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(Standard - GM: Drew)


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243 EOG from AGWOPA - agwopa   (Aug 13, 2009, 3:41 pm)
Thanks, Thanks, Thanks.
Thank you all for playing, Even the ones we lost along the way.
About the game first... Turn one and the first few years. The few games I played before here at dip corp and trying to remember how it went some 25 years ago when I played regular, I am reminded of the safe way many games start, bounces in Gal and the Channel, Russia and a lone fleet hoping to pick up Sweden but first turn I am smiling for E and F both move away from the Channel and Galicia stayed empty with Moscow north and Italy to Piedmont and Tuscany my interest was peaked. But the great thing about Diplomacy anything can happen and Italy just faked left and not only changed direction but the direction of the game, that start forced France to protect Mars while Germany doubled back to Munich, and Austria who was gong to build two had to be thinking life was good before the Italian right turn now was stuck... and went from 5 to 2 to out. The NMR from England then the departure saddened this GM for GM's will most likely worry if there was something else we could do to prevent that but it seems to happen in so many games, that like in real life, when Russia went into Civil war a player leaving is just an unfortunate part of the game even if we do not like it. Still as a new GM I learned and learned a second time that life is not perfect but thanks for making this a real GM experience. Which leads to thanks for the late comers for filling in so well and I have joined late to some games myself it is a different experience and usually a hopeless situation like England was but he did a great job of trying to make the best of a bad situation and Germany... part of a 3 way win... what else can you say but well done. So thanks for the, and, to the, fill ins.
But back to the game (remember I have know idea who is talking to who and what is being said ) Now Austria soon to be gone and a Russia at 8 centers and I watch Turkey build a Fleet and an Army so I am wondering what direction is Turkey's next move? And it seems he is protecting against both Italy and Russia which is safe than the moved to Armenia and that sends a message and at the same time France lands on the Isle and Italy times another move to Piedmont which poor France must be saying "what? not again?" . The new England has new life (for the moment) as France retreats and Germany helps him into Norway. But in hind sight England has no choice but to go to Wales vs. France but if he had known France was leaving he could have protected Edi which falls to Russia and that seems to be the straw to break the English Isle back. France and combine that with the Germans soon exit and bummer England may have had a better chance. If he could have known?!?!
This is where I felt Turkey (I am looking back and have no idea what the diplomatic deals are saying) builds 2 fleets and may have tipped his hand too soon. Armies and maybe Italy continues to Iberia, but fleets leave Turkey with no where to go but at Italy and Italy promptly moved back to the right yet again by going to Ionian Sea. I have now watched some cool twist and turns and it is still just 05. Italy now seems to have to protect against France and seems to solve that problem by helping Germany to Mars and that if I may set up two thirds of the final out come. Russia weak and separated, Scandinavia in the German hands there is nobody to stop Germany but Germany. This set in motion the final third of the 3 way Draw. 2 Turkish fleet builds is all it took. I thank all for that is just my take that one turn even a Build turn can change the face of the game. If Turkey Builds 2 armies Germany would have to decide if he can swallow Russia and England and meet Italy in France or,,,,, split or give England to Russia to set the coming war on the eastern side of Switzerland vs Turkey? The power of no personal gain or stake in the game gives a different perspective and if you like that kind of stuff, GMing is a neat way to see a game.
My first try at GM by e-mail was a fun, frustrating, educational experience and this was made possible only because of all of you.
Now as I started this event I found my lack of simple computer skills was and is an embarrassing handy cap. Yea you can laugh but I did not know the difference between a bit. map. jpeg. or a gif. or how or what to do about that. So I self taught my way through it along the way. Laugh some more for I was pleased and proud when I figured out how to create folders to store the games in. So when I accidentally noticed how to search mail to easily see if I had an order from someone, I nearly danced that happy dance!! Than feeling full of my sot self, I bit off allot when I started a blind game and game 258 which made me go from one adjudication to what amounted to 9 adjudications and then my play time was cut into and I felt that I was not only letting me down, and you, but this silly game that I was told along time ago by a reliable source that was played by the likes of Henry Kissinger and Walter Cronkite. So if any of you all (and some have said some very nice things and I thank you all for those) ever see me run a game again feel welcome to join. The saddest part of all for me truly was the end... hear me out for a sec... I finally felt that I was getting into a good routine getting 24 hrs out and made my play time more flexible and boom 2 - 3 weeks of going pretty good and Turkey say yes to the 3 way... I was rooting for someone to throw in with Turkey just so I could see if I could keep it together ;-} yes my selfishness was shining through. Looking back this was the best and fitting out come but you all hanging in there while I got my learning curve down and still saying nice things also shows that you all, the players, show class and style it can be the way the "Game" should be played, all that nice stuff and backstabbing TOO!! who thought of this?
A special thanks to our cast of characters,
Jeffrey Clay
scott reinbold
Alan Farrington
James Gibson
Joe Hill
Michael Penner
Kyle Rudge
Nick Netscher
kiwi ting
So so long for now and hope to stab at or watch ya stab later....
A Grim World Of Perilous Adventure (AGWOPA)
Drew Ott


DC 243 Italy EOG - ignite107   (Aug 12, 2009, 10:00 pm)
I seem to have taken a lot of flak regarding some of the decisions I made but in the end, I was on the winning end of the draw - so can they be all bad?

Like Russia this was my first time playing and my end goal for this game was a survival.  Anything to avoid elimination.  Nothing seemed to go my way with a lot of negotiations happening and then players going NMR at crucial times.  It left me trying to gain what few SCs I could to mount some kind of force.

Germany 1: The alliance we made from turn 1 held through til EOG even with the switching of persons.  I had to trust someone in the game and while you played there was really no reason not to trust you, nor any reason for me to fight a war against you.

Germany 2: Well the alliance held but as England so boldly pointed out, a solo was a very viable option.  There was however nothing I could do to stop it.  Spain was yours the moment you wanted it and there would be nothing I could do even if I had an army there.  You had placed yourself in a position where if you wanted a solo there was nothing I could do to stop it, even if I tried, and I'd have to rely on Russia to prevent you from doing so.  By late game the only option I had for winning was the G I R draw you offered.  At which point, I had little choice but to put all the pressure on Turkey to get him to fold so that would happen.

Austria: I had to attack someone, it just so happened that everyone else decided to go after you as well.  I felt a little like a vulture looking for scraps.

Turkey: Good job, you held out as long as you could.  It was tempting to ally at the end and you made a rather convincing argument regarding a German solo.  But the way I saw it I had two options... a German solo with an Italian survival.  Or if I went against Germany, it would be an Italian elimination with two strong forces (Germany/Turkey) taking me out fairly quick.  I had to trust someone and Germany simply had more cards to control.  I don't recall the year but our alliance was out the door when we both built a bunch of fleets that one winter.

Russia: Yeap, good communication throughout.  Right from the get go we set out to keep our lines of communication open.  I don't think our armies even saw each on the field until the final year.

France: With Russia and Turkey fighting and Germany wanting to finish off England.. both Germany and England wanted to lend a hand for me to get onto French soil.  I couldn't really refuse, it was really the only tactical choice I had.  Man playing Italy can be tough.

England 1: Tough game, an early NMR hurt from the get go.

England 2: Yeah you were pretty much hooped from the get go.  I wanted to help but there were two strong nations between us fledgling ones.  I did what I could to hang onto a survival and in the end came out on top with a draw win.  Sorry the same did not go for you.

It was fun, it was my first game, and there's definitely more than a few things I'd do different - but nobody remembers the final score only those who came out on top.  Cheers to all.
Kyle Rudge
Morning Show Host Ignite107.1 FM CFEQ
Studio: (204) 336-1071
Office:  (204) 452-9602 (ext 321)


DC 243: Replacement England EoG - AlanRFarrington   (Aug 12, 2009, 6:36 pm)
Thank you all for having me in this game.

By the time I joined there wasn't much sunlight left for the Queen. I got a build though and I was able to hold off the French and the Germans for sometime. I was just trying to pick up one center and get on a roll when I went for Norway. Germany told me he had my back but apparently he had other ideas.

By the time I did get into Norway it was just a trade for Edinburg, and Germany turned around to slit my throat. I slowly fell to Russia while Nick ignored Germany's growing power.

The game could have ended very differently. With Nick and Italy ignoring German power the way they were the game could have relatively easily gone to a solo for Michael. At the end of the game he had 13 centers, with another easy 3 sitting for him in England, and Spain would have fallen faster than a drunkard at 3 int he morning. That puts him at 17, and I truly can't imagine another would have been very hard for Michael to pick up.

Whether it was great diplomacy on Germany's part or poor diplomacy on Russia and Italy's part it all added up to one thing for me: a long and painful elimination.

I enjoyed playing with all of you and would like to do it again. Drew you were a terrific GM and I hope to play either with you or for you again.

Thanks all,
Her Majesty the Queen,
Alan Farrington
Windows Live™: Keep your life in sync. Check it out.


DC 243 Russia EOG - nicknetscher   (Aug 12, 2009, 5:53 pm)
Thanks guys for the great game!
As my first online game of diplomacy I sure learned alot about how to and how not to play the game! The game took a heap of twists and turns with a couple of players dropping out and major alliances rising and crumbling throughout. I guess Italy, Germany and I just formed an alliance out of convenience of common enemies and because it stuck we were able to close out for a three-way draw.
From my perspective this is how the game went:
At the start everyone was pretty chatty and straight away I struck up an alliance with Germany 1 and Turkey whether or not these were secret or not I don't know. My main aims were to help Germany 1 take out England 1 and help Turkey take out Austria (I guess both of you were the least vocal and the England 1 NMR didn't help). If I learned anything here I guess, my long term plans weren't too solid, particularly as I had never really played passed 1905 before. So after Austria was cleaned up, we didn't really know what to do next.. Italy was getting in the way but Turkey and I could never really set up the next few moves properly.
Having two major fronts early in the game allowed me to make major gains and I got my SC count up to 9. This maybe alerted the rest of the field that I was expanding too quickly and coupled with the fact that both Turkey and I were offline for nearly a week and started to mistrust eachother lined me up for a couple of major stabs. Germany 1 and Turkey turned on me and after putting up a fight for a turn or so I decided to retreat and defend a much smaller territory of about 3-4 SC's. The relationship between Turkey and me never really got repaired over time..
I think my saving grace was when Germany 1 dropped out and the fact that he had started a war with myself, left him open to France advancing on the lowlands and possibly German soil. Germany 2 and I realised we had our own problems and I guess left eachother alone for a while to deal with our own issues. The move on England 1/2 eventually worked out except definitely not the way I wanted(!) - having Germany 2 in Scandanavia and me in England made things a little uncomfortable. By this stage of the game our common alliances with Germany allowed Italy and I to open communication channels and start to work together on Turkish SC's.
As I said, I learned alot about different strategies and ways to play the game and overall am pretty happy with the experience I had.
Notes to those still in the game at the end
- Germany 2: You coming into the game certainly changed things up.. taking a pretty different tact to Germany 1. As you said, the retreat to Gascony was a lucky break you took full advantage of and really helped turn the war between France and Germany. Thank you for not going for the glory and staying true to the alliance - I was aware and very worried that you could have taken the solo pretty much at any of the last two or three autumns. Well done and great strategising for a replacement player!
- Italy: We never really had a strong allliance until the last year or so. Not really close enough to help eachother, we still did well to stuff eachother up a couple of times! The Italy/Russia relationship is an interesting one in Diplomacy.. Anyway - great game and you certainly provided some entertainment along the way!
- Turkey: We had a powerful alliance at the start and after trying to repair it after your first stab only to be stabbed again was really the last I could trust you in the game. Looking back, I don't really know what went wrong - if we stayed strong we could have taken the game as a 2-way draw I think. We had good chats about the game and different strategies and you certainly put up a great fight. I look forward to playing against (or hopefully with) you again.
Thanks again guys!


DC243 - German EOG - Viper   (Aug 12, 2009, 12:27 pm)
Good game, everyone. My game report will only be a partial, as I only joined part-way through.

I came into the game needing to submit an immediate retreat and based on that fact alone I came to the conclusion that France was an enemy. With the ability to retreat into Gascony, I had to take advantage of that immediately. So then I started looking for allies in a fight against France and Italy/Russia were willing to help while it didn't seem like England was on board. So, when Turkey came calling saying he wouldn't bother me if I let him walk over Italy, I couldn't do it because I needed Italy to pester France as much as possible.

And so the game went. By the end I was certainly looking at how to get the solo, but as I said a number of times, I've never had a solo and I didn't want my first one to come as a replacement player. So I committed to a draw with the players who got me to where I was and stuck with it.

My compliments to Turkey... you exploited every hole we left you and survived well. Working with you in a future game would be a good experience, I'm sure.

Nick and Kyle... perhaps someday we'll play in a game when you don't rely on me so much... I knew the alliance was secure simply because you didn't have much of a choice... one of the reasons I liked it so much. Thanks for being willing to take part in my crazy convoy scheme. Someday...

England, France and Austria... never really played much with you because you were either gone, almost gone or my default enemy... hopefully no hard feelings.

I had fun and I'm glad the temptation of going for the solo is gone.



243 vote - agwopa   (Aug 12, 2009, 11:56 am)
The vote is 4-0 so it passes as a Russian Italian, German Victory!!! Turkish survival!
I will write more, no later than tomorrow for now I want to say thanks to all.


243 Proposal and 24 hr notice - agwopa   (Aug 10, 2009, 3:46 pm)
a three way draw Russia/Italy/Germany
Vote when you send something if you have sent something vote when you want.
Also this is your 24 hour reminder so remember Tuesday any time.

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243 Autumn 1909 Winter due Tuesday - agwopa   (Aug 08, 2009, 10:07 am)
F Ionian Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
So this leaves us with the winter builds and disbands that are




Tuesday anytime is okay by me if I get them sooner and can do the adjudication on Monday or Tuesday I will otherwise I will do the adjudication on Wednesday morning my time at the latest.
Any mistakes that you find let me know, other wise I will send a reminder on Sunday (48hrs ) and Monday (24 hrs). the 48 hour notice is to encourage a speedy turn around or an early adjudication.


243 Fall 09 - agwopa   (Aug 06, 2009, 12:29 pm)
So here we go, but first... I have been giving some personal reminders to those who are slower than ..... well lets just say slower than me. So I am telling all that I can no longer give those personal reminders for it is slowing me down and I do not want to take the blame any more for the delays. so the 24 hours after my notice and than whatever time it takes me to get to the adjudication... If I have not received any orders by then the NMR that I am than forced to give will have to happen. So that said (and thanks to all who are on time!!!) on with the show....
A Brest Hold
A Budapest Supports A Serbia
A Burgundy Hold
F English Channel Hold
A Marseilles Hold
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Hold
A Munich Hold
F North Sea Hold
A Norway Hold
A Paris Hold
A Portugal Hold
A Tyrolia Hold

F Adriatic Sea Supports F Naples - Ionian Sea
F Apulia Supports F Naples - Ionian Sea
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Serbia Supports A Trieste
A Trieste Supports A Serbia
F Tunis - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Bounce*)
F Western Mediterranean - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Bounce*)

A Galicia - Rumania
A Livonia Hold
F London Hold
A Moscow Supports A Sevastopol
A Sevastopol Hold (*Disbanded*)
A Ukraine Supports A Galicia - Rumania
A Warsaw Hold

F Aegean Sea Supports F Ionian Sea
A Armenia Supports A Rumania - Sevastopol
F Black Sea Supports A Rumania - Sevastopol
A Bulgaria Supports A Greece
A Greece Supports A Bulgaria
F Ionian Sea, no move received (*Dislodged*)
A Rumania - Sevastopol

One retreat Friday please I will send out on Saturday and then Monday for winter. Monday allows for the weekend "I have a life away from my computer" players to get the builds in.
Turkish F Ionian Sea can retreat to Albania or Eastern Mediterranean.
OTB can be accepted also.



243 Summer,Fall start - agwopa   (Aug 02, 2009, 9:52 am)
It seems that I did not tell all about the retreat.
The retreat went to Greece from Serbia. As most I am sure already guessed. I did checked yesterday, saw I had some fall orders in hand (some are good people with prelims, that makes me ;-} ) and I "assumed" (I should learn after all these years not to assume) I had sent this map out and lucky for me an alert player said hey I do not have the retreat yet so,
here it is..... the map, and a slight time change for a deadline and instead of 1600 GMT Any time on Monday is cool by me. My time zone is near the end of the world so because I know I will not adjudicate till my Tuesday morning I am getting to be California laid back!!! So to Quote the Mama's and the Papa's "Monday, Monday". if you sang it to your self you either have good taste in music or are old like me!!
If this map arriving today is not enough time to get orders to me let me know but I suspect you folks have a good idea what you are doing next. I know I have some players that said they are away for the weekend so keep me informed and have a great day or two till I speak again!!


243 DIAS Voted down - agwopa   (Aug 02, 2009, 1:36 am)
The vote has a no, so on with the game.


243 Proposal - nicknetscher   (Aug 01, 2009, 6:29 pm)
No to DIAS

On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 4:27 AM, Andrew Ott <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com ([email]drew3739o(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

We have a
proposal so let me know on your next E-mail please. thanks all


243 Proposal - agwopa   (Aug 01, 2009, 1:27 pm)
We have a
proposal so let me know on your next E-mail please. thanks all


243 Proposal (dc243) nicknetscher Aug 01, 06:29 pm
No to DIAS

On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 4:27 AM, Andrew Ott <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com ([email]drew3739o(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

We have a
proposal so let me know on your next E-mail please. thanks all

243 Spring 1909 Fall Monday - AlanRFarrington   (Jul 30, 2009, 1:37 pm)
Wow what a turn! My question is : what did you say to tick the entire board off that bad Kiwi?!?
Congrats Michael Penner for what must be some incredible diplomacy!

--Former Great Britain,
Alan Farrington
NEW mobile Hotmail. Optimized for YOUR phone. Click here.


243 Spring 1909 Fall Monday - agwopa   (Jul 30, 2009, 12:43 pm)
Well it seems that the lines are clear... the world vs. Turkey. But for how long? I love this game and will this "alliance" hold? Will the opertunity we all look for present it's self? Will Turkey Valiantly hold on til the bitter end? Oh what questions are important? Will the Cubs ever win the World Series? Do frogs really bump the ground when they land? Time will tell.
The most important Question that can be answered first is... where does Serbia retreat to?
Greece or Albania. OTB is also allowed.
This is how it happened....
A Brest Hold
A Budapest Supports A Trieste - Serbia
A Burgundy Hold
F English Channel Hold
A Marseilles Hold
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Hold
A Munich Hold
F North Sea Hold
A Norway Hold
A Paris Hold
A Portugal Hold
A Tyrolia Supports A Vienna - Trieste

F Apulia Supports F Naples - Ionian Sea
F Naples - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
F Spain(sc) - Western Mediterranean
A Trieste - Serbia
F Tunis Supports F Spain(sc) - Western Mediterranean
F Venice - Adriatic Sea
A Vienna - Trieste

A Galicia Supports A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Livonia Hold
F London Hold
A Moscow - Sevastopol (*Bounce*)
A Sevastopol - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Ukraine Supports A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Warsaw - Moscow (*Fails*)

F Aegean Sea Supports F Ionian Sea
A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Bounce*)
F Black Sea Supports A Rumania
A Bulgaria Supports A Rumania
F Ionian Sea Hold
A Rumania Supports A Serbia (*Cut*)
A Serbia Supports A Rumania (*Dislodged*)

Thanks all and have a great day
Turkey I hope 24 hours is enough to get the retreat in and lets plan on Monday for a Fall due date.
Thanks again


243 Spring 1909 Fall Monday (dc243) AlanRFarrington Jul 30, 01:37 pm
Wow what a turn! My question is : what did you say to tick the entire board off that bad Kiwi?!?
Congrats Michael Penner for what must be some incredible diplomacy!

--Former Great Britain,
Alan Farrington
NEW mobile Hotmail. Optimized for YOUR phone. Click here.
243 Votes and the answer is... - agwopa   (Jul 29, 2009, 12:36 pm)
1) G I R
Voted down
Voted Down
So make sure I get those orders and we can try again latter,


243 proposals - agwopa   (Jul 29, 2009, 1:10 am)
we have two options
1. Italy, Germany, Russia

Please let me know how you feel about both proposals. If you fail to vote with your next message to me I will take that as a no vote. But you folks have be real good at voting so keep up the good track record.


243 Spring warning!! or ar friendly reminder? - agwopa   (Jul 28, 2009, 4:06 pm)
About 19, 20 hours till orders are due. I will take them when you send them and enjoy all!!!


243 Winter 1908 - agwopa   (Jul 25, 2009, 10:31 am)
First things first...
Vote has failed.
Second, this time my delay was waiting on votes and ... the more fun answer is, I had some good play time away from my computer so no hard luck bad story, just was having fun.
So here is the builds and removes
Remove A Gascony
Remove A Picardy

Build A Munich
Build waived

Build F Naples

Build A Warsaw

Remove F Adriatic Sea

Spring 1909 will be fine on Wednesday at 1600 GMT. If this is to fast let me know. I will send reminder on Tuesday ( have a note pad next to my computer to remind me to remind you).
Enjoy all and I will write to you soon (Tuesday ;-} )


243 24 hr winter warnnig - agwopa   (Jul 22, 2009, 1:55 pm)
I love writing "winter warning" in July.
We also have a proposal of....in alphabetical order G I R Victory and when voting please remember the old Chicago saying Vote early, Vote often, Vote Daley.
24 hours I have most I think but will not adjudicate till the marrow so now I bid you adieu.



243 Any body want a map? Wnter 08 - agwopa   (Jul 21, 2009, 5:36 pm)
the silly Sot that I am seems to have missed attaching the map now where's my staples?
Okay here you go thanks again


243 Fall 1908 - agwopa   (Jul 21, 2009, 2:08 pm)
Ok so France I sadly say is surrounded and attacked and each unit has one place to go and than no supply. Thanks Gibby for playing hope you enjoyed it and I hope that my first experience as a GM was not to taxing.
A Brest Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Paris Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Budapest - Serbia (*Fails*)
A Burgundy Supports A Gascony - Paris
F English Channel Supports A Picardy - Brest
A Gascony - Paris
A Marseilles Hold
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean (*Bounce*)
F North Sea Hold
A Norway Hold
A Picardy - Brest
A Portugal Hold
A Tyrolia Supports A Vienna - Trieste (*Void*)

F Naples - Apulia
F Spain(sc) Hold
A Trieste Supports A Budapest - Serbia (*Cut*)
F Tunis - Western Mediterranean (*Bounce*)
F Venice Supports A Trieste
A Vienna - Budapest (*Fails*)

A Galicia - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Livonia Hold
F London Hold
A Moscow Supports A Sevastopol
A Sevastopol Hold
A Ukraine Supports A Sevastopol

F Adriatic Sea - Trieste (*Fails*)
F Aegean Sea Supports F Ionian Sea
A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
F Black Sea Supports A Rumania
A Bulgaria Supports A Rumania
F Ionian Sea Hold
A Rumania Supports A Serbia (*Cut*)
A Serbia Supports A Rumania (*Cut*)




Giving us a score of
Germany: Supp 13 Unit 11 Build 2
Italy: Supp 7 Unit 6 Build 1
Russia: Supp 7 Unit 6 Build 1
Turkey: Supp 7 Unit 8 Remove 1
How about Thursday for the Winter....
I will send out a 24 hr reminder tomorrow.
On a personal note thanks to all for playing this has been a learning experience as my first time as GM and I have learned a lot.


243 24 hr - agwopa   (Jul 20, 2009, 11:34 am)
HI all, 24 hr count down,


243 48 hr notice - agwopa   (Jul 19, 2009, 9:04 am)
Just a friendly reminder to get your orders in or to change if you have them in already.
Thanks all
21 st 1600 GMT deadline


243 24 hour notice - agwopa   (Jul 15, 2009, 12:01 am)
Hi all, This is a (useless) 24 hour notice and I want to let you all know that the Draw was voted down.
The unfortunate events that are happening now are Vacations and we have a player moving 8 time zones and will not be around till the 21st. That is the longest date that I have. Things are getting better on my home front but not settled in to a routine that I am happy with (I gotta have my play time) but close. So the dates I have for players being back are the 19th and the 21st and this means relax all, and kick back, I will not adjudicate until the 22nd. I will share this addition that I sent out in my other game.

Once again and one last time I apologize for last week. I got some good responses from my tirade about how my fun time went away for a week. The two things I wanted you all to know was
A) I had not abandoned you all and that nothing serious was wrong (Except a broken wing for my Mom) I was just living life. You see I played in the original 221 that ended when the GM got caught up in life and left us high and dry. Now I was not mad about it for the price of admission here is nothing so we got something for nothing... disappointment was what we got in that game but hey that is something.
B) There would be a delay. Thanks for being cooperative and understanding that for the price, the entertainment value here is well worth it even if it goes a little slower than expected.

Hang in there, this still is and has been fun and I did not think that running a game would be this much fun, I do love playing and this has been a different kind of fun.
So to recap it is
Vote was no
Fall due July 22


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