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G.M. emailkielmarch-at-hotmail-dot-com
Cur SeasonSpring 00
Next Deadline2009-02-19 @ 22:59:00 GMT
Result3-Way Draw
S. C.34
Start Date2008-08-08
End Date2009-02-20
Real-Life Time197 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board
| garry.bledsoe's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Austria Captain of the Watch Blank9cbconnellEliminated 0 6 0 -6.58 1179.82
0 England Captain of the Watch Silver Star9jlqueirosDraw 9 20 0 6.62 1199.81
0 France Captain of the Watch Blank9diplomacyworldEliminated 0 14 1 -6.14 1194.33
0 Germany Nobleman Blank9cmac74Draw 10 20 0 6.36 1219.18
0 Italy Nobleman Blank9OrontesSurvival 3 20 2 -4.27 1179.34
0 Russia Artisan Blank9NachowEaglePowersCivil Disorder 0 12 3 -7.42 1192.58
0 Turkey Captain of the Watch Blank9MattKellyDraw 12 20 0 6.36 1227.54

PREV  Spring 1902 Adjudication:  NEXT    

All Continue to Pulverize Poor Austria
A Definite Front Appears in Burgundy
A WW2 Berlin-esque Division of Austria Forthcoming?

I am quite intrigued by this game as a player/GM. And, I would like to express my gratitude in both:

a] all players staying engaged in the game and
b] the patience in my power misfortune - I am back with power now!

On to business...

Only one retreat required. That was the Austrian A (Ser). The only option was to retreat to Alb
so I made that so. If Craig wishes to retreat OTB [off the board] then he can let me know within
48 hours and I will send out a correction. Otherwise we shall carry on.

One note about the map formatting: in Spring turns, I will NOT change the color of the owner of a
SC, EVEN if it is in the Spring 'owned' by a foreign power. I find that it is more helpful to players
to see what SCs may change hands if the current foreign power is not ejected. Example: Although
Serbia is currently in the hands of Turkey, it is owned by Austria and will remain Austrian if Turkey is
somehow ejected in the Fall.

Deadline for Fall 1902 is Sept. 10th [Wednesday] at 5pm CST [aka 12am GMT].


Oh, and has anyone ever seen Press in a game? The GM would be humored by any that
someone chooses to submit!

dc203 Galad (Spring 1902)

F(ADS) - Ven (FAILED); A(Tyr) s F(ADS) - Ven; A(Ser) - Bud (FAILED, DISLODGED TO Alb)

A(Lon) - Bel; F(NTH) c A(Lon) - Bel; F(Lpl) - Wal; F(Nwy) s F(NTH) (CUT)

F(ENG) - IRI; A(Mar) - Bur (FAILED); A(Par) s A(Mar) - Bur; A(Por) - Spa; A(Spa) - Gas

GERMANY (Christian)
F(Den) - Swe (FAILED); F(Kie) - BAL; A(Hol) s ENGLISH A(Lon) - Bel; A(Ruh) - Bur (FAILED); A(Mun) s A(Ruh) - Bur

ITALY (Brian)
F(Tun) - ION; F(Nap) - Apu; A(Rom) - Nap; A(Tri) s A(Ven); A(Ven) s A(Tri) (CUT)

RUSSIA (Andrew)
A(Gal) - Bud; A(Rum) s A(Gal) - Bud; A(War) - Gal; F(Sev) s A(Rum); F(StP) nc - Nwy (FAILED); F(Swe) s F(StP) nc - Nwy (CUT)

A(Gre) - Ser; A(Bul) s A(Gre) - Ser; A(Smy) - Arm; F(BLA) s A(Bul); F(Con) - AEG

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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