Too bad, I was hoping to wrap things up before next week... My fantasy league drafts Monday.
Still, a new player may change things up a bit...Thank you again Jason for all of you efforts this game.
From: Jason K [mailto:githraine(at)]
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 9:42 AM
To: coebq(at); dc164(at); domdip(at); garry.bledsoe(at); Stephen Lytton; samuel_buck(at); sonalimander(at); themaos(at); Former Trout
Cc: Michael Sims; Former Trout; Stephen Lytton
Subject: DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - On Hold
Press From Italy:
Italy has had a terrible earthquake? All the glass in Modena has shattered, and the Italian government has unwisely diverted all its military funding to repair its treasures. This means it will no longer be able to participate in international war. Italy sends its regrets to France and Britain re: Germany, but really must concentrate on its internal affairs at this time.
Italy has resigned from the game.
I am putting the game out for recruiting.
It should not take long as the position is not bad.