I'm sorry to see him go just as things were getting interesting on the board.
On 5/6/08, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com> wrote:
Hi everyone,
I apologize but owing to a disagreement with the GM concerning what is
permissible and what is not permissible during a game of diplomacy, our
current Russian Tsar Simeon has resigned his commission. While
unfortunately it shows up on the website as an abandonment, I'd like to
stress that Simeon went out of his way to turn in Fall orders and began to
seek out a replacement for his position. If he HAD to go, he did what he
could to keep the game moving.
That being said, seeing the writing on the walls I have enlisted a savage
Swedish-meatball-eating recruit to the Russian cause already. Please
welcome Steve Caponigri the Terrible to the game. Steve has
enthusiastically volunteered to come to the party and kick some Swedish
behind... =P
Steve's email is <scaponig(at)yahoo.com>. As he already has orders in, the
deadline will remain tomorrow (Wednesday, May 7th). However, stay tuned
please as I have offered to provide an extension if he so requests.
Cheers everyone.