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OK Computer - original GM Hugh Polley


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G.M. emailformer-dot-trout-at-gmail-dot-com
Cur SeasonFall 02
Next Deadline2008-10-31 @ 23:59:00 GMT
S. C.34
Start Date2008-03-23
End Date2008-10-31
Real-Life Time223 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board
| former.trout's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Austria Esquire Blank9paolo_sforzaSurvival 9 22 0 -2.6 1188.5
0 England Countryman Silver Star9EthanlxSolo 19 22 0 28.19 1309.44
0 France Nobleman Blank9UtherSlywortEliminated 0 16 0 -5.55 1199.05
0 Germany Countryman Blank9alforddSurvival 1 22 0 -3.54 1187.56
0 Italy Artisan Blank9kacz433Abandon 4 4 0 -6.27 1193.73
1 Italy Captain of the Watch Blank9FlapJackEliminated 0 10 0 -2.82 1211.03
0 Russia Countryman Blank9ugubonEliminated 0 6 0 -6.12 1179.99
0 Turkey Countryman Blank9zzyzxSurvival 5 22 0 -3.07 1188.03

PREV  Fall 1902 Adjudication:  NEXT    

GAME Standard DC0173\Fall/1902
Russ N rum to,OTDb

Aust Build 2 Units.
Engl Build 1 Unit.
Germ Build 2 Units.
Russ Remove 2 Units.
Turk Build 2 Units.


Game DC0173 WINTER 1902 Deadline is Tuesday May 13 at 2400 hours!

If you convoy an army from one adjacent area to another
without the [*] order it will not go.

(2) Abbreviations and Typographical Errors
Abbreviations as stated in the 2000 Rule book are preferred,
any abbreviations that are not ambiguous, in the sole
opinion of the GM, are acceptable. A typographical error
in an order that is nonetheless understandable by the GM
will not cause the GM to rule an order ambiguous. A
typographical error that results in an order containing
either an abbreviation or the fully spelled out name of
another province shall be adjudicated as an order pertaining to the
province correctly abbreviated or spelled out.

I did not like having to let A Pie-Bel stand because I believe
France wanted A pic-bel. But one must follow the rules in case
next time this error is intentional.

Remember to put the game number somewhere in the emails subject
You can also find the games results on my web site.

As the game progress the Deadlines will be 5 to 7 days, give or
take a day. If Anticipated retreats are not sent in with your
moves then the computers auto retreats will be used. The
adjudications will be [Spring/Summer_Retreats], [Fall/Winter_Retreats],

If you have any questions about the Rules, how to send in moves
etc. get in touch. After 1902 Winter I will not attempt to
replace a NMR player, instead my Madman rules will kick in, at
that time I will explain how they work.

Do not wait till deadline to send in moves, get in prelims!
Lets hope I never have to have a Madman turn but if it happens everyone will
be shown how it works. Basically you mortgage one of your units
to move a NMR unit. If you have A Kiel-Ber sent in you can risk
that move with this order CD A KIEL for A Mos-StP. If this is a
winning bid then your army Kiel is ordered to HOLD.

All this information can be found in my 'Diplomacy House Rules'
at the below web site.

Austria : (A gal - war)(A bud - gal)(N tri - alb)(A gre H )
England : [N NTH - hol][A nwy S N stp(nc)](A lon H )
(N stp(nc) H )
France : (N MID - WES)(N bre - MID)(A spa - mar)
[A bur S A pie - bel](A pic H )
, {Not Unit Area Owner: A pie - bel}
, {Unit Location Area Error: A bur S A pie - bel}
Germany : [N swe - nwy][A ruh - hol](A den - kie)[A bel - hol]
(N BAL - den)
Italy : [A apu - ven][A pie - ven](N ION - EAS)(N TYN - ION)
Madman :
Russia : [N rum - bul(ec)][A ukr - rum][A mos - sev](N BOT H )
, {N rum: Dislodged}
Turkey : (N BLA - rum)[A sev S N BLA - rum]
(N bul(ec) S N BLA - rum)(A arm S A sev)

POSITIONS: [Fall/1902]

Austria ( 4): N alb, A gal, A gre, A war
England ( 4): A lon, N NTH, A nwy, N stp(nc)
France ( 5): A bur, A mar, N MID, A pic, N WES
Germany ( 5): A bel, N den, A kie, A ruh, N swe
Italy ( 4): A apu, N EAS, N ION, A pie
Madman ( 0):
Russia ( 3): N BOT, A mos, A ukr
Turkey ( 4): A arm, N bul(ec), N rum, A sev
Total = ( 29)

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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