Another turn with another NMR. .England receives his first NMR unfortunately. Folks before you send me orders, make sure they are the right orders for the right turn. If you aren't sure you have the right set in, please write me before the deadline.
Also Andy and I are moving this Tuesday to Maryland and we will be offline for a short period of time. Worst case scenerio I hang out at my parents and mooch internet access from them to send out turns and what not. Let's put the game on hold until I get back. Feel free to diplo with each other until I get back,
Austria: Ben Hester <screwtape777(at)>
England: Alexander Kossoff <akossoff(at)>
France: Jeffrey Cole <jeffcole854(at)>
Germany: Josh Mayo <zauberlichneo(at)> ELIMINATED
Italy: Kevin Dietz <insky(at)> ELIMINATED
Russia: Andrew Jameson <Cloudhurler77(at)>
Turkey: Michael Thompdson <psychosis(at)>
Build waived
Build waived
Build F Marseilles
Build A Paris
Build A Brest
Remove A Silesia
Map and dpy file are attached for your viewing pleasure.