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1936 v2.6 Soviet solo


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G.M. emailcfeaux-at-gmail-dot-com
Map1936v25  [Wiki]  [Stats]
Cur SeasonSpring 00
Next DeadlineSee adjudication
S. C.50
Start Date2015-09-18
End Date2015-12-30
Real-Life Time104 days
Slideshow SC Chart
| charlesf's House Rules
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Britain Captain of the Watch Silver Star9MDemagogueEliminated 0 14 0 0 0
0 France Nobleman Blank9georgekatkinsSurvival 13 14 0 0 0
0 Germany Esquire Silver Star9briandiffellEliminated 0 14 1 0 0
0 Italy Captain of the Watch Blank9mjn82Survival 15 14 0 0 0
0 Poland Captain of the Watch Blank9Sean2010Survival 4 14 0 0 0
0 Soviet Union Nobleman Silver Star9raistlinSolo 18 14 0 0 0
0 Turkey Order of the Jagged Edge Gold Star9jerome777Eliminated 0 14 0 0 0

PREV  Spring 1937 Adjudication:  NEXT    

Hallo zusammen,

how have things gone around Europe (and environs)?

Britain: The British stymied a French landing in Wales. So the British mainland's industrial centres are safe. For now. Denmark was taken, but should there be a German-Soviet pact, such a gain might prove shortlived. Is it curtains for Britain's presence in the Middle East? Her fleet down there had to surrender. Suez might also fall to the Turks.

France: What to make of Italy making a u-turn? The President pushed into Italy, but made no effort to reclaim Algiers. His landing in Wales was repulsed. And what of the Third Republic's holdings in the Near East?

Germany: The Duce bested the Chancellor in the Alps. Note the aid extended to France's navy.

Italy: Looks like Italy sought peace with France, who may however have had other ideas. Taking Austria is encouraging news, but matters might look quite different in the fall. Where will Germany's army retreat to...? Down in the Med, Italy could reclaim Tripoli... Meanwhile the Nationalists have taken out the Portuguese and the Republicans appear quite anti-French.

Poland: The Marshal chose to take Latvia with his fleet rather than with an army. Quite pro-Soviet. Much as his support for the Soviet invasion of Rumania. Poland's southernmost army shifted westwards. Target as yet unknown.

Soviet Union: Three new socialist soviet republics in the making, I guess. Not bad at all. Both the Poles and Turks have been eager to help the General Secretary, it seems. What's next for Mother Russia?

Turkey: The Turks managed to humiliate the Royal Navy. Yet will they keep Tripoli? Suez and Beirut beckon, as perhaps gains in the Persian Gulf region. And what of Turkey's Balkan ambitions? Of Serbia? Or indeed Rumania?

Note the Danish fleet isn't in the Baltic Sea as the map would indicate. I will amend the map together with the summer adjucation (the earliest RW will allow me to). Now a mere seven minor power SCs remain. Fewer than in any past game. No wonder considering how we've seen relatively little direct conflict among Europe's leading powers. The East seems just one big happy family. How long can that last...?

Summer 1937 follows at the very latest on Friday, 16 October. Note I may adjucate minor seasons earlier, if I have all necessary orders and no instructions to hold off on the adjucation.


BRITAIN: Mark Utterback
FRANCE: George K. Atkins
GERMANY: Brian Diffell
ITALY & NAT. SPAIN: Mike Norton
POLAND: Sean O'Donnell
TURKEY: Jerome Payne

The commandant of the Lubyanka prison, Vasily Blokhin, has returned from Finland to receive an award recognising his meritorious service over the past decade. The citation told of his sacrifices over these years in dedication to the people and also talked of his efforts to rehabilitate even the most hardened enemy of the revolution. The NKVD chief said that the number of heartfelt on-camera apologies from those convicted of treasonous activities surely speaks to his success in this endeavour. Pravad has learned that not one of the sad and desperate individuals given into Vasily's care have ever committed another offence against the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

From the Pravda classified section:
"The Red Orchestra is now auditioning. Please contact the conductor, Trepper. Think of the Greatness of the Motherland in your glorious deeds."

F London - Wales (*Bounce*)
F Tripoli - Libyan Sea (*Disbanded*)
F Northern North Sea Supports F Southern North Sea - Denmark
F Southern North Sea - Denmark
F South-Western Approaches - Irish Sea

A Belgium - Wales (*Bounce*)
F Brest Supports F English Channel
A Iraq Hold
A Marseille - Piedmont
A Morocco Hold
A Paris - Marseille
F English Channel Convoys A Belgium - Wales

A Austria - Venetia (*Dislodged*)
F Berlin - Hamburg
A Hamburg - Central Germany
A Munich - Austria (*Fails*)
F Netherlands Supports F English Channel

F Algiers - Tunisia
A Piedmont - Milan
A Venetia - Austria
F Southern Tyrrhenian Sea - Ionian Sea

A Cracow Supports A Eastern Ukraine - Rumania
A Lithuania Supports F Gulf of Danzig - Latvia
A Transylvania - Slovakia
F Gulf of Danzig - Latvia

A Eastern Ukraine - Rumania
A Finland - Norway
A Leningrad - Moscow
A Stalingrad - Iran
F Sweden Supports A Finland - Norway

A Bulgaria Supports A Eastern Ukraine - Rumania (*Cut*)
F Izmir - Levantine Sea
A Kurdistan Supports A Stalingrad - Iran
F Libyan Sea - Tripoli

A Burgos Supports A Madrid - Portugal
A Madrid - Portugal

A Valencia - Catalonia

A Czechia Supports A Venetia - Austria

F Denmark - Baltic Sea (*Sortie*)

A Egypt Supports F Libyan Sea - Tripoli

F Greece Hold

A Hungary Supports A Venetia - Austria

A Iran Hold (*Disbanded*)

A Latvia Hold (*Disbanded*)

F Norway Hold (*Disbanded*)

F Portugal Hold (*Disbanded*)

A Rumania Hold (*Disbanded*)

A Switzerland Supports A Marseille - Piedmont

A Croatia Supports A Austria - Venetia
A Serbia - Bulgaria (*Fails*)

German A Austria can retreat to Slovenia or South Tyrol or Franconia.

SC OWNERSHIP (Winter 1935):
Britain (5): Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Suez, Tripoli.
France (7): Beirut, Belgium, Brest, Iraq, Marseille, Morocco, Paris.
Germany (5): Austria, Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Netherlands.
Italy (4): Algiers, Milan, Naples, Rome.
Poland (4): Cracow, Gdynia, Lithuania, Warsaw.
Soviet_Union (5): Finland, Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad, Sweden.
Turkey (4): Ankara, Bulgaria, Istanbul, Izmir.
Nationalist_Spain (2): Burgos, Madrid.
Republican_Spain (1): Valencia.
Czechoslovakia: Czechia.
Denmark: Denmark.
Egypt: Egypt.
Greece: Greece.
Hungary: Hungary.
Iran: Iran.
Latvia: Latvia.
Norway: Norway.
Portugal: Portugal.
Rumania: Rumania.
Switzerland: Switzerland.
Yugoslavia: Croatia, Serbia.

Summer 1937 Retreats: 16 October
Fall 1937 Moves: 21 October
Winter 1937 Retreats/Adjustments: 23 October
Spring 1938 Moves: 28 October

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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