My apologies for not sending in my disband. This was not an indication of a surrender from Russia, but ordinary sloppiness. Sorry to have to disappoint some of you.I was under the impression I had sent orders to disband BOH. Relieved to see that this is also the default.
Frank (Russia)
2008/7/23 Matt Kremer <matthew.kremer(at) ([email]matthew.kremer(at)[/email])>:
I didn't receive anything from Russia, so his A Boh is auto-disbanded. France continues the southernly seaward push with a build of F Mar.
The deadline for Spring 1906 will be this coming Monday, July 28, at 9 pm eastern. Mark your orders final if you want an early adjudication!
Note that, as this is the beginning of 1906, I will now accept end-of-game proposals. Whenever you submit a proposal it will be proposed with the next adjudication (of any kind), with the votes to be due on the following movement (spring or fall) deadline. Feel free to shoot me any questions.