Hey guys... the time has come and gone once again for moves to be submitted... and I'm still waiting on a couple of sets. Please note, once again, that if the draw gets voted down (by one or more people) I will need orders from everyone because the deadlines are simultaneous.
To tide you over during the delay, here is a bit of press received from your forest green neighbour:
PRESS: South America - All: Assuming this draw gets voted down, Here's my argument for ending this game now with the draw proposed. Clearly there are 4 large powers, two middle powers, and two small powers. The small powers are likely to be eliminated in the next year, so its in their interest to accept a draw that allows them a survival. The middle powers are in a position to be made small powers, as Persia is in a strong position versus West Africa (so far a SA ally) and Oceania is going to lose half his centers to Mex and I. Within a few years we'll pretty much be down to 4 players.
Thing with this is that neither duo seems likely to stab, and the way the oceans are set up on this map and with all the fleets on the board we're likely going to stalemate around ATL, PAC/MIC, IND, and the like. This will degenerate into my dominating the west coast of Africa, Persia the east. That'll be about the only movement. Russia/Persia is secure in Eurasia, Mex and I will be secure in the Americas and Australia. Africa, even if one side or the other takes it fully, will not tip the balance, as there's only so many spaces available for units.
I think this has been a good (and long!) game that we should call a draw on now.
That's all for now... I'll be back one I've received more orders.