First of all, thank you to Trout for running yet another superlative, entertaining, near-flawless game - this time in relief. His first act was to let me replace England, and I'm grateful for that as well, since England was in very good strategic position.
The only point in taking it was to solo, and France effectively stood in my way. I contacted Turkey and Austria, and learned that neither were big fans of France. Austria said he's be neutral, and Turkey agreed to work together, starting with dispatching the last Russian unit. France wanted me to work together for a draw, and we both raced to secure our lines against the other. I got there first and attacked. Given that A/T rarely got in my way, and usually helped in some way, France didn't have much of a chance. I took advantage of the geopolitics to just grind him down methodically, and he graciously accepted the inevitable. A/T decided they didn't want to make my solo so easy, and moved against me just after it was too late. I don't know why they didn't do it earlier, but I'm not complaining. All in all, I thought everyone played their hand as well as they could have, and I was the beneficiary of the baggage that preceded me.