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DC 212 Temp Change of GM - deathblade_penguin   (Feb 25, 2009, 3:21 pm)

I had trouble with my hotmail last night so could not send out your adjducation. It should be coming in the next 12 hours.


Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Inferno
Moderator of www.diplomaticcorp.com

Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2009 09:34:41 -0800
From: verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com
Subject: DC 212 Temp Change of GM
To: dc212(at)diplomaticcorp.com; closed.sunday(at)gmail.com; yeeha77(at)yahoo.com; dc212(at)diplomaticcorp.com; patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org; joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com; drew3739o(at)yahoo.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com

As some of you know things have been pretty hectic in my house lately. The kids and I came down with a horrible stomach virus that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. The kids and I are finally better but we just received word that my husband is being sent back to his home base a few days earlier. That leaves me little less then a week to get packed, find us a truck and an apartment in San Antonio. During this time Stephen Lytton will be taking over GMing for you go so all orders from now on are to be sent to stevelytton(at)hotmail.com.
As soon as we get into San Antonio and we get settled I will take back over. Stephen will be setting a new deadline I believe. Have fun guys and take care. I'll be back in about 2 -3 weeks.. ( hopefully 2! )


Let ninemsn property help! Need a new place to rent, share or buy?


Dc212 - attention Russia.. URGENT - deathblade_penguin   (Feb 24, 2009, 5:41 am)
Dc212 Fall 1907 is due on Tuesday 23rd at 7pm, Australian EST

Now, something interesting happened. I got moves from all playes BUT the Russian moves I got were at least a season behind.. it's very unusual so I think that Taylor has used the wrong map to send his moves. Since

1) I am genuinely flat out tonight (real life dramas galore)
2) I think this is a genuine mistake.

I will give Taylor a free (no grace period needed) chance to correct his moves. However I am making the unusal request that I am going to LOCK the other player's moves in. If I dont here from Taylor in the next 24 hours, I'll adjudicate with what I've got.

A current map has been attached.

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Inferno
Moderator of www.diplomaticcorp.com

Click here for the latest news and tips. Get the most out of your life online!


DC 212 24 hour warning - deathblade_penguin   (Feb 23, 2009, 2:24 am)
Dc212 Fall 1907 is due on Tuesday 23rd at 7pm.

This is your 24 hour warning.

I have no moves from :-


Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Inferno
Moderator of www.diplomaticcorp.com

Let ninemsn property help! Need a new place to rent, share or buy?


Dc212 Spring 1907 - deathblade_penguin   (Feb 19, 2009, 2:47 am)
Dc212 Spring 1907

F Aegean Sea - Constantinople
A Ankara - Armenia
A Bohemia Supports A Tyrolia (*Cut*)
A Budapest Supports A Galicia
A Bulgaria - Serbia
A Constantinople - Ankara
A Galicia Supports A Bohemia
A Rome Hold
A Rumania Supports A Galicia
F Trieste - Adriatic Sea
A Tyrolia Supports A Bohemia
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean

F Denmark Supports A Kiel
F English Channel - Brest
F Gascony - Spain(nc) (*Bounce*)
A Kiel Supports A Munich
A London - Belgium (*Bounce*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Gascony - Spain(nc) (*Cut*)
F North Sea Convoys A London - Belgium
F Norway - Norwegian Sea
A Paris Supports A Picardy - Burgundy
A Picardy - Burgundy

A Brest - Picardy
A Burgundy - Belgium (*Dislodged*)
F Marseilles - Spain(sc) (*Bounce*)
F Portugal - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
A Tunis - North Africa

F Smyrna Hold

A Berlin - Silesia (*Fails*)
A Moscow - Ukraine
A Munich Supports A Silesia - Bohemia
A Sevastopol Supports A Moscow - Ukraine
A Silesia - Bohemia (*Fails*)
A Warsaw Supports A Moscow - Ukraine

I have one summer retreat, which I have made. France has 24 hours to notify me if he wishes to disband

French A Burgundy retreats to Ruhr.

Fall 1907 is due next Tuesday 24th at 7pm, Australian EST.

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Inferno
Moderator of www.diplomaticcorp.com

Find great deals on eBay Net yourself a bargain


Dc212 Spring 1907 (dc212) deathblade_penguin Feb 25, 05:29 pm
Dear 212 players

Take 3 of trying to send this out. I'm hating Vista right now

F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea
A Ankara - Smyrna
A Armenia Supports A Ankara - Smyrna
A Bohemia Supports A Galicia
A Budapest Supports A Galicia
F Constantinople - Black Sea
A Galicia Supports A Bohemia (*Cut*)
A Rome - Venice
A Rumania Supports A Galicia (*Cut*)
A Serbia Supports A Rumania
A Tyrolia Supports A Bohemia
F Western Mediterranean Convoys A North Africa - Spain

F Brest Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Burgundy - Marseilles (*Fails*)
F Denmark - Helgoland Bight
F Gascony - Spain(nc) (*Bounce*)
A Kiel Supports A London - Holland
A London - Holland
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Gascony - Spain(nc)
F North Sea Convoys A London - Holland
F Norwegian Sea - North Atlantic Ocean
A Paris - Picardy

F Marseilles Supports A North Africa - Spain (*Cut*)
A North Africa - Spain (*Bounce*)
A Picardy - Belgium
F Portugal Supports A North Africa - Spain
A Ruhr Supports A Picardy - Belgium

F Smyrna - Constantinople

A Berlin Supports A Munich
A Munich Supports A Silesia
A Sevastopol - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Silesia Supports A Warsaw - Galicia
A Ukraine Supports A Warsaw - Galicia
A Warsaw - Galicia (*Fails*)

No winter adjustments so straight into Spring 1908 due Tuesday 3rd at 7pm, Australian EST.

Combine your email accounts here! Want to marry your mail?
Dc212 - 24 hour warninf - deathblade_penguin   (Feb 18, 2009, 5:14 am)
Dc212 Spring 1907 is due on Thursday 19th at 7pm.

I have NO orders from Austria, England, France or Italy.

Italy has no grace period left with me.

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Inferno
Moderator of www.diplomaticcorp.com

Combine your email accounts here! Want to marry your mail?


Dc212 Winter 1906 - deathblade_penguin   (Feb 13, 2009, 5:11 am)
Dc212 Winter 1906

What I needed was for one of you to give me a nudge, as I went to bed last night utterly convinced that I had sent out this adjudication. Sorry for the delay. Next time if you dont hear from me, within 24 hours of a deadline - drop me a line.

Build F Trieste
Build A Budapest

Build A London

Remove A Ruhr

Remove F Black Sea

Spring 1907 is due next Thursday 19th at 7pm, Australian EST;.

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Inferno
Moderator of www.diplomaticcorp.com

Get what you want at ebay. Get rid of those unwanted christmas presents!


Dc212 Fall 1906 - deathblade_penguin   (Feb 10, 2009, 2:08 am)
Well it seems I was a little skeptical but in the end we came through with all the moves. The good news for 2 of our players, is that they dont have to
submit any more moves for this game..

NOTE: For 'admin' reasons, I've had to list myself as GM of this Game. I will remind you that even the game page states that Rachael is the game, and I am a temporary GM for the moment.

Dc212 Fall 1906

F Aegean Sea - Smyrna (*Fails*)
A Ankara Supports F Aegean Sea - Smyrna (*Cut*)
A Bohemia Supports A Ruhr - Munich (*Cut*)
A Bulgaria - Constantinople
A Galicia - Silesia (*Fails*)
A Greece - Bulgaria
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Rome Hold
A Rumania Hold
A Tyrolia Supports A Ruhr - Munich

F Brest - Gascony
A Burgundy - Paris
F Denmark Supports A Kiel
F English Channel Supports F Irish Sea - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Irish Sea - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Kiel Hold
F Norway Hold
F Norwegian Sea - North Sea
A Picardy Supports A Burgundy - Paris

A Gascony - Burgundy
F Marseilles Hold
A Paris Supports A Gascony - Burgundy (*Dislodged*)
F Spain(sc) - Portugal
A Tunis Hold

A Ruhr - Munich (*Fails*)

F Smyrna Hold

A Berlin Supports A Munich
A Moscow - Warsaw
A Munich Supports A Silesia - Bohemia (*Cut*)
A Sevastopol Hold
A Silesia - Bohemia (*Fails*)
A St Petersburg - Moscow

F Black Sea - Ankara (*Fails*)

Autumn 1906
Interstingly enough, the French Army that was disloged out of Paris can retreat to BREST.
Since this is the only viable retreat (apart from OTB), I am retreating Paris to Brest. If France wishes to disband this army (and not take the SC of Brest of England, he has 24 hours to let me know)

Winter 1906 is due Thursday 12th February at 7pm, Australian EST. (in 48 hours)
Winter Brings about the elimination of Germany (Thankyou Trout) and Turkey (Thankyou Drew for coming in as a replacement player)

Austria: Build 2

England: Build 1 (Note to England, if France retreats OTB, you get to build 2)

Germany: Remove A Ruhr

Turkey: Remove F Black Sea

Stephen Lytton
If you want to help out the Victorian Bushfire Appeal
Knight of the Inferno
Moderator of www.diplomaticcorp.com

Get what you want at ebay. Get rid of those unwanted christmas presents!


Dc212 Attention France/Russia - deathblade_penguin   (Feb 07, 2009, 3:00 am)
Dear Dc 212ers.

I have failed to receive moves from France (Patrick Canning) and Russia (Taylor McQuilliams)

I have emailed both parties separately with no response.

Both players have not yet NMRd in this game, so I will be VERY leient to them and give them until

Tuesday 10th February at 7pm (Australian EST) to send moves to me. At this day and time, if I do not have moves from them - they will suffer an NMR.

Also - if they send moves to Rachael instead of me, they will NOT be counted. Moves must be received by me at this or my gmail address.

Any other player is welcome to change their moves up until I adjudicate.

However I will adjudicate as soon as I have both sets of missing moves, or the deadline is reached - whichever happens first.

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Inferno
Moderator of www.diplomaticcorp.com

Click here for the latest news and tips. Get the most out of your life online!


DC 212 New Deadline - deathblade_penguin   (Feb 05, 2009, 4:58 am)
Dear Dc212ers. This is your temporary GM speaking.

I am going to extend your deadline slightly and set an initial strange deadline of Saturday 7th February, 7pm Australian EST. (that's about saturday early morning for you americans)

(The reason being my Partner is shopping with the girls on Sunday and I will have time to run all the adjudications. This is also an extension of a couple of days on your last deadline.

problems? concerns? contact me at stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email]) (stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])) or stevelytton(at)gmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)gmail.com[/email]) (stevelytton(at)gmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)gmail.com[/email]))


All moves will be confirmed by email. No confirmation means NO moves recieved...

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Inferno
Moderator of www.diplomaticcorp.com

Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2009 09:34:41 -0800
From: verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com
Subject: DC 212 Temp Change of GM
To: dc212(at)diplomaticcorp.com; closed.sunday(at)gmail.com; yeeha77(at)yahoo.com; dc212(at)diplomaticcorp.com; patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org; joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com; drew3739o(at)yahoo.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com

As some of you know things have been pretty hectic in my house lately. The kids and I came down with a horrible stomach virus that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. The kids and I are finally better but we just received word that my husband is being sent back to his home base a few days earlier. That leaves me little less then a week to get packed, find us a truck and an apartment in San Antonio. During this time Stephen Lytton will be taking over GMing for you go so all orders from now on are to be sent to stevelytton(at)hotmail.com.
As soon as we get into San Antonio and we get settled I will take back over. Stephen will be setting a new deadline I believe. Have fun guys and take care. I'll be back in about 2 -3 weeks.. ( hopefully 2! )


Sell your car for just $50. It's simple!


DC 212 Temp Change of GM - Verticallychallangedcutie   (Feb 04, 2009, 11:35 am)
As some of you know things have been pretty hectic in my house lately. The kids and I came down with a horrible stomach virus that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. The kids and I are finally better but we just received word that my husband is being sent back to his home base a few days earlier. That leaves me little less then a week to get packed, find us a truck and an apartment in San Antonio. During this time Stephen Lytton will be taking over GMing for you go so all orders from now on are to be sent to stevelytton(at)hotmail.com.
As soon as we get into San Antonio and we get settled I will take back over. Stephen will be setting a new deadline I believe. Have fun guys and take care. I'll be back in about 2 -3 weeks.. ( hopefully 2! )



DC 212 Summer 06 Results- Question - yeeha77   (Jan 28, 2009, 8:13 pm)
I still have a question about the spring move. Rachel please see my emails.

It shouldn't effect your retreat decision at all.

--- On Wed, 1/28/09, Rachael Jameson <verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Rachael Jameson <verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: DC 212 Summer 06 Results
To: "DC 212 Forum" <dc212(at)diplomaticcorp.com>, "Charles Kim DC 212 Austria" <closed.sunday(at)gmail.com>, "Greg Neilsen DC 212 England" <yeeha77(at)yahoo.com>, "DC 212 Forum" <dc212(at)diplomaticcorp.com>, "Patrick Canning DC 212 France" <patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com>, "Former Trout DC 212 Germany" <former.trout(at)gmail.com>, "Jimmy Ghostine DC 212 Italy" <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org>, "Taylor McQuilliams DC 212 Russia" <joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com>, "Andrew Ott DC 212 Turkey" <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>, "Stephen Lytton" <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 6:36 PM
  This turn was nice and simple. I am going to stick with
Trout on this way and I don't see why he would need to
disband. If any of you have any more questions about this
please feel free to email the other two mods. Their email
addressess are mike(at)southwall.com, stevelytton(at)hotmail.com.
I'm pretty sure they would be more then willing to
answer anyone's questions. Here's the retreats.


Austria:    Charles Kim             

England:  Greg
Neilsen             <yeeha77(at)yahoo.com>
France:    Patrick Canning     

Germany: Former Trout           
Italy:        Jimmy Ghostine   

Russia:    Taylor  McQuilliams  
Turkey:    Andrew Ott              


disband A Kiel
A Munich - Ruhr

Fall 1906 is set for Wed. Feb 4th at 7pm EST ( 11:59pm GMT
). Map and dpy file are attached for your viewing pleasure.



DC 212 Summer 06 Results - Verticallychallangedcutie   (Jan 28, 2009, 5:37 pm)
This turn was nice and simple. I am going to stick with Trout on this way and I don't see why he would need to disband. If any of you have any more questions about this please feel free to email the other two mods. Their email addressess are mike(at)southwall.com, stevelytton(at)hotmail.com. I'm pretty sure they would be more then willing to answer anyone's questions. Here's the retreats.


Austria: Charles Kim <closed.sunday(at)gmail.com>
England: Greg Neilsen <yeeha77(at)yahoo.com>
France: Patrick Canning <patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com>
Germany: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Italy: Jimmy Ghostine <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org>
Russia: Taylor McQuilliams <joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com>
Turkey: Andrew Ott <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>


disband A Kiel
A Munich - Ruhr

Fall 1906 is set for Wed. Feb 4th at 7pm EST ( 11:59pm GMT ). Map and dpy file are attached for your viewing pleasure.



DC 212 Spring 06 Results- time out - agwopa   (Jan 27, 2009, 1:44 pm)
I am bored and there for I throw my 2 cents in.
Good luck sorting this all out, and take your time, lots of time if you want or need, the longer you take the longer Turkey gets to stick around!!!!

From: Greg Neilsen <yeeha77(at)yahoo.com>
To: "Ghostine, Jimmy" <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org>; Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Cc: Rachael Jameson <verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com>; DC 212 Forum <dc212(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; Charles Kim DC 212 Austria <closed.sunday(at)gmail.com>; Patrick Canning DC 212 France <patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com>; Taylor McQuilliams DC 212 Russia <joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com>; Andrew Ott DC 212 Turkey <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>; Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 9:22:51 AM
Subject: Re: DC 212 Spring 06 Results- time out

Folks- FYI
I raised an issue with Rachel, which could impact the results and retreat decisions.

--- On Tue, 1/27/09, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com> wrote:

From: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: DC 212 Spring 06 Results
To: "Ghostine, Jimmy" <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org>
Cc: "Rachael Jameson" <verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com>, "DC 212 Forum" <dc212(at)diplomaticcorp.com>, "Charles Kim DC 212 Austria" <closed.sunday(at)gmail.com>, "Greg Neilsen DC 212 England" <yeeha77(at)yahoo.com>, "Patrick Canning DC 212 France" <patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com>, "Taylor McQuilliams DC 212 Russia" <joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com>, "Andrew Ott DC 212 Turkey" <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>, "Stephen Lytton" <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 12:00 AM


The disband rule you're quoting is of more importance if two different players order retreats to the same province or territory. (i.e. if both France and Germany had a retreat and ordered it to Ruhr.) It is also used sometimes by players to disband units if they can gain strategic advantage by doing so. (i.e. disbanding two units in order to gain a build somewhere more useful.)

But as a player ALWAYS has the choice of where to retreat, and OTB is ALWAYS an option for a retreating unit then there is no necessity at all for both units to disband in this case. It is completely up to the player ordering the units.


On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 9:10 PM, Ghostine, Jimmy <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org ([email]Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org[/email])> wrote:
[quote:190c7f9afc] Given that I don't have to spend many a sleepless nights pondering how best to orchestrate the moves of my lone fleet which has been at port since I can remember, I have had some time to ponder this particular situation. The situation is clearly spelled out in the 1992 rule book, mirroring exactly what Trout outlines. It's just that the 2000 rule update muddies the water with unclear language. I think it would be perfectly reasonable for either army to disband on site, and the other to withdraw to Ruhr.

From: Former Trout [mailto:former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])]
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 21:42
To: Ghostine, Jimmy
Cc: Rachael Jameson; DC 212 Forum; Charles Kim DC 212 Austria; Greg Neilsen DC 212 England; Patrick Canning DC 212 France; Taylor McQuilliams DC 212 Russia; Andrew Ott DC 212 Turkey; Stephen Lytton
Subject: Re: DC 212 Spring 06 Results

Yes - that is correct if I order BOTH units to retreat to Ruhr. In that case, the retreats bounce and both units disband.

HOWEVER - I have two retreats to order and two options for both - either Ruhr or OTB (Off The Board). If I order one of the units to
Ruhr and the second unit to retreat OTB then the problem is avoided.

I fail to see why BOTH units would have to be disbanded when I clearly have that choice.


On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 7:29 PM, Ghostine, Jimmy <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org ([email]Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org[/email])> wrote:
[quote:190c7f9afc] I haven't confirmed with realpolitik yet, but according to rule orthodoxy, both german units may need to be disbanded given that they can both only withdraw to ruhr. Alternatively one of the 2 can be disbanded and the other retreated to ruhr. Check page 17 of the attached 4th edition diplomacy rulebook under disbandment.

I don't know how this group deals with the tricky situation arising from a lack of clarity in the 2000 rule update. The 1992 rulebook was clearer when it came to this particular.


From: Rachael Jameson [mailto:verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com ([email]verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com[/email])]
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 20:54
To: DC 212 Forum; Charles Kim DC 212 Austria; Greg Neilsen DC 212 England; DC 212 Forum; Patrick Canning DC 212 France; Former Trout DC 212 Germany; Ghostine, Jimmy; Taylor McQuilliams DC 212 Russia; Andrew Ott DC 212 Turkey; Stephen Lytton
Subject: DC 212 Spring 06 Results

Sorry this took so long in getting out. Since returning from trip up North my household came down with a horrible stomach bug that landed me in the hospital. I am not better but my two young kids are still suffering and life has been nonstop cleaning up after them and sleeping. Hopefully soon things will be back to normal and back on track. Thank you everyone for getting your orders in on time! If anyone sees any errors please let me know. I won't keep you waiting anymore, here's the turn.

Austria: Charles Kim <closed.sunday(at)gmail.com>
England: Greg Neilsen <yeeha77(at)yahoo.com>
France: Patrick Canning <patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com>
Germany: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Italy: Jimmy Ghostine <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org>
Russia: Taylor McQuilliams <joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com ([email]joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Turkey: Andrew Ott <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>

A Bohemia Supports A Vienna - Galicia
A Budapest - Rumania
A Bulgaria Supports A Budapest - Rumania
A Constantinople - Ankara
F Greece - Aegean Sea
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Naples - Greece
A Naples - Greece
A Rome Hold
A Venice - Tyrolia
A Vienna - Galicia

F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)
A Burgundy Supports A Gascony - Brest (*Fails*)
F Denmark Supports A Holland - Kiel
F English Channel Convoys A London - Picardy
A Holland - Kiel
F Liverpool - Irish Sea
A London - Picardy
F Norway - Norwegian Sea
F Sweden - Norway

A Gascony - Brest (*Fails*)
A Paris, no move received
F Piedmont - Marseilles
F Spain(sc) - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)
A Tunis Hold

A Kiel Supports A Munich (*Dislodged*)
A Munich Supports A Kiel (*Dislodged*)

F Smyrna Hold

A Berlin Supports A Silesia - Munich
A Moscow - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
A Sevastopol - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Silesia - Munich
A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Fails*)
A Warsaw - Silesia

F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Void*)

Retreats and Deadline:
We have two retreats due this turn. German A Kiel can retreat to Ruhr.
German A Munich can retreat to Ruhr.

Let's set the Summer retreats for tomorrow evening Jan 27th at 7pm EST ( 11:59GMT ). Map and dpy file are attached for your viewing pleasure.





DC 212 Spring 06 Results- time out - yeeha77   (Jan 27, 2009, 11:23 am)
Folks- FYI
I raised an issue with Rachel, which could impact the results and retreat decisions.

--- On Tue, 1/27/09, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com> wrote:

From: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: DC 212 Spring 06 Results
To: "Ghostine, Jimmy" <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org>
Cc: "Rachael Jameson" <verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com>, "DC 212 Forum" <dc212(at)diplomaticcorp.com>, "Charles Kim DC 212 Austria" <closed.sunday(at)gmail.com>, "Greg Neilsen DC 212 England" <yeeha77(at)yahoo.com>, "Patrick Canning DC 212 France" <patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com>, "Taylor McQuilliams DC 212 Russia" <joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com>, "Andrew Ott DC 212 Turkey" <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>, "Stephen Lytton" <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 12:00 AM


The disband rule you're quoting is of more importance if two different players order retreats to the same province or territory. (i.e. if both France and Germany had a retreat and ordered it to Ruhr.) It is also used sometimes by players to disband units if they can gain strategic advantage by doing so. (i.e. disbanding two units in order to gain a build somewhere more useful.)

But as a player ALWAYS has the choice of where to retreat, and OTB is ALWAYS an option for a retreating unit then there is no necessity at all for both units to disband in this case. It is completely up to the player ordering the units.


On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 9:10 PM, Ghostine, Jimmy <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org ([email]Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org[/email])> wrote:
[quote:3c66d32bed] Given that I don't have to spend many a sleepless nights pondering how best to orchestrate the moves of my lone fleet which has been at port since I can remember, I have had some time to ponder this particular situation. The situation is clearly spelled out in the 1992 rule book, mirroring exactly what Trout outlines. It's just that the 2000 rule update muddies the water with unclear language. I think it would be perfectly reasonable for either army to disband on site, and the other to withdraw to Ruhr.

From: Former Trout [mailto:former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])]
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 21:42
To: Ghostine, Jimmy
Cc: Rachael Jameson; DC 212 Forum; Charles Kim DC 212 Austria; Greg Neilsen DC 212 England; Patrick Canning DC 212 France; Taylor McQuilliams DC 212 Russia; Andrew Ott DC 212 Turkey; Stephen Lytton
Subject: Re: DC 212 Spring 06 Results

Yes - that is correct if I order BOTH units to retreat to Ruhr. In that case, the retreats bounce and both units disband.

HOWEVER - I have two retreats to order and two options for both - either Ruhr or OTB (Off The Board). If I order one of the units to
Ruhr and the second unit to retreat OTB then the problem is avoided.

I fail to see why BOTH units would have to be disbanded when I clearly have that choice.


On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 7:29 PM, Ghostine, Jimmy <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org ([email]Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org[/email])> wrote:
[quote:3c66d32bed] I haven't confirmed with realpolitik yet, but according to rule orthodoxy, both german units may need to be disbanded given that they can both only withdraw to ruhr. Alternatively one of the 2 can be disbanded and the other retreated to ruhr. Check page 17 of the attached 4th edition diplomacy rulebook under disbandment.

I don't know how this group deals with the tricky situation arising from a lack of clarity in the 2000 rule update. The 1992 rulebook was clearer when it came to this particular.


From: Rachael Jameson [mailto:verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com ([email]verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com[/email])]
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 20:54
To: DC 212 Forum; Charles Kim DC 212 Austria; Greg Neilsen DC 212 England; DC 212 Forum; Patrick Canning DC 212 France; Former Trout DC 212 Germany; Ghostine, Jimmy; Taylor McQuilliams DC 212 Russia; Andrew Ott DC 212 Turkey; Stephen Lytton
Subject: DC 212 Spring 06 Results

Sorry this took so long in getting out. Since returning from trip up North my household came down with a horrible stomach bug that landed me in the hospital. I am not better but my two young kids are still suffering and life has been nonstop cleaning up after them and sleeping. Hopefully soon things will be back to normal and back on track. Thank you everyone for getting your orders in on time! If anyone sees any errors please let me know. I won't keep you waiting anymore, here's the turn.

Austria: Charles Kim <closed.sunday(at)gmail.com>
England: Greg Neilsen <yeeha77(at)yahoo.com>
France: Patrick Canning <patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com>
Germany: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Italy: Jimmy Ghostine <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org>
Russia: Taylor McQuilliams <joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com ([email]joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Turkey: Andrew Ott <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>

A Bohemia Supports A Vienna - Galicia
A Budapest - Rumania
A Bulgaria Supports A Budapest - Rumania
A Constantinople - Ankara
F Greece - Aegean Sea
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Naples - Greece
A Naples - Greece
A Rome Hold
A Venice - Tyrolia
A Vienna - Galicia

F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)
A Burgundy Supports A Gascony - Brest (*Fails*)
F Denmark Supports A Holland - Kiel
F English Channel Convoys A London - Picardy
A Holland - Kiel
F Liverpool - Irish Sea
A London - Picardy
F Norway - Norwegian Sea
F Sweden - Norway

A Gascony - Brest (*Fails*)
A Paris, no move received
F Piedmont - Marseilles
F Spain(sc) - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)
A Tunis Hold

A Kiel Supports A Munich (*Dislodged*)
A Munich Supports A Kiel (*Dislodged*)

F Smyrna Hold

A Berlin Supports A Silesia - Munich
A Moscow - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
A Sevastopol - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Silesia - Munich
A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Fails*)
A Warsaw - Silesia

F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Void*)

Retreats and Deadline:
We have two retreats due this turn. German A Kiel can retreat to Ruhr.
German A Munich can retreat to Ruhr.

Let's set the Summer retreats for tomorrow evening Jan 27th at 7pm EST ( 11:59GMT ). Map and dpy file are attached for your viewing pleasure.





DC 212 Spring 06 Results- time out (dc212) agwopa Jan 27, 01:44 pm
I am bored and there for I throw my 2 cents in.
Good luck sorting this all out, and take your time, lots of time if you want or need, the longer you take the longer Turkey gets to stick around!!!!

From: Greg Neilsen <yeeha77(at)yahoo.com>
To: "Ghostine, Jimmy" <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org>; Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Cc: Rachael Jameson <verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com>; DC 212 Forum <dc212(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; Charles Kim DC 212 Austria <closed.sunday(at)gmail.com>; Patrick Canning DC 212 France <patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com>; Taylor McQuilliams DC 212 Russia <joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com>; Andrew Ott DC 212 Turkey <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>; Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 9:22:51 AM
Subject: Re: DC 212 Spring 06 Results- time out

Folks- FYI
I raised an issue with Rachel, which could impact the results and retreat decisions.

--- On Tue, 1/27/09, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com> wrote:

From: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: DC 212 Spring 06 Results
To: "Ghostine, Jimmy" <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org>
Cc: "Rachael Jameson" <verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com>, "DC 212 Forum" <dc212(at)diplomaticcorp.com>, "Charles Kim DC 212 Austria" <closed.sunday(at)gmail.com>, "Greg Neilsen DC 212 England" <yeeha77(at)yahoo.com>, "Patrick Canning DC 212 France" <patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com>, "Taylor McQuilliams DC 212 Russia" <joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com>, "Andrew Ott DC 212 Turkey" <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>, "Stephen Lytton" <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 12:00 AM


The disband rule you're quoting is of more importance if two different players order retreats to the same province or territory. (i.e. if both France and Germany had a retreat and ordered it to Ruhr.) It is also used sometimes by players to disband units if they can gain strategic advantage by doing so. (i.e. disbanding two units in order to gain a build somewhere more useful.)

But as a player ALWAYS has the choice of where to retreat, and OTB is ALWAYS an option for a retreating unit then there is no necessity at all for both units to disband in this case. It is completely up to the player ordering the units.


On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 9:10 PM, Ghostine, Jimmy <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org ([email]Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org[/email])> wrote:
[quote:190c7f9afc] Given that I don't have to spend many a sleepless nights pondering how best to orchestrate the moves of my lone fleet which has been at port since I can remember, I have had some time to ponder this particular situation. The situation is clearly spelled out in the 1992 rule book, mirroring exactly what Trout outlines. It's just that the 2000 rule update muddies the water with unclear language. I think it would be perfectly reasonable for either army to disband on site, and the other to withdraw to Ruhr.

From: Former Trout [mailto:former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])]
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 21:42
To: Ghostine, Jimmy
Cc: Rachael Jameson; DC 212 Forum; Charles Kim DC 212 Austria; Greg Neilsen DC 212 England; Patrick Canning DC 212 France; Taylor McQuilliams DC 212 Russia; Andrew Ott DC 212 Turkey; Stephen Lytton
Subject: Re: DC 212 Spring 06 Results

Yes - that is correct if I order BOTH units to retreat to Ruhr. In that case, the retreats bounce and both units disband.

HOWEVER - I have two retreats to order and two options for both - either Ruhr or OTB (Off The Board). If I order one of the units to
Ruhr and the second unit to retreat OTB then the problem is avoided.

I fail to see why BOTH units would have to be disbanded when I clearly have that choice.


On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 7:29 PM, Ghostine, Jimmy <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org ([email]Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org[/email])> wrote:
[quote:190c7f9afc] I haven't confirmed with realpolitik yet, but according to rule orthodoxy, both german units may need to be disbanded given that they can both only withdraw to ruhr. Alternatively one of the 2 can be disbanded and the other retreated to ruhr. Check page 17 of the attached 4th edition diplomacy rulebook under disbandment.

I don't know how this group deals with the tricky situation arising from a lack of clarity in the 2000 rule update. The 1992 rulebook was clearer when it came to this particular.


From: Rachael Jameson [mailto:verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com ([email]verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com[/email])]
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 20:54
To: DC 212 Forum; Charles Kim DC 212 Austria; Greg Neilsen DC 212 England; DC 212 Forum; Patrick Canning DC 212 France; Former Trout DC 212 Germany; Ghostine, Jimmy; Taylor McQuilliams DC 212 Russia; Andrew Ott DC 212 Turkey; Stephen Lytton
Subject: DC 212 Spring 06 Results

Sorry this took so long in getting out. Since returning from trip up North my household came down with a horrible stomach bug that landed me in the hospital. I am not better but my two young kids are still suffering and life has been nonstop cleaning up after them and sleeping. Hopefully soon things will be back to normal and back on track. Thank you everyone for getting your orders in on time! If anyone sees any errors please let me know. I won't keep you waiting anymore, here's the turn.

Austria: Charles Kim <closed.sunday(at)gmail.com>
England: Greg Neilsen <yeeha77(at)yahoo.com>
France: Patrick Canning <patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com>
Germany: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Italy: Jimmy Ghostine <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org>
Russia: Taylor McQuilliams <joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com ([email]joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Turkey: Andrew Ott <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>

A Bohemia Supports A Vienna - Galicia
A Budapest - Rumania
A Bulgaria Supports A Budapest - Rumania
A Constantinople - Ankara
F Greece - Aegean Sea
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Naples - Greece
A Naples - Greece
A Rome Hold
A Venice - Tyrolia
A Vienna - Galicia

F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)
A Burgundy Supports A Gascony - Brest (*Fails*)
F Denmark Supports A Holland - Kiel
F English Channel Convoys A London - Picardy
A Holland - Kiel
F Liverpool - Irish Sea
A London - Picardy
F Norway - Norwegian Sea
F Sweden - Norway

A Gascony - Brest (*Fails*)
A Paris, no move received
F Piedmont - Marseilles
F Spain(sc) - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)
A Tunis Hold

A Kiel Supports A Munich (*Dislodged*)
A Munich Supports A Kiel (*Dislodged*)

F Smyrna Hold

A Berlin Supports A Silesia - Munich
A Moscow - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
A Sevastopol - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Silesia - Munich
A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Fails*)
A Warsaw - Silesia

F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Void*)

Retreats and Deadline:
We have two retreats due this turn. German A Kiel can retreat to Ruhr.
German A Munich can retreat to Ruhr.

Let's set the Summer retreats for tomorrow evening Jan 27th at 7pm EST ( 11:59GMT ). Map and dpy file are attached for your viewing pleasure.



DC 212 Spring 06 Results - former.trout   (Jan 26, 2009, 11:01 pm)

The disband rule you're quoting is of more importance if two different players order retreats to the same province or territory. (i.e. if both France and Germany had a retreat and ordered it to Ruhr.) It is also used sometimes by players to disband units if they can gain strategic advantage by doing so. (i.e. disbanding two units in order to gain a build somewhere more useful.)

But as a player ALWAYS has the choice of where to retreat, and OTB is ALWAYS an option for a retreating unit then there is no necessity at all for both units to disband in this case. It is completely up to the player ordering the units.


On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 9:10 PM, Ghostine, Jimmy <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org ([email]Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org[/email])> wrote:

Given that I don't have to spend many a sleepless nights pondering how best to orchestrate the moves of my lone fleet which has been at port since I can remember, I have had some time to ponder this particular situation. The situation is clearly spelled out in the 1992 rule book, mirroring exactly what Trout outlines. It's just that the 2000 rule update muddies the water with unclear language. I think it would be perfectly reasonable for either army to disband on site, and the other to withdraw to Ruhr.

From: Former Trout [mailto:former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])]
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 21:42
To: Ghostine, Jimmy
Cc: Rachael Jameson; DC 212 Forum; Charles Kim DC 212 Austria; Greg Neilsen DC 212 England; Patrick Canning DC 212 France; Taylor McQuilliams DC 212 Russia; Andrew Ott DC 212 Turkey; Stephen Lytton
Subject: Re: DC 212 Spring 06 Results

Yes - that is correct if I order BOTH units to retreat to Ruhr. In that case, the retreats bounce and both units disband.

HOWEVER - I have two retreats to order and two options for both - either Ruhr or OTB (Off The Board). If I order one of the units to
Ruhr and the second unit to retreat OTB then the problem is avoided.

I fail to see why BOTH units would have to be disbanded when I clearly have that choice.


On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 7:29 PM, Ghostine, Jimmy <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org ([email]Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org[/email])> wrote:
[quote:390c7d7e52] I haven't confirmed with realpolitik yet, but according to rule orthodoxy, both german units may need to be disbanded given that they can both only withdraw to ruhr. Alternatively one of the 2 can be disbanded and the other retreated to ruhr. Check page 17 of the attached 4th edition diplomacy rulebook under disbandment.

I don't know how this group deals with the tricky situation arising from a lack of clarity in the 2000 rule update. The 1992 rulebook was clearer when it came to this particular.


From: Rachael Jameson [mailto:verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com ([email]verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com[/email])]
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 20:54
To: DC 212 Forum; Charles Kim DC 212 Austria; Greg Neilsen DC 212 England; DC 212 Forum; Patrick Canning DC 212 France; Former Trout DC 212 Germany; Ghostine, Jimmy; Taylor McQuilliams DC 212 Russia; Andrew Ott DC 212 Turkey; Stephen Lytton
Subject: DC 212 Spring 06 Results

Sorry this took so long in getting out. Since returning from trip up North my household came down with a horrible stomach bug that landed me in the hospital. I am not better but my two young kids are still suffering and life has been nonstop cleaning up after them and sleeping. Hopefully soon things will be back to normal and back on track. Thank you everyone for getting your orders in on time! If anyone sees any errors please let me know. I won't keep you waiting anymore, here's the turn.

Austria: Charles Kim <closed.sunday(at)gmail.com>
England: Greg Neilsen <yeeha77(at)yahoo.com>
France: Patrick Canning <patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com>
Germany: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Italy: Jimmy Ghostine <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org>
Russia: Taylor McQuilliams <joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com ([email]joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Turkey: Andrew Ott <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>

A Bohemia Supports A Vienna - Galicia
A Budapest - Rumania
A Bulgaria Supports A Budapest - Rumania
A Constantinople - Ankara
F Greece - Aegean Sea
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Naples - Greece
A Naples - Greece
A Rome Hold
A Venice - Tyrolia
A Vienna - Galicia

F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)
A Burgundy Supports A Gascony - Brest (*Fails*)
F Denmark Supports A Holland - Kiel
F English Channel Convoys A London - Picardy
A Holland - Kiel
F Liverpool - Irish Sea
A London - Picardy
F Norway - Norwegian Sea
F Sweden - Norway

A Gascony - Brest (*Fails*)
A Paris, no move received
F Piedmont - Marseilles
F Spain(sc) - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)
A Tunis Hold

A Kiel Supports A Munich (*Dislodged*)
A Munich Supports A Kiel (*Dislodged*)

F Smyrna Hold

A Berlin Supports A Silesia - Munich
A Moscow - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
A Sevastopol - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Silesia - Munich
A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Fails*)
A Warsaw - Silesia

F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Void*)

Retreats and Deadline:
We have two retreats due this turn. German A Kiel can retreat to Ruhr.
German A Munich can retreat to Ruhr.

Let's set the Summer retreats for tomorrow evening Jan 27th at 7pm EST ( 11:59GMT ). Map and dpy file are attached for your viewing pleasure.




DC 212 Spring 06 Results - former.trout   (Jan 26, 2009, 8:42 pm)
Yes - that is correct if I order BOTH units to retreat to Ruhr. In that case, the retreats bounce and both units disband.

HOWEVER - I have two retreats to order and two options for both - either Ruhr or OTB (Off The Board). If I order one of the units to
Ruhr and the second unit to retreat OTB then the problem is avoided.

I fail to see why BOTH units would have to be disbanded when I clearly have that choice.


On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 7:29 PM, Ghostine, Jimmy <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org ([email]Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org[/email])> wrote:

I haven't confirmed with realpolitik yet, but according to rule orthodoxy, both german units may need to be disbanded given that they can both only withdraw to ruhr. Alternatively one of the 2 can be disbanded and the other retreated to ruhr. Check page 17 of the attached 4th edition diplomacy rulebook under disbandment.

I don't know how this group deals with the tricky situation arising from a lack of clarity in the 2000 rule update. The 1992 rulebook was clearer when it came to this particular.


From: Rachael Jameson [mailto:verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com ([email]verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com[/email])]
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 20:54
To: DC 212 Forum; Charles Kim DC 212 Austria; Greg Neilsen DC 212 England; DC 212 Forum; Patrick Canning DC 212 France; Former Trout DC 212 Germany; Ghostine, Jimmy; Taylor McQuilliams DC 212 Russia; Andrew Ott DC 212 Turkey; Stephen Lytton
Subject: DC 212 Spring 06 Results

Sorry this took so long in getting out. Since returning from trip up North my household came down with a horrible stomach bug that landed me in the hospital. I am not better but my two young kids are still suffering and life has been nonstop cleaning up after them and sleeping. Hopefully soon things will be back to normal and back on track. Thank you everyone for getting your orders in on time! If anyone sees any errors please let me know. I won't keep you waiting anymore, here's the turn.

Austria: Charles Kim <closed.sunday(at)gmail.com>
England: Greg Neilsen <yeeha77(at)yahoo.com>
France: Patrick Canning <patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com>
Germany: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Italy: Jimmy Ghostine <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org>
Russia: Taylor McQuilliams <joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com ([email]joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Turkey: Andrew Ott <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>

A Bohemia Supports A Vienna - Galicia
A Budapest - Rumania
A Bulgaria Supports A Budapest - Rumania
A Constantinople - Ankara
F Greece - Aegean Sea
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Naples - Greece
A Naples - Greece
A Rome Hold
A Venice - Tyrolia
A Vienna - Galicia

F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)
A Burgundy Supports A Gascony - Brest (*Fails*)
F Denmark Supports A Holland - Kiel
F English Channel Convoys A London - Picardy
A Holland - Kiel
F Liverpool - Irish Sea
A London - Picardy
F Norway - Norwegian Sea
F Sweden - Norway

A Gascony - Brest (*Fails*)
A Paris, no move received
F Piedmont - Marseilles
F Spain(sc) - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)
A Tunis Hold

A Kiel Supports A Munich (*Dislodged*)
A Munich Supports A Kiel (*Dislodged*)

F Smyrna Hold

A Berlin Supports A Silesia - Munich
A Moscow - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
A Sevastopol - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Silesia - Munich
A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Fails*)
A Warsaw - Silesia

F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Void*)

Retreats and Deadline:
We have two retreats due this turn. German A Kiel can retreat to Ruhr.
German A Munich can retreat to Ruhr.

Let's set the Summer retreats for tomorrow evening Jan 27th at 7pm EST ( 11:59GMT ). Map and dpy file are attached for your viewing pleasure.



DC 212 Spring 06 Results - Verticallychallangedcutie   (Jan 26, 2009, 7:54 pm)
Sorry this took so long in getting out. Since returning from trip up North my household came down with a horrible stomach bug that landed me in the hospital. I am not better but my two young kids are still suffering and life has been nonstop cleaning up after them and sleeping. Hopefully soon things will be back to normal and back on track. Thank you everyone for getting your orders in on time! If anyone sees any errors please let me know. I won't keep you waiting anymore, here's the turn.

Austria: Charles Kim <closed.sunday(at)gmail.com>
England: Greg Neilsen <yeeha77(at)yahoo.com>
France: Patrick Canning <patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com>
Germany: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Italy: Jimmy Ghostine <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org>
Russia: Taylor McQuilliams <joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com>
Turkey: Andrew Ott <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>

A Bohemia Supports A Vienna - Galicia
A Budapest - Rumania
A Bulgaria Supports A Budapest - Rumania
A Constantinople - Ankara
F Greece - Aegean Sea
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Naples - Greece
A Naples - Greece
A Rome Hold
A Venice - Tyrolia
A Vienna - Galicia

F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)
A Burgundy Supports A Gascony - Brest (*Fails*)
F Denmark Supports A Holland - Kiel
F English Channel Convoys A London - Picardy
A Holland - Kiel
F Liverpool - Irish Sea
A London - Picardy
F Norway - Norwegian Sea
F Sweden - Norway

A Gascony - Brest (*Fails*)
A Paris, no move received
F Piedmont - Marseilles
F Spain(sc) - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)
A Tunis Hold

A Kiel Supports A Munich (*Dislodged*)
A Munich Supports A Kiel (*Dislodged*)

F Smyrna Hold

A Berlin Supports A Silesia - Munich
A Moscow - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
A Sevastopol - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Silesia - Munich
A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Fails*)
A Warsaw - Silesia

F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Void*)

Retreats and Deadline:
We have two retreats due this turn. German A Kiel can retreat to Ruhr.
German A Munich can retreat to Ruhr.

Let's set the Summer retreats for tomorrow evening Jan 27th at 7pm EST ( 11:59GMT ). Map and dpy file are attached for your viewing pleasure.



DC 212 Spring 06 Results (dc212) former.trout Jan 26, 08:42 pm
Yes - that is correct if I order BOTH units to retreat to Ruhr. In that case, the retreats bounce and both units disband.

HOWEVER - I have two retreats to order and two options for both - either Ruhr or OTB (Off The Board). If I order one of the units to
Ruhr and the second unit to retreat OTB then the problem is avoided.

I fail to see why BOTH units would have to be disbanded when I clearly have that choice.


On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 7:29 PM, Ghostine, Jimmy <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org ([email]Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org[/email])> wrote:

I haven't confirmed with realpolitik yet, but according to rule orthodoxy, both german units may need to be disbanded given that they can both only withdraw to ruhr. Alternatively one of the 2 can be disbanded and the other retreated to ruhr. Check page 17 of the attached 4th edition diplomacy rulebook under disbandment.

I don't know how this group deals with the tricky situation arising from a lack of clarity in the 2000 rule update. The 1992 rulebook was clearer when it came to this particular.


From: Rachael Jameson [mailto:verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com ([email]verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com[/email])]
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 20:54
To: DC 212 Forum; Charles Kim DC 212 Austria; Greg Neilsen DC 212 England; DC 212 Forum; Patrick Canning DC 212 France; Former Trout DC 212 Germany; Ghostine, Jimmy; Taylor McQuilliams DC 212 Russia; Andrew Ott DC 212 Turkey; Stephen Lytton
Subject: DC 212 Spring 06 Results

Sorry this took so long in getting out. Since returning from trip up North my household came down with a horrible stomach bug that landed me in the hospital. I am not better but my two young kids are still suffering and life has been nonstop cleaning up after them and sleeping. Hopefully soon things will be back to normal and back on track. Thank you everyone for getting your orders in on time! If anyone sees any errors please let me know. I won't keep you waiting anymore, here's the turn.

Austria: Charles Kim <closed.sunday(at)gmail.com>
England: Greg Neilsen <yeeha77(at)yahoo.com>
France: Patrick Canning <patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com>
Germany: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Italy: Jimmy Ghostine <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org>
Russia: Taylor McQuilliams <joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com ([email]joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Turkey: Andrew Ott <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>

A Bohemia Supports A Vienna - Galicia
A Budapest - Rumania
A Bulgaria Supports A Budapest - Rumania
A Constantinople - Ankara
F Greece - Aegean Sea
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Naples - Greece
A Naples - Greece
A Rome Hold
A Venice - Tyrolia
A Vienna - Galicia

F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)
A Burgundy Supports A Gascony - Brest (*Fails*)
F Denmark Supports A Holland - Kiel
F English Channel Convoys A London - Picardy
A Holland - Kiel
F Liverpool - Irish Sea
A London - Picardy
F Norway - Norwegian Sea
F Sweden - Norway

A Gascony - Brest (*Fails*)
A Paris, no move received
F Piedmont - Marseilles
F Spain(sc) - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)
A Tunis Hold

A Kiel Supports A Munich (*Dislodged*)
A Munich Supports A Kiel (*Dislodged*)

F Smyrna Hold

A Berlin Supports A Silesia - Munich
A Moscow - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
A Sevastopol - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Silesia - Munich
A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Fails*)
A Warsaw - Silesia

F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Void*)

Retreats and Deadline:
We have two retreats due this turn. German A Kiel can retreat to Ruhr.
German A Munich can retreat to Ruhr.

Let's set the Summer retreats for tomorrow evening Jan 27th at 7pm EST ( 11:59GMT ). Map and dpy file are attached for your viewing pleasure.


DC 212 Spring 06 Results (dc212) former.trout Jan 26, 11:01 pm

The disband rule you're quoting is of more importance if two different players order retreats to the same province or territory. (i.e. if both France and Germany had a retreat and ordered it to Ruhr.) It is also used sometimes by players to disband units if they can gain strategic advantage by doing so. (i.e. disbanding two units in order to gain a build somewhere more useful.)

But as a player ALWAYS has the choice of where to retreat, and OTB is ALWAYS an option for a retreating unit then there is no necessity at all for both units to disband in this case. It is completely up to the player ordering the units.


On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 9:10 PM, Ghostine, Jimmy <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org ([email]Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org[/email])> wrote:

Given that I don't have to spend many a sleepless nights pondering how best to orchestrate the moves of my lone fleet which has been at port since I can remember, I have had some time to ponder this particular situation. The situation is clearly spelled out in the 1992 rule book, mirroring exactly what Trout outlines. It's just that the 2000 rule update muddies the water with unclear language. I think it would be perfectly reasonable for either army to disband on site, and the other to withdraw to Ruhr.

From: Former Trout [mailto:former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])]
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 21:42
To: Ghostine, Jimmy
Cc: Rachael Jameson; DC 212 Forum; Charles Kim DC 212 Austria; Greg Neilsen DC 212 England; Patrick Canning DC 212 France; Taylor McQuilliams DC 212 Russia; Andrew Ott DC 212 Turkey; Stephen Lytton
Subject: Re: DC 212 Spring 06 Results

Yes - that is correct if I order BOTH units to retreat to Ruhr. In that case, the retreats bounce and both units disband.

HOWEVER - I have two retreats to order and two options for both - either Ruhr or OTB (Off The Board). If I order one of the units to
Ruhr and the second unit to retreat OTB then the problem is avoided.

I fail to see why BOTH units would have to be disbanded when I clearly have that choice.


On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 7:29 PM, Ghostine, Jimmy <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org ([email]Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org[/email])> wrote:
[quote:390c7d7e52] I haven't confirmed with realpolitik yet, but according to rule orthodoxy, both german units may need to be disbanded given that they can both only withdraw to ruhr. Alternatively one of the 2 can be disbanded and the other retreated to ruhr. Check page 17 of the attached 4th edition diplomacy rulebook under disbandment.

I don't know how this group deals with the tricky situation arising from a lack of clarity in the 2000 rule update. The 1992 rulebook was clearer when it came to this particular.


From: Rachael Jameson [mailto:verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com ([email]verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com[/email])]
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 20:54
To: DC 212 Forum; Charles Kim DC 212 Austria; Greg Neilsen DC 212 England; DC 212 Forum; Patrick Canning DC 212 France; Former Trout DC 212 Germany; Ghostine, Jimmy; Taylor McQuilliams DC 212 Russia; Andrew Ott DC 212 Turkey; Stephen Lytton
Subject: DC 212 Spring 06 Results

Sorry this took so long in getting out. Since returning from trip up North my household came down with a horrible stomach bug that landed me in the hospital. I am not better but my two young kids are still suffering and life has been nonstop cleaning up after them and sleeping. Hopefully soon things will be back to normal and back on track. Thank you everyone for getting your orders in on time! If anyone sees any errors please let me know. I won't keep you waiting anymore, here's the turn.

Austria: Charles Kim <closed.sunday(at)gmail.com>
England: Greg Neilsen <yeeha77(at)yahoo.com>
France: Patrick Canning <patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com>
Germany: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Italy: Jimmy Ghostine <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org>
Russia: Taylor McQuilliams <joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com ([email]joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Turkey: Andrew Ott <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>

A Bohemia Supports A Vienna - Galicia
A Budapest - Rumania
A Bulgaria Supports A Budapest - Rumania
A Constantinople - Ankara
F Greece - Aegean Sea
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Naples - Greece
A Naples - Greece
A Rome Hold
A Venice - Tyrolia
A Vienna - Galicia

F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)
A Burgundy Supports A Gascony - Brest (*Fails*)
F Denmark Supports A Holland - Kiel
F English Channel Convoys A London - Picardy
A Holland - Kiel
F Liverpool - Irish Sea
A London - Picardy
F Norway - Norwegian Sea
F Sweden - Norway

A Gascony - Brest (*Fails*)
A Paris, no move received
F Piedmont - Marseilles
F Spain(sc) - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)
A Tunis Hold

A Kiel Supports A Munich (*Dislodged*)
A Munich Supports A Kiel (*Dislodged*)

F Smyrna Hold

A Berlin Supports A Silesia - Munich
A Moscow - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
A Sevastopol - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Silesia - Munich
A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Fails*)
A Warsaw - Silesia

F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Void*)

Retreats and Deadline:
We have two retreats due this turn. German A Kiel can retreat to Ruhr.
German A Munich can retreat to Ruhr.

Let's set the Summer retreats for tomorrow evening Jan 27th at 7pm EST ( 11:59GMT ). Map and dpy file are attached for your viewing pleasure.


Deadline reminder - deathblade_penguin   (Jan 22, 2009, 9:22 pm)
Get well soon, Rachael! With the healthcare system you have in the states you can't afford to be sick and we dont want to lose a good GM!

Steve (living in a country with free healthcare)

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Inferno
Moderator of www.diplomaticcorp.com

Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 16:47:50 -0800
From: verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com
Subject: Deadline reminder
To: dc212(at)diplomaticcorp.com; closed.sunday(at)gmail.com; yeeha77(at)yahoo.com; dc212(at)diplomaticcorp.com; patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org; joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com; drew3739o(at)yahoo.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com

The deadline was 45 min ago and sadly I have only received....2 sets of orders. Since I neglected to send out a reminder last night ( I spent the night in the ER yakking my guys up ) I will extend the deadline by 24 hours. Orders are due tomorrow night Jan 23rd at 7pm EST ( 11:59 pm GMT ).


Find your ideal job with SEEK Time for change?


Deadline reminder - Verticallychallangedcutie   (Jan 22, 2009, 6:48 pm)
The deadline was 45 min ago and sadly I have only received....2 sets of orders. Since I neglected to send out a reminder last night ( I spent the night in the ER yakking my guys up ) I will extend the deadline by 24 hours. Orders are due tomorrow night Jan 23rd at 7pm EST ( 11:59 pm GMT ).



Deadline reminder (dc212) deathblade_penguin Jan 22, 09:22 pm
Get well soon, Rachael! With the healthcare system you have in the states you can't afford to be sick and we dont want to lose a good GM!

Steve (living in a country with free healthcare)

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Inferno
Moderator of www.diplomaticcorp.com

Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 16:47:50 -0800
From: verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com
Subject: Deadline reminder
To: dc212(at)diplomaticcorp.com; closed.sunday(at)gmail.com; yeeha77(at)yahoo.com; dc212(at)diplomaticcorp.com; patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org; joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com; drew3739o(at)yahoo.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com

The deadline was 45 min ago and sadly I have only received....2 sets of orders. Since I neglected to send out a reminder last night ( I spent the night in the ER yakking my guys up ) I will extend the deadline by 24 hours. Orders are due tomorrow night Jan 23rd at 7pm EST ( 11:59 pm GMT ).


Find your ideal job with SEEK Time for change?
DC 212 Winter 05 Results - Verticallychallangedcutie   (Jan 16, 2009, 9:44 pm)
Sorry this is out a bit late. I've been visiting my in-laws in MI the past week, and today we received some not so good news that kinda threw me for a loop. I won't keep you guys waiting any longer...here's the turn.

Austria: Charles Kim <closed.sunday(at)gmail.com>
England: Greg Neilsen <yeeha77(at)yahoo.com>
France: Patrick Canning <patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com>
Germany: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Italy: Jimmy Ghostine <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org>
Russia: Taylor McQuilliams <joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com>
Turkey: Andrew Ott <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>

Build A Vienna

Build F Liverpool
Build A London

Remove F Western Mediterranean

Build A Warsaw

Remove A Armenia

Let's set the deadline for Spring 1906 for Thursday Jan 22nd at 7pm EST ( 11:59pm GMT ). Map and dpy file are attached for your viewing pleasure.



DC 212 Delay - Verticallychallangedcutie   (Jan 14, 2009, 8:42 pm)
I am missing one set of orders for this turns. I have given the player 24 hours to get me his orders. The player has been written separately to let him know he is late. As soon as I get them in I will send out to turn. If I do not hear from the player by 9pm EST tomorrow night I will adjudicate without the orders.



DC 212 Autumn Retreat Results - Verticallychallangedcutie   (Jan 10, 2009, 12:22 pm)
SOO sorry for not putting this out. This past week we've had some major money woes that kept me stressed and worried but that's over now. A very awesome player of yours just reminded me that I haven't put this out yet. Anywho here's the retreat.

F St. Pete (nc) retreats to Norway

Let's set the Winter Deadline for Wed Jan 14th at 7pm EST ( 12am GMT ).



DC 212 Change of DC House Rules - deathblade_penguin   (Jan 06, 2009, 12:34 am)
Dear Players of Dc212

Just informing you that the Diplomaticcorp Default House Rules which are attached to this game, have been updated. There are No major changes but all players should take the time to re-read them if they wish. They can be found by a link on the Dc212 game page. Any additional House Rules that were set by your GM at the start of game of course still apply.

The new changes will come into effect as from your next deadline - January 8th.

Steve - moderator of Diplomaticcorp.

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Inferno
Moderator of www.diplomaticcorp.com

Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2009 22:05:16 -0800
From: verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com
Subject: DC 212 Fall 1905 Results
To: dc212(at)diplomaticcorp.com; closed.sunday(at)gmail.com; yeeha77(at)yahoo.com; dc212(at)diplomaticcorp.com; patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org; joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com; drew3739o(at)yahoo.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com

Sorry this is going out a bit late. My husband is going back on the night shift next week and this was our last chance to spend some time together. Any who I am glad the game is back on and without further ado here is the turn!


Austria: Charles Kim <closed.sunday(at)gmail.com>
England: Greg Neilsen <yeeha77(at)yahoo.com>
France: Patrick Canning <patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com>
Germany: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Italy: Jimmy Ghostine <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org>
Russia: Taylor McQuilliams <joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com>
Turkey: Andrew Ott <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>


F Albania - Greece
A Bohemia Supports A Munich
A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Bounce*)
A Constantinople Hold
F Ionian Sea Supports A Naples
A Naples Supports A Rome
A Rome Hold
A Trieste - Budapest
A Tyrolia - Venice

A Belgium - Burgundy
F Denmark Supports A Holland - Kiel
F English Channel - Brest
A Holland - Kiel (*Fails*)
F North Sea - English Channel
F St Petersburg(nc) Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Sweden Hold

A Burgundy - Paris
F Gulf of Lyon - Spain(sc)
A Marseilles - Gascony
A Tunis Hold
F Tuscany - Piedmont
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean

A Kiel Supports A Munich (*Cut*)
A Munich Supports A Kiel

F Smyrna Hold

A Berlin Hold
A Finland - St Petersburg
A Moscow Supports A Finland - St Petersburg
A Rumania - Sevastopol
A Silesia Supports A Berlin

A Armenia - Smyrna (*Fails*)
F Black Sea - Rumania (*Bounce*)

Deadline and Retreats:
We have one retreat due from England. English F St Petersburg(nc) can retreat to Barents Sea or Norway.

I'll set the retreat deadline for Thursday Jan 8th at 7pm EST ( 11pm GMT ). Map and dpy file is attached for your convenience.

Download free Holiday emoticons today! Messenger's gift to you!


DC 212 Fall 1905 Results - Verticallychallangedcutie   (Jan 06, 2009, 12:06 am)
Sorry this is going out a bit late. My husband is going back on the night shift next week and this was our last chance to spend some time together. Any who I am glad the game is back on and without further ado here is the turn!


Austria: Charles Kim <closed.sunday(at)gmail.com>
England: Greg Neilsen <yeeha77(at)yahoo.com>
France: Patrick Canning <patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com>
Germany: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Italy: Jimmy Ghostine <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org>
Russia: Taylor McQuilliams <joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com>
Turkey: Andrew Ott <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>


F Albania - Greece
A Bohemia Supports A Munich
A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Bounce*)
A Constantinople Hold
F Ionian Sea Supports A Naples
A Naples Supports A Rome
A Rome Hold
A Trieste - Budapest
A Tyrolia - Venice

A Belgium - Burgundy
F Denmark Supports A Holland - Kiel
F English Channel - Brest
A Holland - Kiel (*Fails*)
F North Sea - English Channel
F St Petersburg(nc) Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Sweden Hold

A Burgundy - Paris
F Gulf of Lyon - Spain(sc)
A Marseilles - Gascony
A Tunis Hold
F Tuscany - Piedmont
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean

A Kiel Supports A Munich (*Cut*)
A Munich Supports A Kiel

F Smyrna Hold

A Berlin Hold
A Finland - St Petersburg
A Moscow Supports A Finland - St Petersburg
A Rumania - Sevastopol
A Silesia Supports A Berlin

A Armenia - Smyrna (*Fails*)
F Black Sea - Rumania (*Bounce*)

Deadline and Retreats:
We have one retreat due from England. English F St Petersburg(nc) can retreat to Barents Sea or Norway.

I'll set the retreat deadline for Thursday Jan 8th at 7pm EST ( 11pm GMT ). Map and dpy file is attached for your convenience.


DC 212 Deadline Reminder - Verticallychallangedcutie   (Jan 04, 2009, 8:06 pm)
The deadline is in a little under 24 hours! I am still missing 5 sets of orders. Make sure you get them in!



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