Very Complex Turn this time. Britain makes some major gains, Russia is devastated, Turkey looses a home center, and our Kaiser is down to one SC.
Here's the order cycle this time: I want Builds by Monday at 2PM US Eastern (figure it out), and Retreats by tomorrow at 2, US Eastern. The retreats are:
Turkish Con: Smy or Ank
Russian Swe: Fin, Bot, Ska
German Mun: Sil, Boh, Tyr
Assuming no disbands, the builds are as as follows:
Austria: Build 1
England: Build 1
France: Build 2
Germany: Remove 2
Italy: Build 2
Russia: Remove 1
Turkey: None, You do not need to submit builds.
The moves are:
[list:0ecccc5ccb] [*:0ecccc5ccb]Austria: A vie -> gal [*:0ecccc5ccb]Austria: A tri -> ser [*:0ecccc5ccb]Austria: F gre Supports A bul [*:0ecccc5ccb]Austria: A bul Supports F aeg -> con [*:0ecccc5ccb]Austria: A bud Supports A rum [*:0ecccc5ccb]England: F stp/nc -> bar [*:0ecccc5ccb]England: F nwy -> swe [*:0ecccc5ccb]England: F nth -> nwg [*:0ecccc5ccb]England: F lon -> nth [*:0ecccc5ccb]England: A kie Supports A ruh -> mun [*:0ecccc5ccb]England: A den Supports F nwy -> swe [*:0ecccc5ccb]France: F wes -> tun [*:0ecccc5ccb]France: A ruh -> mun [*:0ecccc5ccb]France: A pie -> tus [*:0ecccc5ccb]France: F mao -> naf [*:0ecccc5ccb]France: F hol Supports A kie [*:0ecccc5ccb]France: A bur Supports A ruh -> mun [*:0ecccc5ccb]Germany: A mun Supports F bal -> kie [*:0ecccc5ccb]Germany: A ber Supports F bal -> kie [*:0ecccc5ccb]Germany: F bal -> kie [*:0ecccc5ccb]Italy: A ven Holds [*:0ecccc5ccb]Italy: A rum Supports A arm -> sev [*:0ecccc5ccb]Italy: F ion -> tun [*:0ecccc5ccb]Italy: F aeg -> con [*:0ecccc5ccb]Russia: A war -> mos [*:0ecccc5ccb]Russia: A ukr Supports A sev [*:0ecccc5ccb]Russia: F swe Supports F bal -> den [*:0ecccc5ccb]Russia: A sev Holds [*:0ecccc5ccb]Turkey: A con -> bul [*:0ecccc5ccb]Turkey: F bla Supports A arm -> sev [*:0ecccc5ccb]Turkey: A arm -> sev [/list:u:0ecccc5ccb]
The Maps:
Get those orders to me. I got to many of these of he day of the deadline. Not good.
-Squad Leader out