3 huge games in one night and almost got thru it w/ nothing forgotten.
Next deadline for Seismic… Monday 12/10, 2pm Pacific for Fall ‘11
A little sooner than normal but there’s only 4 of you. If you need more time than that let me know w/in 24 hrs.
From: Michael Sims
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 10:13 PM
To: dc099bb (dc099(at)diplomaticcorp.com); Former Trout (former.trout(at)gmail.com); Martin Gilbey (mgdip(at)yahoo.com); Matt Kremer (kremer.matt(at)verizon.net); mrh(at)panix.com; Steve Lytton (stevelytton(at)hotmail.com); Warren Fleming (alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com)
Subject: dc99 s11 results!
More gains for the Red and Gold while the resistance continues to crumble!
Russia has 1 retreat, Sev-Arm but that's the only choice so I'll skip it to get the Seismic's out...
A Tri S Tyr
A Tyr S Alb (*CUT*)
A Alb S Ser -> Vie
A Ser -> Vie
A Gre S Alb
F Par - MAO (*BOUNCE*)
F ENG Hold
F NTH hold
A Bel hold
A Ruh - Den
A Den - Pru
A Pru - War
A Sil - Boh
A War - Sev
A Mos S A War - Sev
A Liv S A Pru - War
F Bal C A Den - Pru
F Ank - Rum
F Aeg S F Ank - Rum
A Nap - Smy
F ion C A Nap - Smy
F Rom - Nap
F Adr C A Ven - Tyr
A ven - tyr (*FAILS*)
a gal - ukr (*FAILS*)
a pie - mun
a ber s a kie
a kie s a ber
f spa - mao (*BOUNCE*)
A Ukr S Sev -> Rum (*CUT*)
A Sev -> Rum (*FAILS 1:2, DISLODGED TO ARM*)
A Bul S Alb
SEISMIC ORDERS – All 4 succeed!
Aus: Join MAO/Mar, Split Gas/Par
Eng: Join War/Rum, Split Ukr/Gal
Ita: Join Ion/Bul, Split Alb/AEG
Rus: Join BAR/Ion