To clarity to all players
27 SC are needed for a solo
Poland Statement To ALL:
Israel claimed that I have 18 supply centers, and said I would have a solo victory soon. But please remember, Israel had 12 SC before the fog came in Winter 1905. Now, Spain and I know Israel have VEN, PIE, ATH, TUN and possibly MOR and more; and he said he will take LAN some time later. That is 16 - 18. Wow. If I am going to have a solo victory, so as Israel too.
I have asked our honorable GM about the number of SC needed for solo victory. Unlike the standard Diplomacy game, which needs 18 SC, this Aberration Diplomacy game needs a lot more than this number. Therefore, any claim for allying together against one impending solo victory power is unsubstantial at this moment. We still have a long way to go for solo victory.