Dc159 Fall 1902.
First of all, I apologise for the lack of themed press.. I am so tired and stretched so thin now that I just can't think of anything.
Secondly.. just today (hopefully) you will be getting the adjudication first and then a map later. Reason is just to my incredibly complicated life at the moment, I'm doing this at work so I just dont have the time to put into the map right now. In fact best to check my work as I'm often distracted being a primary (elementary) school teacher. Especially check the Builds and SC count.
PRE - FALL 1902 Moves
A Greece Boards Fleet Ionion
A Constantinope Boards Fleet Aegean
FALL 1902 Moves
A Albania - Serbia (Fails Bounces with Serbia)
A Vienna - Bohemia
F Denmark Hold
F Helgoland Bight Supports F Denmark
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Irish Sea
F Brest - English Channel
A Burgundy - Ruhr (*Fails*)
A Paris - Burgundy (*Fails*)
F Portugal - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Spain Hold
A Bohemia - Munich
A Ruhr Supports A Bohemia - Munich (*Cut*)
A Greece - Trieste (*Bounces with A Serbia)
A/F Ionian Sea - Adriatic Sea
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tunis
F Venice - Tyrolia
A Budapest Supports A Galicia - Vienna
A Galicia - Vienna
F Livonia - Prussia
F Norway Supports F Sweden
F Sevastopol Hold
F Sweden Supports F Norway
A Warsaw - Silesia
A/F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea
F Bulgaria(sc) Supports A/F Disembark - Greece
A/F Disembark - Greece
A Serbia - Trieste(*Bounce with A/F Adriatic)
WINTER 1902 Adjustments
England Controls 4 SC ( Wales, Liverpool, Denmark and Edi) so Builds 1
France Controls 5 SC (Por, Spa, Bre, Mar and Paris) so remains EVEN.
Germany Controls 4 SC (Ruhr, Munich, Kiel and Berlin) so Builds 2
Italy Controls 4 SC (Tunis, Rome, Naples and Tyrolia) so remains EVEN
Austria Controls 1 SC (Trieste) so Disband 1
Turkey Controls 6 SC (Con, Smy, Ank, Bul, Gre and Ser) so Builds 2
Russia Controls 9 SC ( Nwy, Swe, Stp, War, Mos, Sev, Rum, Bud and Vie) so Builds 2
Winter 1902 adjustments will be due Friday 11th at 6pm Australian EST. (I know this is an ODD time but It's the best I can do)
Post Winter 1902 Map Adjustments.
Submergences : Yor, Pic, Apu, Rum, Sev, Fin, Syr, Den, Lpl.
New SC Forming: Ukraine (comes in under the control of Russia) and Iceland (neutral)
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