Please don't get the wrong idea folks! I can understand where the GM is coming from. It is his game & I am quite aware of the number one rule in Diplomacy that the GM's decision is final. I merely wished to put across my explanation as to why I thought it better that a substitute player should take over GB permanently if an extension to the deadline is not to be granted. I am not 'throwing my toys out of the pram!" & would be prepared to carry on the game on my return, should the substitute player not wish to continue for the duration. However, as I previously stated, I have discussed tactics & made agreements with other players & it is impossible that the new player would know what these were, making it very difficult to take over GB after two turns absence.
Apart from the Winterblitz, where everyone was told prior to commencement of the tournament that it would be run to a strict deadline, I have yet to play a game of diplomacy where an adjournment had not been requested & granted.