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WB10 Round 1


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G.M. emaildawench-at-hotmail-dot-com
Cur SeasonSpring 01
Next Deadline2010-04-01 @ 19:00:00 GMT
Result3-Way Draw
S. C.34
Start Date2010-01-04
End Date2010-04-10
Real-Life Time97 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board dpy File
| Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Austria Captain of the Watch Blank9bret_pollackEliminated 0 4 0 -5.64 1195.11
0 England Knight Tactician Silver Star9packratEliminated 0 20 0 -5.01 1201.89
0 France Captain of the Watch Silver Star9jlqueirosDraw 10 29 0 7.63 1207.44
0 Germany Captain of the Watch Silver Star9landru428Eliminated 0 20 0 -5.22 1224.31
0 Italy Captain of the Watch Blank9SamnuvaDraw 16 29 0 7.58 1204.14
0 Russia Captain of the Watch Gold Star9raybruceaDraw 8 29 0 5.94 1308.89
0 Turkey Herald Blank9lord_graniteEliminated 0 12 0 -5.28 1206.61

PREV  Winter 1900 Adjudication:  NEXT    

Hi guys,

Some of you have been in games with me in the past, this is a new address but same old GM.

A quick rundown of the tournament deadlines:
This is a fast paced game with short turn around. Spring deadlines will occur every Monday. Fall deadlines will occur every Thursday, 3 days later. Then 4 days roll around again to Monday.
Retreats and/or Builds will always be due the day after results are out. That is Tuesday for Summer Retreats and Friday Retreats, Builds & Disbands. Autumn Retreats will always be due at the same time as the Winter Adjustments.
There will be NO delays or extensions.
I may adjudicate early if all orders are received marked final ( this mainly applies to the adjustment phases).

Deadlines will be 8 AM CST GMT -6 1400 GMT. I normally start adjudicating at the posted deadline.

If at any time you find an error or dispute an adjudication you must contact me ASAP. If any turn passes and there is an error on the board, we play on – players have 24 hours from the posting of any adjudication to contest it.

The tournament has supplied a back up email address that it is important that you CC all orders to. orders@diplomaticcorp.com This not only helps ensure that your orders are received, but it also allows the Tournament committee to step in and adjudicate in case I am unable to.

DC House Rules http://www.diplomaticcorp.com/info.php?type=houserules govern all games.

Initial Deadlines:

Spring '01 is due Monday January 11th 8 AM CST (GMT -6) 1400 GMT
Fall '01 is due Thursday Jan 14th 8 AM CST (GMT -6) 1400 GMT

Now for the Country Assignments :

ID : bret_pollack
Ctry : Austria
Name : Bret Pollack
Email : bret_pollack@hotmail.com
Location : Marriottsville, MD, US

ID : packrat
Ctry : England
Name : scott troemel
Email : brn2dip@yahoo.com
Location : Fort Wayne, IN, US

ID : jlq
Ctry : France
Name : Joao Queiros
Email : jlqueiros3@hotmail.com
Location : PT

ID : landru428
Ctry : Germany
Name : Andrew Cassese
Email : landru428@aol.com
Location : Brooklyn, NY, US

ID : Samnuva
Ctry : Italy
Name : Sam Buck
Email : Sam_Buck_Productions@Mac.com
Location : New York City, NY, US

ID : raybrucea
Ctry : Russia
Name : Bruce Ray
Email : raybrucea@aol.com
Location :

ID : lord_granite
Ctry : Turkey
Name : matthew jones
Email : matthew.jones.d@gmail.com
Location : MB, CA

If you have any questions let me know.


Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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