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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc134

(Wheel of Time)

Subject:< DC 134 - WOT - Fall 1002 results >
Topic:< dc134 >
Category:< Closed Games 
Posted:Mar 17, 2008 at 7:30 am
Viewed:1633 times

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It took a while, but I think it was worth the wait!
Quite a few changes to the map this winter as the Southlands surge forward and the Midlands fall back on two fronts.
The only retreat necessary is Baerlon, which can only go to Whitebridge, so I have ordered thus.
Lets get the builds in by Wednesday, March 19 (at) 9PM
SeaFolk build 1
Borderlands build 1
Westlands build 1
Southlands Build 1
Midlands Disband 2

A Tarwin's Gap - The Blasted Lands

F Aile Dashar Sea - Arad Doman (*Bounce*)
F Aile Jafar - Eastern Aryth Ocean
F Kabal Deep - Illian (*Fails*)
F Ebou Dar Supports A Salidar

A Fal Dara Hold
A Kandor Supports A Maradon
A Maradon Supports A Shadar Logoth
A The Black Hills Supports A Tar Valon
A Almoren Supports A Tar Valon
A Tar Valon Supports A Cairhien

A Dhagon - Arad Doman (*Bounce*)
A Almoth Plain Supports A Tarabon
A Tarabon Hold
A Shadar Logoth Supports A Emond's Field - Baerlon
A Cairhien Supports A Braem Wood - Aringill (*Void*)

F The Fingers of the Dragon Supports F Cindalking
F Cindalking Supports F The Fingers of the Dragon
A Illian Supports A Malden - Salidar (*Cut*)
A Plains of Maredo Supports A Illian
A Aringill - Caemlyn
A Tear - Far Madding

A Baerlon - Shadar Logoth (*Dislodged*)
A Caralain Grass Supports A Baerlon - Shadar Logoth
A Braem Wood Supports A Aringill - Caemlyn
A Lugard Supports A Malden - Salidar
A Malden - Salidar (*Fails*)

A Elmora Hold
A Amadacia Supports A Salidar
A Emond's Field - Baerlon
A Salidar Supports F Kabal Deep - Illian (*Cut*)

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There is 1 Message in this Thread:

DC 134 - WOT - Fall 1002 results (Githraine) Mar 17, 07:30 am

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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