The first year ends, and though quite a few powers did not get a build, no one has to disband. Fall sees some shifting of position in the northern German states, with Austria moving south and consolidating it's armies, and France and Prussia filling the vacuum the Hapsburg army leaves behind. Perhaps the most significant development is Russia's apparent double cross of Prussia, with Russia taking Prussian support into Courland while also supporting Saxony against Prussia.
There is one retreat:
Prussian A Posen can retreat to Galicia or Breslau or Berlin or OTB.
There are quite a few adjustments. Build orders can be conditioned on the Prussian retreat.
Austria: Builds 1 unit. (Can build in Budapest, Vienna)
France: Builds 2 units. (Can build in Marseilles, Paris)
Prussia: Builds 1 unit or builds 2 units if Posen retreats OTB. (Can build in Berlin, Breslau)
Russia: Builds 1 unit. (Can build in Kiev, Moscow)
Spain: Builds 1 unit. (Can build in Barcelona, Madrid)
Turkey: Builds 1 unit. (Can build in Ankara, Constantinople)
The Winter deadline is this Thursday, May 19 at 22:00 GMT. Unlike movement phases, unless it is specifically requested that I wait until the deadline, I will adjudicate retreat/adjustment phases as soon as I have all the orders.
Austria-Habsburg: Arandia / Adriaan Tichler /
Britain-Hanover: psychosis1973 / Michael Thompson /
Denmark-Norway: Josiah / Josiah Henderson /
France: alwayshunted / Warren Fleming /
Ottoman Empire: Lane / Aidan Slattery /
Poland-Saxony: raybrucea / Bruce Ray /
Prussia: DrSwordopolis / Nick Powell /
Russian Empire: dknemeyer / Dirk Knemeyer /
Spain: Brstd46 / Richard Aldous /
Sweden: Wladimir7 / Wladimir Mysonski /
Hapsburg army captures Dresden. Saxons content with relocation to Baden-Wuerttemberg
Vatican reverses position on Ventian independence as Italian states support Austria's claim to Venice.
With assistance from Morocco, France out-maneuvers Britain in battle for Brest.
Norwegian and British navies clash, with neither side gaining advantage.
Pressured by decades of public distaste for Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, Louis XV reclaims Lower Netherlands for France.
Prussian forces advance in the west, but suffer defeat in Poland.
Russia expands its border to the west by seizing Courland.
Swedes defend capital from phantom attack.
Iberia united under one crown as Spanish army marches into Portugal.
Ottoman army successfully lands in Africa.
From Rome:
"The Holy See addressed the communion in the Church of St Peters. And in giving prayer, he spoke of the benevolence of peace in a continent divided by war, the need to spurn and defeat unbelievers by force if necessary, and the almighty God and His support of the Hapsburg crown, the most righteous and devote amongst all Europe."
Austria: A Bohemia Supports A Hesse-Westphalia - Dresden.
Austria: A Hesse-Westphalia - Dresden.
Austria: A Milan Supports A Switzerland.
Austria: A Vienna - Republic of Venice.
Britain: F English Channel Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Brest.
Britain: A Hanover Hold.
Britain: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Brest (*Fails*).
Britain: F North Sea - Christiania (*Bounce*).
Denmark: F Baltic Sea - Holstein(ec).
Denmark: F Scania - Christiania (*Bounce*).
France: F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*).
France: A Burgundy - Austrian Netherlands.
France: A Savoy Hold.
Prussia: A Koenigsburg Supports F Livonia - Courland.
Prussia: A Lusatia - Hesse-Westphalia.
Prussia: A Posen - Warsaw (*Dislodged* can retreat to Galicia or Breslau or Berlin or OTB.).
Russia: A Lithuania Supports A Warsaw - Posen.
Russia: F Livonia - Courland.
Russia: A Moscow - St Petersburg.
Saxony: A Baden-Wuerttemberg Hold.
Saxony: A Warsaw - Posen.
Spain: F Andalusia Supports A Madrid - Portugal.
Spain: A Madrid - Portugal.
Sweden: F Gulf of Bothnia Supports A Lapland - Stockholm.
Sweden: A Lapland - Stockholm.
Turkey: A Constantinople - Tunis.
Turkey: F Ionian Sea Convoys A Constantinople - Tunis.
Algiers: F Algiers Supports A Constantinople - Tunis.
Bavaria: A Bavaria Supports A Baden-Wuerttemberg.
Courland: F Courland Hold (*Dislodged* will be disbanded).
Crimea: A Crimea Hold.
Mecklenburg: A Mecklenburg Hold.
Morocco: F Morocco Supports F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.
Papacy: A Papal States Supports A Vienna - Republic of Venice.
Portugal: F Portugal Hold (*Dislodged* will be disbanded).
Switzerland: A Switzerland Hold.
Tunis: F Tunis Hold (*Dislodged* will be disbanded).
Tuscany: A Tuscany Supports A Vienna - Republic of Venice.
TwoSicilies: F Two Sicilies Hold.
UnitedProvinces: F United Provinces Supports A Lusatia - Hesse-Westphalia.
Venice: F Republic of Venice Hold (*Dislodged* will be disbanded).
The following units were dislodged:
Courlandian F Courland will be disbanded.
Portuguese F Portugal will be disbanded.
Prussian A Posen can retreat to Galicia or Breslau or Berlin or OTB.
Tunisian F Tunis will be disbanded.
Venetian F Republic of Venice will be disbanded.
Unit locations:
Austria: A Bohemia, A Dresden, A Milan, A Republic of Venice.
Britain: F English Channel, A Hanover, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F North Sea.
Denmark: F Holstein(ec), F Scania.
France: A Austrian Netherlands, F Brest, A Savoy.
Prussia: A Hesse-Westphalia, A Koenigsburg. (A Galicia or Breslau or Berlin or OTB)
Russia: F Courland, A Lithuania, A St Petersburg.
Saxony: A Baden-Wuerttemberg, A Posen.
Spain: F Andalusia, A Portugal.
Sweden: F Gulf of Bothnia, A Stockholm.
Turkey: F Ionian Sea, A Tunis.
Algiers: F Algiers.
Bavaria: A Bavaria.
Crimea: A Crimea.
Mecklenburg: A Mecklenburg.
Morocco: F Morocco.
Papacy: A Papal States.
Switzerland: A Switzerland.
Tuscany: A Tuscany.
TwoSicilies: F Two Sicilies.
UnitedProvinces: F United Provinces.
Ownership of supply centers (after retreats):
Austria (4-1+2=5): /-Austrian Netherlands/, Budapest, Milan, Vienna. +Dresden, +Republic of Venice
Britain (4+0=4): Edinburgh, Hanover, Liverpool, London.
Denmark (2+0=2): Christiania, Copenhagen.
France (3+2=5): Brest, Marseilles, Paris. +Austrian Netherlands, +Savoy
Prussia (3+1=4): Berlin, Breslau, Koenigsburg. +Hesse-Westphalia
Russia (3+1=4): Kiev, Moscow, St Petersburg. +Courland
Saxony (2-1+1=2): /-Dresden/, Warsaw. +Baden-Wuerttemberg
Spain (2+1=3): Barcelona, Madrid. +Portugal
Sweden (2+0=2): Abo, Stockholm.
Turkey (2+1=3): Ankara, Constantinople. +Tunis
Algiers: Algiers.
Bavaria: Bavaria.
Crimea: Crimea.
Mecklenburg: Mecklenburg.
Morocco: Morocco.
Papacy: Papal States.
Switzerland: Switzerland.
Tunis: Tunis.
Tuscany: Tuscany.
TwoSicilies: Two Sicilies.
UnitedProvinces: United Provinces.
Austria: 5 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 1 unit. (Can build in Budapest, Vienna)
Britain: 4 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 0 units.
Denmark: 2 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 5 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 2 units. (Can build in Marseilles, Paris)
Prussia: 4 Supply centers, 3(2) Units: Builds 1 unit or builds 2 units if Posen retreats OTB. (Can build in Berlin, Breslau)
Russia: 4 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 1 unit. (Can build in Kiev, Moscow)
Saxony: 2 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 0 units.
Spain: 3 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 1 unit. (Can build in Barcelona, Madrid)
Sweden: 2 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 3 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 1 unit. (Can build in Ankara, Constantinople)
Upcoming Deadlines:
Winter 1763 retreats/adjustments: Thursday, May 19 22:00 GMT
Spring 1764 preliminaries: Friday, May 20 22:00 GMT
Spring 1764 orders: Tuesday, May 24 22:00 GMT