DC173 Information
There are two deadlines to start one in a week, the last in two weeks! Your Prelims must be in before Mar 30 at 2400 hrs or I will replace you with the next name on my list. The Final Deadline for Spring 1901 Moves is April 5 at 2400 hours.
As the game progress the Deadlines will be once a week give or take a day. If Anticipated retreats are not sent in with your moves then the computers auto retreats will be used. The adjudications will be [Spring/SummerRetreats], [Fall/Winter Retreats], [Winter removals/Builds].
If you have any questions about the Rules, how to send in moves etc. get in touch. After 1902 Winter I will not attempt to replace a NMR player, instead my Madman rules will kick in, at that time I will explain how they work.
Let the games begin!