The deadline for Spring 1904 is tomorrow at 2pm EST. However, since I'm the luckiest GM in the world (interpret as: I have at least prelims from everyone,) and due to my strange work schedule, I intend to adjudicate tomorrow morning when I get off work. That's roughly 24 hours from now.
So . . . If you intend to change your orders, or you have any last minute negotiating to do, please get it done quickly.
The reason for this is that, if I don't adjudicate tomorrow morning, I won't be able to get to it until late tomorrow night. I'd rather not delay the game at all, if possible, so that's not a good option (in my opinion.)
If I receive any emails indicating the slightest bit of discontent about this decision, I will of course hold off until the previously announced deadline.
Thanks all,
The White Wolf
I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction: