Let's get this going. Let's get those tyrants swinging.
Austria - Dan Doe, daniel3072, daniel3072(at)yahoo.com *
England - Greg Surname, greg, gregsurname(at)gmail.com
France - Ar Mallela, arkraider16, arkraider15(at)gmail.com
Germany - Benjy Aarons, finchleywomble, finchleywomble(at)hotmail.com
Italy - David Ernst, dernst2, dernst2(at)students.kennesaw.edu
Russia - Michael Penner, Viper, mvpenner(at)yahoo.com
Turkey - Adrian Rates, BombardierBeetle, adrian.rates(at)ldfm.com
* Note that Austria's email address is different from the address I used
a couple of days ago.
Deadline for the first season's orders will be Friday, 30 May at noon
BST (11am GMT). Orders received up to the deadline will be assumed to
be preliminary unless they're marked as final. If I've got orders
marked as final from all of you then I'll adjudicate earlier.
Adjudications with maps attached will be sent to your email addresses
and we've got a forum on the message board at www.diplomaticcorp.com
which will also contain copies.
Standard map attached. Any questions, etc - just contact me.