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Cur SeasonSpring 14
Next Deadline2013-01-11 @ 15:00:00 GMT
Result2-Way Draw
S. C.36
Start Date2012-05-29
End Date2013-01-11
Real-Life Time228 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board dpy File
| AceRimmer's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Bushwood Esquire Silver Star9dkleimanDraw 13 27 0 12.93 1266.56
0 FourGotten Order of the Oak Silver Star9offdiscDraw 17 27 0 13.34 1242.56
0 Lemuria Order of the Raven Gold Star9fencertimEliminated 0 26 0 -5.09 1342.09
0 Lotfizadeh Order of the Alliance Gold Star9FuzzyLogicEliminated 0 10 0 -8.03 1439.79
0 Mos_Eisley Captain of the Watch Silver Star9MDemagogueEliminated 0 18 0 -3.44 1191.81
0 Paz_Eterna Esquire Blank9ilovethechiefsEliminated 0 24 0 -2.9 1188.32
0 Rhovanion Captain of the Watch Silver Star9AMTSurvival 4 27 0 -1.32 1217.41
0 Rosstopia Herald Silver Star9Field_Marshal_VagueEliminated 0 14 0 -5.49 1262.41

PREV  Spring 1901 Adjudication:  NEXT    

A long time ago, in a dystopia far, far away...

It is a period of anarchy. Rhovanion
cave dwellers, striking from
Moscow, have won their first victory
against the Lotfi Zadeh Empire.

During the battle, Rhovanion spies managed
to steal secret plans to FourGotten's
ultimate weapon, German idleness, a
cluster of five centers with enough
inertia to sedate an entire continent.

Pursued by the FourGotten's sinister agents,
the Rhovanions race home to St. Petersburg,
custodians of the stolen plans
that can save their people and restore
freedom to Dystopia....

Actually, what's surprises me is just how little happened this season. Especially in Germany. Just look at it. Five spaces (Bel-Hol-Kie-Ber-Mun) with five different nations... and nobody moves. Nobody even _attempts_ to move. It is an intriguing (non-)development. What are the odds that such indolence continues into the Fall? [To be fair, the Berliners were not entirely idle...]
Elsewhere, stand-offs in Constantinople, Mid-Atlantic, and Venice limit initial movements toward expansion. And of all those neutrals, uncontested (nay, uncontestable) Edinburgh is the only one occupied. Consequently, Greece, London, and Warsaw are assured to be empty heading into 1902.

The Fall *must* be more exciting than this. Inexorably, the forecast is for more war.

The seems to be a storm brewing in the West. Paz Eterna supports Mos Eisley into Burgundy. Immediately, the Rosstopian outposts in Belgium and Tunis seem isolated. It is an exposed position, to say the least. Seek shelter and pray to Saint Ardnassac!
Expect bouts of negotiation to break out in Constantinople and Venice, with an absolute deluge of press in the center of the map.
And crops for Bushwood look promising, with Serbia and Vienna both free for the taking.

There is one retreat. The Zadonian army in Sevastopol may retreat to either Armenia or Ukraine (or off the board???). Please submit that order by 10:00 CST tomorrow, Mr. Sims.
Fall 1901 will be due next Tuesday, June 19th at 10:00 CST.

We have a game site. You can drop in any time to review past adjudications or the current status:

I use email filters, so please include the game number (DC 429) in your email subject line.

Also, I have an alternate email address: AMarSchwar@yahoo.com. You can cc: orders to this address as a safeguard against things like the GM accidentally deleting your orders (not that I've EVER done that...).

Regarding orders, I try to confirm receipt of all orders, so if (after a reasonable time) you haven't heard from me, please do re-submit orders. I will be more prompt now that I've moved into my new home. I try to notify players of mistakes in orders, but I make absolutely no guarantees. I treat all movement orders as preliminary unless marked FINAL. I treat all retreats and adjustments as final unless marked PRELIMINARY. You may submit conditional orders for any season. Be forewarned that if I have difficulty deciphering the orders, I will treat ambiguities as orders to hold / disband / waive.

Spring 1901 Adjudication:

A TRI-VEN (*Bounce*)

A Kie S Hol
F Stp -> GoB
A Swe -> Nwy

A Munich Hold
F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Rome - Venice (*Bounce*)

Mos Eisley:
A liverpool to Edi
A paris to bur
F Holland H

Paz Eterna:
A Marseilles Supports A Paris to Burgandy
F Spain (SC) - W Med
F Portugal - MAO (*Bounce*)

A Moscow - Sevastopol
A Norway - St Petersburg
F Bulgaria (ec) - Constantinople (*Bounce*)

Glorious Republic of Rosstopia:
A Belgium - Burgundy (*Fails*)
F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)
F Tunis Hold

F Smy-Con (*Bounce*)
F Sev-Rum (*Dislodged*)
A Ber builds a wall

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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