GM Notes:
The RTH Draw was vetoed before it was officially proposed.
We now have 2 End Game Proposals on the table:
A DIAS, China, Holland, Russia, Turkey has been proposedA Draw China, Holland, Turkey has been proposed.
Votes will be due with the Spring orders Tuesday November 25th 8 AM CST.
Approval requires a unanimous yes vote by all surviving players. The vote will be cast by secret ballot. Results will be announced upon receipt of first "no" vote, a unanimous "yes" vote or upon expiration of deadline. The player who makes the proposition does not have to vote yes. Not voting before the deadline will be considered abstaining and will not affect the outcome of the vote.
Retreats and Builds are due Thursday November 20th 8 AM CST (GMT -5) 1400 GMT
Orders and Results:
A Chungking - Langchow (*Fails*)
F East China Sea Supports A Nanchang - Shanghai
F Hong Kong - South China Sea
A Kashgar Supports A Afghanistan - Tashkent
A Kirghiz Supports A Afghanistan - Tashkent
A Nanchang - Shanghai
F South China Sea - Annam
A Tongking - North Siam
A Upper Burma - Rangoon
A Urumchi - Mongolia (*Fails*)
A Yunnan - Sinkiang (*Bounce*)
F Cebu - Middle Pacific
F East Indian Ocean, no move received
F Formosa Supports F Middle Pacific - Upper Pacific
F Gulf of Siam Hold
F Hyderabad Hold
F Java Sea Hold
F Luzon Strait Supports F Formosa
F Madras - Mysore (*Bounce*)
A Malaya Hold
F Middle Pacific - Upper Pacific
F Sulu Sea Hold
F Sunda Sea Hold
F Upper Pacific - Yellow Sea
F Yellow Sea - Port Arthur
A Afghanistan - Tashkent
F Arabian Sea - Mysore (*Bounce*)
A Baku Supports A Odessa - Moscow
F Black Sea Hold
F Bombay - Mysore (*Bounce*)
F Gulf of Aden Hold
A Karachi - Afghanistan
A Odessa - Moscow (*Fails*)
F Oman Hold
A Persia - Bokhara (*Fails*)
F Persian Gulf Convoys A Shiraz - Karachi
F Red Sea Hold
A Shiraz - Karachi
A Bokhara Supports A Tashkent (*Cut*)
A Kyushu - Kyoto (*Bounce*)
A Langchow - Sinkiang (*Bounce*)
A Mongolia Supports A Langchow - Sinkiang (*Cut*)
A Moscow Hold
F Okhotsk Sea - Sea of Japan
A Orenburg Supports A Bokhara
A Perm Supports A Moscow
F Sakhalin Hold
A Shanghai - Nanchang (*Dislodged*)
A Tashkent Supports A Bokhara (*Dislodged*)
F Tokyo - Kyoto (*Bounce*)
Retreats Due:
Russian A Shanghai can retreat to Peking or Manchuria or OTB.
Russian A Tashkent can retreat to Akmolinsk or OTB.
Supply Center and Unit Count:
China: 16 / 11 Build 2
Holland: 15 / 14 Build 1
Turkey: 14 / 13 Build 1
Russia: 13 / 12 Build 1 (13/ 11 Build 2, 13/ 10 Build 2 dependant on retreats)
“you're not a felon if you don't get caught.”