Dear Players,
The retreats were as follows
A War Hold (retreat to Mos if dislodged)
F Gre retreat to Bul
I'll put the map in the next mail
...and so - despite the heavy conflict this year, the adjustments signal equal favour by all powers!
AUSTRIA: kevinokelly(at) ([email]kevinokelly(at)[/email])
SCs: 5 Units: 4 Build: 1
ENGLAND: bielschowsky.f(at) ([email]bielschowsky.f(at)[/email])
SCs: 4 Units: 3 Build: 1
FRANCE: ecommander0(at) ([email]ecommander0(at)[/email])
SCs: 4 Units: 3 Build: 1
GERMANY: briankingfox(at) ([email]briankingfox(at)[/email])
SCs: 5 Units: 4 Build: 1
ITALY: david.kodarin(at) ([email]david.kodarin(at)[/email])
SCs: 5 Units: 4 Build: 1
RUSSIA: matthew.kremer(at) ([email]matthew.kremer(at)[/email])
SCs: 5 Units: 4 Build: 1
TURKEY: scaponig(at) ([email]scaponig(at)[/email])
SCs: 4 Units: 3 Build: 1
Your Winter Builds are due to me no later than 3pm BST next Wed. 18th June.
Kind regards