Space, the final frontier...
This is the continuing story of Diplomacy variants based on the Star Trek universe.
This approach includes the main races as brought forth in ST: TNG, ST: DS9, and ST: Voyager; those being the Borg, Cardassians, Ferengi, Klingons, Romulans, the Dominion, and of course the United Federation of Planets.
The variant uses only fleets, no armies, and therefore no convoys, but it should be pretty fast paced. The map of the galaxy was simplified and rescaled a bit so the major powers are close enough to go at it PDQ. The only special rule is Borg assimilation, which allows only the Borg to build in any vacant SC they own, everyone else builds only in their home centers, a-la standard Dip. The Bajoran wormhole is also represented which simply makes the Bajor province adjacent to the Idran province in Dominion space and vice-versa.
The files for RealWorld are available at my site:
The Diplomacy Tribune
I'd like to run a game as set-up, but I also think a fog-of-war (hidden movement) game would be very interesting.
BW map with province abbreviations.
Playing with this I had some ideas for a grander version that would be larger and have more special rules - so you might think of this one as Star Trek