisted Tunnels - Spirit Pond
A Garthim Hold
F Rohan Supports F Rivendell
F Waterdeep Supports F RIVER OF THE DAWN - Kara-Tur
A City of Splendors Supports F Waterdeep
A Devils Canyon Hold
A Forbidden City Supports A Devils Canyon
A Krikkit - Thirsty Desert
A Two Towers Supports A Candlekeep - Mordor
A Candlekeep - Mordor
A Zhentil Keep Supports F Great Glacier
A Faerun Hold
F Thirsty Desert - Candlekeep
A The Wilderland Supports A Nowwhat
A Nowwhat Hold
F Dragon Coast Supports F Great Glacier
A Hundred Acre Wood, no move received
F Khemri - Daniloth
F Newa River - GRIEF REEF
F Kahvi - Grendel
F Grendel - Immoren
A Cyriss Supports F HIGH SEAS - Tarsis
F Never Never Land Supports F The High Way - SEA OF FALLEN STARS
A Moominvalley Hold
A Abby Normal Hold
F The High Way - SEA OF FALLEN STARS (*Fails*)
A Undermountain Supports A Venatori Umbrarum
F HIGH SEAS - Tarsis
A Baldurs Gate - Eloi (*Dislodged*)
F GULF OF LUHN Convoys A Baldurs Gate - Eloi
F Grimheim - TILVA STRAIT (*Fails*)
F The Silver city - POOL OF RADIANCE (*Fails*)
A Orboros - The Silver city (*Fails*)
F Dargaard Keep - Lost Woods (*Invalid Coast*)
A Corona Supports F Walk of Clouds - To-Gai-Ru
A Ice Reach - Anvard
F Dimmsdale Supports F Grimheim - TILVA STRAIT (*Fails*)
A Cave of Ordeals Hold
A Pygmy - Niflheim
A Plains of Dust Supports A Pygmy - Niflheim
A Lost Woods - Ergoth (*Bounce*)
A Kender Supports F POOL OF RADIANCE - Dargaard Keep (*Fails*)
F Walk of Clouds - To-Gai-Ru (*Bounce*)
A Yggdrasil Hold
A Carpantha Supports F Mount Nimro (*Ordered to Move*)
F CRYSTAL LAKE Convoys A Ice Reach - Anvard
F TILVA STRAIT - Walk of Clouds (*Fails*)
F POOL OF RADIANCE - Dargaard Keep (*Fails*)
A Lindon Supports A Nowwhat
F Knockshegowna - BIKINI BOTTOM
F Fitzgibbon - Myrtle
A Everglot - Skullcap
F Skellington - WEST SEA OF SHADOWS (*Fails*)
A Fafhrd Supports A Hoarluk
F Enchanted Isles - SEA OF FALLEN STARS
F Great Glacier Supports F CHURNING REACH
F The Julianthes Supports F CHURNING REACH
F Ithin'Carthia(wc) Supports F WAY THE HECK
A Hoarluk Hold
A Powry Supports A Hoarluk
F Rivendell Supports F Enchanted Isles - SEA OF FALLEN STARS
F WAY THE HECK Supports F Enchanted Isles - SEA OF FALLEN STARS
F EAST SEA OF SHADOWS - Ergoth (*Bounce*)
F ALL SAINTS BAY Supports A Palmaris - To-Gai-Ru (*Dislodged*)
A Palmaris - To-Gai-Ru (*Bounce*)
F Timberlands Supports A Palmaris - To-Gai-Ru
F MERMAIDS LAGOON - Pans Labyrinth (*Fails*)


DC460 Puppetmasters Autumn Retreats 1904 results - Cartesian   (Sep 11, 2013, 6:13 am)
Sorry for the confusion on my part.
The retreat was for Italy's A Ven which retreats OTB.Deadlines as stated.
Austria removes 1 unit in the Winter adjustments.


On Wednesday, September 11, 2013, John Langley wrote:
Autumn 1904

Austria retreats F Ven OTB
Therefore we proceed to Winter 1904
I will put out a new map and notify you of all builds/removals when all have been received marked FINAL or by Thursday 12th September at 1800 GMT whichever is sooner.

***Winter (builds) 1904 deadline is Thursday 12th September 18:00 GMT****


Austria:   No change for 1England:   Remove 1 for 3
France:    OutGermany:  Build  3 for 12
Italy:    No change for 7Russia:    Remove  1 for 5
Turkey:     Build  1 for 6

Spring 1905 will follow with deadline Tuesday 16th September at 1800 GMT.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: leewarshaw
Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Subject: DC460 Puppetmasters Fall 1904 results
To: John Langley <cartesian.i(at)gmail.com>

I'll remove my fleet from venice.
 Lee Sent from my Boost phone.

------ Original message ------
From: John Langley

Date: 9/10/2013 2:58 PM
To: Wesley T Joseph;Jeremiah Lee;Jerome Payne;Lee Scrimshaw;Éamon Driscoll;René Krøll;simon130(at)hotmail.com;

Cc: Michael Sims;dc460;
Subject:DC460 Puppetmasters Fall 1904 results

English Army in Picardy Destroyed by German Forces!
***Autumn (retreats) 1904 Deadline is tomorrow Wednesday 11th at 18:00 GMT. I will relay Italy's retreat to you as soon as it reaches me marked FINAL. ***

English A Pic destroyed, NRPItalian A Venice can retreat to Tyrolia or Tuscany or Rome.
***Winter (builds) 1904 deadline is Thursday 12th September 18:00 GMT****

Austria:   Remove  1 for 1England:   Remove  1 for 3France:    OutGermany:  Build  3 for 12Italy:    No change for 7

Russia:    Remove  1 for 5Turkey:     Build  1 for 6

Austria: F Adriatic Sea - VeniceA Apulia Supports F Adriatic Sea - Venice

England: F Edinburgh - Norwegian SeaF Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Picardy - English ChannelA Norway - Sweden (*Fails*)F Picardy - English Channel (*Disbanded*)

F Portugal Hold
Germany: F Belgium - PicardyA Brest Supports F Belgium - PicardyF London - English Channel (*Bounce*)F North Sea Supports F London - English Channel

A Paris Supports A BrestA Prussia Supports A Silesia - WarsawA Silesia - WarsawA Sweden Supports A Norway (*Ordered to Move*)A Yorkshire - Liverpool

Italy: F Ionian Sea - Adriatic SeaA Marseilles - PiedmontF Spain(sc) HoldA Trieste Supports A ViennaF Tunis - Ionian SeaA Venice Supports A Trieste (*Dislodged*)

A Vienna Supports A Trieste
Russia: A Budapest Supports A Rumania - Sevastopol (*Fails*)A Galicia - Rumania (*Fails*)F Norwegian Sea - North Atlantic Ocean

A Rumania - SevastopolA Serbia Supports A BudapestF St Petersburg(nc) Supports A Norway (*Ordered to Move*)
Turkey: F Aegean Sea - Bulgaria(sc)F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania

A Bulgaria - RumaniaF Greece Supports F Aegean Sea - Bulgaria(sc)A Smyrna - Armenia
Attached:RP FileMoves mapResolved map


DC460 Puppetmasters Autumn Retreats 1904 results - Cartesian   (Sep 11, 2013, 3:24 am)
Autumn 1904

Austria retreats F Ven OTB
Therefore we proceed to Winter 1904
I will put out a new map and notify you of all builds/removals when all have been received marked FINAL or by Thursday 12th September at 1800 GMT whichever is sooner.

***Winter (builds) 1904 deadline is Thursday 12th September 18:00 GMT****


Austria:   No change for 1England:   Remove 1 for 3
France:    OutGermany:  Build  3 for 12
Italy:    No change for 7Russia:    Remove  1 for 5
Turkey:     Build  1 for 6

Spring 1905 will follow with deadline Tuesday 16th September at 1800 GMT.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: leewarshaw
Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Subject: DC460 Puppetmasters Fall 1904 results
To: John Langley <cartesian.i(at)gmail.com>

I'll remove my fleet from venice.
 Lee Sent from my Boost phone.

------ Original message ------
From: John Langley

Date: 9/10/2013 2:58 PM
To: Wesley T Joseph;Jeremiah Lee;Jerome Payne;Lee Scrimshaw;Éamon Driscoll;René Krøll;simon130(at)hotmail.com;

Cc: Michael Sims;dc460;
Subject:DC460 Puppetmasters Fall 1904 results

English Army in Picardy Destroyed by German Forces!
***Autumn (retreats) 1904 Deadline is tomorrow Wednesday 11th at 18:00 GMT. I will relay Italy's retreat to you as soon as it reaches me marked FINAL. ***

English A Pic destroyed, NRPItalian A Venice can retreat to Tyrolia or Tuscany or Rome.
***Winter (builds) 1904 deadline is Thursday 12th September 18:00 GMT****

Austria:   Remove  1 for 1England:   Remove  1 for 3France:    OutGermany:  Build  3 for 12Italy:    No change for 7
Russia:    Remove  1 for 5Turkey:     Build  1 for 6

Austria: F Adriatic Sea - VeniceA Apulia Supports F Adriatic Sea - Venice

England: F Edinburgh - Norwegian SeaF Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Picardy - English ChannelA Norway - Sweden (*Fails*)F Picardy - English Channel (*Disbanded*)
F Portugal Hold
Germany: F Belgium - PicardyA Brest Supports F Belgium - PicardyF London - English Channel (*Bounce*)F North Sea Supports F London - English Channel
A Paris Supports A BrestA Prussia Supports A Silesia - WarsawA Silesia - WarsawA Sweden Supports A Norway (*Ordered to Move*)A Yorkshire - Liverpool

Italy: F Ionian Sea - Adriatic SeaA Marseilles - PiedmontF Spain(sc) HoldA Trieste Supports A ViennaF Tunis - Ionian SeaA Venice Supports A Trieste (*Dislodged*)
A Vienna Supports A Trieste
Russia: A Budapest Supports A Rumania - Sevastopol (*Fails*)A Galicia - Rumania (*Fails*)F Norwegian Sea - North Atlantic Ocean
A Rumania - SevastopolA Serbia Supports A BudapestF St Petersburg(nc) Supports A Norway (*Ordered to Move*)
Turkey: F Aegean Sea - Bulgaria(sc)F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania
A Bulgaria - RumaniaF Greece Supports F Aegean Sea - Bulgaria(sc)A Smyrna - Armenia
Attached:RP FileMoves mapResolved map


DC460 Puppetmasters Autumn Retreats 1904 results (dc460) Cartesian Sep 11, 06:13 am
Sorry for the confusion on my part.
The retreat was for Italy's A Ven which retreats OTB.Deadlines as stated.
Austria removes 1 unit in the Winter adjustments.


On Wednesday, September 11, 2013, John Langley wrote:
Autumn 1904

Austria retreats F Ven OTB
Therefore we proceed to Winter 1904
I will put out a new map and notify you of all builds/removals when all have been received marked FINAL or by Thursday 12th September at 1800 GMT whichever is sooner.

***Winter (builds) 1904 deadline is Thursday 12th September 18:00 GMT****


Austria:   No change for 1England:   Remove 1 for 3
France:    OutGermany:  Build  3 for 12
Italy:    No change for 7Russia:    Remove  1 for 5
Turkey:     Build  1 for 6

Spring 1905 will follow with deadline Tuesday 16th September at 1800 GMT.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: leewarshaw
Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Subject: DC460 Puppetmasters Fall 1904 results
To: John Langley <cartesian.i(at)gmail.com>

I'll remove my fleet from venice.
 Lee Sent from my Boost phone.

------ Original message ------
From: John Langley

Date: 9/10/2013 2:58 PM
To: Wesley T Joseph;Jeremiah Lee;Jerome Payne;Lee Scrimshaw;Éamon Driscoll;René Krøll;simon130(at)hotmail.com;

Cc: Michael Sims;dc460;
Subject:DC460 Puppetmasters Fall 1904 results

English Army in Picardy Destroyed by German Forces!
***Autumn (retreats) 1904 Deadline is tomorrow Wednesday 11th at 18:00 GMT. I will relay Italy's retreat to you as soon as it reaches me marked FINAL. ***

English A Pic destroyed, NRPItalian A Venice can retreat to Tyrolia or Tuscany or Rome.
***Winter (builds) 1904 deadline is Thursday 12th September 18:00 GMT****

Austria:   Remove  1 for 1England:   Remove  1 for 3France:    OutGermany:  Build  3 for 12Italy:    No change for 7

Russia:    Remove  1 for 5Turkey:     Build  1 for 6

Austria: F Adriatic Sea - VeniceA Apulia Supports F Adriatic Sea - Venice

England: F Edinburgh - Norwegian SeaF Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Picardy - English ChannelA Norway - Sweden (*Fails*)F Picardy - English Channel (*Disbanded*)

F Portugal Hold
Germany: F Belgium - PicardyA Brest Supports F Belgium - PicardyF London - English Channel (*Bounce*)F North Sea Supports F London - English Channel

A Paris Supports A BrestA Prussia Supports A Silesia - WarsawA Silesia - WarsawA Sweden Supports A Norway (*Ordered to Move*)A Yorkshire - Liverpool

Italy: F Ionian Sea - Adriatic SeaA Marseilles - PiedmontF Spain(sc) HoldA Trieste Supports A ViennaF Tunis - Ionian SeaA Venice Supports A Trieste (*Dislodged*)

A Vienna Supports A Trieste
Russia: A Budapest Supports A Rumania - Sevastopol (*Fails*)A Galicia - Rumania (*Fails*)F Norwegian Sea - North Atlantic Ocean

A Rumania - SevastopolA Serbia Supports A BudapestF St Petersburg(nc) Supports A Norway (*Ordered to Move*)
Turkey: F Aegean Sea - Bulgaria(sc)F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania

A Bulgaria - RumaniaF Greece Supports F Aegean Sea - Bulgaria(sc)A Smyrna - Armenia
Attached:RP FileMoves mapResolved map
DC 463 recruiting - alwayshunted   (Sep 10, 2013, 8:09 pm)
spot is filled.....


DC 463, GM note - alwayshunted   (Sep 10, 2013, 8:00 pm)
Hi group,
A few players have already sent me a set of orders, which made it occur to me that there was one thing I forgot to discuss in my opening email. 
First, I will NOT adjudicate a turn in either spring or fall of 1901 if there is an nmr (no moves received).  I will halt the game and immediately seek a replacement for the offender(s).  It is unlikely that I will accept any excuse for missing a 1901 turn.  After 1901, a player that doesn't send orders for two consecutive major turns will be replaced, or put into Civil Disorder as per the rules.
Second, I STRONGLY encourage that you send me preliminary orders.....   right now!  You can change them as many times as you like up to the deadline, I promise I will not complain.  This may help avoid nmrs.... it can happen, really.  Life can be unpredictable as you all know. 
So get 'em in people.  Hope you are all frantically lying to each other  Smile

From: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
To: amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk; archer.l.smith(at)gmail.com; awesome_pettry(at)hotmail.com; jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch; jason4747(at)hotmail.com; lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de; slangers(at)me.com; dc463(at)diplomaticcorp.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
Subject: DC 463, Underway
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2013 11:07:45 -0600

Okay group.  We've had some shuffling of players, but I think we have seven committed.
I use the DC house rules, if you haven't read them you should!  Try this link:  http://www.diplomaticcorp.com/info.php?type=houserules
One point that new players to DC might not be used to:   there are no default builds or retreats.  If you don't send a retreat order your retreats go Off The Board (OTB), and if you don't send build orders, you don't build.
I will generally give about a week between major turns (spring/fall), and I don't usually make deadlines on weekends.  This isn't written in stone or anything, the players can influence me to move faster or slower, within reason.
PLEASE pay attention to your subject lines in any email that you want me to actually see.  Like your orders!!  The subject line should include:
The game number, DC 463.
Your country
The season and year, and version of your orders if there is more than one.
Example:  DC 463, Austria, Spring 1901 (2)
The (2) indicates that this is the second iteration of Austria's spring 1901 orders.
If you have ANY questions or uncertainties, don't hesitate to send me a note.
At the bottom of this mail I've pasted the player details as DC sends them to me. Hopefully everyone is happy with their country, they were determined randomly after a close vote.
Our first deadline:
Spring 1901 will be due on Monday, September 16th, 18:00 Mountain time.  I think I am GMT -7 right now.
GOOD LUCK, looking forward to it,
The assignments:
Player list for dc463

ID : alfdog
Ctry : Italy 0
Name : Alfred Nicol
Email : amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk
Location :

ID : carriemuirman
Ctry : Russia 0
Name : Archer Smith
Email : Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com
Location : Seattle, WA, US

ID : Harbinger
Ctry : France 0
Name : Jacob Pettry
Email : awesome_pettry(at)hotmail.com
Location : Naoma, WV, US

ID : jakobworldpeace
Ctry : Germany 0
Name : jakob bauer
Email : jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch
Location : bern, CH

ID : jason4747
Ctry : Austria 0
Name : Jason B
Email : jason4747(at)hotmail.com
Location :

ID : ProfessorMoriarty
Ctry : Turkey 0
Name : Lucas Mayer
Email : lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de
Location : Eberbach, DE

ID : Slangers
Ctry : England 0
Name : Simon Langley-Evans
Email : slangers(at)me.com
Location : LEICS, UK

Semicolon delimited for easy addressing of emails (Copy & paste):

amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk; Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com; awesome_pettry(at)hotmail.com; jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch; jason4747(at)hotmail.com; lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de; slangers(at)me.com;

Tab delimited for easy export to Excel (Copy & Paste):

ID Country Sequence Name Email Location
alfdog Italy 0 Alfred Nicol amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk
carriemuirman Russia 0 Archer Smith Archer.L.Smith(at)gmail.com Seattle, WA, US
Harbinger France 0 Jacob Pettry awesome_pettry(at)hotmail.com Naoma, WV, US
jakobworldpeace Germany 0 jakob bauer jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch bern, CH
jason4747 Austria 0 Jason B jason4747(at)hotmail.com
ProfessorMoriarty Turkey 0 Lucas Mayer lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de Eberbach, DE
Slangers England 0 Simon Langley-Evans slangers(at)me.com LEICS, UK

HTML table for clean emailing (Copy & Paste):

IDCountryNameEmailLocationalfdogItalyAlfred Nicolamn(at)benenden.kent.sch.ukcarriemuirmanRussiaArcher SmithArcher.L.Smith(at)gmail.comSeattle, WA, USHarbingerFranceJacob Pettryawesome_pettry(at)hotmail.comNaoma, WV, USjakobworldpeaceGermanyjakob bauerjakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.chbern, CHjason4747AustriaJason Bjason4747(at)hotmail.comProfessorMoriartyTurkeyLucas Mayerlucasmayer1(at)gmx.deEberbach, DESlangersEnglandSimon Langley-Evansslangers(at)me.comLEICS, UK 


DC455 Aberration - Fall 1908 - Zoterik   (Sep 10, 2013, 2:36 pm)
It occured to me some hours ago that I may be the closest DC player to the Syrian Civil War. Fascinating. Back to the world of dreams! It's a fantastic end to the year for Poland and Spain, and may well tip the balance in their favor.  Winter 1908 adjustments due 14 September at 08:00 GMT.  

ALCLUYD - After a strong opening campaign, the Celtic nations are removed from relevance by the Polish/Spanish pact. Their final stand came at the port but reinforcements were not enough to hold off the enemy advance, and now the Irish, Welsh, and Scots must now look to an occupied future with a mixture of despair and pessimism. Whoever said this was an Aberration?

BUDAPEST - The Hungarians now find themsevles completely overcome by the quarreling Sicilians and Polish armies. The once-great Magyar capital is currently under Sicilian occupation, but it is a lonely guard they hold as they are surrounded by Polish forces.  

ODESSA - Our Black Sea correspondant reports to us that the Rus' nation, brushed off by political scientists across the world as a Polish satellite state, may begin to return to relevance after Rumania was reconquered to great acclaim, albeit with significant Polish assistance.  Great celebrations erupted spontaneously across the city as news of the success spread, and the church bells were rung in celebration of the event.

SINOP, ANATOLIA - Across the sea, the similarly-forgotten Byzantine nation-in-exile also expands, advancing to the east and capturing Armenia before stopping at the Caucasus mountains. This may only be a triumph on paper, however. Byzantine generals are furious that their forces did not retake the capital at Constantinople, and it remains to be seen if this was an error at the highest levels, an action by a rogue commodore, or the true intentions of East Roman strategy.

A Lorraine - Schwyz
F Dublin Hold

F Anatolia - Armenia

F Minch S F Clyde - Alcluyd (*void*)



A Rumania - Odessa (*dislodged*)
F West Black Sea S A Rumania - Odessa (*cut*)
F East Black Sea - Yalta (*fails*)
A Circassia S Pol A Kazakhstan - Volga (*void*)
A Turkestan - Kazakhstan (*fails*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Utica Sea (*bounce*)

F Malta Sea - Tripolitania

A Karelia - Volga
A Kazakhstan S A Karelia - Volga (*cut*)
A Muscovy - Donbas
A Kuban S A Muscovy - Donbas

A Taurida S A Kuban
A Lemberg S Ukr F Odessa - Rumania
A Podolia S Ukr F Odessa - Rumania
A Galicia - Austria
A Bohemia S A Galicia - Austria
A Transylvania - Szeged
A Hesse - Bavaria
A Ruhr - Swabia

F Norwegian Sea - Norway
F Hague S Spa F English Channel - Brussels
F Clyde S Spa F Irish Sea - Alcluyd

F Languedoc - Gulf of Lion

F Ligurian Sea S F Languedoc - Gulf of Lion
A Piedmont - Languedoc (*fails*)
A Venezia - Piedmont (*fails*)
F Tuscany S A Venezia - Piedmont
F Adriatic Sea - Venezia (*fails*)
F Croatia S F Adriatic Sea - Venezia

F Tunisia S Isr Tyrrhenian Sea - Utica Sea (*cut*)
A Macedonia - Serbia
A Szeged - Budapest
F Bulgaria - Rumania (*fails*)
F Albania, no move received


A Gascony - Languedoc
F Catalonia S A Gascony - Languedoc
A Dijon S Bur A Lorraine - Schwyz
A Sahara - Tunisia (*fails*)
F Western Mediterranean - Utica Sea (*bounce*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - South Atlantic Ocean

F Irish Sea - Alcluyd
F English Channel - Brussels

F Odessa - Rumania
F Yalta - West Black Sea (*fails*)


Israelite A Rumania can retreat to Transylvania, so ordered.


Burgundy: -1 (1)
Byzantium: 0 (2)
Éire: -1 (0)
Hungary: -1 (0)
Israel: -1 (6)
Poland: +2 (17)
Spain: +3 (11)

Sicily: 0 (12)
Ukraine: +1 (3)


DC460 Puppetmasters Fall 1904 results - Cartesian   (Sep 10, 2013, 1:58 pm)
English Army in Picardy Destroyed by German Forces!
***Autumn (retreats) 1904 Deadline is tomorrow Wednesday 11th at 18:00 GMT. I will relay Italy's retreat to you as soon as it reaches me marked FINAL. ***

English A Pic destroyed, NRPItalian A Venice can retreat to Tyrolia or Tuscany or Rome.
***Winter (builds) 1904 deadline is Thursday 12th September 18:00 GMT****

Austria:   Remove  1 for 1England:   Remove  1 for 3France:    OutGermany:  Build  3 for 12Italy:    No change for 7
Russia:    Remove  1 for 5Turkey:     Build  1 for 6

Austria: F Adriatic Sea - VeniceA Apulia Supports F Adriatic Sea - Venice

England: F Edinburgh - Norwegian SeaF Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Picardy - English ChannelA Norway - Sweden (*Fails*)F Picardy - English Channel (*Disbanded*)
F Portugal Hold
Germany: F Belgium - PicardyA Brest Supports F Belgium - PicardyF London - English Channel (*Bounce*)F North Sea Supports F London - English Channel
A Paris Supports A BrestA Prussia Supports A Silesia - WarsawA Silesia - WarsawA Sweden Supports A Norway (*Ordered to Move*)A Yorkshire - Liverpool

Italy: F Ionian Sea - Adriatic SeaA Marseilles - PiedmontF Spain(sc) HoldA Trieste Supports A ViennaF Tunis - Ionian SeaA Venice Supports A Trieste (*Dislodged*)
A Vienna Supports A Trieste
Russia: A Budapest Supports A Rumania - Sevastopol (*Fails*)A Galicia - Rumania (*Fails*)F Norwegian Sea - North Atlantic Ocean
A Rumania - SevastopolA Serbia Supports A BudapestF St Petersburg(nc) Supports A Norway (*Ordered to Move*)
Turkey: F Aegean Sea - Bulgaria(sc)F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania
A Bulgaria - RumaniaF Greece Supports F Aegean Sea - Bulgaria(sc)A Smyrna - Armenia
Attached:RP FileMoves mapResolved map


Page:  1 . . . 91  92  93  94  95  96  97  98  99  100  101  102  103  104  105  106  107 . . . 1090

Rows per page:

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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